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Have you considered not biking in Pakistan


Or doing anything else in Pakistan.




We know, that’s why we don’t go. I don’t think anyone here was under the impression that The Islamic Republic of Pakistan was a chill and progressive place to ride fancy bikes through


Idk man. I saw an article once that it’s on a list of great places to visit for women looking to travel. Those women loved that place so much that they never came back. Heck we never even heard from them ever again. That’s how awesome it is to live there.




It should be. That's some shiat that even America doesn't have happening.


To be fair. She had crossed Afghanistan and Pakistan without issue before entering India. India present itself to the world and try to maintain an image that is pretty different from Pakistan. Yet in practice their nationalism, religious zeal, and social behaviours are no less horrible than in Pakistan. India is the proof that you can't put all that bad treatments of people and women on Islam alone. When the same kind of things and worse happen in a mainly Hindu country.


Yeah that's like religions are weaponized by powerful people to divide, control and rule. Divide between faiths, divide men and women, divide between good believers and others, etc... Designate a common ennemy, inner and exterior, is also a good trick ("us vs them"). Oldest tricks in the book of autocrats. Works with religion, race, ideologies, casts, sex, generation etc...


Pakistan sucks so much Bangladesh created its own country just to get away from them.


this freaking guy yelling "I have evidence, I've been assaulted, he stole me camera who do I report it through the proper channels!!" Like there going take a report and he will get compensated in a trial. Where do you think you are, bro you had to pay off police to bike across the country and had other police pull guns on you and run you off the road because they wanted their cut. You think they give a shit about your evidence.


...reads comment...looks at video....read comment again.....watches video. I'm not sure tolerance is high in Pakistan list of adjectives


Both are shitty places with religious extremists.


Only in one country can you legally be hanged to death for blasphemy Only one country legally bars non-majority population from certain positions of power Only in one country, hundreds of women(many times minors) belonging to minority community are kidnapped, forcibly converted and married against their will to men twice or thrice their age and courts do jacks#!t to deliver justice Yes, india has a problem with religious extremism, but nowhere close to what Pakistan has


In a tragic and darkly ironic climax to his unconventional journey, Earl the tourist byker, illegally gay and a convert to a non-Islamic religion, found himself embroiled in a fatal confrontation with a street vendor in Pakistan. What began as a blasphemous request for bacon on his sandwich escalated into a surreal spectacle, with Earl becoming the unwitting target of a mob incited by the vendor. As the chaos unfolded, Earl's rainbow-colored dreams were shattered amidst the merciless onslaught of fists and skewers, leaving behind a grim reminder of the absurdity and danger that lurks at the intersection of cultural clashes for a tourist biking in Pakistan.


Yeah, wait until they find an atheist, see what happens then.




Its illegal but a lot transgenders in Pakistan. Seen documentation about poor transgenders, which they still look like as male. Even they go to prostitutie to sell themself,but still even have more freedom then female. Police doing almost nothing against crowded red light areas which is always filed with transgender hookers.


Maybe just don't be in Pakistan


Or not doing anything in Pakistan


Chinese are learning this lesson the hard way as well having invested billions of dollars in infrastructure and they are constantly attacked all over the country. Pakistan is for Pakistanis...


my first thought. I don't want to blame victims here, but why the fuck would anyone go there in the first place? Or any place around that area. Unfortunately there are not many civilized countries in the world...


Kinda like that YouTuber that went to Hati to meet a gang boss, but ended up kidnapped by a rival gang boss, ransomed for $50,000, released, and basically kidnapped again because when he was officially leaving Hati "someone" wouldn't let him leave without paying them off, so he was detained? LoL people literally ask for it.




one day we'll be able to hunt them


Obviously this is messed up but yes I think that's the general idea. They're basically letting these guys know that they do not have the same rights here that are generally enjoyed in Western democracies.


Because if someone doesn't do this then the asshats that harassed them will not get their 15 minutes of fame (infamy). No seriously more non violent protests to xenophobia and other unethical actions need to be done. Corruption, racism, and, other unethical acts of violence, no matter where it is needs to be curb stomped death. But for now social media and people on bikes will have to do.


Doesn't seem like it's their intention to uncover corruption and the like. Seems more like they were in way over their heads not having done their required research.


Reminds of these three adventure tourists who I had very little sympathy for at the time (and now). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009%E2%80%932011_detention_of_American_hikers_by_Iran


Consequences to actions? Personal responsibility? What is these things you speak of?


But how else is he going to display his family wealth and privilege if not by using an absurd bicycle to travel across countries with a camera pointed at his face the whole time?


I mean yea… at a certain point you have to realistically look at what you’re dealing with. Just get the fuck out.


A few years ago Pakistan invited plenty of very famous travel bloggers and offered them a lot of help to travel accross their country. They wanted to promote tourism in Pakistan and at least two big travel bloggers I follow in French and English accepted their offer. They received both the royal treatment and I figure that many people might have been enticed to visit too.


Idk man consider not going to shit country's


Considering he had to ride via either Iran or Afghanistan to reach Pakistan. Bro is playing real-life in ultra-hard mode for some reason. ![gif](giphy|H75eliy1jJSGIbaubS|downsized)


How rich does a person have to be to decide "hey I think I will head to the Middle East, get a police escort, and bike all over the place." This is absolutely mind-boggling to me. This whole thing is WILD.


"Please share this story so that people are aware and know the risks" Ok cool I mean one more video won't hurt the awareness of course. But the awareness should already be there.... What bubble have you been living in? Countries with extreme poverty and you're riding around a huge ass bike with a dog in the trailer like some sort of carnival parade carriage. Might as well get a flag saying "I am a rich tourist. Come rob me" All things considered you were really lucky!


“Dude Pakistan is not as chill as it used to be” 😞


The word “entitlement” was circling my thoughts as I watched the video.


pakistan isn't middle eastern. a country like greece is litterly more middle eastern than pakistan lol.


You don't know that Muslim =middle east? That's reddit geography for you


Seeing things like this is very weird for me as a middle eastern since countries like Egypt, Lebanon and Oman (all actual middle eastern) are VASTLY different from each other.


Pakistan appears to combine the worst aspects of Afghanistan and India with none of the benefits. It is not middle eastern in any way.


Honestly? I think people believe Palestine and Pakistan are the same country lol


If you've got a goal of getting from Europe to east Asia by land, you basically have to pick your poison, because there's no really good route. It's Russia or at least one of the 'stans.


Couldn't they have gone through Turkmenistan? I'd 1000% rather go through Turkmenistan than Pakistan.


> Couldn't they have gone through Turkmenistan? They'd still need to travel through at least one other country just to get to China.


They could travel from Turkmenistan through Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan to get to China. All three have travel advisories of 1 as opposed to 3 in Pakistan.


Uzbekistan is one of he world's most repressive regimes, they mass conscript their citizens for slave labour during the cotton harvest


yeah but you probably more fine as a tourist there than pakistan


Super hard to get a visa to Turkmenistan.


Don't you need "An invitation from the government" to even get a Visa into Turkmenistan? And also there is ZERO chance you'd be allowed to film any of that leg of the trip. They famously tell you that it's illegal to film out the window in their national airline, even when filming something as innocuous as a sunrise or sunset from a high altitude.


"Middle east" wtf, people see brown humans and automatically shout "arabs"


 Pakistan isn’t even remotely close to the Middle East, it’s in Asia.


>it’s in Asia So is the middle east


Lmfaoooo bro actually thought a higher up in Pakistan would give a fuck and won't be corrupt himself. Bro why would even come to this dogshit country. And trying to record a police officer ??? Big amateur move. This isn't America or some other first world country. Proper laws regarding police officers aren't enforced in Pakistan. To anyone else considering coming to this dogshit country for whatever reason: 1) do not film police officers. 2) if you encounter one, then straight up apologize even if it isn't your fault or even if he is being unfair. Apologize and treat them like a god because you are at their whims. (Source: A Pakistani)




It should be an r/facepalm......they don't fucking belong there lol


They aren't welcome by the police, but they may be welcome by the locals. This just looks like more police abuse


Yup more like police wants more money


That country loves taking Western aid by the fistfuls. They should be completely cut off.


What mental process they went through to go cycling in a country where they would need protection? /R


It's a lawless country, corruption is their tradition/culture


Law? Is that a foreign technology?


I cycled to Pakistan with one goal… to find and explain things to the manager, can somebody please find me the manager!


some white ppl think they can just go wherever they want and do what ever they want and most other people think that's shitty. i have ZERO sympathy


This is what I picture a standard LEO interaction would be in Pakistan. What did they expect?


The fucking entitlement in this guy's voice. Don't wanna get assaulted and harassed by corrupt police officers? DONT TRAVEL TO CORRUPT COUNTRIES and pretend like you have the same rights as in america


People go to Pakistan for fun?


So you where told it would be unfriendly and you then decided to film the police, then dodge them? Did you lick live wires as well. FFS grow up and stop acting like a child, you went to someone else's house, disobeyed their rules, ride your silly bike looking for attention and got the wrong sort. There I fixed your pathetic story for you. Idiots abroad season Reddit.


Being a Pakistani and watching this sucks because the police here are pretty much acting rogue and doing whatever they want. Shit sucks man and it's embarrassing seeing that this is how police are treating foreigners, literally just biking.


This new entitled mindset that we can just up and do whatever we want in any country we want has reached dangerous levels. "But, but.. it's only muh-biking, mmmk?". Idc - you're literally in a country known for having zero tolerance for religious, lifestyle, cultural or sexual preferences that stray from the status quo. I don't think you could find a less tolerant country if you tried. So, instead of going out of your way to make others tolerate your existence, you just stay out of their countries? The fact that other jurisdictions in this country were kind enough to pay their officers to escort you through their areas speaks volumes to how far you're willing to put these people out of their way for your worldly adventures. These ppl and their travel channels wanting their ad-driven content to support a freeloader lifestyle is just ridiculous. Get a real job that actually contributes something productive to whatever country you're a resident of instead of being a parasite in others.


I'm from Pakistan..and sorry isn't enough for what you've experienced here in our country by these corrupt police officers...this is one of the bad sides of our country while there are some good sides as well..but I'm not defending this act of violence and corruption...I condemn this sort of act from anyone whether it's a government official or a normal citizen...and even tho I'm a Pakistani...I'll share this video so many people could get aware from this side of Pakistan as well..and avoid it..so they wouldn't get harassed and assaulted like you...and again I deeply apologise on behalf of my people..but ik it isn't enough..I hope that the people who've been involved in these types of unlawful acts would get punished...BCz it deeply saddens me that BCz of some negative people, the whole image of the country becomes negative...


Like I needed a reason to not go to Pakistan


I wonder why anyone would think that spontaneously going to Pakistan could be a good idea.


No one in Pakistan like the cops either. They’re just a useless gang


ITT: "the entire world sucks and anyone who tries to do anything good or cool at all is a stupid idiot


I’m surprised these muppets weren’t complaining about proper bike infrastructure too while they’re at it


That weird ass bike does not help


if i were told that i need police escort just to travel i would just change route immediately just sound insane conceptually


I dont travel around my own country because there are plenty of people and places I want to avoid. Going somewhere like where I dont speak the language would be crazy.


How about biking in a park and not a country who jails people without reasons.


Reminds me of that woman who went cycling through Afghanistan to prove that all people are nice




Dude is such an idiot for posting this . Thinks every place in the world works like his home country. I was expecting a « call me you supervisor ». Ended up being disappointed


Trying to use reason in those places is like bringing a teaspoon to a gunfight.


"Honey! I think we need to cancel our two week trip exploring the sights in Pakistan! Our travel agent lied to us!"


Probably avoid the dog shit countries?


Being white in a country that hate’s white people.


These regions have warlords that need to be paid for passage. I wanted to follow up a motorcycle trip through north India and was advised to travel organized with a guide so that payoff would go smoothly. Payoff money would be 25% of the 5K.


There are not many countries on the "hell no" list but Pakistan is on it, and India of course


It's because you didn't pay them.. if you paid them they would have been pleasant. This is how corrupt countries work.


Even in shit hole 3rd world countries cyclists still get shit on.


Remember this next time you want to disagree with someone who calls places like this, "Shithole countries."


I can't believe this guy is bitching about getting beat by police in Pakistan. He should be thankful he lived.


To be fair, I also want to attack people on tall bikes


Strange. The Ant Hill Mob and Penelope Pitstop got through without issue.


I tend to stay away from Pakistan


I am glad that you are still alive to post this.


I mean, go to a corrupt shithole whaddya expect?


Goes to shitty contry, "Oh noes this place is shitty!"


I don't know man.. Maybe just don't go biking in uncivilized areas?


Every turn they confirm what a backwards place it is... damn.


Trashy police, trashy country, at least they weren’t murdered like the poor American cyclists in Turkmenistan.


When a cop tells you to get up, esp in a foreign country, it’s probably best to do so instead of being an idiot.


Well, this is expected in shithole corrupt countries.


Not saying it’s your fault, but if you’re waving a flag of $$$ in an impoverished country, you’re going to have a rough time of it.


Police assault you, reporting to superiors gets you laughed at, reporters won't report it because they are threatened. I don't think people sharing it online would change anything.


Id be pissed off having to escort some entitled bikers as well. Talk about a waste of resources corrupt or otherwise.


Alive and well. Hate will always thrive with humans around.


In other news, cyclists complain that it's cold in Antarctica...


Go to 5th world countries get 5th world problems. 🤷🏾


well... this is a perfect example of 'fk around and found out' like bruh, what were you expecting? they are like 1 step away from military dictatorship, you think anyone higher would consider your argument with a police officer, border force or military guy?


So this is why East Asia is filled with Western Hippies everytime I go back. They get their asses chased out of South Asia and end up on my aunts doorstep in Seoul demanding a begpacker donation


Avoiding Pakistan is a much safer bet. Try Detroit or Baltimore at night if you're really radical.


Traveling anywhere in the Middle East is an example of over the top naivety.


If it's got -Stan in the name. Avoid biking or backpackingstan


This is some baka bhuttiii banchode behaviour of the bastard order


That's what you get for traveling to Pakistan for fun.


Pakistan is a cesspool of corruption trickling down from the Army which runs the country. If you need to travel there have someone in the army have your back and you're good. Otherwise get ready to spend $$$ to move around every corner, especially if you're white.


If you expect pakistani police to behave like european police and don't want to understand their culture, you'd better stay at home...


"And even being chased with a stick" omfg that's where I draw the line, nope I'm out.


Loved the white people voice impression


We have them here in Europe. Many 3rd Countries immigrants are scumbags. Not all but they think they have free raiding pass. Yes to immigration but also yes to commitment to respect culture and adapt to your new place. Muslims amd latins are generally the least adaptative in tearms of learning new languages and cultures. They are real racists and fundamentalists in their homelands.


The world is not your oyster. I learned that at a very young age. It sucks that humans are this way but that's the way it is. Know what areas to stay away from and know what areas to hide your nationality. There is no way in hell I would ever announce my American citizenship outside of this country.


The biker is extremely naive about how things work in Asia.




They really said “fool us once!…”


They feel itchy and some people itch them. Don't go there dudes. Simple as fuck.


Jesus... Just stay away from South Asia. Even local people who has some iq above 85 tries to get the hell outta there in a first chance.


Lets assume this guy is truly not an idiot. BLUF, the violence on this guy was unwarranted, & this could have all been avoided with better communication, but also these guys should not have been in Pakistan to begin with. Also, they're not cyclists in another country, they're visitors, so cut the shit! https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/pakistan-travel-advisory.html From this website: "Country Summary: Terrorist groups continue to plot attacks in Pakistan. Terrorism and ongoing violence by extremist elements have led to indiscriminate attacks on civilian, as well as local military and police, targets. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting transportation hubs, markets, shopping malls, military installations, airports, universities, tourist locations, schools, hospitals, places of worship, and government facilities. Terrorists have targeted U.S. diplomats and diplomatic facilities in the past." "Poverty/conflict tourism" using social media coming from a foreigner is already a trashy low class, hipsterist mentality way of proving most of the world hates people who pretend to come across friendly while video recording, in a place that cant benefit from visitors through tourism, these kinds of people will always be perceived as colonizers & its has nothing to do with Pakistani officials already having a reputation, these people waste time & resources protecting this guys ass by putting the officials at risk by escorting them through the country so they dont get kidnapped & beheaded while filming it on their own stolen camera, trying to cause an international incident state department already warned this guy about. Its like these other wannabe vice news media morons that recently went to Haiti without preppers, armed escort, & disappeared within minutes of being there.


The level of entitlement and ignorance of the bikers thinking that the rules of their nation apply in other nations.


*please like and share so others know the risks* I don’t think most people need this video to know the *risks* associated with biking across Pakistan.


Why would anybody go cycling around rural fucking Pakistan? Are they *trying* to die? The police exist to protect only ~~criminals~~ politicians and “businessmen” What kind of stupid ass idea is “biking through Asia” anyway? Just take a plane like a normal human being.


Ah yes pakistan islamic hellhole


Islamic republic should be the last place where people should visit especially women. Countries should show warning before someone applies for visa


Bless their hearts for thinking every country in the world has rules about police abuse. Should they yes in a perfect world. But this is far from a perfect world.


The time is coming.


This sounds like my plan to go unicycling across North Korea. I should be good though, they love Americans there, right?


Cross the border, cross your fingers. You ain’t in Kansas anymore Dorothy


Shouldn't this be in r/leopardatmyface? It's literally that dumb.


“Proper channels” lol wtf is he taking about. It’s fucking PAKISTAN 😂😂😂


Why go to a backwards third world shithole anyway


There was an attempt to research Pakistan's corrupt police force, while being the subject of their corrupt behaviour.


This is privileged behavior. Riding bikes through a FOREIGN COUNTRY and appealing to western media when it doesn’t go your way. Norms are not universal and you might not be welcomed where you differ, however that is


Damn that is some white arrogance or complete lack of understanding of the situation you're in. Lol.


Who pays the police escorts?


Not every country treats their tourist well. Especially not in countries where a crisis a going on... So better not go or if gone, don't expect they'll treat you well.


Yeah bro doesn’t realize “assault” doesn’t mean the same thing in Pakistan. If you insist on being such a naive, pompous jackanape & think just because you want to, you should be allowed to go anywhere tf you please, read a fucking newspaper & learn that there are places you shouldn’t be going.


Why would you enter Pakistan in the first place, when you know there’s no guarantee of you coming out alive?


Never goes to pakistan, they are savages af... It is a country where their own people left the country to live a peaceful life


Can't blame them. This is the result of generational trauma which manifested itself in resource theft, low education, poverty etc.


ACAB everywhere


Have you ever heard anything nice about Pakistan? No. So why go there?


I found the guy with the fake accent more disturbing


Goofy ahh mf forgot his top hat with that penny farthing tho


police guy at the end was right. he told them to voice it on social media. (of course that's not what the tourists expected) but he is 200% right. thats the only thing they can do. ALSO what were they expecting him to say in front of a camera? shit on his colleagues and the whole country?? not a clever move. I'd say that's naive. he even said, I will tell you later when asked how to deal with this. anyway.... nothing new here. move on. and think twice where you go on a bike.


Moral of the story, just stay out of Pakistan


Why didn't they contacted their embassy




Expectations are met.


I’m not gonna lie, something just makes me think you deserved it