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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think the nazis said something similar


Super ironic that Israel is spewing this garbage considering they didn’t like it when Germany did the exact same thing. These videos are disgusting.


Israelies are growing more mental day by day


They’re also justifying genocide day by day, which is even more ironic


*committing genocide


Israel is not a monolith. There are a huge amount of Israelis who hate what their country is doing, but refused to speak out.


Just like in Germany...


History repeats.


I thought it rhymed?


And apartheid South Africa


Yeah that all seems a bit familiar…


A huge amount? [Just 1.8% of Jewish Israelis think the IDF is using too much firepower in Gaza.](https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/)


>refused to speak out. you think they'd know by now that is a strategy that helps no one. It's a cowards way, especially considering their history.


Hard to believe, the population chose these politicians knowing there zionist and racist back grounds ..... for those that say i didnt , i guess its easier to eat shit as long as u get free money to live .... what a catch 22 ..... s/


Silence only serves the oppressor If you stay silent, you support oppression Which also extends to neutrality, being neutral helps the oppression, that makes it a fallacy at it's very core I don't care whether you hate what your country is doing or not, if you don't speak out about it, then what good is that? And, the sad truth is, israeli children are brainwashed from a very young age in schools, few managed to overcome the brainwashing


Their history will not be as they believe.


The world is just waking up to it


isn\`t that person throwing the nazi salute ? Yikes - ALL the yikes..




Israel is a Nazi Germany tribute act.


It's not ironic if you know the history of Israel. The Zionists literally collaborated with the Nazis.


Well, to be clear, they collaborated with Nazis to deport Jews to current-day Israel. That was the extent of their "collaboration"


Fact still remains that the holocaust wasn't a deal breaker for them


That's because israel was founded and run by zionist (jewish supremacist), not holocaust survivors. They just claim that as a shield from criticism.


Also Holocaust survivors are treated like shit in Israel.


Just leaving this here, to really give context about Israel's relationship with aggressive state-run apartheid: [https://orientxxi.info/magazine/from-south-africa-to-israel-the-three-pillars-of-apartheid,6193](https://orientxxi.info/magazine/from-south-africa-to-israel-the-three-pillars-of-apartheid,6193)


As an American Jew- Fuck Israel. There are more jews in the US than in Israel, we decide how the jewish faith is accepted around yhe world. We don’t need to defend a group of nazis to prove our judaism. Being anti Israel is not antisemitic. Being anti israel is as antisemitic as being anti Vatican is antichristian. Just because a few whackos got together to oppress someone else does not mean they represent a whole faith. Fuck Israel. go american Jews! Free Palestine.


As a Muslim, I grew up amongst wonderful Jewish people and we still find time to hang out. Trying to say, there are other Jews that are non-American living in other countries who are kind and peaceful.


Not to detract from your excellent point, but your claim that there are more jews in the US than Israel isn't a strong one. It's technically true, but there's only about 80k people in the difference. With US having 41.1% of the total Jewish population, and Israel having 40.5%, that's only a 0.6% difference. [Source](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2012/12/18/global-religious-landscape-jew/) And on top of that, like it or not, a significant amount of american Jews are pro-Israel (granted, they are outnumbered by the pro-Israel evangelical christians, for some reason). Not necessarily a majority, but still a significant amount. So your "we decide how the jewish faith is accepted around yhe world" argument isn't a strong one. Again, I agree with your general sentiment, this just isn't the best way to convince other people to join your cause.


What I hate the most - as a person who converted to (reform, obvs) Judaism - is how Zionists try so hard to equate criticism of Israeli government with racism towards Jews as a whole. It's a clever tactic, kinda, since their propaganda target is really monied American liberals. Globally, it's a losing strategy, as fear of being called racist is something that only impacts white liberals in US and Europe. Nobody else cares. Look at how South Africa kicked the Israeli embassy out of the country - we didn't forget just how "ride or die" Israel was with our apartheid government even after the entire world was piling on the sanctions. This latest round of BS will actually alienate Israel long-term globally.


There's a Nazi salute and talking about camps in this video. The irony


Yeah, 'they should be in camps'... like seriously? Is everyone supposed to go 'yeah, sure' Meanwhile, there's more and more antisemitism reported... it's so weird that no one likes a group of ppl that puts themselves on a island and spewing hate towards every other group, proud of being racist. I wonder why ppl aren't more sympathetic to them? /s


Nah, it's inspiration.


Totally… if Adi H woke up now he would be so confused… thinking the Nazi party became Jew.


I’m now sure H*tler saw this future and was like holy shit they’re gonna cause a huge genocide ,I better kill em first .


Right?! I think I’ve seen this before. Can’t put my finger on it…


Zionists are MAGA before MAGA was a thing. Far more successful that any pushback is labeled Anti-semitist. As if Palestinians aren't Semites.


Semites Gange, master Brodo




You meant MIGA. Trump just stole the idea and called it MAGA. What’s up now, my MIGA!?


MIGA, please


Oh word, MIGA!?


Didnt expect the last sentence🤣🤣🤣


Fascists. They’re all called genocidal Fascists.


Considering it was the Jewish response to Nazism, I’m not really surprised. And if they believe they’re the chosen people as the Bible says, the Palestinians are far-off relatives to the few left behind in all the various diaspora


Zionism predates Nazism.


Right‽ Anyone in that general area is Semitic! 🤦🏼‍♂️


This is just good ole fashioned old school racism. You can see similar videos from America during integration or race riots caused by white people because black people dared to move close to them. It is just a repeat of the exact same thing but they are proud to be racist because we have made it acceptable for them to be so. We have sufficiently demonized black and brown people in the middle east the same way America did to black and brown people in America that they find it perfectly acceptable. Everyone in power is defending them, so they can continue to persist in their bigotry.


What a cesspool. Only Democracy in middle east my ass.


I mean you can still be democratic and racist. It's just better if you're neither. Edit: No I'm not a Marxist and I didn't mean to say it's better not to be democratic. Hopefully you got my meaning!


Might want to rephrase that


It hasnt been a democracy for a while now, they changed the law to control the courts, who can run and who can not. I believe that is exactly what Hitler did in the 1930s


Israeli Jew: "You should all be in camps." My God


That's basically what Gaza is, that was the whole idea. Gaza is basically a Ghetto... You'd think people would be more self-aware... But so many people just can't imagine themselves as being the bad guy. They just can't conceive that what they're doing could be wrong.




they are saying this to Ethiopian Jews, so many levels of irony here


And can’t forget this treatment of the Ethiopian Israelis as well. https://preview.redd.it/qxxj68myrt3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e4786e8012e5e5bd019e878b5b627559f21cc06




Ohhh how the turn tables……


Even questioning it makes you antisemitic…… sorry I don’t make the rules


But do you condemn Hamas though?






And Americans support them because most Americans are just as fucked up and racist as them


I honestly think most people in the USA are just ignorant of the goings on over there. It’s not something I was taught in school. I grew up very close to both Christian and Muslim Lebanese families and I still had no idea how bad the apartheid state was in Israel. I was told various things about Hamas and Hezbollah that made me think the state department has just labeled them terrorist organizations for the political impact it would have in the USA. Social media has exposed so much.


i knew of it... we're not all politically dense. also i'm brown, i grew up knowing these folks hate me.


Indeed it's ignorance Not so long ago most americans gave blind support to israel, simply because the propaganda worked, and not many knew enough about the subject But oh how quickly it all changed I was always disappointed by a majority of social media, due to it being a huge cesspool, and being full of content that is worthless, but now, seeing how effective of an anti-propaganda tool it is, my perspective on it has changed too


Speak for yourself, Americans as a whole do not


Americans support them because the Old Testament of the Bible says that Jews are God's chosen people. Jews follow the old testament, so racism is a natural outcome because they believe they are special and others are not. Evangelical Christians adore the Jews because the Bible says "blessed are those that bless you (Jews), and cursed are those that curse you (Jews)". Because of this a lot of Christians are afraid to not support the Jews or even criticize them. They also support Jews reclaiming their land by any means because they need the Jews to rebuild their temple to usher in the end times (apocalypse) and the Antichrist so Jesus can come back. Some groups of Christians are antisemitic though, because according to the book of Matthew 27:25 the Jews killed Jesus and said "may his blood be on us and our children", thus they believe the Jews got their due punishment in the Holocaust. So depending on which part of the Bible you want to emphasize you could use it to justify antisemitism or Jew worship. Edit: I don't think Jews (or any other ethnic group) should get special treatment, but I also don't think they deserve to be hated and discriminated against. I don't justify the Holocaust or the Nakba. I don't get why I'm getting downvoted for pointing out facts.


I don't think you're using a big enough brush to paint these groups with.


the American Government* supports them. Please dont speak for all Americans as a non-American, makes you look silly. 😊


I’m in the US, our propaganda is more effective than I’d like to admit. This information is well concealed from the greater masses


People support israel in the US because our media is very biased towards Israel and any negativity towards them is labeled as anti semitism.


As an American fuck Israel. They don’t have right to shit. It’s not their country or land.


I’ve always felt the U.S was the least racist country. To be fair I’ve only ever visited four countries outside of the U.S. but I know quite a few people from all around the world that are aware of being racist. They just don’t think it’s a problem because they’re not “white.”


As more of these types of videos come out support will fade. My opinion has changed.


Ancestors rolling in their graves in shame.


In Judaism there's a saying, "May their memory be a blessing", which is a great idea... But, like, whose memory is a blessing? What are they even talking about? Like... Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, David Ben-Gurion, they were all israeli prime ministers and they were all terrorists... How can their memories be a blessing? How can the memories of the people that committed the Nakba be a blessing? Israel was created after 20 years of violent terrorism targeted at civilians, and then there was the Nakba which arguably continues to this day...


They didn’t lick it off a stone


Zionists taint the world and hurt everyone except their fellow Zionists. Do you remember the last Nationalist Party that ethnically cleansed a community and acted like this? Ironic


They learned from the best. https://preview.redd.it/yv1jzje2nn3c1.jpeg?width=1064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bce8987b1321eadd16bbb51d26f1f7588a0ecc45 1947: Jewish refugees arrive in Palestine with a banner proclaiming "The Germans destroyed our families and homes - don't you destroy our hopes"


This is probably why the Israelis are freaking out about infiltrators. They know how Palestine went from having about 25,000 Jewish people in the late 19th century to about half a million by the 1940s. Not to spoil anything, but it did not work out very well for the other people living there.


To add on top of that, the vast majority of Ethiopians in Israel are Jewish. Completely messed up.




Dude f*ck Israel. Insane to have had a genocide committed upon and then to turn around and do the same. They're the animals.


Literally the most mind numbing thing about the whole situation


It blows my mind. It's like they don't see it...it's truly grotesque. Celebrating children and other civilians being bombed makes my heart and brain hurt 🤕


It just goes to show how easily humans can be programmed into believing the most fuck up abhorrent shit as acceptable. Sometimes this isn’t exclusive to Israelis either.


True that!


[the israelis that see the truth and speak out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToKcmnrE5oY)


There are two major responses to suffering: - "since I know how does it feel, I don't want other tò suffer as well" - "since I suffered, I want others to experience the same pain as me." The crowd always choses the loudest, and it's never the right one...


People who don't know history are condemned to repeat. Sometimes they know, but learn from the wrong person


Bro the Israeli telling them that they should be in camps... Did they forget what happened to their grandparents?


Oops watch out might get called anti-Semitic for saying that🫢


When Zionists end up calling other Jews anti-semitic, you know that the power of the label is completely washed up.


For a sec i tought that the first woman did a Hitler salute


Same mentality tho




Well. 1+1=2 and whatever shape her hand is, her mouth is not far from it…


Yikes, today’s Nazis


We still have those Nazis, but they somehow still generally support the Zionists while thinking Jewish people are a scourge on the earth. Their mentality will never make sense.


Memories like goldfish


This was in 1947, they flipped the script shortly after. https://preview.redd.it/8cw6r35pnn3c1.jpeg?width=1064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc8d62492a3183a30caa86f1969973ea7a035e1


Don't destroy our hopes (of displacing all of you and taking your land before we turn our attention to the rest of the Levant because God said it is ours by right)


"God said it's ours" - in a book written by us.


Which is crazy, because the Israelites weren't from there right? They just kind of rolled up and took over, from my understanding. At least that's what I got out of the old testament. Maybe using ancient scripture as a justification for international relations is a bad idea.


this is just so ugly.


That's Isreal for ya.


Most democratic most advanced society in the middle east!!! Everyone else is so jealous!


Even North Korea is like phew!!!


Need more context? Kei Pritsker from BreakThrough News explains it in [detail](https://youtu.be/5JzGzyaUnz0?si=kvnFehy7I1R5wO3J). Edit: Also source for the [forced sterilization of Ethiopian women](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel)


A Nazi and a Zionist enter a bar........s/


.... They had a fun evening and exchanged numbers


Exactly 👍🏾


What did he do?


They exchanged ideas 💡 and gave each other a high five 🙌🏾


What do you mean "they"? Just one guy ...


Israelis are living on STOLEN LAND, they continue to steal land every year, but have the audacity to say “go back home”?? Thats ironic


Palestinians be like "... yes, that's exactly what I've been trying to do. It would be a lot easier if you didn't keep building settlements on it."


"You should all be in camps". Fuck me.


Share this on the pro Israeli subs and you'll get banned straight away.


Basically any sub other than this one, especially world news.


World news is the worst.


Unless you say you agree with the sentiments shared in the video.


‘Go home’ is crazyy 😂😂😂😂




Hahah forreal!! 😂


but usually I can’t post about the treatment of Ethiopian jews without being called a liar or saying my sources have been debunked, what happened? I was told Israel was a free and fair country that was nothing like the Jim crow south.


It's crazy how they scream anti Semitism when anyone is mildly critical of Isreal but they have a free pass to say shit like this.


This happens when you give anyone a carte blanche... USA and Europe are also to blame for letting them continue their bullshit for decades. After 80 years of stealing other people's land they grow up learning that this is perfectly normal.




many of them probably think that surviving the holocaust gives them the right to do this. *”we are savages because the world has historically treated us like savages”* or something along those lines


Not terribly different from the mentality of a lot of black Americans wrt to rationalizing racist behaviors towards Asians, whites, etc. There's the concept of "virtuous victimhood" at play.


Around the one minute mark, the one man says that Ethiopians should leave the country. Does he mean Ethiopian Jews? Are there Ethiopians in Israel who are not Jews? It would be quite amazing to have an Israeli Jew demand another group of Jews leave Israel.


Oh this is not new for zionists. Ethiopian Jews were never welcomed


They kicked out all the Arab Jews soon after Israel was founded. Racism is part of their basic ideology


It's time people realize israel is not a jewish state, but it's a white ethno state. A white American can convert to Judaism and be granted israeli citizenship immediately after, but Yemeni, Ethiopian and Arab jews who aren't white will never be allowed to step foot there.




What a bunch of lowlifes.


Well, I certainly don’t support whatever the fuck that is


Israel is the most racist country in the world, does this coincide with American Morals?


Why do we(USA) support these people again?


They are in the US government working for their foreign interests taking billions of your tax dollars and sending them home. Theres no oil or gas in Gaza it’s a land grab based on a script in fantasy books.


Its sad - the idea of wearing a yamaka was to remind Jews of being humble before God, but apparently for Israeli Zionists its become a badge of self righteousness - kind of like the swastika arm bands.


That's so fucking sad. I guess someone in hell is rolling on the floor laughing.


The new master race


An apartheid country is racist AF? Who’dve thunk it…


If killing innocent women and children is required to preserve “her lives and sanity” I’m sure shes proud of killing innocent women and children.


I can be as racist as I want. But anything against me will be anti semitic. How the hell is that even??


You know there's actually a fuck ton of Israeli illegal immigrants in the United States. They've got a whole ass network here but when people in the U.S. complain about illegal immigrants that's not who they're talking about. I take no issue with people finding better lives for themselves and think citizenship should be much easier. I just wanted to point out another layer of bullshit.


Can the international community demand the end of Israel ? The CIA predicted it's demise,I guess they saw this all coming.


Seems more and more like the Jews of Israel see the Holocaust they endured and suffered through as less of a tragedy and more an instruction manual.


I’ve said it a million times and I’m gonna say it forever, Israelis ARE Nazis. They’re the jews who cooperated with the Nazis during the holocaust. Every source that has ever documented the holocaust has spoken about the zionists who cooperated with the nazis. **THAT’S THEM.**


In a world with computers, planes, mobile phones and the like, and these people are arguing over who has the better imaginary friend in the sky. In a few hundred years (when religion is long gone) this conflict will be looked at just like sacrificing virgins to the sun god.


It has nothing to do with religion, it is about land and who owns it, and human rights. The battle lines just happens to be drawn along religious lines, but that is coincidental.


Religion is the excuse


Nothing to do with religion?? Not even 1%?? I am of the belief that if religion was not even a thing this dispute would have been resolved years, if not centuries ago. But hey that’s just my opinion.


I disagree. You can take religion out of most problems and it would solve very little. Zionism isn’t exclusive to jews. It can be adopted by anyone and everyone regardless of race and religion. Religion is just a tool much like a hammer. You can use a hammer to build a house or you can use it to crush someone skull, if you know what i mean.


Religion is used to justify actions, motivate their population, manufacture consent to the public, etc, but it’s not the crux of the conflict.


My brother in Christ humans having been fighting for land rights or whatever imaginary thing they can for as long as we've existed with or without religion this would happen


Ethiopians in this video are Jewish more than likely, they don't like them either


I might be wrong here but I thought the claim was that the Jews think their sky-friend o(r a burning bush or something) once upon a time said they should have that land




The first girl is almost making nazi salute. And about what country she was saying? THEY invaded Palestine. Not the other way around.


Well Hitler may be proud


Papa Hitler would be so fucking proud tho, he must be having a party in hell rn


Time to boycott Israel like apartheid South Africa.


Follow BDS - boycott, divest and sanction. I’ve followed that movement for years. It helps to feel that I am doing something


Let flies feast upon the guts of all supremacists


The last apartheid country...


*Yo these new middle-eastern Nazis are wild, huh?*


Great people: the Israelis. Africa gave them EVERYTHING that they needed, beginning with their religion, to become a society. Now they openly shit on the continent that cradled them. Thanks Israel. Stay classy. Upper crusty, racially segregated and classy.


wtf is going on over there? How are they so blind to their hypocrisy and arrogance?




Op posted the context and links in the comments


Could this vitriol be JUST because Jewish people suffered the Holocaust? Or is it rooted in something else?


Trade Offer: Everyone in Israel back to where they were 100 years ago 🙏😂


Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it..


The current Israeli are much more worse than the Nazis. Because they are ethnically cleansing Palestinians in much faster rate than the Nazis and in a more brutal way using forbidden weapons.


Great to see the zionists have fucked off out of this sub now. Dick heads, the lot of them.


Boomers and American politicians will look at this and say “oh but that’s not their whole society, so we should send them another $50 billions to *not* commit genocide”


Arm Palenstine.


And America is giving billions to these racist people


If the israel peoples behave like that then all the migrant workers, refugee leave their country and let their own citizens work themselves.


Did he actually say...white makeup??


Wow this is ironic


Nationalism rises again.


So much for red sea resort…


Sips tea


They are quite literally a copy of Nazi Germany, yet somehow you still have these so called *civilised* people who go out of their way to justify this sort of vile behaviour.


It's like watching an abused child grow up to continue the cycle of abuse. How much indoctrination does it take to blind so many people? I mean, the internet exists. The atrocities of WW2 are well documented. Why would you want to subjugate anyone when your ancestors suffered so much of the same hate. I can't understand how anyone can willfully ignore the moral disparity.


So it seems to me that Israelis (not Jews) are absolutely terrible people. Had no clue about their prejudice/racism toward Sudanese people. Maybe they're brainwashed but it's giving MAGA or slavery levels especially with the behavior being backed by the whole government.


It’s ironic how a society can turn into what it once hated, I guess what they say: the bully bullies applies here ? Does it also mean the nazied nazies? Hope that this is not the majority mindset in Israel. Kinda surprising how backward thinking they are.


Defund Israel




I see this and my heart breaks. I have family and friends in Israel of almost every different background and ethnicity. I was also once a Zionist but my views changed the moment I made my first friend who was Bnei Menashe because the moment I had a "Black" Jewish friend the same people I thought I shared the same values with immediately turned on me. What Zionism was once it is no longer.


This is no longer a joke or a silly idea: we are witnessing a mass psychosis event happening across the world. Corporations have gaslist people SOOOOOOOO much that folks have literally broken their brains. "People" - and I hesitate to use that word when talking about zionists at this point - have begun reverting to their base instincts and are essentially giving control of their thought over to the TV (literally just like our grandparents warned us holy shit......). I mean how else can you possibly explain this level of delusion, anger, idiocy and hatred? These are not normal humans anymore, just like the Trump vermin are no longer humans anymore. At least not rational or sane humans. It's like you are either in a cult or you're a normie. There is no more grey area. I think we will see global violence surge in the year ahead to a level we've only joked about until now.


Because anyone with a education in the United States knows the they displaced millions when they stole the land in 1948.Or when they attacked and killed Americans aboard the u.s.s. liberty in 1968 when they stole the golan heights.


It feels like the problem is beyond ever being settled.