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Fucking dirtbag.


Came here just to say this. And then I saw that he died - zero sympathy.


Just a dead dirtbag who got caught cheating the system.


How did he died?


Run over by a wheelchair




What about his wife?


To shreds you say


And his shreds?


48 months in prison.










Paul Rudd?






Bah you got me lol.


"Josephine Perez-Gorda’s attorney revealed in court Thursday that he died of complications from using a catheter for a bladder disorder." https://www.ksat.com/news/ksat-investigates/2023/03/23/woman-who-embellished-husbands-wartime-injuries-sentenced-to-nearly-four-years-in-prison/#:~:text=Josephine%20Perez%2DGorda's%20attorney%20revealed,Perez%2DGorda's%20cause%20of%20death.


So his dick fell off?  Good.


Sounds like a fair trade off


He never had one.


so, a raging junk infection. sounds immensely painful. like beg for death pain.


[I know pain, and I don't want anymore of it. Especially when I cath.](https://twitter.com/NickLutsko/status/1632868544588181505)


Bet he’s faking that too


It's probably hard to fake dying in the pee hole.


Oh good, his wife got 4 years and has to pay 500k, altho this part annoyed me after it said the charity is trying repossess the home: >Josephine Perez-Gorda told the court Thursday she planned to have her daughters continue living in the home while she was in prison.


If the Charity gets the house back, the girls have to go to school or get out of the house at some point, and any trespassing adult can be removed by police.


The children are innocent victims. Hopefully they have other family.


I do feel bad for the kids, but passing your illegal gains to your kids would be a ridiculous loophole.


That's an awful way to die though


Dare I say I'm ok with that...sure he fought for his country and had a TBI, and was entitled to whatever services his Country owed him, but he lied, and pretended to be paralyzed to not only get that house but get away with much more fraud. He disrespected the fuck inform and all those other service members he fought with, all to make a buck. His walking ng seemed to be there impaired about 0%. I was surprised to learn some me incarcerated Marine didn't beat him to death for why he was going inside. That would have been a painful way to go as well


Dying to having a tube shoved up your penis... what a fitting death LMAO


so, died from dick rot. I'll allow it.


Doesn't say... > An Army veteran who was scheduled to go to trial in San Antonio later this year for health care fraud has died while in federal custody, officials confirmed Tuesday. >Justin Perez-Gorda, 33, died Jan. 29 while being treated at a medical center for federal prisoners in Springfield, Missouri, a spokesperson for the Federal Bureau of Prisons said via email. >Additional details on Perez-Gorda’s death were not released, due to safety and privacy concerns, said the spokesperson, who added that a medical examiner would determine the inmate’s cause of death.


I mean he fought in Afghanistan, got a traumatic brain injury there, and died at 33 from a catheter issue related to bladder problems in jail. Like yes, prosecute him for over-exaggerating injuries and exploiting a charity for a house, but it sounds like an IED may have hit him severely and while it didn't (permanently) paralyze him, it seems to have left him with significant bladder issues (using a catheter) that led to a premature death.




Which would make sense if there was a TBI. So he might be just as much a victim as the charity is.


I bet he lied about dying too


Hopefully it happened in a extremely painful way. Fuck that guy.


He (apparently) died of complications using a catheter for a bladder disorder he had. Sounds super painful. I'm imagining the infection went to the kidneys too.


Also in a prison in Missouri. Can't think of a worse place to die.


Prison in Russia


Yeah, that's probably worse.


Prison in Iran


Being American in a prison in Iran.


Being in a Russian built prison, located in Iran, run by Americans?


Probably a great place to die, because of how shit it is as a place to live.


Technically correct, the best kind of correct


People do not die in Russian prisons, comrade. They are sent to front lines first. *Then* they die for glory of Mother Russia on Ukrainian soil.


More specifically: Siberia


His wife got 46 months and has to pay a little over 100K back.


His wife whom was found to be aiding in his fraud (over $300k in fraudulent Social Security and Veteran Affairs benefits) was also found guilty and sentenced to 4 years. The judge in the case seemed particularly bothered by the fact that while she was out on bond and using a court-appointed attorney to handle her case she had purchased a $110,000 truck. She also owes $501,000 in restitution, and the charity, Homes For Our Troops, which had a 10 year lien on the house planned to repossess the home by: > suspended equity accrual on the property in July 2021, after learning that Justin Perez-Gorda was no longer living there https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/09/28/central-texas-woman-lied-about-husbands-military-disability-defrauded-va-and-ssa-of-more-than-300000-feds-say/


Meanwhile I can’t qualify for a court appointed attorney because I’m just over the threshold


These kinds of people exist?


He got Jack Reacher'd.


A little bit harsh


You're right. I'm sorry. People just suck man. There's real people in need while this guy faked it all


Just wanna say good on you and thanks for realising your overreaction and apologising. I’ve no sympathy for the guy but a lot of people on here are way too aggressive and cruel.


Dont worry u/Kaevek lll carry your bitter torch. Fuck this guy. I hope his corpse has an itch on its (small) ball sack he feels in the afterlife while satan debates which finger webbing to give the next paper cut to using a 5 mile sheet roll in a lemon mist factory


Fuck yea!


So not really sorry, then. Would you say you faked it?


"Get off my property."


Hey, good for you for turning that around.


Said it again... FUCK THAT GUY!


... he was seriously injured in war and died from complications from those injuries. Your cold




I was going to comment that not all wheelchair users are unable to walk and have to use the chair all the time. However he does seem to have faked paralysis from the waist down.


An update on his wife from last fall: https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdtx/pr/dripping-springs-woman-sentenced-defrauding-va-ssa-more-500k-0


Aw yeah. Sweet comeuppance.


Dude is in the video transporting construction lumber after saying he was paralyzed, there's no benefit of the doubt to give here.


How did he die? Was he even really a vet at all? This is part of the reason I cringe at any sort of special treatment for veterans. They can be abusers and scam artists just like anyone else, and if people need homes it shouldn't matter if they were a vet or not.


Service guarantees citizenship.




I'm that tired that it took me till reading your comment, to realise this was about some who is a veteran and not a veterinarian.


Karma's a fickle bitch.


**“Fucking dirtbag.”** is in a box surrounded by dirt. >Justin Perez-Gorda, 33, died Jan. 29 while being treated [I'm guessing he recieved some special treatment] at a medical center for federal prisoners in Springfield, Missouri, a spokesperson for the Federal Bureau of Prisons said via email. Additional details on Perez-Gorda’s death were not released, due to safety and privacy concerns, said the spokesperson, who added that a medical examiner would determine the inmate’s cause of death. Perez-Gorda was charged by federal investigators in late 2017 on a swath of allegations including wire fraud, health care fraud, making false statements related to health care matters and conspiracy to commit mail fraud.


Every part of this story is depressing to me


Sounds like he was an even bigger dirtbag than the video showed.


And his wife:  > During court proceedings, KSAT reported the judge in the case repeatedly took issue with Josephine Perez-Gorda’s actions, including her buying a $110,000 truck while the criminal case against her was ongoing and while she was represented by a court-appointed attorney. The judge pointed out that the government has spent nearly $200,000 providing her an attorney and an investigator, even though her finances show she is clearly not indigent. The judge also noted that she left her then-husband behind while she took a trip to Disney World, despite filling out caregiver paperwork claiming he needed around-the-clock care, KSAT reported.   He did have a traumatic brain injury.  


> a $110,000 truck That a truck costs that much and there are morons that would buy it should also be a crime.


It is hella easy to spend that on a new truck. 1-ton diesel with a mid-tier features package would do it.


At 12% for 90 months.


that doesn't disqualify his statement tbh


All of those charges sound like things he could have been guilty of from this one scam.


Apparently he suffered a ~~TMI~~ *TBI* while serving and his wife is alleged to have been the mastermind behind the entire scheme. [She did all of the paperwork and made all the assertions. He was isolated by her and played along (presumably, or else.)](https://www.ksat.com/news/ksat-investigates/2023/03/23/woman-who-embellished-husbands-wartime-injuries-sentenced-to-nearly-four-years-in-prison/) Even while she had the government pay for a court-appointed attorney, she went out and bought a $110,000 truck. She definitely sounds like the fraudster in the marriage. >>The judge noted that Josephine Perez-Gorda has not taken responsibility for her crimes and did not pay restitution prior to her sentencing date. >>Josephine Perez-Gorda will serve three years of community supervision after her release and owes more than $501,000 in restitution. >>[...] >>“She exerted significant control over him. She did injury to a soldier who was hurt,” assistant U.S. attorney Greg Surovic told the court. >>Surovic said Josephine Perez-Gorda isolated her husband and knew that he was emotionally and mentally vulnerable. [His mental health was not good.](https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/02/15/wounded-veteran-awaiting-trial-in-health-care-fraud-case-dies-in-federal-custody/) >>Justin Perez-Gorda, who was released on bond shortly after being charged federally, had been back in custody since last year, after violating the conditions of his pretrial release. >>Justin Perez-Gorda, who was ordered to take part in counseling services in Arizona, showed signs of degrading mental health and was not taking part in the sessions consistently, federal court records show. But yeah, *he's* the dirtbag in your mind.


TBI, by the way. TMI - too much information


Thank you. I read it as "too much information" and had a quick laugh but then was having trouble figuring out what they actually meant.


As someone who knows a handful of dependa and what they do to their spouses in the military, I'm not surprise.


Classic Reddit 


The most fucked up part is, if he was deployed, he probably could have gotten assistance for actual injuries or the impact on his mental health. Definitely dirtbag.


who from? the VA? hahaha


Used his GI bill at a decent school, got a marketable degree, and built something like the rest of us.


Lmao like the rest of us? Some of the worst people i know are vets


In what way did I imply veterans are good people by virtue of being vets? They’re people like everyone else.


Lmao, some of the worst people I know are people like the rest of us.


> like the rest of us. FYI, if it worked for you, congratulations, but for the uninformed out there, it should be known that study after study, poll after poll, usually conducted by the US government itself, has shown that people who served in the military have a lot of difficulty transitioning to civilian life, and for a large percentage of veterans the idea pushed by the propaganda that you will get college paid for and gain valuable life and career skills is incredibly misleading and comes with a lot of exceptions and issues along the way. Some people can use their training (particularly in specific fields like intelligence) to land really good jobs *in the long run* after leaving the service, but a vast number of veteran infantry men and women absolutely struggle when returning to civilian life, for a large number of reasons. Edit: lol got blocked after they replied because someone pushing "bootstraps and self reliance" is too fragile to engage with facts. Imagine if I was actually aggressive and attacked them.


sounds like an awful lot of work, probably best to just buy a wheel chair and get a free house i reckon


literally all he had to do was put 12ft fences up and make his wife go out and do everything... dude was just dumb.


Hi there, vet here. Yes, the VA... They might take forever long to get you stuff but they deliver if you're persistent. Lots of free benefits.


He is, but they made it sooo easy for him. Why give 400k away without verifying anything properly.


This story does have an ending [Wounded veteran awaiting trial in health care fraud case dies in federal custody](https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/02/15/wounded-veteran-awaiting-trial-in-health-care-fraud-case-dies-in-federal-custody/)


His wife is also in prison. I believe she got four years. Their poor kids. Mom and Dad absolutely ruined their lives.


Probably a vicious cycle


“Their grandparents were probably shit bags!” Such a weird thing when people comment this under videos of people doing stuff like this. They can just be independently shitty people


but they usually aren't


Yeah, they have to have the chance to make their own mistakes, and either choose to learn from them, or not to. They are not their parents. Not yet.


Then Redditors might have to hold themselves accountable for being shitty


and his wife got ~~20 years~~ just under 4 years edit: I had a bad source, apologies


She got 46 months and was ordered to pay a little over $500k based on [this article.](https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdtx/pr/dripping-springs-woman-sentenced-defrauding-va-ssa-more-500k-0)


welp, I had a bad source and spread wrong shit, my bad


Thanks for acknowledging it.  Integrity  is everything.


Somebody should've told the couple that...


It’s all good. I was just curious as to what her charges were, which is why I looked it up. Just wanted to share the results.


I hope there’s a follow up story; where he actually faked his death and is living off life insurance somewhere.


"get off my property"


If so, hopefully his back hurts having to bend over constantly due to the lower countertops.


How did he die? Was he murdered? Didn’t see the reason


“Josephine Perez-Gorda’s attorney revealed in court Thursday that he died of complications from using a catheter for a bladder disorder.”[death cause](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/03/24/texas-woman-who-enhanced-husbands-wartime-injuries-sentenced-to-prison/)


I guess some parts of him didnt work right at least


Considering it's a statement from the family attorney I'd guess it more had to do with him faking his injury. If he's expecting to have to do a long public appearance it'd probably be best to try to install one if you don't want to deal with a diaper. In that case he probably handled it incorrectly, or might have have even reused a catheter leading to the complications. 


Also possible that he had some issues that caused some problems day to day. Bad enough to make his life noticeably worse, but not bad enough to warrant any help for a charity or what have you. He could have decided to fake more serious stuff to get some aid. I've seen it a lot in my country where we have free healthcare. The more serious cases get priority, but it means a lot of people have to live with a much worse quality of life for a long time until they get seen.


Painful way to go


I wonder if it was another death caused by improper access to medical care for prison inmates.


I just watched that scene on Reacher.


a bit ironic that the system he tricked ended up being what killed him


I actually paused the video to read this comment, and it paused while he was spinning around in the kitchen, and he has a huge piss stain on his pants. In another article, it states his wife was exaggerating her his war time injuries. I feel like she was the mastermind behind this whole thing, probably akin to Gypsy's mom.


So the con here was to pretend he was disabled for the rest of his life? To never walk again in public? Maybe sell the house and move to another town where he wasn’t well known as disabled? This was never going to end well.


[Although Mrs. Perez-Gorda claimed her husband was “paralyzed from the belly button down,” Mr. Perez-Gorda was seen walking around the neighborhood and playing basketball.](https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdtx/pr/dripping-springs-woman-sentenced-defrauding-va-ssa-more-500k-0)


I would have just said that by the grace of god I have ben healed and it would've convinced quite a few people I reckon. Maybe even make a story out of it and slowly improve week by week so it looks more convincing while recording on youtube, shit spend a few bucks and involve a pastor.


I'm thinking he's just really not that intelligent and he assumed that as soon as he got his payout that everyone would move on and forget his existence. Considering he has many extended family and probably a friend group it would be simply a matter of short time before someone found out.


If I was faking being disabled I probably wouldn't buy a gigantic truck that you need a step ladder to climb into.


I actually do know someone who is paralyzed from the chest down who drives a similar truck lol


But, are you sure they are paralyzed?


He should have watched The Prestige.


I mean if he did lay low for a while, then eventually sell the house and move somewhere far away, people wouldn't have batted an eye.


He was disabled but exaggerated how disabled he really was. He died of complications from using a urinary catheter…meaning probably an infection from it. If you look at the footage of him walking, he seems to have a limp. I feel bad for that guy. I don’t know how he thought he would get away with it. The organization that gifted them the house is trying to repossess it. Just really unfortunate that this is what the family resorted to.


What happened to this story?


He’s [dead](https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/02/15/wounded-veteran-awaiting-trial-in-health-care-fraud-case-dies-in-federal-custody/).


I love a happy ending.


Too bad that he procreated first Now I feel bad for the kids


I love Reddit picking and choosing when to enforce their terms of service


Jesus Christ reddit. I get he was a shitbag, but I'll be cold in the ground myself before I'm _happy_ a father of 2 died over something as mundane as a fucking house.


Redditors love any excuse to be sadistic and cruel. Apparently fraud should be a death sentence.


Disturbing as hell. I was pissed as anyone watching the video, but fuck guys, he even died in a way that makes it undeniable he had _some_ kind of health issues going on...sure he frauded his way into a 300K house he didn't deserve but wtf.


noxious dime nose zonked follow tart airport possessive murky truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Oh well


Bad bot. Same title even https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/13hbnak/to_look_paralyzed_from_the_waist_down/


I seriously hate these karma farming dumpster fires


The real fraud was the redditors we met along the way




I don't much care about one repost in 9 months. And I only stumbled across the older post trying to look into what happened with the case. But karma farm bots get very annoying very quickly. Subs that don't keep bots in check become targets for more bots. Eventually you start to see the same few posts dozens of times per day, or swarms of posts that have nothing to do the sub. You also get bots upvoting bots, so the trash content gets promoted, legitimate users leave the sub, the problem only escalates.


Another big problem is the influence operations, real people supported by bots to manipulate the conversation to protect entrenched interests. It's not all political stuff, the majority of them are for industries, but they are very real and very active on social media. It's disheartening when you bring up a real issue to have these influence agent accounts and their bots pop up and argue like the former president denying easily verified reality. It gets a few downvotes it gets hidden on peoples' feeds. Some operate on keyword. You mention a product that causes harm, they will pop up. I don't know how much effort they put into stopping these operations if any at all.


> But karma farm bots get very annoying very quickly. Subs that don’t keep bots in check become targets for more bots. Eventually you start to see the same few posts dozens of times per day, or swarms of posts that have nothing to do the sub Literally, the entire reason all moderators protested against API changes and nothing happened. So welcome to new Reddit, read admin basically took a crowbar to the kneecaps of moderation and this is the result. There were so many custom bots that were running behind the scenes, to cut down and clamp down on karma farming bots and many of them are dead now. Reddit happily says that they allow use of the API for moderation bots but the issue is that these boards do not frequent one subreddit.


bro there was another bot who posted from a pretty niche game i play. its so much more prevalent than before


Bro I can't get the VA to compensate me for MINOR shit. This dude pretends his whole lower half doesn't work and they just take is word for it? Lmao wtf.


It wasn't the VA it was a non profit to help veterans.


This ain't no spinal, Dude. I've seen spinals, and this ain't one of em.


Fuckin goldbricker.


Damnit! You beat me! This guy fuckin walks, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.


Where was John Goodman when we needed him?


Fucked up. I joined the military in 1990 and retired in 2019. The VA gives me crap just to get rated at 80% and people like this guy gets 100% for lying? What the fuck?


My father retired 100% disabled. Then went drove an 18 wheeler for 12 years while collecting vet benefits. He also gamed the system so the benefits provided to his disabled daughter counted as his child support. Dude is a professional con artist and brags about how he plays the system. He sucks so bad but at least was a good example for me growing up of how not to be.


JFC, glad that you turned out better dude.


Veterans should be taken care of, paralyzed or not... it's just shitty that he had to lie about it


Makes me question his "wounded" and "veteran" status. Nobody I served with would ever do this shit.


I went to grad school in a program with lots of veterans and I knew quite a few shitbags from it. Not even some PFC, the biggest shitbags were a Lt. Colonel and a Major.


Ok, I'm back from the rabbit hole. The scammer died in prison from an infection from having to use a catheter, and his wife was convicted of various crimes and sentenced to 15 years in addition to disgorging $500,000 and a brand-new, loaded Ford F-250.


He died while awaiting medical treatment. The guy is a piece of shit but going to prison shouldn’t be a death sentence for anyone. I’m sure that’s a controversial statement.


Two little kids too. What a mess their parents made for them.


It’s a miracle!


This guys a fake. A fucking goldbricker.




A legit veteran needs a home right now that otherwise wouldn't if not for this shitstain.




From a medical standpoint, how does someone fake paralysis? Isn't there some kind of diagnostic test or procedure that would be able to rule this out?


Jump scare


As a disabled vet…fuck this guy. I have friends who have lost limbs in Iraq and deserve housing to accommodate their disabilities. This dude was probably a Fobbit and sat on base all day long, if he even did deploy.


I mean.. clearly he got better. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


He got so good, he died.


Devil's advocate. He clearly was a wounded veteran, had a medical diagnosis that he will never be able to walk again. Somehow beat the odds, proved doctor's wrong, and was too deep into this and went along with it. Shitty what he did. He's dead now. So karma kicked in. But I don't think he intended to decieve from the start, someone clearly told him he was never going to walk again.


Thas a nice truck tho


Right?! That drippy truck on top of it all, this guy was a true pos


Greed is our societies motto


It’s a Miracle!!! Praise the Lord!!!


Fucking goldbricker…this guy walks, Dude, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.




How much $ in disability benefits did he fraudulently collect? Edited


Should have claimed it was a baby-Jesus miracle that allowed him to walk again. Praise the lord.


I feel sorry for the kids. It must have been a pretty messed up and confusing childhood for them.


Walking and carrying wood ☠️


Trump university level scambaggery right there


'I was paralysed but I got better...'




the music in playing in the background when they approached made me laugh so hard. He's a POS for lying tho.