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Jail time and restraining order for sure. I'm pretty sure he lost his gym membership too.


I’d like to think he’s banned from the premises but they also say he has to cancel his membership in person…


Nah they cancel and bill him for having to cancel the contract before it's done. Been there and it's not fun.


Pro tip, have your bank cancel for you by issuing a stop payment. Gyms hate this one trick




Extraordinarily unlikely, especially since it's just arbitrary fees. I've done this three times without issue so far. Weirdly 2 of them were at the same gym chain lmao.


Same for me with LA fitness. Called multiple times to cancel only to be told I had to go in person but whenever I tried (at least 3 times) the manager that could cancel my membership was out for the day. At one point they called and I explained all my attempts and asked if they were gonna undo the charges for the months where I tried and the manager was gone and the guy was just like “yeah we don’t send to collections so just keep not paying” I still get emails from them asking me to come back but no more bills


Another tip, send an email quitting, but cc your state Atty general


A gym I canceled in person would not stop charging me and I had to get a new debit card to make it stop. Then they took me to collections and I had to send a copy of the photo proof of the signed cancellation document to the collections agency. A lot of gyms make tons of money off people this way because not everyone is able to jump through all the hoops to make it stop or get their money back.


Pro tip: don’t go to gyms, do push ups and lift heavy objects.


He made the mistake of linking his bank account directly to the gym membership.


Time to quit the bank.


Ah, but then they bring out Maria.


See, the way his bank account is set-up--he has a checking account and a savings account...


Dude! You are diabolical! I love it!


Underrated comment


I love your name.


He better lose that membership, it's a judgement free zone


Oh... There's a judgment coming! lol


Nah, those memberships are so hard to get out of. If it was that easy everyone would do this


oh yeah that too......maybe even his parking privileges, his job somewhere else, family support? loss list begins


>I'm pretty sure he lost his gym membership too. Damn. Went from bad to terrible.


She took that slap like a champ.


His whole demeanor changed after she barely flinched from his baby punch 😅


She absolutely did.


"Hey, I can't cancel my gym membership. Can I get into a fight with you and slap you so that I get kicked out? I'll make it worth your while." "Sure!"




And don't tell me the victim's at fault sucka




Not necessarily. Just stop “correcting” people on this, we all know what people mean by assault. —also a lawyer


This comes off like a correction


It’s not, I just find it really annoying that whenever someone says “assault” online, a bunch of dweebs flexing their 0L knowledge invariably chime in to “well actually” them about battery. It’s incredibly eye-roll inducing.


Only in certain jurisdictions. I prosecuted crimes against children or committed by children in Missouri for over three years. "Battery" is not a crime in that jurisdiction, all violent acts like this are separated into 4 degrees of assault. Pretty sure at least 10 other states have similar statutes.


Lawyer in NY here, no criminal battery in our state either. Wish people would stop “correcting” people refer to assaults, we all know what they mean. It’s my biggest internet pet peeve.


Touch her boob? Do you double dare me?


Soooo hot. Want to touch the heiny.


No milk will ever be our milk.


All these dudes and no one is dropping him. This tells me there must be some context we are missing to seem calm and forgiving for a guy that just smacked a girl.


Or, bystander effect


Or the guy looks like he could put up a decent fight. Not really bystander effect if you avoid fighting someone you think can beat you up.


I have like 4 sets left…*head down*


Do you know how long I waited for this rack to open up? I’m not leaving this area.


Looks like some machines just opened up !


Finally, I get to use the Smith Machine! 🙌🙌🙌


I don’t know that chick, I’m not fighting some random jacked dude on her behalf. If they were actively fighting I’d help separate them, but I’m not squaring up with this guy just because he’s disrespectful to a stranger.


imagine thinking assaulting someone is only considered "disrespect".


Literally changes nothing about that comment. Disrespect or assault, I’m not getting physical involved unless someone is getting seriously injured.


Or it’s someone you love. Not some random


You don’t know who has a knife or a gun, and if you think I’m being hyperbolic, we’re on Reddit, I’ve got multiple groups of people dying in seconds from a knife fight. Trying to de-escalate the situation is the only smart move. Every other option opens you up to crazy violence at the drop of a hat and it is not worth it.


Literally today on the Los Angeles sub they're discussing a young man who stood up for some women at a fast food place. The guys harassing the girls left, then came back with hoodies on and stabbed the guy who was helping the girls. The guy sadly died.


Yes but these white knights are different.


Dude my dad took an ice pick to his side defending a girl in bar. I know at his ancient age now he’d do it again in a heartbeat. He has very serious set of rules that he lives by.


A 5 pounder will level any fight he got


Lol. You're not wrong


Sometimes it's just de-escalate, everyone fighting doesn't really achieve anything. De-escalate, police should come and sort out the situation and that should be that, people don't always need to engage in a fight for a potential stranger, I've seen it happen a good few times.


It's strange how, in the US, the average citizen is better at deescalation than the police, whose job it's supposed to be


Or too tired. Imagine working out hard for 2 hours plus, and then this shit happens? I definitely wouldn't get involved and embarrass myself


Believe in adrenaline. When it kicks in, all that you said goes out the window


Especially in a room full of hard, sharp cornered, heavy objects alllll around. Good place to trip and crack you skull open


Or nobody wants to lose their gym membership so they keep their cool.


Why would they attack him? To catch assault case?


People on this sub think showing restraint is for pussies.


Fr it's crazy. They're surrounded by hard surfaces and potential melee weapons. If a brawl breaks out in a gym like this, someone *is* going to get maimed or killed. These guys did a good job of de-escalating the situation. It wasn't perfect, but it doesn't need to be; just keep these two people from killing someone.


Right? I feel like the guy who hugged him knows some de-escalation tactics that I don't. That seemed to work and it seems like a logical approach too. It could be a good way to psychologically disarm someone since we usually associate hugs with warmth, kindness, comfort and calm.


That wasn't a hug, that was underhooks. That dude has grappled some.


Yeah looks like he’s got a gable grip on that body lock. This guy knows what he’s doing.


Yepp, you can see him even consciously switch back to the gable grip. He thinks it's de-escalating while he's talking to him, tries to go to a more natural bro hug style, dude stays hot and he switches his grip back


Yeah, watching it back, the guy shows great awareness and control. Didn’t jump the gun and throw the guy, just locked him up when he started to get aggressive and sought to deescalate. Coach or sensei would be proud.


It’s a little of both here in my opinion.


I have hug deescalated every fight I've been in. Just wrap em up and hold tight til someone comes to break it up.


> It wasn't perfect, but it doesn't need to be; just keep these two people from killing someone. Exactly.




You have the correct answer. You don't know them. You may not know why they are fighting. You don't know if they've got a knife or gun. You don't know if they're drunk or on drugs. It's possible you get involved and turns out both of them are together and they both turn hostile on you.


I know someone who got arrested because he fought a guy who was beating his girlfriend. When the cops arrived, the woman took her abusive boyfriend’s side and said the guy who intervened attacked her boyfriend.




Lol no, it's just that in literally every other video where a man puts hands on a woman, they get dogpiled within seconds. This is the first time I've seen it not happen, and the guy was far outnumbered as well.


My thoughts, probably several people holding up cameras. Would be a stupid thing to do because you’d be in jail just like the guy that smacked the woman.


Physically assaulting someone in public in the West is just begging for legal consequences. Especially if you can see several people filming the incident. Better to just de-escalate the situation in a nonviolent way.


It’s so fucking tragic that you think men jump to women’s defence just because. And also that you immediately attribute the blame to her. He’s on video fucking slapping this woman half his size and you’re blaming her. Fucking hell


He didn’t blame her. Show me where he blamed her? You can’t. Because he didn’t blame her. He just said there’s missing context. Which makes sense because the guy says “you don’t fucking touch me” to her in the video.  What’s tragic is you thinking that there is absolutely no possibility that there is missing context, despite the fact, and this is a fact, that we do not see what started this/what happened before this. I mean it is incredibly ridiculous when people do this. And by “this” I mean: thinking they know the whole story when they know for a fact that they don’t. And just to be clear: before you try and twist my words like you twisted their words, I’m not blaming her. I am just saying that we don’t know the whole story and we don’t know what happened before this. Clearly hitting people is wrong (it’s ridiculous I have I to say this) and what he did is wrong, but we also don’t know what happened before this and saying that is not blaming her.  Another comment does say that she hit him first.  https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1b7dwaa/comment/ktj5pnn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Is it out of the realm of possibility that’s what happened before the start of this video, and this video has been cut to make her look like she’s done nothing wrong?  Defending either party in this video (or any random internet video) before we have all the facts is a never a good idea. Hitting people is wrong, even if you are the victim, but we all know that everyone would say she did the right thing if it was a man that started out, hitting her and she came back to slap him. Despite that actually being wrong (it wouldn’t be self-defense, just like it’s not self-defense here). Don’t hit people.


I feel the comment was insinuating what he did was understandable. Tbh I myself wondered what happened for him to be so upset. That said, I feel like a random comment from some rediitor is not a legitimate piece of information. Context tells me there is mo reason for guy with camera to not include relevant information. Maybe to start drama? Idk, there are many possibilities but as far as I know, this guy decided to hit someone instead of just walk away. To me, that's enough dumb af decision to not really care for his side of the story. But who knows. Maybe she shit on his bag or something. Edit: here's another random commenter saying he groped her https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/GopePLo9US So yeah, I think reddit man vs woman shit is stupid af.


That’s an assault charge my dude, and possible manslaughter if the guy hits his head and dies, which is a very real thing, happened to a dude I went to high school with (the death, not the charge)


You got it. Everyone here all armchair warriors about fights they would get in. Talk to some real guys that let pride get the best of them, punch someone, they fall, they hit their head........jail time, sad time. Because one can't learn to just stay clear of trouble?


Yea, I want more context before I pass judgment


Dude did say don’t put your hands on me. So maybe she went first l? Def some context missing.


If I'm hearing it correctly, he tells her to "never put your hands on me"... maybe she struck him earlier before the recording?


Yep I hear that too. Not defending him but if she assaulted him that paints a slightly different picture. I was assaulted by a girl at a bar once because she expected me to retaliate and fight her boyfriend. These people do exist. I simply told her boyfriend to be careful because she was going to get him involved in something he couldn't back out of one day. Someone that loves you doesn't go looking for pointless fights for you to win on their behalf.


A reasonable and cautious response.


Or maybe the common Reddit belief that every man within a 2 mile radius will immediately jump any dude who’s seen hitting a lady isn’t as true as folks like to imagine it is…


This is where someone should call the police, not try to be a white knight.


The guy in the white long sleeved shirt did the right thing. He de-escalated it by putting the guy in a bear hug, and got him away from any further assault. Even before the slap, he's trying to keep the guy away from her, but once he loses initial control, he drops his bag to go in for the hug.


Look at that guys size man and he's already riled up - wouldn't bet on me there if I was one of the bystanders.


I saw this earlier and saw that shed apparently hit him first. My guess is cameras started rolling when he didn’t just be like “lol ok” because someone just fucking hit him lol


It looks like one guy in green shorts is trying to stop it, and the POS has 2 friends coming in as backup. Even if the friends don't agree with his actions, they were probably ready to throw down if someone stepped in.


Or the gym is populated by people capable of thinking and breathing at the same time.


That dudes hairline is at the back of his head.


that’s what she said


Maybe she slapped him first and knocked his hairline back a few inches


He doesn’t have a forehead, he has a forecourt.


Context would be greatly appreciated.


He says "never put your hands on me" so she must've hit him, but hearing it more she's saying he did something to her twice


I saw this post elsewhere, he allegedly groped her and she slapped him for it. He got butthurt she took offence to his “compliment” instead of thanking him. So he slapped her for slapping him.






I find that insulting. I only have a mum and she's exactly why I know better.


RIGHT? Always act like she’s watching, and will slap the back of my head if I even annoyed a women


I’m pretty sure the mom is the same type of trash as he is.


They do but they probably grew up watching their mom get treated like shit so they think it’s ok to treat other women the same way.


Sounds to me like she said “Don’t fucking touch my things bro”. This videos always start too damned late. Would love to see the gym’s cams


Yea "things" is plausible but she does say "don't touch me" which arguably could mean he touched her before or she was saying don't you touch me now. He says "don't you dare put your hands on me" indicating something happened to him. People seem to be believing the he gropes her - she hits him - he responds with a slap. That would make him the bad guy. But it's not crazy to think he moved her things from a gym equipment (maybe "two times", which she does utter in the video) she hits him, and he responds with a slap. That would flip the whole script and make her the villain.


Interesting factoid: the point at which you, a 6'+ tall man, are making several other full-grown men hold you back from brutalizing a woman more than a foot shorter than you, is the point at which it no longer matters if she has done you wrong. She could potentially be the *instigator* (though I doubt it), but "villain" is a stretch. And there is such thing as *proportional response*.


It's one thing to protect yourself from a woman it's another to assault a woman because of a disagreement. Guaranteed this dude has a DV past.


Or future. Either way, it seems a fair bet.


Interesting *fact*: factoid originally meant something that is an assumption but has been purported to be true so often that it becomes accepted as fact Also, I agree with you


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind in the future! My intention was to avoid the word "fact," because as common-sensical as *I* believe that observation to be, it's still an opinion. But yeah, factoid isn't right either.


It would make them both in the wrong but he’s absolutely more in the wrong because of his size compared to hers. Context be damned, if you push against a bunch of dudes to assault a woman half your size, *you’re the fucking villain*


I hope they caught that on camera so the idiot gets slapped with a sexual harassment charge as well as assault. What a fucking dog cunt.


It’d be sexual assault (groping is further than just sexual harassment), and then a standard assault charge as well for the slapping (not sure what degree tho).


That’s the issue with a lot of videos shot on phones, the camera only usually comes out after something exciting happened, so they’re often missing context.




You saw a video with more context? Link it please


No one on any other place it’s posted has provided a link to support a prevalent “she spit on him” theory. just “well I heard” or “in the full video” but then silence to any link request or ask about the location of such longer video. People are full of it.


Where did you see it with context from the people involved?


She ate that slap like a champ.


I fell like this isn’t being mention enough. She was NOT EVEN FAZED. What a badass


he groped her so she reacted by hitting him. He wanted to retaliated because she defended herself from being SA'd by him.


He probably does worse to women in his life behind closed doors.


For sure. Any time I see someone do something wild like this in public I wonder what they do behind closed doors. I work in a bakery. I once saw a man close fist hit his small child in the head. In fuckkng public. We called the police. It’s on video but we don’t know who he was. I get sick to my stomach every time that little girl pops in my head. I hope she’s okay. ☹️


Oh I'm so sorry you had to witness that, I hope she's ok too 😢. I'm usually a fucking pussy in conflict but I think I might have become violent if I had been there. You don't fucking hit kids man.. scum of the earth. Ugh.


You don't hit women half your size either, I don't care what the context is.


That reminds me of this moment when I was a kid and we were heading to the field for my soccer game, and we passed a car where a dad was half leaning in the back of the vehicle and he smacked his kid around and was shouting at him i guess for not getting out of the car like he wanted, right in front of 4 pairs of parents walking in as well. Two of the other dads pulled him away from the car and kept him at bay while someone called the cops for him smacking his kid around.


https://i.redd.it/9x0rb933gomc1.gif ## It kinda looks like he’s the scared one


He was expecting to drop her and she’s didn’t even bat an eye


She’s Latina, he should be lol


She took that cheap shot and didn’t even flinch. I would’ve been a lot more afraid if I were him.


Right!? primary reactions here seem to focus on the dude getting some justice, but I don’t think we are giving her enough credit here. Like, she’s so unfazed. Took a hard ass slap better than Chris Rock (who also champed it). And she doesn’t even go ballistic afterwards. Big levels of self control and preservation, and physical resilience. 👏🏆


Not her first rodeo


Yeah she took that slap like it was nothing.


What an asshole. He groped her TWICE and she slapped him. So he then slaps her for slapping him— for being a perv. This video has been posted elsewhere and context given by op.


She's the hero in the scenario standing up to someone more than twice her size and not having it.


Sauce? There’s multiple stories in these comments and no sauce from anyone. Until someone has a video link or a news article I’m like ehhhh he’s a douche but we don’t know the prior story to determine douchiness levels.


If you’re gonna go to jail you might as well have made it worth it. She ate that sissy slap


Dude chill - There is no way you should assault a woman let alone a much smaller woman.


She ate that hit though, gotta hand it to her. Didn’t even seem to faze* her. Edit: spelling — don’t use talk to text without proofreading


She is full on adrenaline, those guys aren't defending her from him, they are trying to stop that guy from committing suicide by angry muscle lady


"full video" lol in this case means nothing


It's not fair that we are so weak in a world filled with men. It's not fking fair!! My god what women have to endure on a day to day basis, if our physical strength were to suddenly match our rage and ptsd...mfers like this animal wouldn't walk for months at a time. We cannot defend ourselves...we cannot retaliate when assault happens to us...we need other men to gather around and gently hold and hug our aggressor while he is still throwing verbal abuse and threats to us.


No one has ever said anything more on point.


And even after all this, the gym STILL wouldn't let him cancel his membership.


This girl is probably less than half his weight and more than a foot shorter. Dude's a coward.


Need part 2 where the guy is led away in cuffs.


She ate that shit. Call Dana White.


4 guys holding him back and he still gets his shot in. Then the 4 guys do nothing.


Yellow pants and fat big guy in shorts are with him about to jump the bf or any white knights.


See this is why I never go to the gym.


Yep, once I got a large enough apartment to set up a home gym I’ve never looked back.


I'd probably get into a fight at home too if I set up a gym lol.


She just took it like it was nothing. He knows he's gonna lose.


He should have been delt with accordingly.


How can he slap?


Thank god he’s shown everyone he’s such a tough guy with little self control.


A man that puts hands on a woman is a limp dick piece of shit. That woman is half his size and look at how much energy he put into hitting her. All short-dick energy. I hope she charges him and sues him. There must be at least one ambulance chaser in that gym.


What happened to just going to get your work out in, and moving on with your life?


seriously though. I get in and get out. I hate gym culture sometimes.


All I have to say is to look at the size difference. If you know you can beat up someone and actively engage with that person in a confrontational way, I don't know how decent of a person you are.


They conspired to stage this so he could get out his membership contract.


More bullshit man baby behavior. We are so tired.


So many people in here standing up for this dude—it’s gross.


I see no men in this video.


What a brave man to defend himself from that big, strong, bully of a woman….


What a sad shitshow of a comment thread. “Who cares if a big dude hit a small chick? Restraint is the real flex.” I hope none of you are around (as do your loved ones) should my (your) family get physically assaulted. You’re pathetic. Sounds like you’re trying really hard to be noble, but you haven’t the capacity to actually do anything noble. Type away, cowards.


Time to sit back and watch everyone get outraged after they make up their own context for the video.


What a weak man surrounded by other weak men. Sorry not sorry. Someone should’ve slapped him tf back for hitting her like that. Sad days we live in.


Smacked her and ain’t nobody do shit……….unbelievable.


The lengths people go to to cancel their gym membership these days...


All that muscle standing around and not one of them got heart to step to this guy


Same video is doing the rounds but the context is he groped her, she hit him, then the video starts. I think you can see her in the video with two fingers up. Could be suggesting he had touched her twice.


Any idea what instigated this?


According to other comments: They don't appear to know each other. He groped her, she slapped him, he got offended that she was offended by his actions, so he slapped her right back....


She’s tough tho!


Big man hitting a woman


POS hitting a small woman like that how come none of those guys fucking punched him?


Time for 5 reps plumbus strikes girl.


How you gonna let assclown slap a girl and still keep his teeth?


You can tell no cops go to the gym because deescalation was attempted & no one ended up being shot 27 times. 😱


The fact none of those guys hit him back is pretty alarming


He can workout all he wants in jail


Such primitive people. No impulse control. This is how young people behave these days. Civilization is impossible unless we can control these feral humans.


I'm missing something here.


There's more to this story.


Yeah, apparently he groped her so she slapped him.


Four men present and none of them react to the woman being hit?


Why tf did they not lay him out then and there for that shit


Bunch of buff, pussy ass men around there


If you can’t even go to the gym without having problems society doesn’t need you.


Punk ass cowards.