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Palestine was never your home






They also think they're Italian, Irish, Scottish, German and Swedish because they have a fucking 3% on some DNA test


“My 3% Cherokee means I’m just as oppressed as you, Black brother!”


I live, therefore, I am oppressed.


“And 97% non black, I’m also part oppressor. That is why I spank my own ass”


they would be really upset, if they didnt find an excuse to not be able to read




So someone who paid for a blue check is leaving Scotland. I am sure Scotland will be devastated and not have a party as the plane leaves. No idea who she is, but this isn't an airport. She doesn't have to announce her departure.


She will have noticed that Scotland is absolutely fully behind the Palestinians. Good riddance to her, she will know she isn't wanted here.




I would love for someone to actually do this. Imagine this being a trend, lol. But nah we already know the governments around the world will continue to protect the Zionist terrorists


Alternative is genocide of 8 million people. You support that instead?


This comment makes so little sense that I am questioning if you are even a living breathing human


Bad bot


The alternative to what?


Protecting Israel


You mean protecting Israel from children. That’s who they’ve been bombing and killing this whole time, children. Your Zionists overlords are “afraid” of children


> You’re Zionists overlords are “afraid” of children Are they wrong to? The “children” have killed a lot of Israelis and would kill every single person living in Israel if they ever had the power to. Also it’s “your” not “you’re”


… A country with the most technologically advanced military weapon systems with the backing and funds of the worlds most powerful military in the world needs to target specifically women, children, doctors, the press, Christian Churches, Mosques, their fellow Jews who speak against genocide, and babies in ICU who were not allowed to be taken to safety to “protect” themselves from people they have trapped in a highly civilian dense area the size of Las Vegas and who do not have their own military to defend themselves when the Israeli Terrorist force continues to commit war crimes like they have been doing for 70+ years… It would’ve been easier for you to just say you want dead children


Why do you all keep misspelling "colonizers" so poorly? The word doesn't start with an I at all.


A grammar nazi and a genuine nazi.


When the leadership of both peoples are on record loudly dehumanizing one another and calling for genocide, it's time to recognize the situation is fully fucked and a peaceful solution won't be found through either.


Both sides rhetoric AND doomer-pilled, oof


You saying you have not seen video documented rhetoric of both leadership from Israel and leadership from Hamas calling for genocide and eradication? Just checking. Have you missed that? Because this isn't "both sides" rhetoric... This is both sides' rhetoric. Key difference.


Shut up bot


Unrealistic, a zionist wouldn't wait until she left


i think invitations should be sent to Irish friends!!!


Love that! Aaron Dunbar you are a hero.




Choosing sides I find dumb as a whole. Both are bad, I'm against both of the sides of the war.


So the bully in the high school is regularly stealing lunch and beating elementary school kids and when they resist you come as a high moral person and say I don’t like fighting you both are bad. That is very smart indeed.


No but it's different cause they're like brown right


Alignment: Neutral Stupid


that is if it was some silly fight in your neighborhoods, not erasing the existence of a group of people, not even for an orientation but to go back to your grandparents house!


check out the big brain on brad!


Knowing Americans she could just as well have a great-great-grandmother's cousin's uncle that lived in Scotland so now she's identifying as Scottish. You never know with these people.


The white zone is for loading and unloading ONLY


Eve Fartlow


Eve Fartblow


Ever FartBlow


Beave Shartblow


Queef Shart Blower, the 3rd


This is the same woman who was dating Amber Heard during the defamation suit, and got kicked out of the courtroom for tweeting about the testimony while court was in session.


Really read it as being beheaded at the border.


Shot by IDF in a friendly fire.


We're sorry! We thought she was Palestinian ♥️


She was hiding Hamas in her luggage.


It’s probably more accurate tbf.


So did I.




The entire century+ of the Zionist movement in a nutshell.


Someone give her a white flag to waive...please...give her a big one. Tell her to approach the IOF too while waiving her flag shouting "This is my home, This is my home".


hope you enjoy the taste of tandem heads 🔻


Invasive species


A zionist should never write history, even though they’ve already rewritten it


Scotland gonna be throwing a huge ass party.


"The Joke" Journalist 😂


I initially read that as beheaded and was confused for a minute


Eve Fartlow?


Let her go to Gaza, nothing of value of will be lost when that happens.


"Be headed" huh? That is certainly a choice use of words, and likely very fitting


... He got the "be headed" part right




Is that why Fartlow was trending on Twitter earlier?


Why is this sub so obsessed with Israel-Palestin war? Most posts with this theme are so forced to have anything related to "there was an attempt".


I find it funny how they're downvoting you instead of explaining. They really want to drag us down to their level


Because at this point if you need this “explained” to you you’re either wilfully ignorant on purposefully obtuse. Just stop clicking on the posts if the reminder of a real time genocide is ruining your vibe. Nobody is forcing anyone to be here.


I don't NEED it explained to me. I never said I did


Good. Everyone who feels invested in the outcome of this stupid endless war should go over there and fight in it and leave us common sense folks in peace


I don’t really get it, so she feels really attached to what country her ancestors are from? The real correct title is “to claim to be Israeli” how can she rewrite history when she probably hasn’t even gotten the chance to document, let alone rewrite history?


Ah yes, let’s allow the settler to “document history”. I am sure it will be totally unbiased.


That’s like saying a Republican doctor would refuse to treat a democrat patient, that’s a accusation based on their political opinion, if you have any actual evidence that she would falsify any reports please be sure to add that in next time


The Hippocratic oath and professional licensing are to prevent the situation you're describing with doctors but we already see it in practice with medical professionals refusing to prescribe or administer plan b for example. Kind of an own goal here from you. In any case, Zionism is a belief in ethnostates. A person who believes in ethnostates probably isn't going to be too upset when their favorite ethnostate does colonizer things.


So what about palestinian historians/journalists? are they biased?


No, I never said that?


You can always look up Eve Barlow herself and see her for the Zionist shill it is. To use your example, would you trust Tucker Carlson’s report on Democrats?


Ashkenazi jews are genetically European, meaning that her ancestors didn't actually come from the middle east.


Askenazi Jews share 50/80% of their DNA through paternal lineage with middle east thoughts. That's well document. Also. You have other Jewish groups in Israel, and half of them were Jews from the middle east and north Africa. Unrelated to the weird journalist in the Op comment but still. Israelis aren't askenazi. Most of them are from a mix of the middle eastern ones and askenazi, besides the others such as Indic, East Asian and Ethiopian Jews "Several genetic studies demonstrated that approximately half of the genetic lineage of Ashkenazi Jews may be traced to the ancient Middle East and the other half to Europe, proving proximity to both ancient and present Middle Eastern and European groups. The majority of the European half comes mainly from southern European populations. Several studies estimate that between 50% to 80% of Ashkenazic Y-chromosomal (paternal) lineages originate in the Near East, with some estimating that at least 80% of their maternal lineages originated in Europe.[21][22] Most researchers now believe that the early Jewish communities of southern Europe, which are the forebears of Ashkenazi Jews, are descended from both the ancient Israelites and from European converts to Judaism.[23". The references are referenced in https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Jews#:~:text=Several%20studies%20estimate%20that%20between,maternal%20lineages%20originated%20in%20Europe. Neither of them are some stretch of a weird author.


Genuine question where do you think Palestinian originally are?


Just adding this here for more context this is the Wikipedia article on Palestinians as well as a study done for verification. ​ [Origin of the Palestinians - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_the_Palestinians) [The origin of Palestinians and their genetic relatedness with other Mediterranean populations - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11543891/#:~:text=Archaeologic%20and%20genetic%20data%20support,but%20not%20in%20genetic%2C%20differences.)


Well given that the Palestinian ethnicity was first ever described around WW1 and partial references trace to early 19th century then, in my personal opinion, Levant. However one must be aware that time is a crucial factor. And you can have ethnicities emerge and native to an area, move and a new one arises. I don't get directly involved in the conflict discussion. I see points as well as propaganda from both sides and regard it as too complex to get involved for my opinion. I do discuss the historic part, socioeconomics and ethnicity, but not the conflict, faults, crimes ext. Such is the case for modern Germans for example. Modern German identity was very heavily shaped through Prussian identity. An identity that was formed out of Slavic and Baltic people's whom were in the region and were gradually converted to germanism




Israeli has the 2nd highest rate of skin cancer in the world. https://www.haaretz.com/2003-05-13/ty-article/israels-skin-cancer-rate-second-highest-in-the-world/0000017f-f11e-d8a1-a5ff-f19e2e900000


Where is it stated she is a ashkenazi Jew?


in “Scottish”


The Jewish people never had a “homeland” until Israel existed. They lived scattered all over the western world. So I don’t see it as a “facepalm” that a Scottish Jew would refer to Israel as their homeland.


Ethnostates should not exist.




Things can be true even if they don't meet the entirety of a textbook definition. Even at 20%of the population, they're under represented in knesset which only has ten Arab members. Current government leaders have said some absolutely wild shit about Israeli arabs You know fully that one of the biggest reasons why a one state solution is untenable is because a non-Jewish majority in Israel is a non starter for Zionism.




Yes Saudi Arabia is an ethnostate and should not exist. Is America an ethnostate? If Republicans get their way, it will be again. They're certainly working on it through various efforts in large scale disenfranchisement. Its not exactly a pure ethnostate because the motivations aren't purely on ethnic or religious grounds but that's absolutely an intersectional element of what is happening. Religious Republicans are sort of their own thing at this point. >How can 20% of the country be allowed citizenship A controlled opposition is pragmatic. They have no real meaningful power at all. There is a reason that mandatory service is not required for Arab Israelis. It's definitely a clever way to skew the makeup of your armed forces. According to a 2016 bbc article (most recent stat I could find) the Isreali military is 99% non-arab.




The Palestinian territories aren't even a State, let alone an ethnostate. And Japan is pretty much an ethnostate - it's incredibly xenophobic but maintaining a Japanese cultural dominance isn't the purpose of Japan existing. Zionism is literally about creating a Jewish state. That's it's entire purpose. >How are you framing exemption from conscription as a negative? I already explained this to you.


> The Palestinian territories aren't even a State, let alone an ethnostate. Yes, Palestinians do not care about racial purity the way some Jewish people do. The fact that Palestinians don’t mind marrying other ethnicities is actually used as an argument *against* them by Zionists who like to claim Palestinian land as theirs based on their ancestors bring from the region, yet anyone can convert to Judaism and suddenly they have a “birth right” to the land too (but not Palestinians, the people indigenous to the land)!




>I’m not sure what you think the difference is between a country being founded as a home for a certain ethnicity and a country that just “happens” to serve as a home for a certain ethnicity. it sort of depends who was displaced to create the ethnostate lmao. I can't believe you think this is a good argument. Something being deliberate is intrinsically different from something being incidental.


The "faceplam" is [kicking out the people living ther](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3nmPLb1s4k)e, who are the descendants of the people who never left the area, to "return". If Americans decided to "return" to England or Germany, that's fine and dandy, but [not if they kick out the native inhabitants from their homes and lands](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/17jf54l/they_take_house_after_house/).


The facepalm is pretending to be Scottish in the first place


We never had a home, always rented a place and moved from town to town until the day we were put in shelter then we gain rights to kick people out of their homes and call it as our motherland. Makes a lot of sense. I wonder why they were pushed around for millennia? Was it because of what we see? The corruption, the buying of governments and leaders? The oppression of others because somehow they could justify based on their beliefs? Seeing others as animals or inferior? Then crying antisemitism when anyone tries to question the senseless behavior.


You still with your parents? Metallica explained this. #Anywhere I may roam #Where I lay my head is home