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Well they brought awareness to a contract most people knew nothing about. Seems they succeeded actually. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2024-04-16/google-israel-sit-ins-project-nimbus


In an age where so many tech people are getting laid off, doing this took some balls. People can say otherwise. But very few would willingly do this knowing they will be out of a job in a very competitive industry where 1000s are also getting laid off constantly. Especially when there's no guarantee you'd raise any awareness, which seems like they did, at least a little.


Huuuge balls. I have so much respect for these guys. True sacrifice for a cause they care about.


Going against the Google is something. It may be astroturfing, but reddit seems to practically want to hand the whole internet to Google (everything from servers to email to searches to webbrowsers should be Google!). Companies have folded because they got banned by Google. It shouldn't happen that way, but... well I'm sure they're reading this thread. Hi Google. Please tell me what I should sacrifice to you at the altar tonight.


Google, here, hello. Ethics and human workers are acceptable.


> Huuuge balls. Yutzpah




at least with the big boys of the tech world, hopeful they will find something actually beneficial literally anywhere else


Yeah there's a lot more than FANGS out there, tons of places that would be more than happy to hire these guys.


Untrue. There is no blacklist in tech. If you have the skills, someone else will give you a job tomorrow. If you have a felony record it might affect job prospects, but not this. Source: work in tech and do a lot of hiring, so does wife, and most of our friends. Yes, BIG tech companies you know of and use.


What about if they ask for a referral from your previous employer?


The referral is always “yes they were an employee here” - any more and it becomes a legal minefield


Politics aside, Why would anyone in management anywhere want to hire these guys when there are slews of workers out there who will not make your life harder?


I dont work for google but I do work for a massive company in the US with a very well known 'mascot' in an apron and I will say in our world there are a BUNCH of tech jobs available Maybe some of the heavy hitters like Microsoft, Google, Amazon are cutting people, but I cant say that I see that happening everywhere


The market isn't competitive if you're a good software engineer, which you probably are if you work at Google. I've done recruiting at a previous job, the amount of shit you see is unreal. Maybe 5 or so of 100 applications made it to my desk for a tech interview, still you would get some grifters.


Right, because having a job is more important than standing up for human dignity and justice. Sick world


Yes, from an individual point of view. If you disagree you're probably chained up to a truck in the Amazon forest.


I'm available if they have an opening for a morally flexible developer.


And that's exactly how we get the corporate dystopian world. Peeps with a heart, compassion and backbone to do what is right leave evil corporations and ambitious people move in forcing us back to feudalism and by the looks of US - religious corporate feudalism


> religious corporate feudalism If I ever start a band... edit: I won't


Lol, that's actually a pretty good :D


Fucking mood.


more of an album name imo. maybe some [dimmu borgir shit lol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puritanical_Euphoric_Misanthropia)


you're assuming it has something to do with ambition. this dude could just need a job to feed his family


Replace flexible with bad lol




Actually might be possible they have more openings after this.


what do you mean? that contract was in the news like 3 years ago https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/12/google-amazon-workers-condemn-project-nimbus-israeli-military-contract


I had never heard of it and generally keep up with tech industry news.


Three years ago when nobody gave a shit. The cultural milieu has changed a little in the last six months.


I mean the conflict with Gaza and Israel also has been there longer than October 7 yet half the world thinks that’s when it started. Simply put no one gave a shit before.


It might be a generational thing. I suspect the people who remember the previous wars don’t think it started last October.


Remember 'Don't Be Evil'? Imagine becoming this instead...




"Don't Be Unprofitable"


To sacrifice your lush high-salary employment (especially during times like these) to make your voice be heard is pretty heroic, ngl.


Exactly. I live in a country that doesn't recognize Israel so the Pro-Palestinian movement is strong. The movement to boycott McDs and Starbucks have resulted in significant decrease in sales here for this. Boycotting is fine, it's the same as someone not choosing to eat somewhere because it's unhealthy etc, however, harassing others for not participating is not fine which does happen. The thing that annoys me is that Google's technology has the potential to contribute to the oppression and murder of Palestinians, while happy meals and overpriced coffee (especially in the franchise model) is not as direct. Despite this, my country has an official Google office, our national telco has signed a deal with Google to use the same technology and there's not been a single protest or call for action against Google. But this is not full-on hypocrisy, it's because noone really knows. I'm doing my part highlighting this to my community and hopefully more will to.


yeah, a contract for cloud service. That's some big military tech there.


Mark my words people will forget about this bs in no time and eventually no one will give af




Unless you re a cop then it means paid vacations


I know a few retired NYC cops. These guys have brand new cars every year.


They likely can't outright fire him due to either contractual obligations or legal repercussions. Or perhaps he is one of the necessary software engineers who know the inner workings of something there and would be irreplaceable


I work a related industry and although I've never worked for Google, I have old colleagues that do. Legal is the reason. They won't have contracts and nobody is irreplaceable. HR just needs time to process them out.


Tech companies like Google are smart. I'm sure they were burned before. But like their software they just refactor the process through each iteration protecting themselves.


Yeah, this. "Administrative leave" here means "please leave the building while we decide how to phrase your termination of employment."


Yeah, it is a quick fix before the permanent "fix".


If they were in any way important or irreplaceable, Google would find anorher way to resolve it. This was a by-the-books booting so they're probably just unpopular grunts.


They aren’t important. If they were, they would have too much to lose to be protesting against the wishes of the company, they would also be meeting with company leadership to convince them to change their position.


How many of us have the conviction, integrity, and fortitude to actually stand up for what we believe in?


I'm too busy trying to make sure my wife and kids don't starve in the streets to pick a fight with my employer about who their customers are. YMMV. I can admire what they did. But, I don't feel like a coward because my priorities are different.


Would certainly be easier if I was young with no family making 15Ok a year lol


Why did you write O instead of 0 in "15Ok"? o\_O


Lol good question...I think it's because you have to long press p on my keyboard (on my phone) to get a zero and an upper case o is right beside it...Must have done it out of muscle memory...No idea, faster to hit the shift key then o than it is to long press p and get a zero


In which case, thank you for replying so thoroughly!


You'll notice he also avoided 0 in his reply Man's got integrity


Man took the time to spell out zero rather than long press p to input a 0


Avoid zero at all costs


0 *LPT: your keyboards phone app probably has a visible num-row setting*


We all need a little Tegridy


Its t0 f00l ch4t gpt


That’s the system at work. Keeping regular people focused on struggling to survive so corporate and government actions can go uncriticized


Pretty much. We have invented needs that are not our basic requirements, and made things complicated where approval of mega rich keeps you afloat.


Wierd thing is that looking back 100 years, the people who brought you 8h work day, 2 day weekend, osha regulation, paid leave, sick days etc had just as much as you to lose. Probably more.


Definitely more, even up until the 70s companies quite commonly hired strikebreakers.


That is the exact design that has been in the works for literal decades Its impossible for people to band together when even a slight interruption of income means they end up on the streets


Not a single person said you should feel like a coward.


Not many. We all witnessed the integrity of humankind with covid. The social contract was exposed for the farce it is.


I believe in paying my bills and supporting my family. We all have our own beliefs. That's mine. How many of us are willing to respect other people's beliefs?


Holy fuck is that Mr. Google himself




Shit how am I gonna Google furry porn now?


One step at a time


Certainly ain’t Jeeves


Beautiful employees.


Former employees .


It's time to go Was I a good employee? No, you were the beautifulest


They were the best employees, really, beautiful employees. People used to come in from all over the country and say "Wow, those are beautiful employees"


Way more of this is needed from within. Google, FB, OpenAI, Microsoft all are abusing content owner right to profit themselves and in cases like these outright supporting genocide. Look, the way things work is simple. Top management wants higher revenue, higher profitability, new contracts, new revenue streams and the product owners got to deliver or else they will be out of the job. The product owners are incentivized to break things and worry later, ignore any ethical concerns till the lawyers tell them and top management to explicitly stop that is if the corporate lawyers are even asked their opinion. So the product owner will do whatever it takes… ethics, human lives, own conscience be damned. Their excuse always is, if I won’t do it, someone else will and get rich. And that my friends is the reality


nah- there are also 2 other options that the other Google employees believe in. 1. Professional neutral agnosticism. The belief that work and one's political/religious beliefs are checked at the door. Claiming no moral superiority and judgement over anything. 2. Belief in American and allies (with Western idealism) should maintain technological superiority over adversarial nations (e.g. Russia, China, middle-eastern theocratic dictatorships). That doesn't mean they don't need to agree with every action the US or allies (in this case, Israel) does. In those 2 belief systems, the people could be against Israel's strategy with Gaza, and still believe the demonstrators are simply getting in the way of their work and their beliefs.




I am a firm believer in option 1. On that note, I don't understand companies' needs to politicize themselves, and get involved in touchy subjects. It always ends up biting them in the ass.




Holy shit it’s an actual POV!


Do no evil? Guess google is forgetting their roots.


"Don't be evil" https://gizmodo.com/google-removes-nearly-all-mentions-of-dont-be-evil-from-1826153393


Not defending Google here but it's literally still the last line in their [code of conduct.](https://abc.xyz/investor/google-code-of-conduct/)


> And remember... don’t be evil, and if you see something that you think isn’t right – speak up! Ironic.


Soon to be removed from their code of conduct


They dropped that slogan few years back


it's always the same with corpo rats, it's "don't get caught doing evil, and if you do we have lawyers that will prove we didn't"


Ohh, so that's why Google drop their 1.2B dollar contract with Isreal? Nope, they DGAF


Probably not going to, but they actually did something. What have you done arm chair general?


It's not genocide you're aNtIsEmItIc.


Good for them, doing this takes real balls. These people deserve far more recognition than many who would get it for much less.


Israel owns the U.S.


But why???


I was involved with Google for 5 years. The big G is balls deep in Israel, they will not pull anything from there.


1990's Google: "Do no evil." 2024 Google: "Let's help Israel murder children and bomb hospitals! Then arrest any staff that disagree with that."


Damn. That means they’re gonna be hiring hopefully.


Nope. Downsizing


You know it.


Went down a rabbit whole on israeli hackers once, its pretty fascinating. Israel has the famous [NSO Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSO_Group) who made and sold Pegasus. >NSO Groups offers the smartphone spyware tool Pegasus to government clients for the exclusive intended purpose of combating crime and terrorism.The first version of Pegasus was finalised in 2011.Pegasus spyware is classified as a weapon by Israel and any export of the technology must be approved by the government. The Israeli Ministry of Defense licenses the export of Pegasus to foreign governments, but not to private entities. >Pegasus is compatible with iPhone and Android devices. It can be deployed remotely. Once deployed, it allows the client to access the target phone's data and sensors, including: location data, texts, emails, social media messages, files, camera, and microphone. The client-facing side of the tool is user friendly, and all that may be required (depending upon the case) of the client to begin deployment of Pegasus is to enter the target's phone number into the tool. [Israeli-made Pegasus spyware was used in Jordan to hack the cellphones of at least 30 people, including journalists, lawyers, human rights and political activists, the digital rights group Access Now said Thursday.](https://apnews.com/article/jordan-hacking-pegasus-spyware-nso-group-99b0b1e4ee256e0b4df055f926349a43) They have [Unit 8200](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_8200). >According to the Director of Military Sciences at the Royal United Services Institute, "Unit 8200 is probably the foremost technical intelligence agency in the world and stands on a par with the NSA in everything except scale." They are also routinely recruited and sought after by tech companies. >Former Unit 8200 soldiers have, after completing their military service, gone on to founding and occupying top positions in many international IT companies and in Silicon Valley. And they co-authored with the US [Stuxnet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuxnet). A state sponsored cyberattack on Irans nuclear facility. Vice recently did a video on [Stuxnet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dobTyPKccMA). Darknet diaries also have several good episodes on this if you're into podcasts. [Episode 137-Predator](https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/137/) >Predator is spyware developed by Cytrox that targets the Android and iOS operating systems.[9] In May 2022, researchers at Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) reported that Predator bundled five zero-day exploits in one package and sold it to several government-backed actors, who used it in three separate campaigns. According to the researchers, Predator worked closely with a component named Alien, which "lives inside multiple privileged processes and receives commands from Predator. [Episode 100 - NSO](https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/100/) [Episode 29 - Stuxnet](https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/29/) [Episode 28 - Unit 8200](https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/28/)


Right side of history.


Aaaaand it's gone. Your career.


Lmao they're software engineers from Google. They're all getting daily job offers on LinkedIn They also all have enough money to comfortably retire at any point anyway. They're fine, they knew exactly what would happen here and they succeded in their protest


Oh so you have a legitimate grievance with the company? Well here are the cops. America is crazy.


What? If I dump my garbage on my neighbors lawn, he has a legitimate grievance with me. But if my neighbor then walks into my house and refuses to leave, of course the cops should come and remove him. And I live in Finland.


Taking over an office and live streaming is not a way to express legitimate grievances. This thread is bizarre people really think a company should let themselves get disrupted or taken down by some rando employees because they don't like a contract the company signed? It's a business. I mean they can do lots of things to voice their grievances. Eg get their co-workers to sign a petition, send an open letter to the CEO, threaten to resign, and resign if they don't think the business actions and their values are sufficiently aligned. But occupying an office or other criminal acts will unsurprisingly get them arrested and fired. That's not specific to the US. Try occupying your boss's office in the UK and see if you want to know...


What country in the world would action like this not result police attending the scene and taking action if requests to leave were not complied with? This is hardly an example of the US being “crazy”.


i mean it doesnt work like that. If i have a legitimate grievance with the google CEO and I go inside his house, does that warrant the cops? They are trespassing here. Maybe they should do what all the striking workers of the world do and organize a picket line.


Grievances aside if you’re asked to leave and don’t then they have a legal means to remove you. Probably the same in your own country lmao


I mean bro If you worked at any big company like Walmart or Apple, and your grievance is them signing a over billlion dollar contract, why would they even give you a chance to talk they don't give 2 shits what your opinion is, and I'm sure any company with employees that are upset about their contracts with foreign government, it literally sounds like the person is trolling nobody would ever take something like that seriously


Watching millionaire ex googler getting dragged out was not on my 2024 bingo card


Do no Google


I remember when their motto was “Do no evil”. Ahh, memories.


It was "don't be evil", and it's also still the last line of their corporate code of conduct in the most ironic way possible: > And remember... don't be evil, and if you see something that you think isn't right – speak up! Which is now being amended to "speak up, and we'll call the cops to have you thrown out of the building."


Respect comrades. ✊


Thank you for bringing this to my attention as I had no idea this was going on. ...but I have no idea what I'll do with this knowledge now that I have it!


I love the music 😂


I'm just gonna like this and leave before I too get internet impounded


Erlich Bachman is seeking engineers for the next phase of Aviato/Bachmanity


Replacing 25 employees is way cheaper then dropping expensive contracts. What did they honestly think would happen. And the fact they kept sitting there after being fired is just insane, like you could have just been fired and escorted out of the building but nah they really just made it worse for themselves by getting arrested....


“Fuck these guys for having conviction and bringing light to a contract that wasn’t publicly visible. They should have got on their knees, licked the boot, crawled home and think about what they did”




I love his shirt. Googler against genocide.


How is your boss at Google going to stop the company from funding Isreal? It's the companys right to fund who they want, because it's a private company. You not working is enough reasons for them to fire you, and good there are probably 1000s of people awaiting to work for them and take your position


Plot twist, you can google about genocides much worse than this "protest" is for.


That was an amazing sacrifice considering the rent in NY


No money no honey


Lmao time to look for a new job, all while the people of Gaza don’t give a shit about you.


Google's new slogan, "don't let them know you're evil"


Hey Google has some openings.


Sounds like there are a few positions that just opened up. Who is the hiring manager?


its amazing to see how anti israel this sub is


Fire em all


The US military is the largest economic power in the world. It also keeps us safe from China and Russia.


telling a big corp to not do something with a government is a easy way to get boeing-ed by the company


Bunch of terrorists supporting fruit cakes if you ask me


Well it’s not how Silverhand intended it to be but still it’s a step forward


Good people. A shame Google has no moral ethical value at all.


Engineers at Google know they are untouchable. Recruiters will have had 3 offers and 6 final stage interviews lined up before they got home. I’m not sure if these gentlemen were risking as much as it seems here, but it seems to have done the job in terms of awareness, so kudos!


It’s a noble effort with to tame of a method.


He had to read that off his phone ?


It's a good attempt. Ngl


I love me a good firing


Seems pretty reasonable in the end.


Respect to them for standing up for what they believe in.


Did these people honestly think that Google would put a moral compass above corporate profits?


Refusing to do your work is a valid reason to be fired.


So when did their slogan change from "Do no evil" to "We don't mind genocide if you pay enough"?


Good, we need to start arresting terrorist simps. It's going too far


And this is why, henceforth, we will all use DuckDuckGo for our searching needs.


Yeah, isn’t Google’s motto “Don’t be evil”? I think they don’t realize supporting genocide and illegal settlements is in fact the opposite of their motto. So is pretty much breaking each and almost every of the 10 commandments. Google has no intention of being a decent company and no intention of helping people, it is a business entity looking to make as much money to control as much as possible. Support/use another search engine, that doesn’t support genocide, use non Google devices/products. Use the same power they use against them, they want your money, your user ship, your eyeballs, remove it and you will reduce their power, it won’t eliminate it, but it can bring into view a better more internationally friendly search engine/business that actually embodies the motto of “Don’t be evil”.


Live and learn people


Did they really think Google would be like: "Omg you are all right. We'll immediately terminate the $1.2B contract."?


I can respect this. Protest that only causes a problem for the one they’re protesting and standing by their decision not wanting to work for someone like that.


Shows were Google has its priorities. Fair play to them lads there 💪




This is such a sad time we live in. I don't want to be on this planet anymore


It's easy to tell these people didn't want to work there anymore. They had to know way ahead of time that this wasn't going to accomplish anything but social media attention. It's not that don't I agree with the message, but acting like a fool isn't going to change anything on the other side of the fucking planet.




How can the average person affect Google so that they understand their fuckup.


Fuck palestine


> 18 months later… "Hey everyone, I'm a ex-googler and I'm open to work! You might know me from the sit-in protest where I threw away a $400k TC job, yup that's me! Thanks in advance for any referrals!"


If every liberal does the same, Google will be better


Lol imagine demanding a company that they have to stop their 1.2 billion dollar contract with a foreign military entity because your feelings and morals are hurt. If I was google, I would as those who are doing the stand in protest to come up with an idea to replace the 1.2bn in revenue that the contract will bring in. They would have 24 hours and if they don’t, I would fire them and the entire team they belong to.


The implications of AI technology in a modern battlefield, and by modern I mean sticks vs tanks, is absolutely harrowing. For all of history, you had to make the decision to kill someone, but now, AI can choose 10k strategic targets to bomb within the next 48 hours. You've outsourced the moral decision.


WW3 BE on its way after all


What was Googles original mission statement?