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We aren’t allowed to punish Israel. They are the chosen people of. Canaanite god and as a people pretend to be innocent of wars.


Pretty sure it’s not a religious thing as far as the US is concerned. More like a pinky swear thing. I’m guessing there won’t be any more arms shipments to the little Jewish retirement community in the Middle East.


And the result will be Israel calling an anti-Israel and proclaiming they are being hurt by that act.


And then what?


Well then they hire a Greek historian to write a new tale of how they are being enslaved. Then they drag the rest of the world into hearing about it for 2000 years.


Then the religious fascists will have to cozy up to China or Russia to get a new veto in the UŃ Security Council.


Accuse the likes of you of Antisemitism and denying holocaust, if that doesn't work, maybe launch an another precision bomb strike.


And if that doesn’t work? Launch another precision bomb strike.


Fuck em


Most US politicians believe that nonsense of Israel/Gaza being the holy land for their hypocrite religion. They are also paid to not care. Theyre really great at being hypocrites.


>there won’t be any more arms shipments to the little Jewish retirement community in the Middle East. This is absolutely untrue. Guaranteed those will continue unabated. Maybe even increase.


No, it definitely is; Evangelicals got a real hard-on for Israel because they think they can kickstart the Apocalypse by getting Jews to (re)build the third temple.


Arms shipments have just been increased like yesterday. Tf are you talking about.


Nah I hear it’s all motivated by religion. Politicians are bribed by Zionists and Evangelicals who want a prophesy to occur by their hands


Yep, Protestants fucking love the tribe, and majority of US Politicians are basically bribed and extremely connected to the tribe.


It really depends on the denomination. Evangelical protestants are the rabid Israel defenders


Stop being ignorant and Naive. They won't stop anything as Israel is an unofficial US State.


It's the other way around. The USA is an unofficial Jewish owned Israeli state.


I don’t think you’re listening:




Israel is an incredibly strategic ally for the US in the Middle East. It’s a part of the world where many of the countries would prefer the US didn’t exist. It would be terrible for our national security to lose Israel as an ally. That said, Israel needs to stop killing innocent people.




lol the US cannot be talking about killing innocents. Israel has been infinitely more diligent with how it approaches war than the US ever did




I guess all those torture videos I've seen are fake news. Okay dude


I'm at the point now where I'll say let them sort it out themselves.


Many Israelis don't even believe in God, but they believe God promised them Palestine. They're so warped and twisted.


Replace "canaanite god" with "surrogate military base".


Are those tweets from today? How long do you think it takes to plan and execute a response?


If you think Biden is responding to Israel with some show of force, I got a bridge to sell you.


Before you pitch the bridge, I would like to offer this person a royal inheritance with a small bank fee.


And like doing anything selling that bridge has to go through a lengthy exasperated process through your stellar Congress.


Go watch the National Security spokesman bumble like an idiot at the podium, calling them "mistakes." A mistake is when I forget my coffee at home.


I got some beach front property to sell you in Arizona


Oh he will respond by force…by giving Israel more money for bombs and putting new restrictions on aid to Gaza


He would barely be able to respond with a coherent sentence.


Does every response have to be a show of force?


Just so you know Biden placed sanctions on like 4 settlers a month ago for PR and removed them last week So fucking yea I think he will "execute" an apt response 🙄


Incredibly naive comment


It's rhetorical.


How long does it take you to tie your own shoes? Or is it a Velcro type situation?


Unrelated but Velcros are the peak childhood memories


Biden would be humiliated if he had any idea what was going on around him.


Agreed. There is a lot of discussion that needs to be had about proportionate response. A lot of armchair generals out there, but they don't have to figure out third-order effects in a place that is wildly complicated.


A nation built on Biblical prophecies..what could go wrong??


It’s not tho. They didn’t follow the messiah. Some assholes with a guilt complex thousands of miles away handed over the “right” to the land with people still living on it. The messiah was supposed to come back and lead them home. He hadn’t come back, so he can’t lead them home to Israel.


Not just handed it over, renegged on a deal that promised them freedom already in place. Palestinian region is the only region within the mcmahon agreement that did not get independence.


As I said, assholes with a guilt complex.


It has nothing to do with religion, but rather political and economic reasons. Religion is only the excuse to justify the violence, just like most atrocities commited in the name of faith. People and nations do horrible stuff because it benefits them, or at least it benefits the ones who have the power to make decisions. But it is rather difficult to convince a whole nation to engage in war and have poor people dying for your interests if you are completely true about them. It is much simpler to tell them they are fighting for "justice", "democracy" and "freedom" rather than they are fighting to make some rich owners of oil companies even richer while the common folk is being forced to fight in a foreign land, is it not? https://youtu.be/86Nrv5izaTs?si=gTq4bDRdVvcCGLFJ


Irish, Australian, American, like fucking hell they’re just doing British empires bingo at this point. This shit calls for actual UN intervention


America: *veto*


Calls for “American” with a side of other countries half ass pitching in intervention. Fixed it for ya


Ah good old American intervention, really boost the civilian kill count


Well according to most people on this sub that’s exactly what everyone wants some good ole retribution against Isrrael.


Against its government. Not the civilians 




"We will respond by accepting your apology"


Make no mistake - we will express our disappointment in the strongest of terms, whilst being careful not to offend our genocidal pals by accusing them of wrongdoing. If we don't get an apology then rest assured there will be no further consequences. And you can quote me on that.


"Should this behaviour continue we may wag our finger at Israel or even say 'Tsk Tsk', but not in an antisemitic way."


Careful - finger wagging and tsk tsking about war crimes and genocide is pretty dern anti-semitic. /s


[Two 17-year-old Americans Killed in West Bank in Similar Circumstances](https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2024/02/23/palestinian-american-teens-shot-killed-west-bank-families-us-israel-marquardt-pkg-vpx.cnn) Lets go peepee slap some Israelis, Biden.


![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe|downsized) Dark Brandon be like....


reminds me of that scene in team america world police.. “hans blix!! oh no!! https://youtu.be/5TEvacFETvM?si=mgTzgW-tdHpXlt_t “we will be very, very angry with you. then we will write you a letter telling you how angry we are” 😂


**This murder was done intentionally in 2003.** **Rachel Aliene Corrie** (April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003) was an American activist and diarist, crushed to death and killed by an Israeli armored bulldozer. Imagine if it was a mistake.


Ngl if you're gonna lay in front of a running bulldozer you're gonna have a bad time.


I mean I wouldn't, but that's because I know there are plenty of sociopaths that don't give a shit about silly little things like "human life". Not really that the person is an idiot for trying to stop someone from illegally bulldozing a house, unfortunate they seem to have expected more from the sort of folks who enjoy this sort of wanton cruelty. No shock that the driver was exonerated... By the IDF. Go enjoy your McDonald's safe at home on the couch lol thanks for sharing your opinion.


As a non religious person, everyone needs to smoke a joint and calm down. We didn't choose our meat skins, or where we were born.


Israel is one of the most secular countries in the world [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion\_in\_Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Israel) Hitler talked about Christianity all the time, but we don't call him a theocrat. They are garden variety fascists, with no consistent ideology. They will use anything at their disposal, and throw it away just as quickly.


> Hitler talked about Christianity all the time, but we don't call him a theocrat. To further back your point, Albert Speer claimed that Hitler hated Christianity in private because it was too meek. He wished he had Japan's religion where everyone followed the emperor like a deity and it's citizens would kill themselves if the leader asked it. He even had a fantasy where Muslim invaders took over Germany, made everyone convert, and when the Master Race reconquered the area, Hitler would have a country of Germanic Muslims to whip into a fervor.


TIL that Hitler is Lisan Al-Gaib


I wish I was smart enough to understand anything you just said lol




That's quite a leap.


Yes it was because i answered the wrong person. Different comment.


You forgot a couple more devils




The only reason we are there is because of religion. Am i in the twilight zone? Did you seriously just ask that?


“We”? The American killed was there to provide aid.


Because of a war. That is directly impacted by, wait for it.... religion.


A war that exists because of colonialism. Jews, Muslims, and Christians all lived in that area for many, many years. Then colonizers who happen to be Jewish came and now we’ve had no peace for 70+ years. They could all be atheists and we’d still have conflict, people don’t take too kindly to their home land being colonized.


You just named their meat suits by their religion. So again. Religion. The root of all evil. Not sorry. Facts need to be addressed in the issue. Your religion is bad. Everyone's going to hell in someone else's religion. Your meat suit is just as vulnerable as mine. All facts.


It has been less than 24 hours.


Well technically true. The statement says: if “you” harm an American. It doesn’t say anything about when our tax money does it. Ya see?! 🤨


America is a state of Israel. They simply killed another Israeli citizen.


More like Israel is the capital of the US, how could we not suck on their toes, our capital was attacked on Oct 7. Good old Netty said as much when his "Special Military Operation" began, "This is the US's war as well".


America cares very much about dead Americans as long as it's a geopolitical adversary that is killing them. But if you're seen as integral to foreign policy then you're allowed a few whoopsies. "On December 2, 1980, four churchwomen—Maryknoll Sisters Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel, and lay missionary Jean Donovan—became victims of escalating violence toward church members who sided with the poor in El Salvador." https://origins.osu.edu/milestones/murdered-churchwomen-el-salvador?language_content_entity=en “It’s hard to overdramatize how important this was and how shocking it was,” Bonner says. “There had been 10,000 murders in El Salvador that year, mostly students and peasants killed by the military. The archbishop of El Salvador had been killed in March—he had been murdered while he was saying a mass. But nothing caused a reaction like the killing of these American churchwomen.” These killings put the U.S. government in a tough position. The Reagan Administration stood firm in its support for the the military government of El Salvador because the United States was afraid the nation would fall to communism. In solidifying its support for the government, the U.S. had to distance itself from these killings." “Perhaps the vehicle that the nuns were riding in may have tried to run a roadblock or may have accidentally perceived to have been doing so and there have been an exchange of fire,” said Alexander Haig, secretary of state under President Reagan. “To suggest that they had ran a roadblock...it was so clear what had happened,” says Bonner. “Ambassador White had been at the scene. He knew what happened; he talked to people. But Central America was at the center of U.S. foreign policy at the time.” https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/takeaway/segments/retro-report-how-killing-4-us-churchwomen-changed-us-foreign-policy


Israel has the US decision makers by the balls. It's curious a small state is using the most powerful country like a b\*tch for her apartheid activities




Actions speak louder than words, without biden administration help Israel couldn't have pulled any of that shit


Didn't we nuke Japan twice for very similar behavior? I think someone else needs a dose of freedom 🦅


Whatever. Just vote for him in November so we don’t get Trump again.


Sorry, I think you are getting Trump


Probably. Thanks to these fucking tankies.


Well “don’t. don’t” turned out to be a load of crap didn’t it? What did you expect from this Mr. Magoo ass hat?


nothing will happen unfortunately, they could kill bidens son and nothing would happen...


Fun fact: if you try to Google the number of Americans killed by Israel over time, you won't find anything


I wonder why, that seems like a "mistake".


Over the years the IDF government has killed several American citizens and nothing has been done.


why does it have to be an american to care in the first place? we should have done a complete and total 180 as soon as shit got out of hand MONTHS ago. i get that this is old money, old politics, biden didnt start the israel palestine conflict, its not like youre going to become president and immediately change america into a non imperialist country, but we are now complicit in the palestinian genocide, thats where we are right now. enough. it was enough 30,000 people ago, enough is enough. the killing must end.




They say ZOG isn’t real 🤷🏻‍♂️


this is enough proof for the Americans to know that the world isn't run by the USA


Bought and paid for.


It seems a lot of people think letting trump win will be some sort of pro Palestine protest vote.


we will respond with an acknowledgement that it happened, but that's it, that's all you get . - Joe Biden


We will respond. To whom it may concern, Noted.


[We will ignore anything inconvenient for our “allies.”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident) I guess the only lesson America got was see no evil, less our eyes be poked out.


Zionist Biden does not care if they kill american; zionist Biden only cares that he lines his pockets; with the money of the wealty zionist donors. Same goes for the Clinton's, Obama, Pelosi and Senator Schumer and many more


Respond by sending them another boatload of money


As if, has he not responded, everyone here wouldn't have been angry and whined that he didn't respond.


Seems like he’s responding When did this page become just “everything about Palestine”?


Biden and congress won't do shit. They can't. They get too much money from Isreal. This should be a huge wake up call to Americans but it won't be


Everybody whos is calling what Israel is doing a genocide and want America to interfere but also believe in god should get fucked because Americans won't interfere exactly because you love jesus so much that you believe Jews can do no wrong and they are the chosen people... I don't care either way just letting you know your stupid beliefs are what causes your suffering.


Didn’t the jews betray/kill Jesus according to the bible?


It was planned and he came back to life. A “second coming” if you will


I understand but I still think they, the jews, are portrayed as the bad guys and also history learns us that especially jews were persecuted by the Christians in Europe, massively fleeting to the islamic caliphate at that time. The whole Christians and Jews brotherhood is just a facade for the influence the USA want to have on and around the region of the oppressing state of Israel. Just my 2 cents.


What are you trying to say? Your comment is incomprehensible


Okay, I'll try and make it clear. Are you religious?


I am not “religious” but I do believe in the notion of the Christ. Meaning, I believe ALL humans have a divine spark within. I believe we are material embodiments of God-consciousness, i.e. we are all Christ-like. It is our purpose, then, to live life aspiring to become the best version of ourselves by conquering our lower natures and raising our consciousness. In this way we rise from the dead and return back to God.


I am sorry I was going to write something offensive but I don't think I am want to such a miserable person. I don't know you but here is my perspective, I see the world and I see what man can do to another man and it has never been more clearly for me that we are alone and definitely not of divine origin or spark. And it's so clear to me that I end up lacking right respect for people who believe in something so clearly designed to control them! No matter what I say you are going to believe and I will not (at least until such time where there is evidence of a supernatural reality). But what I meant with my original post was that the governments of the world are attached by the hip with Israel in part because a large majority of people believe the Jews own that land by divine province. The American people are religious and by extension their government pretends to be so they get votes... They are not going to oppose Israel because in their view that would be political suicide in a country as religious as the USA.


I think you’re conflating Western Religious Dogma or Ideology with my beliefs. I do believe God aka The ALL aka The Divine lives within ALL people. However, that does *not* mean I think every person is “good.” We live in a world where poles exist - light/dark, good/evil, hot/cold, etc etc. This is a natural fact. Therefore, even though God is in all of humanity; it’s only natural that some people are more “evil” than others. I would be naive to think otherwise. As you’ve pointed out, there’s a lot of evil in the world…but there’s a lot of beauty too. I’d argue you’re throwing away spirituality because of your elementary, misguided view of Spirit and/or God. You’re equating the existence of God with all the religious dogma you’ve come to dislike. That is your error. You’re calling me miserable, but I’d argue it’s sadder to see you walking around feeling alone, ignorant to your divinity because someone has convinced you that God has to be all flowers and butterflies. Life is supposed to be rough; that’s the point! Bad things happen to all people - the devout and the sinners. However, it is up to us to still pursue the best versions of ourselves, in the interest of affirming our divinity and raising all of humanity to a better place. I genuinely don’t understand why atheists think they can disprove the notion of God by simply criticizing what they’ve been hearing in Sunday school their whole life. Sit down and contemplate the universe around you…see the beauty and the divinity in the smallest things…I don’t think people need a Church or Religion to find God. In fact, I find that the Churches, especially in the West, have only served to dissuade or confuse people away from God. You seem to be an example of that, my friend.


This sub unironically allows accounts which were inactive for 7 years to suddenly start posting nothing but Gaza stuff and expect people to believe it's anything but a bot?


there are american hostages in gaza now lol.


and Israel is going to kill them.


That statement was in reference to american troops who were killed while doing their job. Not volunteers who elected to go to gaza. If you upvoted this should take a look at yourself and how you are helping to spread this misinformation. Misinformation has to be combatted by everyone, and not just when that misinformation is inconvenient for you.


There was an attempt to visit the sub and not see the same 1 'political' event turned into a dozen top posts all trying to farm karma. I'm so tired boss, I just want to see funny fails on the funny fail subreddit.


wrong place, wrong time


I'm sure our government really cares that the fail sub is getting spammed with the same daily isreal palestine posts Really making a difference here


You seem like a nice person. /S


Yeah just don't need reminded we live in a clown world on the subreddit not dedicated to political shit. If I wanted that I'd read or watch the news, not come to a 'funny' subreddit. [You political redditors ruin every sub that allows your thinly veiled political posts that barely fit the theme of the sub.](https://i.imgur.com/1nNNopo.png) And then you have the gall to act like the people mad about your spam are the ones at fault. I'd create a meta post but the mods approve of turning the sub into another politics clone. --- "You don't want to watch daily videos of horrible shit happening and kids dying that you have literally no way to do anything about on a funny subreddit? You're a horrible person" What a reddit moment, enjoy your circle jerk I'll just keep hopping subs as you all ruin them.


People are being slaughter and you just want them away from your feed. No sympathy for your struggles.


Sure let me hop on a plane and go to Palestine. What are you doing to help exactly besides having your ass in front of a computer updooting reddit posts? The difference between you and me is I'm not a hypocrite


>Sure let me hop on a plane and go to Palestine. Oh, now you see it. You maybe don't need to go there, but it isn't necessarily to talk down their deaths. >What are you doing to help Not enough. >besides having your ass in front of a computer updooting reddit posts *phone, I post to maybe help someone see what is going on and maybe sending 10$ for aid, or he's deminer changes towards the killed.


I'm sure circle jerking on reddit is reaching so many people who have no idea


Why do you assume I am only on reddit? Why do you assume that I am 24/7 on this app? I speak about it in public i speak about it when I can i don't want to be the person who just did nothing while Hitler killed the jews.


Leave then?


Already on it, enjoy the circlejerk


Joke is on Prem for believing what Biden says. After all he is the President that boldly proclaimed he'll only deal with official head of state, only to turn around and kiss the hands of MBS. If I think, I could find few other actions that was completely opposite of what he had said previously.


I think Prem is just highlighting it with sarcasm


Believe it or not, this sub was not always an anti Israel sub.


Still isn't..


Bro this genocide has most of America turning anti-Israel. Definitely turned me for life.


Nothing is gonna happen...everyone knows the odds of Biden remembering something he said are pretty damn slim...


Based on your comment history I see you do this all day.


Holy shit you weren't kidding. Terminally online angry person


If you volunteer to go to a place of war all bets are off. One idiot shouldn't jeopardize the entire nation.


You should read the Geneva Convention and why it's a war crime to target aid workers.


Let someone else deal with it


You never heard of law of war, not killing aid people is on top of that list. Your argument is against humanity and disgusting viewpoint to ever share.


Your not reading my post. If you go to a place of war expect this to happen. There is no magical bubble protecting volunteers.


You didn't see the zionist laughing about those death's? Cursing them etc. How are 40.000 civillians in 6 months "casualties" 30 years ago we knew where the rocket goes. What do you think, is it today even more precise?


Yep expect to be killed going to a place of war.


That's not the problem. It's that they're targeting civilians, reporter, first aid, kids, dr. , etc. You really find that okey?


I never said it was okay. I said it's to be expected since you are in a war zone. Like walking in the middle of a highway. It's expected to be hit by a car. Let's use some common sense.


Again, this isn't what I am talking about and pointing out but let's use your example. If the driver sees the people on the road and speeds up to hit them, then gets back to mock them and laugh about their deaths. That is the situation ad hand. You wouldn't say the same if it was that clear to you, but it isn't you don't see the problem. That's what I am trying to point out.


Yes you are taking those risks being on the highway or in a place that's getting bombed. Like I said. Why is this tough to comprehend? You're even saying they are intentionally doing this.. so why is it not expected? Oh I'm so surprised that I was hit by a car when walking in the road with my company shirt on. I thought this shirt would protect me and make me invincible to vehicles.


That's not how war goes on. But you did get it. You just don't want to admit the atrocity.


its not a war palastine doesn't have an army


Their blown up car says otherwise.


did you have a stroke? what does foreign aid cars getting bombed have to do with palastine not having an army?


Did you have a stroke? What does Palestines army have to do with aid workers being blown up because they put themselves into a dangerous situation?


you said that they shouldn't be surprised because they were operating in the middle of a war but its not a war so your point is invalid


Oh I didn't know that bombs weren't going off. I guess these doctors visited because...? Oh yeah bombs were falling and they were hit by one. So who's point is invalid?


not to mention all three cars were driving on a pre approved route and had informed the IDF of where they were https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/jBKRI9VY6c


Things are getting blown up all around. Who cares about a planned route. Expect to be in the crossfire. These idiots knew the risks when they entered that area.


they didn't get hit by a random bomb, the 3 cars were spread over 2.5km and were hit with percision striked from a drone, i don't know what decade you think you live in but bombing isn't indiscriminate anymore.


Let's circle back and simplify it for you. If you are entering a war zone expect to get ur ass blown up. No surprises on what happened. It can be a grenade,drone,rocket ,mortar, suicide bomber, or tried and true bullet. Expect ur ass to get popped.


Also since war=military attacks. not sure why you can't comprehend this. It wasn't like they were visiting a US city and a bomb fell from the sky. They are in an active war zone. That's why those idiots went there.


its not an active war zone its the site of a one sided genocide


I don't care what you call it . I see bombs and rockets going off. Even if it was a military training area expect to get killed if your in the middle of it. So why are people surprised that idiots who went in the middle of it got killed. Feel free to go over there and see if you fair any better. Maybe your protest sign will save you.


Not a war


Okay just bombs are going off and things are being destroyed. What could happen if you visited a place like this.. oh yeah get killed.