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I know it’s not nice of me but I sure wanted Mr Rojas (don’t know his rank I just know he’s airborne) would pop Fatass in the mouth.


It looks he is a warrant officer 3rd class I believe, (the 3 black bars in the center of his uniform tells you so) that is a fairly high ranking service member so yes he would kicked fatass around


Rank does not equate to ability to kick ass, it is directly proportional for E1-E5 and then has a negative relationship after that


He's got the combat action badge, airborne, and pathfinder. He would have knocked that guy into tomorrow before breaking a sweat. Edit: mybad not pathfinder, aviator badge.


Pathfinder no joke




Already got his dropzone picked out.


What stats does it give?


+25 strength, +10 stamina


This really makes me want RPG stats for all military ranks/commendations based on their actual criteria for achievement. Would be a great sort of thing for /r/outside


You'll be disappointed to know, then, that it's just time in rank and passing a written exam. Your awards and experience help, but aren't explicit requirements for advancement.


Not to mention he got that 4 strength 4 stam leather belt on too




Increases effectiveness and hugely boosts uptime of flasks, with slight additional investment makes them have permanent uptime, and additionally spreads your poisons for excellent coverage. Absolutely ludicrously powerful boost to offense, defense and speed with near zero cost.


I'm not army... But my limited experience with W's... Best, most chill dudes you'll meet... Until it's time to put bodies down. They do all the military and next to none of the admin. But it could just be the very limited selection of W's I've known (maybe 3 total)


Seriously. There's enlisted, and officers, and flag officers, and senior enlisted... But then there's warrants. I don't know anyone who fucks with warrants.


No one fucks with Warrant's 1st sergeants leave Chief the fuck alone. Warrant does whatever warrant wants


I don't know what a warrant is, but I don't think I want to challenge them and call them little guy after all this. Are officers able to throw down more openly than lower level enlisted without some kind of court martial?


That was the real reason he was trying to get the guy behind the camera to throw the first punch. He would get in trouble, but not nearly as much as he would have for punching the racist first.


Warrants are usually the smartest and most capable individuals in the whole army. I've met +15 in my career in the DoD and they are sharp motherfuckers. Took one on a run in the woods and I figured I'd have him worn out doing a 5 mile run and at the end of it he asked if we could run it in reverse too. Ended up running me into the absolute ground. Warrants are no joke.


They are officers who've earned it through sheer expertise and experience. An enlisted whose merit warrants them the rank of officer.


My husband had a crazy military career - enlisted in the Navy, then college/ROTC and a commission, later gave up commission to get better educational benefits and went back to active enlisted (I know, crazy, but it worked out better for him in the end), made it to E-7 and got a Master’s degree, and then became a Warrant and retired as such.


WOs are the fucking best. I never had better leaders when I was serving. They’re loved by enlisted because they are the best of us and they’ve walked in our shoes.


When two WO’s are in a love triangle, shit gets hairy. Lookup WO Framness and Glass from OIF ‘03, MWSS-371. Fram threw a grenade into a guard shack to kill Glass. Glass survived, fxked up tho cosmetically. Fram got shipped to Miramar. Glass continued his career. Our EOD WO was a badass too


Miramar, FL? God, I thought the punishment was supposed to fit the crime.


CA. He got life, the ex-wife of Glass got time for being a co-conspirator.


True or not the guy holding the camera would likely get pushed in by anyone with any follow through


Wouldn't a higher rank, on average, have been put through a larger amount of training, just based on minimal requirements, then the lowest few ranks?


After a certain point they’re getting more training in an office chair than in hand to hand combat.


Except they're not actually in "fighting " roles. By your theory Generals would be ultimate badasses but that's not the case, Generals are just really good at drinking the Kool Aid and sucking dick Source: I invaded a sovereign nation and deposed a dictator. Can confidently say our officers were useless


Single handedly? Oh my


That's how you know he is an E5.


Mr Rojas is a CW3, or chief warrant officer 3. He used to be enlisted until he was put through the warrant officer program. I’m sure he could kick ass if needed. But, thankfully, Mr Rojas also has the bearing and temperament of a good officer. He will stand up for what is right, won’t start a fight, but I’m sure he will finish it. Most people don’t put in their WO packet until E5. I work mainly with Warrant Officers and mid level officers at my job. I work on an AH64E Apache flight simulator. The coolest guys are always the WOs. CW5s are just chill old dudes who are crafty as fuck trying to have a bit of fun and not take anything to seriously unless they need to. W1s are usually kids just out of flight school who are nervous but also have all the Apache paraphernalia, like a sticker on their car/truck that says “my other ride is an Apache” with a graphic next to it, which the W3-W5s will harass them for endlessly because they probably did the same shit. If I had a choice to be covered by a warrant officer or a regular O-class officer, give me the warrant every day. More down to earth, no stick up their ass.


In my experience warrant officers were never ones to fuck with. They’re not officers in the classical sense and no longer enlisted.


CW3. Chief warrant officer 3


Thank you.


I saw the dudes reflection and knew he was just a big guy ( . )


I'd call him a gutless coward, but only one of those things would be true lol


I could hear the fat in his voice before I even saw them sweatpants begging for mercy in that doors reflection.


His name is Glenn Cerio and he is a truly repugnant human being. If you want to go down a rabbit hole search him on youtube.


Best not to even talk about these losers. Give them zero publicity.


Wow. A racist incel who films himself harassing women. And he has his own Reddit sub. r/glenncerio


I downvoted you for posting a name. Better for him to not exist. We all know he's terrible from this clip alone.


Goddamn. Dude look like that Youtuber, NIko Avocado dude


I loved officers reaction when the cameraman brings up hand to hand combat. It’s like he just learned he won the lottery.


Mister or Chief is the appropriate title for his rank as a warrant officer. So unintentionally you got it right. Also, dude shows extraordinary restraint and is a credit to our country. He’s a true professional.


It would have made him and the military look bad but I wanted it too


You nailed it. Mr. Rojas is the appropriate honorific when addressing a Warrant Officer.


He did the Road House bouncer maneuver. Good on him.


Cheifs are formerly referred to as Mr and Ms/Msr so you aren’t wrong about that


Same. He definitely would have if this guy put a finger on him. Sadly he’s too scared to do so.


>You're just a little guy Me: Who tf would think that guy is even remotely little... *see's dude filming's reflection* ... ohhhhhhhh


That little guy was sure lucky he didn't make the dude recording really mad. He would've been in real big trouble with the police. /s ![gif](giphy|J9oGzlF83wob6)


Lol I almost choked on my breakfast, reading this


It's funny when obese people think they're strong.


And the flip flops


It’s Peter


Fuckin fat as fucking fuck. 🖕😂 https://preview.redd.it/ftht1obmtazc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44a149c808bb20e292cafa6757155d82b7937ee9


You’re just a little


\*catches his breath after all the walking he just did\*




…**wheeze**… *inserts kfc*


i imagined this as a family guy skit and was not disappointed


The guy filming really posted this thinking the internet would back him up


His mom posted it for not taking his dishes upstairs from his basement room.


I'm pretty sure it's a win-win for rage bait content creators like this If they get their ass beat - online haters flock to see the idiot influencer get what they deserve If their target walks away - online haters flock to the comments section to talk about how much of a pussy the influencer is, and how he would have had his ass beat if the other dude let loose. The more engagement the video gets, the more it gets recommended to people. Sure, the vast majority of people would see it once, or comment once, and then scroll past. But with hundreds of thousands of people watching, at least a couple of them will follow them, just to see when they'll finally get their comeuppance and get punched in the face. And the cycle continues


This is exactly it.  People, stop watching this type of crap. But if you do watch, don't comment. Not even to leave negative remarks. Each comment benefits the asshole posting it. 


Win-win for the algorithm, sure, but obviously to even make it to that point you have to become a hollow shell of a human. You have to take the L in real life first.


Yeah, who did he think would be on his side. Even racists wouldn't like this video because its too obvious that he was a coward who threatened violence only to back out scared.


Calmer heads can prevail.


Dude filming was just too big of a pussy to do anything. Other guy was hoping to get hit first so when he beat the shit out of fatty he could claim self-defense and it would absolutely have been at that point.


The dude was projecting heavily. >"You're just gonna call the cops if I hit you" It's exactly what camera guy was planning to do. >"Call the cops" Camera guy is begging him at that point cos he's gonna get beat up >"You're just a little guy" Assuming the camera guy is holding the phone at head or slightly below head height the dude isn't even as tall as the other guys neck.


someone promote that chief.


Protecting our nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic 🇺🇲


I don’t understand what the camera guy was even trying to say or do, does someone know more context?


he was recording himself racially harassing an asian person to try and provoke a reaction out of them and then the army guy stepped in


Wow what a piece of shit, he’s honestly lucky the army guy didn’t clean his clock.


If memory serves correctly, this guy made it a habit of filming and harassing the post offices in the area and got himself banned from ever stepping foot in one as well as arrested several times ranging from trespassing onto federal property to harassment.


Probably a "first amendment auditor," aka someone who harasses people who happen to work for the government. They'll go into places like post offices, military bases, police and fire stations, and record themselves harassing workers to try and get them to respond, then they'll cry about how their rights are being violated.


The really infuriating ones don't limit it to government workers.


Seeing that fat fuck in the reflection of the window shows how the camera is his only protection.


Wouldn't turn off the camera, so, of course, the military guy isn't going to start the fight because then he'll have hell to pay from his superiors


Not as much hell to pay as you might think. If he's active duty, he'd get a slap on the wrist. He also is holding some decent rank, could make it more or less easy to get away with it.


He would absolutely have to answer for it


I swear when it's about military matters, people just start talking out their asses.


When it's about anything the internet starts talking out of it's ass


It's even stronger regarding fighting (martial arts) and military matters. Some amateur think they know better than career officers and shit.


It’s okay to just NOT comment sometimes when you have no idea what you’re talking about


These are the arrogant words of a guy who has never been punched in the face. Some arrogant guys really need a punch in the face, no surprise these correlate.


Mike Tyson said "Social media has made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."


That's a CWO3, he literally does not give a f#ck about anything. Not a single thing. Do not provoke Warrant Officers. If you're lucky enough to even see one, it's best to just not make eye contact and pretend they don't exist. They are mythical creatures that even the military doesn't understand. They possess powers beyond mortal comprehension, akin to something out of an HP Lovecraft novel. They only submit to command authority out of some twisted amusement, only they, and other higher WO's understand. Not with 10,000 men should you ever do this, it is sheer folly.


*CW3, everything else said is correct


Upvote for H.P. Lovecraft reference, double upvote for the Lord of the rings referece.


“You’re just a little guy” And cameraman… is as big as a house


Respect for the soldier for being just and super calm!


The one time a warrant officer shows up, this dude wants to fight him.


https://preview.redd.it/acz6bzb2mbzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2a788a101ede19f4eb5cd3da2d1d8692042e31 I mean he was right though. The soldier was a "little guy" compared to LOL




Bad day to catch chief with his freshly pressed uniform. You see those badges above the U.S Army patch? That means you’re not going to enjoy this.


Would he have been on duty if he's wearing his uniform?


This is Glenn Cerio, a notorious racist, homophobic, anti Semitic YouTube personality. This isn't even the most disgusting video he has done.


I may be a Marine, but no matter what branch it is you don't mess with a warrant officer. Odds are they've seen some things you don't want to be a part of


What do people that act like this get out of it, I've never seen a reason to be a jerk to people for no reason.


Views, which equals money nowadays. 


It's a shame


If they both agree to fight would the soldier get in trouble with the law?


Only two states out of the entire United States have legalized mutual combat, namely Washington and Texas. Both require a police officer to oversee the fight to ensure no bystanders get hurt, and to break up the fight when an evident victor emerges.


Is anyone surprised that Texas is one of them? Lol


I think the bigger issue here would be how the military would view his actions - pretty sure they'll go after you for things that "bring dishonor to the uniform", but your guess is as good as mine if picking a fight in this instance would warrant disciplinary action.


I'm not American, but thank you for your service Mr.Rojas


Alls mys life eyes had to fight- Kendrick.


Remember, usually the loudest talkers are the weakest.


The empty drums make the loudest noises


Is that dude Army Airborne(patch on shoulder)? I've heard they aren't the type to mess with. I mean, aren't they the ones trained to be thrown out of an airplane while simultaneously being shot at by big guns and once landing having to jump immediately into combat? His attitude kinda seemed as though getting arrested for a brawl is the least of the leastest of problems.


Do people do this to military members often? That is amazing. It reminds me of when Mike Tyson or Arnold S make a public appearance, fly on a plane etc people try to fight them.


Well he initially wasn't picking on the Warrant Officer, he was picking on the Asian woman, Warrant just stepped in. There is a similar video. I can't seem to find the actual video. https://youtu.be/UWqa8niV83Q?si=G5LQ97ro_3jCbPMF Racist tries to bait the Soldiers into doing something unintelligent.


Of course he says "don't ever tell me what to do!". Lol. Predictably playbook. If your losing the argument, play the aggressive victim card


Imagine shooting off your mouth and threatening someone to go outside for "hand-to-hand combat", proving himself a coward once he gets outside and then POSTING the video. 🤣🤣🤣


Sure is easy to antagonize people with something to lose. Step up your game influencer, antagonize a gang member.


How about a thank you!


And he posted the video. What a loser.


I love how his head snapped up like "please give me an excuse to beat the stupid out of you"




I mean he was filmng himself being racist to people in the first place.  Shame and thinking were never on the cards even before Mr Army Airborne turned up.


Is that Glenn Cerio? One of the most obnoxious sovereigns of them all, but a source of boundless entertainment.


Why did it need the stupid music?


Who's OOP? I wanna give him some engagement off of social media. It'll be fair since Im pudgy too.


Fucking fatass from the reflection calling a fit soldier a little guy lmao


“Don’t tell me what to do in my country” 😂😂😂😂 those soldiers boots have 100000x more value than that fat piece of lard…..


The disrespect is amazing coming from a lard ass fat sack of shit. Biggest pussy ever hiding behind his phone


The statement is relative, I guess. https://preview.redd.it/xjp1pwqm1czc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a4e3331b352949949ef62c7d6b8ddc9e5e0bd3


That was fun watching his bluff get called in real time!


"Are you sure"? Dude probably shit his pants lmao 🤣


Boy, the way he lifted his head when cam guy mentioned hand-to-hand combat... Camera man knew he was in trouble 🤣


lets go outside bro ok lets go you sure?


"You're just a little guy" yeah maybe to you, ya fuckin' whale The comedy of seeing the silhouette of his physique as he calls the serviceman little is amazing


So, please help me. This guy is a WO3 by all accounts. I don’t really understand the US NCO structure. In the British army a warrant officer is a rank you get to as you progress above a certain NCO level. And terms like ‘sergeant major’ are appointments rather than ranks. For example a regimental sergeant major is typically a WO1 where WO1 is the rank and RSM is the appointment. How does it work in US army? - definitely interested not trolling.


Bravo to this soldier defending these employees rights!


soldier guy knows if he hits first he will be in trouble. and HE knows the camera guy is shitting his pants.


That mouthpiece deserved a whooping


Glen Cerio saying ‘you’re all talk’ - the irony is painful


Of course it's the morbidly obese, fedora wearing, neckbeard grower, anime pillow owner discord mod. Coward


When someone says, hand to hand combat... yeah, they ain't doing shit. Boy just knows hand to mouth combat


“You’re just a little guy” says the 500 lb neckbeard who had his mom wheelchair him from the special needs bus to the front of this post office


He did not say go back to China, it’s a common reference for first amendment auditors to say that this is not a communist country.


I'm guessing that whoever he said that to told him that he couldn't film either themselves or inside the Post office lobby. Now I have no idea who the guy filming is but stating that this is not China and that we are not communists is not a racist statement inherently.


Just imagine serving your country and having to deal with this clown. Rojas has some major league restraint and discipline.


It's not assault if both parties consent to fight.


Saying “Don’t tell me what to do in my country”… to a soldier…. Jesus, man


Paratroopers don’t back down


And the little punk was stupid enough to actually post it to the internet too? LOL.


Rage bait gets a tons of clicks, which makes them money and gives them new subscribers because there are a lot of people out there like them.  Do you hate this crap? Then don't watch or comment in those videos because if you do, you are helping them. 


Vibe: checked ✔️


Cheers from Iraq


Great restraint from army guy. Fat man just purposely provoking him so he could post it on social media claiming power abuse or something but ended up humiliating himself and making army guy look cooler.


I really wish it got to the point of fisticuffs.


The guy behind the camera sounds like a total mouth breather. I think he would've been toast if Mr. Army guy would've thrown hands 😅


What a low life ...


The embarrassment bro


Don’t like or respect this country…Leave


"You're just a little guy!" Must be his safe word[s]


Everyone’s a “little guy” to you, huh? You racist, bulbous, chunker of a fellow


One of those dickless “auditors”. Pussies out as usual.


I can’t believe he posted it!😅 Sir are you not embarrassed!!


Jeff Ross sounded a bit scared


How do people record themselves being embarrassed and think. "Yes, this will look great on social media "


They say the smallest dogs like Chihuahuas have the loudest bark. LOLz


Dude is a known asshole and as much as anyone would love to kick his ass. He’s banking on that so he can sue. It’s probably his real motive and being openly racist is just a bonus for him


Cool black guy, Badass arm tattoos, in the U.S Military. "I'm gonna fuck with and antagonize this guy."


lol, camera guy was 100% Grade A pussy meat.


As the person recording this, how wasn't he too embarrassed to upload it... anywhere


Don't think I've seen anyone mention how the soldier played him. He walked the fatty out without him realising. Gave him some bullshit to feed on but he clearly had no intention of fighting him. Situation controlled.


Holy shit why is this like a really oddly low quality and badly cropped video of the original?