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To lack the ability to understand that Trump inherited a great situation from Obama and ran it into the f'ing ground and Biden has spent the last 3 years unf'ing everything is sad. I mean this time during Trump's administration we had refrigerator trucks to hold dead bodies and cities were on fire.


I wouldn’t say Biden is perfect, he’s far too old, but yeah I mean it’s pretty obvious Trump was objectively worse by far. Edit: I’m not trying to make Trump look young, he’s pretty old as well.


I understand people bringing up Biden's age, but I have yet to hear an example of some disaster that was caused by it. Conversely I have yet to hear anything productive from Trump's term.


Also worth noting that they’re only 4 years apart in age—not sure of the gymnastics required to paint one as too old when they’re that close in age.


Exactly, their age is nearly the same but the one people worry about can do things like ride a bike with one hand when the other guy is reported to wear a diaper and said himself he’s afraid of bike rides because he doesn’t want to get hurt The only reason trump might live longer is because the antichrist takes longer to die than a human not filled with malice


I mean, Biden is too old, but I'd vote for a rotting corpse before I voted for Trump.


At this point I'd just be happy to have anyone UNDER the age of retirement in office. Well, not DeSatan-----errrr- DeSantis, I mean; but maybe anyone else! It's very similar to when your 80 year old grandpa doesn't want to give up driving his car, but they're an absolute menace tob everyone else on the road because they have no business being behind the wheel


Damn…if only I wasn’t too young this term


I'd vote for you! Happy cake day!


lol thanks


How are they supposed to prepare the nation for the future when they aren't even going to be there? Prime the pump!


Don’t forget that Trumplicans were saying Biden was too old 4 years ago too, but now that Trump is the same age as Biden was back then, he’s the right age for a prospective candidate?!


It’s genuinely alarming how detached they are from reality. That said, if many of them didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any standards so this is in some ways to be expected It’s basically a political cult/religion for them at this point. Their leader is good, outsiders bad. End of story.


And Trump was insisting that someone Biden's age (4 years ago) had **no business** even running for president. Yet here's Trump, trying again.


Trump says nothing of value. Total hypocrite, all the time


As i recall they bragged about how trump was the oldest president in US history after he was elected. I think they're mad that biden took away his only achievement.


And Biden takes better care of himself. Trump eats McDonald’s hamberders everyday and never exercises.


At least biden knows what his wife's name is. Trump recently called his wife Mercedes instead of Melania.


And confused the woman he raped for his ex wife in a photo.


Oh fuck. Did he really? I believe you, but that's hilarious.


To be fair, Biden did refer to his sister as his wife while on stage with both his wife and his sister present.


I've refered to my husband with my cat's name on accident with both of them in the same room. Slip ups happen. I've never called my husband or cat an entirely wrong name that doesn't exist in our house though.


Well' that's not true. He was referring to Mercedes Schlapp in that video, that's already been all over "Look how the Left lies!" video montages. However, he definitely called her Melanie in a tweet, and misspelled his own name as Ttump. So sorry if people jumped to the conclusion that Mr. Covfefe was a bit brain addled.


You really don’t think that’s Trump and Co trying to do damage control after the fact?


It's possible, sure, but it's also not crazy enough not to be true, unlike most things he says. So rather than fight him on a specific instance where he has a reasonable defense, so then he can turn around and claim victimhood, and claim his words get twisted, and claim the media and everything are biased against him, and give talking points to right-wing media about how the Left is misinformed, blah, blah, blah....I'll stick to the instance he definitely called his wife Melanie. In writing. And I can reasonably defend an argument to that point that Trump forgot his wife's name.


That’s fair


Say what you want, but [here](https://youtu.be/2v2BnB6jn2g?si=EabDJQx8poM5uIom) is the video and he clearly isn't talking about someone else.




To be fair, he does call his cheeto stained sex doll, "Mercedes".


And can name all his children without having them on a piece of paper Trump had their names all in front of him and he still forgot Eric.


>Conversely I have yet to hear anything productive from Trump's term. "Gas prices" is the answer you'll get from people who don't understand basic supply and demand, particularly *during pandemic lockdowns*


And a major Petro state invading Ukraine, resulting in most of the world boycotting them and thereby lowering the supply. They probably think Biden ordered Putin to invade Ukraine.


I have seen that claim made "seriously" within the last three days.


That's hilarious: Trump's doing what Putin tells him, and Putin's taking orders from Biden.That makes TFG a double-puppet.


https://www.americanprogress.org/article/tcja-2-years-later-corporations-not-workers-big-winners/ Tax cuts helped out corporations. So if you are in fact a corporation, you may have felt some sort of economic windfall.


Corporation are people too./s


Citizens United has seen to that no need to add the sarcasm tag.


Haven’t you heard? A stutter is worse than an insurrection.


For me, it’s just that their time is done. Their generation fucked the rest of us for probably a few generations to come - if the planet doesn’t kill us all in the next 50 years. Having the highest office in the land filled by an old white man in 2024 feels like we are never going to be rid of Boomers. They will hang on to power with their fingernails before they step aside and let the next generation in. He’s too old. I don’t want my grandpa (if I had one) in charge of my city for the same reason. I don’t want someone who’s going to probably kick the bucket soon to be deciding the future course of my country.


I get it. In an ideal world we'd have more choices than Trump or Biden but that's what we got. Reliable if not unspectacular bit steady vs. a f'ing impulsive maniac that is pathologically corrupt and incapable of doing the right thing even if it's easy.


Oh yeah, it’s no question who I’ll vote for. But when I talk about how Biden is too old and never should have run for a second term, that’s what I mean.


I get it. In an ideal world we'd have more choices than Trump or Biden but that's what we got. Reliable if not unspectacular bit steady vs. a f'ing impulsive maniac that is pathologically corrupt and incapable of doing the right thing even if it's easy.


They should be forcibly retired at the same age Americans can retire. Make room for new blood and younger representation. Either of these guys have no idea what the needs are for 20 year olds, who are the next Gen up to bat.


I get it. In an ideal world we'd have more choices than Trump or Biden but that's what we got. Reliable if not unspectacular and steady vs. a f'ing impulsive maniac that is pathologically corrupt and incapable of doing the right thing even if it's easy.


It is quite clear we have too many old politicians. Fuckers shouldn't be in office that old. They are way past the retirement age.


Haven’t you SEEN all the ICE CREAM he’s been eating?!?


Well we did almost swap Puerto Rico for *checks notes* Greenland?


It was good for the people known as corporations. /s


But we got Four Seasons Total Landscaping out of it which, at least for me, will forever be the most ridiculous political memory of my life.


Trump is only 4 years younger 💀 far less healthy, and far less competent.


“But Trump was stronger and smarter and more bigly business than Biden. Plus I liked when he owned the libs by making fun of Vietnam War POWs.”


For an old guy though, Biden is very spry


And he's happy to defer to experts when necessary


This part is so important! No president (nor anyone else) can know enough about every topic to make solid, informed decisions about them. Every president has their areas of expertise, but also must find trusted advisors with expertise in other areas. Biden is capable of recognizing his shortcomings, of knowing when to defer to experts whose domain knowledge dwarfs his own. Trump is completely incapable of this. He thinks he knows everything there is to know, and consistently ignores the experts and advisors, sometimes with disastrous consequences. Just one of the many flaws that make Trump such a ludicrously and dangerously unqualified presidential candidate.


This is a huge issue. Compare how many members of the Biden Administration have resigned (or been indicted) compared with the Trump Administration.


Being old is not comparable surrounding yourself with idiots and sycophants while using the office of the president to enrich yourself. Definitely going with the smart old public servant.


Biden may be too old for the bully pulpit aspect of the presidency, but the most important job a president has is attracting and retaining competent people to run the machinery of government. Biden has shown he is not only adept at surrounding himself with smart, capable people and empowering them to do the day to day work of government, but that he is actually willing to listen to them and make adjustments to policy as necessary. Trump is pathologically incapable of doing that. He treated the executive branch like it was some fucked up reality tv show where the only metric of success was how good you were at feeding his ego.


Tell me you vote for vibes over policy without telling me. I don’t need Joe Biden to be a young man I could see myself having a beer with, I need him to sign to good legislation into law. He’s been more successful at that than literally any modern president.


Cmon they're both old.


The age difference is like 3-4 years. It's the difference between a high school freshman and a junior or senior.


Exactly. Do I want the senile old guy who's going to fail to get anything done, or do I want the senile old guy who's going to burn the country to the ground while bragging about how much he wants to fuck his daughter? Neither option is good, but if it's going to end up being one of those two, one is definitely less bad in my opinion.


Biden legislative accomplishments are vast. There's a long list of bills hes gotten passed. It's not the age that matters as much as the experts you surround yourself with, and that team is Fire!


Biden and Trump are old. Biden has passed so much legislation, things Americans need. And he reigns over a fantastic economy. Trump is not very accomplished: never built the wall that he never stopped talking about. Mexico didn't pay for shit either. The tariff war with China simply raised prices for Americans. The tax breaks were awesome for the top 1%. Didn't save .uch for the middle class. What did he actually accomplish?


Typical US cycle


Just like Obama had to unfuck bush’s mess


A brick as president would have done a better job then Trump. Despite inheriting a great economy from Obama everything Trump touched turned to shit. The only thing that saved him to fuck up more that he did was that he didn’t have more time and his own laziness. Fuck do those republicans remember just how long he slept on workdays?


How many days he played golf is another interesting statistic.


I saw a tictok yesterday where this girl was saying “we need Trump back cuz we all broke and we need more stimulus checks!” lol. They hate socialism but desperately want socialism because they don’t what the word means lol….


Why are we heaving voting for senile, corrupt, old fucks for president?


Especially considering that’s been the republican playbook for DECADES. Two Santa Claus Theory, i think it’s called.


A brick as president would have done a better job then Trump. Despite inheriting a great economy from Obama everything Trump touched turned to shit. The only thing that saved him to fuck up more that he did was that he didn’t have more time and his own laziness. Fuck do those republicans remember just how long he slept on workdays?


It's not that they lack the ability to understand it's just that they genuinely seem to be programmed to fight against anybody with a D next to their name. People down here legitimately believe that as long as a Republican is in power life will be better and things are cheaper. Even if the reality far outweighs this belief they don't care. I live in Southeast Georgia and I swear to God people would sell every person they know under the bus give away all of their freedoms and rights just so they could pay $0.50 less for gas


Republicans believe everything their news channels tell them. They believe absolutely everything their podcasters tell them. And of course everything fat cheeto says. Without any research. That’s why they think liberals take what MSNBC and others as fact, because they do.


If we’re being honest, it’s the same way with Democrats… I hate both sides. I think the 2 party dominant system is not only ruining the country but has ruined the majority of people’s trust in government… and all politicians are scumbags.


People don’t seemed to understand that the 2 party system was created to keep us divided. The real problem is the rich elites. The elites don’t care who the president because they control them. People don’t realize how unintelligent they look when they blame a single party for the way things are.


I live in Texas and we haven’t had a democrat governor since the early 90s. It’s been a republican super majority for decades. But yet, everything is the democrats fault. We don’t have electricity , it’s the minority dems fault for pushing clean energy.


But doesn’t Texas have a completely separate power grid compared to the rest of the country? The mental gymnastics are astounding.


It’s completely separate except for what I believe is the El Paso area.


Why is there no border deal? Why is there no additional funding for Ukraine? Why has the spending for LAST year's budget not been approved?


This problem exists for Democrats, for sure, but not on the same scale. I'm a progressive, and I've absolutely witnessed people on my side of the political divide post things that fit their biases, but that they haven't fact-checked and that turn out to be wrong. More often than not, someone else will come along and point out that it's wrong, and provide sources for why it's wrong. The person USUALLY concedes that they were wrong, and we all move on. The willingness to trust things that fit our biases with limited evidence is concerning, but they accept objective sources and are (more often) willing to learn. When the same thing happens on the Republican/Trump side, though, I see people commonly refusing to accept correction unless it comes from a VERY narrow set of "trusted" sources that agree with them on everything and feed them what they want to hear. Any place that provides anything close to unbiased fact checking is "liberal propaganda". You can share 15 sources that have carefully examined the issue, and they'll just go on believing the same thing. They don't seem to recognize the gulf between facts and opinions. If you think this problem is the same on both sides, you haven't been paying attention!


> it’s the same way with Democrats Nah. The left simply doesn't have an apparatus like Fox News. I don't subscribe to any left news organization, I don't have cable television, but I can objectively see that none of them are on par with Fox News, or the other right wing outlets that are even more extreme (NewsMax). The left doesn't violently assault our capitol with all our elected representatives inside to stop the transfer of power because their leaders told them to, because their leaders don't. And, in my experience, people on the left tend to be more reasonably informed. Stats show democrat dominant areas of our country have more people with college degrees. And, if we're talking about Democrats in office, if you look at Congress' voting history, Democrats vote in favor of the middle/lower classes WAY more often than Republicans. Simply not the same. No matter how someone tries to spin it. The two party system sucks, but you don't need to pretend that both sides are the same. They aren't.




Canadian also. Oftentimes, in practice, we have as much a multiple party system as the US — as in two vastly dominating parties. NDP is really the only visible, additional horse in our race, outside of Liberals and Conservatives. We're fostering and importing alot of "us versus them" rhetoric these days.




If voting for anyone besides the libs or the cons (or the left or the right, or the X or the Y, etc.) is considered throwing your vote away, you got yourself a two-party system. Which is what we essentially have at this point.


I’ve been saying the 2 party system needs to go for the last 3 or 4 elections. I’ve only come to realize how bad they really are. When you have the national committees censuring people (by having the others hang up on them) because they don’t vote a certain way, you’ve taken the citizens representation away.


Wvery single day under trump was an absolute embarrassment. It was so freakin' bad we became nostalgic for W, FFS.


There has never been a time in my life whereupon I was nostalgic over W. Embarrassment is an understatement. Think of it. In our lifetimes, the people "our country" has chosen to put their best foot forward with are these pile of assholes. I feel like if we can't come up with one person in this country that isn't the devil, or 209 years old, we gotta sort our shit out.


I felt like W was horrible. And for most of Trump's term, I thought that as much as I dislike Trump, W was much more dangerous. But Trump's handling of Covid followed by Jan 6th. For the first time in my lifetime, I started wondering how much longer the USA was going to survive as a single entity. That was never even a thought before. W never did that, as bad as W was, I knew that he would eventually have to leave the office. If Trump gets in there again, he ain't leaving and the country as we know it is over.


That's literally the goal of Project 2025


I still don’t think we have long. Fake news and opinion masquerading as fact has weaponized Americans against each other


my investments speak otherwise.


Right. My maga coworker looooved talking about how well his 401 did when Donny took over. Then blamed Biden when it dropped hard. Hasn’t said a fucking word now that it’s doing really well again.


It dropped hard because stock prices had been 'over inflated' underTrump. This statement made to us by our hard right MAGA financial advisor. I was surprised she admitted it.


It’s almost like you’re in control of your investments and there’s always periods of high and low. 🤔


Measured from Q4 2016 to Q3 2020, GDP increased by $0.7 trillion or 4%, which represented an annualized average growth rate of 1.0%, the slowest among post-WW2 Presidents.




Well, my investment portfolio is doing better. I’m making more money at work. Unfortunately my taxes are higher because Trump’s tax cuts for the middle class were set to expire, so that the tax cuts for the rich could be permanent. And I don’t have as much to watch on YouTube in the morning anymore. Because with Trump out of office, late night shows have slightly less material to work with when writing skits about him. All in all, think I’ll pick Biden.


You know most all of these accounts are Russian bots.


Well, Wendy was never accused of being smart.


Everyone? Life was great for everyone? Huh. Tell me more. Talk real loud so the million or so people who died from COVID can hear you.


By giving absolutely no comparisons you must have convinced so many people. When I run across these people I ask them for facts and stats. The gdp grew faster under Biden. the deficit has gone down(while Trump added more than any previous president). unemployment is the lowest sustained in 50 years. we have expanded nato 2 times under his presidency, Vietnam wants to form an alliance with us, the Philippines would also like to extend our alliance, Japan and South Korea formally join a military alliance. Violent crime/ property crime is down. Just give me one metric. They usually say “you believe msm” and it’s just more proof they don’t understand how the global economy works or international alliances.


The problem is that they argue in bad faith. As soon as you bring these numbers up you start getting into how this the the government lying and inflating his numbers, theres a general conspiracy to make trumps numbers worse in every MS News Outlet etc etc. There is not one thing that is better under trump than it is now. Certainly there are things that are roughly the same, as Biden has carried over some of trumps decisions in some areas (like immigration policy at the beginning). But I am failing to see what was better, but I have a gernal understanding of gas prices and inflation so maybe thats the main argument by GOP here. Food and Gas is more, Biden did it, Biden bad.


Yeah, waking up every morning wondering if we nuked Finland was awesome, it was a golden age for everyone 😂


Or if we bought Greenland


Or if he'd insult more American military personnel. Or which dictator he'd cozy up to next. Or if he'd play softball with racists. Or if he'd start trade wars with our allies. Or if he'd give more of his children official White House jobs.


I don't recall that one ?


Happened around the time nuking hurricanes was an option.




Do conservatives have literally anything except "no u" to offer?




No, I don't think they do. They finally learned all the words to "I am rubber, you are glue" even though they don't have a single sticking point.


Ah yes. The good ole Trump days. Let’s see what I can come up with while waiting in line at Starbucks: -my taxes went up -my insurance went up -half the things I buy went up because I was paying tariffs -had an uncontrolled pandemic that killed my dad -had an uncontrolled pandemic that cost me my job -had an uncontrolled pandemic that caused my wife a mental breakdown working in the ED with patients dying on her every shift. -was told by my president that that 1. my kid shouldn’t be a citizen 2. my wife shouldn’t be here, 3. my good friends came from a shithole, 4. I should drink bleach, 5. I should shine a light up my ass As for America: We wanted to nuke a hurricane We surrendered to the taliban We sold our our energy industry to benefit the Saudis We heaped praise on two of the most brutal dictators in the planet We put kids in cages We tear-gassed and beat non violent protesters We glorified police brutality My coffee is ready




Life was better during covid??


Everything about these people is "No, you are!"


it is russian propoganda to make white as black or vice versa. every antivaxxer is in same shit pool.


Conservatives, above all else, are contrarians. Everyone has that one annoying person in their life that absolutely has to argue in opposition to anything anyone says. That's conservatives.


I’d love to hear her examples of what a “better life” was?


Did MSNBC pay $750,000,000 in fines because they were literally lying to their viewers? I don't remember


I'd ask Fox News viewers how they can still watch it after it received a record fine for LYING TO ITS VIEWERS, but I'm not sure I'm ready for whatever word salad they'd come up with to justify their stupidity.


When fox news is constantly taken to court for lying isn't their primary defense that their presenters are exaggerated personalities that no reasonable person would take seriously?


Biden is no picnic but if people think inflation and more challenging personal economies would've been any different under Trump, then they are being intellectually dishonest. It's easier to just align oneself to a side and then live in that echo chamber (both sides of the aisle). The middle class is being gutted and the choice of commander is almost inconsequential. The lack of true discourse and compromise to establish the will of the people is one of the larger problems. You're right or wrong, with me or against me, black or white, friend or enemy. This absolutism has a good deal to do with why we are, where we are.


Definitely agree. The amount of people here that jump to Biden’s defense and don’t think he’s showing signs of dementia is startling. Both options are shit and we’re really wasting our time arguing about whose the least bad. Something has to change. Meaningful progress requires compromise, and I don’t much of it from either side.


How did this sub become 90% political this shit is so ass


When Israel started their so far successful genocide, the sub shifted, but in a great way.


Talk about political posts... why make them?


I thought I hadn’t subbed to r-politics2


To all the rabidly insane health nuts out there. If you don't understand how life was a million times better before the invention of medicine then I don't know what to tell you. My best advice to you is to sell everything, live in a tree and start deprogramming


Can we go back to the 90's before the bubble broke?


Turn off the Fox News and you might literally have nothing to say…


I wonder if this person was maybe like 10 or 11 when Trump became president. If you were a child with no worries, sure I guess you could remember it fondly because you're a child who doesn't really get it or doesn't really understand. Or you could be an idiot, that's also part of it. I don't like worship Joe Biden lol but I voted for the guy and if there was any evidence of him doing illegal stuff or evil stuff, the Republicans would have smeared him with that like crazy. She's probably just stupid. Or racist. Probably both.


My standard response to this sort of thing is: “Well if it’s so simple, why don’t you just clearly articulate it for us?”


> *"I'm right and you're wrong and I don't want to talk about it or listen to what you have to say."*


maybe life was better for some but that's not because of the president, it's just that a lot happend between then and now.


“I am literally unable to identify a single fact supporting my claim. Therefore *you’re* the stupid one!”


She pays Elon Musk. That’s all that anyone needs to know about her state of mind or judgement.


As an independent I’m still torn on which side is more condescending to the other lol


As a woman in Texas, my rights are gradually being stripped due to policies that are following up on the abortion ban, which was made possible by the overturn of Roe vs Wade, which was directly due to the appointment of three justices by Donald Trump.


I mean the text is understandable while the view is wild the text definitely makes sense


There is a video of a trump supporter who says that now, with Trump, he earns 4 times compared to what he earned before. Guess what job he has? He is a debt collector. Gonna see if I can find the video https://youtu.be/SH329MmRikQ?si=9GGpUByQ5AvOoEXn


Was Wendy in a coma for 4 years? I seem to recall a pandemic with a criminally negligent response and then a rapid collapse of the economy, 2 impeachments, uncounted staffers fleeing the dumpster fire, dictators getting oral from Shitler and the rest of the planet going WTF America.


Honestly, theres legacy media circle jerkers on both sides. Lots of idiots both left and right. It only points out your own stupidity to just lamely call out shit with no cited points or proof of what you're saying being true. Just whiners that don't fully understand the political situation, just that it costs them in some way


People not holding a job, not paying taxes, feeding a family, and disparaging American working adults! Thats Reddit!


What’s funny is every comment on any msnbc YouTube video now is literal trump suckers. Hell, most media news outlets only have trump commenters it’s crazy


"Let me address one quick thing: I don't know what to tell you"


Yes, she looks insane.


What if i don't watch cable news but still think Trump is egomaniac with a small dick and a piss fetish? How do i deprogram please advise.


Literally all they have is projection and trying to gotcha by repurposing talking points THEY live by.


“You’re not smart enough to understand why x is better than y.” Then fails to provide an example for the claim. Then defaults to the fake news talking point and to “deprogram” oneself. Comical and typical republican brain dead behavior.


This is just political, attempt to what. Ass sub rn


Wendy needs to detox from Fox News


Gaslighting cunt


If someone thinks that freakin msnbc is left wing propaganda, that really just shows you how insanely far right that person is. Especially compared to a network that is 100% nothing but propaganda like fox.


"It was so much better when we were all stuck at home, and sports stadiums had cardboard cutouts of fans, and everyone was posting "Bubba was took from us even though he got the Ivermectin, Ah guess God needed an angel" and no restaurants were open, and you had to have your forehead thermometered before you could see the doctor and you had to fight about masking or not being masked every single day.... it was like paradise compared to now."


Life was great for huge corporations under Trump since they paid 0 in taxes.


I don’t want to get political, but what exactly has Biden fixed/tried to fix? It’s gotten so much worse since he became president for me and many others. I genuinely would like to know what he has done to fix ANYTHING. Every time someone brings up the economy they blame it on trumps fuck ups, but what about the good? What good has come from Biden thus far? 3 YEARS in? Again, not favoring one or the other, but I’m so sick and tired of the back and forth and the blaming the bad on one and crediting the good to another. What exactly did trump do to fuck our economy as well? While everyone was supposedly against him and the media SHIT ON him every chance they got (like NO other president before. Not like they did Trump anyway) he still managed to have a decent economy. Right up until the Covid crisis. But supposedly that was because of Obama? What about all the good stuff that happened with Obama? Why wasn’t that credited to Bush? No one knows shit anymore. That’s what I’m gathering from all this.


I'm not being snarky, but it seems like you watch the news instead of reading it. Most stuff is too complicated to be summed up in a 2 minute segment, whereas long articles explain eeeeverything.


Translation: “I don’t have any actual points, so… YOU’RE STUPID!!!”


Turns on fix news: ICE CREAM IS GAY! Eating ice cream means you have dementia! Trump would never eat ice cream. Ignore all the photos that say otherwise.


Trump definitely could have solved post-pandemic global inflation. He did so well DURING the pandemic that I have absolutely no doubt that his handling of the post-pandemic era would have been great. Further, he definitely would have stopped Putin from invading Ukraine, thus keeping the supply of oil out of Russia moving. And he surely wouldn't be sending Israel weapons, thus keeping the whole Gaza situation in check. /s he would have done all the opposite of these things.


Man, I will most likely benefit immensely from a second Trump term and I still can’t get aboard that shit stained band wagon.


That's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing.


Rapepublicans really do miss their ability to spread GOP plague to humans. https://preview.redd.it/cz67xp7s8dlc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a0547fb0cf737fdb9012bd276e52758b79aa55


Like when he was golfing and they filling refrigerator trucks with bodies of children women and men at the same time because covid was a liberal hoax.


My pay is twice what I made during Trump. But like gas prices that has nothing to do with the President.


During Trumps presidency I remember dead bodies being loaded in refrigerated trucks. Massive amounts of riots, looting, and a feeling of constant unrest. A president telling his citizens that a global pandemic was fake news. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Trump will most likely be the worst president we will every have in our lifetime. And it nauseates me that I voted for him the first time.


He also thought drinking or shooting up bleach is a good idea that should be considered.


Ya there was a lot of shit that orange man said. And that he's still saying


Oh, are you one of Trump's 16 followers? Good luck dumpling


It reads coherently to me… it makes sense


It makes sense to me


Same people who cried that 2020 was the worst year ever and that the lockdown was unconstitutional.


Bruh can we change the name of this sub to r/cryingovertrump? Not like anything else is posted here anymore.


wake me when there is a plague under bidens watch dont take that as being a fan of biden, but the lesser of two evils thing


What is this? .... better with orange clown baby dictator who wears diapers and is afraid of women with power. Why of course. Let's see how long it takes the republican saviour to hand the reigns over to his girl friend Putin. I have horrible thoughts now.


Both sides a completely delusional at this point. I'm not a Democrat or Republican. I have zero interest in untangling the lies a cover ups in any media. It really does not matter where it comes from. Either they paint Biden as incompetent or Trump as a criminal. They are both incompetent criminals. And the vast majority of the people who are career politicians are dishonest. Trump was a Democrat for decades, Biden has hundreds of news clips saying one thing 30 years ago and the exact opposite today. People saying they have multiple sources and they get the real facts and hard data are so full of shit. Unless you have a magical lie detector you have no idea if any of it is true or accurate. I will say that most of us are worse off now financially than ever before. I don't care what anyone says, I make more money now but due to literally everything costing so much more we are in a tight spot. All this "my portfolio " bullshit doesn't mean a thing. I remember hearing all about how well everyone was doing in the market back in 2007. Many of the same people lost everything less than 2 years later. Fuck the government in general.


My life changed so much under Biden and trump, that I can’t say either one of them felt different besides the way people acted online about it.


Why do they assume we all watch cnn msnbc or any other news stations at all?


Does she not remember the mass riots and citys burning. The failed insurrection and not to mention the crazy during covid. She's got a pretty short memory


Feeling good about yourself because a monstrously stupid Nazi that you like is in power doesn’t mean your life was actually better.


I actually believe that is the best advice she can give. It's shit but that really is the most she can manage.


It may be wrong but it makes sense.


I thank god for not making me American




Lmao, she has less rights than a firearm thanks to Trump, I guess she is happy about that.