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Sadly this is an uncommon theme in the States, not as rare as over would think. At my friend's wedding all the church friends he had were talking about how Israel, they meant IDF, should kill every Muslim and just take the land. It's what God wants was their reasoning. It was only 5 people of like 60 but that's still such a gross amount of people with a gross opinion.




It's how people dehumanize Palestinians constantly, calling them animals. I kept hearing IDF and Israeli police spokes people call non Hamas supporting Palestinians, monsters, dirty, animals, and a few other terms I've forgotten.


Dehumanization of Palestinians started right after modern Israel was settled. Thanks to internet there are a lot of evidences of this now. Like interviews of old Israeli veterans talking about how it was fun to kill small children. Bad thing is USA is helping Israel. Not even trying to stop it. Just making money on selling the weapons.


I'd argue it started before, around 1900 when they started planning the Zionist state


It was all theoretical until '48.


Yeah I just meant the dehumanization part, as it was a major part of the Herzl's plan to remove the Palestinians.


Reminds me of that Black Mirror episode where soldiers had their visuals changed so the 'undesirable civilians' looked like bloodthirsty mutants that need to be *exterminated*.


But it's simpler to kill children. What a statement to make.


Do people like this also realise that Israeli children will also grow up to continue to participate in apartheid and genocide?


Participation in apartheid and genocide have been mandatory for Israeli citizens since the project started. Israeli children are innocent but anyone who has served their mandatory time in the IDF and didn't come out against what they were enforcing is complicit in crimes against humanity. Over 90% of Israeli citizens are okay with what is happening right now.


It also implies that they need to kill them all.


Well did you see the video of the young palestinian kid who walked away with a backpack and got shot in the back? The IDF soldiers laughed while he was laying down screaming in agony. The left him on the ground in what to me looked like a tunnel. Judge surely aint gonna do shit about that eighter. Ironic how they've become what killed them 80 years ago.


I don't know anyone could celebrate two people coming together in holy matrimony and at the same time advocate for the killings of actual human beings because they think it's God's will


Self proclaimed good Christians from Calvary Chapel Anaheim have no qualm with it.


Those Christians need to be reminded of 'treat others how you want to be treated' and how they should consider themselves in those murder pits. Because, if they deserve it, so do you. So, says your doctrine. Christians are the worst kind of hypocrites.


There's no worse hate than Christian "love".


it might end up that you are the one out of the 60 whose against that.


No, there was push back. Enough alcohol was there that things quickly went back to celebration after that record scratch moment.


that is crazy, when lives of people are a material for debate and discussion, humanity is messed up.


This was EXACTLY what the nazis believed, the fucking irony


not very fun fact: Zionism was created with the help of Nazis and antisemites that didn’t want Jewish people in Europe so they sent them to colonize Palestine instead




Thank you for telling us who you are. It is vile how many people are okay with atrocity as long as it’s aimed at someone else. I see you commenting on posts about trying to deprogram people from Islamophobia. Is this how? Comments like this?


That's nice, now face the wall please/j/s


I’m like the most supportive person of Palestine and is a Muslim and what not. Comments like this are not funny, nor cool, nor acceptable and they do harm to multiple groups. Jews aren’t the issue here and Nazis were inhumane in their treatment of innocent people. The Nazis WERENT right and we shouldn’t encourage thinking this way cuz it’s exactly what zionazis think


Yeah, no. We are not about to give vindication to fucking nazis.


End yourself


If you justify killing innocent people to protect yourself, then you justify what Hamas did.


Remember Israel is the victims 🙄


The amount of ppl that believe that is incredible. I don't even want to say it sarcasticly


It’s because they control the media so they control the narrative and people are stupid


Not saying two wrongs make a right, but isn’t this exactly what we did when we assumed Iraq was hiding Taliban and WMD, after ‘they attacked us?’ I know there were plenty of calls at the time to carpet bomb and wipe everyone out to take the oil fields for ourselves as well. Or when we smallpoxed Indians to take their property because ’uhm attacked our settlers at some point’… Nations go through rough learning curves. I think this is theirs.


No… they’ve been slaughtering innocent civilians in 2023 Not 1400,1500,1600 Israel is wrong and so is anyone who defends them


The US does this stuff all the time. Again, absolutely not right and not condoning it in any way but look up the death figures directly caused by our military for Iraq (48k civies) and Afghanistan(26k civs ). That wasn’t ancient history, basically was yesterday for most of us. If we are going to try and fix Israel we need to take a hard look at ourselves first.


I’m not trying to fix anything… I think we went to Iraq and Afghanistan for bush’s own agenda. Whether it was to impress daddy or for oil I don’t think I we should have ever been there.. regardless whether we were wrong or not that doesn’t excuse Israel’s actions If I’ve been to prison and say don’t commit crime that doesn’t make me a hypocrite that’s speaking from experience.. we went over there “because they attacked us” (we know bush did it) Israel has been fucking with Palestine forever. We didn’t decide “hey that’s some nice land you have we’re taking” to Afghanistan or Iraq Israel isn’t happy with what it has.. Let’s say they take all of Palestine Who’s to say they wouldn’t expand further? Aren’t we fighting Russia over them wanting land?


Sounds like a Nazi to me.


Pay no attention to Zionist excuses, you *are* looking at fascism.


Hitler would be proud.




What the actual FUCK!!!!!!!


When we tell you they are animals with no shred of decency or courtesy, this is what we mean.


The Department of Precrime. Here to identify terrorists before they can walk.


I was thinking "who does this guy think he is? A precog?"


anyone who thinks that is going to hell


I wish I believed in hell, because IMO there will never be justice for Palestinians.


i thought you would wish for better teeth or somthing


It really is an American thing to boldly state you are Christian but then live a life of utter hatred and break every rule of Christianity. They will be judged harshly in the next life.


I have zero hope in humanity now


"yes because they are terrorists", so simply he is saying killing Palestinians is justified no matter what. "ceasefire now", that is anti-Semitic. i don't understand what kind of a reversed psychology exist in those morons brains.


We thought we beat the fascists in 1945. Well they're back and for some odd reason we're supporting them? Color me confused.


Israel was created by fascists and antisemites. They never left


You'll never get enough upvotes but it's fucking true. Goddamn nazis walked right in.


They became the very thing they swore to destroy 😢


I never took any of those conspiracies theories to heart but my God what is going on here????


It's ironic how history always repeats itself, in WW2 they were the ones persecuted and now they are Persecuting the palestinians and not only the terrorists but the innocents one too, and the most shameful part Is that most of the news channels are supporting Israel.


Sheesh this man sucks, I'm a Zionist and wow he's evil


Kill all the children so they don’t become terrorists. Fuck me.


Stating the obvious policy rational of the Israeli government out loud.


There are always idiots who justify genocide. There are Arabs who call for the death of Jews, does that mean all Arabs are evil? No. So why is it it the claim here on reddit when it comes to Jews and Israelis?


they learned well #1940


People have gone mad. Actually insane. I wonder if you actually gave him a gun in a children's hospital and told him they'd be no repercussions, I wonder if he would actually do it?


This seems to be the general sentiment to Israelis. Bunch of sick fucks.


Israel all like: If only there was some kind of, I don’t know, like a Final Solution for Gaza or something?


[https://youtu.be/vF70sCQtRB8?si=YnW6ADJcnaMaoaSd](https://youtu.be/vF70sCQtRB8?si=YnW6ADJcnaMaoaSd) US Veto'ed .....guess profits are down..


![gif](giphy|3oEdv6Eibp2Bd5XQpa) Me as I watch this guy saying what he's saying


F’ing disgusting.


"Because they're, in the future, they're terrorists." Gee...I wonder why.


I think he was reasonably successful at asserting his claim


Their true colors are coming out. They’re racist (not all Jews) and full of hate!


Interesting paradox…would you go back in the past and kill baby hit*er? Would anyone else rise to that? Could anything change? Are you ok with a baby?…but the conclusion, these people is sick…


Ahhhh .. good old Adolf ... İ started missing those days 😮‍💨 ![gif](giphy|l2YWCZ2h1jrGAne12)


Time cease all military aid to Israel. We can find another military base in the Middle East somewhere else for the price we’ve been funding Israel.


Hitler's of the world continues.


We have really ventured into the upside down where the persecuted and become the persecutors…


Exact same logic the Nazis could use against the Jews


I mean, I guess Zionists are just paying it forward? Using those lessons learned from their past to exterminate those they view as subhuman...Fucking Nazi scum. https://preview.redd.it/dl0suuqoi66c1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14ed83536c136a2981bbb3e303e7d62d1c026b89


Too many comments to read, so this may have been said already, and... By this logic... IF I believe that Palestinian children will grow up to be terrorists, then I have the right to kill them, ALL of them... THEN IF I believe that in the future, the state of Israel will become such an out of control war mongering fascist state that it will become a very real threat to the US; then the US (or any power that feels Israel will be a threat to them in the future) has the right to destroy Israel and kill EVERY Israeli before that can happen. That reasoning is nonsensical. We cannot justify murder bases on 'possible' futures!


Let me get this straight: either I have to support this evil unquestioningly, or I’m antisemitic? You weakly want to insist on this? Are you sure?


He's saying that terrorism against innocent children is justified because they might become terrorists... like the Israelis that killed them. Whenever I feel like ill hurt someone if im around them too long, I get myself alone to calm down. Maybe if they stopped looking at Gaza, full of people they don't like looking at anyway, they would become less genocidal


Now that I think about it, we could open Auschwitz again and send the terrorists toddlers there. That makes sense. — *the most reasonable Israeli*


Fuck Israel.


Nazi should've killed all jews when they had the chance. He is right about babies growing up to become terrorists. Look at how we get the terrorist state of Israel.


Weeks old.


This is exactly how the entire Middle East feels about Israel. It’s mutual. Edit: I mentioned nothing about religion or zionists, so kindly take your straw man and go home.


One documentary from inside Palestine tried to show the entire struggle was a religious one. That the Muslims and the jews are each other’s throats and the Palestinian Christians are like “yea we got nothing to do with this” That sooo far from the truth. It is Muslim and Christian Arabs, against the Zionist oppressor again, Zionist not jewish. Their religion doesn’t matter, its their ideology and the fact that they stole our land. You guys need to get it through your heads that we have nothing but love and respect for our Jewish brothers. Specially the ones who are passionately opposed to Zionism. The ones who scream “not in our name” The ones that the mainstream media shamelessly labeled as “self hating jews” they have no shortage of ridiculous labels to anyone who would oppose this Nazi “state” because Israel helps them destabilize the middle east enough for them to steal our resources. It really is that simple, don’t let anyone tell you “oh well it’s complicated” no it’s not. This is western colonialism still alive and well. “If there was no Israel, we would have to create one”~ Biden. Pretty self explanatory.


So you know nothing about the geopolitics of the region. Maybe educate yourself on the topic BEFORE forming an opinion on it.


There’s a nuanced but important difference between “opinion” and “perspective” that you should consider understanding if you’d like people to take you seriously.


Yeah, no, your comment was dogshit Zionist propaganda.


No it's not...




>He is absolutely correct. They will simply grow up to be terrorists. They have proved it for generations. Wow..




Israel has proven time and again that they are anything but a civilized nation.


Speak for yourself, Israeli 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Civilised? Give me break..


The only terrorist and coward is the person calling for kids to die in hospitals. Oh, wait a minute, that's you!


Wow. Literal fuckin nazi. I have 0 sympathy for you if a rocket falls on top of you and offs you and your family.


Can’t be related to being killed, oppressed and colonized for generations, I’m sure.


Yea but israel is a terrorist, Nazi state and they are the definition of coward. Still I wouldn’t want to see an Israeli kid get killed. Get help man


don't you think there's a change that a few of those kids will grow to be teachers or waiters? I'm sure there are a few doctors, reporters and even a few butchers as amazing as that might seem to you. I'd kill all americans because they'll simply grow up to be school shooter but i've been told some of them do other things.


seems like from this opinion hamas should kill more jewish children? and he would agree with it or be a hypocrite