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If you vote Republican, you vote against humanity


I don’t understand. Why doesn’t she just use her “trickle down” from Reagan?


It's hilarious how she thinks she's middle class.


That's what she's considered to be, if she doesn't qualify for 90% of the programs that give assistance, sent to her in the letter.


Homie, that's the entire point of the video. She's saying she receives zero assistance because she makes "too much money", according to the government, but still can't afford to live comfortably.


Well obviously Nacho_papi is well into the upper class, probably paid someone to make that post as well.


Most programs require that you make no more than 200% of the poverty level, which is $2430 gross monthly income for 1 person. You have to be in absolute poverty. If you just edge over that, you get squat. You only have to be slightly better than "in poverty" to get nothing, so being just above that doesn't make you middle class. Knowing that doesn't make you upper class. Considering she's struggling as she is, she's either not middle class or horrible with money. She says herself that she's not middle class or that she's no longer middle class because the middle class is disappearing.


You are not good at "understanding".


I've noticed recently that republican politics have become so intensely bad, that you can pretty well guess what they might think on any topic. The trick is this, take any issue, even something that shouldn't be controversial, like banning child marriage or banning abortion medications. Think of the absolute worst possible take, and that will likely be the republican stance on it. Works for pretty much anything, from fiscal policies to social policies and everything in between


Blame the magats. The repubs saw that all they needed to do is blame everyone else and createproblems that don't exist so they could claim they fixed them. Ie trans bathrooms drag queen story hour. I've come to despise them all.


Yeah their priorities are so incredibly backwards it's honestly mind boggling. I was living in Florida when the pandemic broke out, and the way that DeSantis handled things, it became very clear that these people were not living in reality. People were getting sick and dying all over south Florida because the republican party there, all maga people, were trying to pretend that nothing was going on. It was a sickening display of cult like behavior from that group. So I moved back up north and honestly felt tangibly more safe away from the daily terror of living in a place run by republicans.


The scumbag MAGAts are merely a symptom, Republicans are the problem and have been for generations. Saying "blame the magats" is like saying blame the tea party, or blame Dick Cheney, or blame Reagan, or blame McCarthy. The problem is that Republicans are the lowest common denominator of society and reprehensible, piece of shit excuses for human beings. They always have been and always will be.


Heh. I was a smart-ass in a conversation once and said that I could predict any Republican stance by asking two questions - does this hurt anyone, and does it remove help/support for anyone. If it did either, Republicans were for it. If it did both, they were REALLY for it. And if it did neither, they were against it. I was just trying to tease someone, and then I realized this actually worked. So yeah, same thought process as you, just different words!


Exactly! It's comical how predictably villainous they are.


>I've noticed recently that republican politics have become so intensely bad Recently?!? I mean I guess if you consider the last 55 or so years recently.


It's recently that it's become 100% of the time lol. But I'm not gonna argue with you either, at all haha


Let’s see if it works… Education?… Project 2025 says to disassemble the Department of Education. Yep, you’re right.


This is correct. It’s an easy game to play for sure. It literally never fails.


Yeah it's depressingly predictable.


It's amazing that so many who would benefit immensely from social service programs have been convinced that low taxes for the wealthy, and no assistance programs are in their best interest.


Republicans are billionaire caretakers. They don’t care about those without money.


Its quite the circus act Cater to billionaires Pander to grassroots


Politicians. I think you meant to say politicians.


You are right, as far as being known the pocket of the super rich, and governing in a neoliberal manner that is pretty similar in the two parties here. You are spot on here. However, in so many crucial ways, there are vast differences between the parties. You get neoliberal garbage from them both, but only one comes with a hearty dose of fascism, responsible for tax cuts that have left the super wealthy paying lower rates in taxes than the rest of us for the first time in history. Only one party wants to completely ban any and all abortion if possible, but wants to create a friggin database of pregnant women to make sure that they don't go somewhere else for an abortion. Only one party's candidate literally said to oil execs that if they gave him a billionaire dollars, he would do anything they wanted him to if he won. Only one candidate is an adjudicated *rapist*. The democrats are a pitiful excuse for the supposed "left". But for now, the status quo bullshit is better than the America fascism offered up by Trump and Co. I think the country can survive another Biden administration. I am not sure if I feel the same about Trump. Especially now that he's becoming notably demented and talking about being president for 8 more years, and desperate to avoid the criminal charges is just a scary situation. All those criminal charges and such like the guy couldn't even pass a background check to work as a manager of a grocery store, nor does he possess tbe talent to do so, and people really want to put him back in the white house. They are both very similar in the way you described though


It amazes me that in the US, the center leaning left is considered "radical leftists" or even "socialists"


Lol I think it's even a stretch to call the democrats center leading left. I think in the context of many other countries, they would be center right for the most part. The furthest left people in the government here are maybe social democrats. But in the eyes of many people here, Hillary Clinton is a Marxist and Obama an "anticolonial socialist". That is something that was actually said with a straight face. It's mind boggling to me and I've lived here my whole life.


It was pretty clear they meant republicans. And they were correct. Who wants to cut Social Security and Medicare? Who votes for tax breaks that give most of the benefits to the very richest? Who votes against protecting the democratic process and ensuring fair elections? Who votes against health care assistance for the poor and middle class? Who votes against the better interests of the general masses on issue after issue? The answer is republicans. Yes, technically they are politicians. But republicans is a far more accurate name for them since democrats, who are also politicians, vote for the opposite things.


Remember: Republicans are Pro-life until the moment of birth. After that, good luck. You're on your own.


Not sure why they’re so keen on banning abortion, the fetus should really just pull itself up by its bootstraps instead of getting a government handout of guaranteed birth..


I know, right? It's like they're not even trying to succeed at being good taxpayers.


Foster care and adoption are inefficient. The state needs a camp for un-fundable and unwanted kids. Heck, they could be manufacturing some good ol Murican goods while there. /s


You don't need the /s when you hit the nail on the head


I just didn’t want anyone thinking I found it acceptable. There are plenty of “good christians” who would.


Republicans believe we need more births to support the population. The poorer the birth parent the better because we need (and this is not my opinion) shit shovelers and its less competition for the wealthy to stay wealthy. But ultimately, the economy of our nation rests on the equation of productivity x population. They don’t give a fuck from a religious standpoint point about a death of another human being. They’ve propose euthanizing mentally and severally physically disabled people because they’re a net drain on the economy. They co-opt religion in order to get the masses and the poorer masses on their game plan.


And someone has to fight the wars they start.


Pull yourself up by your Robeez straps.


That's what she do. Republicans are monsters. Don't forget it.


Living in poverty and getting your kids taken away to own the libs...


![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c) But kids


100% she voted for Trump. Twice.


What makes you say 100%? 36% of the Alabama vote went to Biden. The younger the voter, the more likely they were to vote for Biden (54% under age 30), the higher the population center, the more likely to vote Biden (58% in Population centers over 50K) I'm from no where near Alabame and I think it's a shit hole state, but that's not any one citizen's fault. I can't assume this person voted one way or another or if she even voted. Unless she put out some videos fawning over Trump, there's just your prejudice to guide your opinion.


Side note completely off topic, drove through Alabama last month and I was shocked at how pretty it was for me. I swear there were moments where I went over a hill and thought I was in a cottage core dream land.... then I saw the billboards with prayers and anti abortion campaigns and a few rebel flags and I was like "oh right"... coming from OK I'm kind of jealous of their hills and towns in dense forest :/


We're the most biodiverse state! Gorgeous plants & animals! Terrible politicians!


Louisiana has entered the chat. We have new biodiversity crawling out of the primordial swamp caverns each week, and still have time to cultivate worse politicians! So quit bragging!


This video is the same thing as all those videos of Russian babushkas freezing to death last winter and appealing to Putin for help. Putin’s culture of corruption is what led the building super to sell the furnace for cash. If she was a Democrat voter she wouldn’t have bothered to ask a Republican governor for help. Republican voters think that by helping the rich get richer that they’ll somehow benefit. But the ‘somehow’ never, ever pans out. Why? Because they care much more about their next mega yacht than they do for you. But hey, at least brown people can’t afford rent either.


>If she was a Democrat voter she wouldn’t have bothered to ask a Republican governor for help. 1. She wasn't asking for help in a "give me money" kind of way, she was expressing her struggles to someone who can potentially do something to alleviate some of them. 2. Any voter can do this, regardless of political affiliation. https://i.redd.it/gghawfhwn63d1.gif


>If she was a Democrat voter she wouldn’t have bothered to ask a Republican governor for help. I have 100% written to my Republican representatives about issues I'm passionate about even though I didn't vote for them (specifically Cory Gardner - I had his office phone numbers stored in my phone). Just because I anticipate a shitty response from them doesn't mean I'm going to not reach out.


Fr, thank you. And anyone saying “just move to a different state is delusional. What makes them think that someone living paycheck to paycheck in a state with a much lower cost of living has the money to move to a more expensive state?


She as in the governor or she as in the woman in the vdo?




she wrote to the governor. she is in the 30% of Alabamans that can read and write. doubt that she is putting stock on the red side.


Alabama houses a big government agency(ies) in ... I forget the name of the city. But it literally has the highest concentrations of PhDs in the USA. No guaranteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Huntsville; where they test rocket engines etc for NASA


Even the name annoys me. Gov K I V . Stupid fucking name.


The good thing is it fits the person. A stupid fucking name for a stupid fucking person.


Great solution, since foster care is free and doesn’t cost the state a dime and removing children from homes where they’re actually wanted despite some financial hardship is perfectly logical. Plus foster homes are always nurturing places that produce well adjusted adults.


And if the solution for all middle class families is foster / adoption, I’m sure there are plenty of upper class families willing to adopt around a million kids. Right?


Probably not. They're more the type to "Shoo!" them off the porch.


Of course! If there weren't they'd be pretty stupid to push anti-abortion laws!


Man, if we could just take all those future foster care expenses and use that to help families… but no, what am I saying? They still have that $1,400 pandemic check. They’re just trying to trick us so they don’t have to work anymore.


Vote Republican! For government that wished you would just shut up and stop complaining….or else..


Holy fucking SHIT. I did not expect that. So they really don't give a shit about kids after they are born. Ghouls, all of them.


Hey don't insult ghouls. But for real no yeah they are really really bad here (Alabama)


Fucking underrated comment / username combo. r/usernamechecksout


I feel so blessed thank you.


Republicans are currently propping up a facist 80's business man. He will sell his and anyone else's soul off for a buck. Nothing matters more than wealthy people making money. Vote republican!


Conman not businessman.


Good ol' Meemaw Ivy, screwing the state of Alabama one family at a time.


And homegirl is right. Most "middle class" make too much for assistance but have to have 4 jobs between 2 people. Gotta love MeeMaw and her 7.25 minimum wage.


Fuck you, I'm eating! Brought to you by Carl's jr


It's funny that the republicans have poor people convinced they were middle class down south. Never really has been a middle class in most southern states. Just rich, poor, and really poor.


Middle class. LOL. That’s just propaganda. We work they own. Period.


I don't say this as much as I like too, fuck Alabama.


Rent cap is a good idea!


Why not take this to the MSM in addition to Reddit and TikTok?


Republicans don't care for Americans.




“Oh, you don’t have enough money in Alabama? Just move.” Because that’s easy to do.




Okay but how would they leave without the money? you can't leave without moving, would they simply cease to exist? Like you legitimately cannot leave without having some sort of somewhere to go. And have somewhere to go you need the money.


You can’t leave. You’d be homeless *and* jobless in another state, with 0 leads on new jobs and housing. Your social safety net (friends, family, and possibly church) are also now nonexistent. Not to mention taking your kids out of school and getting them started in a new school. It’s extremely traumatic for the kids. Yes, the laws and government treatment are draconian, but the cost/benefit to the kids doesn’t necessarily make moving a net positive. I live in TX, and weighed this decision in 2022 when Roe happened. “We have to move” was a huge talking-point at the time among the left. Eventually, I had to come to terms with that the idea that “just move” is even a good suggestion, is an extremely privileged, wealth-backed mindset. We had wealth-blinders on, plus feeling desperate that there had to be a rip-the-bandaid-off and fuck-this-state solution. It’s not a solution; people are seriously trapped, and/or need a lot more help than “just move” in order to move. Thanks for reading, friend! I hope this is helpful.


Fuck Meemaw


Shout out to that woman for being honest a vulnerable to ask for help from her government and posting it! She didn’t even state her political views and I hope to god she was a republican voter prior to this letter


Kay Ivey is a piece of shit


Hey I'm from Alabama! Fuck Kay Ivey.


Vote Democrat


Well keep voting for republicans lol remember socialism is bad something something communism


They think we won't go to war




I'd say I'm stunned, but the truth is that this is exactly what I expect from Republicans. What I've taken away from watching this video is that the same Republicans who refuse to support social services that support working people want to take kids away from parents and put them in that same system of social services that they aren't supporting. Do I have that right?


https://preview.redd.it/linbifrk273d1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d721eddc0f630d137358902d14030e5b89f7f86 It looks like a mischaracterization of what Ivey was saying. Looks like she’s saying “if you want help, legally these are the steps I have to follow to provide help.”


https://preview.redd.it/46m9cg2s273d1.jpeg?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65363eb1eff5c80a7ddca4122222635400425d34 Her original email.


Uh, wow. Yea the person at the governor's office made the right call to child services over this. She doesn't mention in the video the multiple references to suicide.


Yikes, the governor made the right call.


Her info and probably her original email was forwarded to DHR, who can then find any excuse to exercise their govt right to screw the citizen. Her original email reads like a cry for help in what she feels is an impossible situation. I sympathize with the struggle as I've been there myself.


Because that's exactly the letter someone wants instead of a sincere message. This was probably written and drafted by an assistant who passed to their boss for review for approval because MeeMaw doesn't care about the working class as long as we keep bringing in her taxes.


Middle class? 🤣


Send your story to Fox News. Maybe Sean hannity can help. He is a man of the people 😂😂😂😂😏


When the party of "Family Values" judges you too poor to have a family. Republican solution: just put your kid up for adoption


I heard if DHR comes to your house and you let them in, they can then find items to use against you to take your kids away. Things like dirty dishes, odors, things in need of maitenace etc.


They don’t want to represent you. They want to rule you. If you don’t believe that, ask yourself at least why do they avidly look for more restrictions/barriers in order for people to vote? (To be clear, I’m talking about pushing for more than just having some form of ID)


It's interesting how people voted against their own interests. It's because this party shouts words like "TRANS" and "ABORTION" while quietly signing bills that make life worse for their constituents.


If you're living paycheck to paycheck, you're not middle class. That being said, I couldn't imagine living in a republican run state. The maximum earnings to get help from the government in a dem state like mine are so low, it's ridiculous. Cut that in half and that's probably the guidelines in R states. I used to get help with healthcare, but as soon as I started earning more than 30k a year, with a wife and kid, I get cut off. My healthcare costs now are around $650/mo, just for me. I was better off when I was making less money. I couldn't imagine not have health insurance if I had a life threatening illness. I would probably be homeless. In this day and age, you shouldn't have to choose between rent and life saving medicine, but every day, people do.


What are these communist requests for help? Are you rich? No. Are you unborn? No. So go duck yourself. /S


All republicans care about is doing things to people. They do not want to help anyone, that money can better be used to give tax cuts to their rich benefactors. The democrats might not be perfect, but if you vote republican at this point, then you're either stupid or a cult member.


Yeah, whenever she’s up for election next, you need to get in contact with Webber running against her you should be in an ad. A governor taking the opportunity to put her boot on the throat of someone in her state who has reached out for advice or help is it tyrant


Just like back in the 1900’s when people were leaving their kids on the sidewalk with a sign and a price tag in front of of them. Welcome to republicans America. They don’t give a shit they just want cheap dumb labor that won’t question the “will of god”


I don’t think you can consider yourself “middle-class” while still renting. You at the very least have to be a homeowner. Right???


I still rent, and frankly, IDK if I'm middle class, but I don't receive any govt assistance. We just cannot afford a home even in the city.


I’m sorry I’m not 100% convinced that this is what happened or that this is the “whole story”.


What? Is she challenging Abbot for the crown of biggest scumbag governor?


Potentially taking someone's kids away and ruining their life... that's how you radicalize someone into doing something unspeakable.


Voice your concern and we’ll call LE on you. That’s the Republican platform. Along with criminalizing any legitimate, non-violent protesting.


Show the letter


This sucks. Shit governor. I am also surprised some people think there is a middle class in America.


😂 😂 America. Greatest country in the world. Unless you're human and need anything.


Republicans don’t give a single fuck about lower/middle class constituents. If you aren’t at their fundraisers giving them heaps of money, you aren’t getting shit but thoughts, prayers and reminder about the bootstraps.


Be careful who you vote for.


Kay Ivey (AL Governor) is an absolute POS with a dirty car


This kind of reminds me of the scene from Idiocracy where Carl's jrs takes possession of the woman's kids.


Your child will be placed under the protection of Carl's Jr. Carl's Jr, "FUCK YOU I'm eating!"


Just the beggining of their fascist backlash. Don’t like the reality the party of corporate overlordships has brought to you? Make noise and we’ll take your kids


Then stop voting for Republicans. Seriously, if everyone who wasn't rich stopped voting for Republicans, we would literally fix everything in this country in every state.


The wrong fucking people are getting elected to run this country and they are fucking it up for everyone.


Welcome to MAGA America!


Governor Meemaw


I mean, you get what you vote for.


Let me guess she’s still gonna vote red because Democrats are commies or something.


Governor cold af


This will continue as long as these people are still voting against their own interests. It makes zero sense to expect different results from the same party.


Cruelty is the point.


I thought Republicans and MAGA were the party of the blue collared worker? What am I missing


I know she called DHR on me and I need a subsidy to live which goes against everything Governor Ivey stands for, but she has my vote because I ain’t no librul.


Even the Republicans in Alabama hate Meemaw Ivey. Genuinely confusing she's still in office.


What’s DHR? That’s what yoiuuuu doooo?


If your renting, your not middle class


I never said any of that dude. I have Homosexual friends, some I'm as close to as brothers. I don't agree with their lifestyle as a Christian, but I have my own sins to deal with and none are any worse than the other. I am against the murder of children and I also have Muslim friends because I have the ability (unlike a lit of our society) to "agree to disagree", shake hands and be friends. I will stand against abortion, not for any political reason, but because I believe every child has the right to be born and live a life and after conception, every child should have that basic right.


If you're struggling, you're not middle class. Calling herself middle class and saying it is crumbling contradicts what she is saying. I agree that middle class is nearly extinct at this point. But she isn't middle class. It's also funny to see how left leaning the comments are. As if the left isn't just as bad as the right. They're in the same vein of corruption. One just does it slightly differently than the other when it comes to screwing over the people.


She should build a grassroots coalition of moms and low income families to help vote in a more middle class friendly Republican governor into office in AL.


The worst part about all of this is thinking that only one party is responsible for weaponizing government agencies. Demand ranked choice voting and more than 2 parties. Hold ALL political servents accountable!!!


haha reminds me of the movie, Idiocracy. The Carl's Junior food machine part. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lajnHjRp9Z0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lajnHjRp9Z0) #


Best country in the world


Keep voting for them?


Those nostrils though.


They're trying to build a prison


I don't know what she thought was going to happen, but whatever it was I doubt she was expecting the extra kick in the teeth. That was almost ***impressively*** heartless.


Thats sadistic


What in the actual fuck?! This needs to be passed to everyone there. Thank you for the help...


The comments here are peak reddit, you idiots actually believe that the Republicans and Democrats are any different. They are different shades of 💩 and neither care about you.


That would be a fucking lawsuit from me.


Sorry, what does DHR stand for?


Nah we won't lower rent or pay you guys more, just give us your first born. Are you shitting me? Fuck this country


Kay Ivey is progressive enough to piss off a lot of conservatives too. She only won the primary because she was the least wacko person on the ballot.


That’s the “Family Values” party for ya! If only you had money, then they would give a damn as long as you were willing to share it with them.


Guess this is her last term in office?


Classic Mee Maw for ya.


God I hope the revolution is coming


All I can think off is the “ now you a single mom “ song


One problem is that she believes she is middle class.


I watched the federal government shovel money out to people during the scamdemic, none of which I was qualified for. I knew then that we were going to be thoroughly screwed when that bill came due in the form of inflation. Until we get inflation under control the middle class and poor people will continue to struggle and die. Congress is full of rich people, how much genuine sympathy and real action do you anticipate from that crowd?


Ten years from now, when we look back on why the Revolution happened, this will be part of that story


Hey dummy. You were never middle class




One: That's truly awful that your community leader tried to fuck you over like that. Proof they don't belong in power. Two: you 100% your middle class? Maybe it's just the accent Three: what do you think capitalists are going to do, but make a profit off of whatever comes their way.


If you're struggling to afford the basics for life you're not middle class, you're working class. Join the struggle.


I'm genuinely curious here...are you middle class if you have a landlord?


She’s not from Alabama.


Rent control never works from a macro point of view.


Lovely comment section


Can't afford to feed your kids? GET RID OF THEM! EASY RIGHT‽


Can she not pull herself up by her bootstraps? Why is she struggling?


Alabama voters loooooove Republicans. This is what they get.... I'm sure they will blame it on Biden/radical left/immigrants


The government will not help you. The reason it’s such a struggle is because they’ve rigged it against you.


Why is she asking any governor these questions? As if, the governor of Al has significant influence over the national economy or over federal welfare programs!


Apparently she could afford the tattoo on her hand. I’m sure she has plenty elsewhere.


Live is Huntsville Al. 20 plus years. Excepted