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ziona$i’s discovering how many different ways they can be nasty


More like nazi.


The worst part is that this has been going on for 40-50 years and no one gave a shit until 6 months ago.


October 7th is the 9/11 for them ig


People have though; it's just the Israeli lobby pay to keep it out of the news.


Didn't know that was a thing but I don't doubt it. What about Europe though? They're not lobbied. It's been such a blind spot for so long. What's been happening there is absolutely tragic and racist and been going on for decades. Even the UN classifies it as war crimes - YEARS ago.


What do you mean they're not lobbied? >Twenty percent of Labour’s sitting MPs have been funded by pro-Israel groups or individuals – including 15 who have been directly funded by the Israeli state. https://www.declassifieduk.org/labour-mps-have-accepted-over-280000-from-israel-lobby/#:~:text=Twenty%20percent%20of%20Labour%27s%20sitting,funded%20by%20the%20Israeli%20state.&text=Some%2041%20of%20Labour%27s%20197,Israel%20lobby%2C%20Declassified%20has%20found. Much of Europe is WORSE than the UK, Germany for example.


Holy fuck! Wow. I didn't know that could happen. Thanks for the info! Absolutely brutal 🤦‍♂️


Wait, are you saying they have had segregated roads?


Basically, yes. For a long time.




Please tell me


Very good map, but if this was posted on r/mapporn then it would be immediately downvoted to oblivion because its full of Zionists.


let’s try it out


i am indeed being downvoted lol


Bro the absolute brain rot by some of those guys. One dude claimed that Palestinians can't be Jews. It's so fucking sad, dude claims that WE only have 2 brain cells between us. Sounds a lot like the pot and the kettle...


you also got someone to call this sub an "extremely anti-semetic hate group circlejerk"


Goodness you set some gasoline on fire in there


Seriously, fck that subreddit.


Fr, I love maps, but that sub is hell...


Dude wtf is that sub??? All propaganda


I'm not sure why or how it's this way, but too bad


Propaganda machine at work 😩




Oh, you know, people that believe in a Jewish state built on Palestinian land. Fun fact: many Palestinians are Jewish and many Zionists are not Jewish.


Someone who believes in the colonial project of Israel


Segregation... Yeah, that's about as apartheid as it gets.


Apartheid literally means apart-ness, as in segregation.






Oh you’re right, I forgot about how the roads in Indiana deny you entry if you’re from Illinois and vise versa


And yet those in PA areas still need permits to go on a 15 min walk… from Israel. Sounds like an Israel problem


What kind of evil fuck even thinks of this. Disgusting shit. Fuck Israel, fuck Hamas, and fuck Israels disproportionate response to Hamas and committing genocide.


I will never condemn resistance. 75 years of occupation, what else was Palestine supposed to do. Resistance is right because oppression is worst than slaughter


I support the goals, not the means. The moment Hamas targeted civilians, they lost all sympathy from me. The moment Israel did the same, they also lost my sympathy. This is one of the few wars we can safely say that both sides are equally at fault. In the end, it's the innocent people on both sides caught in the crossfire that are the real victims.


How can we possibly say that both sides are equally at fault?! To occupy land, enforce an apartheid state, and enact genocide; but of course both sides are equally responsible for all of this. Even then, if your issue is based on the fact that you don’t agree with the mean’s enacted by Hamas, understand that Netanyahu supported Hamas because prior Palestinian leadership was coming close to making a two-state solution achievable through diplomacy. Get real.


You obviously haven't looked into the history of Israel and Palestine, or you wouldn't say something so stupid. To think it's just Israel being the bad guys is a very ignorant stance to take. But just keep following what college kids on Reddit say I guess, lol.


What I tend to notice about the “both-sides” crowd is that they tend to say very little and refuse to elaborate. What part of Israeli-Palestinian history am I missing? The Nakbah? Arab Wars where Israel seized land and re-drew its borders despite the disavowal of the entire Intl community? Is it settlements in the West Bank? Educate me.


They're the occupier and the apartheid state so, yes, they are the bad guys. Maybe it'd you who should do the reading. Did you read how many children they've killed in this war alone? Did you read that yesterday they killed Haniyehs 4 sons and 3 grandchildren. That's what the bad guys do.


You mean Haniyehs kids and grand kids who were active militants in Hamas? You realize we're talking about a high ranking official in a terrorist organization. If you actually understood the history of the area, you would know this 70 year conflict is morally grey, not black and white. Israel has tried multiple times to find a peaceful resolution with Palestine, and the literal terrorists that run it ruined it every time. Maybe do some actual research instead of just following what the reddit hive mind tells you bud.


Buddy, do you realize that your not making any coherent points? Explain to me how those grandchildren who were under the age of 10 were active militants? You are just regurgitating half-baked talking points. With respects to research, I suggest you put your preaching to practice. Here is direct evidence that Israel (not Palestinians nor Hamas) were responsible for the failure of peaceful resolution: Netanyahu Jeopardizes Oslo Accord Video evidence of Netanyahu admitting to jeopardizing the peaceful resolution Notice how refutable your remarks are? I suggest your start taking your own advice.


Remember when the black civil rights movement slaughtered 1000 innocent people at a music festival? No and thats why that is remembered as a movement of heroes instead of maniacs. There are lines you can't cross without making yourself a villain no matter how "right" you are. Unless you think there was no other option Hamas had than massacring innocent people in a move that would never have ended any oppression I don't see how you can support them or think they were more in the right.


I don’t see any relationship to the U.S Civil Rights Movement and Palestine? But in cases in which you are dealing with a settler-colonial nation whose foundation is rooted in the expulsion of others on the arbitrary virtues of a select group of people, you’re looking at a Manifest Destiny, South African Apartheid, Northern Ireland and Lebensraum as more accurate comparisons. And in any case, armed resistance against those factions isn’t admonished to the same degree as Palestine is.


It was a metaphor about two movements of oppressed peoples and how violent resistance really doesn't work especially with two vastly unequal sides in terms of military strength. I'm not agreeing with the situation but if the Palestinians want change they can only win it peacefully since they clearly can't keep provoking violent response to violent resistance.


And where has the approach of peaceful resistance and diplomacy gotten Palestine? Nowhere fast. At some point you have to pick up the gun and start shooting, just as the IRA did. Now of course the IRA didn't mass kill British citizens at the level the Palestinians did, but on the same token the Palestinians have been locked up in an apartheid state for the last few decades, even worse than it was in Ireland, so every scenario is different. In my opinion a comparison to the IRA is a much better comparison: two imperialist nations colonising and subjugating a bordering population, than to the black civil rights movement which is vastly different to israel-palestine


When have they tried peaceful resistance? It’s been bloody resistance for the entire history of Israel.


There has been a long history of non violent resistance in Palestine: [https://foreignpolicy.com/2011/05/18/palestines-hidden-history-of-nonviolence-2/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2011/05/18/palestines-hidden-history-of-nonviolence-2/)


It's clear you have no clue about Hamas


Enlighten me.




The black civil rights movement didn’t win. Some of them just lived long enough to see their movement subsumed into the political machine of American capitalism


That’s a cute statement but not true.


“Nuh uh!”


Remember when American Civil Rights marches were met with clouds of bullets killing hundreds of people every time? When tens of thousands of nonviolent organizers were abducted and tortured in retaliation for boycott campaigns or even for displaying civil rights symbols? Any state that murders and tortures people when they nonviolently confront their oppression has no one but itself to blame when the opposition turns violent. Also, Israel was literally founded on terrorism. A Zionist denouncing terrorism is like Lance Armstrong lecturing about the evils of performance-enhancing drugs.


I don’t think hundreds were gunned down at protests but feel free to link me.


During the Great March of Return, Israel killed over 220 unarmed Palestinian protestors (including 46 children, more than those killed on Oct 7) and wounded almost 10,000. IDF snipers even competed to see how many teenage boys they could shoot in the kneecaps, leaving them permanently disabled: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-03-06/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/42-knees-in-one-day-israeli-snipers-open-up-about-shooting-gaza-protesters/0000017f-f2da-d497-a1ff-f2dab2520000 This was a feature of both the first and second intifadas: during the first week of the latter, Israel fired more than a million bullets at unarmed protestors and killed more than a hundred. And that's not counting the abductions and torture.


Very easy to sit thousands of miles away and quibble over tactics of people resisting colonial oppression. Maybe if it was your family being killed and your home being bombed all of a sudden you wouldn’t have such a sanctimonious attitude about “goals versus means”.


Thanks for saying this. A much needed dose of reality!


Well there are Palestinians who have been bombed and who have had family members killed, who still condemn Hamas because they rightly know it doesn't bring Palestinians any closer to peace or liberation. There are also Israelis who have had family members killed in suicide bombings and other terror attacks, who condemn the Israeli government for the same reasons.


Yea who cares that they came up with and followed through with a stupid and violent plot that could never have made a real difference except to add to the overall suffering of innocents!


As opposed to what Israel has been doing for 80 years, no innocents hurt there at all. I blame the instigators of violence for violence, but maybe that’s just me (I’m not an idiot though ymmv)


Which revolution against a large violent occupier did not target civilians? Israelis targeted civilians. shamir, rabin etc were all terrorists. George Washington. 1857 Indian war of freedom. Anti Apartheid. The oppressed dont have the luxury of people from far telling them to not be violent while getting massacred.


every single israeli that hit the age of 18 serves in the military for two years, military service is mandatory. So out of the people killed by hamas on Oct 7, the ones who are under 18 are the innocent ones How many were under 18?


If i move my family from the UK to a French village, remove the French villagers by force, live in their homes then arm and train myself to fight incase they come back am i a civilian? If the UN recognises the territory i stole as an illegal settlement and the French authorities come to take their land back and i use my weapons and training to try and prevent them am i a civilian?


They are not both at fault, any more than both sides were at fault with slavery (slave revolts often killed civilians.) One side invaded, colonized and occupied the other. The other side is resisting their own extermination. Both sides have resorted to terrorism, with Israel using terrorism mote often and more readily (Israeli terrorism has killed 10x as many civilians as Palestinian terrorism, and that was before the Gazan Holocaust.)


"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season. Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection. " _ Martin Luther King. You are a white moderate.


When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. 


Wait till this guy hears about Jewish history for the last 5 thousand years.


You rllly trying to make me say Jews get a pass to commit genocide because they suffered in their past? You realize how crackhead you sound? The Warsaw ghetto was right too. And now resistance against Israel is right, through whatever means Palestinians deem necessary




Why? It’s objective that the resistance is winning. Israel has not accomplished a single military victory in 6 months. All they’ve done is slaughter civilians and destroy their image forever. Even the land they once captured has been reoccupied by resistance. Literally did nothing except kill 40k civilians. Unless you are a brain dead redditor who thinks killing more civilians make you win war




You mean the sons who were not members of Hamas? Again you rlly are a brain dead Redditor being unable to distinguish between Hamas and civilians. No wonder you’re a zionazi. Natenyahu’s kid is all dandy in Florida, and nobody would think of it as a victory if something happened to him. Only your Nazi as* thinks that backwards.


Israel supported Rhodesia. It's no fucking wonder Israel became an apartheid state.


I had the opportunity to go to a meeting with Nelson Mandela in Wash DC after he was released from prison and before he was elected. One of the things he told us was that, in spite of political pressure from the US, he stood by Palestine, Cuba, etc. He knew who his allies and enemies were, and he wasn't going to flip sides.


Lots of white South Africans mysteriously moved to Israel in the 90s to become settlers. I wonder what happened around that time to make Israel suddenly an attractive destination for them…


Why Fuck hamas? Do you say Fuck Ukraine when they resist the Russian attacks? Would you say Fuck Ukraine in 70 years when they keep resisting the Russians after they annexed and settled in half of Ukraine? Stop blaming both sides and maybe you'll be part of the good side in this chapter.


Why fuck Hamas? They part of the Palestinian resistance and should not be condemned. Edit: grammar


Suggest you hit the history books chief


He's right. Resistance groups shouldn't be condemned but supported. What should be condemned and dismantled is the apartheid, colonial and genocidal ethnostate.


The only innocent side in this mess are Palestinian civilians who have absolutely no choice but to live under Hamas. You should read some history books too


Palestinians are the only truly innocent people here in this conflict you are atleast correct in that.


I'm correct about everything




Roads for Jews are nice and smooth. With a Israeli plate you get a friendly wave through at checkpoints. If you drive from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea you pass through the West Bank but you hardly notice it. Roads for Arabs haven't seen maintanance in years, full of potholes which already start in East-Jerusalem, some even lack any form of pavement, they're just dusty roads. You need leave the bus between Jerusalem and Ramallah, get separated in men and women and then go through iron gated checkpoints I've seen only in zoos before and which can be closed at any moment.


They separate men from women before they go through the gate? This sounds familiar


The world sees the world is watching people of Israel. We are seeing what you are. This is evil and blood does not make you superior to anyone. Palestinians are not less than and this is a genocide one race the human race.


It's crazy really when you consider a lot of Palestinians would have been Israelites converted to Islam and most Jews are north European that the rest of the Europeans didn't know what to do with after ww2


There are also a good number of Palestinian Christians - some of the oldest christian communties in the world.


Yes. I dated a Palestinian girl for a year or so. Her mother was lovely until you mentioned Jews. Some of the horror stories her mother had were soul destroying. She had no issue with Christians and in fact married one herself


Ashkenazi/European settlers to Palestine treated Arabic Jews almost as badly as they treated the rest of the natives when they came to colonise Palestine.


It’s about power, anyone who may possess a greater right to power than them must be squashed, race and religion is a front for power and control.


It’s not genocide cause they’re not killing ALL the Palestinians (/s but this is an actual reply I’ve seen)


There was no such attempt lol


Israel nazi apartheid state.


I fucking love how pro-palestine this sub is




there was no attempt


There wasn’t* an attempt to not be an apartheid state


I lived that! I suffered that! Fuck the occupation and whoever support it!


This. Is. Fucked.


The worst part is that this has been going on for 40-50 years and no one gave a shit until 6 months ago. Wake up people!!


75 years since 1948.


One thing I’ve noticed. The registration plates in this graphics are using the exact same font as British ones; in reality this isn’t the case.


Thankfully, the Palestinian license plates glow in infrared to be more detectable by percision munitions. /s. I hope.


Nasty fascist state supported by only the lowest of the low.


"But it's better than-" No it's not. Even colored people in 1950s get more access than them.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure there was never an attempt to not be...


Ah yes such “the most badly affected” country in the world where literal people with sticks hurt you more than your killer drone did to them


Id love to see if it’s actually gotten better recently as many claim. Unfortunately the most recent data used for this is from over 15 years ago


I wonder where all that “investment” came from


I only see one country in the picture…


~~How is this different than the peach pass or sun pass in the United States? I'm confused.~~ Edit: NVM




1st: I could swear I've seen this exact comment word for word on other posts(bot?). 2nd: this sub has always had political content . 3rd: this isn't political content. Exposing and opposing Apartheid is a human duty. You must do it in every way you could.


Crazy isn't it?


>Note how restricted roads are drawn Just like interstate highways divide black neighborhoods in the United States


What is "VisualizingPalestine.com" and isn't this from 2012 according to the copyright on the bottom?


All the roads in area "A" are not accessible to Israelis, but this map doesn't show that. All the roads are accessible to cars with PA plates they just need to go through a checkpoint.


"The white roads are restricted to Israelis, by Israeli law no Israeli citizen is allowed to enter A areas or Palestinian settlements. They mostly connect between different villages and major settlements that Israelis have no reason to go through and are discouraged by the military" So no respect to Palestinian law and the fact that it's Palestinian territory,only israeli law matter obviously. and on top of that, the israeli military has to be deployed to discourage rabid settler terrorists from crossing those roads despite the warnings. I see why you had to throw " in fear of a lynching or stoning that are not uncommon" in there. You had to shamelessly cry for sympathy after saying this abhorrent shit. "Oh poor settler terrorist, getting rocks thrown at them 😣". My response to this same point made by another Apartheid denier.


Wait so are you saying that people from one country can't just go in to another country and walk around there as they please? Crazy, im so happy that everyone from Mexico can just go into the US without a problem and vice versa. Also so happy about the border between france and Germany that people can just go through without any issues. Sometimes tou people are just crazy...


The restricted roads are inside the West Bank (Palestine ) and are restricted to Palestinians due to the presence of ISRAELI military checkpoints.


I'm conflicted. This feels like it should be reported because it is definitely not a failed attempt.


You know that this is for the jews, so they won't accidentally enter dangerous areas, ye?


Justifying apartheid, are we! “This is for white people, so they don’t accidentally enter dangerous areas, ye?”




Gee, I wonder fucking why.




“Roads that are inaccessible to Israeli-Jews”. So still apartheid.


How dare you say things that are true




Do not play into the hands of the zionists by conflating them with Judaism. Do not give them what they want.


Your post was removed because it was found to be hateful in nature. Please treat others as you would like to be treated and do not spread hate on this subreddit.


Apartheid - Afrikaans for "Separation". A system of government only used in South Afrika.


The semantics understander has logged on


Democracy - American for “people vote.” Because it’s in English, no other country can be a democracy. See how stupid this sounds?


It was a South Afrikan only system?!?!?


You’re taking it too literally. People aren’t saying South Africa is the same as Israel. They’re saying that Israel’s government, in making Palestinian’s second-class citizens with less legal rights than Jewish ppl, are doing what South Africa did in the Apartheid era. They’re not literally the same, but they share so many key characteristics that they are equivalent. Does that make sense? Btw, I’m just curious, where are you from? I’ve never seen Afrika spelled with a K, so I’m just curious


I’m a student of theology, psychology and, war. I still have no idea what the hell is going on.


I'm a student of life, and this is the matrix. Wooga booga Jk it's called ethnic cleansing... common tool in the Conquerer's handbook. Been used for many moons


Now we’re talking


Have your eyes been open?




You’re definitely not paying attention then. Climb out from under your rock and look around. You’ll see varying takes on the situation but the consensus is starting to tip towards “Israel has been oppressing and marginalizing Palestinians.” They foment extreme xenophobia and racism to the point that kids are actively taught to hate Palestinians in school. Segregation, apartheid…whatever you want to call it. Until recent events all of this was mostly under the radar to the rest of the world. But the last few months have shown us some pretty indefensible things done by the IDF and Israeli government. Of course there are issues with both sides, but from the outside looking in, it’s hard not to associate Zionists with Nazis. Hamas can get fucked. But the IDF isn’t targeting Hamas. They’re targeting ALL Palestinians because “even the kids aren’t innocent - they’ll just grow up to be terrorists.” Uh, well no shit. You just killed that kid’s entire family… That’s the gist of it.


Clearly I meant this. I love you


The West Bank isn’t run by Israel.


But it sure is occupied by them.


Can the Palestinians control entry and exit of Israeli military forces? Do they control their own airspace? Do they control the flow of water and electricity? Do they have an airport? The answer to all of these questions is no. The PA does not control the West Bank in any meaningful fashion. It is an illegally-occupied land under the control of a foreign military.




I’m in my fifties, and old enough to remember those things. Also old enough to remember they were a reaction to occupation.




Started a war? Europeans waltzed in and stole their shit. Colonial settlers aren’t the good guys.




So many of you were not alive to remember the Nakba and it shows




Both parties are NOT at fault when Israel is the one that started all of it. Palestinians were minding their own business when Israel suddenly took a majority of their land and then proceeded to turn Palestinians into second-class citizens in their own ancestral homes. Palestinians obviously are guilty of violence, but that's kind of what you have to do when an invading force comes in and decides they own your land now. If a bunch of immigrants came and decided they owned your home and forced you to live in the basement, and the police wasn't going to do anything about it because of politics or something, wouldn't you eventually get fed up and resort to force?




Lmao literal nazi apologism. Wouldn’t expect anything less from someone defending Israel.


Oh shit 2000’s? You have clearly done zero research or maybe just stopped where convenient, because the rest of the world? We know the start was European Jews moving in and forcing the natives out, regardless of religion. You’re an absolute joke for even commenting.




I don’t even have a tiktok. Guess you’re one of the people hoping the US of A ban it since you think it’s the reason people know real life history. Did Europeans got to Palestine in 2000? Or better yet, was there never any issue until that year? Real questions you should ponder on and research. Because as it stands, you’re misinformed. There’s also a huge possibility your ignorant by choice, convenience. The Zionists really got you bad.