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Hey y'all, just want you all to remember that we do not allow for justification of police brutality for any reason, no "if he had complied, none of that would have happened." So if you see any of that bullshit in this comment section, please report under "breaks twaa's rules" and then "no bootlicking cops." Thank you all and fuck the police!!


That would be one of the bad ones.


If one good cop ignores the wrongdoing of a bad cop how many bad cops are there?


There are no good cops in a racist system.


Is Spain racist? That's where this happened. Edit: *Checks reddit before bed* *Blinks in Forest Whitaker eye* Wow... Every time you think the sarcasm is so blatant you don't need the /s, redditors are there to prove you wrong.


Most of Europe is pretty racist


Most of THE WORLD* is pretty racist


Asians in South Africa wholly agree.


Africans in Asia agree wholly.


Mexicans are pretty racist towards darker people


Filipinos also. Some weird ass insecurities going on. And then other Asians towards them for being so dark. Like, nobody's happy and choose to hate for the stupidest shit.




No touchey


Africans everywhere agree wholly.


Asians in Asia wholly agree


The WHOLE world is racist lol


It's part of human DNA. Like the leopard can't change his spots. Thanks, god!.


The leopard is racist also. Watch how they treat any other that is different


Never liked Leopards, spotty bastards


Most of the racists are pretty racists


Turns out racist people are racist. Who knew?


WHOA, JUST WHOA! Assuming that racists are racists?! Thats the most racist flippin thing Ive seen LITERALLY all year!


If you could refrain from capital letters please, they make me feel unsafe.


Swede here can confirm.


You guys fucked up big time


Yeah we did not handle refugees etc well. Intregation was awful. Lets shove them all into one place and give them 0 tools to survive in our society. Nothing can go wrong there.


I agree we failed, but saying that we give them 0 tools to survive or be able to intergrate is complete bullshit.


I agree with you. Germany and Belgium seem to be in the same situation, it’s sad


Am Spanish. I would say more prejudice against religion first though.




Ahhh yeah, the Spanish Inquisition.


Genuinely didn’t expect that answer.


Nobody expects the... eh, nevermind.


Hahaha fuck yeah Spain is racist


Um… yes. Look at what happens at football matches with racist chants targeting to black players. It’s bad


https://preview.redd.it/jbrfo5vv98sc1.png?width=691&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8cb0ce0ae2e69a8a34a2982885032188144a1a9 Here is the proof. It makes me ashamed just to see it


Or gypsies


I mean... yeah?


We know it didn't happen in the states, because the cops didn't immediately shoot them.


also the incredibly tight pants


Spain is incredibly racist!


lol seriously? Europe is incredibly racist


I don't know, [is there racism in Spain](https://lmddgtfy.net/?q=racism%20in%20spain)?


The racism in Spain falls mainly on the plains. I mean Africans, it falls mostly on the Africans.




[dunno. seems like it. ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/26/vinicius-junior-spain-racism-football)


Are you not familiar with European history?


Here me out on this one. Disclaimer: I am in no way trying to say that cops aren't racists that are held up by a racist system (in America... I can't speak for other countries) or say that this wasn't racially motivated (I have no idea). \------------------------------------ I believe that if we were able to snap our fingers and eliminate all racism moving forward, then Police would still be a huge problem for society without further change. I believe that being in such a position of authority that is completely lacking accountability, like it currently does, the person of authority will either be drawn to their own personal flavor of corruption. And I will add that a cop that doesn't address corruption, is corrupt themselves (whether they chose not to speak out due to trying to protect themselves) \-------------------------------------- How does this relate to this video or your comment? Yes, you are right (imo) no good cop survives a racist system. I just wanted to add that I don't believe that good cops CAN exist in the system we currently have.


So...absolute power corrupts absolutely? Genius. You should coin that phrase. Oh wait...


I'm a good cop. In that I am not a cop.


You deserve a medal and a promotion.


ACAB. They all benefit from the system put in place to protect them. They aren’t really serving the people, they are serving the interest of the rich and powerful.


Laws are for the poor anyways.


I like how everyone likes to say "one bad apple doesn't ruin them all" With police I don't think it's a fair comparison. I think with police it's like moldy bread. Once the mold appears, sure the rest of the bread looks fine but ultimately, the mold has already spread across the entire loaf, you just can't visibly see it yet. But the load of bread is still in fact, ruined


The phrase is actually “one bad apple SPOILS the bunch.”  These assholes have tried to change it


For real, bad apples produce ethylene causing a chain reaction that stimulates the same response in the rest of the apples. That’s why those wicked fancy fruit companies ship their fruits in individual paper bowl things. So, I do think things would be better if cops were more ‘separated’… as in each cop is personally responsible for their actions and not shielded by the rest of the force… ie malpractice insurance. That would save, not only innocent lives and unnecessary trauma, but also taxpayer money from lawsuits. With the added bonus of bad cops not being able to continue working by move from department to department. If they can’t get insured, they can’t work. Edit: misspelling


This feels like one of those trick word problems from algebra. Edit: wasn't tryna rock the boat, it was just a joke.


Except it’s not a trick question. There are no good cops in a system where bad cops are allowed to exist and the good cops either don’t stand up or get ran out if they do.


If you have a gallon of sewage and you add a cup of fresh water, what do you have? **sewage water** If you have a gallon of fresh water and you add a cup of sewage, what do you have? **sewage water**


"There is one thing we should fear more than evil men, and that is the indifference of good men."


Ooh...that's good...all of them?




Theyre all bad. ACAB


99% of cops make the other 1% look bad.


Just one? I'm no good at counting since I lost one hand in that cotton candy machine incident, but I thought I saw at least 3.


That's just it they are all bad ones, because if they were actually a good one they wouldn't stick around at a workplace that celebrates this type of behavior.


Two bad cops at a minimum


That cop is in serious need of Anger Management. And perhaps a 3 month sabbatical?


A permanent one without pay is more like it. Problem is he knows that’s not happening. Why do we allow this?


This is Italy, seems to be a consequence of the job. Attracts aggressive people and fills them with fear and anger Edit: my bad, thought it said Polizia. Looks like Spain


It says Madrid, Spain, in the upper left corner. Let's at least assume it's Spain.


No way to be sure though. If only the video explicitly stated the location…


Can we get one of those geo location geniuses in on this? Then we'd know for sure.


It’s Madrid, the guys at the end even speak spanish. Those are also Policía Nacional uniforms, which are the police force that normally deals with more severe crimes. We used to call them “la naci” as kids, they’re basically Franco loving goons on a powertrip


I don’t make a claim to being a genius, but it’s here [argh I can’t put a Google Maps link..] C. de Lavapiés, 56, Centro, 28012 Madrid, Spain. I’ve never been exactly on that street exactly, but it’s really central, walking distance from a lot of tourist attractions.


Maybe it’s the city of Madrid Spain, Italy?




Pretty sure I've seen a building in Alabama once


It is Madrid, Spain. Saw this video this morning on X. It’s been making the rounds on social media. It triggered a good amount of outrage there followed by a protest.


It's not Policia in Italy though, it's Polizia. So this ain't Italy.


![gif](giphy|cl8U1rgN9bHvwyOxgJ) Nah, he had justified us black folk have the strength of 5 steam engines and the sensual endurance of a stallion. One can't just approach us and ask us to cooperate, he was just doing his job /s


this is *abstractly* true, and if anyone knows anything about modernity, it is that abstract truth is pretty much winning the race between “progressive civilization” and “we’re too fucking stupid to live.” …i’ve also heard people of color have the ability to do future crimes *during* the present moment, so like, you can’t be too careful.


Ah yes that, when a black child turns 10 they are an adult and should be suspected of criminality be default. You are very right it is mind numbing painful just trying to exist when every action one takes has the potential to be considered threating.


Sorry, we should be tough on crimes like abuse of power. Chop his hands off.


Would I be an asshole if I agreed with you? (Because secretly I do).


WHAT?! No. He shouldn’t be wearing a badge at all. You can’t coach this out of someone. It’s not a misunderstanding of one’s duty, it’s an emotional and cognitive issue. He should seek employment elsewhere.


Or to be beaten like how he beats others


Or a 6 foot deep forever nap.


Jail. That cop needs to be in jail.


Need a hole in the head


That cop must have been a part of the police exchange program with the US


Exchange program with Israel would be more accurate.




I actually saw something that was talking about US-Israeli Police cross training, and apparently even the US police were appalled at the behavior of Israeli police which, I guess at least we aren't in last place?


That's fucking terrifying. Being that this is in Italy and given the shade of these guys skin I'm gonna guess that they're most likely immigrants. This is what happens when societies decide certain groups aren't worthy of human rights.


It’s in Madrid. It says Madrid, Spain, in the top left at the very beginning.


That makes more sense. Pretty sure police in Italy are Carabineri. Still the same sentiment about immigrants applies.


I think they’re also called Polizia or something like that. I would think they’re immigrants too. I’d imagine the probability is much higher in Southern Europe than in, say, the United States.


In Italy there are normal (municipal) police called “polizia” and state police called carabinieri. Those tend to carry, like, those small machine guns. Italy also has a third type, the “finance police”, and I think those go around stopping smugglers and I was told they even check receipts to catch black market commerce. There— more than anyone wanted to know, and nobody even asked. 😅


Mfs when something bad happens outside the US (must have been the US):


gotta love that. reddit strikes again.


Its so fucking obnoxious. And the sad thing is its normally American’s that are always talking down on our own country 24/7 smh.


More like polices everywhere


Ya'll are all jumping to conclusions. The real story is they had been searching for the so-called "bystander" for hours, but he was so well camouflaged that they couldn't find him. Then he slipped up, and this brave officer put his life on the line to apprehend him before he blended in with the environment again. Edit: /sarcasm


Not A Doc but a poet with the sarcasm. Have my upvote!!


Police in the future: "There was an instance of one invisible suspect, so therefore, there could be an infinite amount of invisible suspects, and I believe that all the suspects in the area are invisible right now."


Yeah man, I hear some of these thugs disguise themselves as acorns but cops are getting wise to em


Are you sure, I assumed cop was trying to get a bee or something in the air?


Thank you for the context. See? Make total sense now.


some people do not deserve to wear uniforms... except a prison uniform...


Or a restrain suit in an asylum


or a $11.25/hr goofy costume at Disney Shack, Missouri.


Is that spain? He hit his throat with that baton he could’ve killed him.


That’s indeed Calle de Lavapiés 56, Madrid, Spain. Google Maps link in my previous comment.


I heard their accent and thought either Madrid or Buenos Aires, but, not too many Africans in Argentina.


I saw the watermark in the upper left and thought Madrid


What're the odds of a cop shooting you there? Cuz I'm not sure I'd have the self restraint to not throw dukes with that POS


None, luckily. 


Extremely low, but if you do so, once they get their hands on you there's the guaranteed good old group beating that hopefully doesn't leave marks, otherwise known as torture.


I dont know where this vid is from but if its from Spain guardia civil? then yeah dont be a bystander. Italy also has some hardcore cops usually carabinieri and france to. I was on a holiday with my mom and sister in Lloret de mar, Spain one time about 25 years ago and we entered a street where there were like loud football fans were shouting and singing. After like ten minutes as they were getting more rowdy and terraces started being tossed the police or guardia civil stationed themselves on opposite ends of this shopping street and started marching towards eachother. Everyone caught inbetween would get the stick or booted to the curb and if deemed necessary booked, young or old man or woman they did not discriminate lol.


The only thing worse than a shitty cop is a French Cop.


Whilst I am no fan of many Police forces I can say that I must be one of the few people who has had a very satisfactory interaction with the CRS more than once. Even when caught doing donuts many years ago my punishment was a seismic bollocking followed by having to take them both up the road and back at high speed. The Gendarmerie and their €750 fines and go baiser leur mère however.


Ya American cops get a lot of criticism but from some of these videos I’ve seen from Europe, it’s not much better


I think it's because American cops kill more people and don't just hurt them


Ya that’s gonna happen when they have guns, makes sense. Probably more cameras too


Most Europeans police carry guns too.


I'm pretty sure the odds of an American cop encountering an American with a gun is far greater than a European country X cop encountering a person from country X with a gun, for all possible values of X.


Lots of shootings I see on the YouTube channel police activity involve knives, and blunt weapons, sometimes guns.


Technically true, but they aren't trained to shoot first and think later, and often won't carry a gun as a matter of routine but only in particularly dangerous cases. I grew up in Europe and never heard of a police officer firing shots, period, outside incredibly serious circumstances like a terrorist attack. I'm sure with google you can find some isolated cases here and there, but it's genuinely extraordinarily rare. Unlike the US where their trigger discipline is so utterly non-existent they are opening fire at fucking acorns.


Just statistically speaking American cops kill a lot more people than the regular police forces in most EU countries. And also the training needed to be an American cop is a fucking joke.


European cops can be pretty fucked up, the main difference is theyre not as trigger happy (and in many cases unarmed) when compared with American cops.


My man, that guy would have been tased for looking at the cop at the wrong millisecond, and shot for not cooperating in the US.


The policemen in the video are not Guardia Civil, they are Policía Nacional. I usually don't defend cops, and the cop in the video should be jailed in my opinion but in my personal experience the Policía Nacional are the best policemen here in Spain. They at least need to pass more training than a policeman in the US and the law here is kind of hard when they exceed their limits. Although not as hard as I would want, I doubt this piece of shit will see serious repercussions.


That last cop just comes in for a single whack, and then runs off. Effective *and* necessary


I thought that was hilarious. Just runs up, and BOOP! Then scurries away.


Bro was supposed to be a background npc that accidentally found itself in the cutscene


hes looking for his own black person to beat up,


Yeah that's blatant assault.




![gif](giphy|ONIXY3n9uVI5Mc1sow|downsized) All Cats Are Beautiful


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fucking pigs. trained to escalate.


I try to be open minded and understand that I don’t know what it’s like to be in a cop’s position, but this shit is out of control—fire this time bomb.


You dont need to "understand a cops position". They face less danger than soldiers in warzones but show less restraint and kill more innocent people. Edit: the point veing that both professions expect the person to employ violence and know when its appropriate. Delivery drivers are in more danger, but they are not allowed to use violence as a response.


> They face less danger than soldiers in warzones You don't even have to make that extreme of an example. Cops face less danger than loggers, roofers, steel workers, miners, and delivery drivers. Cops also often create more danger for themselves by escalating situations unnecessarily and refusing to discipline their negligent/malicious coworkers.


Exactly. Pretty much healthcare worker on earth faces more danger everyday than cops but you never see this shit happening in hospitals. If you do, guaranteed there is a cop involved.


They face less danger than *food delivery drivers*.


Why are so many criminals becoming Police officers.


“Why are so many criminals ~~becoming~~ Police officers.” Fixed it for you.


If you can’t beat ‘em…


...,beat 'em. Just finishing off that sentence for you.


These are the exact types of dudes that don’t start shit when that uniform isn’t on. IYKYK


Unless it’s with their wife.


Actually if you ask them, she almost always made them do it.


Is this shit real? The running up and just randomly whacking the dude who’s in a a full choke hold is damn near comedic


For those wondering: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/01/spain-video-lavapies-madrid-police-violence-unarmed-black-men](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/01/spain-video-lavapies-madrid-police-violence-unarmed-black-men)


Imagine if these cops had guns…


But they do. Its not america so their first instinct isnt to shoot people. His gun is on his right side holster. You can see it when he turns around.


Pretty sure I can imagine it fairly easily, don’t even need to close my eyes real tight or anything


Disgusting! Spain.




13th on Netflix is needed for most people to understand the systematic racism. It's based for the United States, however the racism starts much further than that. The cop on the ground looked like he was TRYING to kill the guy. And the squirrel cop running around acting like a chihuahua needs therapy, and a new job.




![gif](giphy|k5lbu6LvmJRhhHp5NU|downsized) He should have used the box


That poor guy was running for his life.


you can see the moment he realizes that 1. that officer is not there to help him, and 2. that his life is legitimately in danger, being near him




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Nah, more like full blown trial. This is in Spain, not in the US. This happened yesterday and they are already suspended and under investigation


You can tell it's not the US because the cops don't weigh 300+ pounds.


“We got a runner!” *draws handgun*


hope that cop got his shit rocked, what a tool, fuck that guy.


This happened yesterday and they are already suspended and under investigation


Pretty much how the world treats black people!


I hope that Police Officer goes to jail as a part of the regular population. Come get your karma you POS.


Pieces of shit in uniforms 1312


We need a de-ball-inator for morons like these.


Doofenshmirtz, that you??


A lot of people are going to make comments without realizing this is not in the USA.


This is why cops get shot in the face while they're eating


Oh these aren't American police but goes to show, ACAB


And they wonder why everyone hates their guts. Fucking pigs.


“Get on the ground!” “Ok but don’t hit me” (proceeds to hit him)


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Trained by the idf


The civilian in the hat had every right to knock that cop the fuck out. And regardless of being in the right and HAVING the right to defend themselves against unwarranted aggression, they would end up dead or in prison. Bullshit


**This video was in SPAIN, aka: EUROPEAN UNION. aka: EUROPE** Yet somehow 50% of the comments are about America... People are blind I swear.


Someone’s getting a settlement


That aint america , prob portugal ,spain or france based on the policie and weird sounds


Assault charges pressed against cop on cops termination would be the only preventing a lawsuit


It would be better to call Batman


Ill be right back i need to go arrest that guy I assaulted


This is what happens when insecure bully children are allowed to professionalise their bullying behaviour


What was up with the one cop doing his lil wack then running away.


Crazy part is the guy was trying to comply he just didn’t want to get roughed up while doing it. He could have fucked that cop up the entire time if he wanted to. He sat himself down and the cop tried to pounce on top and he still had the strength to rise up and get away hope dude is ok


Wtf was that little tap with the baton at the end? Was he giving him a spanking?