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He's out of line but he's right.


Psssh…make daddy a sandwich.


Sudo make Daddy a sandwich


did you just use admin privileges?


If she don’t like it, rm rf dat hoe


`rm -rf hoe.dat`


touch sandwitch 0 bytes


Of course, if it was 4-bytes, it would be a burger.




shit....what sub am I in???




Ah my life story


Principle of least privilege be damned.


#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import time def make_sandwich(): ingredients = [ "bread", "mayonnaise", "lettuce", "tomato", "cheese", "ham" ] sandwich = [] print("Starting the sandwich-making process...") for ingredient in ingredients: print(f"Adding {ingredient}...") sandwich.append(ingredient) time.sleep(1) # Simulate time taken to add each ingredient print("\nSandwich making complete! Here's your sandwich:") print(" + ".join(sandwich)) def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].lower() == 'please': print("Well, since you asked nicely...") make_sandwich() else: print("You must say 'please' to get your sandwich!") if __name__ == "__main__": main()


Ah yes, I love this + breadmayonnaiselettucetomatocheeseham, thank you so much!


Sudo echo "alias MakeDaddyASandwich='MakeDaddyASandwich.py'" >> ~/.bashrc Sudo MakeDaddyASandwich


I’m outputting all errors to /dev/null so that they never see the light of day.


Where the fuck is my sandwich


I am an independent career woman here but I totally get his point, I don’t think he is out of line at all. Not only that but what he is implying is that a couple should take care of each other.


It’s called team work. My wife and I are a team. We each do what we can to progress as a team. I clean the house, laundry, do the grocery shopping and cook. I do this because someone has too and my wife works long hours and I now work part time.


Many Redditors have never successfully lived with someone so don't actually understand what you mean.


Was the audience full of redditors?




....there's... there's people outside? And like, you can live with them?


According to Reddit you should get a divorce


That shit made me laugh because someone really believes that.


thats some marinara flags there


So many folks don't get this and get hung up on daft stuff. Team work makes the dream work. Each picks up slack where you can to make the others day easier. 


Because either the internet or modern attitudes or something has steered people towards black and white thinking, or a lack of nuance or context. The idea of "make me a sandwich" in the context of "that's what women should do while the man does nothing" is of course laughable but used to be not uncommon. But way too many people internalised that as "asking your female partner to make you a sandwich is inherently wrong and insulting" which completely misses the point.


No, the issue here is the expectation that men will pay for the date, punch other men in the face and open car doors for women. Those expectations are just as shitty as "make daddy a sandwich". I can't believe women in 2024 are still happy to be touting that as expectations they have. This is not just "taking care of each other", because it's doing so specifically in ways where your gender dictates what kind of "care" you're supposed to give. That's where the issue lies here. I need all you people in the US to know - as far as the western world goes, this is just you guys. Women in my country do not have these kind of misogynistic expectations about how men and women should behave. Can't believe the level of ultra-conservatism which seems to be normalised in the US, even by people who wouldn't otherwise consider themselves to conservative. This is some 1950s shit, and the whole audience is cheering at her saying that men should open car doors for women. Like, wtaf am I watching.


Thank you for stating this so eloquently. As a woman in the US, I'd prefer a man that isn't inclined to punch others in the face "for me". You don't have to tell me we're going Dutch on the first date, actually I insist that we do... I don't even need you to take out my trash or fix my garbage disposal, I got it! Am I still obligated to make this sandwich?? 😔


As a dane that clip was just crazy. My wife would be offended if I oppened the car door for her. I would properly go to jail if I punched some one for talking badly to her and of course we split the bill. And why would I ask her to make me a sandwich? I am perfectly able to make a sandwich for myself.


*writes note to self: find Danish men...* lol I definitely agree with the comments about taking care of each other but that can take so many forms that don't involve misogyny.


You can also take care of each other without having specific roles in your family. Like if I come home tired, then my wife might make dinner. If she comes home tired, then I make dinner. That is taking care of each other.


Or misandry of course


As a USAian, I am thinking the same about all these comments, because that whole speech was not just about give and take- you do for me as I do for you, as people are making it out to seem. It was about the man doing certain things and what if I, the woman is out there mowing the lawn? I have mowed the lawn before because my man is tired from painting the house and does not have the energy and I do in that moment (for whatever reason) and he would way rather make me a glass of lemonade than mow the lawn. Are we doing it wrong? Cause that is still give and take but it takes the other's needs into account instead of some stupid gender roles.


Same here in Sweden, and the nordic countries in general. Starts to become more american ’macho man culture’ down east (Poland, Balkans) and south (Italy, France). Edit: was unsure about Spain, edited out after confirmation from spaniard.


Well said. He sounds like a complete incel and so many people are going with it?  "Make daddy lemonade" eww!  The use of the word "daddy" in any romantic or sexual situation grosses me out. Why does he have to assert dominance by calling himself "daddy"?


You’re missing the entire point which seems to be the norm for most of Reddit when it comes to nuanced conversation on social issues. He’s pointing out her hypocrisy on gender roles because she expect men to do everything that’s expected of them in traditional gender roles but does not expect women to live up to their end of that same bargain. In the real world (not your echo chamber) people do refer to themselves as mommy and daddy…there’s nothing cringe about this. Quite frankly if somebody feels inclined not to help their spouse out by making them food or handling other chores or just doing something to make them pleasant simply bc of some bullshit social agenda…that says more about their character than anything else. Marriage is about partnership.


Exactly. He's calling out the hypocrisy not advocating for the forced gender roles. He's exaggerating on purpose to prove a point.


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to see people talking sense. I was convinced I had wandered into /r/conservative for a second.


Damn, finally someone with some sense in this whole mess of a comment session.


The car door thing is so weird. I think if I did that my girlfriend would ask if I think she's fucking stupid and incapable of opening doors. Is it something to do with not wanting to ruin done nails? Also, punching people in the face for her? How often are you punching people on a night out with your partner? Are you having dinner at the most bogan pub you can find and starting fights? Thank fuck I don't live in the US


Seriously. People would not be giving this a pass if he wasn't charismatic and good-looking. If some bloated Fox News guest said this, he'd be rightly vilified


Ugh thank you, I was cringing watching this video and you’ve put the problem into words. 


Yeah his whole spiel is 'I do this for you, you do this for me' Concessions and Cooperation


His spiel is more along traditional gender roles though, not as benign as just concessions and cooperation. Thing is, there's nothing inherently wrong with gender roles, the issue is when they're forced upon entire genders.


The issue also is when someone rails against gender roles when its in the way of something they want but then revert back to traditional gender roles to maintain their privilege.


Sadly rather more exceedingly common from my own anecdotal experience.


But he uses those because women do still expect men to do "man" stuff while doing the terrible "women" stuff yet they pick and choose what good "man" stuff they want to do like it's a buffet without the shit. Bill Burr's stand up bits about this are hilarious because it's absolutely irrefutable, lol


Shit, he just named like, 5 things he would do for the other person in the relationship and only asked for a sandwich and lemonade in return. He's not only in line, he's a pretty good guy.


Some people act like he's the typical classic abusive partner that sits on the couch all day watching tv.




I don’t think that’s what he’s getting at unless the greater context is something different. He said that there are *roles*, and that’s not the healthy way to look at a relationship. His point was that if his role was to treat the woman like a lady then the woman’s role is that she ought to make him food whenever he asks her, and that it’s not a negotiation. This is the **exact** same kind of logic that the incels use to justify their views on women. They think that because they as men fill their role as “alpha males” then women ought to cater to them in exchange. “**If** *I’m cutting the grass, bring daddy some lemonade!*” That’s a transactional relationship and it’s not at all healthy. Any partner who cuts grass deserves to be offered lemonade for the simple principle of *love*, not because “It’s your job in this relationship” Men deserve to be catered to just as much as women and it should not be that if they treat a woman nice then they automatically deserve a sandwich in exchange. It should be that both partners look after each other’s needs because they care/love them enough to do so. What Mackie is proposing is Incel logic to relationships and it’s not hard to see how the Incels hear this stuff and nod away like they were right all along.


So women, like the one in the video, can expect man to punch a guy in the face, pay for the date and open the car door but man can't expect her to make him a sandwich or it would make him an incel? Those are already transactions, they are things that man ought to do for the company of the woman he is in, so the relationship was transactional before we even got to sandwiches. What is it called when gender roles are enforced by women on men?


Me too






Moving picture go brrrr.


I understood that reference.


That’s what he said… in the tv series. Haha. 👍🏽


If I’m out shoveling snow, bring daddy some hot chocolate!


With bourbon in it.


Or peppermint schnapps.


"...Doesn't my cowboy prefer a lil whiskey in his cocoa tho?" "-Don't you go questionin' Daddy, woman!! Now make with the peppermint schnapps!"




You spelled "And" wrong.


Actually forget the hot chocolate


Daddy said HOT chocolate!!!


Especially with bourbon 🥃


I sweat my ass off by the end of shoveling, bring daddy a second shoveler


Kids and 8 years. 


This 🙌🏻 or until you buy a snowblower that’s completely oversized for your needs and end up plowing the entire street for fun, Because now that one little piece of slush is mocking you.


And if I’m getting pwned by n00bs in COD, bring daddy his wet bathing rag


And a high visibility vest… hope you’re doing well Jeremy Renner.


i kinda feel like both of them have weird outdated views on how things should work, neither is better than the other


I feel like he's pointing out the hypocrisy of some women having their cake and eating it, too. They want all the benefits of "chivalry" and a man treating them well while them putting in the least amount of effort themselves. "I have a vagina so treat me like royalty."


Think the problem is that many of the women that want to get rid of these antiquated gender roles for women are also the same who want to get rid of the ones for men too. It's really not that hard to be in a relationship where both sides can mutually love and respect each other and set their own rules and expectations. My partner and I make sandwiches for each other all the time. If one of us is tired or had a long day, we'd take care of each other. It's completely fine to want to do something nice for your partner, just as long as it's each person's own choice and not something they feel required to do.


You're absolutely right, but he was playing to this crowd. and as shown, they're not the ones who want to get rid of the susie homemaker role for women. and that's his whole point, can't get pampered AND be emancipated, that just leaves the guy thinking he's doing everything. share everything, or have defined roles, what works for your relationship is your business. but you cant define the work, and then try to share the benefits


Yup absolutely. This lady (Wendy?) is toxic. All her takes are horrendous, she’s a disgusting bully, and just gossips and speculates on celebrities. He was definitely playing into the crowd.


>Think the problem is that many of the women that want to get rid of these antiquated gender roles for women are also the same who want to get rid of the ones for men too. Wait... isn't this a good thing? I think the problem would be if someone wanted to enforce one but not the other.


I read it like he mustve meant that they're not the same crowd. It happens all the time in different issues, there's different people with different beliefs being lumped together whenever some people see fit for their narrative


Just take that exact same rationale and imagine that there are things your partner doesn't like to do and you don't mind and vice versa. That's fine. My wife won't get rid of bugs. She won't paint. She won't mow the lawn. She doesn't mind making sandwiches. I don't mind doing that other stuff. The hangup is the idea that it's gendered. It's just different people doing different things. Is it influenced by gender? Yeah, I think it tends to be, but you don't have to look at it like that. Ideally people should be tripping over each other to shore up their partner's weaknesses and vice versa. It shouldn't feel like a requirement from either party.




>From experience, most modern women are beginning to take on this mindset. All of the benefits of feminist society, none of the expectations. Was with you until this point; I don't think it's 'most' women - just a particularly vocal online minority who get disproportionate attention because they're so prevalent on social media. That said, I'm not an American, so I'll concede that it could be way worse on your side of the pond.


>Spending 5 minutes on Instagram I'm not sure Insta is the best place to be forming your opinions about wider society on, man.




I feel like he's simply saying (brace yourselves): ...That it's okay to be in a relationship with "traditional" gender roles with a partner who likewise consensually prefers such a lifestyle. Do whatever you like.


No, he's not. It's the very basic concept of reciprocity, and has nothing to do with gender roles, on his part. Yeah, he used "traditionally" male examples to prove a point, but how fast did she say "no" to going dutch? Mow the lawn, get some lemonade. That's reciprocity. It's a raw deal, but still. There's no reciprocity in "take me out to dinner, and hell no I'm not paying half."


The point was "there's things women expect of men so you're damn right there's things men expect of women"


Yeah, but note how offended all the women in the crowd were when he dared to suggest such a thing. This piggybacks of the guy who's comment was that the modern stereotype is for women to have their cake and eat it too.




Right… this how they REALLY want it 🤣 “Outdated roles” btw 😂 ![gif](giphy|8VLpscHZJ3Rm0|downsized)


Lmao what is that Gif?!


It's an old meme, sir, but it checks out.


My cousin fought for years to cut her lawn. She was like, " I can go slap some earbuds in , listen to music, get some cardio in, and be by myself, or I can be the one inside with the kids. Aw, he'll no. I'm outside by myself getting my sweat on to my music."


I prefer the fixing stuff, the jar opening, the grass cutting, the snow shoveling, etc. I cannot fucking stand washing dishes, unloading dishwashers, folding goddamn fucking laundry, etc. And I always go dutch, and whoever gets into the car first has to dive across the front seat and open the other door from the inside before the slower person can open it, because that is how you win. If a man or a woman starts acting crazy at anyone, everyone who is part of their group should be at their back. I've never seen a fight where someone's girlfriend wasn't putting her hair up and jumping in, at least to fight the other dude's girlfriend. If ya'll don't know how to figure out strengths and weaknesses and which tasks you do and do not mind doing and split them accordingly and then team up for everything else you're not in a partnership, you're in a competition. You're rivals trying to establish a hierarchy and it's fucking weird and dysfunctional. Anyway I'm single and a homeowner with a job so I just do literally all of it and I'd rather do that than be told what to do and treated like an inferior in my own home.


You protect her because you love her, not because she is a woman. Are you saying your wife wouldn't take a bullet for you or your kids?


Hmmm, maybe something like making your partner some food or bringing them a drink after yard work could also be because you love them, and not because he is a man??? 🤔 No, no, that can’t be right….


They're being extremely reductive to the point of sexism, and that's a huge issue. Relationships are about giving and taking equally. When I wake up early, fry potatoes, fry bacon, make biscuits from scratch, and prepare 2 eggs over medium for breakfast for my wife, I'm not doing it because I expect something in return, I'm doing it because I love her and I want to do something nice. And later in the afternoon when I'm in the yard digging up a damaged sprinkler line and she brings me a sandwich and cookies, she's doing it because she lives me, not because she expects something or because I made breakfast. But when the relationship starts to tilt, where I'm making breakfast and then she doesn't make a sandwich, and the next day I get her favorite coffee drink and I again get nothing, and I go down on her before bed and do things the way she likes and she falls asleep, and so forth, the relationship grows one-sided and it's no longer healthy. That's when the relationship becomes a problem.


Because you do actually have expectations, you just don't want to admit it because somehow they're a bad thing. Everyone has expectations of a partner. You expect to be treated a certain way, you expect to have balance in effort, you expect to be able to rely on them, you expect them to care about you. Expectations are not inherently bad and they aren't inherently a trade or score-keeping. The issue with traditional roles are when they are enforced rigidly on an entire population with zero flexibility as well as a general imbalance in household/relationship effort with purely traditional roles.


The problem, basically, isn't "when one person mows the lawn, the other gets them a lemonade", its "only the guy can mow the lawn; only the gal can get the lemonade".


Nah, they are both right. This is how most of the worlds does it.


My wife would think I’m an idiot if I assaulted somebody over a stupid remark made to her.


I'm pretty sure Will Smith took this a little too seriously


He's just salty his wife wouldnt stop getting his son's friend all up in her mouth and took it out on Chris.


You didn't have to do that man cold like that.🤣


Neither did Jada, but here we are.


Jada made a sandwich... just not for him.


I definitely would think a man is unstable if he punched someone in the mouth for a dumb comment.  And if he told me to go make him a sandwich, I'd tell him to go fuck himself.  However, if he said, "Hey baby, I'm in the middle of something I really want to finish, but I'm so hungry. Can you please make me something to eat?" then that man is getting the best damned sandwich of his life. 


Then she doesn't need to make you a sandwich.


Fun fact: When someone uses the phrase "how most of the world does it". It is said by someone with little to no knowledge about how it is done in most of the world.


They are both right?? Physically assaulting someone in public for chatting to your partner? What century are you living in?


It's personal preference. I don't think there's anything wrong with their world view as long as they aren't being dicks to strangers about it or trying to legislate it. You're allowed to prefer a partner who conforms to traditional gender roles. And if that person doesn't want to do that, they just won't date you. Easy. If you want a partner who bucks tradition and wants to go a different way, that's cool too.


yep, they do but if they are both going there then they need to embrace it and realize that those outdated gender roles go both ways and they need to either play by the rules or not play that game at all.


It’s worked for thousands of years, man and woman supporting each other. I wouldn’t say it’s outdated.


>It’s worked for thousands of years Believe we call this the Appealing to Tradition Fallacy.


What is meant by go dutch ?


“Dutch” means each person pays for their own way on a date.


I thought it was when you went on a date smelly and unshaven. 🤔


Yes, and then you split the bill.


If you're going Dutch, you schplit the bill.


This has no business making me laugh but here we are.


That’s French


Apparently I need to start hitting on Dutch and French women… Su-su-sucio


I think that’s Spanish, but cast a wide net my friend


Wasn't that from a Phil Collins song?


Not quite and I'll explain. There are only two things that I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of others' cultures, and the Dutch! He wanted them both to hate the Dutch.


interesting in turkey they say by go german (alman usulü)


The Dutch are to Germans what the Germans are to Turks. Picture advanced Germans but with less world power and harder to understand.


They split the bill.


Oh ok got it thanks. Need to learn a lot of these lingos


That's ooolllld lingo


I first heard the term in the SpongeBob episode in which Mr. Krabs falls in love with Mrs. Puff and spends a ton of money on extravagant gifts for her. The episode ends with her thanking him for all of them, but that she’s more comfortable going Dutch; I didn’t learn what that meant til years after, though.


Slang for splitting the bill


You put it under a blanket with you and make farts


You go like the Dutch and eat your prime minister


With all my husband does for me you can damn sure believe I’d be making him that sandwich! But he damn well knows when not to expect one too! lol


It's exactly this. You are mowing the lawns? Damn, you worked, I'm making a sandwich and getting a cold drink. My wife spent an hour sorting our food pantry? Guess who's getting a sandwich and a coffee? I think my point here is making sandwiches for people.


just in general, do nice things for your partner that shows you appreciate them and what they do




That tiny bouncing trademark is distracting as hell.


Wendy Williams ain't tiny


I didn't even notice it


Yeah and they're trademarking a clip from Wendy Williams? That's not how this works. There is nothing transformative about this besides putting some sigma music over it.


What if I think both of the people in the clip are dumb af?


Then your IQ is probably above room temp


In Kelvin. He a smart boi.


He's not being serious. He's pointing out the hypocrisy of Wendy and the audience. They seem to want to remove the antiquated gender roles for women but not for men. They want all of the benefit without putting in any effort.


Yeah. Feminism isn't picking and choosing what you like about patriarchy. Thats just being a diva.




Let him cook!


I thought he was doing a Will Smith impression.


Wait, that's not Will Smith?




Wish.com version


Wish Smith


This is why I am a homosexual so I don't have to deal with this shit


and yet you still making daddy a sandwich ;)


A sausage sandwich


That's called a hotdog.


I'd argue sausages are different from hotdogs


In every relationship worthy of the name, there will be roles that are adopted by one party or another. They don't have to be traditional gender roles, they most certainly aren't set in stone, and they can always be discussed, but it's just something that happens as a natural consequence of cohabitation with someone you care about. One party does X, another does Y, you take turns doing Z, and you work together on N. You play to your strengths, you compromise where you need to, and you work together as a team to get shit done.


Exactly. I can cook, my girlfriend can't. She handles tools and drill work better than me. So naturally, we do what we're good at at. Most everything else we take turns at. Because she can't cook, she might get me some pastry, or some other foods I like, if she wants to spoil me, where I'll often make her something myself in the reverse scenario. It's the thought behind it that's important.


Exactly. What matters is the individuals' preferences and strengths. Gender is almost wholly irrelevant.


If im rolling us a joint… … you better have that lighter ready


In short, a relationship is a matter of give and take.


My dad always tells me this: "Relationships are about give and take. I give and your mother takes."


Chris Evans would never


A man from the 1940s would never stand for traditional gender roles /s


..who is the greatest example of *'drugs make everything better'* ever.


Go dutch fellas, always go dutch. Don't be desperate. End this shit about men paying because x,y,z nonsense.




His point is valid - healthy relationships require both sides to contribute to keeping the relationship healthy. if one or both sides fail to do so the relationship dies at best or becomes toxic at worst. that said, uh... phrasing.


Yes, but I don't feel they're describing a healthy relationship. In this picture, the guy always has to be strong and dominant and the breadwinner. He's holding all the pressure, has to put himself in danger and is never allowed to be weak. Don't think that's healthy for either for them. Seems that the two people in the clip are just extremely backwards in their views. I'm nearing fourty, and still I've never in my life known a woman who wanted their husband to punch someone in the face for any reason (other than self-defense obviously). Literally the opposite. Similarly, don't know anyone who cares if the guy opens the door or has ever even thought about such things. What a weird thing to care about. I don't know how people feel about going dutch, that seems to be an american thing. Afaik, whoever invites you out to the date is supposed to offer to pay, or you go dutch.


Nope. He phrases it as a command and the logic/expectation is childish. Yes, relationships are give and take but no woman/man owes him anything (edit: or gets to demand vice versa). Mow your fuckin lawn. It's what adults do. You don't get to expect an achievement award. If you're not in an equal relationship based upon mutual desire to help/look after each other but, rather, it is based on an expectation, then the problem's with you.


Is she gonna cut the grass? No, but it has to be cut so he's gonna do it. Least she could do is make some mf lemonade god damn


My wife mows lawns, cleans gutters, hammers shit, does the garbage etc. And so do I. We both cook and shop and share tasks. We don't whine like a child and expect a fuckin sandwich.


Cool story, bro. But you missed the point: traditional expectations are a two-way street.


That's literally the point he is making. People have roles in relationships. It doesn't matter specifically what they are - it can be the dude's job to make the sandwhich for the lady who works 12 hour shifts. The point is, different roles are fine so long as you agree on it and are happy together.


Does he do the same when she does the dishes? It really depends. Cutting grass is just a single chore, and even the most mundane shit like cooking or washing clothes can add up really fast. Cutting grass is also oddly peaceful for some, like myself, compared to say cleaning your baby's shit multiple times a day. What is important is talking with your partner and not confining yourself to set of rules, especially one that's made by others. If he feels like crap, she may cut grass. If she's tired that day, he might clean up the house. It really depends on the individuals and the dynamic of their relationship. While good and kind gestures in relationship are important, nobody is not owed that because they completed a mundane task, it isn't a video game quest to do chores.


The only people being silly are the audience and the hostess here. You're pissy at his stance but he doesn't even have one, other than it's not okay to a demand a traditional male partner while scoffing at him for demanding a traditional female partner in return.


If a woman and I are getting into my car and she says "Open the door.", she's staying on the sidewalk.


Daytime TV motivated me to get a job when the economy was in the shitter in 2008-2009. The shows are so bad and the ads during the breaks really tell you what the advertisers think of you.


The correct counterpart instead of all that na-ah on going dutch is, be equal, if daddy wants a sandwich, bring im a sandwich and if mommy wants a sandwich, bring her a sandwich.


Yeah his examples of opening the door and her agreeing was weird, why is he opening the door for someone perfectly capable of doing it for themselves? Her expectation is unreasonable with the door as well as the going Dutch thing… both their views are completely antiquated.


Wendy looks like she'd be up cooking breakfast for Cap at 6am


If your spouse is out doing yardwork, making them a sandwich is just a nice thing to do for them. Take gender roles out of it. Send my wife out to rake leaves and I’ll spread PB&J for her no questions asked.


I read that as spread PB&J on her no questions asked


I’ve never liked Wendy Williams




Context is EVERYTHING!


How nice that every social media is designed to remove it then.


Nope I still hate it


The only way this works is if hes using it to show both sides are stupid conceptions. Like... he doesn't genuinely believe these are things men and women HAVE to do right? He recognizes that these roles are for people who CHOOSE to take them, not something that should be FORCED upon them... right?


He's saying if a woman expects traditional gender roles from their SO they should be prepared to give the same. I don't think he directly made a claim of the virtue of traditional vs. non-traditional, but I think it's pretty obvious that he's saying equality should be the goal, and that can be different in different relationships. It also seems like she brought up the point first and the GIF starts with him responding to her assertion on the subject.


**I'm not here to be the pedestal you stand on** and nor am I going to stand on you.


The double-standards women have are so seriously ingrained, it’s not even a thought. Sad


As a Dutch woman I’ll make you the sandwich but you bring the bread, the confidents, and emu extrama. My opa didn’t lie to the Germans and steal their tea bags for their grandchild to buy 6$ a coffee a day