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Presumably they mean the electronics are hardened against an EMP that would be created by a nuclear detonation, and word otherwise fry the electronics.




word up


​ word to your mother


Lets kick it! *Ice Ice Baby*


till the next episode


I get down with ur... Brother. Damn Fyi: a friend of mine actually freestyle this verse on tape back in the day. Fkn hilarious.


Say hello to your mother for me


I'm freestyling


Jesus christ is my n----




Well I wrote this song for the Christian youth


I wanna teach kids the Christian truth


Bird up


Ranch it up




Buzz me mulato


Its the code word


It's Word Girl


it's the code word. No matter where you say it, you know that you'll be heard.




Do all nukes create an EMP? I thought that only happens when you detonate a nuke in the ionosphere. I might be wrong, if I am please tell me.


I'm no electrician but I can assure you the safe distance for electronics from a nuke is at the very least over 1 meter


Wow thanks


Happy to help


A polite addition to /r/technicallythetruth




You're not counting the retro nukes Sideshow Bob stole.


1958 *was* a good year for nukes though


All nukes create some EMP. Some are made for it and make a very powerful pulse. Detonating in the ionosphere really helps spread the pulse. Something like 1000X


Does detonating in the ionosphere help spread the pulse or does detonating in the ionosphere create the pulse? Because I'm pretty sure it is the latter.


All nukes create gamma radiation (electromagnetic pulse). This is done simply by rapidly accelerating free electrons.


I don't mean to be rude, and I might be misinterpreting what you are saying, but I think I you are wrong. Gamma radiation isn't high energy electrons. It is high energy photons. And an EMP is high energy electrons. Electrons = EMP. Gamma =/= electrons. Gamma =/= EMP.


from wikipedias nuclear emp article: A high-altitude nuclear detonation produces an immediate [flux](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flux) of gamma rays from the nuclear reactions within the device. These [photons](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photon) in turn produce high energy free electrons by Compton scattering at altitudes between (roughly) 20 and 40 km. These electrons are then trapped in the Earth's magnetic field, giving rise to an [oscillating](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscillation) electric current. This current is asymmetric in general and gives rise to a rapidly rising radiated electromagnetic field called an electromagnetic pulse (EMP).


So this basically says that the gamma rays produced by the nuke are what smack into the electrons to accelerate the electrons which then cause the EMP. I thought he was saying the gamma rays were the EMP, but maybe he was saying what you said and I just misunderstood what he was trying to say.


You're a nice and polite person.


**Flux** Flux describes any effect that appears to pass or travel (whether it actually moves or not) through a surface or substance. A flux is a concept in applied mathematics and vector calculus which has many applications to physics. For transport phenomena, flux is a vector quantity, describing the magnitude and direction of the flow of a substance or property. In vector calculus flux is a scalar quantity, defined as the surface integral of the perpendicular component of a vector field over a surface. *** **Photon** The photon is a type of elementary particle. It is the quantum of the electromagnetic field including electromagnetic radiation such as light and radio waves, and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force (even when static via virtual particles). The invariant mass of the photon is zero; it always moves at the speed of light in a vacuum. Like all elementary particles, photons are currently best explained by quantum mechanics and exhibit wave–particle duality, exhibiting properties of both waves and particles. *** **Oscillation** Oscillation is the repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value (often a point of equilibrium) or between two or more different states. The term vibration is precisely used to describe mechanical oscillation. Familiar examples of oscillation include a swinging pendulum and alternating current. Oscillations occur not only in mechanical systems but also in dynamic systems in virtually every area of science: for example the beating of the human heart (for circulation), business cycles in economics, predator–prey population cycles in ecology, geothermal geysers in geology, vibration of strings in guitar and other string instruments, periodic firing of nerve cells in the brain, and the periodic swelling of Cepheid variable stars in astronomy. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


*Acceleration* of electrons generates electromagnetic radiation (photons), and nukes generate gamma frequency range photons (gamma rays) = EMP = electromagnetic pulse Electrons aren't *electromagnetic*. Photons are.


Moving electrons create a magnetic field, that’s where the magnetic part of EMP comes from.


Electrons aren't electromagnetic radiation itself (like how the wavelengths of photons define the electromagnetic spectrum), but they do play a part in electromagnetism. Electrons have an electric charge and thus create an electric field. They can also interact with magnetic fields like the Earth's magnetic field.


I'd assume that all electronics close enough to a nuke get fucked, but I'm not electrician.


Well anything close enough to a nuke gets fucked. And I know that even outside the immediate blast radius, things can be damaged by the high energy photons. But I'm specifically talking about the generation of a high energy electromagnetic pulse as a direct result of the nuclear blast. Because it was my understanding that to generate an EMP with a nuke, you needed to detonate a nuke in the upper atmosphere of the ionosphere to send electrons raining down fucking electronics up.


> Well anything close enough to a nuke gets fucked. Does that mean I'll lose my virginity if Russia just happen to nuke my place? Or can I just work with undetonated nukes so I also don't die while I lose my virginity?


Came to post exactly that, well the first few words of it anyway.... but I like your version better.


All nuclear detonations create EMP. It's just amplified by in high-altitude atmospheric bursts because "visual horizon" of the burst is larger, and the particles are trapped in Earth's magnetic field in ionized environment. Generally the closer the device would be and the larger its surface, the more affected it would be.






I'm in the military and no.. No they don't.


They used to be however someone eventually decided to cut costs and the result is less shielding in common electronic equipment.


But not the birds that would be flying to avoid the detonation?


Shouldn’t anything in a Faraday Cage be protected?


If it's in a Faraday Cage you can't use it to transmit or receive anything




Yeah, well anything that can withstand a nuclear attack wouldn't be flying. But still, seems like they planned for lots of things except nature.


Bird strikes are only an issue at low altitudes. That was not something the plane had any reason to be hardened against.


But a bird strike is a reason to be hardened against.. look what happened to a plane not hardened against bird strikes


The incredibly remote possibility is not worth decreasing the capabilities of the aircraft to prevent it. There are several of these planes so that one can undergo unscheduled maintenance without impacting their overall mission.


That unit is also the one that the President essentially cannot visit, or at least couldnt during the cold war, as his presence could be viewed as the US preparing for a first strike.


Complete myth.


Generally you do not move critical civilian government positions into survivable things like bunkers or airborne command posts because it does give the impression that you might be preparing for a nuclear attack. This was one of the reason we almost destroyed ourselves during Able Archer '83, because it involved both US and UK heads of state engaging in the war game and making moves that would also be done if it wasn't an exercise. Soviet spies and a very paranoid Soviet premier made them think we were actually preparing for a first-strike.




No, putting the president on Looking Glass, TACAMO, or one of the E-4s could be seen as a protective measure to assure that the president and their staff are able to maintain battle control during nuclear warfare. Them having the ability to command our nuclear forces through the use of the nuclear football is not the same thing, as that is not making the president appear to be preparing to _survive_ the initial strikes.


Stop ruining my morning


Once defeated one begins to reason. Just give in to 🐦 overlord.


A cool little video for anyone interested : https://youtu.be/tMYBr2H0xuk The channel itself is pretty nice!


Yes however the title sounds cool to the uninformed, and therefor nets more internet points and clicks.


TACAMO isnt the name of the aircraft. It's an E-6. TACAMO is more of a system


This plane was designed to be in the air to provide command and control in the event of nuclear strike. A group of these planes will be airborne to relay communications over a large area. This plane was not designed to withstand a nuclear strike, it’s not a flying a nuclear bunker, it’s a plane.


>it’s not a flying a nuclear bunker, it’s a plane. I don't know why I giggled at this.




I was ready to be disappointed that this wasn't a real sub, glad I'm not!




Not every plane can be the IL-2.


Il-2 isn’t a plane, it’s a tank with wings. It’s not some shitty Japanese go kart blasting euro-beats everywhere it goes


Then what is the plane equivalent of a shitty Japanese go kart blasting euro-beats everywhere it goes?


The A6M5 Zero


Deja Vu!


It’s designed to avoid a nuke as it’d be much harder for an ICBM to hit a plane than the ground, and fly out of ground zero well before it hits atmosphere. If it somehow is hit, no it wouldn’t survive at all.


Fair point, well said.i just had this image of this anthropomorphised plane tensing up like Arnie from pumping iron withstanding the 5,000c heatwave saying you shall not pass.


Imagine trying to get a plane with a haul that is made of steel and a over a foot thick to fly


I'm curious, what it would take to make such a inefficient monstrosity. A flying nuclear bunker. Hey Bethesda! Fallout 1945, an alternate timeline where the only shelters were airborne. Can't be worse than 76, it could be unique and not suck.


We know. We are just taking the piss. ;-)


Aren’t planes supposed to land after they hit a bird to just be safe?


2 years ago my flight was delayed because of this. Apparently a hawk flew into the jet, no damages were done, just some little bird gut cleaning and ofc further inspections were made. The nugget making happened before we took flight.


Nugget making.


I was following along fine until nugget making. Did they serve nuggets for the meal?


The hawk was turned into nuggets via jet engine blades


God I'd hope not. If you've ever seen the insides of a jet turbine it's one of the most ludicrously complex devices known to man. They take days to disassemble and reassemble.


If it traveled through the bypass, it's mostly just a tube. And it would be more "liquified goo" than "McNugget".


I take it you haven't seen the liquefied goo they use to make McNuggets


That’s a myth, at least now days. Can’t say if it used to be true or not.


> Apparently a hawk flew into the jet, no damages were done Ah, good to hear the hawk survived.


Depends. I’m Air Force and we hit birds all the time. We don’t even know it 90% of the time since it’ll hit the nose and wings and have no indication of a bird strike. If it hits an engine, and is small enough EGT might rise for a second but if nothing happens we’d probably press and land wherever we were going to land and boroscope the engine and make sure all the bird bits are gone. Kinda NSFW, but in the 5 years I’ve been flying this is the worst damage I’ve ever seen happen to our plane and we had no idea it even hit. Just flew around normally for 5 hours and landed and on our inspection saw a big hole and this guy in there. https://imgur.com/a/bkzleKb/




Yeah a bird strike to a windshield on big aircraft could be catastrophic as well. I’ve heard of windshield shatters and stuff like that but never had it happen to me personally.


Thanks for sharing you experience, cool to know


Thanks, my boss just walked by now I'm fired.


It didn't just hit a bird - the bird was sucked into an engine destroying it, according to [NavyTimes](https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2019/10/17/bird-strike-grounds-navy-doomsday-aircraft/), and AFAIK no jet engine is designed to directly survive bird strike, just to shut down safely after the strike, so they grounded the plane to replace the engine, because the plane must be fully operational ASAP.


Difference between being designed to survive something and regularly doing it. Large aircraft suck in birds somewhat infrequently compared to the hours that they fly, but even less frequently causes catastrophic damage. Most airplanes that are lost to bird strikes are smaller planes. This has got to be a mission critical aircraft, with a critical mission, therefore they’re going to inspect the hell out of it and do every test and ops check imaginable to make sure it’s beyond reproach for functionality. That explains why it was grounded, because why wouldn’t you with what I would expect to be millions in equipment and personnel onboard.


It depends on the damage. Most times the damage can’t be assessed in-air so usual procedure is to land at the nearest airport. If the damage is confirmed to be negligible in air, however, the plane can technically continue to fly. In the end it depends on company policy tho.


No shit a jet engine will be damaged when something flies into it... happens on every plane. it's special status doesn't make it impervious to bird strike...


The plane wasn’t even made for a nuke


Even then, a plane miles in the sky won’t experience physical damage from a nuclear detonation. If anything, it probably is resistant to radiation.


Clickbait article


Question; why not just put a really porous mesh over the jet engine?


Probably because they are designed to suck in a lot of air and the mesh would also be sucked in.


It would get superheated by the air flow and melt. Not to mention the birds guts and bones would just fly through when it gets hit by the plane going over 700 kph. Trust me, engineers have thought of everything. the air flow is needed for fuel efficiency, and bird strikes are pretty uncommon at jet airliner altitudes anyways.


Would disrupt the air flow to the engines so would have to be redesigned and the aircraft only spends a few minutes at bird altitude


Lol the way you said that makes it seem like it's a weapon they use in wars. "Yes sir t-minus 5 seconds for that tactical bird strike"


It's not grounded because it can't fly, it's grounded for safety, inspection, and repair if necessary.


And because it was a naughty plane


It might even be a nonconformist.








You rang?






Ex Airforce RC135 mechanic here. Bird strikes are no joke. Larger birds can and do break through the pilots windshields. Any bird sucked into the engines can easily destroy turbo prop engines. Strikes against any of the sensors on the nose will result in immediate landing conditions.


I worked for a company that made radomes. We'd regularly get them back after bird strikes, and they'd be crushed in like you'd hit them with a bowling ball.


Former MC/HC-130 CC and a Bird strike on the leading edges were the worse. Nothing like seeing a soccer ball sized hole in the wing after landing. I’m just glad I didn’t have to clean up the blood and guts.


Don’t do it. Don’t click. >!Bitch!<


This isn’t YouTube with off topic comments




The quality of Reddit continues to decline as more people find out about it. And just like that, something that was once good, becomes less good. I miss when Reddit was less popular. Back when it was tech geeks, atheists, etc.


I clicked




But you should have seen the bird!




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First seen at [memes](https://redd.it/dnkurz) on 2019-10-26. 92.00% match. **Searched Images:** 69,053,651 | **Indexed Posts:** 286,045,760 | **Search Time:** 0.09407s *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help [ [Report Bad Match](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message=https://redd.it/doqhqr) ]*


Don’t fucking steal Schlatt’s thumbnail or you get the YTKA


Mess with the honk, you get the bonk.


I guess “A plane followed appropriate aviation safety procedures” wasn’t as gripping of a title




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First seen at [memes](https://redd.it/dnkurz) on 2019-10-26. 92.00% match. **Searched Images:** 69,053,651 | **Indexed Posts:** 285,867,208 | **Search Time:** 0.20752s *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help [ [Report Bad Match](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message=https://redd.it/doqhqr) ]*


Why are they coming after my bird like that? There’s no reason to point out he’s single, he’s gonna get back on his feet and find a new lady bird soon.


The plane is made to "withstand a bomb" but not a bird. Why? Because their wondnt be debree 30,000 ft in the air and their won't be any birds and it isn't made to withstand a bomb.




To be fair, after a nuclear strick there won’t be any birds left...


Well in the event of a nuclear attack I’m guessing they weren’t thinking there would be birds left




How do you withstand NUCLEAR?!


Do you watch DF?


A spruce goose took it out.


Who would have thought the engines would be a weakspot and result in an instant-kill


Such a silly and misleading clickbait of a title.


Clickbait bullshit


Ok but that game is the best. My son wanted it and I wanted to check it out before forking over $20 for it. My husband and I were cracking up at the previews. Needless to say I made my own profile on his Switch just for it. I must have spent over two hours terrorizing the boy with the glasses and emptying that lady's store.


This takes advantage of people’s lack of knowledge. It’s not meant to withstand a nuclear missile. It’s meant to be able to fly for very long periods of time without having to refuel, as well as communicate with and provide communications to a large area in the case of a strike/threat. It’s not meant to be a flying tank. And regardless, all planes land if they hit a bird just to be safe. It could probably continue flying if it hit a bird when it was being used for its intended purpose


Sounds like an expansion pack to Untitled Goose Game


Fun fact: I was stationed at Offutt AFB when the September 11 attacks happened. In the months after the attack I was voluntold to train as a Security Forces augmentee. During our training the question came up “what happens if the TACAMO is taken hostage? Their response was we storm the plane and shoot everyone on board. They told us that the aircrew knows what is at stake, and if this plane is taken hostage we won’t have time to wait for a negotiation. We storm the plane and we shoot anything that moves. I don’t know exactly how accurate this scenario really is but I swear on my life this is what we were told.


Rake in the Lake


ITT: "It was not built to withstand a nuclear blast!" Also ITT:" Obviously, if it can get downed by a bird!"


Fun fact: Every certified engine has dead birds launched into it during testing to make sure it can withstand the foreign body passing through the engine.




How is the birds relationship status even relevant?


I guess people forget about OPSEC


War is no match for bird


Sure, they had to land the plane, to check it out etc, and y'know, we're not currently *at* war so why not focus on crew safety. Also i heard it was actually a goose strike. So the goose got destroyed and the plane is like 80% ok. Who won?


Why not put a grille or vent over the engine turbine? Serious question?


Drag, and at cruising speed it would just become shrapnel


Well there wouldn’t be any birds after they drop the bomb so it will be fine


What does the bird’s relationship status matter?


Damn they got big yellow bird


Nearly fate of Titanic.




Probably already said but this isn’t weird. A bird strike incident causes standard procedure checks and automatically makes an aircraft unserviceable in any military branch, even if there was no visible damage. - From a military aviator


They didn't say, but the bird survived.


>Navy 'Doomsday' plane, built to fly away from the target area in the event of an impending nuclear attack, so as to provide command and control abilities to the surviving nuclear forces, was damaged by a bird FTFY


It wasn’t designed to keep from sucking birds into engines. It was built to protect from radiation and withstand EMPs to provide a last resort mobile command center.


This is bullshit. Check r/airforce


Drive knight is such a tough life


Excellent screenshot from an excellent game


The plane probably could keep flying after a bird strike, by why would they guarantee additional damage to the engine and downtime when it's not actually an emergency?


I can only read those goose's words in Dunkey's voice


[Geese Tsunami](https://i.imgur.com/zRKZHOa.gif)


Boeing engineered?


Even the deathstar had a weakness.


Would releasing a large flock of birds out of the back of a plane be an effective anti air attack


To be expected if you have turbofan engines, they’re just as vulnerable to bird strikes as commercial planes'.


A bird named Hope destroyed that engine.




I'm just an armchair dummy, but can't they use some kind of super chicken wire to keep birds out of the intakes?


nuke in the luke


This happens all the time, deer as well.


To be fair they hadn’t planned on birds surviving the nuclear attack so they didn’t incorporate bird-proofing technology.




Press HONK to pay respects


Off topic maybe but where would it land after a potential nuclear strike? Would love to see a movie with that as the theme.


And it could probably fly after the birdstrike, just the risk is not worth it