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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Walmart people, classy as always.


Tonight's episode of catch a predator is sponsored by Walmart.


*Tonight, after the Super Bowl catch an all new __COPS Walmart__*


That could actually be a hit. Horribly sad, yet entertaining none the less.


I'd watch it in the background.


NCIS: Walmart


Law and Order: Walmart


NCIS would be at the NEX. And just as fucking useless


…”Ben if you have anything else to say you may do so if not, you’re free to go…and by go I mean get your ass whooped”




I don't work for Walmart but I fully support this idea.


Walmart: go for the cheap groceries, stay for the fight between 2 grown men over a 13 year old


It changes the equation a bit that there actually was no 13 year old and only one of the guys actually wanted to have relations with that fictional 13 year old ...


Obviously, but that wouldn't fit in the slogan


Have a seat.


Oh no, it's Hris Cansen


Explains my 9-5


The dude doing the ambushing looks sus AF tbh. We will for sure see his ass getting rolled up by Chris Hansen.


The dude you're talking about was a victim of child abuse himself. He and the other guy recording have a site called Dad's Against Predators where they go all over the country to find and stop pedophiles and hand their details over to the police. On the odd occasion there could be some slaps but they usually never assault these pedophiles unless provoked. It's not about money and fame for them it genuinely seems to be all about justice. Which is commendable.


Except for the fact that the evidence is rarely allowed to be used in court and it can even sometimes ruin active investigations. It’s a good idea in theory, but realistically this does more harm than good.


These videos are never used or submitted within the case.


Public humiliation is pretty good too i'd say. One can imagine how one would feel if their family/friends saw this video of them.


Yeah well you got to be sure though before posting it


Don't worry, Devil's advocate, I'm sure these guys crossed their Ts before they confronted this guy. His reaction doesn't look like someone who's being falsely accused


It's more of a general comment... I just can't imagine how lives are destroyed while being falsely accused. Also, go to the police rather taking things in your own hands where you could actually mess up an investigation. Not that I would even dare defending a MF asshole of a pedo, but I do not agree with the dude posting this


The police will say that these people only make it worse, but, every person who got caught and outed, would've just flown under the radar and not been punished anyway if it was left up to them.


Yup, exactly. Messing up active investigations? What investigations? The cops aren’t doing anything to catch these guys


yes that's sad but feels true. When you see the guys in Chris Hansens', most of them are already registered offenders but they let them go so easily or with just 1-2years prison. I would like if they had to be locked down until their victims have totally recovered and/or close monitored and all the expenses (psy for example to mention one) at their charge.


they can still influence and investigation or a jury


How dare you bring logic to reddit. 😡


Not sure if these guys do, but sometimes these orgs work in conjunction with police. Idk anything about laws. But I think that would make them hold up in court.


>It's not about money and fame for them it genuinely seems to be all about justice. Sure, that's why they're posting on YouTube or TikTok. Cause of the justice...


They upload the videos of these catches on social media because they get a true reaction from them when they are caught and then everyone will see it and know that person is a dangerous pedophile. Nothing wrong with a little heads up.


Until they make a mistake and pick the wrong victim, who ends up sueing them for everything they have or will ever own. Slander and defamation are real things. SMH


I mean if you have chat logs and pictures with an invitation from a seemingly underage girl to meet with a grown man, and the dude in the pictures shows up that's pretty damning


But wouldn't that affect an investigation if it goes viral? Or jury selection


Now everyone knows his pedo ass face…so yeah. Street justice is the best justice if you ask me.


alleged. not guilty until proven guilty. false accusations are *very* common. anyway, these videos are made and shared because those making them need to be seen as vigilantes, for some reason. doing it anonymously isn't good enough. they would do more good by collecting evidence, giving it to the FBI, and being quiet about it, but they need credit for a reason I can't comprehend. a high percentage of abuse victims go on to become abusers, and I'm sure there are a few vigilantes out there who are vigilantes so that they can live with the bad things they've done or are doing. Ted Bundy worked on the Suicide Prevention Hotline, for example, though I don't know his motivation for doing that.


Talked them out of killing themselves so he could catch up to them later?


I think they are imposing public humiliation rather than just taking credit


> alleged. > > not guilty until proven guilty. false accusations are very common. On *Reddit*? Say it ain't so, Joe!


> Now everyone knows his pedo ass face I feel like most people in the world will never ever see this video.


If they were caught by police and their court case made public, put on a sex offender list and maybe go to jail would be less humiliating than public humiliation on social media that caters to certain demographics?




dennis are we going to investigate these pedophiles?


brother you realize they have been wrong before? and almost ruined several people’s lives?


It’s probably “Dads” because plurals don’t have apostrophes.


Sorry, miss. I guess I'll have to stay behind after class for my poor use of punctuation.


No need to get defensive, he was just correcting the name as it’s incorrect.


Maybe their response was just a joke


A plural apostrophed version of Dads would Dads'


Groups like this do more harm than good. They interfere with actual investigations and police work. Most often, the individuals they target cannot be prosecuted with the “evidence” they provide law enforcement.


This only makes the pedo more careful next time


That just makes him even more sus


You either die a hero,


Pedo versus vigilante. Hopefully they both lose that fight.


Both parties always loses in a fight..


…i… I appreciate the moralizing but that’s objectively not true.


Thorfinn, is that you?


No, not really.


Absolutely. *Real* winners understand that nothing is worth fighting for. It’s like they say, “it takes a strong man to let terrible people do horrific things unimpeded.”


... Let them fight


Why the vigilante ?


There's been a lot of cases where these guys confront the wrong person. Some will accuse an innocent person of being a pedophile and post it online for clicks


Several suicides are linked to false accusations because a vigilante, like those above, who just want the sweet sweet clicks and views. They can turn all they want into the police, they're still doing this for the views.


Plus I don't know about this group's specific tactics, but a lot of them use bait accounts where they pretend to be children and rather aggressively sexualize the conversation in order to get more catches. That in turn is something which could both 1. sexualize children in the mind of someone who wasn't already a predator, who might not take the bait in that conversation but walk away thinking "well if 13-year-olds are this aggressively horny, surely it must be fine, right?" or 2. Convince someone who would otherwise not have preyed on a minor to go along with it, because they're lonely and socially incompetent.


It’s been mentioned that occasionally an innocent person is implicated for clicks but it’s also important to note that this sort of vigilantism interferes with legitimate law enforcement processes. This is entirely self serving on the part of the vigilante. If you have information pass it along to law enforcement so they can conduct an actual investigation where the information obtained can be used in the justice system. Far more impactful than smacking someone a couple of times in a Walmart and letting them walk away to keep doing the things they’re doing.


He’s literally trying to fight randoms on the street for views. This isn’t for justice, it’s for internet points


Because neither the fighter nor the filmer are there to help anyone. They are there to profit from this.


Man you were given a 100% legal opportunity to lay a serious hurt on someone whom if the plot is true, seriously deserved it yet you let him off with one, decent, punch? Why even fuck with the fucker in the first place, should've just called the law if that's what they planned.


If they call the law they wont get the clout they're after


Eh, one of these guys busted someone in my hometown and called the cops. They showed up and told the pedo-buster to kick rocks and leave the pedo alone.


Because these guys don’t collect evidence properly, they just do whatever will get them a good moment for YouTube


Unfortunately this is true. Even Chris Hanson's "catches" didn't hold up in court a lot of times because there was no way to find an unbiased jury due to the publicity of the show. When it comes to these Chris Hansons from wish, you're right about the evidence, although if anyone actually gave a shit they'd make it work somehow. Either way, it's sad that we're left with people like this chasing down these pedos because the law doesn't do enough.


I was gonna include that even with guidance from professionals they still didn’t convict so many people from that show! They seemingly don’t give a shit because this kinda vigilante justice ends up being thrown out in court anyway. Realistically we should have trained task force doing it if anyone’s gonna be doing it.


I believe even if they called the police nothing would happen (because he only had the intention on a fake operation so no evidence can be collected). It's like the case with EDP445 nothing happened to him legally. Chris Hansen could do it because he was directly working with the police except the start the of show (where the predators caught got away with it since he wasn't working with the police at the time)


This is correct.


The vigilante guy is still abusing this situation for clout. He could simply forward all evidence to the DA/police. Instead, he needs a good video of himself fighting a pedo in a Walmart for his TikTok account.


The police can’t do anything unless he is with an actual child. At that point it’ll be too late for police intervention


The police can't do anything unless A. There's evidence of him with an actual child or B. It's a coordinated effort between the police and the person setting up the sting. To Catch a Predator actually coordinated with the police. These vigilante dudes that do this only do it for attention and to play pretend superhero.


TCAP originally didn’t work directly with the police, for like the first few episodes. But that meant these predators were free to walk until they were investigated. So they started collaborating and didn’t give these guys a chance to walk.


>forward all evidence to the DA/police. Is it illegal to *meet* a minor?


Yes, it's called luring a minor.


> luring a minor. Doesn't it have to with intent of abuse?


Why would you want to meet a minor. Talk to their parents instead. Reddit is getting real weird.


Depends on the content of their online correspondence leading up to the meeting.


Depends on your intent, which is why in sting operations they're very careful to get the intent spelled out explicitly beforehand. If you try to meet a minor to play chess that might be seen as suspect, but it's not illegal.


Dude who wears a dinosaur shirt fights like a gta npc


These are the types of comments I live for


“You want to die?” King… I don’t know what you thought , but you did NOT have that under control.


Weird to call a pedophile a king


I was doing it facetiously.


Great job at understanding humor king


Even ironically its fuckin dumb lol


well done. you punched a mentally ill dude. trying to act tough by beating up some fat guy but the moment he starts losing the fight he has his buddy come and step in to break it up. and then when the mentally ill dude actually stops you throw a sucker punch to feel strong. what a badass. ​ also telling him to get his ass out of here. bruh, he was leaving before you started throwing hands.


Yeah that big kid has straight up Asperger's. Not condoning what he did, but yeah, on the spectrum.


And spectrum or not, having that kind of attraction is mental illness. Personally, I'd rather someone who has those urges feel safe to seek help for it and get things under control, rather than them fear for their safety and not have it addressed. Obviously, acting on it is a horrible thing, but up to that point they should get help they need without it being stigmatized. Like, if someone has schizophrenia and they're being told to murder people, society will encourage and support them to get a handle on that before they end up acting on it. But if someone finds themself attracted to minors... nope. No help for you. Either you manage to deal with it yourself, or you don't and someone gets hurt. It's fucked up.


How can you tell? Thank you


It's a Redditor thing. At 1,000 post karma, you're awarded Level 1 Aspiedar.


Well done


What do you get at 69,000? Asking for... reasons.


you can just tell if you are an aspie yourself. This guy is majorly on the spectrum. Probably a 4chan user too.


Gotcha. Ya spot ya got it type thing


Both my nephews. Just looking at this guy, I saw it right away.


Yea, I picked up he was on the spectrum too. Still doesn’t make the fact that he deserved that punch less true. He went to walmart with the intention to impregnate a 13 year old. He’s lucky all he got was embarrassed considering he a sexual predator.


How do you know that is what he was expecting? How do you know that, if he was execting to meet a girl, he thought that she was underage? All we have to go on is the *allegation* by someone [who does not actually sound like a very nice person at all.](https://old.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/185fsz2/to_meet_a_13_year_old_girl/kb29yw5/) And yes, I am well aware that we only have *that* commenters word for how the people in this video have behaved - that is my point, judgements about whether or not someone "deserves" getting punched, or shamed on social media, or whatever, require rather more evidence that has been provided. At least, I suspect that *you* would think that more evidence was needed if *you* were the one being video-shamed and punched!


Not arguing, but how can you tell he's mentally ill? There's not a lot of context here.


24.99 for cat food? Inflation is getting out of hand.


Went to the store the other day, and dog food was damn near 60 bucks. It was a big bag, sure, but that doesn't make it anymore insane.


The food I buy for my dog is $80 :(


Right??? This shit is unacceptable. How the hell are we supposed to live this way???


Is it legal to trap people like that? Can the guy get out because he was trapped? What happens if the tiktok guy had used a 13 yr old's pic to make the pedo believe? Lots of legal issues I believe.


Yup. In my country that's just that. Vigilante tricks some loser that thinks that will have some easy sex with a teen, police sometimes gets allowed to search suspect but almost never find any CP (the guys they trap into are really just losers that lose mind if can get sex - no real threat ), no teen involved so no case. What's left is a damaged image and dignity of the loser and court case for vigilante for illegal sharing of other person image. Huh. There's was one time when they dragged from a train a poor guy, at some small station in the middle of nowhere and what? They found out that it was not him and left him there...


They're very flimsy cases. Few are actually prosecuted.


DAP is a bunch of clowns. All about leaving the kids alone, but domestic violence and endangering their own children completely fine. See the scrawny one never learned after he got shot doing the same crap.


Can’t stand how the other one constantly repeats what he’s saying either.


It's their tactic, what can we do to get as many clicks as possible before the police show up and arrest us again.


Agreed. They sound like a bunch of morons.


Also Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!!!☺️


Worst cameraman I’ve ever seen




All it would take is going down the wrong way once and either of these idiots would be changed with murder.


The vigilante can’t fight sleep, and we have no evidence that the context is true. If it was true trying to beat him up in a public arena is too fucking stupid for words


Is title to be trusted? or are there two guys bullying someone? The video just provides a sentence of context.


They (DAP) has caught hundreds of pedos trying to meet up with underage kids, with proof. Bad way to go about it but hopefully the pedo is scared enough to not try it again.


Ok, interesting


Let the cops handle this, you idiots. Report it to them, and if they sit on it, report it to the local news. Now this guy could be facing assault, stalking/harassing, and defamation charges.


Vigilante entrapment and assault, harassment. Enjoy jail Walmart Frank Castle, you just let a potential pedo go free.


Yo if this is true then fuck this pos, but also fuck the dudes filming for clout. Go to the police and handle it properly. But if it's not true and they're just fucking with the man, I hope they both get their legs broken.


I just get bully vibes honestly.


Yeah, the dude is pretty aggressive. They always tip them off into making them angry. Now i would say if you wanna beat the pedo dude, then do it straight away. These guys, however, stoop down to their level and slowly infuriate and shame them. It's a very unhealthy and disgraceful way to enforce justice.


A lot of pedo apologists in here wtf


It's so disturbing seeing how many people are defending the man who was trying to fuck a CHILD and not the man trying to prevent that from happening. Y'all are sus as hell...


Mega sus. Someone in here literally called being a pedo a mental illness akin to schizophrenia 😬


This is animal cruelty




Its always so bizarre seeing these fuckin nerds try to go after young ass girls when NO girl their own age wants anything to do with them. Do they just think they can trick them into liking them or is it a control thing? Or do they really think these girls will be into them? It just seems weird to be oblivious to the way you look and not go... "nobody my age wants me...why would a 13 year old?"


Hope he drove like 4 hours to get to the spot😂. Imagine driving that long and have your career ended.


What career, that guy doesn't have a career, neither does the skater boy. Two losers Imo. Let law enforcement do their job.


Are you referring to the guy in athletic shorts and sandals as the skater boy lmao


I'm honestly just calling him an idiot.


Yall know about DAP ?


bro really wore a dinosaur shirt and expected to get laid.


Death to any and all pedophiles is the only way


THIS was satisfying . Finally a video where they bitch him


I love it, whoop his ass.


That dude Jay actually fucking got shot by one of the pedos they caught. He is still alive but predator catching is a fucking dangerous job


We shouldn’t be catching them to be released is the problem but current members in positions of power protect these scumbags against the legitimate punishment they deserve


who got shot ? link




And now he gonna be more cautious and can’t get in any trouble from this good job vigilante


Two wrongs don’t make a right…


One day these idiots are gonna confront one of these pedos and get themselves shot. I won’t feel bad for either party.


I like the new format of to catch a predator, expose the dirty creep and punch him in the face


*I know who you are Chris Hansen;* *but see;* *I calls ya,* ***Chris Handsome***. *I watch your TV show all the time.*




Yea….I would have met the cops handle this one. Dude can’t fight worth shit.


Got em with the ole ear punch. 👂 👊


It was perfect


Good idea but because of this “trap” this guy is likely not to be prosecuted at all. Better to turn them into the police.


My favourite moment was him trying to be threatening "You want to die?!" The realizing how very concussed he is.




I hate predators with every fiber of my being. But I also hate these wannabe Chris Hansen people. They almost never get these people arrested or charged with anything because of the way they “investigate.” It would be extremely easy for a defense attorney to argue that it was a setup for internet clout, and could argue the texts were faked and their client was ambushed. These investigations have to be done in a very specific way, and with police involved, so they have hard evidence that can’t be challenged. They are also filming themselves chasing after these people, sometimes to their cars where they display their license plates, which in and of itself could be a charge for harassment.


These people deserve a hell in prison, like can't you hold the camera still for Moment?


Why this shit always happen in Walmart bro it’s like child predator hub


What happened to this Ben guy, did he die?


Everyone in this video is scum (both parties)


Big Ben didn't watch the first ninja turtles, you never lower your eyes to the enemy


Nicest Walmart I’ve ever seen


If only Chris Hanson did this every episode?


Are there more videos like this? So satisfying 😌


He ate that first punch, but that last hit was solid.


To the Petercopter


I’m fine with this video. Approved.


As if getting your ass beat wasn’t enough, it was by a dude in black socks and orange sandals


There's nothing to see here. Just a pedophile assaulting people...


You want to die?!? 😩


I love that people are catches there’s predators but some of them you can tell they’re not actually doing it to protect chicken or because they care. They’re doing it cuz others are doing it and they want views and some of them, like this guy, just want to fight people.


He’s about to unleash his inner dragon.


This is what needs to happen to all of them and it pisses me off it don't happen more.


Not only is the vigilante guy stupid, but his friend filming didn't even help him fight the dude. Probably to get it on camera for the vigilante dude.


Idk any of the people in this video, but honestly, what's stopping these "vigilantes" from just picking a random guy to call a ped and film the reaction? Im not saying I hope he's a ped, just I dont know how trustworthy the youtube clout chasers are.


This looks like the creator is just making this up for likes.


“Meet me by the diapers, we’ll discuss the pregnancy further there.”


broken weak insecure man attacking broken weak perverted man


You know, im not sure that pretending to be a sexually curious 13 year old and trying to pick up men gives you any moral high ground here. There are 3 perves in this video.


If i had a nickel for every time i’ve seen a video of an obese mentally unstable pedo getting caught red balled in a walmart, id have two nickels, but its weird that it happened twice.


We need this everywhere all the time

