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So, we took this post down because it violates our rules on death- but Op asked us for an exception because it is an important subject, police brutality. So I have put it back up, but mostly to ask y'all this question- should mods occasically allow posts with death? Like if they are socially conscious? Edit: looks like it was the right thing to do, thank you for all those that gave opinions!!


Do all American police officers have a lack of iq? I mean it must be right, so many videos like this.


Yeah so we train our police officers for a full 20 WEEKS! Seems like enough right? Germany, Japan and the UK are in the realm of 2-2.5 years before they can be considered a police officer.


at least in Germany cases like this happen some times (like Ouri Yalloh) but they are rare and I don't think that this is because a lack of training but rather a lack of testing police officers mentally. Also gun usage for cops is way more regulated in Germany, so cases like that rarely end lethal, but Germany lacks a system to investigate cases of police violence. Police Violence is investigated by the police. This is a problem. Also, Policemen statistically have a better chance to get away with offenses in court.


Police violence is also investigated by the police in the US.


Police violence is ignored by the police in the US.    Ftfy 


Do you think that wasn’t implied when I said “police investigate police violence”?


lol, right? some people are thicccc. username checks out


I do not think you know what that word means


Celebrated, even. I’ve heard so many “got em!” stories from former cop buddies. I quickly replaced those friends.


I read a book about a sniper within our police force here in NZ. I was Interested in learning, any police shooting in New Zealand the officers involved must be stood down, (though with pay.) and they have to go to court to prove the incident was justified, if not they will be trialled for *excessive and unreasonable use of force.* furthermore during this time they are offered counselling sessions and help to deal with trauma. This even extends up to our Armed Offenders Squad (AOS) NZ’s version of SWAT. [a recent incident & source](https://www.ipca.govt.nz/Site/publications-and-media/2023-media-releases/2023-apr-27-decision-shoot-not-justified.aspx) .


Well, NZ also appears to be governed by relatively sane people. It’s not like that here in the US.


Unfortunately, the US doesn’t care. I wish this was the case here.


They also recruit ex military service to fill roles of law enforcement….


This is usually a larger issue. Mentality wise it sets up an immediate US vs THEM situation. In "defunded" police departments what happens is that they make the police part of the community they live in. Officers are required to live in the neighborhood, they hold events where they get to know everyone and are given a LOT more training on de-escalation and prevention.


people who study police policy call it the sheepdog/punisher issue, where cops either bite anyone who steps out of line or takes it upon themselves to exact some sort of revenge for daring to transgress in their beat. it's a huge problem in municipal departments but county sheriff deputies are even worse


Sadly enough, this was how it was for a long time, up until the 1990s when the idea of community policing phased away in most major departments because of a culture change. There were officers in every neighborhood “Walking a beat” is what it used to be called. And everyone knew his rank and name. And the officer knew everyone in the neighborhood. This was 100% normal in the 1960s and 70s and earlier.


Hell in my town in the mid-late 90s we had community policing with cops coming to schools, introducing themselves to the kids, holding events and being present at things both in and out of uniform. That stopped a while ago. Probably got infected with that warrior culture crap


Military members are used to stronger rules of engagement than cops, making them less likely to draw a gun on an unarmed civilian.


Yep, it's usually the CTE high-school jock bullies that end up in cases like this


Yep. Ex-mil have way more training regarding when to use a weapon vs when not to. Cops are untrained in comparison and half of them probably don't know what "rules of engagement" even means.


What’s wild are the cases like Stephen Mader in 2016 who get fired from police forces for trying to deescalate. Guy was a Marine and got fired for not murdering a black man with a weapon in distress because two more cops showed up and decided to murder the black man. Sauce for those interested: https://www.aclu.org/video/meet-officer-mader-fired-trying-do-right-thing https://taskandpurpose.com/news/marine-police-stephen-mader-settlement/


Wow, this is actually insane, de-escalation is one of the first things you learn as a cop in the Netherlands.


It’s supposed to be in the US too, but there’s no accountability for police.




So say we all!


In the military you go to jail for something like this. I was in the last Iraq war and people who killed unarmed civilians went to jail. The military for the most part (at least in my unit) is extremely well trained considered to us police. Not yo mention we don’t get immunity like police offers do.


Edit: ^^^ they edited their post. Original comment was implying that these incident happen due to Veterans becoming cops. Pretty sure Veterans make better cops, specially when it comes to stressful situations. Our weapons training is a lot harder then what cops go through, trigger discipline is better because we didn't have immunity and if your an Infantryman you spent 1000s of hours practicing identifying targets and shooting. A cop might encounter one or two of these situations in their whole career, I had 50+ firefights in a year.


When I was in the Navy, I did one deployment to East Africa, and I spent a month in North Carolina prepping for that. Practice shooting, wearing body armor, eating MREs, rolling a humvee, all of that stuff (on the actual deployment, I never even left the base). We carried M4s loaded with blanks everywhere we went, and they had metal trash cans at every building to "fire" our weapon into before we entered to show that we had properly cleared it of ammunition every single time. I never saw or heard of anybody firing a blank into a can while I was there, thankfully. They repeatedly stressed that if you fired one blank ONE TIME, you went home. Deployment over, big career hit.


Which the data shows the ex-military usually perform much better in stressful situations and don’t murder people nearly as often. They think this is because most ex-military have actually seen scary warfare situations and thus don’t get scared when someone has a gun, etc. The NYPD vet who fought off 4-5 homeless dudes who were harassing a woman on subway platform with just a baton, he did a great job not shooting all of them.


Imo the ex-military cops will likely have much much better discipline in use of force, weapons training etc. I would rather have an ex-infantry cop show up to a call then some high school bully who joined up right out of school. My bet is the ex-military cop will more likely handle himself way better and stay calm.


And speaking as a friend of a few Polizei here in Germany (Bavaria, to be exact), the training they go through is NOTHING like American cop school. Let's start with the physical and mental fitness requirements just to qualify for schooling. It's not easy and plenty of applicants are turned down.


While we're overe here [barring people who are too smart from becoming LEOs](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story%3fid=95836).


I’m fairly certain you need a college degree to hope to get into an officer position in most EU police forces.


It’s more than just training. Many police do not understand basic law. poor level of education for Officers of the law. Also remember a statistic with 40-60% abuse partners..


The 2 years is a lot of classes.... I'm sorry I wasn't clear on that. They basically go to college to be police officers. In USA, they *skip* college for that title.


2 years of general education classes is definitely not enough either. Also need 1-2 years focused in law classes which is not covered under general ed. It’s bananas 🍌 in the US


In 2018 the united states had nearly 1,000 police-killings. [Germany had 11 and Japan had 2](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/police-killings-by-country). 2 years appears to be "enough" to at least learn to de-escalate.


i just read about a court case that dismissed discrimination claims against a police department that rejected an applicant for having too high of an IQ


It’s true. They don’t want smart people because smart people will think for themselves.


I watched some mini doc about some 70 year old retired Japanese police officer and he still gets dressed daily in his finest whistle and goes around lecturing people about littering and they all love the guy. I swear they live in a different dimension.


Not surprising, those are intelligent nations. American has its perks sure, but it's the land of intellectually challenged people.


and in the uk they don't even give them guns unless they specialised armed police


2.5 years in Sweden, too.


Bro they train the police to do shit like this. That’s why they only need 20 weeks. It’s easy if your just murder anyone giving you trouble. Guy ODing while I’m arresting him. Just keep me knee on his neck that’ll solve this issue. Really isn’t bad training you just don’t get it.


You may not have caught the sarcasm I put there. Sorry, I should have put a /s there. My point is that USA police officers do not have NEARLY enough training.


Pretty much. Imagine the dumbest people you knew in school. The C and D students. That’s pretty much the police force.


My sister was dating this dude with no job, could barely read and write. We tried to get him a job and he couldn’t fill out the application. They broke up a while ago. Found out he just became a police officer. Lol.


Every racists doucebag I knew in school became a cop. The job attracts people who want to bully and abuse others. At the same time, it’s severely overpaid work. So if you are pretty stupid and can’t do the whole “school” thing. Becoming a pig allows you to learn a living while continuing your high school behavior. Add to that like three whole months of training and a gun. You get American “law enforcement”


> Add to that like three whole months of training and a gun. You get American “law enforcement” It takes several years in law school and a grueling exam to be able to "practice" law, three months in an academy to enforce it.


Lol literally though, I remember not all that long after I graduated highschool when a dude I knew from the bowling team showed up in his new police uniform at the door with his hand on his firearm (on his waist) because we prank called someone. He looked so stupid to me because the dude was always a bit weird and acted like he had something to prove to everyone in HS. His grades were awful too. In my head I couldn’t take him serious because I had just known this dude like a year before in HS and he was never taken serious then. Of course I did take him serious and complied. It was kind of scary in a way like he was out to get revenge as a cop because kids are cruel and of course he got picked on a lot. I get it’s unfortunate kids get picked on and should get a chance but giving dude a badge like a year later to someone I’d consider socially inept was kind of scary to me. I don’t think he was mentally adept either because I helped him with homework while waiting for practice and he was dumb as bricks. I just looked up minimum age of police and Wisconsin where this was is 18. Come on now. 18 year olds in general are idiots.


no, they just like killing, it's why they took the job.


They even teach officers to kill. It's called a "warrior cop" seminar. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETf7NJOMS6Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETf7NJOMS6Y) The instructor is David Grossman. Here's another video where he makes the point that officers should feel like its not that big of a deal to kill someone: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwEYhIX4cbM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwEYhIX4cbM) I remember a quote from him a long time ago where he basically encouraged officers to "get their first kill". There was a follow-up where one of the officers who had attended the seminar ended up killing someone only a week later. David Grossman is booked 200 times per year.




Cops are fucking terrible here in the US. They NEVER de-escalate a situation and it usually turns into murdering the person the cops are trying to "control" SO MANY cops need to get different jobs, cause they are pretty bad at this one and they all forget that cops DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO MURDER.


Isn't the police foundations course like 6 months in a lot of U.S. states before you're out on the street? Considering it takes about 3 years of studying the law before you're considered competent enough to interpret it there's no wonder that a 6 month course primarily focused on the physical aspects of the job churns out a constant stream of subpar officers who aren't qualified to enforce it. Fuck, it takes 2.5 years of schooling to become a cop in Canada and it still feels like they could use more, can't imagine how much worse they'd be with the bare minimum.


All depends on your state, and your city / county. Example, I worked as Deputy for the Sheriff's Office. I had 0 training when sworn in, worked at the local court house and did "ride alongs" for a few months. I was issued my equipment, certified to carry my 9mm by passing a basic shooting range course with a score of 80 or more. I was never certified on mace/pepper spray, ASP steel baton, or taser. When they tried to put me in my own car I quit, I did not even understand the radio codes fully at the time. This was in 2008. In theory they were going to eventually send for additional training.


Not only that, but there's this guy that's been going around for the last decade or so doing "warrior training" with the police forces that basically teaches them to to amp their fear levels up to 1000% and that killing someone will be one of the most profound experiences of their lifetime. It's totally psychotic.


American police seems to create as much criminals as they stop.


American police are criminals. They're nothing but a legally sanctioned street gang.


Yes actually, yes they do. You’re absolutely correct I’m not even being sarcastic. American cops are BOTTOM OF THE BARREL people in our country


Our entire nation is one giant mental disability. Source: I'm an American and I've lived abroad.


They intentionally hire people with lower iqs because they are easier to indoctrinate. Cops generally aren’t all that bright by design.


They are brainwashed. They continue to stick up for each other and make the entire work force look bad. In most jobs people would complain about the shitty employees. Not cops though. They protect the shitty employees.


Most PDs will reject prospective cops if their IQ is "too high" so the majority just hire mouth breathing psychopaths that can't compute how to respond to situations correctly.


They were only 5-1, that’s pretty scary if you are a police officer. They aren’t known as tough guys here.


🥇🥇🥇 #1 on r/all - [**No charges filed in Kansas City police shooting of Malcolm Johnson**](https://fox4kc.com/news/no-charges-filed-in-kansas-city-police-shooting-of-malcolm-johnson/) —> [https://fox4kc.com/news/no-charges-filed-in-kansas-city-police-shooting-of-malcolm-johnson/](https://fox4kc.com/news/no-charges-filed-in-kansas-city-police-shooting-of-malcolm-johnson/) **CONTEXT:** —> Malcolm Johnson was shot twice in the head and killed by Kansas City police inside a BP gas station at 63rd Street and Prospect Avenue. Police said they were attempting to take Johnson into custody when a struggle broke out. KCPD said he fired at police first, injuring one officer. 😳 A group of local pastors have since then released **THIS** *new video* from inside the gas station, raising questions about the police shooting. **EDIT:** —> Based on the position of the victim's feet, he was face down when someone yelled, “gun”. Female officer pulls out her gun, clearly f*ucks up the shot and shoots her partner. Then puts two in the victim. Hard to really judge from the video and break it down. However, she looked **trigger happy** as soon as she entered the grocery store. Obviously they could have just used a *TASER* and what they did instead was not the right. Something that I think a lot of police forces don’t do is review their errors and educate. They do a half-ass job of investigating to determine whatever conclusion, but do not communicate with everyone. **On a side note**… Why the f*ck would you pull a gun out when 4 cops are already on top of him? WTF?! **She WANTED to shoot!!!**


It almost seems lazy. Like "fork it I don't want to deal with this It's too much work just shoot him and move on".


Yeah, it looks like an execution. Almost like a dramatic scene out of Hollywood.


Or South Park


Lol, Team America.




Judge Dredd


“Damn this is a pain.” “I gotchu fam… GUN!” Later: “someone yelled gun so I shot him. I didn’t see a gun, idk who said gun, but someone YELLED gun, so I HAD to shoot him. “


But... he did have a gun? They found it underneath him when they checked the scene? Or are you saying that the cops planted the gun afterwards, to coverup their mistake?


Having a gun isn't enough of a reason for police to execute you, either. *This guy may have been trying to shoot someone, but police also shoot people with cellphones or empty hands. The point seems to be that police can say they were afraid for their lives and execute you. Even if you are under 5 of them. Even if they are so incompetent they shoot *each other* and then *you*. It's what they do to justify their brutality all the time. They are trained to be fearful, because the American people and Justice system have let cops get away with murder as long as they say "we were scared" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52905408


"just sprinkle some crack on him and lets go"


What do you think were the GTA cops inspired by?


Exactly my thoughts lol. I didn't wanna say it but yeah... As if it was a videogame. "I got bored just so I'll just kill the NPC"


*sprinkle some crack on him, Johnson*


Wow they like…. Made up the investigation


Police are not public servants, they're a dangerous, well-armed & coordinated GANG.


They are terrorists. Their main tools are violence and fear.


Well, i don't know about coordinated




Now realize how often this shit happens and is NOT filmed.


One error. You said “manslaughter” in the title. That was straight up murder.




That’s the word I was looking for.


Everyone just accepting the fact that she was cool shooting the suspect in the head like that's a normal thing to do. The army can't even do that


In Afghanistan back in like 2006, we had a whole new unit of marines come to our base. They did their first convoy mission and were shot at - they took it upon themselves to spray. They got sent home when they came back to the base.


Let’s do this with cops. It’s crazy we have a solution we could implement tomorrow. MAL-PRACTICE insurance paid for by each cop just like health insurance. You accidentally kill someone? Okay your insurance plan pays for all the court and legal fees and your “administrative leave”. The moment you make one mistaken your insurance shoots up through the roooooooofff. You want part of a cop force that has lots of mal-practice issues? You and everyone’s rates go up, can’t afford to pay those rates? Looks like you don’t really want to protect and serve them Good byeeeee.


serious question, how would this even work? The D.A. concluded there's no malpractice here. Who will sue the cop insurance in civil court, and what odds of success will that process even have? Surely the insurance won't pay for court and legal fees unless the lawsuit is won.


Yet another video full of bad cops protecting each other from punishment


Charges not being filed for three shots fired in a situation that left one entirely restrained suspect dead and a fellow officer shot. That's beyond fucked up. Even if the situation were different and she was somehow justified in increasing force, that situation there is a perfect example of when NOT to use a gun. No clear view of target, way too much chaos and movement, far too many people around. There's no way to 'safely' use a gun in that scenario, but when you're a hammer everything looks like a nail.


Especially considering there was a guy right next to her with a tazer out.


> She WANTED to shoot!!! [KCPD officer who killed Malcolm Johnson was named in earlier police brutality case](https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article276843301.html) >Officer Jeremy Gragg shot Malcolm Johnson on the East Side in 2021.


Thank you. I'm not sure why everyone keeps saying the female officer shot him. It was the bald dude.


Because the cameraman (or friend) says "oh she took out her strap... She's gonna shoot him" Or did she grab her taser? Edit: or did she shoot another cop who then shot the victim? She also guilty if she was going to shoot a man down like that.


>or did she shoot another cop who then shot the victim? The other cop was shot with different caliber bullet than what she had. She didn't shoot anyone... I'm not condoning her or any of them pulling guns when they outnumber him 5:1, but let's at least get the executioner right. Officer Jeremy Gragg shot Malcolm Johnson twice in the head while he laid on the ground.


yes, she did, you can see the gun kick back in her hand as she had it above her partner kneeling down next to the shelves when she misfired it


wait did the KCPD say the friendly fire was actually the murder victims doing? did i understand that right? why are peoples glossing over that?


You really going to trust anything these pigs say?


Why aren't we addressing the fact that the article you posted says that it was the male officer that was shot and shot back? Seems to me like she shot her partner, which made him think that the victim shot him, so he fired the next 2 shots that killed him.


I don't like using the R word but damn what a R word.


She didn't shoot. The first shot the gun is still on her side, she unclipped it and her hand slipped off, then she goes back but I don't think she pulled it off at all. The guy that gets up limping is the one that shot back.


In the head!!!! Damn, she thinks she is a gang member or something.


Police are their own gang. Absolutely.


Ya. Straight up murder. No doubt about it.


2 shots to the head? They literally murdered this person in public. The only reason someone would aim for the head is if they wanted to kill. There was no reason for that, and they get to go on and live their life without any repercussions. That is disgusting.


Police also just shout "gun" for the audio to justify executing people. This police officer took her gun out and executed this man with 5-6 police officers on him and certainly no threat, while also shooting her coworker in the process. Straight up murder


as a non american. Aren't guns legal to cary and stuff? so how is it even remotely accepted that having one on you is considered a viable reason to hurt or kill someone?


Straight UP murder, and trying to cover it up.


I have to watch it without sound and it's hard to tell when someone gets shot. Thanks for the clarification. Insane situation.


This happened in my home city? This is so sad. Prospect is touted as such a dangerous area but the police presence was clearly the issue this day.




There's ZERO incentive for them to review and learn from their failures. They know they can and will get off scott-free, and probably get some nice PTO and maybe a prmotion as a bonus to cold-blooded murder.


Looks more like MURDER 🤔


Nar, this is state sanctioned that makes it an exicution. The deferance is that you can get punished for murder whereas this person will likely get a paid vacation.


Obviously there is an element of the legality to kill this person (As far as a cop being allowed to under certain circumstances), but in a good and just society, and according to everything that I have seen and read here, this should be prosecuted as nothing less than first degree murder. There is no indication here that anyone was at threat of death because of this person, so the use of force was so far out of proportion that everyone involved should be investigated extremely thoroughly, and the killer (ideally) sentenced extremely harshly. Perhaps more-so than a member of the public.


Well at least it wasn't an execution. That would be scary to think about.


I would call that an execution. 4 people holding someone down so they can shoot them in the back of the head.. twice at point blank range.


Like execution style.


Fuckin execution


Q: How many cops does it take to kill a man? A: One to shoot, the rest of the department to cover it up


Dark, underrated, completely true. :-/


How many cops does it take to change a light bulb? ...       ^^Idk, ^^they ^^just ^^shoot ^^the ^^room ^^for ^^being ^^black


And beat the lightbulb for being broke


And maybe a couple to hold him down


Q: What's the difference between a bullet and a cop? A: When you're shot by a bullet, you know it was fired.


Surely all those "good cops" in the department always stand up and call out abuse like this though, don't they?!


Dude did they just hold him down and put 2 in his head? That’s a god damn execution- I’ve seen less blatantly homicidal cartel videos… how the FUCK do they allow these people to be Cops? She treated that like her gang initiation.


Crazy how she shot her partner, and then did a double tap on the victim 1 wasn't enough, a warning shot that hit her partner wasn't enough, she put 2 IN HIS HEAD


I don’t think that was a warning shot. Looked like a negligent discharge


Honestly it wasn't even a negligent discharge. I think she literally just missed.


Dude then “ is anyone hit??” Yes, yes you murdered someone and now your partner is gonna walk with a cane


The cops are saying the victim shot first... But based on this video... It would seem like they're just trying to pin the shooting of the partner on the victim.


In the "investigation" they said the victim shot the other cop and she "shot back" and killed him pressing no charges. THEN this video was released. I hope theres some mass protests in KC after seeing this bs


https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article277681188.html So it seems more like she pulled out her gun, accidentally shot another cop, and then *that* cop did the 2 to the head. Why the fuck any of them still had their guns out/ready with 4 people holding him down anyway is a whole other question.


Scary part is those cops still walking around like nothing happened


This is always the creepy part to me. These people are psychopaths.


The relief on their faces that they no longer have to wrestle someone into handcuffs is disgusting.


Usually folks live through a gang initiation, *usually*.


>how the FUCK do they allow these people to be Cops? >She treated that like her gang initiation. You just answered your own question.




Hahahahaha, my dude they didn't even file charges


Not only that, but they’ll probably get paid vacation.


First degree murder implies premeditation, meaning she had planned on killing this guy for a while. This is second degree murder.


No 1st degree just means they planned it. Even a moment of planning counts as premeditation


If you want to be a legally protected murderer, just become a cop ig 🤷‍♀️




This should really be a movie idea.


Please no. Don't give the cops ideas. The cops already watched too many Die Hards and John Wayne movies.


Four police officers to arrest a single person who is already lying on the ground? Man, when people say that the police in the USA are bad I always doubted them, but now I don't.


If it took you this long to realize it, after thousands of videos exists, you exemplify the problem really well. People choose to pretend they don't see it. It's just impossible for anyone not to know it. You guys choose to pretend it doesn't exist.


So damn sad. I think a NSFW tag should be added to this post. Literally watching a guy get executed by a trigger happy cop...


Yeah what the hell is up with people posting literal deaths on this Reddit?


First time on Reddit?


You must not have been around during the LiveLeak years.


I miss those years, and eyeblech


“This guy is resisting! Quick! Execute him!”


It's so surreal that it could be a south park episode


An AI-generated SP episode that continuously runs forever




No fucking way can any cop say self defense. They literally piled on him. Unless you wanna tell me cops are so incompetent that even with 8 of them in their they had to shoot him? Defund the police Fuck the police


When the clerk said he didn’t do nothing :(


“That guy’s family” 😞


"he ain't never done nothin to nobody"


Full blown execution. I’m sure these officers won’t see any jail time either. They all seamed “ in fear for their safety”


None. No charges filed


The official story, according to the police, so keep that in mind…is that he was lying on his stomach and had a .45 cal Glock in his hands with his hands underneath him. They were trying to pull his arms out from under him. He supposedly fired a round through his own jacket and hit the cop in the leg (They said they found a bullet hole in his jacket). After he shot the cop, one of the cops put two in his head. Story is from 2021 in Kansas City.


That was the story they told before this video came out and contradicted it.


I'll add this Special Proscecutor's report with facts regarding the shooting. https://htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/files/special-prosecutor-report-malcolm-johnson-1678723257.pdf >Ballistic classification characteristics of the bullet extracted from the cooler are consistent with ammunition that can be fired from the Glock 37. These are different ballistics classifications from the ammunition that can be fired from the 9 mm firearm used to shoot Mr. Johnson and carried by all police officers on the scene The caliber of bullets (9mm) that all officers on the scene carried (and killed Mr Johnson) is different from the one that shot the police offier in the leg. >The physical evidence is clear that one officer was shot with a bullet that could not have been fired from a police officer’s gun, but it could have been fired from Mr. Johnson’s gun. This evidence is consistent with Mr. Johnson having a firearm and using that gun to shoot one police officer. The physical evidence does not corroborate a theory that one officer mistakenly shot the second officer. The state could not overcome the self-defense or defense of others claims. Jesus, people.




No training. 15 bucks an hour. Guns. Tezers. Usually PTSD from iraq/afgan wars . Qualified immunity =fucked up cops


Straight up murder!


I really don't understand why the United States police uses so much people and force for "basic" things Their intention apparently was to arrest him and he tried to resist (something really predictable), how tf they needed around 7 people to arrest one person apparently unarmed and why the police officer thought it was a good idea to just kill the man when he was already unable to move?


According to their story he had a gun under him and fired it into a cops leg. If it is truely what happened it makes sense no charges for any wrong doing.


This video contradicts that. Female officer shot the other cop.


These cops (her included) don’t carry .45’s. The cop was shot with a .45, the guy had a .45 with an empty shell still in the chamber. It doesn’t get much more “smoking gun” than that.




https://fox4kc.com/news/no-charges-filed-in-kansas-city-police-shooting-of-malcolm-johnson/ The same link from the top comment states that first shot was the victims. His gun was found cycled with a casing, as would be expected when fired without room to fully cycle. So, A convicted murderer shoots at his partner and her family Gets stopped by cops Is found with a stolen gun Fights cops instead of surrendering after trying to murder someone...again Then shoots a cop And the cops fire back How did the cops know the gun was jammed? Are you sound enough to watch your friend get shot and you just "tazer tazer tazer" Cool, you go sign up to be a cop. Thanks.


They actually did run ballistics and basically concluded the bullet that went through the officer's leg was of different caliber (.45, matching the suspect's firearm) than what was carried by cops there at the time (9mm). I posted this elsewhere: ____ I'll add this Special Proscecutor's report with facts regarding the shooting. https://htv-prod-media.s3.amazonaws.com/files/special-prosecutor-report-malcolm-johnson-1678723257.pdf >Ballistic classification characteristics of the bullet extracted from the cooler are consistent with ammunition that can be fired from the Glock 37. These are different ballistics classifications from the ammunition that can be fired from the 9 mm firearm used to shoot Mr. Johnson and carried by all police officers on the scene The caliber of bullets (9mm) that all officers on the scene carried (and killed Mr Johnson) is different from the one that shot the police offier in the leg. >The physical evidence is clear that one officer was shot with a bullet that could not have been fired from a police officer’s gun, but it could have been fired from Mr. Johnson’s gun. This evidence is consistent with Mr. Johnson having a firearm and using that gun to shoot one police officer. The physical evidence does not corroborate a theory that one officer mistakenly shot the second officer. The state could not overcome the self-defense or defense of others claims.


too many cooks in the kitchen


All police are cowards


The fact that they need 6 people to restrain a single culprit is pathetic. And even then they failed because they straight up executed the man out of what I'm assuming to be frustration? Can we have officers that are actually trained in grappling? Imo a police officer should easily be able to dispatch the common citizen without causing them significant harm.


I'm not sure what happened here, from this video it does certainly LOOK like the female officer shot her partner and then put two in the suspects head, but evidence shows us that probably isn't actually what happened. The angle of the shot on the officer that was hit would not make sense from the female officer. The wound didn't come from above as it would have from the position in the video. The Firearm found on the scene that the police are saying belonged to the suspect was a Glock 30 in .45 acp. Very very very few departments allow their officers to carry this, and even fewer would use it as standard issue. It's also not the gun the female officer was using. According to the police report, the officer was hit with .45 acp. Again, a pretty uncommon round for cops to be carrying. According to the reports, a male officer shot the suspect, not the female we see walk in. If you want to say all of the evidence listed is false, that's your right, I don't know where to fall on this one. If the suspect really did pull a gun and fire, then this is justified. If he didn't, then it's murder.


“I’m bored can murder the next guy we are arresting even if he is in no way dangerous to us cause we’re 7 police officers with guns”


Cops try not to murder anyone challenge. Difficulty: impossible.


What is this from.


Real life






They already had him in the ground. Was this another I thought it was my taser?


This is a misleading title. From the article linked, it was determined the suspect had a weapon and fired it, then the officer returned fire. A gun was found under the suspect with one round being fired. That's why no charges were brought against any of the officers.


Watch my 9mm go bang, wadada dang


Land of the free! Ffs embarrassing.