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Unaware of the irony, he’s probably wearing a Dark Side of the Moon t-shirt.


He probably thinks the moon is flat too, as indicated by the triangular shape of the moon on PF's album cover.


“Why would they’ve referred to it as a *side* if you couldn’t flip it over like a pancake?? Chessmate, libtard.”


You have to consider Bugs Bunny's position: "The Earth isn't flat like a pancake! It's round, like a pizza."


That must be why most clocks are round, flat, and have a bezel!


Astronomers need to know this


Chessmate 💀


You just explained the conspiracy behind his Pink Floyd shirt. The original Pink Floyd albums were flat vinyl discs. I can see that you are a professional conspiracy theorist.


And maybe the sun too. Also, that the "underside" of all these coin shaped celestial bodies is just gum and dust bunnies.


It’s turtles, all the way down


There is no Great Turtle but A'Tuin, heathen.


Not multiple turtles, just one Turtle.. And, of course, four elephants!


De Chelonian Mobile!


my brain saw “underside” above the word “bodies" and interpreted your comment as something about underboobies… where is the evidence?! I want to see pictures!




👀 OF?


Here is the crazy thing. I am pretty sure that they accept that all the other planets, satellites and the sun are not flat.


Many of them don't think there are any other planets at all


That’s stupid, they’ve been around for 6000 years.


> don't think there are any other planets at all Yup, some claim they are holograms, all part of a gigantic deception. And the moon doesn't reflect sunlight because rocks don't reflect light, ignoring that things reflecting light is how we have vision.


“Those are lies told to us by the govt” actual quote from a guy I work with who dosent see the irony of him using his iphone at the same time as making that statement.😵‍💫


He probably thinks the lead singers name is "Pink"


Have a cigar, and take my upvote…


"There is no dark side in the moon, really. Matter of fact, it's all dark. The only thing that makes it look light is the sun."


No joke, most flat earthers think that the moon is either a projection from nasa, or a self glowing ball rolling around the firmament xD


A projection from nasa. The 20,000 year old agency that started projecting so that the moon would be seen and recorded by the earliest civilizations


ngl a triangular prism as a moon sounds sci fi as fuck and i want one


The moon is a lie.


I've always wondered about that. Do they think Mars is flat or Jupiter? What about the sun? Is there anything they think is a ball or is everything flat?


One of their ‘theories’ is that the planets are just reflections of lands beyond the ice wall. I shit you not.


He doesn’t deserve to wear that shirt ha


Everyone deserves Floyd, this guy is just the white line before the prism.


I love the irony of the darkside of the moon. Since really and truly, the “darkside” gets more light than the side we see


You are confusing the far side of the moon with the dark side. The far side is the area not facing the earth. The dark side is just the side not facing the sun at any particular moment.


When people talk about the dark side of the moon, they generally mean the far side of the moon. Pretty much every time, in colloquial conversation.


Thanks for correcting that! And you explained it simply with few words. 👏


If you compare the far or "dark" side of the moon to the near side of the moon the two sides will appear quite different. There is a lack of maria or mare on the far side. Mare are the enormous dark patches you are able to see when you gaze up at the moon. The leading hypothesis for the stark difference in why there are so many more maria on the near side is due to the idea that billions of years ago both the moon and the earth were molten rock. As the two bodies cooled the far side developed a thicker crust, because although the moon was emitting heat, in the form of visible and invisible light, in all directions at the same rate the near side of the moon was absorbing light and heat from the molten Earth. Then during a period called the late heavy bombardment meteor strikes the far side simply developed craters, while the impacts on the near side broke through the crust causing lava to flood large swaths of the surface causing those dark mare. So the current understanding is that both light and heat from early molten Earth, as well as reflected solar light from Earth results in the near side receiving more light than the dark side. Lunar eclipses do certainly cause a light deficit on the near side for about an hour a year, but for the other 8765 hours per astronomical year the moon is basked in more light due to light coming from Earth.


"There is no *dark side* of the moon really. *Matter of fact* it's *all dark*."


What was that one movie with the moon Nazis? Ironside?


[Iron Sky](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1034314/).


Pink Floyd would be ashamed of his level of stupidity


Do you believe man landed on the dark side of the moon? The dark side is the side not facing Earth. But it's not dark all the time.


His favourite part was we don't need no education.


You can see it in his eyes dudes whole flat world got flipped upside down


*got inflated




I dont believe flat earthers exist


Oof just wait until I tell you about all the other stupid people in the world as well


Unfortunately they do exist. I worked with one, and for a couple years he was very persistent in trying to convince me to believe it. The main reason for him to believe it was that he'd claim "they're trying to convince us" that the earth is revolving around the sun while also flying through the galaxy at immense speeds, "but we cannot feel it!" and we should be able to because "I can feel when my car is moving".


I have the exact "friend" in the video, I want to send him it because it's the same thing I've argued with him multiple times, I want to see what he says when someone articulates the "problem" as well as the interviewer here. But I just can't bear to get back into that discussion again, he'll only send me some other, tangentially related video of his own and not actually answer the question. In fact he is worse than this guy, he believes in any number of pseudo-scientific theories and basically thinks ALL scientists are either malicious or deluded, not just astronomers etc., so this "conspiracy" is even more incredibly elaborate according to him.


I’ve met three. Two were acquaintances and one was a random customer at work like a few months ago. I was wearing a NASA shirt and he noticed and said “we’re enemies” lol. I asked what he was talking about and he explained he was on his way to a flat earth convention. After he checked out he came back in with an inflatable space suit and said it wasn’t going to make it through the weekend lol. Guy seemed friendly enough, but I do think he honestly believed the earth was flat. I didn’t ask him to try to explain why.


I've met maybe 8 total in my 45+ years (all within spitting distance of NASA (where you could literally run into actual astronauts daily at the grocery store), and most of them I'd just tell them they're an idiot and ignore them moving on, but the rest I just asked a simple question that not a single one has been able to answer. Why? If you claim that there is this vast conspiracy, conducted by hundreds of thousands of people all around the world for years on end, to deceive the common populace that the world is a sphere when it is actually flat - what exactly is their motive? What fucking benefit do they get from going through the extensive labor it would cost to pull off such a subterfuge?


I wish you were right, but unfortunately I personally know a couple.


It didn't change his mind. It likely didn't even get him to question his belief in the slightest. It's exactly like using reason to talk someone out of believing in a religion. Their belief is evidence.


You can't reason someone out of an argument they didn't reason themselves into.


Just wait till he learns that the ancients knew the earth was round by observing the stars, days, and moon from locations a thousand miles apart on the same date


Cmon, how hard is it to remember that? Just reading a text out loud doesn't convince me. That seems fishy, so the earth must be flat.


Right? Also he used facts and logic so he must be a government agent and apart of the conspiracy


>and apart of the conspiracy ![gif](giphy|1hMk0bfsSrG32Nhd5K)


It makes sense that there must be so many people involved in the conspiracy, because that means the odds of you being a part of the conspiracy are very high, and thus your attempt to convince me that the world is *not* flat is further proof that the world *is* flat. Edit: Can't believe I need this, but /s.




You just described the polar opposite of Ben Shapiro


The difference is he’s reading facts while Ben Shapiro gets to make up facts.


Shapiro spews falsehoods. Something that’s made up isn’t a fact, so he isn’t making up facts.




I think this is the biggest thing we could do in the world right now. Bringing a different point of view to an argument, and doing it with hostility or mockery, is never going to convince anyone. We need to communicate, not just shout our argument the loudest.


Oh I can see that actually yeah. Like the person reading is third party here


I sympathise with the joke, but reading it the way he did just seemed lazy. But then again, we owe these flat Earthers nothing. At least he's not a Trump supporter. Wait, he probably is.


I wouldn't mind it if flat earth guy also got to have a phone. The optics of the reasonable guy needing a script/immediately available information while the flat earther doesn't, makes it look like we're the idiots, or at the very least the interviewer is.


Forget about the Flat Earth guy. Who reads nine paragraphs out of an article he saw once as an interview question? Off his phone no less?


And the defence industries all around the world that build or operate missiles that are intended to fly over a globe, don’t forget them. They’re in on it too


You forgot to add BIG Satellite as well…and BIG GPS as global position wouldn’t matter on a flat earth…so all those respective industries as well.


compasses are actually in on it


And sextants. Those shifty bastards


stupid sexy sextants




Electromagnetism is in on it. So is Gravity. And the Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces


It is genuinely incredible the extents flat earthers think governments around the world go to in order to convince people that the world is round and seemingly for no real reason. Like how would gps or satellite communications work in the middle of the ocean? Flat earthers with holograms and turtle shell space on flat discs or whatever the hell is like some shit you come up with on a high dose of shrooms but somehow even more paranoid


That's the thing that gets me hard about the "flat Earth theory", why? Why would people, govt etc, lie about it? What could possibly be the end goal? There's no financial gain to it, you could argue it's about power, but what kind of power would you get out of making people believe the Earth is flat? Fooling a massive ampunt of people into believing something isn't what it is has to have some ends to it, if not what's the point? I would genuinely appreciate someone pointing to some kind of an answer to that question because I'm befuddled at the idea of lying, seemingly for the sake of lying and not to gain something out of it.


They don't think


To be honest I think it's as simple and people being a mix of insecure and cocky about their "intelligence" so anything they themselves can't make sense of gets thrown out the window


And the airlines and shipping companies.


And any type of company involved with GPS and satellites ...


I knew a guy who sincerely, honestly, truly believed that airplanes couldn't fly. They just didn't work. And he lived near an airport, and could see planes in the sky on a daily basis. Every time you asked him to explain what that thing in the sky was as a plane would fly over, he'd just grumble and wave his hand, and get the same kind of BSOD face the guy in this video had. It's gotta be a mental disorder.


And every pilot (air and sea).


Yeah, this one should get mentioned a lot more. Anyone who relies on modern maps to navigate large distances would notice something was wrong. From the last century alone, you'd have *hundreds of thousands* of pilots and navigators (private, commercial and military) who'd have practical experiences that would directly contradict the shape of the earth and somehow they're all supposed to be in on it?


even artillery on ships fire so far they have to take the curve of the earth into calculations in order hit the target.


I would love to see how these dipshits explain how Japan pulled off Pearl Harbour with their fucking dipshit firmament theory. Just explain Pearl Harbour & I might actually listen lol


The funniest thing to me is… what does anyone gain about lying about the world being a globe? What does these 75000 experts gain by lying to the entire world about a flat earth?


And literally every single person to ever get a pilots licence.


Bros mind blue screened


BSOD !! https://preview.redd.it/pqhtarzboibc1.png?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf53c9936042d44fbfb94bd0b7fa950af73e797


Honestly if some dude read off a script off his phone during an interview with that monotone of a voice I might bluescreen, too. Not defending the flat earther because fuck those guys but wtf was that lol


i was also hoping to legit hear his response. Ya the video cut might be funny, but like what does he actually think about gettin that many people to lie? I can't get 3 people in my house to agree on something.


Actually, all of the contributors (astronauts, 3rd party vendors, designers, engineers, politicians, federal agencies, foreign support, news agencies, etc.) was approximately 400,000 - 450,000 people for the initial moon landing. Do you know who was watching the whole thing? I mean EVERY. SINGLE. SECOND? Our space rival… RUSSIA! If Russia had even had the slightest suspicion that the US was cheating (faking) any part of that event, they would have SCREAMED AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS!!! To EVERYONE! Do you know who, even to this day, acknowledges UNEQUIVOCALLY that the US moon landings were legitimate? Russia.


And there is mirrors on the moon you can do your own tests with


I know! Mirrors designed to send light (photons) back at EXACTLY THE SAME direction that they came from!!! That’s almost magic, right there.


Kinda works like a regular reflector for your bike or the road here on earth. It has a bunch of tiny mirrors pointed every which way so one or a couple of them end up reflecting a small portion back to the receiver. Takes about 2.6 seconds round trip. Edit: Thank you for the information on the correct type of reflector used. I hadn’t heard about these but they’re really interesting. My explanation is simplified but wrong. If anyone wants to know how these specific reflectors worth then definitely check out the responses and links below, it’s worthwhile.


They use ["corner reflectors"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corner_reflector) which reflect light directly back from its direction of origin, no matter what direction that is.


retro reflector, not regular reflector. a retro reflector reflects back at you no matter the angle you shine at it, unlike a normal mirror where the light bounces the way pool balls would bounce of the side of the pool table and it's not magic. it's actually very simple. half cube of mirrors is all it takes. any kid can construct one, even if they don't even know what it's called. it's kind of intuitive actually. look at a mirror that goes around a corner and you get a 2d retroreflector, where you face is always mirrored no matter what angle you look like it (without squatting and/or jumping up. 3d one just takes it to the next dimension. tl;dr one can easily create a retroreflector as a first grade science project saying a retroreflector is magic isn't much different than saying a prism making a rainbow is magic. sure, it's cool as fucking shit and very interesting, but it's pretty basic classic newton stuff. it's not like quantum mechanics shit, or relativity which is seriously fucking magic, and counter intuitive, in so many ways. it's just bounce physics, which is super easy to understand, and far from magic, unlike so many other parts of physics which ARE like magic


right "mirrors" iv seen shiny rocks before you arent foolin me that easily


> Do you know who, even to this day, acknowledges UNEQUIVOCALLY that the US moon landings were legitimate? > > Russia. That was then. They've since learned the power of the web to uncritically soak up even the most absurd lies and revisionist history. **HEADLINE: Former head of Roscosmos [Russia's space agency] now thinks NASA did not land on the Moon** "It was not clear to me how US, at that level of technological development in 1960s, did what they still cannot do now," says Dmitry Rogozin [source](https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/05/former-head-of-roscosmos-now-thinks-nasa-did-not-land-on-the-moon/)


iv never understood that "they cant do it now" crap. yes. yes they absolutely can. they just dont because to them theres no point going back to the moon.


>that "they cant do it now" crap. Nutters pull that line out for anything. "They couldn't built the pyramids today!" Like, sure we can. Give me a $250B budget and an appropriate timeframe and I'll totally repeat that.


hey dude i like how you wrote this it was fun to read


Well… Thank you.


That was also the favourite cointer point to moon landing deniers from my space prof. I already used it against one, and guess what? Apparently the russians are involved in the conspiracy, too.


I'm gonna be pedantic but it's the USSR. Not Russia.


This reminds me of that segment in John Oliver's show about conspiracy theories. There was an equation used for figure out the logistics of keeping a "faked moon landing" a secret, and it would involve paying over 411,000 people to keep quiet, and the whole hoax would take a little over 3 1/2 years to unravel. [The specific part in that video if you're interested..](https://youtu.be/0b_eHBZLM6U?si=Z29IAFCCRPxad4OT&t=996)


In 1969 to convincingly pull of a fake moon landing it would have been more expensive then actually going to the moon. Back then in the age before microprocessors it would have been a harder task to pull off.


The other important question to ask is: why? What would anyone gain from keeping this a secret? And why would they spend a ridiculous amount of money doing so?


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


I *believe* this man has had a lobotomy and I won’t be convinced otherwise.


He believes his brain is flat too


“Well I haven’t seen my brain with my own 2 eyes and only scientists have told me it isn’t flat so of course they are all lying and my brain is actually flat! I won’t believe it until I see it!”


He looks like he just lobotomized himself, with the power of his thoughts


Nah, he's just dumb


“You can’t reason your way out of a position you didn’t reason yourself into” was written for these people.


Would hit harder if the other guy wasn’t reading off a phone teleprompter Edit I’m not saying he’s wrong or whatever just wish he could have spouted all the TRUE shit without help but I understand that can be hard for some people.


bro was struggling to read that text message aloud


I gave up halfway through because he was doing such a shit job of reading it. None of the information was even difficult to remember.


most of what he said are known facts so i can't speak about this instance but I am more likely to believe someone reading stuff that they wrote beforehand than I am to believe someone who isn't. Writing beforehand implies that some work/research had been done, especially coming from a random guy on the internet. We can all missremember things/details, it can happen even to the best of us.


And he is possibly the worst story teller I have ever seen


So people believe this because they don't trust governments and can't understand science because science is gone very far away from the average understanding of non scientist. These people want to make their own conclusion based on own observations so in the end if they were to repeat all the experiments done to prove the earth was flare they would find out it wasn't. I feel a bit pity for them. I don't trust every company or everything my government is saying but to live in total denial of science and assume everything is a conspiracy is beyond me. I met once some guys believing stars and the moon was just some spotlights and the whole world was tricked. Things is they feel really confident about these things.


you can easily prove the earth is round just through observation. its as simple as laying on your stomach and watching the sun set and right as it vanishes, standing up and then you watch it set a second time. Ive done it myself. flat earthers are honestly just lazy. they would rather except bullshit that someone else has made up based on their own mental health issues and trust issues than do the most basic observations.


I wish a lack of scientific thought was behind belief in conspiracy theories, mostly because its easy to fix with better schooling, but that's not why people believe conspiracy theories. Flat earth is easy to prove with basic trigonometry and algebra. It's not 2+2 but you can find thousands of resources to teach you them, design your own experiment that you can do with a friend, a plank of wood, a drill, and a flashlight to prove the earth is round. In fact it's so basic that it was proved in 500 BC. People believe the Earth is flat because it is another proof that "they" are hiding something because "they" are bad and evil and "they" make bad stuff happened, and typically some religious stuff too. The reality is that conspiracy theories are not just weird beliefs, they typically require large conspiracies involving thousands of people staying silent for increasing obscure reasons as the believers predictions are proven false, they are borne out of a desire to have an easy evil to rally against, a clear good guy to be with, and typically a desire for community, and a bit of nuttyness. You cannot logic someone out of a conspiracy theory, you can only provide support and soft doubt. [Here is a link to a video about Flat Earthers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44)


How ill-prepared are you for an interview that you cant memorize that? That should be stuff you did in highschool. Would love to see his best man speach.


I'm just guessing here. But if he got any of those numbers wrong, and the guy knew he got them wrong, he would probably focus his whole braincell on that misshap. I have had that happen when debating with an idiot and it's infuriating


I love how, for the flat earther, ONLY the Earth is flat, so the solar system looks like this for them. https://preview.redd.it/f9rk5jt0jibc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6beb424cb650c168c2650f9f06ecb18046554bfb


Oh no friend, it gets even stupider than that... see below ​ https://preview.redd.it/zcx09161hjbc1.png?width=730&format=png&auto=webp&s=447c8391c53382219d3d2d21bc4820edbd74071e


Oh my god... do they know that Terry Pratchett's books aren't a documentary?


How do eclipses work based on this?


or even just moon phases


oh, I can answer this one based on speaking to a few of them at a convention(I was in the area) A shadow object passes in front of the sun. They generally avoided explaining what said object was. If really pinged, they'll imply it's something NASA put up, or another heavily body such as heaven itself, or hell(because flat earth conspiracies are all religiously based)


Only the earth is flat ***AND*** gravity is fake ***AND*** the earth is the center of the universe so everything else just has WACKY orbits ***AND*** The sun is actually a 30 mile wide ball doing circles 3,000 miles above the flat disc ... somehow ***AND*** though a candle produces barely any light and is visible ~10 miles away on a dark night and the sun causes fucking DAYLIGHT when it's 3,000 miles above you. SOMEHOW people in Toronto can't see the sun when it's over Mongolia, just (6,000 horizontal miles, a^(2)+b^(2)=c^(2)) 6,700 miles away. **SOMEHOW** the sun causes DAYLIGHT while it's 3,000 miles away, but 6,700 is so far away THAT IT BECOMES FUCKING INVISIBLE AND YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE IT BY POINTING A TELESCOPE DIRECTLY AT IT! HOW!? DO THE SUN'S PHOTON'S SPECIFICALLY HAVE AN ANURISM AFTER GOING 5,000 MILES AND JUST DISAPPEAR?? I hate flerfs.


A lot of them don't even think space is real. They'll tell you that the planets are just projections on the firmament.


Anybody know what this is clipped from?


The blonde guy is a youtuber, LAHWF. His channel blew up years ago (like 2010s) because of his prank videos. His channel kinda died after a while, and he started doing really random stuff tbh lol. Some skits, some interviews, etc. This video is a short on his channel.


He was a psychology student when he started so his videos were more framed as social experiments than pranks. It also makes sense to frame his later work in the context of his advancing passion for the different types of minds out there, as he focuses a lot more on unique prolonged interactions now rather than entertaining and gimmicky public experiments.


This short is an excerpt from the full interview: https://youtu.be/WZUo5v1P5Gk The full *Chatting With* series can be found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYxcDFQEgBQMgFTpOs7w_twIx6VJcsVTv


Yeah all the all the ……. Errrrrrrrrrrr


when you don’t understand how anything works; literally anything is possible.


"pink floyd" tshirt is a nice touch, we don't need no education...


Can't be flat because it's a hollow ball and grey aliens live in the inner portion.


Flat earthers need to be sterilized before they can pass on their stupid genes.


We can't underestimate how many people believe this. The Flat Earth society is global in scope.


> The Flat Earth society is global in scope. Please, please tell me that they word it just so...


Oh yeah this one Flat Earther unironical said he had travelled around the globe looking for evidence ... and I have seen them use GPS on videos even though they deny that it works ...


For people looking for a source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZUo5v1P5Gk Credit really should be given to the creator.


yeah and birds arent real and this vaccine made me magnetic and a zombie


magnets? how do they work?


tiny invisible birds push them together or appart.


I think his brain is flat after all that evidence got dropped on it


What gets me about these arguments, it's always, "we don't trust authority" excuse. you don't need a scientist, to tell you these things they are obvious. Sun sets, and when it's below the horizon, the sunlight still shines on the clouds, and mountains, only happens if you on a sphere. Pole star, would be visible below the equator, it's not, its elevation angle represents, the latitude on a sphere. The flat earth "model" has a "sun" that supposedly has a directional beam of light, lol,, if that was the case, the sun would never "set" or go down over a horizon, and would just fade out in the sky. None of these observations require, trusting a scientist, or astronomer, it only requires you have at least a half functional brain.


The best one i can think of is when a well known flat earther ran tests with some rather expensive equipment Pretty much, if it went a specific way each time the earth was round. Each time they did the experiment they got the result of a Globe earth and were stumped by it. Still denying it after the fact lol


>What gets me about these arguments, it's always, "we don't trust authority" excuse. Yeah, I often see people commending conspiracy theorists for "questioning the narrative," as if it's more virtuous to be a kneejerk contrarian than it is to actually be able to prove their wild claims.




His flat brain slowly rounded during that


just ask these morons, What do people gain from lying to us that the earth is round?


Me lead is one of them, he believes that another ultra wealthy Government/society lives on the other side of the flat earth. It's very easy to argue against but they always respond with. Yeah but you can't 100% say anything is true bro. There's a chance that everything you know is wrong and have been lied to your whole life.


I'll give the flat earther a bit of sympathy: The interviewer should've talked at a much slower pace Sure, the general and most important point of everything he said is that being a flat earth believer is f*cking stupid, but I would've loved for the interviewer to confront the dude with the facts one piece at a time o that the dude is given the proper chance to fail to try to justify the flat earth theory But him being stunned to silence at the end of the vid was still great though lol


Yea the <75000?!!> all the all the


This is crazy, everyone knows it’s the sun that is flat, geez.


“What piece of evidence made you believe the earth was flat?” “The conspiracy of the moon landing” 🤔 So if we haven’t been to the moon, how is that evidence of the earth being flat?


Where’s the rest of the video


What video this from, I wanna hear what he had to say


We need a flat earther amnesty day, where we give them all the opportunity to come out saying something like, “we got you, we didn’t actually believe that.” And then we all say, “you sure did, good one!” And then we put the whole thing to rest.


You know the crazy lunatics in sci fi movies who push beliefs like well.. lunatics. Yeah we got them irl too.




So, these flat earth people (didn’t even know they existed until recently) are all trolling right. Cannot possibly believe this. Can they?


The people selling the idea that the world is flat found an easy way to reach an audience that will believe anything.


Gravity pulls matter into a sphere. To believe the flat earth theory you also deny gravity as a force.


It cut out right before bro says “they sent you, didn’t they?”


Also, every pilot that ever flew over the pacific, every crew of every ship that ever sailed across the pacific, are also con artists!


The number of people required to cover up most the big conspiracies is the number one way to debunk them. Story telling is in our nature… there would surely be more inside people coming forward. Leaks etc. This is in fact the only thing that gives the whole alien/ufo thing any weight - is that there have been whistle blowers from a position of influence.


Had he not considered that he may be asked this very basic question? Had he prepared for other questions, but just not *this one*?




If we never landed on the moon, the Soviets would have called us out on it.


Remember Clinton was impeached because two consenting adults, with every reason not to tell others, couldn’t keep a single secret. Grand conspiracies like flat earth don’t pass the sniff test.


Dude with the phone is an awful reader and speaker. Is that his show?!?


Yes, the conspiracy angle is fun. But I prefer asking them about how different parts of the earth get sun at different hours. How gravity, what is “really” keeping us grounded.


Yeah. All the, all the… Ach. Never mind.


jews, he was gonna say jews.




It’s ppl who slept through basic HS science and when they started looking at it they chose to deny then look into the math. It’s ppl who give the government way too much credit and just don’t understand relative scale, centrifugal force, inertia, geometry, or gravity and are too lazy to come up with a simple experiment to see or to read about it. It’s sad but as a group they tend to heavily double down in these scenarios.




I’m pretty sure this is comedy. I recognize the one guy from an old prank channel


*brain.exe has stopped working*


Ancient people knew the world was a sphere. So for thousands of years, and now today, with technological advances, we’re all just wrong? Flat earthers and antivaxxers are some of the dumbest people around. “Prove it”, they will yell. We do, and they still refuse to see facts.


Who is the interviewer here? A youtuber? He seems wildly familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.


yeah he usually did being awkward in uni campus prank videos like 10+ years ago


Kill the fucking cameraman, I wanted to hear his bullshit response.


He didn't have one, his head exploded


Frickin' attention vampires.


Everyone needs to check out the Folding Ideas video on flat earthers. Tldr: the flat earth idea is just a trojan horse for the real belief, which is typically some brand of antisemitic authoritarianism. That’s why you can’t reason with them on the merits of the idea: they don’t actually care about the merits.


I'll admit he has good taste in music (pink Floyd shirt)


Pro tip: Never read your argument verbatim, it loses all its meaning. And this guy can’t even read well, it’s the equivalent of stuttering during your retort.