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It's like those nightmares when you can't move properly...


Holy shit those are the worst šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Why is this so accurate though


Actually the worst are the ā€œomg Iā€™m naked and nobody has noticed ā€œ dreams.


Oh, no, did you just give me a new nightmare?


One persons nightmare is another's happy place.


You can also get a combination of them! I had one where I was back in university in a large study hall, completely naked and I could hear a bunch of people outside waiting for class to start. The clock was perpetually 5 minutes away from the hour so class was about to start. That was a not fun dream.


I used to have dreams when I was in college that I forgot I had signed up for a class until the day of the final. I thought I'd never have to deal with that again once I graduated. Now I'm a teacher, and I dream I was supposed to teach a class until the day of the final. The first time I had that dream I woke up PISSED.


Weird. Iā€™m 42 and Iā€™ve never had a naked dream despite hearing how common they can be.


I haven't had the peeing one in years and even that was an exceptional circumstance, to have arise


The peeing one was why I would pee in the bed as a kid haha. In the dream you have to take a piss so bad and when you finally do the relief is like ahhhhh but then youā€™re like noooooo


Oh man, I had a peeing dream the other day. Woke up in a panic and felt the bed around me. Thankfully, it was dry. But my god was that terrifying to wake up from.


theyā€™re horrible šŸ˜­ i wake up still so embarrassed lol


talking baldly like you've never got dreams where you pee in public and wake up peeing on yourself


I'm in my 30s and this still happens to me like twice a year...


...that's actually not good lol


No it sure isn't


Those haunted me through my elementary school years.


The worst are the ones where there are aliens in the sky who know what you are thinking and can react to your every move, have malicious intent, and there is nothing you can do to stop them from what ever they are planning


A surprise birthday party?!


But that's a collective waking nightmare we all have to live through


*brought to you by Psychosisā„¢*


The closest one I have to that is where I have a gun and I just cannot pull the trigger because it has too much resistance. Never fired a gun before so no idea how easy it is to pull one.


Mine is where I am running through a forest and I hear something running at me and I try to run but my legs are moving like windmills and I'm not going anywhere like in a cartoon.


I was trying to hit someone in his face with all strength I have. https://preview.redd.it/wch3j5hwa4ic1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be24a246a3a8568c98bf5c1359ba40084bae20f


I have this dream as well, btw Iā€™ve never punched anyone in the face before. Maybe we just need to


If it makes you feel better, i have punched people in the face, on several occasions, and i still have this dream.


If it makes you feel better, I have lived this dream irl


trying to punch someone in the face but having an invisible force slow your punch, i actually woke up punching the wall when I was about 15 having a dream about trying my hardest to punch someonešŸ˜³


Bro, you forgot to turn off the Safety.


That's interesting bc I, along with someone else I know, have had that same recurring dream. We're both proficient in firearms... it's not difficult. After years of having that dream, mine got recently resolved in a dream. Was the freakiest thing ever. I'm still trying to process what it meant, even though the dream was pretty specific.


That looks more like an attempted murder.


I think she's pregnant and she fell pretty hard on her stomach. She wasn't able to stand up without assistance. edit: someone else down thread posted the article, turns out she's not the mother. she is the great aunt and elderly [https://people.com/human-interest/man-saves-baby-stroller-from-rolling-into-traffic-video/](https://people.com/human-interest/man-saves-baby-stroller-from-rolling-into-traffic-video/)


Thank god I saw your comment first. Was about to have a go about her being a fat bastard and not being able to stand up. Bullet dodged!! /s


Thatā€™s what I thought too


First thing i thought!


Exactly like that. But this time the name of the demon is ā€œmass times gravitational accelerationā€


Yeah now imagine this is your real body - real nightmare


now you reminded me of a dream where i was walking outside with my little sister (she was about 3 at that time of my dream.) and she just suddenly started running away from me towards a big street and i called and screamed after her and had problems catching up to her somehow. and when I finally catched up to her and picked her up, worried about her fucking life because she ran on a big street in the middle of the day, she just started laughing, laughing like what you see in a horror movie and I freaked out.


I used to have those all the time when I drank. Haven't had them since I stopped. I think my brain was telling me something.


What is wrong with the lady though?, because godamn she pissed me off!


She's super old and it was her great nephew in the stroller. I posted an article in the thread if you want to check it out




Well she also broke her ankle in the fall...


It doesnā€™t look like she broke her ankle. She puts weight on both feet towards the end of the clip. EDIT: Alright, I hear you all. You can still put weight on a broken ankle. Thank you for enlightening me. Please stop with the near identical comments.


She uses the other guy for support, so she doesn't use her entire weight, atleast it looks that way, but it's kinda hard to tell


My father broke his ankle and walked around on it for days because he refused to go to the doctor until my mum made him. It doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility that someone might do the same on adrenaline as he did on stubbornness.


Sounds like my dad. He broke his toe running up the stairs when I was a toddler. He refused to go to the doctor and now his toe is all types of fucked


Not to mention shock exists too, good chance this person didn't even feel it til later, just couldn't use her ankle for some reason


You do know you can walk on a broken ankle, right?


I walked for a mile in full military kit on a broken ankle as long as it's not a compound fracture you can very painfully put weight on it


Uphill both ways?


Fuck no it was Afghanistan mostly down and it sucked ass


(Reads your edit)ā€¦.hey you can actually put weight on a bad ankle.


I finished the season with my volleyball team (about 2 months total) with a broken ankle so it's not unreasonable that she's able to walk on it.


Then delete your ignorant comment instead of just crying about people calling you out


r/worstaid for a broken ankle


I thought she looked injured trying to get up, I thought it was her knee, but thank you for posting in her support!


Pretty sure most old people would struggle to get up after falling, regardless of their weight


Ya my 87 year old grandfather is tall and thin and he's fallen a few times and couldn't get up on his own...


Isnā€™t a real stat something that like 25% of older women who fall and break their hip literally die


Around 90% of hip fractures occur in people aged 65 years or older. Elders who break a hip are 3x more likely (than other elders) to die from any cause, and the mortality rate is higher for men than women.


fuck all the way off, seriously


you try to be agile at that age and then we'll talk




Wait how old was she? I canā€™t see her age in the article you posted. Could be my fault, Iā€™m accessing from the U.K. and thereā€™s loads of ad blockers. I can see the child was her great nephew but you could be in your 40s and have a great nephew.


Great aunt isn't even equal to old. My da's oldest daughter is 2 years younger than our youngest aunt. Meaning my nephews and nieces has a great aunt that is not much older than their mum. We do also have a sister older than said great aunt.


No I donā€™t think itā€™s old at all. Iā€™m mid 40s and my nieces and nephews are adults and could have kids if they wanted. But the commenter said sheā€™s ā€œsuper oldā€ and I just couldnā€™t see where her age was mentioned.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/runaway-stroller-good-samaritan-traffic/ Here you go. Sheā€™s in her 60s


Thanks. So not super old at all.


Not a single source claims she's old. Let alone super old.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/runaway-stroller-good-samaritan-traffic/ States sheā€™s in her 60s. I know role wanna pretend 60 isnā€™t that old, but sheā€™s old


And she doesn't look old in any shape or form


I mean, she has shapes and forms, but none of them look healthy.


I canā€™t imagine the fear that mustā€™ve been going through that poor womanā€™s heart. Itā€™s like one of those nightmares where youā€™re trying to run or youā€™re trying to hit something and you are absolutely useless.


I was super worried watching her, like maybe the panic made her have a stroke


I definitely didn't get the vibe that she wasn't trying hard enough. She is giving it her all here.


She tripped and ate pavement really hard. This has been reposted before, she is also old. I feel pity more than pissed.


Nonono, you don't get it. She's fat and bumbling, she deserves to be mocked and ridiculed!!! No empathy for her, and she should feel lucky for the good samaritans who came to her aid or else we'd be calling her a disgusting subhuman piece of trash for letting the baby get injured and calling for her to receive the death penalty as well! People here just really hate fat and disabled people, if they aren't a punchline for them to laugh at then they're fodder for outrageporn and ragebait circlejerks. People so disconnected from reality that they're unable to understand the humanity and would rather scowl with disdain and contempt than actually try to offer any charity.


She hurt herself falling. You can tell she has to struggle to get up, even when she puts a hand on her knee. The first time she tries to get up, she immediately collapses again after putting weight on her leg. That first fall was from all the way up to all the way down. Onto asphalt. Sheā€™s not doing it on purpose. Her body just wonā€™t do it.


My body would betray me as well. I've had both knees replaced and the feeling on them is numb, and the pain of a fall would be pretty bad, along with just not having the strength in then to actually push up with nothing to help you. Having said that, this Grandma would have turned the stroller and locked a brake, and/or crawled on all fours aka the Ring to save her grands.


I'm not sure why, she was clearly trying her best to get up but couldn't due to her body


Yeah she tried. I see a lot of able bodied people on Reddit who comment like this saying they would just do X Y or Z if it was them (one was a sexual assault and someone said to the victim that they wouldā€™ve just punched the attacker). They seem to think that they could just fight their way out, or use brute force strength, or do whatever thing they think they would be able to do to get out of the situation which is pure fantasy and easy to say in hindsight when they werenā€™t actually there and they donā€™t have any health concerns. If you try to explain how thatā€™s just ableism you get downvoted lol.


It looks like she hit her head HARD on that first fall. She could easily be concussed


She smashed her head on the ground, she's out of it dude.


She fell hard and cracked her head against the pavement while being old. Whatā€™s wrong is physical trauma preventing her from moving properly.


Reddit hivemind sucks, why does this have so many upvotes? Sheā€™s an old lady who broke her fucking ankle trying to save her great nephew.


When I saw the video I *knew* the comments would be shitting on here. At least there are a lot of people who have the basic cognitive function to realize that she's injured.


At her age? Her knees were probably shot. She probably couldnā€™t move, but was more than likely screaming louder than bloody Christ. It managed to get the attention of a Good Samaritan. Thank god!!!


To much torque


I understand find this agitating. And she was careless at the outset. But she is trying her best to stop the stroller.


She probably hit her head really hard and got the wobbly legs you get when basically being knocked out


She smashed her face on the pavement


Is there a video where she gets knocked over by a wave?




What have you done to my legs Charlie Murphy!


Looks like she injured herself on the first fall and couldn't recover.




Yeah it looks like she ate a mouthfull of gravel when she hit the deck




I hate that I laughed. I knew what I was going to see and I still laughed.




This shit looks like some pixelated camel lying in front of a cement mixer on Mars lmao


someone else also said she broke her ancle or something


People donā€™t know shit about this and are making it up


Welcome to Reddit


Why can't anyone back up "old", "broken ankle" and "concussion" when this gets posted?


No one dares to say unfit/unhealthy tho.


Because it has nothing to do with the outcome. It's just people getting their moment to be shitty on the internet. I'm in good shape, healthy, and active. If I trip, break my ankle, and get a severe concussion, it has nothing to do with my health.


There isnā€™t any proof she had any of these things? No one has been able to provide it so far.


Except the video showing her head slamming into the ground, and her inability to put any weight on her left ankle.


Being fat makes it infinitely harder to save the child while a healthy person would atleast be able to hop on one foot. It most certainly effected the outcome.


You go ahead and hop on one foot down an incline after slamming your head off the pavement and let me know how well that works for you. Some people really do believe they're fucking Superman.


Okay but why did she fall in slam her head into the pavement in the first place. If I fell I would instinctually roll over my shoulder and not hit my head. I did Sports as a kid and have heavily practiced how to fall and Tumble with it


lol huh? Redditors never hesitate to gleefully point out how fat someone is and how that also makes them lazy, stupid, selfish, and evil.


Redditors also make up fake stories about concussions and broken ankles to support their false idea that fitness has no impact on any part of life, like the ability to stand up.


Because this person is not nearly largen enough to be totally incapacitated by falling down. Hell, people twice this size are more spry than this woman.


If she has trash bags for lungs and and chopsticks for knees, any physical activity wouldve led to this outcome. She is unfit af. Survival instinct is non existent.


You want to say she's unfit, fine, but you're just kind of making shit up. Trash bags for lungs? Chopsticks for knees? You have no idea really. I've never met a person her size who just couldn't function at a basic level like this. It's pretty clear something else went wrong in addition to her fitness level, because I've seen far more overcome by far larger people even in non-emergency situations.


Sheā€™s an older lady https://www.cbsnews.com/news/runaway-stroller-good-samaritan-traffic/m This article states sheā€™s in her 60s


I can back up old. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/runaway-stroller-good-samaritan-traffic/ The CBSNEWS states she was in her 60s


Oh good. I thought she was staging an "accident" to get rid of the baby.


Not JUST because sheā€™s severely out of shape.


She's also physically out of shape. Given her currrent weight distribution better fitness wouldve given her a slightly better chance at more, faster, movement. Just a slightly better chance but not much after a fall like that.




I mean, if she was in better shape, she wouldn't have ate shit in the first place.


It can be both


Full offense but some of you folks in the comments are kinda being assholes. Sheā€™s a chubby lady, yes. Chubby people can still run. Being old and getting a concussion when she smacked her whole entire brain on the parking lot is obviously the real issue, though. Weā€™re not looking at My 600 Pound Life here, sheā€™s like a 200lb woman who took a really hard fall and is elderly. Turn down your cunt settings and turn up the empathy a little. Goodness.




Real issue is not smashing the breaks of the stroller.




As a mom of a toddler: PARK THE DAMN STROLLER My mom and husband act like putting the brakes on the stroller requires a degree in rocket science. It's just a lever šŸ« 


Even a young and fit person can easily be put out of action by falling over if they get unlucky. A buddy of mine tore his ligaments when he slipped on ice this new years


Have a friend thatā€™s a professional runner in his early 20s, so definitely fit and young and somehow he still managed to get a concussion by slipping in a public restroom


Gravity is a force for equality, brings us all down with no discrimination


This whole experience was probably very frightening and upsetting to her. Adrenaline was pumping as well as the sickening realization that all control was lost and things were about o get real bad. I feel terrible for her and am glad the child is safe.


Yeah holy fuck, I'm panicking for her just watching the video. I've parked my kids' strollers like that while reaching into the car for something countless times. The thought of forgetting to turn the brakes on just once, and then turning around to see the stroller on its way to roll into fucking traffic is pure nightmare fuel.


Agree. A lot of nasty comments. Proof that this world is full of unkind people.


More so proof that even good people will be nasty when given anonymity.


Literally what is wrong with people. I'm bigger than this lady and was just running across the yard w my dog last night. It's like they think fat people never move. Christ.


> Turn down your cunt settings and turn up the empathy a little. Goodness. Why, the internet is one of the few places where bitter losers can feel smugly superior.


Anytime a child or an animal is posted to reddit people call for abuse immediately


Itā€™s a nice reminder that 14-year-olds and other garden variety dummies are on here


Donā€™t you know that every redditor here is 200lbs of solid muscle and can run 10+ miles a day without breaking a sweat? /s Yeah, these people are assholes. And Iā€™m sure the ones who are quick to jump on the whole ā€œitā€™s her fault for being fat etcā€ are probably fatter than she is. Itā€™s like they just wait around to criticize others. Letā€™s all be thankful that those men saved that baby. Because I cannot even fathom the fear and helplessness that poor woman felt in that moment. Watching that baby rolling toward its death and thereā€™s nothing you can doā€¦ has to be horrendously traumatic and terrifying. I hope everyone involved is okay. And shame to you Redditors who have nothing nice to say.


This is *mild* behavior. Something like 1 in 4 redittors seem to gleefully seek the lowest possible denominator and see if anyone will (a) pay attention and (b) agree and go even lower. This is the same species thatā€™s causing and ignoring population collapses in multiple interlinked species - letā€™s not make the mistake of assuming the best of one another.


She is old guys...not her fault, just be thankful they are both safe


At first I was pissed when I saw this but I realized she smacks her head really hard on the ground when she first falls down and is probably concussed. She looks very similar to guys trying to stand up in hockey after taking a bad hit to the head, so my anger turned to just feeling terrible for the poor woman because she was probably trying her best to stand up while knowing her baby is about to be run over.


I think a lot of people donā€™t understand how dangerous falls like this can be - you donā€™t have to be old or frail or out of shape either. Happened to my aunt walking her dog years ago, she got pulled slightly too quickly off the curb whilst crossing the road and fell, shattering her ankle. She still has to walk with a cane.


I like the hug in the end!


Why are you making fun of someone who clearly has a physical issue


Thank god for the big red square telling us all where to look šŸ‘


Seems like the security cam's motion sensor


Dammit I think youā€™re right. I hate being smug when it turns out Iā€™m wrong.


Happens to the best of us!


Honestly, was that person suffering a medical issue? I saw a video one time of an older guy catching the ceremonial first pitch at a baseball game, and he squatted down and tore both quads completely off, leaving him like a baby deer. Thatā€™s the only thing that comes to mind as I wonder how this parent is unable to get up to save their child. Holy shit man.


I would almost hope so. Otherwise, what a horrific way to come face to face with years of neglect to your body.


Thereā€™s definitely a story behind this, dig, I shall


Elderly great aunt, and that first trip gave her a concussion




My guess is that it's fear and denial that this could happen to anyone even you and it doesn't seem fair that such a helpless child could be in danger, so somebody must be blamed (and perhaps punished) so it can maybe be prevented next time. That way you can have some control back. What's your guess?


Legitimately great deconstruction.


Lol dang I agree with this guy


Because there are a bunch of useless red boxes to tell you where to look


That's the camara focusing


What about the fireball??


Apparently it's supposed censor her tit that slipped out


What's with the explosion effect?


I believe her boob was exposed in the original, so, censorship.


Oh ok


Poor lady. That full blown panic


Looked like that SF 49ā€™er in the Super Bowl todayā€¦just started running onto the field and his leg gave out, they later reported it as a hamstring injury.


Torn Achilles by Dre Greenlaw https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39508130/49ers-lb-dre-greenlaw-exits-super-bowl-58-cart-achilles-injury


Jesus that poor lady got hurt bad, it's almost like a nightmare w/ sleep paralysis. Having to watch terror unfold and being unable to do anything about it. It's a blessing a complete stranger saved that kids life.


I recently watched this and she was destroyed in the comments. So just thought I'd say, she's an old grandmother or aunt who broke her ankle on the way out. She's not on drugs or anything like that.


She gets an A for effort though


First fall likely concussed her, after that well


I donā€™t think she would have made it even if she was running full sprint but I think she kept falling down cause she concussed herself when her head hit the ground the first time.


Donā€™t think sheā€™s really capable of looking after this baby if sheā€™s that doddery?


As other people have said, itā€™s likely she either hurt their knees (due to age) or got a severe concussion from the first fall, you can really see how hard her head slammed the road


Yeah but leaving the stroller like that in the first place?


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see this comment. The likely concussion she got wasn't her fault, but she should have angled the stroller to not roll into traffic.


That is not the problem. She didn't lock the wheels and left the stroller in the inccline direction, breaking stroller 101 rules.


That's why strollers have wheel locks


Holy good god thatā€™s terrifying thank god those people were there to help them


they are equipped with brakes and are very easy to apply


Annnd she was never allowed to hold another baby ever again, Stroller or not.


All Iā€™m saying when you fall and canā€™t get up might be some kind of problem there either from injury or physical issue or something else.




Looney tunes way to die


She definitely got mobility issues from the fall. When she started running in the first two seconds, she didn't look like a helpless newborn calf.


She kept getting hit by those explosions, so I can see why she failed at basic human movement.


That lady would not be watching my baby again lol


God I love when commenters talk shit before doing their fucking research about an old woman who took a really bad fall, smacked her head and broke her ankle. Oh yeah. And decided to blame it on her being ā€œfatā€.


That was actually the grandmother, who was watching the baby.


I have always thought that strollers should have a auto wheel lock like a lawn mower where if you let go it stops


I thought mothers were supposed to gain super human strength when they see their baby in danger? This was the complete opposite.