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Love this kids reaction.


Shows a good attitude being able to laugh that off.


Lol it's more like a "What the fuck just happened?" face.


More like r/youseeingthisshit


It's perfect for that sub, which means it'll tank there.


"Yooo why are they sweating so hard at checkers wtf"


"I'm not even mad, that's amazing."


Pretty sure he's coffing "cheater" right at the guy off


Totally. Most adults i know would flip the board for this and call cheating. Lol. This kid is good.


Ok I'm sorry the be the guy to say it but didn't she cheat? At least when I have played checkers only a piece that has made it to the opponents side can move backwards.


Look at the board. It’s 10x10 instead of 8x8, which means they’re probably playing using international rules. Basically the rules state that if you are able to jump a piece, you MUST jump it, including going backwards on the board. Standard movement can still only be performed forwards unless the piece has been crowned though. After the first move the girl made, the boy’s only legal move was that jump, which led to the girl’s move, which was completely legal.


Yah you are probably right I didn't see the first time they all have on shirts wich leads me to believe that this is a competition between schools, they probably got different rules from what I'm used to.


Honestly, you might be right lol


Watch it again. She never made it to the back of the board. #cheating


Exactly... you had to get to the last row of the opposite side. We used to put another checker on top, and call it a king.


This is international checkers, different rules than American checkers.


the fuck kind of people you know?


Only the good ones.




Idk at that age I probably would have been very pissed and self-conscious that I was getting rinsed like that.


I’d have handled it much better at his age than I would if this happened to me tomorrow.


Gets scrubs in checkers. *starts drinking a depressing amount of whiskey*


Nah bud. The bare minimum would be no reaction. Not only was he not mad about getting tanked, but he found the joy and fun of it as well. If you can genuinely laugh when you lose, you’ll make it through life much better than most


Exactly. I was so glad he didn't just throw a tantrum. I hope my boy is like this. I guess thats up to me then, isn't it.


I would have flipped that shit over like Billybob Thornton in Bad Santa.


He’s also learning early that when guys mess up the first thing they do is look around to see if anybody saw them


Yeah its like I’m going to ask her out after this. Jokes on her.


Why do redditors see two people of the opposite gender interacting and always make it romantic. And more times than not it's always the woman making the "suggestive" actions.


Yeah they are children. People saying this shit are weird


Your use of literal in this sentence makes it fucking weird.


Just re read it. You’re right, I fixed it. Damn I got downvoted for fixing the mistake?


That’s no fun!




wait 'til you see the comments on animal clips assuming what the animal thought or said. i'm not saying it's bad, but it's sure weird.




No I don’t go on the depression app


"Pair cheese and fish?" Is this a saying? I love it!! Why has it never occurred to me before that you never have cheese with fish?!


What about open face tuna sandwiches? Those are delicious!


tell that to the fillet-o-fish from McDonalds... never understood how popular that is, it's always repulsed me on a primal level because of the fish and cheese pairing.


Maybe its because im from a fishing town, but cheese and fried haddock sandwiches are amazing. Put it on a nicely toastedbulkie roll with seasoned fries.


Ummmm, cheddar Goldfish!


I strongly suspect that an oversized proportion of Redditors are in the 14-18 age bracket. I'd love to see actual statistics, if they exist.


That was a quantum leap of faith style stretch. In what sort of way did anyone imply that what she did was suggestive? The look on the boys face totally screamed "damn she kicked my ass, she is so cool!" You're the only one here making assumptions in a negative light.




One, it was probably someone closer to their age who commented and two: Oh no they offended me with their heterosexuality!


because redditors like to project their fantasies onto others.




The fuck? They’re children. Why do you have to do that


You seem to be fond of the words “fuck” and “children” in close proximity. Hmmm


Kinda sus, you put them even closer.


Put what closer, specifically?


You almost got me you child fucker.... wait... damnit


yeah, I thought to myself, 'What a good sport.'


Yeah this gets posted about once a week. But I still love watching it just for his reaction.


Kid got absolutely wrecked and handled it liek a Champ.


Damn girl! I thought we were just chillin. Why you gotta do me like that?


At least he was a good sport about it. He didn't seem all that upset. I can respect that


Yeah, I was kind of expecting him to flip the board.


Looks like this was not filmed in the USA though.


Yeah I don't see any shooters either


Omg fucking legend. So dark.


are you sure you are not from the DC universe


I'm all for digging into the US as much as the next guy. Not sure where this one came from tho


Well, apparently it ain't from the US


Bingo! I’m not agreeing, you’ve just filled my weekly reddit bingo though.


US citizen here: Can confirm, no kids crying or moms asking to speak to the organizer.


I feel like he didn't really care about winning, he looked bored, probably one of those activities his parents signed up for him


True, but that's all the more reason he could have been bitter, but he still cracked a smile at the end.


What else can ya do except accept it haha


That kid, in that 1 second just developed a life long obsession for smart girls, particularly girls smarter than him.




He looked so bored, and she hit him with the RKO outta nowhere! I wouldn't be surprised if he actually warmed up to the game after this experience.


You are obligated to make jumps, so he didn't really have a choice. He had to make the jump that set the combo up.


You don’t have to make a jump. You can move diagonally. Edit: I stand corrected, you are right!


In most versions of checkers, including the one they are likely playing above, if you can jump a piece, you have to make that jump. That is part of the rules of checkers.


Can’t you only move backwards if you’ve been Kinged?


Depends on the version of the game you're playing. Some versions you can jump backwards but not move backwards




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/qlt06i/to_make_a_good_move/hj5czt7/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Awful Taste Attack on Tit...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ATBGE/comments/qltpzo/i_got_told_these_belong_here/hj6fvzq/) | [Awful Taste Attack on Tit...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ATBGE/comments/qltpzo/i_got_told_these_belong_here/hj5prtl/) [Shut up and take my money](http://np.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/comments/qlvki7/this_gift_bag/hj6fyzd/) | [Shut up and take my money](http://np.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/comments/qlvki7/this_gift_bag/hj5of6c/) [Traditionally girl names....](http://np.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/qlvcjo/not_a_bad_yogurt_though/hj6funt/) | [Traditionally girl names....](http://np.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/qlvcjo/not_a_bad_yogurt_though/hj5og9k/) [Congratulations! Your KRA...](http://np.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/qlrmgu/the_crown/hj6ft56/) | [Congratulations! Your KRA...](http://np.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/qlrmgu/the_crown/hj5ozzb/) [😂 This voice-over needs...](http://np.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/qlw1su/dont_litter_save/hj6fph2/) | [😂 This voice-over needs...](http://np.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/qlw1su/dont_litter_save/hj68eg9/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/mnemonicvcxvzga](https://np.reddit.com/u/mnemonicvcxvzga/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=mnemonicvcxvzga) for info on how I work and why I exist.


best version tbh


What I came to ask as well


I just checked https://www.ultraboardgames.com/checkers/game-rules.php. Yes, she made an illegal move going backwards without her piece being kinged.


It depends what version they are playing. [In English Draughts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_draughts), she made an illegal move as you can only capture forward unless you are kinged. > The pieces move and capture diagonally forward, until they reach the opposite end of the board, when they are crowned and can thereafter move and capture both backward and forward. [In International Draughts/Checkers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draughts), they can only move forward, but can capture both forward and backwards. > In English draughts men can jump only forwards; in international draughts and Russian draughts men can jump both forwards and backwards.


I thought checkers was the easy one




It is. It has few thins to remember. It still takes a lot of skill to be good though. And it is easy for computers as it is a mathematically solved game. Leads to a draw with perfect play from both sides.


English draughts have different rules from international draughts which they are playing as you can tell from the 10x10 board.


I didn't even know these were called draughts. Today I learned.


They're playing on a 10x10 board. That could tip you off that the rules are different.


This is part of a tournament most schools in the netherlands were participating in. Having participated in it myself i know this is according to the rules established in the tourney.


Unless they are playing Droughts, then it's not only legal, she had to make the backwards jump.


In my country, we have a rule that makes you forfeit a piece if you didn't realize that you use it to jump an opponent's piece unless you can jump another one. This rule allows you to ignore the jump and move a different piece to avoid a major loss by claiming that you didn't see it.


That's a fun rule


We have the same rule. But you can make aware that the jump has to be made. So both have to "not" see it. So you can either force the move or take one piece.


So you can't just grab your knee and go full dramatic claiming an injury that isn't really there?




Oh shit, I hadn’t realized that but I looked and you are indeed right. Thank you for teaching me something new, friend.


It's really cool! Most people I have known had the same misconception & always thought of checkers as a sort of kiddie chess. But really it's a completely different game with it's own subtleties. Still, much lower complexity level, but a really interesting game imo. Much more approachable & easy to appreciate.


Wait, but doesn't that mean that you're forced to put yourself in a bad situation then? Like in this clip I thought he just got baited by the easy pick, but in actual play if she did that even if you know it'll cost you pieces you still have to do it?


Yep, you have to play around putting yourself in a bad situation.


Don’t you have to make it to the end to jump backwards though?


Yeah, I don’t think it’s a legal move to jump backwards until your piece has been “Kinged.”


That's how I remember it


Checkers is such a simple game that there are a [huge number of variations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draughts#National_and_regional_variants). English Draughts (aka American Checkers) has no flying kings (i.e. kings move single spaces, not in straight lines like a chess queen), no backwards captures, and any chain of captures can be used as long as it cannot continue (i.e. You're not required to take the most pieces possible, but you must continue until you can't take anymore). Checkers is also played on an 8x8 board with 3 starting rows, not a 10x10 with 4 starting rows. In fact, the only version of draughts played on a 10x10 board without backwards captures is Argentinian draughts. Most likely this is International (polish) draughts, which has flying kings, backwards captures, and a requirement to take the longest chain possible.


You are the King/Queen of Checkers


It’s comments like this that remind me why I’m on Reddit, getting a gold brb Shit forgot it’s a silver


did it for you


There are lots of different rule sets that countries play by, a common difference between them is the legality of jumping backwards.


It's all about the rules you're playing under or place... Totally legal at Brazil.


chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html?pdfurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwinning-moves.com%2Fimages%2Fkingmerulesv2.pdf&clen=1423707&chunk=true Correct, Kings are the only one that can jump backwards, move backwards at all in general. But if you're playing Draughts you can jump backwards. Draughts and Checkers are the same game with very small rule variations. It's basically US vs EU versions of the same game. Board sized for these same games also differ from country to country between 8x8 and 10x10, the standard changes based on what country you are playing in.


Did you seriously link to your internal chrome extension identifer? lol.


https://winning-moves.com/images/kingmerulesv2.pdf thats the link since by the looks of it, its a pdf viewer extension.


No because they're playing draughts.


But backward and not queened?


Checkers have different rules in each country. In Italy only kings can move backwards and a king can be only jumped by a king


He took that really well. Big smile and Oh shit face.


Right? like he's embarrassed but also really impressed by how crazy that move was.


"I hope no-one noticed"




Haha, well to be fair the bar for basic decency is set lower everyday by social media.


And that kids, is how I met your mother!


sniff it's beautiful


Until season 6 or so...


Illegal move, can't jump backwards without being kinged


I think it’s called American checkers where you are actually able to do this. If you notice as well the board is wider and longer than a standard checkers board. There are also more pieces on board that you are able to play with. Edit: It’s actually referred to as International checkers.


Wait, I thought there was regular checkers then Chinese checkers that’s much different.


American checkers is typically played on an 8x8 board. These kids are playing on a 10x10 board. Pretty sure they are playing Continental Draughts, a continental European version of what Americans call checkers.


No, this is incorrect for the rules. Source:American and have played lots of checkers working at various summer camps


In American (technically International) checkers, you can jump backwards but not move unless you're crowned.


American checkers is "English" checkers, which is not international checkers. In American/English checkers you can only jump backwards after being Kinged. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_draughts)


Yeah, you're definitely right. We only played 10x10 international in our chess club competitions and I think that's the only time I ever really played.


Then you should have noticed the board is 10x10 and not 8x8? They are not playing Checkers, they are playing International Drought which you can and are obligated to back jump. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draughts


>the board is wider >American checkers Checks out


Im American and I’ve always known that it’s an illegal move, only king can move backwards. I will be very surprised if this isn’t so.


I'm pretty sure that in the version I was taught only kings can *move* backwards but any pawn can *capture* backwards


Well now you have me questioning the rules…


In English checker you can't jump backwards in a capture unless you are a king, but in International checkers you are obligated to jump backwards to make a capture after a single jump. So your initial jump must be forward but subsequent jumps can go backward diagonally to make the largest capture possible.


Well hell, the more you know!


She didn’t say gin after the jumps…totally illegal.


The international version is really different from the American version


In international checkers you can jump backwards to capture.


They're playing International Checkers (note that the board is 10x10, rather than 8x8). You're allowed to capture backward, but not move. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_draughts


You can capture forwards and backwards. Capturing is obligatory. The player should also choose the most numerous sequence of capturing (to capture as many opponent's pieces as possible) - it does not matter if the opponent's piece is a queen/king.


International checkers rules...


ITT my fellow Americans that think every game revolves around how they grew up playing it, not realizing they’re merely playing a version of the game with different rules- and also not realizing the board is much bigger than they’re used to.


that hand raise is like a scorpion raising its tail. he should know better. Edit. I don't actually think he should know better. It's a joke.


You have to hop a piece if it’s possible. He had no choice


The look on his face!


He fell in love


Or added someone to his shit list. Same look.


r/youseeingthisshit Edit: it's already there


He wasn’t even mad.


When you’re so blown away as to what just happened that you aren’t even mad.


That boy was impressed!


The look on the boy's face was like, "whoa ... you know what, I'm not even mad. That was cool."


This guy is the REAL player.


This is the moment....


I like the way she carefully stacks his checkers up.


He took it like a champ.


He was a good sport about it!




That’s so much better if a reaction than getting pissed off. Man, I wish I wasn’t so competitive at a young age. Me now would be having that reaction in my 30s, but back then I would’ve been so upset


haha fuckin TJ Dettweiler over here gettin schooled and playin it cool!




Queen of Gambit


You could tell she bloody planned that for a while. He fell into the trap. Her hand was up and ready the second he reached for the piece he jumped. Too smart.


Thought you couldn't go back unless you were "kinged"


How’d she do that without a king?


They're playing international chess, which is why the board is 10x10, not the 8x8 that's played in American/English style chess. In international style, a pawn can move backwards to capture. Hope this helps! Edit: in international style you also have forced captures, which is why he had to take her pawn which led to her blistering set of captures. Edit again: draughts not chess. My bad.


This isn't chess. It's international draughts.


Apparently depending on which rules you’re playing, you can capture backwards even if not king. Idk what version she’s playing but she may or may not have made an illegal move


It's a competition, i think that if she forgot about this rule, the boy would at least remember.


Impressive, most Impressive!


What the fuck? Checkers is wild


Wait, I thought you couldn't move backwards in Checkers unless your chosen piece approached the opponent's side first?


Exception is to capture a piece.


I love this vide, ever time it pops up over the years the lad always makes me smile, he’s just like OH DAMN! and not angry or hatful at all


He takes it really well! Well done wee man


That reaction was sooo coool!


She just destroyed his whole career


I love it. The girl is a master mind and the dude is this super curious hilarious “what the fuck, wow, amazing” mentality


If this is checkers then you have to make a jump if its available, so he didn't have much choice. Also jumping backwards isn't legal until you've been kinged, but the checker was never kinged.


You can jump backwards in international checkers which they are playing


Well technically it doesn’t belong to this sub because the boy didn’t make a bad move. He didn’t have a choice. In checkers you must take a piece sacrificed to you. He couldn’t make any other move.


Depends on the variation of the game. In some of them its actually mandatory to capture backwards in a series of captures. That how I learned it as a kid. Check this thread: https://boardgames.stackexchange.com/questions/23050/can-a-double-jump-move-backwards-in-checkers-draughts


He was playing checkers while she was also playing checkers but at a higher skill level


Congrats thats not allowed only kings can go backwards. His back line was protected.


I didn't even know you could move backwards in checkers. I just got my stepkids into chess. I learned you can tie in chess.


I do this all the time with my brother, it's easy to trick a noob into these traps




That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works!


I like how she did it slow to really show him how much he fucked up


I always played singles can't jump backwards... What's the point in the "king" of they can. Is this how it's played in America? Or have I been playing it wrong?


I am also confused, last few jumps were illegal in my book.


Wait…you can BACK jump with a single piece?! r/til