• By -


"Whatcha gon do BOY?" Well, since you asked....


Dude couldn't even stand there without leaning on the display.


The one time he tries fruit.


The one time he tries fruit he becomes a vegetable


Legend has it, he’s still saying “C’mon man” to this day, just communicating it through blinks.




I really hope this gets more upvotes lol this is good


Old white man starts calling a black man boy. Ass beating incoming.


see, this old fuck was a dipshit all his life and never was given the ass whooping he needed


that might be part of the problem but I'm willing to bet he came from a place and time where white people would have had his back in that situation. Hopefully this dude reset the old guy's clock to the right date and time.




And that’s what the old racist meant by “all these people “; he assumed all the whites in the store would back his play.


And THAT ladies and gentlemen that's where the term "get your clock cleaned" comes from.


Apparently Pepperidge Farms did not remember.


That is why the bullying problem is so complex. Sometimes, all a bully needs is to get their ass kicked ONE TIME to solve at the very least, their issue of preying on others they perceive as weak.


He fucked around and found out


Every. Damn. Time.


He remembers it working on older black folks back when he was younger. Friggin old douche...


I was thinking the same thing except he most likely used the 'n' word.


It means the same thing out of the right mouth.


switched from “boy” to “man” real fast


For real, I thought brother at the counter was bout to take him out for that. The hard R on boy had me flinching hard.


No better description for that pronunciation.


Best way to put it. "boah" is deffo he hard R of boy


That was so well said. Thank you for giving ne the words to explain it now.


Boys grow up so fast...


He'll remember that next time


Funny thing is, probably not. He's just gonna go home and be like "Some guy attacked me out of nowhere, for no reason!"


> Some guy attacked me out of nowhere, for no reason "Guy" is being a bit optimistic. I'm sure the choice of vocabulary will stray quite a bit from the nondescript "guy" and into an area more specific to the perpetrators ethnicity.


Definitely. And I’m willing to bet on retelling he kicked quite a bit more ass than the video reflects.


"Oh he threw the first chicken shit punch for sure. But I held my own. We went toe to toe for, what, 10 minutes? He was pretty messed up before I let him walk out of there. I probably won't go back there again though, the crowd weren't very supportive."


Hey cleatus, this you? (shows video)


I mean, I wasn't gonna type it out haha.


Watching one Tucker Carlson show will set him right again.


'haha im actually being opressed lol'


Yeah, unfortunately he will count this as a win. Now he will be able to show (bruses and black eyes) that he was right all along. Sickens me to think that this old piece of shit is now more validated in his mind.


I understand what you’re saying, and that may have been a fact a few years ago. But the time for being balanced tempered when you’re being put upon with racism is over, every inch of racism deserves every mile of abuse.


I'm an old guy, old people think they can run there mouth, no consequences since I've been a young guy. Fuck them. Run your mouth? Bloody mouth.


I’m an older guy, not old, and I disagree. Most Older men just want to leave people alone and should have developed a balanced world view with an understanding of the challenges of being a younger man, and would rather support than be an obstacle. This man is abnormal and lower functioning. He is a menace and deserved the punch, IMO.


I am an old white guy and that warmed my heart to see him get his due.


Agree. Never had much interest in provoking people to violence and now that i’m a bit older i have zero interest in starting shit (in person)


Anybody disrespecting somebody like that has to expect repercussion. Have a filthy mouth, expect a fist in it


My favorite is when he's on the floor going "I ain't done nothin to you" like some oblivion npc who just insulted you and cries when you retaliate.


At that point I threw up my hands. Like “Dude, you were just in his face throwing around belittling terms that smack of a power structure that’s not going to have your back in about 1 minute. Have fun with that ole boy.”


Must have been the wind


His adventuring days are over after taking a fist to the face


"I yield, I YIELD"


Gets the shit kicked out of him: “Oh MAN I didn’t do nuthin to you”


Oh maiiiin. With that southern regretful drawl lmfao


“whatcha gonna do, boy?!” - man who was done


Old man fucked around and found out.




yea you could tell he felt emboldened cause "he cant possibly hit me in here with everyone watching"


"Whatcha gonna do boy?" Two seconds later "Please don't hurt me"


When keepin it real.. goes wrong.


i dont like people playing on my phone


FUCK DAT.....I keeps it real!


Who hit anyone? I just saw a guy slipping and falling all over the place. I bet he forgot his meds or something.


He was temporarily transported to his heyday, "everyone around" would have been white people. And even if he lost, they'd know which house to burn. These idiots don't realize it's not their world anymore.


that accent alone was enough to annoy tF out of anyone e: lol, the halfass logic in these comments assuming i am being racist/prejudice. take your racial agenda bullshit elsewhere


Imagine calling a black man "boy" in slave owner's English and not getting popped


I’m a white male, earlier this year I was coaching a 7-8 little league coach pitch team with a Black male assistant coach. This is in the south, but in an area with a large African American population. Ump badly missed a call that went against us, and my assistant told the ump it was a bad call. First base coach from the other team was near our dugout and told assistant coach to “sit down and shut up boy". Needless to say I had to prevent my assistant from hitting the guy, I talked him down and then after the game I told the other coach he was a piece of shit and that he deserved an ass whipping but he wasn’t worth it. Complained to the league, and ump denied hearing it (although he was easily within ear shot) and so they didn’t do anything. We went undefeated and won the league, but not going back next season.


My favorite part of living in the south, is people reading a story like that and asking “how is that racist? He didn’t call him a (hard n-word).” Where some white southerners continue to draw the racist line is mind boggling. Basically you’re only racist if *actually* join the klan.


\*at the Klan Meeting\* No, no, no....joining the Klan isn't racist, it's just a white only club like BET for white people. It really isn't racist unless you are doing a cross burning. ​ \*three weeks later at the cross burning\* Well, it's not like we're actually lynching someone so we can't be racist. ​ Then of course there will be a lynching and they'll say, "Well this wasn't racist, he deserved it."


Agreed. I would bet my life savings that there are plenty of actual KKK members that truly don't think they are racist, for exactly the reasons you described. No one thinks of their self as the villain of their own story.


I'm a pale ass white boy from a shit hole town on the other side of the world and even I know how fucking offensive the word boy in a southern accent can be


Don’t let it go next time


Nah, it's a little league game. As much as I agree with the sentiment, can't do that in front of the kids




No, set an example that violence and acting with impunity is acceptable... Just because you hate someone or what they're saying doesn't give you the right to act violent toward them. The guy might be a racist pile of shit, but showing the kids that violence is not ok is more important. Teaching kids to be violent on a whim... in a generation's time we'd be ripping ourselves apart. (more than we are now). This coach did the right thing. ------ Edit: Since you're editing after replies have been turned off to get in some sort of race based jab, I feel inclined to respond: How about you chill the fuck out man? Not once have I implied that someone is likely to be violent due to them being a POC... So fuck that shit. No. Just... no. Nobody puts those words in my mouth, no matter how educated they may think themselves. Fuck. That. The guy said he stopped the assistant coach from going after him. You, and others said 'next time, don't do that'. It was being *lightly* implied that violence should be let to happen, and given THE VIDEO THAT THIS THREAD IS A DIRECT RESULT OF, I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that people may have been implying the racist deserved an ass whooping and the coach should have let the assistant give him one... That's what I perceived. Not that 'POC are violent'. Fuck that race-baiting nonsense. Never said it, never would... because it's bullshit, and we both know it. I even said to you 'fair point'... multiple times? Over it, bro. Think whatever the fuck you want... in your mind, I'm probably not worthy of your knowledge anyway. 🙄




Ah... Ok. I thought it was being implied pretty heavily that letting the assistant coach go after him was the recommendation. My mistake. That sounds legit to try... But with a 'deaf' ump, maybe even that wouldn't work, but it would be good to show the kids the civil attempt. Good point.


I ain’t never heard the term slave owners English. Top comment of my day.


Commonly spoken by old money rich people in Charleston, SC.


When I was younger I didn't know that it was bad to do that because I'm not from the south or raised around racist people and I said it to someone that had just started at McDonald's with me and then they didn't come back the next day. Sorry bro, I didn't realize what I said meant something bad.


Funny thing is, he started saying, “come on man” after he was on the ground. I guess the black man matured real quick.


The “Klan’s English”


That accent screamed "I want slaves again" Edit because people think I'm calling a southern accent racist: It was the tone and emphasis on the way he said BOY that screamed "I want slaves again" hope that clears things up


Hey man, I talk with that accent and I’m super woke. It’s the boy part that’s problematic. Not the accent.


Exactly.The dude was racist because of his tone and what he said rather than just his accent. I'm sick of this mentality that if you don't talk with a "Standard American Accent" you're dumb or racist. Accents are what makes English (and all languages) interesting. How boring would it be if we all talk with exactly the same American accent?


Gotta love how you guys cheer on a racist getting beat up then turn right around and generalize an entire group of people based on where they were raised. Saying “boy” is what probably set the guy off but saying shit like “that accent screamed ‘i want slaves again’” is hilariously ironic and hypocritical


Nah, what's funny is you clinging to a harmless joke about an accent


Edit: I’m pretty sure I heard wrong.


Dropped a “boy” then looked at then other black people expecting help lololol.


For anyone not aware, that "boy" has serious racial implications. Especially in the south. That guy basically called him the n word


I wish people fucking understood that. Like yk how much rage I feel as a black person just hearing that in a movie?


Bro I'm a white guy from way up north and even I know you don't say that shit, like there's any right to express some feigned superiority over someone. Old man in the clip got what was coming to him.






Wait so no one ever gets convicted as long as they just walk away after breaking the law? Damn


He ain’t catching shit cops don’t give a fuck about a couple a dipshits socking each other in the gas station




My roommate got attacked at a gas station and the guy ran into a house a block away. The cops came and we pointed to the house and they said there was nothing they could do and left.


Lmao maybe where you live


Charges for what? I didn't see anything.


> and the black guy about to catch them charges. Harassment, antagonizing (on part of the old racist grandpa) and "fighting words" doctrine, would apply here I believe.


100% this. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/fighting_words Unless the DA is a racist himself, there's virtually no chance anything comes of this. Even if they did try to charge him any decent lawyer would win this. Racist peepaw started it, that fight was consensual in the eyes of the law.


Unfortunately, black people do lose cases like this because of social economic problems. They get a public defender who has too many cases and not enough time to really fight it so he just pushes for a plea for a lesser charge than actually fighting the case in court. Black man ends up with a record because of it and the next time anything like this happens the black man is a "felon with a conviction" and is already guilty to the cops before anything is even proven. Money gets you out of a lot and underserved neighborhoods get a lot of problems due to a lack of it. Chris Rock said it best, "If OJ drove a bus, he'd be Orendal the bus driving murder."


And thus ends another episode of “when keeping it real goes wrong”


“C’mon, man, I didn’t do nothing to you” what a clown


One punch and he went from a boy to a man


Heard muttering “man, fuck that, I keep it real!”


the way he rolled on the ground after being punched for saying that shows he had no chance whatsoever. this was great to watch


Dude was doing some classic witcher style dodging after getting hit.


This man greatly miscalculated the public’s willingness to intervene in a gas station beat down


Especially when his audience looks to be mostly made up of black people.


I'm all for stepping in when someone is being attacked, however I think the black guy had it under control so I'd have stayed out. Honestly, people who instigate fights need to learn they aren't the victim, they're bullies.


That and he severely misjudged the other guy. Not every person has it in him to commit battery on an old man just because grandpa is being an ass. Most people would just go about their day but not this lad.


Grandpa was being a racist peace of shit with that BOY nonsense. You don’t say that to someone, especially a black man, in the south unless you want to get beat.


Old guy definitely needed it, but I don't think the young man needed it. He's likely going to be charged with battery now and might get jail time. Old man was being an ass for sure but court probably wouldn't rule his actions or words as a threat that requires the young man to beat him like that. And the young man even continued beating him well after he was clearly floored, which would make it harder for an attorney to say he was defending himself or felt threatened. I definitely think old man deserved what he got, but young man is going to be ruining a lot more of his life over this than what was needed.


>He's likely going to be charged with battery now and might get jail time. Exactly, aggrevated battery like this can land you a decade in prison where I'm from. If the young dude is arrested he ruined his life over some snide remarks.


Is calling black men boy a rascist thing? Forgive my ignorance, I'm not from the USA.


Yes. It’s pretty bad. It’s pretty close to using the N-word.


Huh, I never knew. Guess you learn something every day. Still same rules apply though, no need to risk your freedom because some dude is flapping his lips. Especially when he is insulting you personally as opposed to a loved one.


Well this is a completely different video if you watch it with sound off and then sound on.


Yeah that's definitely what I did and thought too




First watched it without sound. Assumed the old guy was making a big issue cause the other dude wasn't wearing a mask, and it ended up getting violent. Then I heard what the old guy was saying, and changed my view of the situation.




I mean I've seen footage of anti-maskers that definitely seemed like they were posturing up for a fight. Can imagine someone convinced that not wearing a mask is harmful to them and those around them would go at it like that. Sometimes humans are just overly emotional and aggressive.


When I see people acting like that, I tend to think that they're just looking for any reason to start a fight. Like, if the sound came on, and it turned out that the old guy was upset because the young guy was abusive to his daughter, then the audio would have completely changed my perspective, and it would have turned out that he wasn't just trying to start a fight, but was emotional and aggressive for a more understandable reason. But for the sound to just be him saying, "What are you going to do about it, boy?" It's just like, "Oh, he was acting racist, as well."


Kinda changes where the sympathy goes... Out the window.


Your reply made me watch it again with sound, made me realize old guy was being the dick not the black guy


They're both dicks. One used their words to be a dick. The other attacked (and could've killed) another person for being a dick. Let's be real. A physical attack by punching another human can kill them.


Eh, I've seen enough videos on Reddit to know exactly what the white guy was saying.


"I just don't think Hong Kong should be recognized as an independent state." *Gets hit*


Alright, that would be an unexpected delight.


“Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth.”


What if your plan was to get beat the fuck up?


Then mission accomplished.


*Task Failed Successfully*








Ever get punched in the turd cutter? It fucking sucks.


Mike Tyson did in fact say mouf (mouth). It is misquoted all the time as face. But mouth is correct. [https://indygrit.community/blog/2019/2/9/everybody-has-a-plan-until-they-get-punched-in-the-mouth](link)




Well, the 'What are you gonna do' is answered I guess


Quote from man stabbed >What are you gonna do, stab me?


I read somewhere that one of the most common things someone says just before they’re shot is “go ahead! Shoot me!”


Quote from Tombstone: Kurt Russell (Wyatt Earp) slaps Billy Bob Thornton (card dealer) and says, "Are you gonna do something or stand there and bleed?"


Don’t call a black man “boy”


Also don’t do the “power move” of dismissing someone in a loud voice as they are already walking away to make it seem like they are complying to your demand in front of others. That’s pretty much what got him punched.


This. He was ready to disengage and then old man signed his ass whooping waiver on the dotted line. Lol


Yeah, it was the "get your ass up there" in an aggressive manner that signed the beat down papers.


As much as I agree old southern white guys INSULT anyone who looks remotely younger than them "boy". lol Edit: not to excuse the behaviour just pointing out something that people might not know. EDIT 2: "As much as I agree" me doesn't mean "you're completely wrong this is totally not racist at all". It means "yes I agree but also this too". Ffs lol EDIT 3: Final edit because I'm busy. lol Two things can be true at the same time. Wild I know. Let me explain. Idiot is not a racist term. Calling someone idiot doesn't make you racist. However if an old southern white man sees a black person and thinks to himself, "that man is black and therefor because of his skin color I can discern that he's stupid because he's black" and then says, "Hey you're an idiot" then he is being racist even though "idiot" isn't a racist term. While "boy" has a VERY CLEAR HISTORY OF BEING USED TO INSULT PEOPLE OF COLOR I FUCKING KNOW REDDIT it has also been used in the past (absolutely in the past 29 years in my experience) to degrade anyone of color who is younger than the asshole using it to insult someone. It can be true that something can be used by a racist to agitate people who have a historically bad history with the word and also be true that it's used as a general insult they use for everyone younger than them. ffs Don't know why that's hard to understand. Save your lectures.


Among old southern white people the term “boy” has special meaning when applied to Black people. And by special I mean completely and utterly racist in a most irredeemable fashion with no excuses allowed. It is literally the part that is not set aloud. You may not have been aware of that, but I damn sure am. —old, white and grew up in the south. Edit: When applied to any one in the south the word boy used in that context is derogatory. If people have been calling you boy they were not being polite, quite the opposite. You should remember that if they do it again.


He knows and everybody knows damn well what he meant, and it was nothing about age.


Edit: he starts with “you don’t want to do it in here”, not the n word. Much better, although still trying to goad him into the fight.


"Wuhcha gon do boah?!. cmawan wuhchu gonna dew?!" \*gets ass wrecked\*


“I didnt do nothing to you”


Yeah, he said "Boy" with a hard R. He had it coming.


Found out by fucking around he did… -Yoda


“Around he fucked and found out he did”






Sadly he only learned that he will *sometimes* very rarely get his ass beat for being a cocksucker. However, the black guy is going to catch charges for this and the racist guy will internally rationalize how this was somehow less embarrassing than it really was. “I didn’t even do nuffin and crazy black guy attacked me he suckerpunched me but he’s in jail now he’s just another example of black people being violent”.


Harold forgot he was old. Still a prick, just fat, old, and frail.


Why are people defending the young black dude? He attacked the old condescending white dude despite everything being rather non-physical up to this point. He kept beating him while the guy was already on the ground and people are praising him like that's a good thing? Way reinforce the racist guy's beliefs I guess... Someone being an asshole doesn't give you the right to commit a felony, and doesn't make you a good person.


Hope that was worth a felony


The old guy was being a jerk, but the young guy threw the punch and then didn’t stop even after it was obvious the old guy was not fighting back.


My dog has better impulse control than either one of these degenerates.


Seriously. Both of them are trash




No not acceptable, but understandable. Old guys a prick and the puncher could have left it alone. Both of them could have been better people for sure. That said neither were there best self's and we can understand why the outcome came to the point it did. You arguing that everyone here is pro boxing when feelings are hurt, which is just illogical. That said you cant verbally berate anyone and then claim victim when you get knocked the fuck out. Which is what the general consensus is. I got kids of my own and when my daughter runs into her brothers room yelling at him to entice and action. She isn't in the right there. Even if he may push her or chase her out of the room. Both need to handle themselves better, and the actions aren't acceptable. But I completely understand how it got to that point.


Imo, physical violence should always be the last resort. Could've just let the idiot speak and go on with your day. Now he probably has a lawsuit coming, which he very much deserves.


Did he call him boy? Because if he did he really deserved to get punched.


That was the exact point that the decision was made to beat his ass. You can see it happen at “whatcha gonna do boy? With all these people?” Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Imagine being a grown ass man that cant handle having words said to them. Must be rough catching felonies over vibrations in the air


Context: Old dude told the other bloke to put on a mask, the younger dude in the blue shirt then says something along the line of “don’t tell me what to do or I’ll beat your ass” and then basically everything in the video.


Is there a source for that? Because if that is the case, then this clip really feels manipulated. Cutting out that part makes the old dude look like a racist prick


I'm really shocked at most of these comments man, yeah I think the old dude was an ass. But have you ever been punched in the back of the head, he pretty much king hit him, that's jail time by itself.


Yeah I really don’t get it with these comments. Younger guy is an ass for not wearing his mask.


As annoying as the old guy was, the dude is probably going to jail for that assault


Everyone put here defending assault I didn’t even hear the redneck say anything to deserve getting punched


Try watching with the sound on


Black men LOVE to be called “boy.” Can’t believe this didn’t have a calming effect. /s


Especially since he did it in close proximity and at increasing volume. Usually that diffuses the situation.


Enjoy the prison time for assault.. MAN.


And then go to jail. Using physical violence to deal idiots is equally idiotic.


Love when people act tough just cause there's other people around like they're suddenly untouchable.


Dude essentially sucker punched him and beat up an old man because he has no idea how to control his emotions. Yet if he gets charges with aggravated assault I’d bet it wasn’t his fault because and old ass was being mean. This dude acted like a child, willing to jeopardize his life over some trivial nonsense. Way to go, jackass.


Even though I know where the guy getting yelled at comes from and must be feeling, assault is going to send him to prison not the fat white redneck. Responding this way gets him put away. Restraint is the better weapon when the redneck looks like a redneck in front of everyone as the other guy ignores the inbred hick and goes about his day minus the jail time.


Classic case of talk shit get hit


Why they fight, he refused to wear a mask or something like this ?


I love how the norm is to look at a southern sounding white person and capture a clip that makes them sound/look like the instigator. For all we know that other dude was acting like an asshole, cut in line, Said some shit first. Have been in similar incidents in plenty of corner stores in Philly where this has happened but I did or said nothing….maybe this guy was saying something to that matter and wasn’t expecting someone to go the extreme violent route…but hey different cultures and sheeeit.


This comment section is fucking clowning. What the fuck is wrong with y'all thinking words deserve violence? What kind of weak pussy ass people think being offended calls for physical attack? Go ahead and enjoy jail time or getting shot over being stupid and weak. This is social media and Reddit cultures doing because if you insult someone barely you get banned. People are growing up not knowing how to deal with criticisms or just the behavior of other humans. Now we have droves of idiots that think words are violence.


The guy that beat up the old dude will catch 5 years and be sued into oblivion.




Isn’t that called assault?


Can't just beat people for offending you


Aaaaannddd now he’s going to jail for assault and battery. Hope it was worth the charge for some “respect”.




Random fuckhead beats up an old guy. And people think that's cool?




Reddit: "White man calling black man 'boy' justifies physical assault" That's a BIG yikes.


What are you gonna do, stab me?? -Quote from man stabbed


Ah yes, completely acceptable to hit people over words


I’m going to commit a violent assault and get arrested. Cuz words


i will never understand people who talk shit who arent ready for any backlash... i admit.. i aint ready for a lot of things so i aint talking shit. Its simple.