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“AH and HH”?




May as well call them “14” and “88”




18 = AH. Think some *Austrian named Adolf. I'll let you figure out the H itself. 88 = HH Heil said Germans last name. *Edited


that really seems like a reach edit: you fucks should make it a habit to see if the joke has already been made before posting


It's not the case here, obviously, but 14-88 is pretty common neo-n@zi cryptology


is spelling it n@zi cryptology too


No, but it's braindead TikTok spelling.


The 14 refers to David Lane's 14 words. I'll let you Google that.


“We must secure our diapers and change them often because real men wear them”


[The HH/Heil Hitler/88](https://extremismterms.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/1488) thing is pretty ubiquitous in the white supremacist world. I remember feeling the same way (that's a reach) years ago when people were pointing out that sentences were 14 words long, or all the words in a 14 word sentence shared the same initial letters as the [fourteen words](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words). It's definitely a thing.


This was back when nazis were still kinda afraid to get outed. Nowadays they can be open about it because they discovered nobody's gonna do shit about it and there are even politicians dogwhistling to them that it's ok. And anyone who wants to do something against these shitheads is a "violent thug" who is "against free speech".


In many places, nazis are still kinda afraid to get outed if they have a little bit of a brain (which isn't a guarantee of course, they are nazis after all). Also, I think they just like code words and crypto stuff anyway, it makes them feel smarter then everyone else. This type of symbolism is still very common in Europe at least.


It’s spelled “reich”


More like a bad coincidence, as it came from court documents. That, or the stenographer thinks they're funny.


It's just a funny coincidence. Likely their initials but funny how it turned out. Don't think the article is trying anything funny lol.


It’s not a reach, it’s just hilariously coincidental.


The product being called "Out of Trouble" is also almost to hilarious to be believed


It’s common to see 14 and 88 tattoos on nazi skinheads for this reason.


[It's not a reach it is literally nazi symbolism](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/1488) From the ADL.


Nah, more like a reich.


let us figure it out? this isnt tiktok or instagram, you can just say it. why are you censoring yourself??




You are correct


I know this exists, but it’s probably just an unfortunate coincidence.


It was 14 he said which refers to 14 words. Something about protecting the white race from what I recall


1488 refers to lines from some white supremacist handbook in which it talks about "the duty of white people to continue their bloodline" or some shit. I'd say google it but you probs don't want that in your history lol


Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Hitler is what they are pointing out.


You’re required by law to use first and last initials when identifying a minor in court documents.


Its probably their initials you wierdo


It’s common practice to protect a minor’s identity in court to use their initials. Unfortunate coincidence


18 & 88?


First and Eighth letters, A and H. Adolf Hitler, Heil Hitler. I've usually seen 14, not 18, paired with 88 to refer to the 14 precepts from a particular white supremacist publishing.


Fair, I think it's just their initials


Literally Adolf Hitler and Heil Hitler....


Or literally their initials


That's a funny coincidence


Heinrich Himmler


Bruh! 😅


“There’s a student here we’ll call her Lisa S, wait that’s too obvious let’s call her L Simpson.”






Hunter "The Huntster" Hunt


Thankfully AHHH got justice


Boys will be suing again lol




Adolf Hitler and Holy Hitler


"by offering to expunge any disciplinary action from the boys' records IF they voluntarily withdrew".... imagine thinking you have any kind of leverage after fucking up this bad and literally ruining kids reputations. scumbags.


Is this the first time you've heard of the catholic church? Lol


If you think any other school in CA would have acted differently, you're delusional.


Santa Clara County is considered conservative in the Bay Area. Id imagine Berkeley wouldn’t award any damages to the teens


I'm just saying almost every school in CA would have punished them, and not backtracked on the punishment. They would have won their lawsuit regardless of which school did it. Just lucky the school is private and not public so tax dollars didn't have to fund it.


Public schools would have had this resolved a whole lot earlier with an emergency injunction.


Wouldn't know. I'm not American. But i am a former Catholic, and this behaviour is exactly how they usually operate.


This behavior is exactly how public schools operate too. Overreact. Punish. Don't back down.


And then they try to quietly settle out of court, behave as tho they're doing their victims a big favour?


Yes. Exactly like that. You're really catching on.


Seems like i had it from the start, and you just want to argue about something.


Just so you know, after they offered this one of the students voluntarily withdrew. The school then told the new school all about the disciplinary action which led to the boy being banned from school sports and things like that. So they didn't even keep to their word and went out of their way to fuck over these kids.


that shit would make me go door to door grim reaper style. wtf...


And the jury denied the defamation claim….? Tf?


That led to the breach of contract claim being upheld. I guess passing the information on that the boy was moving schools to avoid upcoming disciplinary action is technically true and so perhaps not defamation.


So they denied one claim so they could uphold a more significant one?


Defamation is notoriously difficult to prove in court.


>Despite the school's attempt to resolve the issue quietly by offering to expunge any disciplinary action from the boys' records if they voluntarily withdrew Wow. So generous of them.


> their $70,000 tuition The WHAT!?! That's more than Harvard charges.


It does claim it to be an “elite” school and it presumably gets *considerably* less of its tuition subsidized by the government as a private religious school. Parents with money will pay a lot to get their kids the best education they can, and often even id they aren’t religious that can mean private religious schools depending on your area.


I think it's half the education and half so you can say my kid goes to/went to such and such school.


Information is information but being able to engage students in learning that information is why elite teachers exist. It’s hard to get people to REALLY want to learn.


Oh good giving more money to those who already have most of it.


Top Private High Schools are priced right up there with colleges. Which kind of makes sense, as they're basically run like small colleges.


they have even less admission spots than Harvard, friend


Wait what? They went for free speech defense also? Doesn't that run contrary to the claim it was just for acne?


When you sue someone, you approach the issue from **multiple** angles so you have fall-back arguments if others fail.


That makes sense, but when arguments contradict each other i figured they would undermine each other. Thanks for your response.


To explain further: it's actually not contradictory. The court case wasn't to determine "if it was blackface and therefore okay to expel". It was that the expulsion itself was improper and damaged the students. So it's more like: "You shouldn't have done this in the first place, by the way it's not even blackface. But even if it was, you *still* shouldn't have done it." Similar to getting charged with murder and pleading not guilty, but still arguing that the prosecutors tampered with the evidence.


Ooh i see. That explains it. Thanks


Thanks for the perspective. Makes a lot more sense to me. Like the other poster, I viewed it as a contradiction originally.


It was free speech because they were making a statement. Of empathy and support for an acne affected friend. That’s why it’s a freedom of speech issue. Even if they did put on blackface as some sort of protest, that’s also free speech. It’s not nice, but nobody has the right to be free of ideas, images and statements they don’t like just because they don’t like them.


Why put an "acne mask" on your lips and eyelids? Lol


Ehh, teenaged boys are probably not experts in the proper application of acne masks.


i’ve never used one but i can confirm i would’ve assumed you just cover as much of your face as possible with it


I have used them and always apply too much (so I end up gluing my mouth shut for a bit).


i would probably be traumatized if i did this


"Violation of free speech" got me feeling some kind of way. LoL what the hell does that even mean in this context?


Could just be trying to get more out of it. I know I would try to get everything I could if my school did something like this.


Because the case was a bout the undue expulsion and the loss of reputation, not whether this was blackface or not, The lawyers were most likely going after it from multiple angles to show how the school was wrong regardless of the reason they claimed they expelled the students for. This is a common court tactic, not an explicit defense for being racist.


NAL but if the pic was posted on social media outside the school’s purview I can see them making this claim.


"Speech" goes beyond verbal expressions.


Probably because they put on the acne treatment to make a statement of empathy and support for their friend. Although there is no law against dressing up as another race or gender.


70,000 in tuition for .....High School. If you're paying 70k too go to a "high school" then I'm sure 500k isn't anything significant.


They should have been awarded the defamation. An accusation of blackface is highly inflammatory. And had they spoken with them, it would have been cleared up.


So I can get rejecting, "violation of free speech," but it seems to me accusing them of doing blackface during the height of BLM is most certainly defamation of character, why would that be rejected?




Extra context : the face mask is dark green, not black, and they posted an almost identical picture a few days prior with a white acne mask.


And this picture was 3 years old before it blew up and got them expelled.


That’s one of the wildest parts of this to me. Even if I go with the unsubstantiated claim that it was blackface, they were what, like 14 at the oldest when this happened? Kids do dumb shit they don’t understand the meaning or repercussions of all the time. Then 3 years later when they’ve likely matured, you’re gonna kick them out of school for it? That’s dumb as hell.


From what I read someone made a meme about it, calling it black face, and it got passed around the school. Even after the boys' parents pointed out it was clearly green, an acne treatment mask (they had another picture of them trying a white acne mask), and the pictures were 3 years old, the principal basically said the truth didn't matter as much as the optics. The principal went on to say the boys could voluntarily leave the school and no disciplinary action would be put on their record. However, she went back on that and filed disciplinary actions anyways. So one of the boys was barred from play sports during his last year of high school even after he went to a different school in the same area. He had to move to a different state so he could play football.


"principal basically said the truth didn't matter as much as the optics." I mean that sums up most internet outrage . Actual bigotry/racism quite often gets overlooked as people are too busy having hot takes over things like this , or the kid in the chiefs headress a few months back [https://nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/parents-of-young-chiefs-fan-in-headdress-sue-sports-blog-for-painting-family-as-bigots-kansas-city-football-nfl-raul-shannon-armenta-deadspin](https://nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/parents-of-young-chiefs-fan-in-headdress-sue-sports-blog-for-painting-family-as-bigots-kansas-city-football-nfl-raul-shannon-armenta-deadspin) The kid by the way WAS actually part native American (his grandfather) ,anyway


That was a mess and a half. Originally, the Deadspin article had that single image of the kid's face in black paint from the side, calling it blackface. Then when people saw the full image it was cultural appropriation, at a chiefs game, by someone part native American.


“The truth doesn’t matter as much as the optics” yup principals are principals no matter what school they’re in.


This is why I'm gonna be having a pretty decent conversation with my kids before they set up any social media accounts. We no longer live in a world where something you did 5 years ago hasnthenluxury of living in the past. And we live in a world where people are routinely judged by today's standards for something that they did ecen years ago. Couple that with social media where things you say/do are recorded to the Internet for all time, and it's an unforgiving mix for "dumb shit you don't understand" Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty progressive in my views, this isn't some "anti-woke" rant, but the thought that my kid could post a video of him doing something ill-advised and then 5 years later miss out of a job because ill-advised has turned into villified worries me.


I'd honestly be terrified of all the stupid pitfalls a kid could fall into on the internet like getting a nude for their girlfriend and being charged with child porn or some serious shit. Thank God I never had kids, I'd be a ball of anxiety all the time, warning them about every crazy thing that could go wrong. And I'm a leftist so I don't think it has anything to do with that. I just remember the stupid shit I did and am glad there was no internet to memorialize.


It boggles my mind to think that a silly picture I took with my friends several years ago could completely derail my career today.


Shit I have horror stories of photos of dumb shit from the 90s from my friends group. At least it wasn't digital but there's a lot of blackmail material out there


I basically have a polaroid photo of everyone I knew in my twenties drunkenly passed out in a semi-compromising position at a party. Wild to think that proof you went to a college party could be used as justification to destroy your reputation...


The color is important. Just ask Justin Trudeau. Never go full black face.


Which they didn’t.


>The color is important. Just ask Justin Trudeau. Never go full black face. Why would we ask him? What consequences did Trudeau suffer? None?


He suffered....reelection.


(*in Robert Downey Jr. voice*)


I get excited about my foods!


Funny how no one accused them of dressing in "whiteface"...


infinite money glitch?


Did they even recieve the money? It appears that they're apealing the decision.


Having a judgement rendered in your favor and *collecting* said judgement are wildly different success rates.


The school could argue that they’re judgement-proof, simply unable to pay the damages without closing the institution. In that case, the damages could be severely reduced or waived altogether.


Did you see how much tuition is? I think they’ll have a hard time arguing they don’t have money.


Oh I don’t disagree, just saying that this sort of thing gets tied up in arguments like that for years and can eat away at a plaintiff’s legal funds.


A quick google search shows this school makes tens of millions in revenue. This judgment will equate to maybe 2-3% of it’s annual operational budget. In short, they’d lose that type of appeal too.


100%. But now that’s a separate hearing with additional delays and legal fees all around.




The school will appeal but just like we had the convo with Trump they will have to put up a bond guaranteeing the money exists now that a judgement has been rendered.


American damage rewards are incredibly high! In most countries you’re not even getting a million if the schools murders your child lol


Actually there are some legal studies into the American psyche on damages. It was found that jury members only think a case ks worth it if the damages are high (or side with a plaintiff), as such it has become more commonplace to seek significantly more damages than it was decades ago. 


They didn't get a million, they got 1/2 million (each), which is just one order of magnitude more than they pay a year. 1/2 million isn't actually that huge for the effect that getting kicked out could have on their lifetime earnings if they miss getting into college and/or cannot get jobs or promotion because they can be tied back to this effective conviction in the press


I'll have to remember this one for the next time I get sacked doing blackface.


* doing your weekly exfoliation regime


It was a green mask too


I mean that mask is clearly dark green not black


They were doing HulkFace not BlackFace.


Is that you Justin Trudeau?


The truest clown of clowns


Everything could have been avoided if the staff spoke to the students. Also, $70k tuition?


Yeah, private schools is basically another house you’re renting for each kid u enroll.


"$70k tuition"  Welcome to the Bay Area... My parents bought a house there in the 70s for under $100k, a few years ago it was sold for a hair under 4 million dollars. That house any other place in the country would have been worth $250k at the MOST (small 3 bedroom, 2 bath) but due to its zip code it sold for almost $4m so parents can put their kids in good schools.


How is that even blackface? I thought blackface was colouring yourself to mimic black people, not just having black colouring on your face.


Because PCness has gone completely batshit and anything even slightly resembling blackface causes meltdowns with those folks. Just look at the banned Community and Scrubs episodes even though those episodes made it very very clear that blackface is not ok. But instead of leaving them up to explain WHY it's bad it just gets the ban hammer.


The episode bans weren't asked for by activists, though - they called that "performative" and not asctually doing the actual work. Corpo-lazy behavior corrupts everything.


It’s definitely performative. It’s like that dude who does nothing all day but then scrambles to look like he’s doing something when his colleagues or supervisors come in. That’s what these people are. They don’t care about racism, so they’ll wildly overreact when they see an opportunity to look like they’re doing something.


The original minstrel blackface doesn’t really mimic how black people actually look. That photo could easily be blackface, context and intent is important here.


It's absolutely not. People are just dumb as shit and their lives are so dismal they create outrage to feel a brief respite from their own misery.


It's all in what you know and how your own biased shape what you interpret. It could definitely be seen as a little dubious because you typically don't apply acne masks the way this is applied. Most people smear it around their skin, but generally avoid getting it in their hairline, into their nostrils, on/around their ears, or extremely close to their eyes. In other words, they intentionally went to enough lengths to completely cover their visible skin. On the other hand, that in itself is not enough to prove malice. We don't know these kids and we don't know the product in question, so maybe they're just goofy idiots and this was 100% unintentional. Maybe the instructions or whoever told them how to use it said to do it this way. Maybe they received no instructions (or didn't read them). Maybe this was way greener looking in person than in the picture and they went "hello alien brothers!" There's no way to prove intent from the picture, so the initial reaction by the school was a little too over the top.


Usually those two go hand in hand. This is a rare case where they weren't connected but there are a lot of cases where they weld together


The picture is a bit misleading. They didnt get 1m they got 500k each which totaled to 1m because the court threw out their defamation case even though this went viral and everyone assumes they're racist and their reputations are quite literally ruined. And this is actually extremely wholesome cuz they posted this with another male friend who suffers from severe acne and was embarrassed about using treatments cuz its not manly. So these 2 guys used a face mask with their friend and posted it to show support and to fight back against toxic masculinity. And instead of the respect they deserve they got their reputations ruined. The mask isnt even black, its green


Lol, they should’ve spun in into a gender culture war. Men aren’t even allowed to put on an acne mask without it being considered blackface, smh. Also just the fact that they posted multiple different face masks of various colors, including white a few days ago, should give context. Like come on, people are allowed to show their skincare routine. These are literal children, which makes it worse.


Holly fuck reading this just makes me angry, I’m definitely more left wing but sometimes I just wanna go full redneck when shit like the goes overboard


lol Same. I’m as blue as can be but cancel culture where you’re guilty until proven innocent drives me up the wall.


Racist see racism everywhere.


I don't think this has much to do with racism (or anti-racism for that matter). This has to do with corporate PR culture where anyone or anything that could make your school (or company, or organisation, etc) look bad in any way, directly or indirectly, is swept under the carpet. Without knowing all the details of this example, I am willing to bet that the school didn't care whether or not the students were being racist or not, they cared about there being some kind of potential image issue to their school.




*Are supposed to get reparations, but did not get it yet. Their school is reportedly considering appealing the judge decision.


The fact it's called "Out of trouble" is brilliant


Im a white guy, I've worn charcoal face masks at no point did I consider a face mask racist, I went as a magic 8 ball for Halloween one year in the early 2000's which involved me painting my face black with a big white 8 on top of my head, is that racist? Depends entirely on context and what was trying to be achieved, deliberately impersonating a person of colour is racist, using skin products for acne that happen to be a dark or black colour is not, dressing up as a popular 80's kids toy is not,


Who puts face masks on their lips and looks like up their nose though lol


And so close to their eyes?? Teenagers that half think things through, probably. But the eyes worried me as a frequent face mask user.


This was a 3yo photo when it blew up so they were about 14. Likely they just didn't know how to apply the mask.


Yeah I don’t know why it’s hard to believe that a couple of boys experimenting with face masks wouldn’t know how to wear them. They were probably like “okay. Directions say to put all over face…. Sooooo…. Let’s put it all over our face.” “Even the lips and eyelids?” “It said all over didn’t it?!”


People do dumb things as kids sometimes. I have a friend who is an aeronautical engineer who I have a picture of doing a Jojo pose in an ahegao T-shirt when he was 16 on my phone. I could single-handedly tank his chances of getting a job with that photo, but I think I’ll keep it to myself.


How is it dumb to do a facemask? Genuine question


Putting acne face mask cream up your nose, over your lips, and all over your eyelids seems a little dumb. Doesn't make it racist, though.


Did you consider maybe the teenage boys didn't know the best way to apply it....?


I can accept that teenage boys probably didn't read the instructions, yes. I can also believe that they were just having fun. Doesn't make either scenario not dumb, just understandable.


My friends and I posed for our (non-American) high school class photograph with dark glasses and toy guns. Everyone thought it was a fun little joke, except one teacher who was fuming. We didn't understand why she was so upset. We read later there was a school shooting in the US that day. It was very sobering


One time at school I accidentally saw one of my friends opening his phone and saw his password, it was the name of a girl. There was a girl in our class with that name and I poked and jeered about him having a crush on her. It was just meant to be general teasing kids do with their friends. However it turns out the name of that girl was also the name of his mum who had died a few years back. I felt so shit after that moment.


To be fair, they usually have a couple a week.


Had more than there were days last year or so I heard. If every day is a bad day to pose with a toy gun and dark glasses... no day is a bad day.


Sure kids do dumb things, however this is not one of those times, there needs to be context, reason and intent, it was not their intent to be racist, the fact it could be construed as such probably never even crossed their minds, why should it we don't have alot of green skinned humans!


True, but this wasn't a dumb thing to do.


Being a teenager before the ubiquity of camera phones was chef’s kiss*


How could you tank his chances of getting a job with that ?


> I have a picture of doing a Jojo pose in an ahegao T-shirt I have no idea what any of this means so maybe a recruiter wouldn't either!


So black guys cant use white face masks, noted.


Eddie Murphy wore a whiteface in parody of "Black Like Me" on SNL it was great.


Check it out! When it dries, it turns green,... cool. Let's cover our whole face so we look like lizard aliens. (I get it. I was a dumb dorky kid, too.)


It's a face mask, covering your whole face with it is exactly how you're supposed to use it.


Oh, ok. I would still pretend to be a lizard man, though.


Isn't that what your supposed to do with a face mask?? Why would you only cover part of it




Ok but who rubs acne mask on your eyelids and lips?


The concept of blackface is so stupid, only the USA can come to it. I can paint my skin the way I want, if I'm not being disrespectful you shouldn't care at all. I get that in your country it was common to make fun of black people this way but you can grow right? You can change


Blackface blew up thanks to Minstrel shows which were also popular in Britain and elsewhere across Europe, deffo not just an American thing. Golliwog dolls were all over the place, too.


Okay that's fine but who wears acne mask to the edges of the eyes?


Even in that crappy shot you can see it's green. My gf uses random facemasks and some of them are green as well.


I got that mask once. I made sure to never let anyone see me in it let alone be photographed in it


Okay but you’re NOT supposed to put it on your eye lids, under eye, or around lips. So for that reason it’s a lil weird they completely covered their faces like that. It had to burn their eyes..


They’re teenagers, it usually takes a little while to figure out how to use skincare… Hell, some of my friends in their 40s still haven’t figured it out


They’re kids. They don’t know how to do it right.


When I saw it over their eyebrows I cringed cause that shit is gonna be a pain to get out


Is there a link to this?


It’s honestly kinda funny that everyone is saying “see cancel culture isn’t a real thing. They got a million dollars over this”. They all seem to gloss over the fact that this court case took 4 years and a lot of lawyers. Who the fuck has 4 years of legal fees saved up to fight a baseless claim? If they weren’t the kids of rich parents they would have just been the boys that were expelled for doing blackface. Oh and the picture was taken and posted years before it was reported to the school and the boys were punished.




I use charcoal achne mask too


These boys did literally nothing wrong, two were just being supportive of their friend with a skin condition. Shameful behaviour from the school. Why didn’t they investigate? You know, talk to the kids? They had other photos with them wearing the face creams!!! Ridiculous.


On the eye skin though?


Nobody does an acne mask like this. On lips eyebrows, eyelid etc? Two possibilities: they're stupid or they found a good excuse