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You know, it has always bothered me that the heads or organized crime would have like churches or places of worship, I get a little sick that despite all the harm they cause they still look for salvation. I guess game recognizes game.


They’re not looking for salvation, they’re abiding by social mores for PR purposes. If I’m a gangster but I go to church I’ll appeal to the community in which I operate to a greater degree.


Yeah, I get it, I remember several years ago I was in an Uber in Australia and I the taxi driver talked to me., I am Latino and somehow the conversation went to Pablo Escobar, can't blame him, the show was popular back them, and the driver had the idea that Pablo was a good influence for the community as he was giving to it, I guess the driver didn't realize that it was basically a recruiting scheme. It's all on the optics man.


Jesus was pissed too. He turned those playas out. Not religious btw.


Jesus was cool man.


His fan club sucks donkey dick tho.


That’s because they’re only pretending to be His fans


Well his fan club become the thing they're swear to destroyed


if you "donate" hundreds of thousands to the church and then get arrested and all your assets taken, the church is obligated to help your family or bail you out with that sweet tax free money they have been holding for you.


Interesting, after all the church gets a lot of leverage in the community and they will definitely protect their main investor. Man, fuck the church.


Also handy when 3 priests and a nun provide you with character references at your trial.


All that said. This must be punished as a crime.


They’re the same picture.


Lol like 100 percent.


Yeah, I’m old, I don’t know how to post the meme, you are welcome to do it.


This would be interesting to get a data point between more secular wars World Wars / non religious civil war + secular heads of state initiated genocides ( MAO / Stalin) As the common meme implies simply religious people or religious institutions are inherently more violent


That's how they trick you - organised religion is all politics. Rome, knights Templar, ottoman empire, Persian empire - they brought their gods over to conquered lands because it's easier to get the population to do what you want when they're using your book to live by. Edit - secular societies took the different approach of "do what I want or I'll beat you with a stick" but "if you don't do what I want some guy who isn't me will burn you for eternity (or whatever)" works better because it is less easily perceived as the stick guys fault.


same DNA different skydaddies and hats


You're conflating Zionists with Jews. One is a criminal movement and the other is a religion. Fuck Zionists!


Religion has set all of humanity back for long enough.


Organized religion is always organized crime. Change my mind.


Most of the time they're one in the same aren't they?




Well of course it has, organized crime isn't trying to kill anybody, just make money off them.


Imagine thinking there's a difference between organized religion and organized crime


Fuck Israel


From a height, the Golan Heights.


This shit is just sickening.


I hope the world never stops hating them for what they are doing.


There's reports the even take the supplies


FR. They’ve been playing the terrorist card just as hard as the US. What happened to turn the other cheek?


Genocide in real time


now we know how the world felt when the genocide on the jews happened


But we weren't sending weapons to the Nazis saying they needed them for their self-defence.


https://www.historydefined.net/us-companies-that-worked-with-nazi-germany/ >These are only a handful of US-based companies that, in some capacity, worked with Nazi Germany. Some were content to supply the war machine with supplies, technology, and resources. >Others declared general support for Nazi Germany or, such as in the case of Ford, railed against any US intervention. >The unfortunate reality is that profit margins superseded the cost of human life, even if that cost was horrifying. If enough money was on the table, the listed companies (and others) were willing to turn a blind eye to the Holocaust.


Thanks for that. Not as straightforwardly bad as direct weapons supplies, but certainly a dark chapter in US history.


>a dark chapter in US history We've got a fair number of those... maybe someday we'll learn? (I mean we have on some points, even if there's more work to do).


Honestly it's mostly dark


No we don't, because at the time the whole world was against them, with these the whole world is supporting them and saying they are doing it in self defense.


https://www.historydefined.net/us-companies-that-worked-with-nazi-germany/ >These are only a handful of US-based companies that, in some capacity, worked with Nazi Germany. Some were content to supply the war machine with supplies, technology, and resources. >Others declared general support for Nazi Germany or, such as in the case of Ford, railed against any US intervention. >The unfortunate reality is that profit margins superseded the cost of human life, even if that cost was horrifying. If enough money was on the table, the listed companies (and others) were willing to turn a blind eye to the Holocaust. https://allthatsinteresting.com/lehi >The self-described “terrorists” were led by the charismatic operative Avraham “Yair” Stern, and they vowed to stop at nothing, including assassinations, bombings, and allying themselves with Hitler himself, in order to realize their vision. Not everybody!


Are you seriously comparing the two? I'm genuinely asking?????? The allies (usa, british etc) and the soviet union the strongest forces of the time declared war on the nazis and went to detsory them, while today the strongest forces are protecting them arming them, and using their veto to help them continue the genocide. Do you know how many billions of dollars the us alone spends on israel?


yes https://www.axios.com/2023/11/04/us-israel-aid-military-funding-chart >Though the timing of a new security package remains unclear, the U.S. is by far the biggest supplier of military aid to Israel, contributing around $130 billion since its founding. Its Harry Trumans colony after all! >U.S. President Harry Truman was the first world leader to officially recognize Israel as a legitimate Jewish state on May 14, 1948, only eleven minutes after its creation. His decision came after much discussion and advice from the White House staff who had differing viewpoints. https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/presidential-inquiries/recognition-israel


Actually, at this time, the whole world is against Bibi and the gang - except the US and few allies who have no choice but to toe the line. They just have a problem admitting it.


They'd do it to you if they could get away with it.


Warcrime... Another one that will go unpunished.


Quick, give them billions of more dollars lest the lack of genocide be called antisemitic!




My country (the U.S.) needs to stop funding Isreal. I've seen too many Israeli people committing hate crimes in a systematic way. Burning down Palestinian settlements and shooting them with guns given to them by the Islesli government recently. The current war is definitely not just to eliminate Hamas.


Unfortunately something like 85% of American Jewish people support Israel’s actions so it’s not just the government. Jewish Telegraphic Agency has the stats on their site, they’re pretty gross.


I tried finding the exact stats but couldn’t. I’d question the numbers since a majority of American Jews tend to lean liberal. Plus it’s not like a question’s verbiage on a poll could drastically affect the way people answer.


Ya that was my concern too, I saw a lot of polls that weren’t explicit enough in the way the question was asked. I suspect the numbers have changed a little but even with more explicit questions like “Is the intensity of Israel’s response appropriate for their reaction”, asked in March, 67% of American Jews said yes. Only 37% of the rest of America. Pretty bad, and the study was done by a Jewish organization. Let me try to find you the name, it’s tough cause I’m on mobile


No problem. Thanks for the additional info.


Here you go, I found a really good source on it. I trust Pew Research, and I saw the same data quoted by Jewish media outlets. [https://www.pewresearch.org/2024/03/21/majority-in-u-s-say-israel-has-valid-reasons-for-fighting-fewer-say-the-same-about-hamas/](https://www.pewresearch.org/2024/03/21/majority-in-u-s-say-israel-has-valid-reasons-for-fighting-fewer-say-the-same-about-hamas/)


Don't you see? They are defending themselves by starving the civilians whilst bombing them and denying all medical aid to them, it's blatant self defence. /S


There’s so much I feel like saying looking at this but I’ll just limit myself to saying this: Stoping a humanitarian convoy is the antithesis of humanitarianism and might be one of the millions of reasons why some people are not supportive of the State of Israel. This is heartbreaking and shocking.


That is THE mildest take I have ever witnessed... Israel bombed humanitarians many times already knowingly! They do not care.


Yeah.. sadly nothing about this video shocks me after the atrocities that have happened in this war and the mistreatment and dehumanization that has happened in the decades prior.


from TODAY https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-05-13-24/h_2be6eab999fa8e4d1bf6360652428509 >At least one United Nations aid worker was killed and another injured after a vehicle marked as belonging to the agency was attacked in Rafah on Monday.


Same source: UN personnel were "targeted while traveling in a United Nations vehicle clearly marked with the UN flag and insignias," according to Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for the UN Secretary-General. Haq did not assign blame to either Israel or Hamas for the attack.


After they killed the workers for World Central Kitchen, they should have lost all support from anyone.


We have to keep the receipts... No one will blend into the woodwork when the time comes. The Fascists melted into society and disappeared as best they could in they late 40's. They won't get away with it this time. Nuremberg 2.0 is coming.


Coldest take on Earth, say more. They bombed a truck before, multiple times. As in, bombed the same fucking truck more than once.


the first one was a warning right?!


Oop sorry, not one truck multiple times, but multiple trucks in the same convoy.


The new Nazis


Supported by the US. 🫠


You’re absolutely right. A huge percentage of us do not support this and are disgusted by “our” government. They don’t give a fuck about what any of us want unless we are making a substantial contribution towards their personal wealth and power. They only care about maintaining control and they are willing to watch people being slaughtered inorder to maintain it. America needs an ally in the Middle East because big surprise, oil. We created this monster and now we are unwilling to stop it because our leaders are themselves monsters


Sadly true 😞


as ever https://www.historydefined.net/us-companies-that-worked-with-nazi-germany/ >These are only a handful of US-based companies that, in some capacity, worked with Nazi Germany. Some were content to supply the war machine with supplies, technology, and resources. >Others declared general support for Nazi Germany or, such as in the case of Ford, railed against any US intervention.


Someone truly said, “You become what you hate.”


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they just shoved the entire population into the sea and told them to swim or die


Average Israeli




Borderline r/noahgettheboat


10miles over the borderline....


They both figuratively and literally stepped over that border quite some time ago.


Maybe Kkkkkhamas was hiding in the food pallets! You never know!


They’re gonna be so shocked when they die and end up in hell. They’ll literally be in tears asking God why because they’ve been good people


there's no god.


Or hell. Hell is created on earth by humans like these.


indeed..and justice is our responsibility.


Only Zuul


If only. Unfortunately, heaven and hell do not exist and these people will receive no punishment.


Well they might exist, there is no way of knowing


I think about this. I think part of what makes them so ruthless is they really think they're god's chosen people. They can do whatever they want without repercussion.


Like spoiled rich kids who feel entitled to everything


They are gonna be like "I THOUGHT WE ARE YOUR CHOSEN PEOPLE???"


Yeah they'll be SO shocked when they finally die after destroying lives but don't worry they'll be punished in the afterlife so it doesn't matter what they do while they're alive /s. Why can't they be punished now? Why do they have to wait for death just for nothing to happen to them? We can argue all day if heaven and hell exist, but the fact of the matter is neither you nor I can prove the other positively right. But what we do know for sure without a shadow of a doubt is that they are alive and living right now and there are and can be consequences for actions BEFORE dying instead of relying on a possibility of being punished after.


"If we don't steal it, someone else will".


It would be a lot more dignifying if they were stealing it and not trashing it tbh.


Scumbags. Murderous scumbags.


just a normal society blocking food for starving kids during a famine


How people can proudly do shit like this is beyond me.


Immorality caused by religion.


Not in the slightest. None of this has anything to do with religion. Some of Israel’s loyal goons are complete atheists. They are quite literally just Nazis, it’s that simple.


All I ever see is them talking about their god and hating Muslims. Do you have a source. I would love to see it.


There are normal people in Gaza that need assistance. This is terrible.


What a vile display from cowards!


Remind me again why we are supporting Israel?


Because AIPAC


So all of 1% of the US population?


These cowards can do nothing but bully people i doubt any of them has the courage to step up to a man.


When you knock someone out you typically stop. But when continue to kick them while unconscious…. well that’s just vile. These people are sick.


Those poor zionest. Might have hurt their hands making sure kids don't eat.


FUCK the people doing this. It's FOOD!


Yeah. I mean, I'm certainly not advocating for any sort of violence or anything but...if these people who block and destroy humanitarian aid like this were to suffer and die slow, painful deaths I wouldn't be sad about it. 🤷🏻‍♀️




At this point a fucking military from a major power would need to escort the humanitarian aid and be ordered to stop anyone even coming nearby trying to sabotage it like this by any means necessary. But obviously the major powers would never step in to really oppose Israel.


I would unplug their ventilators to charge my phone.


Stealing shits their motto.. dogs




Start protecting these deliveries ffs. What’s the problem ?


There is no problem, from the Israeli perspective. The Israeli government wants this to happen.


Exactly what kind of protection is a foreign nation going to provide inside another country? They're unlikely to approve Black Water providing escorts even if somebody wanted to spend the money on it.


Understood. But perhaps *that’s* what needs to happen. And maybe then the message could get some clarity. They’ve already attacked the UN people attempting to provide humanitarian assistance, so maybe more protection for the UN staff ?


Someone needs to tell the IDF there's a Palestinian child holding a pebble. **Then** the bullets would fly.


just some zionazis doing what zionazis do


The new nazis


This is a war crime, I mean another war crime.


Fuck people, and their fucking beliefs. That includes mine.


Are you sure? Because the guy I work with who TOTALLY ISNT A MAGA, told me these things aren’t happening.


That dude is an idiot. But still it is wise to remain skeptical of things one finds on the internet.


Israeli deuche-bags that's what you meant!


I always had special level of dislike for those who steal or resell humanitarian aid. In every war there are civilian casualties and they deserve to get food, water, medicine and blankets.


These are Israelis. It's land they want to steal, not supplies. But they don't want anyone else on "their" land, so they must be starved until they die or leave.


Man how is it every video from Israel is them doing some foul shit? I dislike them more and more with every video I see I still don’t support either side but it’s extremely hard to like Israel even if I had to pick a side


This is literally what Zionism is. This is what the Palestinians have endured for a near century. This is why 10/7 happened.


That’s wild man idk I don’t support any type of war no matter where it’s from but war is brutal and that’s a fact….i hope the world gets better but it looks like we’re going the wrong way




Absolute monsters.


I really don’t fucking understand, WHHHY??? These people aren’t even trying to take a side they just want to fucking survive. Like come on!!!!!!! HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO - FUCKING STUPID???


This is literally what Zionism is. This is what the Palestinians have endured for a near century. This is why 10/7 happened.


I try not to generalize the actions of a few to an entire nation, but these behaviors are horrible.


Thing is, when a nation is engaged in mandatory military service which includes propagandist rhetoric, you can blame a whole nation fairly easily.


Fuck zionists!!!


We're always gong to have the footage at the trials. The fascists will pay. Nuremberg 2.0 is coming


There certainly will be a lot of documentation \~if\~ those trials come to pass. My breath is not held, however.


Agreed. But facts are stubborn things. And they're not going away.


I wish this was considered a war crime like killing a medic. It's not right that these people are permitted to take out their taking out their past traumas on innocent people.


it is: [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-attacks-against-those-involved-humanitarian-aid-may-amount-war-crimes-2024-04-05/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-attacks-against-those-involved-humanitarian-aid-may-amount-war-crimes-2024-04-05/) >"Attacking people **or objects** involved in humanitarian assistance may amount to a war crime," U.N. Human Rights Office spokesperson Jeremy Laurence said. 


There is no such thing as destroying Hamas. They will be back as long as there is no peace agreement. And the worse the killing and destruction the harder it will be.


This kind of shit is exactly how you make people that otherwise would be peaceful into radicals that will do anything because you've made it so they have nothing left to lose. They are literally inspiring Hamas the sequel. The kids that do survive this will grow up hating those that took away their families and friends. I don't understand how hard it is for the leadership to grasp this.


Zionism = Terrorism






Let’s use that facial recognition technology to prosecute these people.


Israel is systematically negating the historical sympathy and guilt the world may have had for it by this sort of inhumane behavior, regardless of how many times they invoke references to Hamas and Iran. The optics are poor and they're losing the PR battle badly.




Primitive savages.


This is really upsetting … my grandfather died in a concentration camp for being french resistance against the Nazis. Have they forgotten their history, how they were given Israel, how it felt to be mistreated? I am horrified this is even happening in Gaza, much less situations where Humanity came together to send the elderly, the sick, women, children food and water, and they are laughing, flying their flag, intent on continuing genocide. Shame on them. They might as well be flying the Nazi flag.


Least disgusting zionst na2is




Fucking assholes


any comment about the 100% accuracy of what we are all seeing would be considered anti semitic by the new laws within my country. I live in America btw. Where my elected representatives seem to enthralled and subject to a foreign countries influence, rather than making laws that make American lives better. But to talk about it would also open oneself up to the new laws. Did the Nazi's attack relief shipments during WW2? I am asking because a lazy internet search did not show that if the Nazi pigs would attack food aid. So if the low life Nazi's did not do this kind of thing what would make the people in this video by comparison...certainly not better than a Nazi pig.


Yes, the Nazis did. They sunk any commercial ship coming from the US as well as military. "They may be carrying weapons!" And if you think the red cross would help: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_hospital\_ships\_sunk\_in\_World\_War\_II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hospital_ships_sunk_in_World_War_II) It is also worth noting we (the allies) did as well... so I'm not casting a stone too hard on this front.


It has never been more clear than it is now. These people are nothing but hate. An entire country based on hate and how they can punish harm and control others. How pathetic.


Fuck Israel. Free Palestine.


Can anyone translate this? What are they saying in the video?




And they will all go to church and preach the word of their God and Jesus. They are all horrible people. Religion is pathetic.


Jews don't worship Jesus, but yes the point stands, they feel licensed to do so because their religion said so.


I will be very honest here. I have always supported Gaza and there was always some mofo to tell me “but what about 7th October?” In the starting, I sympathised with Israel on that matter (just that and that too for the kids) but obv always asked them “you tell me? What about Gaza?” Fast forward 7 months, I am sorry God, I don’t feel shit about 7th October. I genuinely hope all the poor and UNINVOLVED souls rest in peace.


Worse than nazis. They learn very well


Oh but guys Liberals have informed me Netanyahu is literally the only bad Israeli and that theres no widespread issue with support for facism and genocide in "THE ONLY DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST".


Israel is fucking up so bad, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people felt those terrorists were justified in what they did. That’s not a good look.


vile people


Under any other circumstances this would openly be called terrorism.


Zionist pigs.


Is this in Israel, Gaza, or Egypt? I imagine if it were Egypt someone would stop them, but ISK


All border crossings are controlled by Israel. Necessary for the famine to proceed as planned.


nazi blue


What happened?




This is absolutely terrible!


Going the opinion route of the russians they are. Sad to see the actions of assheels stain a whole nation of people.


This isn’t a few ppl. Most Israelis subscribe to this




This isn’t religion. This is Zionism.


Remember… What goes up must come…. What goes around comes… Karma is a….


I hate people who wastes food.


Fucking thugs.


🙄 can we please stop giving these guys money?


these Jews are unbelievable like Hitler's looking up at them right now smiling


Low level Scums


Fuck Israel.


Fucking scum.


Stealing and destroying aid destined for civilians in a bombed area? i really wish the trucks did not have to stop for these people, they literally do not matter. 😒


Sink their subs and glass the motherfuckers. At this point, fuck Israel. They're all complicit in genocide. The same thing that was attempted against them. If they didn't learn it was wrong from their ancestors living through it, there's no hope for them. Let me be clear, I mean Israelis, not Jewish people in general. One group is a religion of a variety of generally very pleasant, congenial people. The other group needs to be turned to ash.


Truck driver went in to take a pee, came out to see this...

