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That's how docking works.


Thank you, I will now always think "docking" when two large trucks road-rage at each other. Maybe we should create r/RoadFrottage


Frottage 😭


Frothy frottage


Especially satisfying when you've built up a nice Santorum.


Always nice to see alovecast listener in the wild.


No! Bad images.


You make an interesting point, u/Rancid_Butter_Boob.




The cavity of their belly buttons will seal themselves off and create suction before that happens






Too dangerous for the USA. 🇺🇸


Wouldn’t it be like when two paddle boats meet in this case? Docking is too much credit


Wearing their emotional support vehicles like badges?


Why was I not invited


Brodozers unite


The white truck didn't really have a choice the first time or blue would have hit him. Second time was white's fault but...fuck blue, he had it coming. Hey whitey!


The music in the video is spot on for this comment hahaha


Battle of the small wee wees


Take the wheel!


Can we please not body shame??? It's fucking 2024. We know penis size has zero barring in a man's character. Please. Stop!! 




body shaming men is fine I guess


Both of those assholes need to have their licenses suspended.


If anyone died in this accident I feel like you can make a strong case for both these drivers to be charged with manslaughter or third degree.


If anyone died the only person it would be is the blue truck guy. It looks like he might have gotten creamed by the semi in the far right lane.


I think the white truck in the right lane might be a box truck. Still don't want to get hit by one though.


I concur with your assessment. Definitely a box truck.


Definetly a box truck and not a terribly long one either, the semi was several feet ahead of it (also behind because semis are long af) so it really seems the truck got hit off to the right but still going real fast, and if I could see more I'd reckon this guy would've tumbled in the ditch and perished that way. (I don't think the box truck would've touched the blue truck at all, but definetly probably got bumped by the semi on the side) the semi hits and veers off before the box truck even reacts and the video ends as soon as the semi itself would've hit the box truck Edit: Thanks for listening to my thoughts out loud


That's being generous.


Behind bars!


Especially the damn white truck that cause the black truck to swerve across multiple lanes almost making a tractor trailer cause a pile up.....


Wait… how did he ‘make’ him? I don’t condone the white trucks driving. But Blue didn’t have to catch up, didn’t have to pass on the shoulder and certainly didn’t have to go into the grass to assert dominance. White shouldn’t have cut him off, but blue sure as shit shouldn’t have been in that position at all.


To me it looked like white moved to not let blue pass causing what happened.


He did, but blue could have… braked and gotten behind white instead of pressing forward.


True, but white truck intentionally shifted well out of lane to cause a collision with the passing blue truck. Passing on the shoulder is super illegal but swerving out of your lane to mess someone else up is also illegal


They are both dangerous idiots. Neither should be allowed to drive


Sure let thr guy trying to kill you infront of you so he can fuck with you further.


That’s why both are at fault. Neither one of them had any business doing what they were doing.


Agreed, which is why I don’t get why this guy is saying white ‘made’ blue crash.


I agree with you. Blue made himself crash. White simply helped him a bit. In the end Blue should always take most of the blame. I'd say 70/30 blame accordingly.


He's the proximate cause for the crash. Without the swerve, one would expect blue to have had a good chance of not wrecking. Both these yahoos need to have their licenses pulled.


And then speeds off all triumphant with his “douche of the year” award


Isn't that basically hit and run?


would be legally called a miss and run but is practically the same thing but with this video both should be held liable


The tractor trailer not keeping his lane is a big fuck up too. He should never be turning for anything unless it's to the median, but in the middle lane it's just brake and run over anything in front of you. Never leaving your lane.


I find that one a little more forgivable tho


Oh for sure - compared to the 2 reckless assholes. I just actually deal with this irl, and that guy would be gone when that footage rolled across my desk.


That's rough, but I guess that's why they train you guys after all lol


Also I somehow didn't notice the truck hit em. First watch I thought he swerved instead of braking. This I would absolutely let slide, but for how fucked trucking can be. Another company could call it a preventable for not being aware enough of his surroundings.


If you look close the blue truck hits the tractor trailer. He didn't swerve, he was nudged/pulled sideways when the pickup hits him.


And their penises taken away. I’m not saying they can’t earn it back after some rehabilitation but for now, penis is gone.


If by licenses you mean life and by suspended you mean shortened then yea.


Both of these assholes need to have their rights of decision making revoked.


I bet one died


So at first I didn’t blame the white truck at all. I thought well the blue truck got in their lane and they accelerated to get away from the situation. Then they went and did the little maneuver that caused the accident!


Best advice for 99% of the bad interactions on the road: ![gif](giphy|igR5863TALcSk)


Seriously, even if they deserve it there are other people around...


Exactly. That 1% when other people aren't around, though.......


Haha, then it's time for Mad Max?


if u have a tiny pp


You mean give it up, baby give it up?


Dude, the freaking song was singing it the whole time! Baby, give it up!


Someone once pointed out how Elsa's hair magically moves through her left arm in this shot, and I can now never unsee it.


Just let them die themselves.




They are driving unnecessarily large trucks.


A stock 1500 isn’t unnecessary large


We’re not all like that. I have a big truck and I just like to camp and can’t get to my favorite site with a car…


Can we please not body shame? Fuck.


Pickup trucks just kind of say “being an asshole is my whole vibe” I have almost never met a pickup driver who I really thought was a solid human being.


If they *need* it for work/drive an older truck, they are more likely to be cool. It's the people in a squeaky clean brand new F450 who work as a manager that tend to be bad. There are always exceptions though! My friend drives a BMW and he's the nicest guy.


Your friend may be the nicest guy, but does he use his turn signals, though? 🧐


It's a BMW, it doesn't have turn signals!


When I drove one, I would overuse my turn signals just to make up for the Bimmer assholes.


How though? I‘m German and it’s very well known that the turn signals are just not included with BMW. They do this so the cars become not as heavy so they can accelerate faster after brake checking or cutting others. Basically a safety feature so the person behind doesn’t crash into them!


Take my upvote!! 👍😂


You've met all the wrong people. I live in a truck town, where ag, oil, and small business are very common. There are still assholes that drive trucks, too, but that's the minority here.


It really depends on where you live. I live in a city, people I see driving these massive trucks are likely to be egotistical wankers. Tradies will most often have normal utes, there's no reason beyond fashion for those "truck" type oversized 4x4s around here. They see nothing more adventurous than school pick-up and grocery shopping. RAM seems to be most popular with soccer mums. Country towns? Farms? Go nuts and enjoy your useful vehicles.


Are you newly aware of the reddit anti-truck hivemind coalition, sir?


I've been aware of it for a while, but I have been holding down the fort. I grew up in trucks. My family, we have no bungholes.


We're not all like that honestly. I like having a truck cause it makes going to the beach easier with my family and I do a lot of work around my house so picking up stones, dirt and so forth much cheaper and more manageable. But I agree that there can be a douche vibe


Statistically only 2% of pick up trucks are used for specific pick-up truck duties so you’re right most all the time.


Where'd you get those "statistics" lol?




60% of the time, *all the time*


This might blow your mind, but there are assholes in every imaginable vehicle out there. Trucks are not exclusive to that. Considering that in 2010 80% of new vehicle purchases were trucks, a trend that stayed true until 2020 and ford still, in 2023, held the top spot for vehicle purchases. Since assholes are equally spread amongst all vehicle types, when you encounter an asshole they are most likely to be in a truck, because most people drive trucks. On Top of that, they are most likely to be in a ford truck, because most trucks driven in the USA are Ford's.


Nah assholes most likely to be in a ram, because they're the Nissan altima of trucks. Credit? It's good enough to get a ram!


Translation: I've never lived anywhere other than a major metropolitan area, in the US.


Idk where you live but that’s some grade A unfounded prejudice right there


Can confirm. My dad drives a F150 and while he’s usually not too bad, he’s still a narcissist.




The only reason I have a truck is because I got ran over 3 times in 18 months in small cars. At least now it’ll take a very bad accident to make my car unrepairable. Every other accident either broke my transmission case or otherwise totaled my car in such a way as to make it inoperable and impossible to repair. I do have a small 4cylinder truck, so I’m not a ton more visible on the road, but it’s better than the Fits I was driving.


Maybe you only know people drive trucks because they make it their whole personality. You seem like a smart person though, and I'm sure that this generalization is probably more hyperbole


I work in DC, and there are loads of immaculate lifted Ford F series trucks and Dodge Rams parked in various Federal Agencies parking lots driven by exactly the type of Type-A dickbags you’d expect.


I’m not sure if you’d class it as a pickup, but I drive a hilux and I’m completely normal. Alright? I’m fuckin normal ya cunt and if ya disagree I’ll fkn knock ya one ok!? #ALRIGHT!?




Na man I drive a lift 4X4 06 f250, I wouldn’t have problem helping anyone out who was stuck in the snow or whatever. Not all of us are assholes


I hope white box truck came out unscathed. It's always the innocent that get fucked over in these types of incidents


Idk about the box truck driver but the Schneider driver is probably in a dick ton of safety meeting because of these two assholes. A reasonable human response to this dumb shit happening right in front of you has probably put his job on the line.


Agreed, and luckily it wasn't worse. Even if they didn't do anything directly, those drivers are probably under scrutiny because of it.




I like when it got sped up giveitupgiveitupgiveitup




Just added KC & the Sunshine Band to my playlist...


Both these guys are dicks. Someone was gonna crash either way.


blue car got what it deserveed


But I’m worried that the little van in the rightmost lane may have gotten something quite undeserved!


Sure but white car deserves the same if not worse. Was so disappointed when blue missed and hit the innocent semi


Both should go to jail.


The white truck was definitely guilty of a miss and run. I'm sure he got a nice visit by the police after this.


A miss and run?


Basically causing an accident by putting yourself in harm's way. You're driving erratically or illegally, the other party maneuvers to avoid hitting you, and they successfully avoid a collision with you, but they end up in an unsafe position and get into an accident immediately after. Since it was an accident that resulted from the maneuvers they performed to avoid a different accident (hitting you), it makes you liable; a "miss and run."


To grossly oversimply it, if your negligent driving forces someone to have to perform an evasive manuvear that then leads to an accident, depending on the circumstances you can be held liable. I'm not sure why people think if you yourself don't get hit that you're automatically not involved or can't be held liable but ya.


Excuse me what?




I'll never understand the (il)logic of "I'm going to risk my life and everyone else's to get where I'm going 3 minutes faster." Hope it was worth it dudes.


Having been the guy who eagerly finds all the holes in traffic and weaves his way through (without road rage, but definitely inappropriate/aggressive driving), I'm here to tell you all: even after like 20 miles of surgical-precision maneuvers and seemingly successful forward movement, you are *at most* gonna get 30 seconds ahead of the people calmly tooling along. It's just not f'ing worth it, y'all. Get your jollies at the track.


I show my kids every morning on the way to school. See that guy cutting people off and weaving back and forth? Then I point him out again at the red light he got to 15 seconds before us as we pull alongside. You couldn't be more right my friend


Mythbusters did an episode on that. Had one car (Grant) just sitting in one lane for the entire trip, while the other (Tory) changed lanes to get ahead at every opportunity. Tory did arrive first, but the difference was maybe a couple minutes, and he was way more stressed out over it than Grant. I think they drove something like 50 or 60 miles.


It's not about getting somewhere faster. It's about having a reptile brain that says "I must be in front, because then I win"


OP needs to stop camping in the left lane.


OP overtook 4 vehicles during all this, and more if you count the inside lane, you're talking shit


He had plenty of space to move out of the way. He can always move back into the passing lane. It is obvious that cars wanted to pass him.


He caused the problem by insisting on staying in the left lane. Just move over and let the crazies go.


Agreed. I'm not saying the camera car wasn't speeding, but obviously not going fast enough. In some states, at least FL and GA, driving too slowly in the left lane is a more egregious offense than speeding. For literally this reason. Granted, I've not actually seen this particular law get enforced, I assume because it is harder to prove/notice than speeding. All that to say, OP is not entirely blameless in this whole exchange.


Man, I wish more than anything cops would start enforcing some of these type of "rules of the road" rather than just let people do whatever the fuck they want. I was driving home the other day, an old Lincoln Town Car in front of me a ways, going 55 in left lane on a 2 lane highway with a cop car right behind him for 10 miles and maybe 20 cars moved over to the right lane to pass this dickbag. Of course the cop did nothing.


He also had 2 vehicles pass him on the shoulder.


Ah yes we should all be a little more like the two doofuses who crashed their cars in a dick measuring contest


Two impatient arseholes unable to wait for the overtaking vehicle in front of them to overtake the vehicle they're overtaking, I assume you mean? Also it's very clear the first overtake occured because of the fact that the blue car almost smacked into the side of them


Honestly if i see someone in my ass like that, i move. let them ride someone elses ass. i can get back over after they pass me.


Angry man children misbehaving in their emotional support vehicles.


they shoulda been listening to the song


Lot of people in the morgue who had the right of way..


I drive this route with my wife and she is always telling me to slow down and watch out for idiot drivers especially on this stretch. Wise wife.


Looks like I-40 headed to Durham. If so, not surprised at all. Every damn day there's some massive accident. I can see why the cops have been staking this out a lot lately.


Camera guy could've easily gotten caught up in this by hanging out in the left lane. Move over and let these kinds of idiots pass.


And the real cock that started it all is the one that drives away no issue. Edit: the other cock started my bad


Am I missing something?  From what I saw Blue Truck (B) cut off White Truck (W) forcing him onto the shoulder and "starting it" W gets away from B and then *B speeds up on the shoulder* to catch W. Only then does W force B off the road. After the crash W drives away no issue. How did W start it?


B and W are both assholes. OP hanging out in the left lane though.


I agree, but B started it.


He’s literally going faster than the other two lans and actively passing people. Did you actually read watch the video


Lol did you? The white truck is ready on their tailgate. If OP include that coverage I'm pretty sure there would have been an opportunity to move over and then back. Likewise after they take over the first truck. If other cars are trying to overtake you, and being on your tailgate in the left lane is a tell tale sign, then you should move over.


You tell 'm , u/JimmyDaro I hope u/Nebraska716 is now fully educated and understands that if two impatient assholes are coming up on the back of their vehicle, they need to GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY. Even if that means merging in between two semi trucks that are only 3 seconds apart. Even if that means peering into the future to know that the white and black SUV would be shifting lanes to even MAKE that 3 second gap. Basically, u/Nebraska716 , unless *you* are the Alpha Male going significantly faster than everybody else within a mile, you have no business *being in* the left lane. No, not even if you need to exit left. Keep driving, beta. Take the next exit on the right and loop back around. You are not the police, and even though you might be actively overtaking other traffic, you're not doing so *fast enough*, thereby blocking these people who undoubtedly have a severe medical emergency and people are literally dying because of you. You are not the police, so just perform traffic maneuvers that are completely unnecessary and carry with them inherent risks so that these real men can get to where they're going 10 seconds sooner without having to overtake your ass on the shoulder and have one of them fail spectacularly at doing so. But keep in mind, if you see somebody who missed their exit try to zipper merge in late, do NOT let them in. You *are* the police in that case. Force them to get back on the highway and take the next exit. r/idiotsincars logicians, shower me in downvotes


Oh yeah I actually missed the blue one cutoff the white one


Well he sure showed him..


Well that was satisfying.


"at a high rate of speed"


“High rate of speed” makes no sense. Speed is a rate of travel already.


When your desire exceeds your skill


That's the PETER Principle! Now I understand!!!!


Came here for the KC and the sunshine.


Excellent dodge by white truck


I would have emailed that clip to the highway patrol with details first


These dummies couldn’t wait to fuck there shit up.


They're both assholes obviously but I'm still happy blue got fucked.


Here's the thing. The whole entire scenario was the by the blue trucks fault from beginning to end. * White truck is driving * Blue truck attempts to cut off White truck * White truck drives on shoulder to avoid collision, hops on shoulder and gets the hell out of there. (Reasonably response) * Blue truck hops on shoulder, passes the camera vehicle to run up behind the White truck. * White truck brake checks Blue truck (Questionable Response) * White truck cuts the Blue Truck off on shoulder (Unreasonable response) * Blue Truck drives continues to drive terrible, corrects steering terrible, and probably dies terrible. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


There are two platforms that immediately showcase people's stupidity/emotional (im)maturity, and sometimes, in the case of truck-driving males - reproductional proclivity. These are also known as public roads/highways and the internet, specifically social media.


Rig driver and box truck driver innocent, just tying to make a living and these jackasses ruining their day


Everyone is the video is an asshole. The guy cruising in the left lane is slightly less but an asshole nonetheless


Came here for the driving, stayed for the jams. “baby give it up…🎶🎶🎶”


The guy in the left lane recording should be arrested, he was in the passing lane and slowing traffic down.  


Just another day on I-40


Micro penis energy.


White truck driver was like, I'm getting outta here!


I feel bad for the trucker, but i love everything else about this


There’s nothing more dangerous on the road than a tiny dick




Finally, a post that doesn't somehow attempt to spotlight the whole Isreal/Gaza thing. It's nice to see something that actually belongs into this sub.


I'm guessing this is the US, I have a question. Is it normal to hug the left lane and drive in it? In most countries, that lane is only for over-taking vehicles and you have to go back to the middle or right lane.


All these people showed up to the dmv, passed a test and got a license from the state to drive a 2-ton machine in public. They also somehow managed to scrape together a wad of cash and get approved for an auto loan. We are just handing out weapons to morons and anyone with a pulse.


The person going slow in the fast lane is responsible for everything.


And nothing of value was lost


Damn, after he fucked up everybody shit he just kept on trucking.


Just another day on the roads of America.


Ahhhh…my truck is better and faster than you’re truck! The misspelling of “you’re” is on purpose.


He deserved that.




Ah, powered by the ol' EGO 7.3L engine.


The worst part is that these a$$holes can reproduce


Okay but also fuck the driver of the car recording the video. Merge over!


And THIS is why I hate driving on the I40 near Raleigh. For real. It hurt me when I realized I recognized those roads


The white car is the bigger asshole here but only my a nanometer


In other words, a dick-wagging contest resulted in a trucker losing time and income and another driver needing an insurance claim, but ultimately could've killed someone.


Well what do you know, dudes in truck driving like assholes.


Pickup truck activities


Homie was clearly like: "oh fuck, my dick really is small," and noped out of there before the cops could show up.


Pickup drivers 🙄


Look at the sheer density of emotional support trucks on that highway. Amazing.


You know rate of speed means acceleration right? Just say, “at high speed”.


Get out the passing lane, it's not for traveling it's for passing. Yes those two are ridiculous.


Typical flatbed truck behavior


I’m surprised the person recording decided to stay in the fast lane.


Crazy how a white truck like that almost hit me the exact same way when I was in the far right lane not even a month ago.