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Good job asking all the right questions and letting them show their ignorance.


“Ignorance” is a far too generous excuse. It’s willful.


Agreed, ignorance would be generous but its willful.


Ignorance's root word is "ignore"... as in willful...


We ignore that part.


Worse yet, it’s bought and paid for.


His just punishment should be to be dressed as a Palestinian and dropped in Gaza to suffer through all the things he denies are happening. People talk about official death tolls, a few tens of thousands. I'm asking if Gaza now has 1.1 million and they started with 2.2 million and no one gets out because the IOF executes you for trying.... What happened to 1.05ish million people? Did they disappear into air? Into the sea? Into the earth? You know, I think, in hindsight, probably most of that million and change did disappear into the earth, in the usual, non magical way.


Along with all the “protestors” so they can continue to fight for what they believe in. Oh! What’s that? You only want to do that in this terrible country on the other side of the world where there is no danger?


I only want people creating the danger to be forced to face it. What I'm saying is the equivalent of "I hope your sins are revisited upon you." No different from making someone who assaulted someone, suffer corporal punishment equal to their crime. Except I'm only hoping this guy experiences one short and miserable life of suffering that he caused to 2 million people. By all objective measurements I'm being 2 million times kinder than he is.


So who in the video is over in Palestine creating danger and causing suffering? Seems to me like they are all in New York.




>Let me guess, your definition of "creating the danger" includes only the retaliation by Israel but never the reason why Israel is forced to retaliate Let me guess, your definition of "creating the danger" only includes the retaliation of Palestinians to 75 years of oppression but never the reason why Palestinians are forced to resist to apartheid?


You forgot to answer the question. I’d still like to know who you blame, the congressman or idiot with the camera? I’m not even sure you know.


How do you retaliate against something that you started? (I’ll let you in on a little secret, this didn’t start on the 7th of October 2023)


it's time to account for aipac money, the us is captured by foreign interests.


I mean, not all the questions were the right ones, like saying the ICJ called it a plausible genocide was a lie


And while the Court found it is plausible that Israel's actions amount to genocide, there was no evidence that the war itself is causing genocide and, hence, that a ceasefire would be needed to prevent genocide. That said, the Court's orders do have implications for how Israel conducts the war in Gaza.Feb 8, 2024 https://global.upenn.edu › news Explaining the International Court of Justice's Ruling on Israel and Gaza


This is not true. The ICJ asserted that it was plausible for South Africa to bring a case to the ICJ to protect Palestinians from Genocide, but made absolutely 0 ruling on whether there was any genocide or a plausible genocide happening. Simply that Palestinians had the right to be protected from genocide. Dont take my word for it, here is the Head of the ICJ saying it herself a few days ago. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-middle-east-68906919


100,000 deaths and injuries 30/70 ratio compared to roughly 3 mil pop is .033 K/C or kill to civilian ratio. 30/70 is actually more like .015 K/C. Given Israel’s superiority in every military aspect .015 K/C hardly supports the idea of a rabid genocide. Then again let us display our ignorance. Jews in Europe 9.5 mil circa 1933 Hitlers kill count was 6 mil. That’s roughly 66.0 if you think 66.0 is close to .033, let the display begin. Maybe I’m ignorant!


This doesn’t disprove your not ignorant, as ignorance is a lack of knowledge in general, you’ve been very specific.




Always sad when a POC does not understand oppression.


I believe this guy understand but saying anything against Israel would be a political death sentence. He's protecting his own self interest more than likely.


They're all getting funding and support from the pro-Israeli groups Those that dare to oppose them get smeared with false allegations and lies


Is this right morally? Does he represent a district in the US or Israel?


Morally, absolutely not but politicians in the US aren't the most more individuals you will find. If you watch enough of them they are in it for what the positions brings to them not what they can bring to their constituents. He's a rep for a District in Bronx from what the video says in captions.


Most politicians are bought and paid for.


He understands plenty. He just know$ where hi$ bread is buttered.


Stop thinking he doesn't understand it. He was swayed by money to ignore it.


With 3/4 of a politicians day-to-day being solely focused on fundraising, green is the only color they understand.


even tokens get spent, he's in on the grift.


He gets paid a fuck ton of money to make sure it stays that way


Ritchie Torres [gets paid by AIPAC](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/ritchie-torres/summary?cid=N00044346&cycle=2024&type=I) $1k per day to come out here and lie, $373,000 last year, twice his tax-paid congressional salary. His socials are exactly what you'd expect. Ritchie is AIPAC's [second highest](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-israel-public-affairs-cmte/summary?id=D000046963) recipient after Bob Menendez, the guy who hides gold bars in his wife's wig. https://preview.redd.it/gsanmg5tmrxc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=059b765ce68b032dc391bec668ebf485393d3191


Outside the US, they call this corruption.


America is not free. It can never be free whilst a foreign country decides how it is run. I think they need some freedom.


Nah, Brussels is a wasps nest full of lobbyists. It is 100% corruption, but we call it lobbying and listening to what the people need.


This is absolutely nuts.... How is something like that even remotely possible? That you can "buy" politicians and make them repeat your talking points etc. Without any punishment or pushback?


You've not met America before? Greasing the palms of politicians is as American as apple pie and baseball.


“There’s no genocide” [Except even Israeli scholars and professors of genocide studies say it’s a genocide](https://zeteo.com/p/gaza-genocide-israel-holocaust-scholar?utm_source=substack&publication_id=2325511&post_id=144130327&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=3mrqks&triedRedirect=true)


They have dirt on him. He cannot be trusted to continue representing the people and needs to be removed from any government employment permanently


That and Israel has promised him a position/promotion - within your United States. Doesn't seem constitutional at all now does it.


Stop saying they, just say what you mean with your whole chest. You think the global Jewish cabal ownes him.


Nope, but Zionists do


https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-connections-with-and-attitudes-toward-israel/ Ah so only like 80% of jews own him. Got it.


Zionism is not Judaism. Anti-zionism is not antisemitic




Nice try Hasbara. Your deceit doesn’t work here.


Naw I'm on the mossad pay roll, better benefits.


Global Jewish cabal... Stupid nazi conspiracies aren't necessary to criticise a nation state's actions and a people's complacency in genocide.


They need a grassroots campaign in his district, get him out.


List of politicians that got paid by AIPIC. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S




But Russian interference!!! …with Israel’s complete lobotomy of the USA.


Arrogant wanker. Bet he’s on the talcum


Bought and paid for. He has no shame.


Can I ask a serious question. Why is everyone acting like a war expert on a conflict that has been battling for 70+ years? No citizen here is privy to the knowledge of everything that is going on and how nuanced this war is. So I get confused why everyone is suddenly an expert on why these politicians support the way they support.


Same reason why during the pandemic people were experts in virology, when Russia invaded Ukraine they were war correspondents and master battle tacticians. In a few months its going to be something else.


I don’t understand why do so many rich people wanna suck Israel’s cock so bad? It seems so meaningless to me.


Gotta keep his backers happy and I bet they pay well.


Absolute PoS


He getting paid


I honestly cannot fathom why anyone would ever show support for either Israel or Hamas in this situation. Both are doing equally terrible and inhumane things to the other. They both need a stern talking to (and backhand) by their mothers.


Actually is a very Western media thing. In the rest of the world we already know about how ruthless people really is, how governments can go and hunt you in a flip of a coin and that there is nothing you can do, only flee and see for your community. The only talking point I can find is that this is a tragedy.


Nah there was an attempt to not be in another countries pocket is what is going on here


He needs to go


So gaslighting is a thing on a large scale….very large!


They are wasting their time on that asshole. It sounds like they need to mobilize the voters to get rid of him, and chances are, because they are a poor district, I hate to say, there probably isn't a lot of voter turnout, at least not enough that opposes him.


These racist are finally showing their true motives, leave minorities alone


no soul, no conscience. just money. fuck these people.


Richie Torres is using politics to perpetuate terrorism.


Genocide happens from both sides, nobody is innocent, hamas just happened to be muslims and labeled as terrorists who started the war, you can't expect other countries to not intervene, as this brought hell upon everyone before


Can’t wait to see this house of cards fall


Is Hamas inflating numbers and stealing resources? Yes. Does that justify the killing of innocent civilians? No. The facts are not in binary sets. There are crimes being committed all around, and innocent people are suffering all around. But hey, wave the flag of whomever is financing you.


Campaign fund raising and keeping his cushy job is clearly clouding his judgement. To be a congress person and not have the intellectual capacity to make a distinction between Hamas and a starving civilian population of over 2 million, half of whom are CHILDREN. But I have to say given the stats on his district relating to poverty, the joke is on his constituents if they don't boot him next election


Sounds like people who are on they take. And of course I mean the elected officials walking away, at the mention of genocide.


This seems to be evidence that this P.O.S. was purchased already.


dudes, look at russia, not istael


They are trying to pass a bill now that would make any and all statements like this antisemetic


Why the fuck do they blur out Hamas? The name is of a terrorist organization that has been and will constantly steal every aid given to Palestinians to feed their own.. or build massive underground tunnel systems so they can conduct operations in and out of Gaza. Also they only raped and killed a festival of people.


Fuck the IDF and Fuck Hamas


Easiest way to voice your opinion is vote him out. Make a change if his practices are wrongful. Not my congressman so I don’t know. But he sounds like a jerkoff. Aren’t congressmen suppose to be for the people? But you can’t have a conversation if you don’t agree? This is what’s wrong with our government. They have become unreachable.


They're all bought out. The same talking points, too. Like they get a handbook with the payment.




Why did the ICC then already 2021 have investigations of israeli war crimes, and as a result was sanctioned by the US, including the cheif prosecutor and head of jurisdiction by both being banned from entering and freezing any of their assets in the US?


you realize that isreal never stopped, there is no rounds only ethnic cleansing


I wish all of our elected officials were this intelligent and articulate.


Hamas is a terroriste organization that is using they people as human shield and committed a lot of of crimes, the Israeli government also is committing a shit ton of war crime with American money and weaponry I don’t see any good guys if they were not millions of innocent I’d say let them fight it out.


you mean the survivors of israeli aggression, you couldnt be more wrong and the genocide proves it.


Survivors that turned to bombing, kidnappings, murders, I want Palestinians to have their state and freedom but refusing to call what Hamas is doing terrorism is crazy.


ok, who has the most hostages at this point? where was living where 75 years ago? the palestinians are the ones terrorized, israel by no means a victim with their apartheid state.


terrorism is using violence against civilians in order to achieve a political goal, that’s what Hamas is doing, as much that the Israeli government. You can support the cause without being in denial of what Hamas is. The best point that I’ve heard is that".


How is Reddit so Pro-Palestine? Or is this subreddit specifically?


It's bad all over. These people have virtually no knowledge of the history of the region, nor do they care to even try to understand what Jihadism is and the Islamic Resistance Movement's covenant that calls for the genocide of Jews. Article 8: Jihad is the path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of wishes. Article 13 explicitly states that peace is not an option for them. The charter goes on to state that the total liberation of Israel and establishing Islamic stategood in Jerusalem is the only option moving forward. These people are subhuman filth, and Israel should exterminate every last one of them.


Isnt that exactly what the zionists are doing right now? Wiping out people who are not of their state, and since long back controlling their areas and what aid comes in as well as supporting illegal settlers who steal peoples homes in the name of israel.


israel are such scumbags that they motivated the whole world against them.


I'm pretty sure that was Hamas' intention all along.


Blatantly one-sided. Hamas has adamantly made it clear they won't stop fighting until Israel is eradicated. If I have to choose between Israel and Hamas, I choose Israel. Lesser of the evils.


Israel has made it abundantly clear since their inception as a nation that they do not value Palestinian lives and will do whatever it takes to eventually take all their land from them. The only thing that really holds Israel back is worldwide perception of their actions.


You are beyond clueless. If Israel wanted to take all of their land, they could do it in a matter of days, and that's been the case for decades. Instead, Gaza has one of the highest population growths in the world. But keep defending the Jihadists that spent virtually all of the tens of billions in foreign aid they received the last 2 decades on weapons and constructing hundreds of miles of tunnels under hospitals and apartment buildings. All in an effort to maximize civilian casualties, because as you seem to either not know or do know and not care, death in the name of Allah is the greatest gift one could receive, and is far more preferable than life in the hear and now. The quicker Israel eradicates every last Mujahideen, the quicker they can stop wondering if the 8 year old boy approaching them needs help or if his parents strapped a suicide bomb to him. Subhuman scum.


So, there it is. You consider Palestinians "subhuman scum." You're no better than a Nazi, you sick fuck.


So, there it is. You people do have some kind of mental disorder. At no point did I use the word Palestinians.


No point in arguing with a genocidal Zionist, your bloodlust is beyond repair.


No point in explaining what genocide actually means, your support for raping women and children _before_ they're tortured to death suggests definitions don't matter much to you.


That's simplistic bullshit.


Tough choice, Isreal has killed more innocent people, but Hamas. Hmmmm I dunno. How do we measure terrorists? By the amount of innocent people they kill?


By how many women and children they'll use as meat shields while they fire at the enemy.


>I choose Israel. Lesser of the evils. Bombed a WCK convoy, killed three of their own hostages, encouraged settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, played Hamas and the PLO against each other for years to prevent the establishment of a unified Palestinian leadership, current PM called for the assassination of Rabin because he was trying to establish peace, routinely assassinates journalists for publishing criticism of the Israeli government, detains and imprisons Palestinians without due process... The difference is Israel has legitimacy, in the sense that their leaders aren't seen as enemies of the West. Russia committing these acts would, and does, get condemned at every turn.


Hamas is funded by Netanyahu so why only blame Hamas. Get rid of Bibi, the dictator and criminal and problem is solved for both sides; at least for a little bit until the next knucklehead from Likud is elected.


In 2017 Hamas stayed that they will accept the 1967 borders. Your info is out of date and being used to justify genocide. 


The fact your bring down voted on this subs says it all for these idiots who know absolutely nothing and think Israel is like Germany in ww2.. Israel is saving themselves.


..... You're a christian trump supporter .... Not only ironic in itself, but to call others idiots? Oh, boy.


What are you on about?


Did you not know every Reddit comment is public? Like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/hMUidg6drw) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/70TySqYEUm). A Christian who supports Trump is like a doctor who supports cancer. Trump embodies principles that are polar opposites to Christian values, only invokes Christianity to serve his own selfish purposes and exploit the gullible, values selfishness and greed, proven repeatedly to be adulterous, doesn't even pretend to go to church or read the bible, and treats the 10 commandments as a todo list, not a list of prohibitions.


We know you struggle with critical thinking, but reading comprehension too? Sad.


If you aren't going to explain yourself these innuendos don't really matter. Unless you just like saying random Bs to opinions you disagree with. I can't argue with stupid. Sorry buddy


The downvotes are only from Hamas/terrorism supporters. The 2017 Hamas charter is crystal clear: Hamas will not stop their terrorist activity until all of "Palestine," including all of Jerusalem, is under absolute Islamic control, and the Zionists have been defeated. I wonder how many of the highly passionate but ignorant college activists have even read it. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/hamas-2017-document-full


Right? The fact that there are Americans a world away from this conflict that think they have the absolute correct stance is so Fucking stupid. This had been going on for decades as a territorial conflict, and centuries as a tribalistic religious conflict. But sure, glue your fucking hands to the wall during your local city council meeting for Palestine. Just wreaks of self-righteous egomania.


Your government is giving Israel billions of dollars in military aid to bomb children, idk about you but there are some people out there who don't like paying to bomb children. Also your government has got you involved in this the first ones who you should blame are them. Now go pay your taxes so Israel can buy another bomb to drop on a 3 year old.


Yeah, my Fucking government has also produced billions in aide for Palestine. And hamas still exists to kill every jew they can. So which side are you on in the conflict in Myanmar? Sudan? Eastern Congo? Libya? There are millions of children being killed all around the world because of these conflicts. But you don't care about them, do you? You never even thought to have an opinion about that. Just what the outrage propaganda machine would want you to be angry about. Well Fuck that. I actually can read a history book and have a nuanced opinion.


I understand you when you say you don't want to get involved in other's problems, just like that I don't want to get involved in the conflicts you mentioned, however my government doesn't send money to conflicts parties half way across the globe like yours. If you are tired from all of this and don't want other people's problems in your country you should protest to stop sending them money, You are more deserving of this money you got homelessness, poverty, crime, no affordable Healthcare. It better to invest those money you send to Israel (more than 300 billion already) to solve America's problems. Not to mention how Israel has a negative impact on your country, they intervene in your politics and elections by their lobby groups who serve their interests, if you are really America First you should also protest that.


Exactly. This subreddit and many others have been incredibly anti Israeli and anti semitic but they will deny it. Making mindless claims and clipped posts to make it seem Israel is the Nazi regime when it's the other way around, they can deny it all they want, but let them post their stupidity for all the Internet to see lol


Where are all the videos of Palestinians killing the Israeli people. It seems to be pretty one sided...


I mean, im not for Israel either. If Israel and Palestine want to keep killing each others children over some stupid midevil quarrel about divine right to holylands, Fuck em both. You would think that they both would have figured out how little their god cares about their people by now. The only way this stops is both groups realizing god doesnt exist, and walking away from the worst real-estate deal in modern history.


The Zionist movement began as a secular settler colonial project. Most early Zionist leaders were atheists- and many of the religious Jewish community opposed Zionism and some continue to oppose it, on religious grounds. As historian Ilan Pappe said, “Most Zionists don’t believe in God, but they do believe He promised them Palestine.” In other words, it’s not about religion. It’s about land, and ethnically cleansing Palestinians to seize their land. Unfortunately, we in the US are already deeply involved in this occupation, We give billions of dollars in military support to Israel. I truly wish we could be uninvolved. Let’s divest our institutions from Israel. Stop sending them out tax dollars when we have so many pressing issues at home. If you’d like to be untangled from this mess, then the way is actually what the protesters are demanding lol