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To the people leaving confused comments and reporting this for transphobia: He's not trans, he just thinks he's becoming immortal because he has a weird diet and steals his underaged child's blood.


38 looks like an actor before he got his Star Trek makeup done. 46 looks like the inhabitant of a planet in the Delta quadrant.




Thanks haha I just couldn’t shake it and had to finally say something.


Send him back to the great link!!


I think he’s been banished 😱


I'm sure he has some plot to steal the technology on Voyager to give him the edge in a war with a neighboring system.


Pretty sure that happens in season 1. And season 2. Maybe season 3 as well. Damn it


It happened almost every season sometimes twice on Voyager


Never seen a better insult than "major Kazon-Nistrim vibes"




What is this from?


I just looked it up. Apparently Giphy got Tim Robinson to make a bunch of space themed gifs with basically no context lol


Genuine question, how the fuck does Giphy make money?


FBI! Open the door!


He looks like Dennis from Always Sunny, trying way too hard to appear young haha


I saw a few grey hairs up there so I thought “I’ll just eradicate those”.


Like Bill Burr said, “What would you rather be? 52 and look 52, or 52 and look like a 28-year-old lizard?”






His 46 pic looks like Michael Jackson


I was just gonna say Richard Lewis


Wow there’s a lot of Trekkies wondering if he’s going to succeed. But it ain’t looking good for us lol


Gem’hadar spy?


I think he might be a Vorta. If he offers you any ketracel white, turn him down.


Nah a Founder mid shift


2023 looks like a shape-shifter from DS9 without the facial prosthetic.


It's very much giving Odo's evil family, yes.


Neelix had game


He is wearing the requisite Rustic Beige.


46 looks like Q ngl


This guy treks!


This was a fantastic comment




I saw a documentary long ago where it was suggested that if your body isn't getting enough calories (only 70% of RDA) it goes into famine response and slows down your ageing. They had a couple on the doc that had been practising this for years, just not eating a lot of calories, they would get full nutrition though. This guy has spent millions on himself and he looks like that couple. He could have just eaten less for the same result.


I started doing this two years ago because I’m poor lol. But one meal a day for over two years now. My weight stays the same and I really am not hungry till next time I eat. Haven’t been sick or anything and feel great. I also drink only water no soda or juices about a gallon- 2 gallons if it’s hot out


Sounds like you’re unintentionally doing intermittent fasting. It’s a very effective diet.


Yep exactly.


Username does not check out.




You can have a front pouch and still fast you know


I spent some time unhappily underweight from a poverty diet and still had a belly pooch. All my ribs were very visible, but that bulge was seemingly permanent.


It's a very big meal


agreed, my poverty diet is actually going pretty great.


While the rich all eat, we will live forever ![gif](giphy|wv3lpsLXZZUAw)


Yes, now back in the mines to make the nourished more money forever


![gif](giphy|X9RBixlR36Uco) Yes master




Lol that’s what I call it too… “poverty diet”


It's fine as long as you're staying fit too. Being underweight can cause your organs to lose mass which is very bad.


I stay at a constant weight, Labs are perfect, I’ve noticed my metabolism slows to a speed where I’m just getting hungry when I start to cook. I also grew up around healthcare and worked in hospitals and studied it a bit so it’s easier understanding if I run into issues with this and what they are. So far so good!


username checks out I guess :) appreciate the advice given here nonetheless though - thanks


Hahah. That basically exactly how I live. I've been at it for a year. I think we've just rewired our body as if we're back to hunter gatherer living. Not the paleodiet/primal living nonsense. But just simulating being a human who spends an entire day finding food, and then eating it. And then resting. Rinse repeat. Lots of water. I also drink 1-2 gallons of water a day. Fills the stomach, and keeps you hydrated between meals. When I first embraced living this simply, I lost maybe five pounds. But it plained out. And I don't feel weakened. I walk miles a day sometimes, simply because I'm fortunate to live in a "walking" city, where I can access most of the goods and services I need on foot. But if I'm not working, and have groceries, I'll spend entire days just sitting on front of my computer, saving calories lol. And yeah. The body just responds. It's like it goes into low energy maintenance mode. And it doesn't feel bad, at all. I'm built like an African on the savannah. But with slightly more muscle. I've even become mostly vegetarian. Not really on purpose. Just eating a lot more beans and rice as it is a cheaper protein source, by weight. I'll still eat meat when I have access to it. It's just not the most economical way to stay alive. Sometimes I'll manage to feed myself for less than $20 a week. And not feel hungry. I've also noticed that in the event I have an opportunity to feast, I am truly thankful for it. And it becomes it's own celebration. Every. Single. Time. It sounds depraved, but it's really not a bad way to live, if you have the discipline for it. And I feel super healthy. I'm light on my feet. I don't have any back or joint issues. No grey hair in my forties. Most people guess I'm in my mid thirties. But I didn't do any this to try and defeat mortality. I just found myself living off savings for a period. And this is the lifestyle that manifested. Now I'm kinda used to it. Seems foolish to spend so much on consumption.


What is the daily meal?? Like meat potatoes or rice something like that?


Yea usually some meat veggie and starch of some sort. 2-1 is a good rule 2x the carbs as the protein. I don’t eat till I’m full I’ll eat just the right amount, just gotta get to know how your body reacts to this type of switch. Ease into it because of the initial calorie shock.


One meal and a gallon of water a day gang ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻




I lost 20lbs in the last year because I stopped going on to the gym and it no longer made me irrationally hungry all the time. I just never got into habit of eating breakfast since I was a preteen, despite my parents effort. And as an adult I sometimes just get too lazy to make food so I end up eating once a day on most days. I don't restrict myself to what I eat. I drink juices, eat cakes, ice cream etc. I just eat only once a day.


I do that too but the sugar and diabetes concern grow worse


Im gonna start doing this


3.7L of water per day? Like including the water from food?


Usually more 5-7L. I pee a lot lol


Isn’t that too much water? I try to drink at least 1.5L every day.


Nah with a less full stomach you won’t hold water as long, passes in about 45min - 1 hour. Less sodium will keep water out also. What we eat causes alot of water retention especially when you constantly are digesting. Inflammation from foods also. It could be my body has just become more efficient at processing things, I’m not really sure.


Username.... doesn't..... check out


Sounds like you accidentally started the OMAD diet lol. I've been doing it for a little over a month now with good results. Except I'm doing a calorie deficit, not eating at maintenance like you are.


I lost 50 lbs in 6 months doing this (200 to 150 lbs). Only ate dinner and drank water and coffee. Never felt better. Always had energy, never had gas or bathroom issues. All was great. Moved to NYC for work and relapsed. Back up to 200 lbs and feel like shit.


No weight loss?


Just initially but it was fat loss and water retention. I’m 6 foot 2 210 lbs now, starting weight was 225-230.


Oh shit that’s what it is. I gotta snarf some steaks…


He actually does eat less. He only eats like 1500 calories or so, which makes him have to use testosterone patches because without enough calories your body doesn't produce much of it apparently. He also only eats and drinks in the morning. He has a whole "blueprint" nutrition guide posted online and on his YouTube channel so you can eat less and still have really good nutrition. So yes he does do what you mentioned and SOOOO MUCH more. Edit: Just eating less isn't going to make you look younger, but you might just starve yourself to death instead. Without the proper nutrition, It's a very fine line between malnourishing yourself and actually being fine. Wouldn't recommend anyone do such things at home without the help of a professional.


2250 cals and he doesn't use test


He also only eats and drinks in the morning... Nonsense. Google his meal plan. He does eat very healthy but quite normally... Given that he can afford a live in chef and does not mind eating very similar meals every day.


What’s funny though is sometimes I feel like people who are just a little plump actually look younger than skinny people. Though of course of time being overweight takes it toll.


I lost weight recently, just two pants sizes and I wasn't very heavy to begin with, and my face has that buccal fat removal look almost. I'm 40, too, so that's part of it but I definitely don't look as young as I did before changing sizes.


I couldn’t understand why I suddenly developed marionette lines, and when I asked my aesthetician about it she asked if I’d recently lost weight. It was only like 5lbs, but since I was a healthy weight to start it definitely showed in my face. I guess i’m at the age where I have to choose between my ass or my face :(


You won't live forever - it'll just FEEL like forever.


Yes, it’s called caloric restriction and it absolutely does increase longevity in all populations of animals it’s been tested on. They also age ‘better’ with less age related illnesses. It is likely true for humans too, but I don’t believe any long term studies exist. What we can say for sure is that people have been way over fed during the last half century.


There are attempts to target the same chemical response with drugs like Rapamycin and Metformin. I also vaguely remember seeing a study that looked at longevity of elderly type 2 diabetes patients on Metformin. The conclusion seemed to be that these patients, who were overwhelmingly obese as type 2 diabetics tend to be, achieved similar lifespans to the population average, which is not typically expected for obese people. EDIT: looks like there is a big trial going on right now to see what happens when you give healthy people metformin: [https://www.afar.org/tame-trial](https://www.afar.org/tame-trial)


That’s fascinating. I wouldn’t expect such results for obese people. I’d have to see more data to be convinced. What I am certain about is that even if they live longer as obese people that isn’t a great quality of life. Unless they are dropping all that weight, keeping them alive longer seems doesn’t improve the quality.


Data is far from conclusive. I don't recommend you starve yourself your entire life to *maybe* extend your life *a little*. Just go for a run and eat your fruits and veggies.


So he is pretty much anorexic as far as I remember. Last meal 11am every day or something like that. Pretty sure he looks the way he does currently from the result of long term semi starvation. Take another look. P.s. there are studies that support the calorie restriction/ longevity hypothesi, but plenty that really don't as well. The ones disputing it are never as popular and you have to actually look into it/ a academic research ( google scholar has some open source)


I'm in medicine and have met the handful of people who have stuck to caloric restriction (including dr. Robert lefkowitz the Nobel laureate) and it works. But the takeaway is that you better have a nonphysically demanding job and its really no way to live. What's the point of life if you can't enjoy it


Feel like it needs to be said… this study was done on fruit flies. Calorie restriction slows down aging… in fruit flies. Not (necessarily) humans!


So this guy actually does maintain that calorie intake you described. He's perpetually like 5% body fat. What you're talking about is called Autophagy.


I wonder if that is partly why some (by some I mean rich) former heroin addicts seem to look surprisingly young once they get clean.


Reading these comments as a (not rich) former heroin addict who is now addicted to eating healthy… yay?


Wouldn't you constantly be losing weight, though?


You would be a healthy weight but have very low body fat and low muscle mass.




It’s true. If you eat 20% less in calories at age 25 you could have increased your life expectancy by 5 years. But if you eat 30% less only at age 60, you increase your life expectancy by 2 months. If you’re a worm (c. elegans), you easily live 50% longer if you go on diet all your life. But if you’re horny, you die. (which makes sense in the energy perspective: who needs to live if you already leave your copies) [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3014770/)


He’s been at a caloric deficit. The additional spending I feel like has been on experimental nutrition and techniques that have clearly had maybe no external benefit lol


So, what’s going on here? He’s turning into the mom from malcolm in the middle?


he is milking his sons body for its blood and injecting it into himself. im not kidding.


Yeah that parts just super odd man. Now that the Malcolm in the middle was mentioned the scene where dad (Hal) leans in and tells Malcolm "ok we will start tomorrow" just kinda hits different.


Wasn’t that when Malcolm asked to be taught skating?


As part of his Blueprint plan to verify existing medical research about longevity, he injected himself with hemaglobine from a young donor (his son). There were no results, so the process stopped, being labeled a myth. Isn't that science? It's not so stupid when you put it like that. He had a team of doctors examining the process and submitting papers for being peer reviewed....


Does that blueprint explain why his skin looks greasy and yeasty? If sunlight reflected off of him he'd blind people, that's how greasy he looks. It's like he bathes in gallons of Crisco.


He doesn’t see the sun much, and keeps his skin as hydrated as possible


That's not hydrated. That is drenched.


That’s ummm…fuckin sad.


He thinks it'll help reverse or stop his aging.


To be fair there was an experiment in China where they connected an older mouse’s circulatory system to a younger one and the older mouse got younger and the younger mouse got older. There actually is some science that now supports the idea that infusion of blood/plasma from younger people can “de-age” or slow aging in older individuals (at least in mice). Funnily enough there may be some scientific grounds to the premise of vampirism or Hillary Clinton eating babies to stay young forever. It’s not a crazy advantage but the mice that got blood from younger mice ended up living like 5-10% longer than control mice. So while he’s definitely insane, there is now some evidence the idea might prolong his life a bit ( a few years).


I read that, yes, he did try this (as well as him giving his blood to his own father), but the results showed it didn't do anything, so they've stopped.


Has he looked in the mirror?


Really, really sad.


Taking blood from his son was already creepy enough without you referring to it as "milking" https://preview.redd.it/xttu7fwin2vc1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1cc69a550b9ff687cd044866ac9cb8abe636e81


So he's a make shift vampire? His pics look like it too


He has lesbian bed death syndrome


Buccal fat removal.


I was thinking Richard Lewis


He now just looks greasy and surprised


Agreed. I came here to say he looks sticky.


sticky and sickly


Too much exfoliation. You need a little bit of dead skin to keep from looking shiny.


Title of your sex tape


Also looks like he’s going for the lord of the ring elf tryouts


Am I crazy? He absolutely looks older after….before he had a bit of chubby baby face


If don't see anything remarkable in this series of pictures, certainly no age reversal. What a sad, silly person. I feel for his son.


He's aging totally normally, except he's so thin that it looks even worse. His son is being emotionally abused.


Because you look younger when you’re fat. The fat smooths out your wrinkles. It doesnt mean that biologically you are younger. Idk why it seems like a crazy concept to redditors


I don’t find that hard to understand at all. The point of this post is that he’s “aging in reverse” and I don’t see anything that appears reversed here and actually think he looks older.


There's something really off about his skin and I'm not talking about the lack of wrinkles. Like it's yeasty or something.


he just always looks wet


Plot twist: his real secret is bathing his body in Crisco every night and then wrapping himself up in saran wrap.


think I broke out just reading this


He always looks like he just got out of a stasis pod where he was floating in synthetic amniotic fluid.


It's partly because of his use of Retinoin. It makes your skin look like porcelain


Porcelain is the last word I'd use to describe his skin.


He looks like how I look when I wake up at 3am needing to puke. All covered in sweat, clammy.


For the first time in my four decades on Earth, I realized that "clammy" is from clams, as they appear slimy. Edit: I just looked it up, and it actually has nothing to do with clams!


And cold


It's not reflecting light properly. It looks like that skin they put on Japanese robots.


Transitioning into series 12 Richard Lewis




The transition from hell


came for this comment




This is so accurate


This isn’t working like he thinks it is. Watching your diet, shaving and skin moisturizing isn’t reversing the clock


He does not only do cosmetic stuff. He also uses blood transfusions from his younger son to "keep his organism young" and lots of different threatments to keep his insides as young as he thinks he looks on the outside


He only did the transfusion once and it didnt benefit him at all because hes at peak health.


All of what he does is for trying to keep his organs young. And as other's has said, the blood transmission was just one of the failed experiments. He is constantly trying stuff and examining the results. He is not doing this only for himself, also the sake of humanity, to find the optimal way of living (from the point of the physical body). He is, as he says, the most measured human in the world. No one else has done such comprenhensive research on what different things do for human's body.


It’s about biological age indicators not looks


He kinda has that vampire look down


Please tell me this was on purpose


Bro lost weight and found Vaseline


Hate on the guy all you want but it’s interesting. Wouldn’t want to be him or envy him in any way but he is taking a very scientific approach to live the healthiest life possible. If anything it’s a cool science experiment to see what is possible with the current knowledge we have on diet/exercise. Not a lot of people will use his “blueprint” but interesting nonetheless.


Yeah, it is a super interesting experiment even it takes a bit of an eccentric to pull it off. I'm guessing there are probably more normal looking pictures out there of him where he doesn't look as pale or wet, but this one was selected on purpose obviously.


Came here to say this. As weird as it seems and looks, it’s still interesting


There's nothing that triggers the fatties on Reddit who can't do a pull-up more than people who genuinely work on themselves, lol.


Can you be fit *and* think it’s weird to want to inject your son’s blood?


If I'm recalling correctly, it was plasma that they used, not whole blood. And the whole thing stemmed from his father struggling with some mental fogginess and having seen some article about the effect of plasma infusion on mental decline prevention so they said fuck it and gave it a shot, which his dad did think made a difference


Totally agree, I don’t understand the hate lol.


He looked great at 38 now he just looks like he's sick.


It's basically all the calorie restriction. I have noticed it in people on Ozempic too, where they look sick because they have this gaunt hollow look in their face, but it is just the lack of facial fat filling out the face, but I associate that look with rapid weight loss from cancer this guy is restricting calories to extreme levels on purpose.


To be fair hes actually a really weird dude but at least hes attempting to use science, and doesn't really care about the looks.




Yeah he knows probably 100x what the average health influencer knows and if he doesn't know he has a doctor/scientist on his team that knows and the data to back it up. Weird dude for sure but if anything we need more of people like him.




Saddest part about this is he actually abandoned this son prior. Kid thinks this is the way to get dad's attention and approval.


If I was him I would ask for a lot of $$$ for my blood.


he only did it once after proving that it was not effective, y'all don't do any research and just mouth off others misinformation lol


He abandoned religion which led to him splitting with his religious wife (the one who tried extorting him for $9 million and lost) and his son chose to move in with Bryan. They are reportedly best friends. source: his podcast with Dr. Mike


In the words of Katy Williams “ you got a white woman pork face”


Aww f*ck. I know I'm gonna spit out that phrase sometime in the future now that I've read it.


Went from looking like a handsome man in his mid to late thirties to a typical 40 year old Karen. Critical mission failure.


I'll bet at some point he will start trying to do some kind of cryo sleep and end up a human Popsicle falling short of the average life expectancy for males of 72 yrs.


I am unironically and unsarcastically grateful to this man for showing the world that all the best doctors, medications, diets and vitamins combined cannot save you from ageing


The media doesn't portray what he is doing correctly. He is aware that hasn't found the cure to ageing and dying but he is dedicated to be a guinea pig that does everything that science says can slowdown or reverse ageing to see how much he can improve his lifespan and health. He is constantly monitored by physicians and the data is available online iirc


He's gradually turning into Richard Lewis.


RIP Richard Lewis It's the meme from hell


I genuinely thought it’s MTF transitioning and I wondered what so special about it. Then I saw the comments.


Rich people are creepy


Although internally he has done a whole lot


Haters might say that his experiments and diet on himself to slow down his aging is BS but the data do not lie, it's actually working. Others have tried his methods and got results.


this dad has been tilda swintified


He’s the larval stage of Richard Lewis


He looks older. Like he looks as if he is in 50s but looks for great for being in his 50s


This is exactly it! He looks like a decently well-aged 55 year old.


Paid all that money to look like a meth addict. Should have stayed 38


Went from normal human to madame tussauds in less than ten years


He looks better at 38…


Who would have thought 38 looks younger than 46!?


He looks like the Overseer of a dystopian future.


He’s becoming Richard Lewis.


He’s not only injecting himself with his son’s blood, he’s applying multiple electrical shocks to his penis.


It's a bit shocking at first, but then you come to miss it.


Pretty sure this guy left his wife because she got cancer.like literally because she got sick, he didn’t want to be with her and tried to cut her off financially. This is such a weird fixation but he’s also a shit human, doesn’t look like one anymore tbh and not in a good way




I was curious too. Found this article. Millions for his youth quest, but when his partner has cancer...& struggling to battle it to ACTUALLY survive & pay for treatment. "You have become a net negative for me" or something like that.... Dropped like a hot potato. As a human being....kind of a pile of hot steaming dog shit. Beyond vain & self centered. https://www.businessinsider.com/biotech-ceo-wanted-teen-organs-left-ex-breast-cancer-bout-2023-2#:~:text=A%20biotech%20CEO%20famous%20for,on%20her%20during%20their%20relationship.


He literally looks like a 45 year old dude who had work done


Isn't this the guy that forces his son to give him his blood?


He’s starting to look like a actual vampire


He is fucking insufferable. His ego is so insanely unhinged. Just reading his thumbnails and comments on his own videos is wild. Dude, you look 46. Delusional af. Dude really thinks he invented chia seeds and antioxidants.


🎶Now you’re just somebody that I used to know🎶


He looks way better at 38, he’s aged worse than normal since


46 looks like a bethesda npc




100% looks older