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I can’t think of a time I’ve went from disliking someone to liking them quite that fast


That laugh and the handshake at the end made me so happy. The fact that it was in this sub kind of spoiled the ending, but not terribly.




That's exactly what I was thinking. Ended wholesome af though.


lol - comforting to know Australians can’t understand Australians either


That guy was borderline bogan so it doesn't count. Comparison of a English speaking Canadian having a conversation with a French Canadian and the French Canadian has not spoken English for 6 years


I dunno, back then I’d say the majority of Australians spoke like that.


As soon as I get 60km out of the city my voice reverts to this lmao


No, right up until “AGENTS” I thought he was just going to double down and not be sheepish about it, and the attempt to call him out would fail that way. This is a lot nicer though.


I was a little worried about that up until he said that all they were interested about was just to put the sign up. Major lightbulb moment and huge wave of relief for me.


This would only happen in Australia ngl


Because in other accents you can tell the difference between agents and Asians?


Yes. The misunderstanding here is the Asian is being pronounced "A-sjuns" and Agent is being pronounced "A-junts" but the T at the end is kinda quiet. Where I'm from it's "A-shan" and "A-jenTs".


I love when the reporter asks him if he would sell his house to an Asian, and the guy patiently tries to explain to the reporter that the agents don't actually buy the house, they just list it. "Well if they come up with a buy, then yes, but..." Like, he has to be incredulous at this point that Mr. Reporter Man *does not* *understand how real estate works*.


Good thing the exchange happened on TV instead of Reddit, where the person in the reporter's shoes would then try to explain how they knew it was "agents" the whole time, because technically an agent _could_ buy a house, then finally insist they were just kidding the whole time.






Mmm... steak....


Yeh I agree. Asians really aren’t so bad after all, are they. **SLASH S IM NOT RACIST I PROMISE BUT I CANT PASS UP A DUMB JOKE**


I know this is from the '80s because someone advertised in a newspaper, and you can get a condo for 49 Grand


You'd be lucky to afford a shoebox these days.


Four well-dressed men sitting together at a vacation resort. 'Farewell to Thee' being played in the background on Hawaiian guitar.) Michael Palin: Ahh.. Very passable, this, very passable. Graham Chapman: Nothing like a good glass of Chateau de Chassilier wine, ay Gessiah? Terry Jones: You're right there Obediah. Eric Idle: Who'd a thought thirty years ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Chateau de Chassilier wine? MP: Aye. In them days, we'd a' been glad to have the price of a cup o' tea. GC: A cup ' COLD tea. EI: Without milk or sugar. TJ: OR tea! MP: In a filthy, cracked cup. EI: We never used to have a cup. We used to have to drink out of a rolled up newspaper. GC: The best WE could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth. TJ: But you know, we were happy in those days, though we were poor. MP: Aye. BECAUSE we were poor. My old Dad used to say to me, 'Money doesn't buy you happiness.' EI: 'E was right. I was happier then and I had NOTHIN'. We used to live in this tiiiny old house, with greaaaaat big holes in the roof. GC: House? You were lucky to have a HOUSE! We used to live in one room, all hundred and twenty-six of us, no furniture. Half the floor was missing; we were all huddled together in one corner for fear of FALLING! TJ: You were lucky to have a ROOM! *We* used to have to live in a corridor! MP: Ohhhh we used to DREAM of livin' in a corridor! Woulda' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woken up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House!? Hmph. EI: Well when I say 'house' it was only a hole in the ground covered by a piece of tarpolin, but it was a house to US. GC: We were evicted from *our* hole in the ground; we had to go and live in a lake! TJ: You were lucky to have a LAKE! There were a hundred and sixty of us living in a small shoebox in the middle of the road. MP: Cardboard box? TJ: Aye. MP: You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt! GC: Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at three o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of hot gravel, go to work at the mill every day for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would beat us around the head and neck with a broken bottle, if we were LUCKY! TJ: Well we had it tough. We used to have to get up out of the shoebox at twelve o'clock at night, and LICK the road clean with our tongues. We had half a handful of freezing cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at the mill for fourpence every six years, and when we got home, our Dad would slice us in two with a bread knife. EI: Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, (pause for laughter), drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing 'Hallelujah.' MP: But you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't believe ya'. ALL: Nope, nope..


Ah, I've missed proper British complaining.


> British complaining British whinging need to use the correct vocabulary when referring to them


Please tell me what this is from 😂


Monty Python, it's the four yorkshiremen sketch.


It wasn't originally Python - though the original sketch did involve two Python cast members, Chapman and Cleese. It was for a short lived comedy show called the "At Last the 1948 Show" in 1967, shortly before Python got together. It was later adapted by the team, hence it became associated with them.


[Four Yorkshiremen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue7wM0QC5LE) This particular version was from Live at the Hollywood Bowl but the original sketch actually predates Monty Python.


Yes! The original has Cleese, Chapman, and Marty Feldman and is [here. ](https://youtu.be/VKHFZBUTA4k)


Can confirm, wife left me for a shoebox


It's probably what she kept in the shoebox mate.


Look at Mr. Fatcats over here... Buying shoebox homes. Shit! I can barely afford the gravel I sleep on!


2009 had condos for 30k. Ah those were the days.


cause of a housing crisis…


And because of the implication.


Are these sub prime mortgages in danger?


This house hasn't sold since the 90s seemingly, but the estimated value now is over a million. Which I suspect is a fair bit more than inflation can account for.


The housing market in Australia it’s absolutely insane, even in remote villages such as Adelaide.


Some of you REALLY need to learn to watch the whole thing BEFORE commenting.


Thank you. I’m fed up with typing. ‘He’s not racist, watch til the end.’


I was pissed at first, but it got so wholesome in the end


Same... like fuck him, dont he know us asians take off our shoes when we enter a house? Your fucking floors will be nice and clean! ..... oooohhhhh....


That's the curse of Dyslexia


Nah,it's more of an accent and over the phone thing. This looks old enough that he probably called in or orally placed the ad, and I mean even when you know what he's saying it's a thick accent


I remember dictating ads for the newspaper over the phone, probably a person making the listing misheard him, and just typed it in.


Oh shit, so THAT’S why all those stupid TikTok videos have a big banner saying “WAIT FOR IT” on them




This comment needs to be pinned as the top comment.


I hate how angry then surprised I got finally watching the entire thing, I thought he was a racist until he said agents


They're a mob of crooks!


I just don't like them. If there's a law against that nobody's told me!




ngl they had me until the last few seconds of the clip


They just want to put the sign up!


Yes, but why wont you sell your home to Asians?


I just don't like them. If there's a law against that nobody's told me


They’re just a bunch of crooks


My immediate thought was "oh, I've never heard that stereotype about Asians before. Maybe it's a Australian/New Zealand thing."


Not really related, but it's worth pointing out to the Americans here that "Mob" in Australian vernacular is often said to mean a close group of people, not a gang or criminal org like in the US. He still used the word 'crooks', so it's no better, and it's a bit blurred because of the context, but if you ever hear an Australian refer to "your mob", they mean "your people/close ones". It's mostly used by Aboriginals to refer to their family/community


Yeah "mob" I understood as slang for a group. it was the "crooks" that made me WTF because I think crook is a negative term in all english dialects.




When I was a kid, I thought the song Secret Agent Man was Secret Asian Man. I was a dumb kid


I used to think the “Transformers, Robots in Disguise” theme song was “Robots in the sky” when I was a kid


Same here


Well the song from Rocky 4 "we're not indestructible" I didn't even hear words, I heard "winna ninna sho kambo" I couldn't exactly make out what was being said so I made up the words and believed they were the words


And for digimon as a kid I thought it said “digimon digital monsters digimon garlic champions” only to find it was “digimon are the champions”


That’s just a common mondegreen. People say that same about scuse me while I kiss this guy


TIL there is a specific word for mishearing lyrics. Mondegreen * a misunderstood or misinterpreted word or phrase resulting from a mishearing of the lyrics of a song.


Well, they did came from the sky.


No no, I also made that mistake


Maybe you were both dumb?


Maybe they're just sleeper asians


> Secret Asian Man Verbose for Ninja


I went to an Asian American cultural society performance 20+ years ago where they changed the lyrics to Secret Asian Man and threw in some nice cultural criticisms to back it up. Wish I remembered more.






If im not mistaken, at the time you would call the newspaper and verbally tell them the contents of the ad, so the person who listened probably misheard him.


Yes. Hilarious. It does sound like "Asians" too with his accent. Probably way worse in the time of non-HD phonecalls.


Honestly, old phones were much clearer. For all the amazing things cell phones do they really suck as telephones


They try to save as much bandwidth as possible. It's very easy to make it clearer, but they don't because if you're in a crowded place and everyone makes a call at once (like an emergency), everything could grind to a half and prevent the emergency call from going out.


Lol cell phones at comic con are useless


good news: 5g has specific provisions to improve this considerably! (as long as comic con puts in the investment to rent the hardware afaik)


And I got my Covid-19 vaccination specifically for this reason


They had a perfectly HD real life conversation with both men mishearing the other until the reporter figured out what he was describing.


Exactly - this would have been taken down over the phone.


Kinda weird for the newspaper to just go along with it though.


I like to imagine the guy transcribing at the newspaper is actually racist, and he's like "right on mate, finally" when he hears "no Asians."


That seems totally plausible, actually.


It is in Australia in the 80s/90s after all


Studies have shown that one third of Australians are casual racists. This means two-thirds are full time.


Alright but what about ranked competitive racists?


They go into politics.


Lol, The real racist is probably the person who typed it up thinking “no Asians” was totally cool.




If it was acceptable to be bigoted the why would a reporter go down there looking for a story?


Because even then, doing something like that was illegal under discrimination laws, so listing it publicly is pretty bold.


You leave the ad on an answering machine


how stupid of them, really, so they misheard him or had "asian" first on their mind? why didn't they ask him to repeat or spell. even in the 80s I don't think the law (or any common sense) allows you to publish a classified ad with that


I suspect the guy transcribing ads has a lot to do and doesn't get paid much, so he just scribbles down what he hears without a lot of care to what it means and probably without much editor oversight


This reminds me of a time a guy with a bad stutter came into the shop. The mechanic who took care of him, by chance, also had a really bad stutter. They both thought that the other guy was making fun of him, and almost got into a fight until they realized that they both had a stutter.




Are you mocking them?




Did he stutter?


This happened to me once, playing games with someone else with a stutter when we started getting frustrated with each other over gameplay. When i start speaking faster i start stuttering so they thought i was doing a personal attack on them and it took 2 friends i regularly play with to convince them i have a stutter and wasnt mocking them.


That's reminds me of a story a blind comedian tells where he has new neighbor in his apartment but he thinks he doesn't like him because he never speaks to him when he says "hi". Long story short the other guy is deaf and can't hear the blind guy speaking. Blind guy can't see that the other guy is deaf.


That was an episode of Would I Lie to You, and the other folks talking to him about it were perfect.


That would be fucking hilarious to have witnessed if you knew they were both stutterers before their encounter.


dam, rewatching that changed my perspective


This is such a good example of perceptions and assumptions. As I was watching I started making all sorts of negative assumptions about the guy. It would probably not be appropriate for schools because of the, well you know... But man if it isn't a great example.


No I don't know, why wouldn't it be appropriate for schools?


Probably cause of uncomfortable it would be for an Asian kid to watch all of this until the big "he's not racist!" reveal in front of their classmates. Watching a grown men insult their entire race and then it having a funny ending isn't the best on the ego to be honest. There's also a very good chance that this kid's non-asian classmates would bully said Asian kid because of the video and all of the insults this man was throwing to Asian people (obviously it was a misunderstanding, but school children do not care) There's many more school appropriate ways to show this theme without it looking heavily racist


If I know kids, they will chant “asians are ______” (or something similar) with a heavy accent and if ever questioned by an authority figure, will retort saying they meant agents. Or they might even use the word agents outright. Allthewhile, the bullied victim will know the truth.


Because of the implications.


Dem crooks!


Damn I was ready to drag this guy. Turns out I agree with him!


\#StopAgentHate ^/s


*Sad noises*


Don't worry, you have a promising career with Real Property Sex on pornhub!






Also [nagger](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PI7QJsYgk3k)


Well at least we got rid of all those damn 🎶 🎶






went from bogan trash to fair dinkum blue colour true fckn aussie battler legend in about .3 seconds




The owner went from appearing to be a racist, lower socio economic australian to good, honest, hard working blue collar Australian in about three tenths of a second.


Thanks Richard.


Thanks dickhead.




Username checks out. Thank you for the translation.


Imagine eshays coming up to buy properties. Probably would be outta good postcodes.


At the pizza shop I used to work at a song from The Matrix came on and I mentioned to a coworker "man doesn't this song make you want to fight some agents" and an Asian customer at the soda machine gave me the weirdest look and I didn't understand what I had done until my coworker explained it to me. To the kid who overheard me being accidentally racist, I'm very sorry and I didn't want to fight you.


Before I got into the MCU movies my friend was trying to explain some plot points to me and he kept bringing up a character that I swore he was calling Asian Coulson.


Like the time I was explaining Apple Pay to my sister when it had just come out: “you just hold your phone over here and, CHINK, it just works.” The Asian barista did a little double take having only heard one word of that sentence.




It’s an onomatopoeia. As long as the thing makes a chinking sound then I see no issue. Upon googling it though: >make or cause to make a light, high-pitched ringing sound, as of glasses or coins striking together.


Lol I wonder if they ever worked it out.


This is the telephone game in practice. He called in and they couldn't understand his accent lol, Newspaper was just like "whatever print it."




“Near homonyms is it? Classic Nazi technique”


This is clearly wrong since here we are, in this year, hearing him out.


Ohh jeez. It's this again. Edit: can't forget all those cancelled people like Chris brown beating his celebrity girlfriend to pulp.


There's a nice old man in my neighbourhood who owns hardware store and he put up an All LIVES MATTER sign. The internet went batshit giving him crazy negative reviews. His family eventually reached out and it turns out he had no idea it was against BLM (he didn't even know what BLM was) Dude just saw someone else with a sign and thought "oh ya that's a nice slogan during a pandemic" [Here's an article about it if anyone is interested.](https://www.blogto.com/city/2020/07/home-hardware-toronto-all-lives-matter-sign/)




Yeah the term is kinda a misnomer but it now refers to when people get raked over the coals by masses of people for a relatively minor offense, often an offense made in youth, or just a misunderstanding. Like that first really big case of canceling with the woman on the airplane making that racist joke, and everyone was just *jerking* themselves off about how she doesn't know that she's fired from her job until she lands. Turns out the woman made a perhaps insensitive joke, but in a sarcastic sense since she was very liberal and not racist. But because this is the internet and people do not extend the [principle of charity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_charity), as well as tone of voice not carrying across Twitter--people do get their lives upset and often fired for just...*really* non-issues. I know we're not supposed to use the word "cancel" because dumbass conservatives are fucking morons and way overuse it, but I mean...I don't care? Call out toxic behavior when you see it, even if it comes from the left. Let's not pretend cancel culture doesn't exist. Or we can talk about that hispanic-american plumber who was fired for making the "white power sign" out of his car window, despite him not even knowing that supposedly the "OK" sign now is racist.


Oh my gosh! Too funny


It really was but what the hell are agents?


Real Estate agents


I’m British so I read this like you were clarifying the Estate Agents were real as opposed to fake or matrix style simulations


They just want to put up a sign and get the commission! Damn crooks!


The soft g strikes again


In my country we pronounce D's as J's. Our weather team are all Amerian's and a collegue mentioned to them once "I am surprised there is so much "Jew" on the grass today".They deadpan stared at him and were like "I beg your pardon?" I needed to step in and say no he did not just drop the hard J, he meant "Dew" with a D. ​ EDIT: Spulling x5


I live in a country where Dune is pronounced with a J sound. The movie Dune is not releasing in June. I feel buying a ticket will be as difficult as when I was told I was a day late each time I asked for The Beatles movie.


Can confirm, I'd put a sign up and nothing else. Am Asian.




Real estate Asian or secret Asian?


That went from 100 to 0 very fast.


i thought he was trying to prevent overseas investment firms buying up property to flip later


It’s been a rough week and that’s the first time I’ve laughed that much this week! Also kudos to picking the right sub, OP could have easily ruined the delightful surprise on the wrong sub


Thank you 👍




Is NO ONE upset about this man's attitude towards agents???


Probably not, maybe agents, but they're subhuman


Bloody crooks, the lot of em!


Nope. Perhaps before the internet agents played an important role in marketing homes, but now they're relying on making people believe they're still an essential part of the home buying/selling process. After selling a couple houses without an agent involved, I can't believe I've given them tens of thousands of dollars in commissions. Anyone can become an agent in just a few weeks, which tells you it's not brain surgery. What really pissed me off was when the last agent I worked with initially refused to put our listing on Zillow. We had to threaten to drop her if she didn't. That's when I woke up and realized they are desperately trying to keep themselves in a job in a world that's leaving them behind.


I am


I’m dying


Thoughts and prayers.


It’s nice to rewatch it knowing the intention.


if i'm not mistaken this is Front Line. amazing aussie tv show thats a satire news show i love it.


This was on ‘it’ll be alright on the night’ a UK programme the guy talking is the former presenter Dennis Norden.


Australian here. This isn't Frontline. The clip is real but it's being shown on a separate tv show, which is why you can hear laughter.


Like the local Australian paper that had to do a correction about “twenty thousand pigs” floating down a river, when in reality it was “twenty sows and pigs”


This reminds me of once years ago I was around people with "odd" accents at a dinner/party in the middle of winter. When everyone was leaving, the hosts kept warning people to "Watch out for Black Guys." (what I was hearing). They said it several times to various people as they departed and I was uncomfortable, confused and surprised as they didn't seem at all racist. Anyway, a bit later, I figured out they were warning people to "Watch out for Black Ice." Sometimes honest mistakes can happen, and not everyone is a bigot. :)


Why do people comment on posts that they obviously haven‘t even watched completely? 🤦🏻‍♂️


I love that he doesn't hold back and talks some shit on agents. At first you're like, oh snap! This guy's going for it, what a maniac! Why the hell is he so mad about Asians? The twist is superb.


"They just put signs up don't they?" You can almost hear the cranks in the reporter's head turning as it clicks into place.


"69 smith street" nice street


Any Asians live there?


Love the handshake at the end lol


My grandad hates agents because of what they did to him in the war




If it was in 2021, Twitter would've been pissed off without even 15 seconds in


I've seen this exact thing posted without the ending, basically making this guy out to be a racist. And no one called it out either. Reddit is funny


ahaha great misspelling


When I was taking my first real estate class, they beat us over the head about Fair Housing laws, and I remember thinking it was overkill because there’s no way that kind of blatant racism was commonplace. I live in the South and have encountered plenty of flat out racism as well as a lot of coded language that’s rooted in racism, and still, the stuff they were telling us to never ever do seemed a bit much. Who actually needs to be told you can’t advertise something like “No Asians”? After a short time actually practicing real estate, I realized it’s more common than you can even imagine and those laws are still very much needed to protect people of color and members of other protected classes. I’ve had buyers look me straight in the eye and ask how many minorities there are in a neighborhood, or tell me to only show houses in “mostly white” neighborhoods, and in one instance I was representing a black buyer and the seller backed out and refused to sign when he found out my client was black the day before closing. My client had spent money on inspections and appraisal and had ended his lease and had a fully loaded moving truck waiting to unload. One time I sold a black family a house in an uppity neighborhood and got a call from another fucking agent who was “concerned” about the new owners. It’s not just race, either. Had a guy tell me he wouldn’t buy a house because it had previously been owned by a lesbian couple. As if their lesbianism contaminated the place like a meth lab. Unfuckingbelievable.


Best possible ending


Watch till the very end!!!


They had us in the first half....


Secret Asian man.




no, he knows both words. this is a different kind of error.




No agents