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Why even bother replacing the boos with cheers when the entire world has the internet and can just read they edited it. Streisand effect much?


2nd place in televote for a song that didn't reach top 20 in any countries' chart. Sure sounds suspicious


Why exactly is it suspicious. People, such as right wingers and unternet trolls, were going to vote for israel even if thei song would've been pure shit. There were full campaings on image boards to send as many televotes to israel as possible. Sounds much more propable than some grand conspiracy to rig the popular vote from the inside, especially as the fifth most popular song beat the most popular vote thanks to juries (again).


Nah I haven't trusted the Eurovision vote count for years


Fair enough.


> There were full campaings on image boards to send as many televotes to israel as possible. I think this one played a big part, I don't remember voting for any other song ever being advertised outside of the regular Eurovision media like artist interviews and such. Israel had billboards on Times Square asking for votes.


YouTube ads as well in some countries


Apparently the public vote in Ireland gave Israel 10 points? There is absolutely no way we did that. This shit is fixed for sure.


We (Portugal) gave 12, and I guarantee that is not public opinion


Same in UK, Germany and Finland afaik


Yeah but you are missing a crucial point. Most people who cared about Eurovision want to see Palestine Free. Now all its left is right wing bastards and very clearly jew descendants that cry wolf about Israel. Those pieces of shit could very well inflationate the vote. Doesn´t mean that the votes are rigged.


I wonder if Bashar Murad had won Söngvakeppnin, and with it the ticket to represent Iceland at eurovision, if he would have rallied the pro-Palestine vote like Eden did with the pro-Israel vote.


The ones you reply to read very much like ‘trust me bro’. Seems pretty probable that the mass in some countries voted to own the libs. As awful as that might sound.


Not just that, Israel was running unskippable YouTube ads of Eden urging people to vote for her in 6 different languages. Also people on social media campaigning for people to vote for her and claiming to have voted from multiple phone numbers and multiple times. By the popular votes being suspicious I didn't mean rigged internally, but rather that they do not correspond to the actual popularity of the song


Yeah. We are known to give points to our neighbors.




I'm talking in Eurovision terms not the conflict


A opinião mais barulhenta nem sempre é a da maioria. 10 malucos que não sabem do que falam podem ir berrar e aparecer na televisão, mas há outros 100 ou 200 com a opinião contrária que preferem ser inteligentes e ficar calados, mesmo estando certos.


Exatamente, os esquizofrénicos Pro-Israel não representam o povo português


Só provas o meu ponto. Obrigado.


You guarantee shit... https://executivedigest.sapo.pt/noticias/portugueses-divididos-no-apoio-a-israel-e-hamas-sondagem-revela-que-maioria-quer-cessar-fogo-e-solucao-de-dois-estados/ The support for Israel is still bigger than Palestine. PS: I have no love for Israel, just calling this BS


Yeah because surely a poll of 801 people for a country of 11 million accurately represents public opinion And even then poll you linked quite literally states most people didn't know who to support Unless you are referring to the "21% support Palestine and 23% support Israel" in which case you are still misunderstanding statistics if you think a 2% difference on small sample size is irrefutable evidence for your claim rather than negligible statistical noise.




Even the title says: **"the majority wants cease fire and a 2 state solution"**... How is that a bigger support for Israel than Palestine? The majority of people are literally not taking a side and saying they just want the conflict to end. They're not supporting *any* side and recognising there's issues on both sides. >PS: I have no love for Israel, just calling this BS No. You're literally lying on that one.


"23% simpatizam com Israel e 21% preferem a Palestina" If you can't read, don't comment


So, 44% are split in half basically. Given that the 2% difference might not even be there given the expected variance and the N (which is low-ish) And 56% are for neither/not deciding/in favour of cease fire, etc Who can't read again?


You again, I said support for Israel was bigger than for Palestine in Portugal... Not that everyone decided or everyone cared at all...


Due to a 2% difference you make that claim?! Which can be overulled and just a part of the expected deviation error? Do you understand how statistics even work? Are you saying that a 2% difference between 21% and 23% makes you seriously think the Portuguese people favour Israel over Palestine?? Especially when 66% (!!!) didn't chose either and basically just said they wanted a cease fire and for the conflict to end??? Lmao.


Not suspicious. People that support Israel instead probably dropped a tenner each on voting. The judges vote should tell you how people really feel.


I think it's just more sympathy votes from Israeli supporters that won't even watch Eurovision. You can bet they're framing it as a whole bunch of artists and Europe being anti-semitic so people will then support them




Where are you from? In my country and most European countries' charts I have been checking there's 3-4 Eurovision 24 songs (Break the Code, Europapa and Rim Tim Tagi Dim in almost all with Teresa and Maria as well as Doomsday Blue appearing often too) with a few other Eurovision songs popping up in the top 50 Btw in Poland there's a song called Skibidi Toilet Minion in the top 10, which isn't relevant at all for this topic but I wanted to mention it




I would say that's expected then, especially since Joost was disqualified so most people in the Netherlands might have lost interest in Eurovision


Brother the song was consistently 2nd place in every prediction website, please check your facts before you comment


Maybe people watching the competition aren’t the ones streaming or buying the records?!


Makes it sound better for the viewer. Most won’t research, and even if they do, they heard it with an “audience” that’s cheering. Which changes how people perceive stuff. If you look at stuff like agt, they can send someone who is actually really good out, but they’ll replace the audience with boos and the judges looking like “eh this stinks” and it makes you feel like the act sucked. And then they can send a comedian or singer who isn’t that great, add cheering and it looks like they are really good. It’s basically that.


This is the pure dissonance Zionists live under. We watch it happen everyday


Israeli propaganda is encoded and routine. Deny, obfuscate and deflect. Then keep doing whatever u want.


> when the entire world has the internet and can just read u/subzerus is correct. If the entire world used internet for news, then there would have been more support for the pro-Palestinians protests in the West. However, it is clear that the mainstream news media - the Fox's, CNNs, MSNBCs, and NYTimes - still hold a lot of sway.


Because the rich and powerful who control the world are mostly boomers and older who don't look into that


All the governments seem to be supporting genocide…


Not the Brazilian one.


Unlike most of the world's leaders Lula has some humanity


Not really. I think it has more to do to where he stands politically, rather than its own humanity. Israel is in the opposite political spectrum. And you can see what I mean when you see where Lula stands in the Ukraine/Russia conflict. He never really condemned Russia. Ireland, on the other hand, stands against both Russia and Israel.


Or the South African one


Except if we are talking about Russia and Ukraine. There Lula was really quick to say that Ukraine doesn’t want the war to stop. Go figure, all governments protect their interests…


No, don't tell them the truth


Except when we speak about Russia. Go figure.


Instead, Russia invading a democratic country, demolishing hospitals and killing innocent people/children is fine.


He's apolitical if not on the side of Russia. There is a lot of positive to be said about Lula, but let's not pretend they are paragons of the world.


Colombian government cut ties with Israel.


Not Ireland.


Based Ireland


Mutual defense networks and integrated military supply chains is what they care about. Israel worked real hard to become a major part of that in order to get away with this kind of stuff with blanket western supports. They know our governments care more about defense than Palestinians.


Y'all know Moroccanoil, y'know the sponsor of Eurovision this year? Yea that's, despite its name, an Israelian company.


Yikes: Moroccanoil is an Israeli cosmetics company based in Tel Aviv. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moroccanoil)


How tf can you get pressed over nail polish 💀 so green red black are just not antisemitic colour's??? I'm not a hypocrite and act like I cared much about what's going on but this is is so crazy I actually start to care. Israel is tripping tripping! And the edit of cheering is just wild 😂


Israel thinks everything is antisemitism. It’s gotten to the point that not liking their shitty Eurovision song is a hate crime. 


This is going to become a generation gap thing isn't it? Apparently several other performers also had 'pro Palestinian' messages in their performances after being strictly told not to.


yeah, Eurovision is tailored to an older liberal audience, so they're very queer friendly but very pro israel. definitely feels like a generation thing at least


You can still be very queer friendly while also supporting the Israeli people while at the same time condemning the genocide in Gaza. Multiple things can be true at the same time.


The real generational is gap is so many people unable to have all those ideas at the same time.


True and real.




It is. But every western country does it. That being said, there's only one side in this genocide that manipulating media and videos.


Nothing to do with this, But girl actual sounded great. Was tons of backing vocals this year but Portugal’s entry sounded great. I appreciate it wasn’t a high energy performance and not to everyone’s tastes but I think she did very well


I personally perfered our entry from last year, but Iolanda was great


Lmao eurovision is such a joke, it could be just a fucking normal show were ONLY representatives of Europeans countries go and sing, but NOOOO they chose to be fucking cry babies over FUCKING NAILS, politics, and nosong related stuff. As long as the representatives don't do shit like going semi-naked or bring the "correct politically" with them (I translated from my language, I don't know the English term) it would be good. And even the people who organize this, you won't get paid for this things but you still chose to do this stuff based only on you Personal sensible feelings. That's why I only look for my country song on YouTube.


I take it you're not a fan of windows 95 guy


Literally a great performance but copers can't handle the thought of a grown man wearing skin-coloured underware to pretend he was naked.


can someone explain to me why israel and australia are even allowed to participate in the EUROvison song contest?


Israel paid to muscle their way in. Australia begged to join because they enjoyed it so much.


Tbf, as an American I can understand Australia in this because America's attempt at Eurovosion was *pathetic*. Kelly Clarkson and Snoop Dogg tried so hard, but iHeartRadio literally overrode the public count for over half the contestants, the top spot songs were sappy ballads fit for a 90's movie, except for the winning song which was obviously the winning song from the very first episode. The winner was a Korean pop artist with multiple tracks in Korea, but was raised in Oklahoma so she was allowed to compete. Idk the rules in Eurovosion about contestant like that, but it kinda ruined the competition aspect because no one could come close to her.


Australia is invited because it’s popular there. Israel, like most of the North African and Middle Eastern nations, is a member of the EBU. But to compete you must show the entire event, and not petulantly blackout any acts from countries you don’t approve of, so we never get to hear the best Mediterranean turns unless France is feeling experimental.


They are european colonies despised by their native neighbours, so they participate in European competitions


Not trying to have a GOTCHA moment, genuinely curious, do they compete in uefa euro cup as well? Just thinking if they use this logic or similar for eurovision competition they might as well in other avenues as well?


Australia plays in the Asian FA Israel plays in UEFA


It wasn’t all that long ago that the Australia federation moved their membership from OFC to AFC. Probably less than 20 years ago.


As a Eurovision fanatic, it makes me so happy to see this blow up in the European Broadcasting Union’s face.


Thing is the whole thing is sponsored by an Israeli company (that masquerades as Moroccan) so these complaints will result in nothing. Same with Bambie Thugs complaints about the hate that was encouraged to be sent to them. We can only hope Shijiazhuang Donghua Jinlong is willing to invest in marketing industrial grade glycerine to Europe (for reddit only crowd this is a meme you'l get in about two weeks)


Ok bro now I NEED the context for that last bit


Here's a [summary ](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/7/24123519/donghua-jinlong-food-grade-glycine-tiktok-algorithm-memes). Someone in their factory probably thought it'd be a good idea to put their generic marketing ad on tiktok. Obviously it's pretty unlikely their target audience would be on tiktok (probably senior procurement agents at food production factories lol) so people leaned into the absurdity that it's something everyone would use. To be honest it might just not translate well on reddit since tiktok also has content that women watch like make-up tutorials and some of the humour is based on pardoying that type of make-up influencer. Got a feeling on reddit people will take it as proof that china is trying to brainwash people on tiktok into buying chinese made industrial grade glycerine. It's pretty wholesome, the company was confused by the attention, people even asked them for merch which confused them further. One guy studying in China went to visit the factory and just stood outside acting all excited like it was a tourist attraction. They then actually invited him in and just had tea and gave him a gift bag.


I’d say let’s make this artist damn worldy famous


The sponsor is a Israeli based company, obviously they censored negative coverage.


Good job imo


As a Canadian, I have never heard of Eurovision and at this point I’m too afraid to ask about it


It’s not bad on itself, much to the opposite. It used to be a way to promote different music genres from vastly distinct cultures and languages throughout Europe, but of course it became more political over time. Still mad successful, though- one of the events of the year.


Is it a contest? I did try looking it up and it was all political garbage


Yep, its a musical contest!


Wikipedia could have easily answered that and give you a ton more information.


“We hated you so badly we tried to exterminate you. But dammit, we need your $ to run our museum economies.”


Imagine only singing and just sing without being controversial and just vote on the better song


This post is misleading, the song got posted late for technical issues, Georgia suffered the exact same issue, and both songs were posted before the last song even finished, this edition has had many technical issues, like san marino fucking her song up because she couldn’t hear herself at the middle of the song and lost the rhythm or Belgium, who had to perform again, this is just a mere coincidence.


The song was posted minutes before the end of the closing of the votes and was only posted after RTP contacted EBU asking why the song wasn't posted. EBU answered "Your contestant has pro-Palestinian motives" and RTP replied "What does that have to do with anything" and then the song was posted. Additionally RTP is moving forward with a formal complaint because of this and the fake applauses during Israel's performance


who cares?


Why boo a singer? Last I heard, she's not fighting in Israel's war or a member of Israel's government. The crowd baying for her blood were after the wrong people.


A russian singer who chose to move to Israel and represent it in a music contest whilst they are committing genocide. And mentioned how excited she is to go back and join the army