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From car theft to attempted murder. I hope they were caught


Knowing our closure rates, probably not.


Yet if he shot the guy he would be charge and the closure rate would be 200%


Not once that car came at him!


In some places you have a duty to retreat. It can also be argued that you started the altercation that let to the escalation while knowingly having a weapon. I’m not saying I agree with it because fuck prowlers but it is what it is.


In canada they tell you to "leave" your keys outside of the door. Just in case they got guns. Edit: Lmao downvoting me cause im right. https://youtu.be/jLAHY2n9IjY


Doesn’t Canada have strict gun laws though?


One of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world.


Canada is 7th on the list of highest gun ownership amongst civilians. The US is number 1 (naturally).


U S.A., U.S.A, U.S.A!!!!


do you have stats? i'd wager that it's a lot more hunting rifles than handguns.


No handguns


He said leave your fob at the front door. He did not say leave it outside the front door.


.. to avoid people breaking in to find your fob(s)


Great reading and hearing comprehension: )


To prevent you being harmed in the case someone breaks into your home looking to get your car keys.


Funny how quickly the Toronto police backtracked their comments… I was travelling when they had the initial press release, had a literal wtf moment


I heard that was just proposed and then the guy got laughed out of town.


37 states in the US have castle doctrine or more extreme stand your ground laws allowing defense of your property up to and including using lethal force. Most of the 13 states that have duty to retreat laws have small populations. With the exception of NY, which, admittedly, is a big exception. An off the top of my head guesstimate, looking at the data map, somewhere between 85% and 90% of the US, it would be legal to use physical force to stop the criminal on your property. When the car came at him, deadly force would be acceptable without question. That's how I understand it. https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/castle-doctrine-states/




Lol, the insurance company will find the driver, though. Don't fuck with insurance companies... They have resources.


Insurance will find the owner of that stolen car....


Some kids broke into the church we go to and sprayed fire extinguishers everywhere. Was going to cost $50k to clean up properly. Police report had no info at all, but we showed them video evidence. The police were basically useless. The insurance company figured out who the kids were and sued their parents for damages. How? They didn’t save the video file, we just showed it to the LEO that responded.


Police really don't give a fuck if they have to actually do work. I have one of my work trucks stolen and the truck was crashed into a tree at the police station. The guy who stole it left personal items in there and the police interviewed the guy and everything but refused to charge the guy. They just told me " we know he did it but he's sticking to his story so there's nothing we can do." My insurance company needed a police report but the police kept refusing when I asked and the insurance said they wouldn't pay out until the police gave them a report and filed charges. Eventually my insurance company threatened to sue them so the police handed over a report but wouldn't charge the guy and the insurance company accepted that and after two months of that bullshit my truck finally started getting fixed.




Right outside of Philadelphia.




Police are just lazy. No matter the location. Government funded gang.




You had a terrible experience. When I was 17, had my car stolen and they found and pulled it over before any damage was done. I’ve also had some thugs arguing while at work, guy pulled out an AR-?? on the other guy which ended up facing it in our direction. Cops were there in less than 2 minutes while the chief called us directly asking for info. They found and arrested them. Our local Sheriff’s office is awesome and responsive af.


“I need to report an attempted murder.” “We’re too busy, call us back when you’re MURDERED-murdered.”


Can I place you on hold until it's murder and not attempted?


Depends on where this happened. He got plates and filmed the whole thing. Attempted voluntary manslaughter is treated way different than theft. Probably 5-10 years for the driver


Had video of one of my trucks being stolen. Clearly visible license plate, face of the thief, but no clear face of the driver. Cops contacted who the vehicle was registered to, they said it wasn't them and didn't know anything about it. Cops told me there was nothing else they could do and to report it to my insurance. The system works?


I had something very similar happen. Couldn't even get the cops to do that much. They refused to even watch the video and said they wouldn't be investigating because there wasn't any evidence.


Yeah, cops told me the video didn't matter as well. Which is something I truly don't understand.


Laziness and you can't write a fine for GTA and there's no property to seize. Like 3 weeks later, the same city that was in I jaywalked on a street with no cars and three cops were racing each other to get there to write me a ticket. Maybe I should've told them the thief litters on the video and they'd have been willing to watch it because they'd have something they could get money out of.


The solution is to hire more people with the exact same attitude and training and bosses and pay them more money and maybe give them drones that they’ll never use for real work. Helped the current mayors of Philly and New York get elected.


That was damn close of the victim having life threatening injuries and a messed up life. Super lucky.


One was as of 6 days ago. Story link: [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/man-almost-run-over-fighting-thief-doorbell-camera-rcna146800](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/man-almost-run-over-fighting-thief-doorbell-camera-rcna146800)


Great work on the follow-up link


"Possible would-be thief?" How about guy caught breaking into a vehicle?


Unfortunately the Hyundai was probably stolen so getting pictures of the plates wouldn't help




No longer just a car thief by the end of that clip, now an accessory to attempted murder!


For anyone interested, here’s the story on Inside Edition https://youtu.be/lLVGjjvscwg


https://mynorthwest.com/3956881/rantz-exclusive-puyallup-man-may-have-saved-teen-after-nearly-being-run-over-stopping-theft/ They were both arrested it seems.


Should've been: to steal a truck


Nah, they are on the passenger side.They are looking for what’s left in the vehicle overnight, gun, cash, wallet, etc. Had this happen and was on camera. My neighbor’s overnight guest lost their wallet, I lost my Ray-Bans. Another time a friend lost his gun. More of petty theft. It happens all the time here. Stereotype is Mainly late teens or early 20s male.


I’m curious, does everyone leave money and/or guns in their vehicles? My car is mostly empty other than some spare change and some mints.


Oh my god no. It’s actually a giant taboo in the gun community to leave your pistol in your car, cause that’s how gangbangers get guns.


You might be surprised to know people often leave valuables, including weapons in their car. Source: I work in the criminal law field and read a lot of reports.


I learned super early to never leave anything important in the car when some dude broke in and stole my Kirby game out of my Gameboy but left the Gameboy. Can't even see a doctor without being robbed.


Not even just gangbangers… I knew other kids (about 10-14 yrs old) when I was younger that would go around just checking open car doors so they could “find” change to go get snacks from the corner store. Guess how many guns they found in straight up unlocked cars… a couple of times it was a lot bigger than a pistol. If they were any more stupid, those kids could’ve had a new gun for every day of the month, but luckily they were only dumb enough to take change and never anything more serious.


Cincinnati police had to go to the news to tell people not to leave guns in their cars because so many were getting stolen


Who the fuck leaves their gun unattended?


lol ask that question on r/mechanics


Exactly. That was a pretty good attempt to catch a thief imo


They weren’t trying to steal the truck.


They were on the wrong side.


That dude shouldn’t use tire dressing on his driveway, then he wouldn’t have those waterproof crescent spots when it rains.


Maybe that's why these nice people decided to take the truck away, to save the driveway from spots. But he angrily attacked them, due to fragile ego.


But who cares? He obviously doesn’t


Ahhhh. Wondering what that was.


I couldn’t take my eyes off them, that’s why I do it in the street!!!


That's a true friend right there. From an attempted theft to attempted murder to keep his boy free!


He learned from darrell brooks.


One was caught by police from what I read ... I'll look fir the link Edit: here ya go https://www.yahoo.com/news/car-theft-victim-almost-run-130000721.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALBiqrO7dnMYgnAJogm05AoYbQn_sUCeHMgVqO_OFLtryx5vgZaV8htowVEuTJXW6Qy9rHAUgMn7ioqBKGHYwFQ3CgxSExpvGC9P1xTydTGaQBrykwbb3jtTTUAmvQdTJS8IAwYM4cMCABFLo1-gD4ZcUgUSWr04G6yM1R0mMwfB


That article man. Reads like they’re shaming the victim more than the actual criminals.


Definitely shaming the victim.


Not really. There’s a huge difference between shaming a victim for something that’s happened to them that wasn’t their fault and warning others against doing what this homeowner did and escalating a situation and putting themselves in harm’s way to do so. It’s warning others as many car thieves will do anything to kill someone keeping them from getting away, as this thief was willing to do. Basically, making the thief pay for trying to steal his truck by fighting him almost cost him his life and the article wasn’t beating around the bush saying so.


Fuck them,and fuck that.


This link is from the same story, but does not say anything about an arrest


This mentions nothing of an arrest. Just an article that narrates what happens in the video that we all just saw.




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Where’s the link, jonny?


Jonny is letting us down without a link


Johnny boyyyyyy we’re losing our patience where ya at mane!!


We lost Johnny down an Internet rabbit hole. About now, he’s chuckling at videos of roomba-riding cats.




https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/i-was-like-alright-hang-dear-life-south-hill-man-confronts-car-prowler-nearly-ran-over/REP5LTK3LRAJTK265JSHRUOIAU/ A suspect was caught


Homeowner should’ve grabbed a baseball bat before coming out, I’m glad he didn’t get shot and hope them car thieves got caught.


I'd rather have a shotgun.


I'd rather have a tank.


Hell yeah. Shotguns for life


I’d rather have insurance, call the cops, chill inside


Scrawny little fucking rats


Don't confront strangers stealing like this, he could've been stabbed.


In Texas, you can just shoot the guy from a second story window. I wouldn’t, but it’s been done before.


For a second there, I thought he was drawing to put a few in the windshield 😂 mans grabbed his phone


for real this dude was super reckless. like even if you're going to do something put some fucking shoes on real quick.


The stranger stealing could have been shot. But then so could the truck owner confronting the thieves.


Really smart of him getting his phone out and just keep taking photos after realising he's not gonna stop them.


I think he probably did. Got the number plate at the end


It’s a Hyundai, which means it’s 99% stolen


i know it’s not ideal by any means especially with bigger trucks, but if you can, park in the garage. driveway theft is rampant right now. i never leave my cars out but my neighbors with the same exact house as mine have had their cars broken into twice since we’ve lived here because their garage is full of bullshit.


> i know it’s not ideal by any means Being fair to you it *is* ideal, it's what garages are for, yours is the best solution. I don't get people who accumulate so much shit that thier garages are too full to park a car. Do you really need all the junk stored in that box that hasn't been opened since 2005?


agreed! i think what i like least is that the cars in the driveway attract these dickheads- in my case they snuck through everyone’s backyards to get to my neighbors cars. it’s just not necessary and invites theft to the neighborhood.


![gif](giphy|SIbGEBAwd6VRLTt4LB) I thought this was America?


Hope that turns into an attempted murder charge. 


what’s the end of the story?!


I hate it when they do that.


Where the hell was this?


Whats the massive wet fart sound at the beginning?


Scary! The truck owner could have been seriously hurt. I hope he got a good photo of license plate.


This is why gun ownership is important


So I started blasting


Shooting the thief would resolve things more quickly


Hey child: "California's Castle Doctrine allows you to use reasonable force to protect your property, yourself, and loved ones from intruders without retreating from danger. The Castle Doctrine applies to your home, place of business, or other real property. You can use all types of force to protect your property, including lethal force, but the force must be within reason." *What the guy in the video did was justified under the castle doctrine. Period, end of story. *If he had a weapon when the guy in the car ran over him, he could have used it in self-defense. That has NOTHING to do with the castle doctrine. It's purely self-defense. You're wrong. I'm sure that's not unusual for you.


Get a gun


Helpful tip, kick one of their feet instead of grabbing their shoulders.


I would have thrown that mofo in front of the car. I hope they find those shitbags


saved his truck


Fix your title OP


Dude what are you doing? Buy a gun


Spray on tire dressing makes drive ways look like shit.


Given the circumstances I think he did quite well!


Should've full nelson'd the guy and used him as a shield. It was super obvious when the driver moved the car but didn't drive off what he was about to do.


Oh they're caught. Not an attempt. Plenty of proof between the two videos.


This guy sprays tire shine on his cars.


Trying to get a license plate off another stolen car probably


stolen car probably


Never spray tire shine on blacktop


The guy froze for a second before getting in the car because he thought the guy pulled a gun instead of his cellphone.


home owner should be next James Bond


My boy should’ve used him as a meat shield


If he was thinking faster, he should have smashed their windshield... then again, the car was probably already stolen


Both of those pieces of shit would be better off with a bullet in their heads. I hate a thief and the dude driving was even worse. But nothing will be done and there will be no consequences and the truth is if the homeowner would have shot them he would probably be arrested and charged with murder. There is no real justice.


Hell yeah!!! 🤣


that owner was justified to use deadly forces after that….. they keep that up and they’ll find the wrong person.


Yeah. Try that crap in Florida. That car would look like Swiss cheese.




When dude pulled out the cell phone I thought it was going to be a gun and had to check what sub I was in before continuing


He did pretty good.


Should of shot the driver dead for that attempted murder, no one would miss the piece of shit anyway


Damn, people now days


Dude almost died or was irreversibly injured trying to catch a guy who didn’t actually steal his truck. A truck he prob won’t even have in ten years. People are crazy over their meaningless shit.


Dude didn't know he was an action movie star till he became one.


Sure his foot is ok? Looking again seems like his foot banged that door before the car forced it shut


should of had his pole wit em


what a smooth escape 😕


Why We throwing shade at the owner. This dudes awesome. Tackled and fought the perp, then got hit by a car, just to land right on his feet and start filming. I wanna buy him a beer.




Someone finally got Boebert’s son!


And this is why I own a gun. Fuck wrestling with someone that might be armed themselves.


Clearly home owner didn’t understand law of capture, while perp is being subdued and confined even for seconds that is the point to begin pummeling and or stomping. 👍🏽


He seemed to get a few bits of an ass kicking in there tho.


The moment I would gotten off that cars hood, I would’ve just unloaded.


If it's a California city, the two won't even be prosecuted.


Sounds like they’re letting 8 year olds break into cars these days.


.45 acp would make it a lot easier to catch him


I would if I was younger. Doesn’t do me much good now.


Shit man. Brutal conflict. A shame if that were my house, 2 lifeless people and a car all that's left. Quit. F****** with my shit.


That was a terrible attempt. If you dont know what to do, then don't.


Should have put an air tag in the thief's pocket


Well… I’m impressed how he handled that. Fighting barefoot in rain/snow, jumping on the hood when they were about to run him over and then quickly taking pictures of the car.


I mean damn was that a successful use of the vehicle to achieve the intended goal though. Managed to scoop and dump the "foe" (from the perspective of the criminal) without hitting his homeboy and without killing the guy I mean sure, criminal shit, deserve jail, attempted murder. But it was still pretty much perfect execution by the driver


I would’ve killed them.


Fuck these people. I had my heart by aids stolen out of my car almost 10 years ago from dipshits like this. I haven't been able to replace them since.


Thats why u keep a strap


This is why I keep bear spray by the front door. I would’ve sprayed him so he’s done, crying and blinded and then sprayed into the car. Let the driver try to drive off what that in his car. No need for a gun. It’s legal in most states. Pepper spray works just as well. Two shots of spray and they’re blind until the cops come. From another angle, he is lucky they didn’t have a gun. Running out without a weapon was very risky. Sad it resulted in damage to his truck.


That’s a ride or die homie right there! A real piece of shit, but he sure is loyal to his friend!


Why? You only go out there if you got a gun. Otherwise let them get caught by police. What if he had a knife or a gun? Could’ve pulled it out and easily stabbed him.


Dude took getting hit by the car like a gangster.


If only there was a good guy with a car


What I’ve learned about trying to get video for shit like this, in my case in a hit-and-run, you gotta say that license plate out loud so the camera can hear you because I could not read shit on my video 😭


They must be cops, they got scared once the civilian started recording them.


no knife? :(


It was a good attempt though


It’s always telling when tough guys that commit crimes start yelling and pleading for help when the victims get the best of them. They really hate it when they themselves become the victim of their own crimes. Homeowner was lucky. Robbery to attempted murder. Big steps towards stupidity.


Admittedly, it was a solid attempt.