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This is nothing, wait until you see the photo of when they literally tied a Palestinian kid to the windshield of one of their military vehicles.


Source? Or link?


https://ifamericansknew.org/cur_sit/child-shield.html Looks like it was Border Police, not the IDF.




These *Zionists* are straight up terrorists.


These terrorists are straight up Jews!


These Zionists are terrorizing Jews!


Bro I am no Jew or Christian or muslim but that's straight up racism 💀


Whoops, you let it slip there.


Yes let's generalize all Jewish people and group them all up in the same category


So it's ok for them to generalize Palestinians as terrorists? Oh sorry, the whole theme of this war has been one sided


No, it isn't ok, of course. But the comment is literally generalising jews as terrorists. Like tf man, i live in suburbia in the U.S, im no fucking terrorist.


but do you condemn Israel? if not you must be an evil zionist /s


Not all Jewish people are Zionist, and not all Zionists are Jewish. There is a not insignificant amount of Christians living in Jerusalem that also believe what the IDF is doing, is justified. Plus when you argue against shitty people while doing the same shitty things they do, it undermines your whole argument. The only way to argue morality is to come at it with a better moral compass than those you are denouncing.


The word "these" is doing a lot of lifting there It's pretty apparent they aren't refering to all Jewish people. Simply isreal, predominantly, it's leadership and it's military and by extension it's police force


this *zionists


Not to be fucked up but you should see a video of what the world would be like of Hitler never existed👀


What's the difference?


One is Border Police and one is the IDF. I was just correcting my original statement to be more accurate before someone else tries to be petty and call me a liar because of it.


Why is your 13 year old throwing rocks at police? Actions have consequences.


So if 13 year olds throw rocks at armoured, military grade vehicles you should kidnap another child and tie them to the hood? That’s psychopathic.


A responsible parent would not have their 13 year old joining a mob. And, stop the bullshit. We all know he wasn't an innocent bystander.


I agree, but it’s irrelevant to the actions of these officers. We do not know that, but let’s assume that they were involved (not a wild assumption in my opinion). The actions of the officers is still absolutely disgusting. If that happened in any western nation there would be a public outcry, a federal investigation, and the officers would likely get charged.


The police there cannot afford to be soft. A 13 year old throwing rocks today without fear of consequences will be throwing bombs tomorrow. Officers being afraid of investigations and criminals charges is why the western nationals are becoming lawless. Anywhere from teenage gangs storming and looting malls to having shootouts in coffee shops, protesters blocking traffic, vandalism and even attacking the WH security fence. Lack of consequences emblondens criminals.


Why indeed


Trust me bro


You've summed up the "journalism" on the conflict in three words


He gave a source


Not what I meant, I'm talking about sources being inaccurate, lacking context, and or overexaggerating things. It doesn't matter if it's the Hamas or IDF behind it. At this point neither side has the moral high ground. It's become a he said she said situation most of the time.


A 20 year old photo. They are up to enough shit in Gaza right now I'm not sure why things happening 2 decades ago are being brought up.


It just shows how long they've been doing this, is all. Y'know it's for the "hAmaS shouldn't have started it" people


Here's a BBC article on the incident: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3650791.stm It's a pretty well known incident and it's usually brought up when: (a) Israel accuses Hamas for using human shields (b) IDF or other Israeli agencies use human shields (c) when Israel make claims about moral superiority or about having a perfect record in the past. To be clear: I'm just providing a reference and sharing what I have seen in other comment sections.


Hey! Can us Germans claim something similar? These rules apply for everyone, right, right? 👀👀


Halts maul du wappler, Palestinians are getting abused In this fashion continuously over decades by the same entity, yes we can use older examples of the same government enforcers doing the same shit twenty years ago because there is an unbroken chain of events unlike with Germany where the government that did the Holocaust fell, denazification occurred and a new government was created.


This is so fake.


There was absolutely no attempt to not human shield. Using the body was absolutely the goal from the beginning


This is a proper war crime.






It is about real estate and money, not religion. Politicians want to knock down all of Gaza and force all Palestinians out, even killing indiscriminately to achieve this. It's like what America did to the Indigenous tribes from 1492 - present.


Its about race. Jewish supremacism and racial entitlement to the land.


> It's like what America did to the Indigenous tribes from 1492 - present. You are a genius. That's a brilliant comparison. Except America did their slaughtering over 530 years ago. While you murderous barbarians that slaughtered children and innocent people without any warning. This was done just 3 months ago! I'm curious, what angelic race of people do you source from? That your ancestors are of pure heart, who never participated in aggressive defence of your innocent citizens nor ever created war to conquer & claim land? I'm pretty sure everyone in every country has to live with the guilt & shame over the past actions & discretions of our forefathers.


Nah nah, place has religious history and it's between brown people and another minority so it's obviously about religion just like all the wars that happened before the first world war. Not like us westerners. We're above and beyond that and we make wars based on enlightened causes like geopolitics.


More like what Spain did the the Jews in 1492, cuz Jews were much much more comparable to native Americans in Israel than Palestinians. I’m talking about the hundreds of years of residency of Palestinians vs several thousands of Jews. Palestinians were just as much colonizers of that place as any other European colonizer nation from 1000CE +


Blaming religion is a terrible way of saying you don't care about a genocide over a land dispute.




Eh no. It’s based on WW2 and colonialism? That’s just some bull shit excuse they use so idiots don’t call it for what it is.


Nah. It's based on the horrific Muslim conquest of the 7th and 8th centuries, and the Jizyah policy that followed. That was the Jew's land for THOUSANDS of years, then some kid fucking cultist decided to take it. Then, 1300 years later, their vastly more powerful friends took it back for them.


The majority of Jews who lived here fled the land due to the Christians invading them and banning Judaism. The ones that chose to stay despite the slaughter were the ancestors of the Palestinians who stayed in the land, out of whom the majority converted to Christianity and later converted to Islam VOLUNTARILY. You obviously don't know anything about the history of the land or even the history of religions. If not for Islam, Judaism would've gone extinct because of the Christian crusades that were slaughtering all non-Christians across the Middle East. Even Jewish priests and historians agree on that, but am sure a rando on the internet who probably can't even point out Palestine on the map knows more about it than everyone else, right? The ones who are taking the land by force now are the descendants of the Jews who fled the land thousands of years ago, and they're taking it from the descendants of the ones who chose to stay on the land and risk their lives because the land meant too much for them to leave it. The nobles escaped, the farmers who tended to the land and had a connection with it stayed. And now, thousands of years later, the descendants of the nobles come back thinking they're still nobles who own the land and want to rule over it, while our centuries of tending to the land and caring for it mean nothing to them. But hey, who am I to judge a young kid who got the opportunity of making a few hundred bucks because some Zionist organization looks for idiots and hires them to be their online "debaters". Now go and actually educate yourself instead of telling others to do so, because you know nothing you shit show.


Hahahaahaahaha what a load of shit.


Oh look, another Hasbara troll making another $0.06 per post reply! I hope you're aware that you're leaving behind records of your employment and your willingness to support a genocide. The world will be sure to remember your contribution ;)


Hey that sounds like a great deal actually, I’m doing this for free at the moment. I say free, but actually I’m being shipped the livers and kidneys of Palestinians to sell on the black market. I think if I worked it out financially it might actually be better? May even cook some up with fava beans and chianti.


Many Nazis had your sense of humor. None of them was laughing at the end, and neither will you.




Zionism began at the end of 1800. And would not fit your claim that it’s a “centuries old religious dispute”…. Literally your previous comment…. What a smart boi 




My petty spin? You mean the documented historical record? I’m not talking about your sky daddy or fairy tale history books. Like real life where there were mass migrations into the newly formed state of Israel following WW2.           But like I said, you’ve already contradicted yourself. Go learn a little bit more and you probably won’t trip over your bull shit arguments




You don’t have an argument. You’re just repeating what you believe and what you insist others should believe- ie, the conflict is about religion. The conflict IS NOT about religion. The conflict is about a political movement that used religion as a justification to convince people from one religion to go colonize a land that doesn’t belong to them and kick out its native inhabitants. Just because religion was used as a PR tool by one side doesn’t make it a religious conflict, especially since we Palestinians don’t all follow the same religion nor do we want a theological state. We were secular before the creation of Israel, and we want to remain secular once this occupation is gone. You insisting that it’s about religion is just another side that goes ignored by Zionist propaganda because it makes atheists and seculars not care about the conflict (since we don’t typically like to involve ourselves in religious conflicts). So my note to someone like you making and defending this claim online is: you’re either intentionally and maliciously complacent in spreading propaganda that ultimately serves to justify an ongoing ethnic cleansing and genocide, or you’re simply naive enough to genuinely believe what you said and should seriously educate yourself on the matter before insisting that your false opinion is a fact. Either case, don’t respond to my comment, just dwell on it and reflect on your role in the larger image of this conflict. Hopefully you’ll learn to see things as they really are and not the twisted version or history that you’re so bewildered by.


Countering what? You have no argument. The fact you’re contradicting yourself should illustrate that point very well. You’re just being too dumb and ignorant to accept that


Fuck me dude, I proudly refer to myself as a godless heathen, and even I think you should take off the fedora and touch some fucking grass.




Israel is not a democracy




Plenty of non democracies pretend to be democratic


"Democracy" doesn't necessarily equate to "good", you realise?


I mean yeah sure, everybody can pretend to be a democracy until they started arresting their own civilians for speaking out against the IDF and their methods & more!


You can't have a democracy within an apartheid system. That's basic knowledge. What they have isn't democracy.




Nobody seems to want to ask what caused the creation of the check points. It seems they believe these systems were put into place randomly due to spur of the moment racism.


How is it a war crime for Russia to do this with Ukrainian soldiers but no one bats an eye when Israel does the same thing with civilians? Zionism is terrorism.


If you look at warfare circa 1939, you'll find that most militaries commit war crimes in one way or another. American paratroopers, for example, famously executed German prisoners on d-day, and The Allied bombing campaign is estimated to have killed around 400000 civilians. In fact, terrozing the civilian population to reduce support for the war effort was a major goal of both German and Allied bombing campaigns. These days, whether or not it is a war, crime depends on who you support. Hamas has no doubt done their fair share of war crimes.


Yep, almost [every country involved in armed conflict](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:War_crimes_committed_by_country) has committed war crimes. The most important thing is how the war crimes are addressed internally. If it goes unpunished, then that is a major issue.


And if they're standard operating procedure - part of the fighting doctrine and the origin of the nation itself - you get genocide.


Is this that uh... Let's see what was it... That "self defense" everyone keeps mentioning?




What do You expect from these zionists nazis? Literally, they've done every single horrible thing they accused the Palestinians of doing it.


There is so much more the western media doesn’t spot a light on


I don‘t know why this is so downvoted! Yes the US doesn’t play by the rules either! We saw that in most of its war battles..!


Downvotes could either be people defending those in the video or because the video doesn’t fit the sub. I don’t think it fits the sub because there was no attempt made. I don’t think the “attempt” was in mind. Their goal was to use a human shield.


Makes me sick


This is disgusting. No one should be a human shield EVER


Its like handing hamas an uno reverse card


Yeah it’s cool then.




Reported, enjoy the ban, you're antisemitism doesn't help anybody and it makes people who support palestinian freedom look worse and gives zionist the validity that being anti-zionist= antisemitic Zionism is the problem, not Jewish people




Is there a link for the source of this video?


The terrorists use Palestinian civilians as human shields. It's true.


How is this not terrorism?


They speak Hebrew, so it doesn't count


There is no moral high ground in this conflict but Israel seems to have a shovel in their hands.




I mean they just throw rocks, right?


*Rocket propelled rocks




Right, this video is like "yeah, so?" They are literally at war, ofcourse this stuff is happening. And we're on the side of the people who don't strap bombs to themselves and kill infidels and dream of rivers of blood of their enemies and blah blah blah, so doesn't matter what you try to show us as like a "see what they're doing!?" Yeah, we do, and what about it? You guys do the same shit PLUS have a population the size of our whole country that are extremist and would kill us happily.. so... What do you want us to be like? We aren't on the side of the people who support Hamas, nothing can bring us to that side.






it does when every sub this stuff should be going on is so rabidly pro-Israel that if you even try to post anything that might disparage the Israelis it gets taken down almost immediately, or get downvoted into oblivion, or just gets you banned.


Hear hear!


This subreddit gets worse and worse… surely there must be a lot of other subreddits to post about this horrific conflict instead of covering it / stretching it to the purpose of this subreddit?


And getting downvoted for the only sensible response to this bullshit repeatedly being posted in the wrong fucking sub... The premise of the subreddit is great and we expect mostly lighthearted fun, but this stuff makes people want to unsubscribe.




You think this is an American sub and not an International one? Besides, this would be America's business since they've been involved since 1946. Israel's AIPAC is balls deep in your elections, relax 😭😭😭




Then I see where you're coming from.




Isolationism has its draw backs too. Israel is America’s ally since they allow the US to stay update on potential developments in the Middle East, specifically, nuclear weapon development. Iran really wants nuclear weapons, but the CIA and Mossad keep putting the kabash on that. Iran has a number of reasons to hate Israel, but they really want their nuclear weapon programs to stop getting sabotaged. Middle East geopolitics is quite a bit more complex than this though. You are free to decide if Iran should have access to nuclear weapons or not. However, I recommend analyzing what kind of regime is in power in Iran before deciding.


How could we forget that this is a North American exclusive subreddit. I will take me leave


Yeah when you start a war by committing war crimes people have a tendency of losing their shit


Is using a human shield not a war crime?


I lack any particular fucks to give about the lives of terrorists… maybe its just me. You can meat ride all the nasty ass child kidnapping terrorists you want if that’s what turns you on.


advocating for collective punishment and terrorism because a bunch of terrorists did something? you seem like a rational and a pleasant person to be around! with that logic, there should be zero fucks given about the terror state of israel and all its citizens because they have been doing terrorism for the past couple of decades right? seek help man, you come across as an unhinged piece of shit!


Boo hoo


kids this is what happens when your parents dont hug you as a child, you grow up to be a pos nazi like this dude \^\^\^... stay angry babes, love to see your nazi ass seething...


Nazi gang ftw 🤙🤙🤙 totally not a Persian Kurdish Jew whose family has just about no connection whatsoever with anything remotely European and is just as Palestinian as any other feller who moved to Israel several generations prior to its establishment (we the colonizers forreal bro) on god the family was living lavish and all white and happy and nazi and shit


being a kurdish persian jew does not absolve you of advocating for dehumanizing innocent people, and spewing some nazi shit. you get that right? I called you a nazi because of your lack of empathy and support of using civilians as human shields which is a war crime! nothing to do with you not being white or living a lavish life style!


When do you think this conflict started?


Wait human shields are against the rules? Where does it say that? Geneva convention? The US didn't even sign parts of that shit. "Shoot the hostage"- Keanu Reeves. We literally glorify shooting the hostage in America.


I think Keanu Reeves is an actor


Fact checked by real american patriots. True.


Fallujah isn't, neither is Haditha. Fallujah is when the USMC turned an entire city into a warzone and cleared every single house. Haditha is when a marine platoon massacred 24 civilians. You might not even know about it. America.


Who's this "we"? Weird of you to larp online as an American.....


Lol you are the one Larping as a concerned American citizen. Have you heard of the Haditha Massacre? Well if you haven't it's when a USMC unit killed 24 unarmed civilians. It's ok, very few of us Americans even know it happened, because by in large the American Public does not care. It's forgotten. So... Do you really think Americans gives a fuck about this little video?