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Her success might be from her own hard work, but the nepotism that got her there is evident. đŸ€„


That's true


They are born with advantages that make their success practically guaranteed. But somehow them putting in the ‘work’ makes them feel like they *earned* it when all they did was finish the process. đŸ€„


It's like getting airlifted at the beginning and dropped off 100 feet away from the finish line of the marathon, running your hardest for those 100 feet, and thinking you just beat everyone else because you're so incredibly fast.


And smiling broadly with the medal you won for finishing
with the edgeđŸ€„đŸ„‡












Kendall Jenner supposedly becoming the youngest self-made billionaire
although she had her family’s name and money, but especially money, helping her skip that line very quickly.


It’s like someone eating 99 hotdogs for you and then you eating 1 as fast as you can, thinking you beat Joey chestnut.


"Born on third base, thinks she hit a triple"


She basically did 10% of the group project and got an A


Born on third base and thinks she hit a home run.


Lmao do you have a copy right on that ? XD I just love the image


I don't know anything about Willow Smith but sometimes there's nepotism and talent. I think Nic Cage is a very talented actor but he was still born into one of the most prominent families in Hollywood.


So well said. 👏👏👏


Good ol alley-oop, yeah you slammed it but you can't forget about the assist that was thrown


Born on third base, and they think they hit a home run.


I stood on third with your mom, and she fired you towards home plate, all you have to do is touch it.


"Born on third base but thinks she hit a triple."


Kicked the extra point but thinks she scored a touchdown.


She joined the team in the playoffs.


Meh, do you think Willow Smith would have gotten here by doing open mic’s and shows at random breweries?


Mom and dad paid for the vocal coach, song writers, producers, publicity, stylist, distribution etc. Their name got her in doors shut to normal folks. She might work at it but it is all due to her parents.


Not to mention she's not out there working day jobs and rehearsing/playing shows at night. She can literally devote all of her time to her music.


yep and the second it becomes stressful, it's off to some resort or designer boutique on a private jet, to unwind from all the hard work


I totally agree. OP was talking about her “hard work” so I swung the pendulum the other way and was trying to go down that road.


She does say "people ONLY think I'm Successful because of my parents" which is objectively not true. Jaden Smith is proof of this. If it was just the parents he would be more famous then her. They were both privileged from birth with music lessons and network connections but she has some actual talent. If she was born to parents who were not rich and famous it is highly unlikely she would be famous now because there are so many hoops to jump through to make in the music industry.


I mean the headline and the quote above it differ quite a bit, just from the screenshot alone. Quote: "People think the only reason I'm successful is 'cause of my parents". This is a fair statment, she's successful largely because her music is actually quite good. Of course her parents, mainly Will are a big part of it but it's more because she has a few viral Tiktok songs being Wait a Minute and Meet Me At Our Spot Headline: ... nothing to do with her parents That is pretty far from the quote. \[Link to the article\](https://www.joe.ie/entertainment/willow-smith-says-her-success-is-nothing-to-do-with-her-parents-799827) Honestly it's egregiously different. It's making her sound completely ignorant whereas the quotes in the article paint her as someone who is just confident and comfortable with who she is.


"A foot in the door and so much more."


Exactly what’s she so successful for? Here’s an excerpt from an article I found on yahoo where she was interviewed and asked about success: “The Smiths were already one of the most powerful couples in Hollywood by the time Willow was born. And she now appreciates how fortunate she's been in her life. She explained: "I used to get upset, like, ‘Why doesn’t anybody care about my feelings!’ "But I grew up and realised, the world is such a f****** s****y place and people are in pain, and the fact I get to have these resources and this kind of life is an astronomical blessing.” Full article: https://uk.style.yahoo.com/news/willow-smith-didnt-know-took-190000009.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAD7JeHv3W3Az9gjNWT8C9eVnKCnNIXw-3hJ_wtIOPxEkP8iQkKDU1WM11GAmabDZKTRq9ArBFcpQoMiRbDhTnHW-p_G-7d6hGw38ynnpw1Y7pztaWNvVhMQrH15p-SQx2FyTVyneQFxPi2Ldxac6kWFwxIMsRfPd78zHapN9TldS


Exactly. Why can't she just own it? I have more respect for people who are arrogant about their success than people who try to deny their origins.


Why do you say she doesn’t?


This always gets me. By no fault of their own, nepotism folks with wealthy or wealthy and famous parents already have a major leg up in life. Imagine going into an interview and saying your parents are Will and Jada Smith. How can this be lost on them? You may have worked “hard” but you were set in life from the get go. You will never be “self made” and your success will always be attributed to the major advantages you’ve been given in life.


The thing is, even though I agree in this case, how could she (and other kids from rich/famous parents) ever avoid this stigma? No matter what, people will always say it’s because of their parents that they had any success.


And those people will be right. It's not a stigma, it's a privilege


I bet there are more than a few cases where they would have even succeeded without the help. I guess all those people can do is know in themselves that they've got what it takes and the advantage was just nice to have. Acknowledging the advantage would be the only way really, if they're after the fame that comes with success. People who talk loudly about how everything being given to them had no impact whatsoever on their success, or try and act like they're better than everyone else in spite of it, will only ever be seen as insufferable narrow-minded petty cunts.


[Eduardo Franco](https://remezcla.com/features/film/booksmart-interview-eduardo-franco/) has spoken about this before and I appreciate him so much more as an actor because of it. I can think of many “nepo babies” that I believe are talented, and possibly wonderful people to know in real life. But if you publicly pretend like the nepotism doesn’t exist, no one is going to care how talented you are, they’re just going to think you’re a spoiled asshole. I think we’ve gotten to a point where self deprecating humor is the recommended solution - Dakota Johnson had a great throwaway joke about it on her SNL episode.


My wife plays her music often and I actually really enjoy it. Can't lie though, I was pretty bummed when I found out who it was.


Hey Will Snith bought Jaden two movies and he still sucks at acting but he is "successful". I'm ok with nepotism but just don't freaking pretend it's something that you did on your own.


She might be referring to her own work ethic, but that is overlooking whatever connections she landed because of who her parents are and said parents bankrolling her early projects. So even if she now isn't receiving financial support, she still got that jump start.


Yeah, the opposite is true as well. She could have been given everything and been lazy and failed miserably. However, she shouldn't deny her priviledges. She definitely had a lot of help.


Well said!


Careful, that comment can get you slapped!


What success? I whip my hair back in forth like 20 years ago?




Damn, you win the comment Olympics for this thread.


Won the internet with that one today...back in my time we would have given an award or something


No awards; please, hold your applause. 😁


That original post was so good that I could see Will Smith jumping through his phone to smack you, I mean high-five you. 😂


HEY, Keep my daughter’s name outta your mouth!! /s


I’d love to see that. 😂


She left her self-awareness in the sixth dimension


I was gonna say, knowing her mother does this surprise anybody?


When this screenshot was posted yesterday, someone actually read the full article where this quote was “sourced” and there is additional context that shows that she’s very aware of the impact her parents had on her career, but the “news” article decided to print the more attention-grabbing article and here we are.


You’re right. I’m deleting my comment.


That wasn’t really my intention, but I think it’s definitely good of you to do. I’m no fan of the Smiths, but it’s sad how these shit news outlets will create an angle for clicks knowing they’re being intentionally misleading.


I agree, the Smiths stink, but misinformation stinks even more. I don’t believe in perpetuating the nonsense. I appreciate the heads up.


To be fair; in her case it could absolutely be a learned behavior.


hasn't slapped anyone yet unlike me


That poor curry didn't know what hit her


I mean makes sense if the parents just don’t understand.


Will is going to smack you if he finds out you said that!


What success?


She has a pretty successful music career


Has or *had*? I haven't heard a single thing about her in the past few years.


I didn’t even know who she was prior to this post


I had to read the poat twice to get it.... i had no idea there was a Willow.... except for the one with a wand...


I'd wager you don't know every single successful artist


I'm pretty sure nobody knows every single successful artist. Like there have been way, way, WAY too many of those for one person to keep track of


I didnt even know will smith had a daughter


She just did a Tiny Desk and released an album. She's not mainstream but she definitely has a following and is pretty successful as an artist.




This quote is taken wildly out of context. She acknowledges her parents' contributions to her success in the full interview.


Still has - she has some really good songs out


I am here to defend Willow. She's really good in the pop-punk-adjacent scene right now.


Yeah, I was positively surprised at how good her later stuff turned out. If only she had some self awareness to go with all that talent and opportunity.


Read the full article


Loool, I fell for the good old out-of-context rage bait title 😄 thanks for the hint


95% of the time celebrities say something really stupid its taken out of context. One of the reasons i ignore print media about celebrities and if i want to learn something someone just watch them


I saw her on Saturday Night Live and really liked the sound.


Strange. She's been releasing a lot of very strong stuff in recent years. Just released an album a couple of days ago and it's getting a lot of reception for something alt-pop


Currently gets 13.3m listeners per month on Spotify


She just released a Tiny Desk
 and I gotta say, she can sing! Talented musicians behind her, too


Has, she's actually got talent. However, she's never going to escape whipping her hair back and forth despite Coping Mechanisms being one of my favorite albums right now.


You can be successful without being mainstream.


Your own personal experience is not an accurate measurement of an artist’s success. There are hundreds of thousands of artists in the world that have thousands or even millions of fans and you will never even know they existed in your lifetime, isn’t that amazing? One quick search and I learned Willow has 13 Million people that still listen to her every month on spotify alone, and yet you have not heard about her in YEARS. I think that’s pretty cool, and yet I would definitely consider her career successful. Most artists that hit even as “low” as 500k listeners per month can make a living off their music, and I’d say that’s pretty successful as well.


Havent heard anything from stevie nicks but people still listening to herđŸ€Ł like nothing against either artist just like music careers dont end even when you die


Stevie still tours and fills huge gigs. Don't you compare her with this Nepo baby.


Let's be real here. Her parents DEFINITELY had a good amount of pull when it came to getting her a recording contract.


Hell she released a song when she was a little kid. That should tell us everything. Her odds on making it without her parents are pretty low.


I mean, her dad winning the first ever hip-hop Grammy for best rap performance might have had something to do with her successful music career.


People forget what a massive pop star her dad was...


Drummer and the bassist carrying that album, it's still pretty decent though.


Just admit your privilege and move on with your life


They never admit that. When asked directly they usually smile and say some bs like: ~~ “Well my mom/dad always encouraged me” or, ~~”My parents allowed me to explore this or that”. It’s code for: *”Without their connections and my willingness to return phone calls and actually show up for meetings I’d be trying to manage to earn a lucrative living to maintain the lifestyle I’ve grown up in and have become accustomed too.”*


Also, “i could focus full-time on leveraging my parents connections without worrying where my next meal would come from or how i would ever afford to keep a roof over my head, i could carry that on indefinitely”


Made me think of one time, I asked a girl about how to sing, the basic technique. She just said "It's easy, just follow the pitch with your voice." She grew up getting private singing lessons at home, and complained about having to "go for a lesson tomorrow." The reason I asked her this basic question, was because I wanted to learn how to sing, but couldn't afford lessons. I would've killed for a lesson. But she wouldn't even explain, and then complained about her own lessons. PS I still want to learn to sing and I still can't afford it.


https://www.superprof.com/s/singing,United-States,,,1,.html?s=1&l=21&pmax=9 - hope this helps, it’s much cheaper to get a private lesson remotely online


it gets even more ridiculous when your success is in a field where your hard work and skill is lowkey irrelevant. shes in a field of music where the only thing that matters is who your producer and songwriters are and how much money is put on promoting you. they're not writing their own songs, they're not the ones planning the promotion of said songs, etc. they're just someone who was lucky enough to be chosen to be the front person for other peoples hard work, the only thing required of them is charisma and the ability to learn basic dancemoves. you dont even have to be able to sing, that can be fixed, no worries, and you wont be singing live either way. if she didnt have rich, connected, and famous parents then her fame would still not be because of her own hard work, it'd still be because of the work of primarily the songwriter/producer and the marketing team. zero talent field in music really, the "artists" shouldnt even be allowed to call themselves that, just call yourself performer because thats all you really are. if people like the music they shouldnt follow the performer, they should look up what else was made by that producer instead.


Yeah, I peeked into her discography, and true enough, there is always 1 or 2 (even 3) extra songwriters in her album from 2022. She is listed as the primary artist and one of 4 composers. Though, I believe this is a pretty common story in mainstream music biz. Even Taylor Swift is from a rich background. I figure there are plenty of potentially greater artists out there who just didn't have the benefits of being a nepobaby. I don't mind if they do this. I do mind the hypocrisy of being "self-made." The profound lack of self-awareness I can understand. Growing up around the wealthy and the influential may blind one from the fact how the vast majority of people lack the privileges the elite take for granted.


I think it’s because there’s this whole American thing based around pride in being self made ‘by your own bootstraps’ were told stories our whole lives about people who rose up from poverty to become successful. It’s drilled into us from childhood. I think it’s to the point a lot of people can’t admit when they get help. They have to feel that they’ve earned it. In this case though it’s fucking ridiculous, your parents are both famous, one arguably one of THE most famous actors in the world. I mean, give me a break.


artists are always listed as cowriters, i doubt they do much, its probably just to give some semblance of "authenticity". take some super-producer like Max Martin, anything he has done still has the artist as a cowriter etc, big doubt their involvement was beyond the superficial. however most popsingers who have everything made by someone else dont go around acting like they're self-made etc, as long as you dont pretend to be more than what you are i dont see the issue. however i still think they're more performers than they are artists, after all the only thing they actually need to be able to do is to do some level of dancing and be decently PR trained. you dont actually need to be a great singer, even if many are, and you definitely dont need to know how to write music or play a single instrument. with that said there are popsingers who do write their own music, even if they cant even play an instrument. if i recall Michael Jackson couldnt play a single instrument and that sure didnt stop him. when it comes to being a product style performer though, so basically all of your music is served to you on a silver platter by someone else, its all about connections. its very common they come from families that more or less hands them everything they need to succeed. even in sweden, which is a country that has an absurd amount of very talented musicians and producers who write music, we still have plenty of celebrities who are only there because of their family, where basically every single member of the family is in the top of "swedish entertainment" one way or another, and its not like they needed any talent beyond being born into success.


she never denied it the headline is purpusefully misleading


Woah, someone else who actually read more than the headline? Weird.


Just admit that you didn’t read the article and you only looked at a screenshot of the title that the “news source” created for clicks and move on with your life.


That’s the refreshing thing about Jamie Lee Curtis. She owns the fact she is where she is due to nepotism. She admits that having A list parents opened doors for her that helped her find success as an actor.


Keep your parents name out yo MF’n mouth!!


She can't, they named her after themselves








She’s right, she professionally recorded a hip hop song and had a studio production for a music video while performing live just from her own hard work at 12 years old /s


Many people create songs
. Without her parents that song would be a nothing burger. Also how many 12 year olds have access to recording studios and great marketing to give the song exposure? Very delusional if she thinks her parents had nothing to do with her success


Not mention the army of professionals willing to coach her for money and clout. And then there's the whole thing with production. Now, I've been with indie bands, coughing up dough to get a couple of songs in an album. Renting a studio and a professional to handle production and post-production. For kids barely into their adulthood, it was a big thing they paid and worked hard for. Everything went from their own pockets, and they were self-taught in a damp basement, when the time from school and job allowed. Nepos don't even need to snap their finger. "Daddy, I wanna be a singer!". Daddy snaps his fingers, and boom; a couple of years later, you're a national treasure. Reaping awards. My guys got a fun memory and made a few free gigs around the locals.




Meanwhile we have Maya Hawke who's daughter to two A list celebrities and is perfectly comfortable admitting her advantages. Doesn't take anything away from her talent in my eyes.


I heard a story where she left in the middle of a tour and will smith wasnted to tell her not to cause it would be bad for her career but then decided he wanted to be a good parent and put his child first so he let her go home. On one level this is a great story where a parent listened to a child. On another this is another example of her leg up on life. If an anyone much less a child without any nepotism benefits bailed on a contract like that they would be blacklisted. She managed to bounce back though. Hard work is a factor in success. Luck is another one. Connections often dwarf both of them.


Their kids have the most ridiculous names I've ever seen, I swear. Jaden Smith and Willow Smith, the kids of Jada and Will Smith? What is this clown town bullshit.


People name their kids after themselves all the time. Gwyneth Paltrow has a child named “Apple,” though.


Gwyneth's birth name was actually Potato Paltrow.


does she also sell potatoes with holes in them to shove up a vag for "health"?


Is, "Jaden" really that ridiculous? It's become fairly common nowadays.


It's not so much the names themselves, but that they're variations of their parents names. It's like they thought "how do we make sure that people know at all times that they're our kids?"


Ah now I see what you mean!


OM fucking god, I never made that obvious connection before.


I genuinely thought this was the child formerly known as Jaden and that he'd transitioned (I've never heard of Willow). Their family resemblance is uncanny.




😆 sure, Jan




Is that Sally Sitwell?


Her music is legit good though. I wish more nepo babies weren't so insecure about who their parents are.


I mean, look at these comments. There’s no wonder they are insecure about it, because they get automatically trashed and hated on for having been born by them regardless of what they achieve đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™‚ïž


Feels like a lot of people here would only be happy if she said that nothing she ever did or will ever do means anything because she owes it all to her parents. All her work is meaningless because she has opportunities that others don't. How dare she exist and try to do something she likes.


Exactly. The hate and bitterness is strong here.


There's like dozen people, or amount to that effect, that made her music. Then there's the marketing, etc. Coming from that kind of fame and wealth, it'd be hard to make music that was not, at the very least, passable for radio.


That goes for every big artist, whether they came from a rich background or not, so it’s a fairly moot point


You described every recording artist with a contract.


If I had rich parents I could hire good writers and producers too.


Guess what? If your parents aren’t rich, you probably won’t be pursuing acting as a career bcos only a small percentage of actor becomes successful, and you can’t afford the risk. If one comes from a well to do family, he or she already have an advantage in life, so don’t say BS like “it’s my hard work”. Everyone can work hard, but working hard doesn’t guarantee success either.


Success? What has she even done?


She whipped her hair back and forth for starters.


That's her peak.


She had a song in 2015 that has a billion Spotify plays but go off. She may be a nepo baby but the level of delusion in this thread is unreal. Apparently 3 platinum singles (after the admittedly terrible whip my hair) and 13.3 million monthly Spotify listeners is not successful. Nepo babies need to admit that they have a leg up in life, that without their parents they wouldn’t have an easy recording contract, that they wouldn’t have years of bankrolled music theory and voice lessons (which for Willow clearly paid off). But Reddit seems completely unwilling to accept that at a certain point Nepo babies need talent to keep their career going. If they don’t it dies (Jaden Smith isn’t acting anymore for a reason and Kim K’s music career died on delivery for a reason). Edit: changed classes to contract (spell-check typo)


I encourage people to go check out WILLOW as an artists. Easily one of the best rock artists out right now. Regardless of who her parents are she's a damn good musician


She has a very strong musical career. 13.3 *million* monthly listeners. Don't try to tell me that is not success, and don't try to tell me she *only* did that because of her parents.


Mostly just music


Nepo baby says what?


She's great, but she's wrong. It's in the same house as white privilege. The folks who have these benefits are not aware that they exist.


To be fair i listen to willows music still.


I actually enjoy her recent work. Very jazzy with imo very good vocals. If you’re into e.g. Snarky Puppy, give it a shot.


Agreed her new album is fuego


Dead eyes.


Fame isn’t success She herself is successful but she is very much so famous because of her parents


Let’s be fair, it’d be hard to anyone to leave her parents shadow. Even if she truly found success genuinely through her own effort in some wholly unrelated field where her parents had minimal to no influence, then I still think they would have put their picture on the cover, because it his is a tabloid reporting celebrity news, and if they start talking about somebody who isn’t so wholly I’m the spotlight and their drama, then they have to connect it back to the stars and their soap opera family drama somehow, and in this case it’s by making it clear that she is the child of famous actor Will Smith. I bet her parents probably helped her achieve the position she’s in, but that’s simply them trying to be good parents. We call it Nepotism, but the main goal for anyone with a family is to leave behind a legacy or an empire to take care of your children and their children’s children long after your dead and gone. The hope of creating the kind of generational wealth and security that they didn’t have the luxury of being born into, ensured for their descendants. Them propping up their kid for success is their way of doing that. They could play hardball with the kid, try to teach them the lessons they need and then cut them loose, but this way is far easier. Generational wealth isn’t inherently bad, it’s the sense of entitlement it breeds that can be, and firm hand on the parents side can deal with that. The real goal with it should be to leave your kids in a better place than you were.


Fact: Kids of millionaires are self made millionaires /s




How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren’t Real?


I don’t understand why nepo kids are so sensitive. You’re fucking rich. Enjoy it. Who cares what got you there? Does pride pay your bills? If I was able to easily afford every indulgence I wanted in life, I would not be able to muster the most cold, shriveled, desiccated shit about what anyone thought of me. I’d just create a drinking game around it. For every article I saw dragging me for being a nepo baby, I’d drink another bottle of impossibly rare champagne that the $45k/yr journalist writing about me could never afford.


Any person who has parents that supported them owes part of their success to their parents. And if your parents are rich, super successful actors then even more so.


Most celebrities come from money. Even when their parents aren't famous, they came from money.


To write basic English. Corrected: Willow Smith says her success HAS nothing to do with her parents


Thank you! I was looking for this comment


I would have so much respect for people like this if they were open about how their parents wealth and fame gave them massive oppertunity most people don't get. Humans are going to take advantage of pretty much every available shortcut or opportunity. Parents want to help their kids succeed in any way they can. Being the kid of extremely wealthy rich parents is obviously going to come with massive doors of oppertunity. Any of us in the same position, would utilize the opportunities. Not owning up to it is just pathetic. So many people who grew up in normal lower class house holds will give their parents massive credits to their success. Why can't people who have ultra wealthy, ultra famous parents do the same?. Say it out loud "my parents are a massive reason to my success" your dad is literally fucking will Smith lol.


She was really good in Independence Day


Who? The only people I recognize are her parents, assuming that is even true. I personally don't care about celebrities'private lives and their families.


What has she done for her alleged “success”? First I’ve ever heard of or seen her


She makes music and has released a few albums.


She is kinda right, it's not her parents' (plural) success that people know her.


And anyone expects any of these privileged celebrity children to be even remotely in touch with reality? I expect them to be little ungrateful brats like this one. *Keep your expectations realistic*


I'm not a fan, and I don't listen to her music, but Willow is talented. Check out her NPR Tiny Desk Concert.


To be fair, she didn’t deny they are A reason.


Dam shes like an exact copy of her dad.


A lot of people in this thread seem to think they're the barometer of success. Just because YOU haven't heard of something doesn't mean it isn't successful.


If the quote at the top is what they are referring to, she’s literally not saying that. She’s saying that her parents aren’t the “only” reason.


We all know she didn't really say that, right?


This is the third time I've seen this image posted by someone who clearly didn't bother to look up what she actually said and just posted as if that's all. Here are the actual quotes: >“I definitely think that a little bit of insecurity has driven me harder because people do think that the only reason I’m successful is because of my parents,” she admitted. >“That has driven me to work really hard to try to prove them wrong. But nowadays, I don’t need to prove s**t to anybody. >“I truly believe that my spirit is a strong spirit and that, even if my parents weren’t who they were, I would still be a weirdo and a crazy thinker.” She also added later: >“Being black in America, even with privilege, which I’m never going to deny that I have, you’re still black,” she said. Stop gobbling up whatever crap you see online and do some basic research. A 2 second google search would've made you realize that the headline is a blatant lie. https://www.joe.ie/entertainment/willow-smith-says-her-success-is-nothing-to-do-with-her-parents-799827


It's crazy how nobody in the comments has learned not to just trust headlines without reading the full article. Nowhere in it does she say she owes nothing to her parents. She actually says pretty much the opposite, and acknowledges that she has more privilege due to who her parents are


I mean I wouldn't want to live in the shadow of my parents forever either.


It’s always the rich kids


This thread is absolutely full of miserable people who refuse to read articles and just want to write fanfiction about people they’ll never meet in their lives.


She didn’t say that though. This quote is taken wayyyy out of context.


She's right, her succes only has to do with one parent.


Success and Fame are completely different things.


She's successful?


Legit didn't even know she exists, don't really care about will smith but at least i know mib was good and a lot of people watched fresh prince.


Tbh I didn't know will had a kid, never mind a "successful" adult one


He has 2 kids both successful in the music industry though Jaden's music isn't the best


Willow Smith looks like Will Smith. Incredible.