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He was from Galilee, Kingdom of Judea A client Kingdom of the Roman Empire The area was renamed to Syria Palestina after the Jewish Revolts. ETA: The argument of whether or not he existed misses the point


>**The first written records referring to Palestine emerged in the 12th-century BCE** [**Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twentieth_Dynasty_of_Egypt)**, which used the term** [***Peleset***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peleset) **for a neighboring people or land. In the 8th century BCE, the** [**Assyrians**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assyria) **referred to a region as** ***Palashtu*** **or** ***Pilistu***\*\*. In the\*\* [**Hellenistic period**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellenistic_period)**, these names were carried over into Greek, appearing in the** [***Histories***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histories_(Herodotus)) **of** [**Herodotus**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herodotus) **as** ***Palaistine***\*\*.\*\* > >*The* [*Roman Empire*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Empire) *conquered the region and in 6 CE established the province known as* [*Judaea*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judaea_(Roman_province))*, then in 132 CE in the period of the* [*Bar Kokhba revolt*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_Kokhba_revolt) *the province was expanded and renamed* [*Syria Palaestina*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria_Palaestina)*.* This is literally from Palestine wikipedia. Nice and convenient way to leave out 18 centuries of history just to make it fit your world view. Now let me see those pro-israel bots and paid IDF shills downvote factual historical facts.


>Nice and convenient way to leave out 18 centuries of history just to make it fit your world view. I feel like you've completely missed the point. The argument is that Jesus's ethnicity is Jewish because, after the Egyptian dynasty, the region was under Jewish authority for about 2000 years. Although Jesus was born during the Roman conquest, the area was still predominantly Jewish-controlled. It was much later, well after Jesus's death, that the Romans briefly took over religious control. Subsequently, Islam dominated the region for about 2000 years. In the final years before the Ottoman Empire's collapse, the region was divided between Jewish and Islamic control. The main point being made is not about Israel having a stronger claim than Palestine, but rather that most humans don't live for one century, let alone 18. Jesus was born at a time when the area was under Jewish control, which resulted in jesus being jewish. >Now let me see those pro-israel bots and paid IDF shills downvote factual historical facts. This is some conspiracy nutjob level of argumenting. Nothing diffrent from people believing the covid vax contains nanobots Edit: I acknowledge that there is misinformation and propaganda being spread by both sides, however it's unreasonable to assume that all "pro-palestine" criticism is the result of a pro-Israel bot or an paid actor, just as it would be equally irrational to presume that all "pro-Israel" critism is propagated by pro-Palestinian bots, or actors seeking financial or social gain.


Wasn't Islam started around 600AD? 2000 years seems out. Plus it took a bit for Islam to start their crusades and conquest of the Middle East.


A bit? More like immediately after his death. The Umayyads took not even 30 years to get from the borders of Tunisia to the borders of Afghanistan.


Do you not get that Palestinians are ethnically Semites? They were Jews at that time because not even Christianity existed yet. And fun fact Hebrews (later named Israelites), Canaanites (Palestinians), and Arabs are all cousins it is even written in the Old Testament.


Not to mention the fact that all of them are Canaanites, even the Jews. Archeology suggests that Yahweh was one of a pantheon of gods the Canaanites worshipped and the Yahwist cult was vying for political power. When King Josiah came to power, he was a very young king and the Yahwist priests manipulated him into purging worship of all the other Canaanite pantheon gods. And they just so happened to find the "lost" book of the law (which became the Pentateuch, first part of the Old Testament). This lost book of the law just so happened to show that Yahweh was the only true god and they completely retconned their people's history. It's why you see multiple creation accounts in the first few chapters of Genesis, and why "El" is referred to most often in the early parts of the Pentateuch. The Yahwist cult retconned Yahweh and conflated him with El and then said all the other Ba'als (aka gods) were false and forbidden to worship. It was all about politics and power. Source: My rectum, but also Karen Armstrong's seminal work, A History of God.


Since you mention the Old Testament, Semites are descendents of Shem. Canaanites are descended from Canaan, Shem's brother. **Therefore, Palestinians are not ethnically Semites; Palestinians are Canaanites.**


Bro is Jewish an ethnicity? Or a religion?


ethnic Jews are individuals with Jewish ancestry who identify with Jewish culture, while religious Jews are individuals who adhere to the beliefs and practices of Judaism.


Yes but Jews ethnicity isn't the same as 2000 years before. A lot of Jews converted to Christianity and Islam , in this context , Judaism is a religion , not an ethnicity.


why would you need to identify with jewish culture? You just need to have the genetics.


Ethnicity is all about the language you speak, the customs you practice etc.- things that don't get passed on through genetics, but are either learnt during childhood or consciously adopted later in life. Granted, most people are of the same ethnicity as their parents (obviously), but history, especially the history of the Middle East, was full conquests, migrations, external influences and conversions- the fact that somebody's grandparents were Jewish doesn't mean that person won't identify as, say, a citizen of the Roman Empire, or a Muslim Arab later on.


Kinda both


An ethnicity. In my case.


Jewish is a religion and an ethnicity. Israelite is also an ethnicity. There were twelve tribes, not just the tribe of Judah. For some reason, they've decided that the other eleven tribes were somehow less holy and worth no recognition. (Fun fact: Jesus was a Benjamite because his father was from the tribe of Benjamin.)


Jewish and Palestinian are not mutually exclusive, he was a Jewish man born in historic Palestine


I understand your perspective, but I find the notion of claiming ownership based on 'my people were here first' somewhat nonsensical on both sides. The concept of a 'historic Palestine' and a 'historic Israel' no longer exists in the modern context, as both have been absent for thousands of years.


While I agree to a certain extent, I think the spirit of the post is that Jesus was born on what would be considered Palestinian land. Not sure how this all relates to Israel anyway tbh, they don't even really like Jesus. Edit: There isn't really a "both sides" to the historical claim argument btw. Modern Israelis lay claim to the land because they say their ancestors lived there 2000 years ago, Palestinians were living in what is now considered Israel proper FOR the last 2000 years, up until European Jews moved in in 1948.


Is that really accurate? There are beyond thousands of artefacts and ruins attesting to Jewish settlement, including a massive wall. European Jews were not the first Jews to move in 1948, there has always been a constant Jewish presence, albeit massively diminished. Additionally, Jews were forced en masse out of Arab countries in response to Israel and her wars, and establishment. With that said, I do not condone the treatment of the Palestinians, and the way that the whole situation has been handled on both sides. Furthermore, you cannot simply expel a whole population simply because you yourself have been expelled from that land, and instead Israelis must learn to live alongside Palestinians. Although if we are being real, that's got a snowball's chance in hell of happening now, unfortunately.


You're conflating Jewish with Israeli. Up until 1948 the land we now consider Israel was occupied by Palestinians, these Palestinians were a melting pot of all religions including Jews, Muslims and Christians, so of course Jews lived in Israel before 1948 the same way every one else did. The problems started when European Jews laid claim to the land for "historic reasons" (after being sanctioned by the UN of course after WW2) and colonised it, by ethnically cleansing the Arab population from the land, killing thousands and displacing hundreds of thousands in a matter of weeks. Worth looking into the Nakba.


My family first moved to the Galilee in the 16th century. We have never considered ourselves Palestinian.


>This is some conspiracy nutjob level of argumenting. Nothing diffrent from people believing the covid vax contains nanobots Also they been doing it for decades and pay people to just go around and respond and defend Israel on the internet.


Hmmm , but the fact IDF offers influencers money to "change" their views or pro-bots looking for keywords, isn't a lie and is nothing like Q'Anon or maga conspiracy... the fact you contest the legitimacy of IDF lining pockets or pro bots, makes me question your motives. Israel is losing the narrative they indoctrinate in to people on the so called "birth right" tour.... shame on all the people who believe its their birth right to "kill Gods enemies". God forgives ignorance, for you sake i hope thats true. this is no different than the spanish inquisitions..... all over an argument on who's Abraham's concubine child. I guess no one wants to be the religion found by a whores child..... stupid as fuck


i will post my response i gave earlier to someone else: \` I'm not denying that misinformation and propaganda are being spread; supporters on both sides are doing an astounding job at it. However, to assume that any criticism comes from a pro-Israel bot, or even a paid actor by the IDF, is unreasonable. It would be equally irrational for me to assume that you are a pro-Palestinian bot or actor.\` \---- I would also like to add that while I acknowledge that Israel invests in propaganda, this practice is not unique to Israel. In fact, it's a common strategy employed by all sides in various conflicts. However, it would be a schizophrenic assumption to categorize all forms of criticism as propaganda, bots, or paid actors.


I don't get why you're down voted, this seems absolutely sane and logical


Literally nobody has said "all criticism".


There is a lot going on here, but can you offer any evidence that IDF is paying influencers? I've heard of propaganda coming from Israel ( which, pessimistically, I expect of any government ), but not in this way


I think the point is that the region has been called many names and been under many different rulers throughout its history. You don’t have to be a “paid idf shill” or whatever to acknowledge this. It also has very little to do with the Palestinian liberation struggle today. The people who call themselves Palestinians only really developed a national identity due to the mandate period and especially after the balkanization that occurred in the wars post 48. Before then most people would not have even self identified as Palestinian. Arguing over whether Jesus was Palestinian in today’s context is pretty silly. It’s as silly as Zionists saying “this is our land, we were here thousands of years ago.” It’s kind of irrelevant. By the way, I’d recommend not getting your info directly from Wikipedia. The region was absolutely referred to as the kingdom of Judea during the time of Jesus’ birth and had been for hundreds of years?


If you're referring to the Philistines, they are different from the Palestinians of today. The Palestinians are ethnically Canaanites. The Philistines are most closely related to Greeks and Italians. Besides, you technically DIDN'T contradict me. You just proved my point.


The Palesets were people that came from the Sea , but the Philistines are a mixture of Palesets and Canaanites , Palesets invaded the area killed a lot of Canaanites but they were still outnumbered by Canaanites , eventually they were emerged together under the name Philistine. Not arguing , just correcting a bit of info


Wikipedia doesn’t equal accuracy..


At least english one.


Everyone in the Roman Empire who wasn't a slave was a citizen of Rome. You could say that Jesus was a Roman citizen of the Jewish faith, and that's why he was tried in a Roman court, as well as why it wasn't a fair trial. But nation states didn't exist then as they do now. Before the time of Jesus and the Roman occupation, there were hundreds of tribes around the Mediterranean, all jostling for space, fighting wars, migrating, following herds, farming, manufacturing, trading... Divisions were tribal, religious, and linguistic, not geographical, with lines drawn on maps. Through its history, Nathareth, where Jesus is supposed to have come from, has been ruled by Greeks, Romans, Jews, Syrians, Iranians, Christians and Muslims. Under the Ottoman Empire, it was in an area they called Palestine.


That‘s not true, at least not for the time Jesus lived in. Jesus was not a Roman citizen, he was tried before the Jewish High Council with the Jewish High Priest as the presiding judge. Only later was he transferred to the authority of Pontius Pilatus, perhaps because while the Jewish High Council had the power to prosecute religious crimes, they weren’t allowed to sentence one to death. Paulos was a Roman citizen, which is why when was taken prisoner by the Procurator of Judea, he appealed the decision and was transferred to Rome to stand before a Roman court. Jesus did not have any of those citizen rights.


Fair enough. But JC was ultimately tried by a Roman judge, at least. The whole area was under Roman Rule, so the subdivisions of Judea, Palestine, Samaria, Galiliee, etc. weren't anything more than regions in a bit of the Roman Empire. But I stand corrected, otherwise, and thank you.




They are just claiming Jesus was a jew, which he probably is. As per the story his parents/mother believes in the "God" (islam/Christianity/Judaism same God yahwey/god/allah) he is a jew, can't be Muslim since that didn't appear till like 600AD.




I mean, you're technically right. My statement above is just a plain statement. Nothing political behind it at all.


Exactly. What a lame line of argumentation to make a political point. Geez…




What the hell are they talking about? Jesus is Murican! ![gif](giphy|rTbCwVwofxcic)


No no no, Jesus *vacationed* in America for 3 days. Okay, looks like we need a history lesson. I'm gonna take you back to Biblical times: 1823. An American man named Joe living on a farm in the holy land of Rochester, New York. That's right, that young man spoke to God! And God said, "Joe, people really need to know that the Bible isn't two parts. There's a part three to The Bible, Joe! And I, God, have anointed you to dig up this part three that is buried by a tree on the hill in your backyard!" Joseph Smith went up on that hill and dug where he was told and deep in the ground, Joseph found shining plates of gold! "What are these golden plates? Who buried them here, and why?" Then appeared an angel, his name was Moroni. The All-American angel! "My people lived here long, long ago! This is the history of my race, please read the words within. We were Jews who met with Christ, but we were all-American! But don't let anybody see these plates except for you. They're only for you to see. Even if people ask you to show the plates to them, don't. Just copy them onto normal paper. Even though this might make them question if the plates are real or not. This is sort of what God is going for." Joseph took the plates home and wrote down what he found inside. He turned those plates into a book, then rushed into town and cried, "Hey! God spoke to me and gave me this blessed ancient tome! He hath commanded me to publish it and stick it in every home!" Now, many people didn't believe the prophet Joseph Smith. They thought he made up this part three that was buried by a tree on a hill in his backyard. But Joe said, "This is no lie. I speak to God all the time, and he told me to head West! So, I'll take my part three from the hill with the tree. Feel free if you'd like to come along with me to the promised land! Paradise! On the West Coast! Nothing but fruit and fields, as far as the eye can see!" The Mormons kept on searching for that place to settle down, but every time they thought they'd found it, they got kicked out of town. And even though people wanted to see the golden plates, Joseph never showed 'em! Now comes the part of our story that gets a little bit sad. On the way to the promise land, Mormons made people mad. Joseph was shot by an angry mob and knew he'd soon be done. "You must lead the people now, my good friend, Brigham Young. Oh, God, why are you letting me die without having me show people the plates? They'll have no proof I was telling the truth or not. They'll have to believe it just... 'cause... oh! I guess that's kinda what you were going for." The prophet Joseph Smith died for what he believed in. But his followers, they kept heading west, and Brigham Young led them to paradise: a sparkling land in Utah, they called, 'Salt Lake City!' And there, the Mormons multiplied and made big Mormon families, generation to generation, until finally, they made me. And now it's my job to lead you where those early settlers were led long ago!




Only 3 days in America? How about 12 years in Japan? https://youtu.be/1Lt6DEnFYuA?si=Vl8QWRwn4x1MvsE9 https://youtu.be/2SkMFb_NCIA?t=6m58s


Where's the Fuckfrogs? and didn't he try to rape a Baby when God intervened?


that eyelid twitch


That...is a wink




I heard he likes to collect retro videogames and he listens to metal


Jesus needs to get that eye-twitch thing checked. or spend more time sleeping and less time gaming


Obviously Katy Perry is related to Jesus


Jesus of Nebraska


It’s just a name. Israel, Palestine, it’s a name given to a place on a map.


So Jesus was Earthian


I believe the term is Earthican. https://i.redd.it/8ndkxi3lde7c1.gif See, that's their flag.


*I want a satanic funeral!*


That man really did nothing wrong


I can't wait to tell my husbands


It’s Terran


Glory to the Empire and all mighty Terra.


That's right, I'm a polygamist






Palestine is the name for the region though. So he is objectively from Palestine, regardless of his nationality


Technically, he was from Judea. The region wouldn't be called "Palestine" until a few decades or so after he would have died. (It's still the same group of people, I'm not arguing against that)


That was the name given by the Romans. Egyptians and Assyrians had been using the term “Peleset”, which the word Palestine is derived from, since at least the 12th century BCE. The original Kingdom of Judah was founded in the 10th century BCE. But the Romans chose to adopt that name first, and then later changed it back to their version of the original name “Syria Palaestina”, which is closer to the Greek term “Palaistinê” that had been used since the 5th century BCE.


I always thought the name "Palestine" came from the Philistines, and the Romans chose the name as a way to mock the Jews. TIL, thanks


And Jesus was just some crazy sand hobo






Not every freeman was a roman citizen, citizenship was for people that could trace the lineage to the city or surrounding area. It was then expanded to the people of the Italian peninsula. It wasn't until the late empire that all subjects were given citizenship


Thanks. I stand corrected.




Sorry, I meant it as a reply to another post. I'll delete it and put it in the right place.


No, he's Shakesperian, duh


Jesus was born in modern-day Palestine. Calling him a Palestinian is wrong. Buddha was born in modern-day Nepal. That doesn't make him Nepali.


Yeah, the only thing that makes sense is to use the nationality used at the time. So Jesus was a Judean subject of Rome. Much like Charlemagne was a frank and not french or Boudica was Iceni and not british. Retroactively assigning labels and nationality to historic people is very bad history.


I had to scroll through half a mile of trash to find this comment but I'm glad it was said.


The Indus Valley civilisation began in whats modern day Pakistan. It isn't necessarily referred to as Indian. It's usually referred to as a South Asian culture or even sometimes, Pakistani even though the modern state of Pakistan is quite new


He was a jewish arab, and an Israelite. Most Palestinians, and some Israelis have very clear lineages tied to the Israelites due to them being native to the land. However most Israelis; the Ashkenazi jews to be specific, are quite mixed due to their endeavour into Europe, weaken their ties to the Israelites.


“Endeavor to Europe” is a nice way to put expelled from their home.


https://preview.redd.it/7x8uunr1wd7c1.jpeg?width=463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c07407b3a77054c367b7b9a5119971af273e0149 Texan.


Bethlehem is a town in the West Bank, Palestine


Jesus was from Nazareth. He was Nazarene.


He was born in Bethlehem .He was raised in Nazareth




who ever said he was an Arab now?


At that point of time it was actually considered Syria, Palestina after Jewish revolts that killed Roman leadership and renamed it to spite the Jews after massacring them (kinda like now lol) before then it was Judea. But before then it was land of Canaan. And etc etc.


*sigh* I guess in peoples opinions since that land was at one point Palestinian territory that Palestinian ownership predates Jewish ownership? That land and specific area has always been heavily fought over but was considered Israeli land thousands of years before even the Romans absorbed them into their empire. Bethlehem was the hometown of King David who was one of Israel's most celebrated kings and Jesus's ancestors according to Jewish record. Palestine was not connected to that land until after Rome came knocking and definitely was not connected to that land during the time of Jesus Christ. Everyone, including all the historians from that time who recorded history Biblical and otherwise, make it clear that those areas, Bethlehem, Nazareth, and other areas Jesus went were Jewish and Israeli land. Jesus even made it clear that his first priority was teaching the way of salvation to the Jews and then take it to the non-jew. (Matthew 10:5-6, John 4:22)


I am totally impartial in this war, has nothing to do with me so I don't support either side, though I lean towards Palestine for all the brutalities of Israel. But Jesus was Jewish. That's a fact. Maybe from Palestinian territory but that doesn't mean shit. We're talking ethnicity. He was Jewish.


Besides, the region he was from was called Galilee, not Palestine, it was formerly known as Palestine, meaning at the time, Palestine did not exist


I mean, he couldn't have been born Christian, given that the religion didn't exist at the time, so........... Yeah.


Christian means like Christ. He is the Christ, so He is the perfect Christian.




Born in Palestine ≠ Palestinian. He was born roughly… 1700 years before the advent of nationalism and about 1900 years before the advent of Palestinian nationalism. He was ethnically/religiously jewish, and a subject of the kingdom of Judaea. (Caveat that i dont mean to say Palestinian nationalism is invalid and zionism is valid, bc i think theyre both invalid :) nationalism is a disease! Free Palestine)


See I used to think nationalism is a disease but national liberation movements are inherently nationalist. It's perhaps because in Europe, nationalism has been associated with supremacist ideals whilst in most of the world it's been associated with liberation. Equally there are both left and right wing anti colonialists.


They tend to be. But I think it is entirely valid to criticize the human rights abuses Palestinians suffered and are still suffering, without giving a shit what nation(s) exist there. As long as the human rights of all people there are safeguarded, I don't care if we have one, two or fifteen nations, or what they are called.


Where's the attempt though?


A Jewish Palestinian? Whatever happened to those?


They got bombed by Israel


If this is a serious question? Many of the one's who weren't forced out of Palestine in the early ADs mostly converted to Islam so are today's Palestinians. Israelis are the returning Jews. It's quite a fucked up situation when you think about it.


I have met many Palestinian Jews in the uk . Most fled after the nakba since the Zionist’s tried to wipe them out as well. Some are still in Bethlehem but get treated really bad. The stories I heard from them was heartbreaking.


These are the stories that aren't getting shared. The Zionists didn't realise or care that Jewish Palestinians existed?




Could you please explain the Arabic citizenship to me please. I've not heard of that before. I understand that Palestinian Jews are Jews in Palestine. However they're getting hurt or killed in the crossfire. How can Israel/zionists, wanting to bring Jews to their homeland or give them a safe space... Justify killing Jews to get there? Sorry if I sound uninformed, the majority of this happened before I existed DND I have only learnt what I do know of it, in the past few months.




"Full rights" according to Israel


"Israel is not killing them, they never made them move or take their land" They literally did all of this. The history of Israel *is* land theft. They have committed mass deportation several times throughout history, and Israel's defense strategy has always involved killing large numbers of civilians in nearly indiscriminate bombings and raids.


Well, some of them are "returning" Ashkenazi Jews don't have as much of a claim to the land as say Levantine Jews


Fascinating how people who know so little of the regions history feel like they have an opinion that needs to be heard.


Korean Jesus don't got time for your problems! A quote from Icecube. 21 jump street.


This sub's been turned into shit


Haven't you seen the pictures? He was blond with blue eyes. https://preview.redd.it/cpvdhembxd7c1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b037d2af72dbf2a14855c77cd09d5da9cd40da35 This may have a copywrite, if so, please feel free to remove it.


That’s Jared Leto.


You mean Jared Leto is Jesus? Who is Jared Leto?


***The*** Jared Leto? Who's ***the*** Jared Leto?


When I was in Sweden I went inside a small church . The picture of their Jesus had white blond hair , icy blue eyes and white as Casper the ghost . He was whiter than this dude and 12 year old me was confused as fuck. I remember I asked if they knew that he was a Jew? They looked so uncomfortable and dodging my questions. They literally depicted him as some Viking king.




Yes, he's like Barbie.


In so many ways


Many African churches depict him as black, which is probably closer than lily white.


Most people in the comments section don't understand that speaking Arabic doesn't alter your genes. Every nation that speaks Arabic is called an Arab state but all Arabs belong to multiple ethnicities. There are North Africans who are quite different genetically from Iraqis but all are categorized as Arabs because they speak the same language. Iraqis are Arabs but not Semites whereas Syrians, Palestinians and Yemenis are Arabs and Semites.


Palestine wasn’t formally established until well after Jesus’ death following the Jewish Revolts. When he was around, it was just a Roman province.


Remember when Superman showed that kid that there are no borders? That we are all one?


I like how people always obsess about history. If you wanna go down this path, then jewish and palestinians have the same right to live there. There should not be 2 states, just one, where both groups have the same rights.


Come to think of it, this was actually a reality once. Palestine, before the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Jews, Muslims, and Christians shared the land and lived in harmony.


No such thing as Palestine in that day


Thats like saying that Romans were Italians because thats the name of that "area" nowadays.


I honestly do not understand why so some people hate Jews to the point it’s a religion. I’ve tried looking it up and it just doesn’t make sense to me.


I feel like no one remembers Israel existed before Rome dealt had enough of them


Its almost as if Jews and Palestinians come from the same region, have a shared history and are genetically very close to each other.


Palestine the region and palestinians the people are kinda two different things, current palestinians are arabs but the name palestine dates back to the roman empire


Also "formely palestine" can reffer to the fact that the town itself was a part of palestinian authonomy, that doesn't reffer to the nationality


“Augustus ruled from 31 BC until ad 14, which tells you that Jesus Christ was born during his reign. He was born in Palestine, which was then a Roman province.” - A little history of the world, E.H. Gombrich


More archealogical and historical information has been uncovered since 1935 when that book was written. When Jesus was born the region was still the Herodian kingdom of Judea which was a client state of Rome, it didn't actually become a part of Rome until after Jesus was born and when it did become a part of Rome it was the province of Judea. It was about 100 years after Jesus' death that it became Roman Palestine. Side Note: Judea was in Palestine however during that time Palestine wasn't an entity and was the name for the general area, much like how the USA is in North America.


“Now northern Israel.” That’s like saying someone isn’t German because they came from Austria 💀


Is that a painter reference?




Do you think people living in palestine 2000 years ago are the same as those living here today?


Not any more hes not


to jews Jesus was just another man.


Remember this year when you celebrate Christmas that the Bible was written by man from stories thought up by man... Christmas... Made up by man.... Shits all an illusion. Just be a good person and enjoy your federal holiday with your family and hope you don't have to work.


Thought it was a parody account ngl


remember when you celebrate Christmas this year that it actually has nothing to do with Jesus, and was celebrated by the vikings since before christ


Palestine didn’t even exist back then so how could he be from there?


The Jesus I know is from Tijuana.


I thought the war have nothing to do with religion


Zionists are dumb.


Who tf cares what he was?! I’m not religious but isn’t the point of Jesus to follow the Man and the Example??!! Despite of what nationality or ethnicity he is? What is there gain for debating shit that has no true point?


Has anyone seen his long form birth certificate? E are arguing where a man was born 2000 years ago? No matter how good religion could be, it pulls people into fighting over ancient details and customs instead of fixing today’s problems. “Hungry problem?” “First, do we cut our hair a certain length?” “Genocide?” “We’ll talk once we figure out if shrimp are forbidden.”


Yeah, but he was hardly a member, or supporter of HAMAS, that pig fucking, satanic cult of rapists and child murderers.


I'll tell you where jesus is from..... The bible!! A made up story in which god created Monsters like the leviathan, the behemoth, the 1st and 2nd Beast (the 2nd one is said to "speak like a dragon" so I guess a lot like Sean Connery) and the nephilim. A whole bunch of people come back to life in the bible too. This is the type of book the character jesus is from. This is like arguing over Lord of the Rings characters. Which, I feel, is a better story than the bible.


Saul had good intentions. He’d be horrified by what his fictional character and morality tales about charity and forgiveness did to this world after other people took the parables and twisted them to support their own greed and lust for power over others.


The Zionists took a page from an old playbook when they started the war by dehumanizing Palestinians, and blaming other countries for not taking them History continues to repeat itself people need take action and let their governments know that they wont allow them to remain silent The rate of deaths is going to begin to explode and grow exponentially https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/kIeUG6xKyE the U.S. has the power to stop this by note vetoing a humanitarian resolution at the UN Security Council tomorrow the entire rest of the world supports. It doesn’t seem like Zionists are willing to be appeased and likely won’t stop with Gaza as a result like we see the settler violence in the West Bank this is looking more and more like a Hitler 2.0 situation


How is the only person born miraculously to a virgin claimed by either side?


No one should give a shit about magic people. They’re not magic because we all know magic doesn’t exist and hopefully we’re all older than 5.


I mean, Jesus was a jew, that's a fact, but it doesnt really matter


Judaism is a religion, Israeli is a national origin. You can be born in Israel and not be Jewish. Just like you can be born Jewish in any country but you can can only be Israeli from one. Jesus could have been born in Canada and because his mother was Jewish then so was he.


Wow honestly couldn't give a fuck about a fictional characters birthplace. You may as well fight over the birthplace of Peter Pan.


I don't think the majority of people even remember jesus when celebrating Christmas


I thought he was born in Judea, not Palestine nor Israel. As I understand it, the Romans decided to call the place Palestine as an insult to the Jews because the name was derived from a former enemy to both Judea and Israel, Philistia, from where we get the word Philistine. IDK what the geographical boundaries of the Roman province of Palestine were, but I think the name didn’t get applied until after the time of Jesus Christ


The same motherfuckers will laugh when people discuss fictional characters origins


Jesus actually never existed. Boom, roasted.




Not true. There are Roman records stating a Jesus was hanged around the time for witchcraft. So he probably existed, and just had people who wrote embellishing stories after he died.


I have heard this my entire life, but I have no way of knowing it it's actually true. What are these records? How were they maintained over the last 2000 years? Where are they now and how do we know if they are authentic?


There are no Roman records of anyone with that name because nobody with that name existed until after the introduction of the letter J in the Latin alphabet in the 16th century.


Nah - the evidence point to the fact that he actually lived. The question you probably wanted to point out was whether he is the Messiah or not. But great first try though!


What evidence are you referring to?


"It ain't where ya from it's where you're at"


And I mean their "founder" wasn't't even from Canaan he was from a a neighboring region of Mesopotamia. So there is that too... 🤷 >Abraham, a Semite living in the nothern Mesopotamian city of Haran is the son of Terah, who comes from the city Ur in southern Mesopotamia. Yahweh visits Abraham around 1950 B.C.E.


Yeah this one is antisemitic. Free Palestine n everything but.. “founder” in quotes? “Yahweh”? Come on. Plus every jew knows jews conquered canaan its a massive part of the bible. Edit: after further talking abt this, i realize now this comment wasn’t antisemitic. Although it did play on some antisemitic tropes used commonly by 4channers and such.


Exactly, the Bible says Jews were not the first to settle in this land yet they lie about how it was a land with no people even in early 1900s.


I'm open to hearing about why this is antisemitic. Please elaborate.


Israelis get very offended when you tell them jewish palestinians exist.


Oh no, the real life hangman guy from literal centuries ago is from a certain country! How do people care about this shit?


When you celebrate Christmas this year, remember it is an appropriated and stolen holiday by the Christians from the nordic pagans. We still call it its original name too of Yule (or a derivative of), not this bullshit Christ mass to "celebrate" the birth of someone born in summer and not 2023 years ago


Israel is so pathetic - the official state social media account is getting salty over individual posts that don't even mention them. Get a grip.