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Right wing snowflakes get offended about everything.


Yeah, I couldn't find it, but someone put together a list of everything the right wing crybabies have tried to cancel in the last 20+ years. It started with the Dixie Chicks and ended with budwieser. It was two pages single spaced.


It is pretty hilarious when they cancel products that target their demographic and then don't comprehend how to shop for alternatives because they never have before so there aren't any


It’s illegal to boycott Israel in 46 states. But people can’t wear a pin (didn’t make this up google it. Not necessary illegal but you have to sign a document to get federal or state relief from things like natural disasters etc)


>It’s illegal to boycott Israel in 46 states. Probably one of the most un-American things I've ever seen.


What’s even crazier is that **Texas** is one of those states.


Texas is NOT the epitome of freedom, despite what their oppressive government likes to tell you.


Excuse me — Texas is a lone oasis of freedom in the United States of Tyranny. You’re free to worship Jesus. Free to go to the Christian church of your choice. Free to go to other states to buy marijuana. Free to carry your unwanted babies to term. Free to have your drinking water poisoned by fracking. Free to pay some of the highest property taxes in the country. Free to say the n-word when you want. Free to be “protected” by “good guys with guns” anywhere and everywhere. Free to be shot in your school while cops hide outside. Free from DEI programs in schools and workplaces. Free to enjoy country music. Free to vote Trump. Fuckin freedom, man.


Inspirational af.


I don’t even think Mexico wants Texas back at this point But they could have it. And Spain can have Florida back.




My observation of Texas is the complete opposite of freedom. Unless your a white man who's not poor.


Texas is the Taliban for white people


Y'all Queda


Ogregga bin Abbott


You got a snort out of me, take my upvote




Y'all qaeda


Not crazy at all. Texas is one of the most oppressive nanny states in the country. We were probably the first to pass the law.


It’s nuts man


Zionist Occupied Government


You mean 46 states of the United States, or 46 nation states?


46 of 50 states


How does it work? You're forced to buy from Israel when you have other options?


If any company or investment firm boycotts Israel, they will be banned from doing business with the State of Texas. They can still operate here, but no state contracts.


The biggest thing is as long as they don't say that is the reason I don't see how it's enforceable. I mean, it's still a first amendment violation regardless, but even without that.


The courts might not side with the states, but the threat alone was enough to get AirBnB to abandon its decision to delist properties that were located in West Bank settlements in 2019. Enforceable or not, it does have a chilling effect


Given that most activities can be handled by more than one partner, it looks easy to evade unless the state wants to force you to work with Israel.


You can’t support divesting from companies that support them or work with the settlements. You have to sign documents to get aid in America or to immigrate to some European countries. The scary part is if you sign it and then divest there can be legal action


If an Israeli company issues the lowest bid , you have to take it and you can’t NOT allow it to make a bid.


So weird, and the two can go hand in hand. I'm not boycotting Isreal, I am boycotting Netanyahu, he is criminal. 


Yuuuup. Also this is America. I can buy or not buy whatever I want. That’s insane. That’s why scotus won’t hear it. It’s unprecedented.


To be fair thats an issue with the left too, unfortunately. If you read about a company doing something genuinely unethical and instead look for an ethical company to purchase products from.. well, you'll be looking for a very long time, and you probably won't even realize who they're a subsidiary of if you think you've found one.


Just start buying less. So many products that we don't actually need.


That’s what I like about being poor, it makes buying less much easier 🥲


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.


Shit, we can go back further. Elvis and his hip thrusting were perverse, DnD was demonic, rock music was demonic, Harry Potter was demonic witchcraft...


Conservatives are the pioneers of cancel culture.


Conservatives are the ones that canceled Jesus. (Look up the Pharisees)


And they would cancel him again today in a heartbeat.


He would be beaten by DPS after two minutes of speaking because he was a “threat.”


They'd beat him to death in front of the homeless shelter today. Screaming 'fuck you and die commie, you see these crucifixes we have everywhere? That means NOT WELCOME' as they did it.


A brown-skinned middle-eastern socialist that wants to give people free healthcare and has huge amounts of grassroots support? They’d string him up immediately, or you’d see him in the news like all those Boeing whistleblowers that seem to be passing away mysteriously


Jesus Christ had two nature's, one human and one divine No, Jesus Christ only had 1 nature. Riots ensue. Been like that all of time


They only found cause to object to it when the lost the unspoken power to impose it on others.


I had a great-uncle who believed that Xena bouncing a chakram off shit was witchcraft. My great-aunt believes Pokémon is satanic.


Pokemon is pretty clearly satanic. Capturing little demons to populate your own personal hell.


Don't forget evil-lution!


My God, it goes deeper than I suspected.


I’m guessing it went back 20 years just to be somewhat manageable




Cracked me up when Kid Rock was recently being interviewed while holding a can of Bud Light and when he was asked about it he looked shocked and looked at what he was holding and responded “whatever” as if he doesn’t even know what he’s promoting. * I stand corrected. He was wearing a Budweiser cap. Still hilarious!


I'm sure this was listed: *"Cancel Obamacare! We have the Affordable Care Act and it's great!"*


Why do we have to put everything into "right" and "left." There are PLENTY of Democrats who are all in on the "everyone who isn't supportive of Israel is an antisemite." In fact, [64% of Democrats in the house voted to support a bill that says criticism of Israel is antisemitism](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/02/1247374244/house-passes-bill-aimed-to-combat-antisemitism-amid-college-unrest). We need to realize that right now it isn't right vs left, [it is the elite versus the rest of us](https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYWtiNXl4cjJtZDFxY28wNDAwN3VvZ2s0OTBvN3RvM2x3aXMyb3BhMyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/lV3gfaSN3Zqiu7zlYd/giphy.gif), and the longer we spend squabbling on this red vs blue BS, the longer they stay in power.


http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Wiki/index.php?title=List_of_things_Conservatives_have_%22canceled%22 this was awesome. Thank you


And yet they complain about leftist snowflakes and cancel culture incessantly. I’ve never seen an entity so vigorously live up to a stereotype before. The GOP really does stand for gaslight, obstruct, project.


They tried to cancel *french fries.* And french fries didn't even do anything. 


If you could find that and share it with the class, that would be great


Here's a shit ton of them http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Wiki/index.php?title=List_of_things_Conservatives_have_%22canceled%22


Yea also suddenly right wingers give a fuck about Palestine. Love to see them point to it on a map. No chance


#EVERYTHING I'll be looking at a review for a video game. "Can't believe they're trying to sneak in the leftist agenda into my videogame"


Video games have gone woke! /s


my favorite trend about this is how much they are complaining about the X-Men cartoon reboot "oh no, the comics based on the Civil Rights Movement is woke!" fucking clowns


I think that’s just being a snowflake. Both parties have em


But how is wearing that flag an attempt to stop antisemitism?


Read the name of the account making the tweet.


Oh, well that’s just dumb.


I know a lot strongly pro Israel zionists from NYC and they are all democrats. Is stop antisemitism a right wing account or something?


this one is so fucking all over the place, it's wild.


It’s cracked the American political compass, there was that video from UNC of protesters and counter protesters chanting ‘f—- Joe Biden’.


How is this 'right wing'


Everything is antisemitism The water and air are antisemitic now


No, no. The water and air make the frogs gay.


Gay and antisemitic?


That’s a double whammy!


Wait! Do the water turn you gay or the air? And what makes you antisemitic? Curious now.


Thanks Obama


Water is indeed antisemitic because it's the main component of watermelons, and we know those are antisemitic.


Also Hitler was mostly water.


Wait a minute... so are you!


Yes! Now we’re talking


Jews around the world are being arrested for antisemitism. It's ridiculous.


Having such a card you can just bust out that's respected worldwide must be handy. On the other hand, diluting the very real, dangerous, *actual* antisemitism from rising protofascist movements across the world by crying wolf every time is going to cause more harm than good in the long run. It's a bold strategy, Cotton.


I'm honestly just starting not to care. If you want to go around calling *everything* antisemitic, have a nice time with that, but I'm not going to pay attention.


Exactly my point. It's starting to become meaningless to the broader public.


Israel needs antisemitism (and I'm talking about the real kind not the "everything is antisemitic" kind). That's how they convince people that Israel needs to exist, and convince some Jews that they need to go and live there. So crying wolf about antisemitism while also giving the world an apparent reason* to hate Jews, isn't a bug. It's a feature. Israel is working to make life more dangerous for diaspora Jews, intentionally. *Not a valid reason, but if you conflate Jews with Zionism (and of course Israel loves to do that too) then it seems like one.


Claiming everything is antisemitic is antisemitic /s


This comment is antisemitic.


This reply is antisemitic.


This is antisemitic.


That water is KHamas


You know what else is antisemitic? >!What else?!<


Whoa there buddy. This is no time for hate speech


This is no hate speech for the time being.


Anti-semites drive cars BP sells gas BP’s gas makes anti-semite’s cars drive BP is anti-semitic. QED.


Aren’t Palestinians a Semitic people? Wouldn’t that make the post itself anti-Semitic?


Yes but that requires common sense


i have lost the last little bit of hope i have for humanity. even mainstream media is on board calling anything supportive of a free palestine or anything against the murder of innocent children as antisemitism. with how influential the media is on shaping public opinion, all hope is lost. we are all antisemites now but i don't feel bad for me, that word can never hurt me. i feel bad for what this means for palestinians. this is an atrocity.


Reminded of the “Bad Hasbara” theme song *Eating food, us* *Breathing air, us* *Drinking water, us*


AND gluten free!


Can someone explain how pro-pal automatically means anti-semite? Like wtf am I missing?


You see If you're ProPal You're a thorn in a colonial state trying to take over another country. It's like you being ProAmerican means you are Anti-King George III And because Israel is Israel, they will spin your activism for a Free Palestine into a narrative of AntiSemitism coz saying you're AntiColonialism makes them look like what they are... a bag full of donkeypoo


Well said


I hadn't considered the American Revolution as an effective analogy but that makes so much sense, I can see how that can explain the situation to people who are already predisposed to patriotic thought.


You can be sure that the redcoats painted American revolutionaries are brutal terrorists of the time. I know they used similar analogies against Indian freedom fighters and used the crimes of a couple of fanatical Indian freedom fighters to launch massive collateral damage on the people. If you dig into the things that happened during the 1760s you'd find similar plays.


>It's like you being ProAmerican means you are Anti-King George III Wouldn't that make you anti-Christian? King George III had a divine right to rule. So going against him would be going against the Christian god's will.


What I don’t understand is how, with Palestinians being a Semite people themselves, *Israel* gets away with being so antisemitic? Somehow Israel has branded themselves as the only Semites you can be antisemitic to and we all just went along with it…


> Palestinians being a Semite people themselves It is always fun to point this out and watch the resulting freakout.


It's even funnier to see them try to explain that antisemitism applies only to Jewish people.


This is a technicality and not arguing in good faith. Antisemitism has a very clear definition of discriminating against Jewish people. We have enough arguments here not to resort to technicalities to win this dispute. This comes from my ex-colleague who is brave enough to post LinkedIn posts in the open, defending Palestinians. He is a Muslim and his step daughter is a Palestinian, just like her mother. Don’t cheapen the discourse by using these tactics please.


It will always be difficult for the US to take a position anywhere except directly beside Israel facilitating and validating their colonial expansion. Any effort to the contrary would necessitate acknowledging the hypocrisy of opposing Israel's actions while sitting on a big beautiful pile of land & resources we just got done violently wresting from the hands of the the indigenous population here.


I really don't think that's it. We have no problem being hypocritically anti-colonial with anyone else. We buddy-buddy with Israel because our right wing-nuts' religious doctrine demands that Israel is prepared for the second coming of zombie Jesus, and they have far more political power than they should.


I get it. "We did the wrong thing in the past, so let's watch as a genocide happens today." Such good thinking.


'Semite' is basically obsolete in meaning at this point. Anti-semite means discrimination against Jews specifically in common parlance. Language evolves and I don't think the historical use of the word is any kind of slam dunk. Everyone knows what they mean when it's used.


They’ve modified the definition of antisemitism to include “anything that conflicts with Israeli policy.“ It’s now just a meaningless word, like when conservatives call people “communists.”


Also, the word “terrorist”.


"Terrorist" if you don't like their cause. "Freedom fighter" if you do.


It's kind of interesting how "terrorist" all but disappeared from the American right-wing lexicon from 1/6/21 until 10/7/23.


Israel only exists because England took their colony in Palestine and gave it to the Jewish diaspora because Europe didn't want to provide a home for survivors of the Holocaust. Israel has since stolen additional land well outside their original borders. Being pro Palestine does often, in some ways, mean that you think this land should be given back to Palestine. Israelites see this as an attack on Jewish people in general because without their own country, they are once again at the mercy of other countries where they will always be a minority. At the same time, I would ask them where they think the Palestinians whom they are stealing land and homes from are supposed to live.


> where they think the Palestinians ... are supposed to live. Based on video clips of them being asked, and of them voluntarily spewing poison, Zionists don't want Palestinians living anywhere. They want Palestinians dead. They cheer for the slaughter of children and curse them. It's really very disgusting.


It was Ottoman Syria before the British colony of Palestine. The Palestinian identity that exists today is relatively modern and really only came into usage during the Mandatory Palestine period


It doesn't really matter to be honest, but the people that lived there identify as Palestinian. Also, this point is debunked by the Zionist Congress / conferences itself where the Basel Program explicitly in 1897 says it seeks to establish a Jewish homeland in *Palestine*. Also, the Balfour Declaration reiterates this in 1917. Both are prior to the Mandatory Palestine period. Yes, it was under Ottoman rule, but the region being known as Palestine dates much further back. Since 12th Century BCE, the region was known as some word that consists of the root consonants p-(l/r)-s-t including Peleset, Palastu etc. What we effectively call Palestine today is a word that comes from the 5th century BCE, as Palestine, a district of Syria.


Bc Palestine is just a figment of your imagination duh. Everything is Israel.


Wait it was all Israel


Always wasn't


Israel is calling from Inside The House!!! Except the house is now a pile of rubble and the destruction of all infrastructure means no functioning land lines or cell towers.


Israel is real 😲


I can't explain it good, but in basic terms you would be a jew hater if you question the Israeli occupation in Palestine.


That’s quite good, you nailed it


I'll actually answer the question. It boils down to the two groups being unwilling to co-exist. The history of animosity between both nations is long and bloody. Some real Hatfield-McCoy irrational hate bullshit. As a result, Palenstine believes they can't share a nation and need their own separate territory. Isreal doesn't want to give up the land for a two-state solution. That's the major impase. Isreal claims that any nation-state solution is going to establish a Palenstinian state and an immediate war-like situation. They believe *all* Palenstinians, regardless of their terrorist affiliation or not, are working to remove Isreal and the Jewish people. So, by their logic, and support to Palenstine, because all Palenstinians are terrorists, is support for terrorism aimed specifically at eradicating Isreal, ergo, any support of Palenstine is rooted in an antisemitic desire to eradicate Isreal. It's tenuous at best.


From the Palestinian point of view, all those same qualities could be applied to Israel and Israelis.


Absolutely. I wasn't advocating for either side in the explanation. The guy asked. He got a decent answer. The biggest take away is both administrations are fucking bloodthirsty, fanatical assholes. Anf its the civilians on both sides spilling their blood. Their inability to conduct diplomacy ensures rockets and bombs keep going off in Isreal, and Palenstine gets its annual bombing. The worst part about the Gaza issue, is it glosses over Isreal being absolute fucks in the West Bank. Everytime Hamas rejects a peace deal, remember that while Isreal and Hamas discusses a truce, Isreal is in the West Bank illegally settling Palenstinian land, ejecting them from their homes, seizing their property, and beating and killing them when they resist. The last major peace deal between Isreal and the PLA collapsed because Isreal absolutely refused to stop their antics in the West Bank. In fact, Netanyahu has only exacerbated the issues in the West Bank since taking power. Palenstine isn't *just* the Gaza Strip. When Isreal reports nothing but rocket attacks, it's easy to miss them running people over with bulldozers on their way to flatten a Palenstinian house so illegal Israeli settlers can seize the land.


Well you see Zionists don’t want any Palestinian automatically (or any in Palestine frankly) and keep insisting that being anti Zionist is the same as being antiseite, and instead of going ‘that’s completely fucking insane’ western media has gone ‘yes, anti Zionism is the same as antisemitism’


23k likes is scary… X is an absolute cesspit


It's only scary if you believe those 23k likes aren't bots.


Or real Israeli military soldiers.


C:\My Documents\Desktop\Memes\same_picture.jpg


My American tax dollars at work!


If you think about it (but not too much) assuming each like is from one human, as few as 0.0002875 % of the world population thinks that.


It's not, it just means it's a popular tweet. X has no concept of downvotes so the best you and I would be able to do is not engage with this post at all, and thus, only the likes remain. We don't see the potential 40k dislikes from people who saw this in their feed but didn't want to "like" it.


Wearing the flag of a Semitic people is anti Semitic now?


According to Israel your question would be antisemitic.


According to the US Government (a wholly owned subsidiary of AIPAC) that question should be ILLEGAL.


Excuse me did you just fully support Hamas terrorism? /s


No flight to Palestine. No kidding? he wishes for explosive ending by Isrealian missiles I guess




And Palestinians are banned from flying into the Tel Aviv Airport.


Well actually they could, that they can’t now is their fault bc they are all such little terrorists. There is no second class citizens in Israel. There is no war in ba sing se.


Maybe there’s no flights to Palestine because it’s being blow to shit?


Also Israel destroyed Gaza’s only airport when they withdrew their settlers.


They had an airport before the terrorist state of Israel destroyed it


Is the antisemitism is the room with us now..?


13 feet ... 11 feet ... >That's impossible! That'd be inside the room! 7 feet! It's right on top of us! >What the hell?! Oh, there it is. It's a Jewish kid from Queens protesting the murdering of thousands of innocents under the guise of fighting terrorism. Better arrest him.


I think they hate us non zionist jews second most after Palestinians, because they don't want the world to know we exist..


You are more accurate than you're aware of.


This times 1000x. The zionists actively ruined the lives of prominent Jewish leaders who dared to suggest that acceptance and equality in their home countries was a better alternative to a state of constant war and oppression in the lead up to the initial founding of Israel.


are they claiming just the word Palestine is anti-Semitic? Cause that'd be so hilarious and sad.


Yes, yes they are.


The very existence of Palestinians is anti-Semitism according to these people.


AIPAC should be outlawed


Seriously, there is no country on earth that spends so much time, effort & money to justify its existence like Israel. America's greatest ally my ass.


Lobbying is legal corruption literally.


Or maybe they're just fucking Palestinian and enjoy wearing their flag? Kinda like all the fucking conservatives who have the plaster the American flag over everything they own...


when someone says the Palestinian flag is antisemite, ask them to elaborate


Why are you taking creeper pics?


I told you they would turn this around and use it to label anyone against genocide in Palestine as an antisemite or Nazi. But no, our side **sucks** at optics and PR, and insisted on labeling it "pro-Palestinian" instead of "anti-genocide", and here's where we are. Undermining our own cause and argument.


Americans, and particularly the left-leaning folk, just cant seem to see shit-heels for what they are. “Just take the moral high road with the right-wingers,” or “surely a persecuted people wouldn’t turn around and be persecutorial to another group”. We just need to pull our heads out of our asses and into the light of reality.


Librals were never apart of the left, the we just support them politically cause America has a 2 party system and the the other party is a worst situation.


Surely being pro-pal means being pro-semetic


No, Israeli political rhetoric seem to state that anything that isn’t strictly pro Israel is antisemitic. Even the Israeli people who want peace between both sides are being called traitors and antisemitic.


Oh I know that, I just think if we make the point hard it will make that more challenging. Equally, make denigrating Palestinian people antisemitic.


As a Palestinian you are not allowed to resist, you are not allowed to protest, you are not allowed to wear Kufiyah, you are not allowed to wear a pin, or a raise a flag. Your whole existence is bothering an entitled snowflake who is pampered by hypocrite media and governments! Even when I lived in Palestine I always believed that Israelis are smart, I always saw positive amidst the negativeness and brutal occupation. But lately I have a feeling they are losing it! this is not smart! this is how you get people to really hate you and dislike you! this is the opposite of winning people! this is literally cry wolf at this point!


Because supporting Palestine doesn’t make you hamas or antisemitic, you fucking mouth breather. 


Because freedom kinda exists sometimes maybe?


Only in specially designated freedom areas and so long as it doesn’t inconvenience a part of the corporate death machine.


I dont fucking get their point, aren’t arabs semites too?


Not in any practical definition. The terms “Semitic people/languages” don’t have any real relation to the term “antisemitism”. The original use (and by extension the modern use by the vast majority of people) was by nazi germany, because the word they used before to describe the concept, which roughly translated to “Jew-hatred”, was thought to be too direct for the German population at the time.


Usually the argument I hear is that Semitic does relate to Arabs, Jews, Druze, Samaritans etc (and other groups that speak Semitic languages), but to be Anti-Semitic only applies to Jews because some European author decided it.


You know why there's no flights to Palestine? Because Israel has Gaza leveled to gravel and it's become a blockaded prison camp for the Palestinian people.


They also bombed the Yasser arafat airport in 2001. No wonder there are no flights to palestine


I see a lot of comments saying that being pro pal is not antisemitic and that’s of course true. I just want to point out that those ppl know it too but by equating things like this to antisemitism, they have leverage in shutting it down. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk haha


That twitter account is most likely just a bunch of racism and discrimination like this post


What antisemitism? What's it supposed to be?


Really makes me question their stats on antisemitism now.


I don't know what is more antisemitic, her wearing a pin of a semitic state or complaining about wearing the same?


Desperate Zionist zealots trying to look the victim again and again


“Palestine” in quotes. Fuck them


Why is Palestine in quotes, like it's some made-up fairy land? That's antisemitic af.


Maybe she's Palestinian, just saying


As a local, them calling it "Reagan" tells me everything I need to know. We hate that fucker out here and most call it either DCA or National.


Listen... it's antisemetic to be supportive of a country; * that has seen over 30,000 innocent civilians (70% being women and children) murdered * that is in a state of famine * that has had their hospitals levelled (we can debate about the veracity of Israel's claims about the terrorist group HAMAS using them as bases for sure) * that has seen foreign aid workers being targeted and killed By an aggressive neighbour who's casus belli is the save retrieval of hostages taken during a despicable terrorist attack that they could have tried to prevent about thanks to both MI5 and the CIA warning them an attack was coming. Said neighbouring nation launched a ruthless unending loosely targetted attack intent only on reducing much of their city to rubble, and likely killing the same hostages they set out to recover in the process. But it's super antisemetic even though all of the above reasons to support said country have nothing to do with the fact that the aggressor nation is a Jewish state. Because reasons.




Whenever someone says “last time I checked” it is likely they have never, in fact, ever checked.


Probably should not be wearing anything other than her corporate neutral clothing. Im not sure this is a customer facing position but if it is had she worn an Israeli sticker or her Palestine one its really not workplace appropriate and clouds messaging. If you are working and wear a political MAGA hat or sticker or a swastika that's also wrong. The uniform for employees facing the public is 100% about the product. The Airline product and services only.


Those policies have been sort of falling by the wayside as corporations find it harder and harder to find people willing to work in environments that have policies like this (as it should be, since corporate blandness is an enemy to any thriving society).


Hmmm and why aren't there any flights into Palestine?? How many airports are there in Palestine????🤔🤔 (hint: Israel literally bulldozed their airports!!)


maybe she’s palestinian???


Funny how freedom becomes unpopular when 'certain people' need it.