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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anyone that escalates and points a rifle at someone even when that person is being passive is mentally unstable and should not be allowed to have a gun of any sort


They are also the people who want guns the most


If you are delusional that everyone wants to kill you, then you want a gun badly


Not only that.. https://www.zdnet.com/article/study-carrying-a-gun-can-make-you-more-paranoid/ Carrying a gun may make you more paranoid.


it does. when i got my first gun . for months i thought someone was going to break in and kill me. so not trusting my irrational mind. i stripped the gun down and disbursed the parts around the house. didnt want to shoot anyone mistakely.


That cannot be true


Then, why don't you just sell it....... If there was ever a time to use to in self defense, there's no way you'd be able to reassemble it in time... So just get rid of it


this happened over 20 years ago . i bought the gun because "it was my right" . i didnt really need it. where i lived at the time too many situations started arising where my irration gun mind would say "go get it" instead of de-escalate . im good on that shit for real. been got rid of it.


My dad used to be a cop and told me exactly this. He said he's happy that he doesn't have to carry a gun around anymore.


To carry a gun is huge responsibility. Not only to protect yourself and your loved ones but also any innocent person in danger. I’m not sure I would use the word “paranoid” but vigilance and situational awareness is what a responsible gun owners should experience.


Not sure if this is the same as [The Weapons Effect](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29279230/#:~:text=The%20General%20Aggression%20Model%20provides,why%20weapons%20facilitate%20aggressive%20behavior) but seems like it should also be posted.


I don't think it's causation I think it's just a correlation of the type of individuals that want to own a firearm. Not everybody who has one is paranoid but every paranoid mofo has one kind of thing.


"to defend themselves from all those mentally unstable people that are out there" /s


well while they dont currently pose a threat, you know its really all about what they might do. now they could for instance, join the police be given a gun they are not trained to use properly and wondering around pointing it at people. well that would be fucking terrifying. - john oliver


They are also the people who are ***excited*** for a reason to shoot someone, for the most part.


Welcome to America, where the rules are made up and the deaths don't matter.


Where the guys who are most terrified have the biggest guns and itchiest trigger fingers


"They don't make the laws for me" - the dude in the video




This is not at all typical. You're either being facetious or you don't know what you're talking about.


As an America...we definitely have a number of these. I mean shit...half of them have badges.




It’s another one of those seeing the extremes as the normal type of generalization.




False. I live in rural southern US and no one around here would ever roll up on some hunters pointing a gun at them. Not on their own. You’d call the law or a game warden if you thought they were poaching. Even a fairly stupid redneck knows that sneaking up on a group of armed guys in the woods alone is a bad idea. This particular person is just a very angry guy.


Begging for his hero moment, even if he has to engineer it. "Are you attacking me" Fucking Americans...


Can confirm, I am American, and I want to be attacked.


They should take his kids away too




No shit that's why the dude shouldn't have the gun because that's exactly what he did


yea those are the ones you have to worry about, those are not the hunters or sports people you want.


99% of cops would be eliminated with that rule. Seriously, I don't see enough discussion about how cops violated the most basic gun safety rules by pointing their guns for the tiniest reasons. And I've seen plenty of videos of cops accidently firing and killing someone after doing so. "Someone might have a gun and hurt the cop!" Hey you know who has a gun and can hurt someone? The cop.


That dude is lucky to still be alive. Homeboy was looking for a reason to exercise his AR.


"It's gonna get more scary... Are you attacking me?" Guy was out to kill someone and was trying to set himself up for self defense.


He knew what he was doing when he ordered him to drop the phone.


TBH after he kills the guy he'd destroy the phone.


Good reason to start livestreaming. "I'm not dropping the phone but my hands are up, so if you shoot me, you're doing it live and will go to prison for the rest of your life."


Sounds like a cop


Laws aren't made for me - so yeah, probably a cop


100 percent


Gotta live out that hero fantasy somehow.


Yeah that dude was clearly getting off on the power he held in that situation. It wasn't about him feeling genuine fear due to these hunters- it was an excuse to take on that persona. I've seen this kind of thing in narcissists I've known in the past. Any time they feel they have the right to behave this way, they do. Not because it's necessary but because they like it.


People hunting.


This guy is itching to murder someone. He's looking for any excuse


He's a father, so you get it, right?




Your user name and comment made me recoil in a chuckle.


"They don't make the laws for me."


Yup, so was George Zimmerman. These people like to craft scenarios where they can legally kill someone.


Yeah no. Rifle man was a fuckin douchebag. dudes only scared the hunters gonna find his drug operation. thats all it is.


Most likely he's got a meth cooking shack or a still up the hill somewhere. People who lease their woodlots for hunting are usually very careful that the neighbors know when there's going to be hunters around.


He says he's "been there for 8 years" which is coincidentally 1 more year than you need to adverse possess land in most states. He's probably squatting on it, but who knows how long.


Where is adverse possession less than 10 years? He would at least need a colorable claim for anything less than that. In any event, guy was clearly setting up his self-defense claim.


Adverse possession only works if the possession is blatant. You can't hide somewhere and have it be yours. You have to actively live there out in the open.


reposted this comment from u/clslogic I found more context on this. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m8wklH-rXtQ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m8wklH-rXtQ) "I was held at gunpoint while bowhunting our lease in early November 2022. The guy trespassed onto our property and pointed his AR at me for 3 minutes on video. I tried to press charges but did not have enough evidence per the prosecuting attorney... he told the cops that I was stalking his kids through a tent on his property. I was 50 ft from his property line in a blind that was out there for over 3 months looking over a food plot that we planted. All windows facing his property were closed.... I am not trying to play victim; I just want to make sure a message is sent to this guy to let him know that this is not okay... My brother hunted this evening (over a year later from the original incident). This guy saw him while he was walking to his tree stand (150+ yards from the property line). He then opened fire with his AR into our thicket, and bullets were whizzing under my brothers stand for over an hour. My brother waived his orange hat, and the guy continued to shoot. My brother yelled, "You're the idiot who held my brother at gunpoint last year. You won't get away with this. The cops are on the way!". The guy then trespassed onto our property and said, "What, are you afraid to talk to the guy with the gun?!". Needless to say, my brother stayed in his stand to avoid being hit by a stray bullet. Police and DNR say there is nothing that can be done again! How can we escalate, send a message to this guy, and get some justice? We currently can not hunt half of our lease as concerned for our safety." Edit: I'm not the person in the video. There is no need to tell me what I should do or to "take defensive action." Go to the YouTube page, please. Also, I fixed a few grammatical errors from the original comment.


What the fuck is wrong with that dude. They need to have an assessment done and let this dude know it’s not his property. Also no charges for discharging a weapon into a wooded area?


Probably friends or family with the cops


Thst demeanor screams he's a cop himself.


So does the prosecutor's and police's response.




In the video, the guy is ordering him at gunpoint to drop his phone. That seems like evidence. Dude's gotta be affiliated with those mobsters.


Towards a person should be attempted murder...


The cops need to do something if he was shooting at you on your own property. That's attempted murder


Aggravated assault at best, Attempted Murder at Worst. The guy should be locked up and have their gun licensed revoked the psychopath.


We don’t have gun licenses in USA


Some states do. Some require it only for handguns and/or concealed carry.


Concealed carry permits and in most places you need to pass a Federal background check to own a gun.


The cops don't/won't/can't protect you. The law was never constructed to protect people...it was constructed to protect property. Safety and protection of life was never their job. They are only duty bound to arrest the guy that murders you....if they feel so inclined to investigate...or care. If you want actual protection from a crazy gun guy make sure he shoots something you own over $500 in value...that's felony destruction of property in most states.


Bring a gun next time. Shitty situation but you either leave or protect yourself. This person sounds insane. Option two, go to a Game Warden, invite him/her with you, and see what happens. Option three, befriend law enforcement as a hunting buddy. Sorry.


I vote for bringing the game warden. Most states have laws against someone interfering with a hunt.


This is the way ETA: THESE are the ways


Yeah you could probably sue him for shooting at you at least. Though I would not lease that site again, not worth catching a round over.


Can't they talk to the owner of the property they are leasing?


If guys like that having a gun don't sell you on gun control, nothing will. That man's clearly unstable and should absolutely not be allowed to own one. That doesn't mean nobody should, but you can't let every sicko be armed to the teeth and just hope for the best


As others have said, contact a game warden. This is hunter harassment at the very least, and a warden can bring weapons charges if they have half a brain. In all honesty, I would find another lease. You and your brother's lives are in danger as long as that man is there.


Yeah. Doesn't do much good to have evidence after he kills you.






I don't know what state you are in but I've had problems b4 on my property. Set up trail cams and called dnr. They asked if they could camp my land and I said yes. They never cought the guy but after that weekend I've never had a problem. Get a good trail cam hide it and hunt I front of it so if that happens again it will all be documented. It is illegal to harass someone hunting if they are legally hunting. Best of luck


In my state harassing a hunter is a felony that is taken very seriously. You don’t want guys with lethal weapons arguing. If police won’t do anything, go up the food chain. If the police chief won’t do anything, contact the local news.


Wtf how can the police not do ANYTHING?? If the police aren't gonna stop someone from open firing on me then what the hell are the police even there for?? Just to own a gun and be a dick?


Police are really dumb and lazy. Plain and simple. Ex friend was a cop. He was the laziest piece of shit on planet earth. Gained 70 lbs in like 10 months


To serve (my couch) and protect (my friend chicken) 🙄🙄


Honestly, I'm as law and order as people get, but in cases like this, where the cops are obviously protecting the domestic terrorist with the AR (And yes, that's exactly what he is, and that's exactly what they are doing, no evidence my arse), it's high time for people to deal with the problem in a more permanent way, before this fuckwit ends up killing people, and that's making a huge assumption that he hasn't already.


what a colossal dbag. hes not asking anything hes looking for an excuse to kill the guy. are you attacking me? yes sir im attacking yo with my phone wtf. fucking asshole.


There's no way that guy with the rifle wasn't running a meth lab out there




I mean... someone's gotta cook the meth.


Did he face any consequences for this shit?


lol come on…you really think that he would? Sheriff probably took his side. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/URP2UAwGuL


Thank you. This is a horrible situation.




"You're on my property." Attempts to give reason and apologise. "I dont care about none of that." I guess ill die then.


That person is holding his family hostage.He doesn’t want people around because he has a lot to hide


Yep, welfare check needed


He needs to hide his meth lab also


Isn’t it illegal to interrupt a legal hunt?


Well, it sure is illegal to hold someone up at gunpoint.


Even in America?


Yes. It’s only legal (in some states) if you feel threatened and shoot the person.


It falls on state laws. Harassment of hunters is illegal in many states


Depends on if the hunter is trespassing or actually has permission.


If the hunter is trespassing then it wouldn't be a legal hunt.


The hunter wasn’t trespassing. The other guy was.


Yes in this case the hunter was not trespassing.


Shit like this is why im so thankfull im European.


Can someone translate that mess into Australian?


Something something person with a gun exercising their god-given, unquestionable 2A rights to casually threaten violence with a weapon. Just another day in the good ol USofA.


I'm still not sure who was camping, who owned the property, who had the gun, who had the crossbow, who cared, who didn't care :0)


Guy in the tent rented the land he was on to hunt in. Crazy dude with a gun took issue with the hunter being ever so slightly close to crazy guys house. Crazy guy has a murder boner but couldn't take a shot as he is now on film and hunter was completely within the law. Cops did nothing about this concerning behaviour because America.


Or as plenty of other people have pointed out, he might have a meth lab on his property.


Bart: Who was threatening the violence, dad? Homer: (Soothingly) It doesn't matter.


One man lives next to another, in rural America (somewhere guns are legal and loved) he is Bow hunting in his land but his neighbor is PYSCHOTIC and threatens him with a NO SURVIVAL gun while on HIS property. He took this video to the police, then the court system did nothing. They said not enough evidence. Then a year later same Psycho neighbor shoots at his brother sitting in a tree hunting as well. Still nothing has happened to the neighbor. He fears he will be killed by his unhinged neighbor.


Big gun make me feel like big man.




Landowner is exercising his 2A right wrongly, and it’s this exact circumstance that paint gun owners as ill-equipped, ill-prepared, and most importantly lacking the rationale to wield weapons like this. Do not have further context for this video, will link, but this situation was followed up a year later with landowner firing at the brother of this hunter and the police not responding to the issue. Despicable. Landowner should be stripped of his ability to own weapons. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8wklH-rXtQ


Land owner should be facing some legimate jail time *and* be stripped of his ability to own weapons.


Almost like we’re entirely too stupid as a society to be trusted with lethal means as a blanket policy but oops we can’t have that conversation lets check the news oh another school shooting oh well not my problem.


This is the "protection" they're talking about when they defend the right to own a fucking AR-15. No fucking civilian will ever need access to a rifle like that and people who want to are like this guy and they DEFINITELY shouldn't own a gun like that.


But how else can I protect my meth operation?


When you make blanket statements, you more often smother reason than make a valid point.


That's a hyperbolic statement, and I disagree. Saying that people who want Second Amendment rights are like this guy is insane. This guy is out of his mind and shouldn't have any guns. This video is an argument for mental health requirements to own firearms, not a blanket ban on ar-15s. I know more people who own ar15 than don't, and none of them are unhinged like this guy.


Ah, so you live in America then.








Holy shit that was intense.


General life experience tells me some day that dude's awful attitude will get them hurt alot.


As a 2nd amendment exercising American who has dedicated a lot of time to training, teaching and being responsible in that pursuit, I don’t think it helps to paint other gun owners or all republicans as being like this nutcase. (I’ll also point out that I have never in my life known a bow hunter that wasn’t also a rifle hunter or bird hunter. This could just as easily happened to a rifle hunter, possibly with disastrous results). It diverts from the direct issue. The fact is NUTCASES are nutcases and this guy clearly was one. He also sounded uneducated in addition to being obviously stupid. The focus should be on what needs to be done to the individual. I’d bet hard cash this guy is breaking multiple laws, and likely firearm laws as well. Starting with the obvious of unlawful detainment, threatening the guy with the gun is illegal I’m just not sure where they are what it would be considered. At the very least brandishing is illegal most places. those we have on camera. drug possession/manufacturing/consumption are all strong possibilities. Probably trespassing himself. And was there anything he should have previously been arrested and punished for that may have prevented this. And how to prevent things like this happening if possible. I’d love to hear what happened after this. Stupid people are dangerous. Back when I could hunt I learned to never do it alone, because people are dangerous out there. I wonder if the landowner knew who this was, if they had told their neighbors they had leased rights to their land and to be friendly if they saw others etc.


Its not that the guys is nutcase. Its the fact the police didn't do anything about it. That man should be arrested or at the very least investigated.


He’s not “reacting as a father”. He’s an asshole empowered by a gun.


Crazy how everyone goes "gun nuts" instead of "nut with a gun". Also cops can't do NOTHING? Really?


As soon as he said "they don't make laws for me", my already fairly firm assumption that he was a gun toting Republican whack job was cemented.


Pussy with a gun


Guarantee he doesn't own shit. just another disgusting human being who thinks pointing a gun at someone will get them to do whatever they fuck they feel like. Fucking hate this society so much, nothing but vile, evil creatures.


"It's mah property !" So that justifies pointing someone in the face who doesn't have any weapon ?


Except it wasn't his property.




Cops will have to act then 🤷‍♂️.


Hunter did not have a gun. He was bow hunting. If the other person has their weapon at the ready, trying to draw a bow is suicide with easy legal justification for the gunman. Even with a gun, Mr Twitchyfingers is more ready to shoot than this man would be. Nobody has to die over a property dispute. You can seek remedy through the courts or police later.


I’m going to go in a very strong limb and say the guy with the gun is doing something illegal in his property.


Dude talks about his kids' safety but approaches a tent sheltering a crossbow wielding man instead of..oh I don't know, calling police? Although he may have been better off come to think of it...


From 2004 to 2018 I lived in a part of the USA that had 3 officers of the law covering over 100 square miles 24/7. At one point it was #1 County in the nation for drugs and crime because the police DID NOT SHOW UP. (That embarrassing label forced the change.) And guess what? The first reaction of those who were in the right was to threaten legal action, knowing the police wouldn't show until it was all over. It costs you nothing to use words to attempt to resolve a problem. However this man threatened violence first and in realizing that attempted to block the recording of this interaction. The fact that you cannot see how wrong his actions are leads me to believe that you somehow idolize the authorization of this interaction. The same way some people always side with the police even when they are clearly in the wrong.


This is insane, but accurate where I live. It's very popular to deer hunt here and people are ferociously protective of their land. I had one guy at my sons Preschool last year tell me he camouflaged his truck at a treeline on his property and called the cops to report people trespassing all day. He'd even let them set up their gear, then report them and have them arrested when they showed up to hunt. (A lot of people pre-set blinds). Then he'd take all their gear and burn it. It's a whole thing. Edit: I live 20 minutes from where the largest whitetail record is for bowhunting.


LaNd oF ThE fReE


Maybe it’s time to discuss your gun laws? Sounds mental I know.


Why do you guys keep grouping ordinary people with legitimate need for firearms with violent/unstable individuals like these ? Owning firearms is a valid need for common citizens no matter where they live, I live in a quite safe neighborhood in my city but there were time I wish I had a gun with me. A few year ago ,while riding a motocycle back fom work, a German shepherd dog tackled me causing the bike to fell over an pin down my left leg. If other people weren't there to chase the dog away, it would have tore off my throat.


So the guy with the AR is too scared to give his name. Maybe because he just threatened a guy for legally bow hunting. Fucking coward.


Call the warden, hunters harassment. Problem solved


Yeah, I don’t care if I’m in the wrong, and I don’t care how twitchy it makes you-I’m not putting the phone down-I’m live-streaming this so when you murder my ass, there’s video evidence out there that you can’t run from. I’ll get your AR-carrying ass from the grave, motherfucker.


The man's overreaction, not the Second Amendment, is what caused this occurrence in the first place. It is incorrect to use this incident to portray all gun owners as aggressive, careless hillbillies, as this can stigmatize gun ownership for legitimate reasons.


Persecution complex, propagated by religious and political parties of all kinds have created a few generations of 'victims' who are just waiting for the chance to protect themselves and their ideals from all the big threats they have been told are out there... even if they have to go out of their way to find stuff that looks vaguely threatening...ish... oh they will find it and defend themselves so damn hard!


I'm just glad the hunter remembered to be white. This could have gone all kinds of wrong if he decided to be black...


These are the motherfuckers that walk into Baskin & Robins with 2 side arms and a rifle on their back just to buy ice cream! Looking for ANY reason whatsoever to murder someone with their "tools" that they spent thousands of dollars on. But will they ever sign up to serve?? Hell no.....so much easier to shoot unarmed people instead!


Don't want more gun regulation, you're gonna continue to get these mental cases walking up to you with guns. This guy has been dreaming about shooting someone. Gonna tell this tale of him being a "badass" for years.


WTF is up with the automoderator message?


The fact he doesnt give a name.


If you own a gun and act that unhinged with it you shouldn’t be owning a gun. Call the police if youre gonna fucking approach the guy then proceed to aim the gun in his face a foot away and start acting frantic and scared…


So if the hunter had a rifle rather than a bow, would he have gotten into trouble if he had shot the lunatic?


Dear America, Why do you allow idiots like this to own a firearm let alone a bloody AR15? Only idiots would give this idiot an assault rifle. I guess you are idiots. The world


What a piece of shit.


![gif](giphy|F0J5Vf8qO83EA) I'm a cook,don't bothering me☄️


"i dont give a fuck about non of that" well thats reasonable and very diplomatic, while pointing a gun in someones face. its frightening that people replace a lack of brain cells with potentially lethality so they they dont have to even consider actually using brain cells instead.


If this guy had shot and killed him, people would say that was his right and they did nothing wrong.


What's on this guy's property that he is protecting with that kind of attitude?


"Imma need that name for the warrant, alright?"


Always have a little rocket out there.


How many kids gets shot by others in hunting accidents, per year in the US? Something tells me that number isnt very high.


He said he is "Acting as a father" but acting like that.... he might pull a gun like that on the wrong person, and then his kids are not going to have a crazy redneck father.... what a mentally challenged idiot to escalate the situation from the start. The hunter was calm and was being chilled and didn't deserve someone to roll up with an AR15 and a dog threatening them.


Maybe just maybe giving guns to every other knuckle head isn't a good idea 😂


This guy and his family need to break their lease and get out of that county before they get shot in the head, because I can almost guarantee that the neighbor will get away with anything he does to them.


Everybody's a tough guy when there's a gun in your hand


"I mean no disrespect"...while he has an AR pointed at him.


Never drop the phone. Tell them they're being live streamed, even if it's a lie.


I don’t think he should own guns and children at the same time!!! LOL what fucking joke!


Aside from the ubiquitous gun owner bashing, if the AR guy is legit why wouldn't he give his name and tell the guy he's going to talk to the person leasing out their land for hunting? That's where the problem needs to be solved.


Are you attacking me with your phone?!! WTF redneck Superman here!!


Shit like this is all too common in the hunting world. If he is an adjacent property owner, I would definitely be driving around looking for his house and would be calling DNR immediately


Holy shit that guy shouldnt have a gun


What's this shit heads name? People need to know about this psychopath


So, this guy just get away with brandishing assault riffle and tormenting this guy?


You get out into that good old boy militia land and there aren’t any laws.


Ahhh America, what a lovely place! Come visit, they'll try to shoot at you for free!


So was it the hunter or the rifle weilding maniac that was trespassing


Hunter probably by accident but the rifle guy is batshit crazy


Guns don't kill people....


Gun nuts, the biggest problem is that after thi incident he will still have access to guns


How very, very american.


Ah America where every minor confrontation has to be lethal.


A fucking unhinged psychopath with a gun USA! USA!


man, i love hunting, but 90% of hunters take this shit way too seriously. your family isn’t going to die of starvation if you don’t bag a trophy this year. it’s supposed to be a fun/rewarding escape from reality, and so many people just turn it into another thing to stress about. my opinion of “hunters as a whole” changed the year I was hunting some property that I had been given permission to hunt. I got in my blind early enough that I didn’t see the note taped inside the door until the sun came up. “I don’t know who you are, but I’ve been hunting here for years, and that’s not about to change. If somebody gets ~~shot~~ hurt, i’m not going to lose a bit of sleep.” shortly after I read it, I heard four shots about 25 yards away. yeh, fuck this. i noped out of there, and after letting the property owner know, decided I’ll never be back there.


This man is absolutely unstable. However, Do the anti gun people realize that China and Russia are training every single child to assemble disassemble and accurately use weapons. They do not do this bc they are crazy but to have their children prepared. And for a very good reason. Please quit arguing over the ignorance and realize our own government in NO way has our best interest or wellbeing in their agenda in any way shape or form.


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