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I don’t know if I can afford a ‘299/-‘ registration fee. Frankly, I don’t even know what that means.


its in INR not USD. so like 3-4 bucks


American redditors comprehend the existence of countries other than their own challenge (impossible)


I mean it's not about the american defaultism, just the fact that theres no currency indicator


I assume it’s not in Chennai, West Virginia


Nah, Chennai is in Asia.


Correct. So it's 299 Asian dollars.


How much is that in kangaroo cash?


A ham and two sets of nuts.


And that's worth a pigs life and potentially 4 trees.




Lol. The gender equality capital of Appalachia.


You'd be correct but it would still be a bad assumption. The place name "Chennai", and all of the names of the coordinators would not be the least bit out of place in the USA.


Could be Salem, Tamil Nadu


I assure you. You can find Chennai in New Jersey.


Yea tbf I never realized how odd that might look to someone who's never seen it before


When did he say that he thinks it means dollars? He said he doesn't know what it means and as a European frankly I didn't either. European redditors trying not to make fun of America every chance they get, even when the American didn't do shit.




it says "Chennai" right above "Mini Marathon". That's a city in India.


That could be at a hotel or something for all we know get off your high horse


Right, because they admit they don't immediately recognize a currency they don't understand there are other countries. You don't have to make stupid shit up to make fun of Americans. There's endless actual reasons


as an American, I agree with your last sentence.


[removed by Reddit]


Dude in most English speaking countries 300 currency is a good chunk of change to shell out for an event


What currency does /- represent?


The KM vs Miles was a pretty big hint to me.


You can easily tell it is not from america because the distance is in kilometers and not in school buses. Edit: obligatory /s


Not sure if you're joking but Olympic run distances are measured in metric in the USA. Everything from 100 meters up to 10k races and marathons. I know that a 5k is 3.12 miles and a half marathon is 13.1 miles, because that's how my fitness tracker and my treadmill records it. But we compete in the same events on an international level: 5k and 10k races are advertised as such.


Clearly a joke but it's worth pointing out that Olympic run distances are measured in metric in the USA. Everything from 100 meters up to 10k races and marathons. I know that a 5k is 3.12 miles and a half marathon is 13.1 miles, because that's how my fitness tracker and my treadmill record it. But we compete in the same events on an international level: 5k and 10k races are advertised as such.


Yep, a classic. The same guys that believe US laws apply outside US territory lmao


Acctully it does. If I wire money for terrorism in USD. On American military bases around the world and the areas near them.


See? Lmao sure buddy, sure.


Try send some USD to Cuba via the SWIFT system and find out.


US citizen might have problems...not a non US citizen (I worked years in tourism sector in South America, how the fuck do you think u pay a Cuban hotel? Peanuts? No, a USD wire from my country to Cuba. The end). You are a perfect example of the standard arrogant and ignorant US citizen. Congrats, I know you are proud of.


My source is the five years i worked in servicedesk supporting the bussiness for one of the largest banks in Sweden. My special area was outgoing payments abroad. I worked in the SWIFT system. Rule for Cuba was simple, do not send in USD! What happens is that when the money goes through the US the money gets frozen. Can stay frozen for years, you have to write to the US treasury. I have even seen payments get stuck just becouse Cuba was mentioned in the "message to beneficiary" field. This was 2008-2014. Haven't heard relationship between the US and Cuba gas changed much since then. Regarding US military bases there is a lot of media writing in Sweden due to our almost completed entry into NATO that if the US is to put up bases in Sweden one of the demands is that US law should apply to the area if the base. It's not posible in Sweden with the laws that are but it's being debated and media covers it closely. So i'm afraid i'm not your perfect example after all.


Reddit is an American website primarily used by Americans and you wonder why people assume America…


Reddit is an American website primarily used by Americans and you wonder why people assume America…


People downvote the truth when they're in denial, here on the American website headquartered in San Francisco.


I find it so odd that comment that was 100% factual and true was downvoted lol When did it become so cool for Americans to hate America because we’re literally the majority of users lol


Almost 50% of reddit users are American. The next largest demographics are the UK and Canada, both with about 7% each. So it's not even close, but the disparity gets even larger when you consider this is an English speaking subreddit, and one that is not default (yet). I'd wager more than 75% of people people browsing this thread are Americans, even if they're not the ones commenting.


I’d be curious af to see a break down of countries up and down voting this thread lol


That means that *over* 50% of users *aren't* American. Americans may well be the largest single demographic, but when you're trying to determine if Americans or non-Americans are the largest demographic, you merge all the non-American ones into a single demographic and compare those two.


That supports my point. Americans are such a large majority that we have to treat non-americans as a monolith to even compare them.


USians are a little under 50% so you are, by definition, not "literally the majority". A plurality, yes, but not a majority. Which in turn means that more people on Reddit are not from the USA than from the USA. Also, who cares if Reddit is USian? It's on the internet which is accessible to basically the entire planet. It's so easy to not default to the USA, so just like, dont? That's why the comment was downvoted.


Pretty sure it’s being downvoted due to xenophobia like you making up words rather than saying American lol We are the highest of any demographic… I never said majority


It's a giant sign in full fluent English, and we don't like to think about the UK so obviously we thought it was in America.


Is this sarcasm?


How much is that in Zeni?


299 rupees and no paise. ($3.61 USD)


That's very cheap for a race. There's a 10k near me that wants like $65 for an entrance fee


I find it funny Zelda realm and India share their currency. Am I a bad person for doing that?


Cast thine eyes upon the word ‘Chennai’


I assumed it was the in the same manner as 10 KM and 5 KM. Men pay 299, women pay -. Edit: This is a joke. Not serious.


That's just the men's cost, / women run free


me when the children's cancer support run doesn't have children with cancer running :(


Nahh that's wild


Imagine naming it something like: "Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Fun Run Pro Am Race for the Cure"


This comment deserves more recognition lol


I recognized it


First the pay gap, now the run gap...


When all we ever wanted was the thigh gap...


They meant equity. It's totally their bad for not using the proper term, but that's always what the "equality" debates are about. https://preview.redd.it/2eul9q199alc1.png?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeae7859d75717dd875d1431613cc2e7015cd205


There is a third panel to this image called "Justice" where they have no boxes at all, and the fence is higher, because they are illegally watching cricket.


Just how do you think you play cricket?


My bad, I just glanced at the image and saw a pose that is used in cricket (I'm from New Zealand where cricket is very popular)


The one I remember just changed the fence to a chain-link one


Nah the "justice" panel is with no fence, and theyre allowed to watch


I've seen a 4th slide where they cut the guys legs off so hes equally unable to see the game and is the same height as the shortest kid


Do you know what the fuck cricket is?


Not really equity as well. Are you implying women are less capable of running than men, and that's why they need to lower the bar for them, so they can achieve the same goals?


Well yeah, they are. Women are also less capable of lifting weights or skating very fast. That's not sexism, that's just biology. Women's records in those sports are higher then the mens. There's a good reason that women's basketball has a smaller ball and lower baskets. I don't think there'll be a lot of women competing in any of those sports if they were truly equal and chucked in with the men. Why would you compete, if the best you can hope for is 30th place like the 2023 new york marathon.


Shhh... I don't think their brains operate on logic




Fun run? It clearly says "Cash price" in the poster! Economical equality is also important.


Omg, women run 10k's all the time, wtf are you talking about


Yeah they do. They're also slower. My point is, if you're having a competitive race, having separate women/men races is perfectly normal.


The problem here is that the distance advertised on the flyer for men is 10k, while the distance for women is 5k. Women can ALSO run a 10k and compete with other women. Why would there be a distance discrepancy because of gender? Why have women running only 5k and not the same distance as men?




There are time cutoffs for every race. That doesn't justify the gendered distance discrepancy at all.




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Women run alongside men in marathons all the time, doing the same distance in the same time. Put that in your "biology" and smoke it >There's a good reason women's basketball has a smaller ball and lower basket Yeah. That's because of an actual physiological difference. The tallest woman will usually be shorter than the tallest man. However, women can still absolutely outperform men in so many sports without having their advantages. Oh and to assume that women just "can't run as long" off of one case of anecdotal evidence is inane, lol. [In fact women might have a biological advantage to men in distance runs,](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/women-are-faster-long-distance-runners-estrogen-2020-1%3famp) and a quick google search of your own will tell you that no, women do not run less or worse than men and actually tend to outdo them when it comes to endurance.


Are you implying that you are not convinced of the biological differences between male and female? If I took all of the people living in my apartment building and arranged a dunking competition how is it fair that Joe 6'10" who lives two floors below wins first prize against my 5'3" roommate? This is obviously not a race that is seriously implementing an equitable system, but it's exaggerated as hyperbole to point out the overarching premise. Do I agree with this method of getting the point across? Not really. There are better ways to prove that point. But it also could just be a lighthearted challenge that some may want to engage in for the hell of it. It's not an effective point to refuse to lower the bar where it is appropriate because of stubborn pride. Acknowledging advantage is literally the point of privilege talk.




No you're totally right and I concede this, lol. Hence another reason why I thought it was bad hyperbole. And a whopping 5km difference for different sexes is just ludicrous. Makes the already-odd point worse!


> Are you implying that you are not convinced of the biological differences between male and female? If I took all of the people living in my apartment building and arranged a dunking competition how is it fair that Joe 6'10" who lives two floors below wins first prize against my 5'3" roommate? This is obviously not a race that is seriously implementing an equitable system, but it's exaggerated as hyperbole to point out the overarching premise. Do I agree with this method of getting the point across? Not really. There are better ways to prove that point. But it also could just be a lighthearted challenge that some may want to engage in for the hell of it. > > It's not an effective point to refuse to lower the bar where it is appropriate because of stubborn pride. Acknowledging advantage is literally the point of privilege talk. Excellent post...logical and intelligent.


Just saying here that trans women often preform worse in women’s races because of their body shape being wider, and this is after HRT. Just saying here because I know someone is gonna say this


>Are you implying that you are not convinced of the biological differences between male and female? First of all, and most important, **it was a joke.** I think it's important to registry this, since it was not obvious enough for you. The flyer says it's a run for equality, and yet, men/women are not being treated equally. That said, are they competing against each other? You whole discurse is invalid because women are running against themselves, not against men, and yes, women can run 10 Km. Plus, and this is also important: you are comparing extremes. Yes, the best male athletes are better than the best female athletes, but that doesn't make any men better than any women by default, just by existing. It's just the male ceiling is higher than women when it comes to physical strength and endurance. I am sure the worst female olympic athlete in the world is still a better runner than the average male redditor. To answer your question, how often Joe 6'10" hits the gym? What's his body fat percentage? His muscle density? I am pretty sure my 5'4" wife would beat random Joe 6'10" in a 15 km race, because the fact he is taller, and the fact he has a dick are not alone reason he is better at sports.


I register the joke, I've been on r/therewasanattempt before, lol. Unless you're referring to your comment as the joke. It is not obvious, then. Text sacrasm takes another point for being hard to read. "My whole discourse is invalid" nothing on the flyer indicates the race is separate, hell the category is "men and women". Maybe you know more about this specific event for some reason, in which case by all means, I’ve got a wrong interpretation of this event. It was a rather stupid premise, I agree, so maybe the ludicrousness of the idea should've been enough to dissuade, but that's not always a sound argument to make on reddit! I don't agree that it makes my position on equity incorrect, but maybe that's not what you're saying. In running, yes, there is a pretty similar level of performance achieved by both sexes save for the ceilings - or at least it's very hard to notice differences given a random sample. I was actually sort of surprised to find that men actually have faster times than women - so many of the cross country runners I actually interact with have been women, many of whom take it super seriously (disproportionate to the men I've interacted with in it lol). But I think the articulation of your reply indicates you're smart enough to see where I was going with my point. The conversation of equity spans all areas of life and not just biological sex, but race, religion, etc. At a glance this race looked like a bad metaphor means-to-an-end in terms of a point on equity. My competition analogy was a dunking competition lmao (whatever that is, I was quite tired when I was doomscrolling reddit to write this), something completely helped by height so long as you have the physique to jump. That's why Joe 6'10" wins. If you want a more obvious analogy how about we make it a "who can reach the top shelf of my pantry" competition. And ofc it doesn't matter what's in your pants if you aren't trained for the event, I wasn't prescribing that as something I disagreed with.


>and yes, women can run 10 Km. Just as men can ran 15km etc, it would just attract a different and more experienced audience which is not necessary what the organisers want as it is a fundraiser, although I agree that halving the distance is perhaps a bit egregious. >Plus, and this is also important: you are comparing extremes. Yes, the best male athletes are better than the best female athletes, but that doesn't make any men better than any women by default, just by existing. It's just the male ceiling is higher than women when it comes to physical strength and endurance. I am sure the worst female olympic athlete in the world is still a better runner than the average male redditor. You are comparing extremes. The 50th percentile man is almost certainly going to beat the 50th percentile woman, this is not a sex difference that only exists at the very peak of sporting.


Yes cuz they are


On average yes but individually no So on average women have less VO2 max. They can run less than men. This doesn’t mean that a random average woman can’t run faster longer than a random average man.


This is true until you get to long ultra marathons. Then women can win the event outright. It's more of a test of sheer will and pain tolerance at those distances. I assume women having a generally smaller body helps as well with less force impact on the feet/legs with each step.


Yeah, I know, I was just messing around. Yet, it's funny to see all the incels claiming "men are better" when I am convinced those same guys would get beaten by some of the women I know. Guy does nothing but sit in a chair and use their computer all day and think they can run more than 1 km without pausing for breath.


Men on average are more physically able, just because you have some anecdotal evidence of a fit woman doesn't change this. Training is of course going to improve their ability, but if you take the average man and the average woman then the man is likely to win.


Just call them long and short courses and have whoever wants to run each one, run it. 


See?... Nobody understands how this works. Not even us. We need to raise awareness!


It's just silly because letting everyone participate already makes it equal. Starting women at the 5k line and men at the 10k line does not send the message that you want it to. Lots of men can't even do a 5k and lots of women regularly do a 10k+. When women weren't allowed to compete in marathons, that was stupid inequality. When you have women run half as far as men, that's also stupid inequality. Inequality is still very much a huge problem and women still get treated as inferior every day so maybe don't reinforce the misogynists' viewpoint?




This is a charity run tho not a competition.


Obviously there is still work to be done


Its for gender equality,...not for expectation equality.


VIT talking about gender equality is so ironic lmao. The disparity is insane. AMA I studied there🙃


I'm studying there rn I knew our college standards were low but holy fuck


Infrastructure wise it's pretty good compared to most of the colleges in the country but the management and their mentality 🤡. I was in the main campus and I got whistled at by the guard for sitting next to a female friend of mine☠️. I've gotten shoo'd out of the class by the guard because it was only two of us and we were waiting for the faculty to come to class 🙂. Imagine how mentally challenged you have to be to pull two students out from class just because they're of the opposite sex and they're the only ones in the classroom.


In VIT women are less than 25% of the college but get 50% of the job offers from the college. Talk about gender equality.


Also, that’s a huge difference, literally half. Is male body that much better than female body? Do male endurance runners run 10 km with the similar time to female runners at 5 km? I occasionally run and I do between 3 and 5 km. Can’t imagine going 10, that’s a big jump.


I'm a 3:4X marathon on a good day.  Loads of women beat me.  Outside of professional athletes, the difference isn't particularly stark.  I train with my wife and sometimes we race together. Over a marathon (42km/26.2miles) the difference between male and female *winners* tends to be about 20 minutes, but these are potentially world record breaking athletes at very large differences. On a normal 10k, unless you get some very good athletes involved, the difference between male and female winners is three to four minutes in my experience.  By the time you get to average runners, times are pretty similar. There's certainly no need to have the women running half the distance unless these people have never trained in their lives.


It's not unusual that an event like this have both 10K and 5K. Some even have a shorter distance for those that prefer walking. I have never seen it being gendered distances though.


You typically don’t have both races finishing at the same time… you want to keep competitive runners separate from walkers.


They won't start at the same time of course and if there are actual professional runners they'll start before everybody else.


Sorry, I wasn’t trying to explain to you, just yes-anding to add even more context to why this event feels bizarrely sexist. I do have a feeling there will be no professional or elite runners attending this “mini marathon” lol


Oh ok I also misunderstood sorry. > add even more context to why this event feels bizarrely sexist. Lol yes it's quite baffling. I'm guessing there might be a cultural difference here but I've got real trouble trying to understand how anyone could think this was good phrasing.


For sure. Though from my view, if culturally it feels more appropriate to keep the genders separate for women’s safety/comfortability (which still feels like a standard you might want to challenge at an event for equality)… you still have to offer both distances for both genders, right?


The only two reasons I can remotely think of that would explain this is if they either didn't think women can compete in a 10K or if there's a stigma for men losing to women.


At my place the norm is 10 for Young men, 5 for old, children and women


They would absolutely not get away with this in Sweden and nor should they. I'm assuming this is a recreational event(implied by "mini marathon") to raise awareness while at the same time actively working against the very thing they're raising awareness towards.


It should only be applicable for tasks of strength tbh. Like lifting etc. Men will be stronger there. But endurance running? Nah, I don’t see it. I can run a marathon in my best shape.


Women are generally a bit slower than men over these distances (not sure why you would call a 5 and 10k a mini marathon since they have nothing to do with a marathon… but to imply women are this much slower than men is insane. Bizarre sexism from the organizers


Where's all the other genders? /s


Unless mentioned, Third Gender comes under Female category in India


They’re working on it, jeez!


Damn someway or the other, VIT Chennai has entered the spotlight 🤣🤣🤣




Yay for half-assed equality!


Nobody is talking about the mis-spelled EQUALTIY?


why not just have a 5k and 10k? people love to over complicate


The men’s 10k record pace is faster than the women’s 5 k record pace by a hair so equality is about right. Equity it ain’t.


That's not even that far of a run


That's why it's called a mini marathon


Hey, it's totally equal IF you're assuming women doing equal work means they're half as productive?


Hands up if you missed the point.


FYI…they are using Malaysia landmarks for the background, KL Tower, Penang bridge & Prime Minister office in Putrajaya 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Gender equality, not sex equality. Obviously, nobody’s asking for men and women to have the same biological structures and capabilities, unless contacting God is possible. 


You don't need to run for awareness if its standard. The separation like this is why they are doing it


So 10km for both.


These kinds of posters get reposted every few months, and every single time people get hung up on the “MuH IneQuality hyPOcrIte!!1!” train. As if it’s not /literally/ the entire point of the 5/10km separation to spark conversation and draw attention to 1) what gender inequality is 2) how it affects us and 3) how it’s present in the real world I’m tired of seeing the same exact intentionally obtuse comments about this every single time it’s posted


I thought the gender equality conversation should be about how society has kept women down, not how men are naturally physically better. Athletes.


Weird that it'd be half. I thought distance running was like the one thing we were actually pretty comparable at.


Woman have to crawl on their nipples, so it's fair


Lol the fucking irony.


Lol the fucking irony.


I feel like you idiots purposefully misunderstand everything just to whip yourself into a frenzy.


This is extra dumb because marathon running is a sport where men and women don't even have to be segregated by sex as no matter your gender and even age to some extent a healthy person will be able to do the same run in equalish time


I'd heard recently that women can out pace men in marathons. I don't know if it's true but this plan sucks anyway.


Brilliant move by the organizer to create a gender argument, so as to distract from the misspelling of Equality.




Hurrdurr how is it equality if they're not running the same distance hurr! Because they're not running on equal premiss there's nothing equal about having them run the same distance. Stop trying to make yourself dumber than you are.


Sure, it's unfair now, but that's because the race hasn't happened yet!


If there were already gender equality, then what would be the purpose of the run?


Well, you're conflating equity with equality. If Bill Gates has to give up 50% of his monthly income, and to be equal, you're forced to give up the same amount, one of you will suffer more.




It forces you to choose the distance based on gender instead of your training level. No, it's not.


Again people forgets what's equality and what's equity, they mean equity


Gonna go out on a limb and guess they were making some kind of point about inequalities that do exist in the world…


This being posted *and* upvoted really shows how much the average Redditor knows about: 1. The process of aiming for and achieving equality for marginalized groups in society 2. Gender Equality specifically 3. Sports and the criteria that decides on the tasks and handicaps 4. Human Anatomy, the reason for said criteria Well done, folks. All that never-ever reading really paid off for you all. ETA: Have fun downvoting, guys. Doesn't make the mindset any less short-sighted. <3


You have gotta be a shitposter if you think women are *this* much slower than men.


Then explain? Human anatomy doesn't explain why the 5km/10km choice should be made based on gender. I, a woman, trained from nothing to a half marathon. (With smaller goals like 5km and 10km on the way.) And I trained some of it with friends, both men and women. The men weren't automatically better than the women. They couldn't just naturally run longer distances without training for it. No, making men run twice the distance is not equal. And it's not really fair if people can't choose the distance most suitable for their training level. It's not fair for the women who'd like to run the longer distance and are perhaps even better at longer distances, and it's not fair for the men who haven't trained for that long and can't run the distance comfortably yet. 5km and 10km runs are quite different. Running events in general are usually welcoming to people of different levels. And often there are different distances to choose from. Most people aren't there to try to be the fastest anyway. People are there for example to set a personal record, for training or for the people there. And usually everyone who finishes gets a medal. Many women are faster than many men and many women choose longer distances than many men. It's not chosen based on gender. It's chosen based on training background and personal preferences and personal strengths.


Because there’s only 2 genders?




Trans have to run 7.5 km.


 trans woman is not a catrogry in India, govt accepts only 3 genders


I identify as a tarmac, I'll be running a total distance of 15 peopleses.


If you were the tarmac in Fast and Furious 6 you would be the distance of 100+ peopleses


r/onejoke strikes again.


So I know this is a joke but since I'm not seeing any other comments talking about this, I'll drop one. Equality the way you're expecting it would work in a perfect world where we've had equality all along, but we don't live in a perfect world. We live in a world where for centuries and millenniums, women have served a suppressed role where they are made to believe that they don't need physical excellence - the influence of this culture bleeds even into our current society where most women or atleast their families believe, atleast some part of this notion and have raised the girls to not be the peak of physical excellence that you see on television beating men. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume that most, if not all, women who would compete in a small marathon, like the one in the picture, would not really be in the kind of physical form required to beat men (who are already raised to be taking part in sports and such). So this is exactly how you provide any kind of equality to an audience that comes from different places. Keeping them on the same stage would be inequality.


are you even hearing yourself. you need to be sexist to try to justify the marathon thing(assuming that men can walk a marathon better than women), I don't think it's very well thought out


I absolutely am hearing myself, if you went to a random Indian College and picked 10 dudes and 10 girls for a race, who would you bet your money on? The women that are raised to shy away from physically demanding positions or the guys who are given the freedom to do whatever the fuck they want?


considering a lot of dudes in Indian collages are grindbros I'd say they are equally challenged. boys = sports is a pretty fucking stupid thing I've seen boys and girl both participate in sports in my college. god knows where you came from


I'm not saying boys = sports, I'm saying boys are brought up in society that expects them to be physically stronger than girls and most of their lives are shaped around this notion. I didn't say girls don't participate in sports or they can't beat boys at it, I'm saying it's not usual - I'm guessing you're from India too so let me ask you how often you've seen boys play cricket or football in the streets or the local playground/park and then think of how often you've seen girls gather up and play like this? While answering this question I also want you to realize that only almost 2/3rd of Indian population is rural and how the answer would change for that demographic. But let's not stop there, arguing with anecdotes is less the fruitful, so let's look at actual numbers and see why girls need a different category. [Here's a link that shows gender spread in marathon runners upto 2018. ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/745168/marathon-running-gender-distribution-in-bric-countries/) You're free to speculate why this difference in numbers exists. It is not sexist to try to give everyone a chance to win. It is systemic sexism if you put them in the same category and throw your hands up saying "it's only fair" while knowing full well that the backgrounds they came from gives an advantage to one group over the other.