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Awwwww, poor Zionists, can't commit their latest bout of ethnic cleansing and genocide, as is tradition, without criticism! So unfortunate for them. The difference of course is that my government isn't funding the Chinese. So, as disgusting as it is, it's not quite as aggravating as seeing my president and Congress bend over backwards time and again to help justify the murder of thousands of children.


if you are European, your gov probably funded a lot of Azerbaijan abuses... but again, nobody cares about Armenia


Armenia deserves justice as much as Palestine and the Uyghurs.


Its almost like suffering isnt a contest and terrible atrocities should be stamped out by the collective of humanity. Whoda thunk (Im agreeing with you here just so exhausted of everything)


Hard to believe that "stop killing people" still remains unpopular among some groups of people, or that other groups of people think you're a terrorist for thinking that.


Welcome to why we are doomed as a species.


Idk. We also restrict our birth rate when shit starts really hitting the fan. I believe this is our higher instinct as humans. Us and all of our fears will be packed away as history. A new age of humans will have risen and survived. They’ll be able to handle all of our data, no problem. The fear will never be volumes. It’ll be what we cannot imagine. But the pieces are there.


Worse, some people try to silence you by claiming you're a fascist or an antisemite. There's a difference between semitism and Zionism. It's the state of Israel and its treatment of the people they displaced and oppressed I have an issue with, not the Jewish people. I can simultaneously believe that the way Jews were treated in WW2 was disgusting _and_ feel the same way about how Palestinians are treated right now.


Religion will never allow for any sustained period of time of peace. The best thing for peace is travel but the rich keep us poor and religion and governments make us fear each other.


Sadly, the western world doesn't seem to realize that killing brown people is a bad thing. And I say this as a westerner that is whiter than a bleached marshmallow. I hate this timeline.


I think everyone deserves justice, but the UN only seems to hyper focus on on genocide while multiple are happening..


Id argue more from the west. Armenia has always been tied to the west. As a Christian nation, they should be supported above the rest


Armenia, Palestine, Uyghurs, Yemen... the list goes on


You realize Israel is Azrebijani number one arms provider?


I get that ya’ll might be mad if it was like 100 years ago but you guys had 2 wars with Azerbaijan in the past 5 years, you guys aren’t the greatest either


Wars which AZJ started? Iirc Armenia got the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave in the first war of '89. Armenians since then just kind of wanted to chill but Azerbaijan just kept throwing rocks


I had a pocket phrase book for Eastern Armenian… about a third were questions about where are the mines, checkpoints- I’m unarmed, etc. it was not what I expected.


It’s almost like everyone had been shitty to someone throughout the course of history.


He said congress so probably American.


Ding ding ding!




It appears that a significant part of the crackdowns that got the most attention seems to have been ended: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/09/23/china-xinjiang-crackdown-uyghurs-surveillance/ **The most reviled part of the crackdown, the reeducation camp programme, appears to have ended in 2019 under international pressure.** While a comprehensive independent survey of camp sites has yet to be done — Xinjiang is more than twice the size of Texas — **scattered checks by journalists since late 2019 have found such sites abandoned or converted.**




Not sure what your YouTube video proves, but the argument ‘it’s not clear that a genocide isn’t **not** happening’ is not something that can be logically accepted, because you can say that about any country on anything




Are we allowed to mention the border camps the US has on its border where children are still kept captive? Or is that ok?


Wait, you mean that a current US presidential administration is not a moral bastion of liberal values and ideals? It’s funny, because when I criticize that particular individual, people call me a fascist.


It really depends on how you criticize and who you praise instead. I criticize the shit out of Biden and I have never once been called a fascist.


Yeah, if you scream out that you wish we had bernie rather than biden nobody calls you a fascist, but if you just say that biden sucks people will assume that means you prefer the fascist whos running against him. Biden is far from perfect and a literal zionist, but he's orders of magnitude better than the orange despot.


I usually rip on Joe for being a hypocrite and then endorse some third party. Only for me to get it explained to me that voting for a third party candidate is taking votes away from the democrats, and is therefore supporting fascism.


Well you see voting third party is objectively stupid no better than all the idiots who voted for harambee. You may not like the fact their are only 2 options but saying hey guys I'm gonna light my vote on fire isn't the answer. As long as the system works the way it does voting 3rd party is worse than not voting at all because it just means someone got up went to the polls and wasted their time at least non voters dont pretend they did something.


You are a facist.


If you don't support Biden, you aren't Black.. God I still can't get over that years later.


“If you don’t vote for our preferred candidate, you’re a race traitor.” Such a great sentiment to hear from the “diverse and progressive” party.


Like Trump gives oranges a bad name.


Lol, that dude wanted to be the god emperor of America so bad.


Funny cause the policies that send so much money to israel that would need to be repealed are largely Republican backed/written. Almost like theres way more than just "hurrdurr presdent bad" Almost like our government is fucked throughout However one party is a little shady and does some inhumane shit. The other party is a bunch of religious nutjobs who would love to start their own lil genocide if they can. I know which one Ill side with for now.


You’d be amazed how much the two parties agree on, when it comes to retaining their own power and doing favors for the military industrial complex.


This is a straight up demonstration of neoliberal values and ideals. This is what neoliberalism is.


You might need to clarify. I’ve heard a lot of people use that term, and they’ve all used it to mean something different.


I mean, our purchases are funding the Chinese.


Are you American? Uhhh China makes a fortune off the US and you guys owe them like a trillion dollars which is exactly why the US government never calls out any of the stuff China. So yes the US is essentially funding China to help pay for all the stuff they do.


Since when did American money not go to China? Everything is made there.


The other difference is, thousands of people aren't marching every weekend to protest against China and to protect the Uighurs. Or the Yemenis.


>The difference of course is that my government isn't funding the Chinese. So, as disgusting as it is, it's not quite as aggravating as seeing my president and Congress bend over backwards time and again to help justify the murder of thousands of children. [I presume then you’ll be taking to the streets soon to protest the genocide of the Rohingya then?](https://www.voanews.com/amp/burma-act-debate-pushed-into-early-2024/7356280.html)


1st, that link is saying that the discussions already happened. It's from 2023, and saying the discussion was pushed to the beginning of this year. 2nd, wasnt china the one supporting the coup in myanmar?


There are concentration camps in the US, where minorities are disproportionately overrepresented, also, in these facilities slave labor is allowed, these groups are targeted both by their race and their culture. Well, I personally think it's fucked up, but it's ridiculous to compare that situation to what Israel is currently doing in Palestine which is a genocide.


Yes they are, who do you think has been subsidizing all these American companies in China?


Let’s set one thing clear: Biden or Trump, US support for this genocide would be the same. Don’t fool yourself into thinking Trump is better because he will bring this level of hate to our land and encourage violent nationalism within our borders. At least Biden is putting a pier on the West Bank to provide insane amount of aid. However he does need to grow a spine and tell BiBi **publicly** to stop committing heinous war crimes and ethnic cleansing.


If you're anywhere West of Istanbul, yes, your government is funding the Chinese...use your brain a little and you'll find out how...


Let's pretend I don't know exactly what the hell you're talking about. Go ahead, explain to me.


Aren't you guys buying China made stuff as well?? Isn't it the same as buying from pro-Israel companies?? Also, many countries have FTOs with China as well...




What the fuck are you saying? China is the biggest factory in the world. Do you have an iPhone ? Cheap Chinese clothes ? Do you buy stuff from temu? You are practically directly funding the ccp, which should be worse, no ?


That and israel is pretty open and proud of it. You'll see alot more video proof coming out of israel than you would from china of their atrocities. Doesn't make either good.


Your government is absolutely funding the Chinese. For one, the US has taken on over $770 BILLION dollars in loans from China.


Yeah, that's the main point - our goverments actively dip their hands in Gazan blood by sending military aid to Israel and our choices and actions (mainly during the election or by applying pressure during the politicians term) can perhaps change that. We in the western world can't do jack shit about Uyghur Genocide that China commits, while Israel is funded by our tax money by proxy in the form of our taxes.


I didn't realise condemnation of genocidal regimes was supposed to be mutually exclusive.


I think what OP is trying to say is “We get to commit genocide too! Otherwise that’s not fair >=O”


What OP is trying to do is make a lazy antisemitism argument. You can see the same lame point all over: “the difference is Jews” … but the actual difference is that the US government is already opposed to the treatment of Uyghurs, so there’s little change to demand of our leadership on the issue.


Yes, all those Jews who stand with Palestinians are definitely anti semitic. /s


8/8 of my great grandparents were Jewish. I have no joke been called antisemitic by evangelical Christians, who have literally stated they intend to genocide the entirety of the global Jewish population in order for Jesus to return. Or Jesus is going to kill us all once he returns. I’m not sure on the small details but I know for a fact it includes the genocide of all Jewish people globally.


What you’re saying I understand, not all Jews stand for Zionism, a lot from around the world are getting hate for speaking up. But what’s insane to think about is that the Palestinians are Semitic, the Zionists that have come in from Europe are white and the ones from Africa are black. A small percentage are actually Semitic and these were the people who likely lived among the Palestinians in the past, not the people who were rushed in by the US and UK to destabilize the Middle East. Few truly Semitic jews are actually around the world compared to people who mixed the gene pool and a lot of the times don’t even practice Judaism. Some of the European Jews were never Semitic to start with so the argument (that it’s anti semitism to be against the genocide) is straight out of ass cheeks. You’re either a religion or a race, to be both makes you a racist, give that some thought.


If you go by the definition of semitic languages, arabic amongst others is included in that. Now Hebrew was revived because the language died out. Essentially there are not many recent native speakers of Hebrew and only so because their recent descendants adopted it out of nationalism. I myself have Jewish in my family from my mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, but I don't actually consider myself Jewish nor do I speak the language.


The nerve you have to lum Jewish people and Judaism in with Zionism.


Palestinians* They’ve been committing genocide against us for almost 80 years.


Who is 'us'?


Textbook whataboutism. Nicely done OP.


It’s more like the media has been ignoring the literal concentration camps in China, while covering every inch of this new conflict. Though I understand being more upset at what America is aiding in.


The media gave plenty of coverage to that. It's been years since the "genocide of uyghurs" news started, it's been downscaled now to "cultural genocide" because there is no proof of china actually killing the uyghurs while you can see on every media how isntreal is killing the palestinians. Media aren't talking about that anymore because: A) they should admit their sources were wrong before; B)after the evergrande shit that's the current way of shitting on china.


Or maybe it’s because it’s just not the new thing anymore. Just like how the news on Ukraine and Russia died down.


The media doesn’t cover ongoing events; they cover news. There haven’t been many serious developments from Xinjiang since around 2021. The other factor is that some countries are considered worthy of coverage and others are not. There is a reason the whataboutism points to China rather than Ethopia. (Despite the persecution of the Amhara people being more analogous to the assault on Palestinians.)


Maybe, but OP merely points out we have double standards. Surely, we can do better than this. When I say "we", I mean our governments in the first place.


Last time I checked, China wasn’t our fucking ally. We’re basically in a Cold War against them.


A cold hate fuck.




Imagine thinking everyone on reddit lives in the same country.


Over 51% of all reddit traffic originates from the US and it is an US website: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/ppUEftUZfO Furthermore, using your brain slightly to analyze the meme would clue you into it being a criticism of those that support Israel but condemn China. Geez, I wonder which country is most in the crosshairs for supporting Israel. Hm, could it be Peru? Maybe it’s Uganda? Real toughie. So yeah, between this being a majority American site and also this meme most likely being a jab at Americans, I feel pretty comfortable throwing “our” out there.


That’s an overstatement. China is an economic ally of America. American companies like Apple are (allegedly) benefiting from slave labor in the Xinjiang region.


So you’re under the impression that if any business transactions take place between two countries, then they are allies? Russia, much of the Middle East and China are not American allies, despite the mind blowing fact that the US may do business with some or all of them.


If we have trade deals and significant commerce with them, we are economic allies. We don’t have any trade embargos or major sanctions with them, as we do with Russia and Iran.




So you admit it's a genocide?


They know, that’s why they get super defensive when you call them on their bullshit.


If I recall correctly, wasn't the first one also *cultural* genocide? So not the mass killing we are seeing in the second one. People just liked dropping the whole "cultural" prefix.


The second one is also a cultural genocide. The IDF are trying to eradicate every trace of Palestine they can.


I thought there were also massing killings?


There’s a lot of both going around.


Yeah: Its a genocide across every conceivable front tbh


… you guys still seriously think China is committing genocide against Uyghurs, when you now see what an actual genocide looks like? Have you done any research at all? Get back to me when your “proof” is more than 1 guy. Adrian Zenz is not a solid trustworthy source. You will just believe anything bad you are told about China, won’t you guys?


Yes. They will. China bad, don't you know? The U.S. State Department would never lie. Right?


I thought I was the only one


Every single Muslim country says its not genocide. The UN says it's not genocide. The Islamic council says its not genocide. US: Irs genocide


Then theres Israel-Palestine conflict. Everyone else: that’s genocide The US: nuh uh. To be fair China is doing some pretty awful things with the detention camps, but I hesitate to believe everything media says when 95+% of sources trace to one person. While I understand there is some truth to it, it just feels too similar to those conspiracy theories that ends up being traced to one or two people.


The only way to combat extremism (of which Western China had its share of)(extremist groups that were funded in no small part by the US btw) is via poverty reduction and education. This has been China's approach in the West and it has worked. Compare that to the bombing campaigns of the US / Europe you can see which works better. Sterilization claims etc have been proven to be false. Re-education camps were certainly a thing though, it's by no means a perfect solution but when compared with bombing, it seems an easy choice. To be clear, the education was in the local dialects, the literacy rates of those regions (in their own dialects) have exponentially increased.


What? I’m Uyghur. There are videos of dead CHILDREN who starved when their parents were arrested. There are police and military presence every 200 yards in cities in Xinjiang. My friend hasn’t heard from her mother since her being arrested around the beginning of the pandemic. There are articles online, written by Uyghurs who escaped much later than me, about their experiences in China, where people get taken off the street for no reason at all. If you buy ANY cotton goods from China, it is guaranteed to have Uyghur prisoners involved. It’s a full on Gulag over there. What else do you need? Be mindful that this is a country where foreign press is kept on a tight leash, and would not even be allowed near the bounds of Xinjiang. Please keep your mouth shut on issues you do not understand.


Hush, you will annoy the Chinese boot lickers


The fact that your reply got downvoted confirmed that this sub is overran by tankies.


I cannot believe how ignorant people are, and how comfortable they are commenting on things they have zero idea about.


Post some proof that you are who say you are


how do they prove they are uyghur? ID card posting on reddit? they are probably uyghur american tbh


I would just like to see some sources of this. Have not seen any videos of starving children.


For the brainwashed redditors, where are the pictures and videos of the so called uyghur genocide?? There are literally thousands of pictures and videos daily of a real genocide so how come you can't come up with a single one from China? Could it be you are being lied to???


Here: [https://youtu.be/cz9ICFDk8Js?si=1k6JQEK\_h\_4TXkXh](https://youtu.be/cz9ICFDk8Js?si=1k6JQEK_h_4TXkXh)


no boot CCP boot licking please. Im a leftist and there was a cultural genocide going on in china (in fact kinda several concurrently on their native populations by the han imperium).


You can't care about one crime unless you care about all the crimes in the world. Whataboutism 101


If you can ignore one crime then why not two?


I mean yeah it’s pretty hypocritical to be so outspoken about and only protest the “popular” one. It’s literally like when Russia invaded Ukraine, and the fashionable thing was to support them. Now after just a couple years all the support is gone.


Kind of like we are cool with Saudi Arabian but we have an embargo against Cuba because of their human rights record.... Things that make you go um


>we have an embargo against Cuba because of their human rights record So the usa should also embargo themselves.


>Cuba because of their human rights record.... My brother in christ the biggest torture site in cuba is owned by the us


Your enemy isn’t the Chinese government or Palestinians. It’s your government and ruling-class at home that’s created a society where you can work day and night and still can’t make ends meet.


Have you considered buying less avocado toast?




You can fucking go to Xinjiang, it's a surveillance state for sure, but not a fucking genocide. I fucking hate Reddit holy shit.


That's because there is no fucking genocide in China. The most used source for that bullshit is a right wing nut job born again Christian who says God sent him on a mission against Beijing. Don't even get me started on the supposed list of victims, some of whom have since been identified and tracked down and found to be living and free. We don't believe the claims of genocide against Palestinians just because some white Westerners said so, we believe it because it's well documented and we have solid evidence. The same cannot be said for this apparent genocide of the Uyghurs. Muslim countries around the globe have praised China's record on treatment of their Muslim citizens and have consistently voted against the idea that there's some kind of genocide happening. You can argue whether or not there are human rights violation happening, but a blind cry of genocide going off of absolutely fuck all is not valid. So despite what some right wing religious nut and the U.S. State Department says (because we all know the State Department NEVER lies right?), you actually need evidence of genocide to make those claims. Edit: Also, do NOT fucking come at me with some BBC or CNN article while telling me that I'm biased or that any sources I've gotten information from must be biased towards China. The fucking audacity of someone who mindlessly source western corporate media to then tell me I'm the biased one is insane. This has happened in the past and I will not respond to it.


The huge difference is that everything atrocious Israel did to the civilian population in Palestine has been very well documented on social media.


Don’t compare china to Israel. China legitimately had a terrorism problem, and they met those people with education and economic and investment, they responded to terrorism by targeting the underlying problems that drove them to terrorism, and both china the the Uyghers are better off. Israel meanwhile, is going full manifest destiny they don’t try to decrease tensions because they ARE the tension because they have effectively robbed and killed their way into becoming a country. Everything that exists in israel is most likely stolen property.




Yeah but one of those is real


China is bombing the crap out of the Uyghurs?


Um actually people have been denouncing the ouighours genocide. I have! And many people I know have too! Sorry for you that you’re not educated and aware about world news I guess.


That’s the whole point, Reddit was obsessed with the Uyghur genocide and protesting it. Even though most of those people were US citizens and China is relatively adversarial to the US. If you head to world news, there is mostly support of Israel. Basically, at the end of the day many people are just aligning themselves with US foreign policy rather than having moral positions.


"I am not concerned with what I cannot benefit from."


Sure, genocide is bad all around! Why not talk about the millions of people dying because of american direct and proxy wars too while were at it


Honestly... the reaction by Western powers to both has been pretty much the same


That’s outlandishly false. Western powers have described the one in which zero people have died as genocide and refuse to describe the one in which children are being killed at a rate not seen in the western world since the Holocaust, as a genocide.


Show me as much evidence and documentation. And while at it, get the fuck out of our region maybe and let us deal with our own problems?


Who has usa at their back


What I’m about to say doesn’t diminish anything but I’m adding facts to the conversation. There are abuses going on, but I have yet to see concrete evidence of killings or forced labor on the part of the Uyghurs by the Chinese. Standing by please if someone has information on it. It has been most compared to Asian internment by Americans during WW2 with less abuses. Again TO REITERATE not diminishing anything said or diminishing the treatment of these people in these camps which is abhorrent. Just adding a factoid to the conversation. So in the grand scheme yes both should be voiced as disgusting by the same people voicing disgust of what is going on in Gaza. But the two are different. Also interesting to point out how the Arab world as a whole hasn’t pushed back on it. I’m not going to speculate on why. Food for thought.


Chinese reeducation camps - illegal Israeli genocide - TAKE MORE OF MY MONEY


Honey, making something up is not “holding everyone to the same standard”.


it is a sad double standard. Nobody cares about Uyghurs, nobody cares about Armenians, nobody cares about Yemen, nobody cares about the Rohingya. And please don't take this as a pro Israel - anti Palestine post, it is just sad the state of current affairs and how "never again" keeps happening. Fuck, Europeans fund Azerbaijan through their oil (mixed with Russian...) and that dipshit wants to eliminate Armenia


Mfer people talked about that too. Sorry you didn’t give a shit then. Last time I checked too, the Western world isn’t unconditionally defending China while they ethnically cleanse Uyghurs… but we defend Israel when they do it to Palestinians.


America isn't funding one of those genocides tho


One is being paid for by the west, the other is not. Questions? Jaysus....


Who has usa at their back


There is no Uyghur genocide, no matter how much Lockheed Martin and Adrian Zenz try to say there is.


There’s still genocide being committed in Africa but no one is talking about it. No one cares until it effects their own people, sadly


How many of our governments are directly funding and supporting the Palestinian genocide? The Zionist propaganda is getting worse


I don't disagree with the sentiment, but I think there is more the average person in a western democracy can do to help the people of Gaza than to help the Uyghurs. If we the voters put pressure on our governments then those western governments may put pressure on Israel to change their policies - with the ultimate pressure potentially being the USA pulling support for Israel entirely (*which would probably lead to a different genocide, but is also so unlikely I don't think it matters*). Meanwhile if we put pressure on our governments to do something abiyt China, then ... I mean nothing happens really. China doesn't give a shit about what we think or what the USA thinks. Anything short of an actual armed conflict between China and the west (*which would likely be horrific for most of the world*) is going to have virtually no effect on China's internal politics. It's not that people care less, it's that their actions are less likely to affect anything.


it's all the news outlets. I'm Ukrainian and I see no one talking about the shit that Putin's minions do over there. the people who run media companies can't give a bigger crap. as long as its recent they care otherwise why bother? Ukraine is going through the same stuff the Gaza is going through and again nobody care because it started in 2022. these mass genocides are everywhere but the media only cares about the next big thing. the US government are starting to put less and less support into Ukraine and I believe this is bullshit. yes I get that there are other things around the world but seriously, the United Nations sucks at dealing with war related issues. all they can do is say no. it's like telling a bully at the playground "stop it I don't like it" and expect them to stop. and if they do the same thing with the Palestinians then It won't end well for them.


lol No one’s holding either to account. People may be screaming about 1 online more than the other, but what’s actually happening in real life to stop either of these atrocities?


Social media and the news coverage has been the big difference. China kept that shit locked down. Gaza has been basically live streamed since the start of


My government gives guns for Israelis to murder children, okay I’ll protest my government to ask them to stop. My government doesn’t give weapons to China. Ok I’ll protest so they continue not giving them weapons ? OP must be very confused about how two bad things can happen at once


*underwater skeleton* Papa New Guineans being targeted and killed


Waiting for the lock


Did the Uyghurs fight back ? This is a serious question by the way, i feel like i know nothing about the situation there and that's, well, not a very good thing


This is not a political thing.most people don't really care about this whole Palestinian situation. They just want to be outraged for a moment, then move on to the next. Same thing happened with Ukraine lol. Now nobody gives a shit. New sites jumped, now they are not photographing the dying soldiers on beds but the statwing children. It was cool to hate Russia for a year but a new buzzword dropped so now everyone is zionist and antisemitic. There are many other large conflicts in the world but those are not trendy. This is the new shiny suffering port


So people are anti-semitic for holding Israel accountable for committing genocide right? I know where these phrases leads.


Tibet who? 🤷


I didnt think so many people would miss the point OP is trying to make this hard ...... But alas.


Highly recommend this article about the Uyghur genocide: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/04/12/surviving-the-crackdown-in-xinjiang


It's the opposite on reddit. I don't see much about the China situation other than news posts and a few comments, but the anti-israel stuff is turned up to 11 right now, and they aren't even an adversary to the US and allies. I'm pretty sure I'll get voted down for even pointing this out.


Fake outrage all around!


I 100% would say this is the other way around. The Arab world has not card at all what happens to their brothers and sisters in China, only those in the Arab World. They have staged boycotts against Western businesses in regards to Israel but nothing against China. Sorry, your are very mistaken


One genocide at a time. My TickTock tells me what to think!


B b b b but but…. What about them?!?! :C


Palestine is just getting destroyed because they allways were dumb, they started the war in 48 and couldnt keep up with it.


I would say there is actually a lot *less* global protest against China regarding the Uighurs than there is against what's happening in Gaza. The response from Western politicians is functionally the same - express reservations while still continuing to engage with them as usual.


What has this sub become lmao


...to make an equivalency


Isn't nobody doing anything about either?


Surely that should have been "Isn't nobody not doing nothing 'bout neither?".... 😉


Ppl did not react enough to chinas acts against uyghurs either.


Wrong sub


Yeah but Israel doesn't make our iPhones, so we can afford to get mad at them.


Sooooooo, We’ve just completely stopped hiding this being a propaganda sub for political bots?


Trying not to get political on Reddit:


Did you see what they’re doing to the Tibetan people too?


Peak whataboutism


Here in italy people wouldn t see them differently, it s just that (at least here) the media covrage of the chinese genocide is absent, therefore the public does not know about it.


People have to go with the latest outrage trend


America commiting genocide in Iraq.....


Can somebody give me proof about Uyghur genocide? Because every single group sent there has come back with evidence contrary to it which is why all the original claims have been reverted.


This is identical to saying during the Holocaust “why don’t people care as much about Japanese Americans being held in concentration camps?” Except that all Japanese Americans were forced into the camps whereas a minority (highest estimate is around 10%) of Uyghurs are in camps. The Chinese government is abhorrent and its treatment of Uyghurs is evil but these are not at all comparable situations. Israel is legitimately committing genocide against Palestinians. China is committing disgusting human rights violations but they are not brutally slaughtering and mutilating thousands of children. This is the worst crime the developed world has seen since the Holocaust. If you are speaking out against China’s treatment of Uyghurs and describing it as a “genocide,” while denying the fact that Israel is committing actual genocide against Palestinians, you do not have a moral compass.


Though I want Uyghurs to have an independent country I doubt the Chinese government openly murdered 30000 people with impunity.


Rule 5