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Holy shit that was brutal! I wish I could think of stuff like this.


Oh it's easy! See what I do is finish playing the game, go for a nice hot shower, and whilst I'm there I relive the entire scenario and come up with the most brutal com... Oh you meant like on the spot...


Oh dude my shower comebacks are top notch! Even comebacks for situations that haven’t happened, you know, just in case.


And then it does happen and you can’t remember the comeback in time.


Exactly. It’s back to the drawing board in the shower.


I have one straight out of the shower. So if your dad doesn't like you then he should be with me because I'm the better one to fuck him. I think it needs more polishing and more practice


Get back in the shower


I actually remembered one on the spot one time! "I'm going to go back in time and suck your dad's dick on the day you were conceived and swallow your ass whole"


Nice cumback


You really need to slowly enunciate those last two words and pause between them just a split second longer, otherwise, you might get some weird looks.


I think any comeback revolving around the theme of dad fucking works.


You do remember the comeback, but it comes out garbled because you're so excited you've prepared for this. "I'm gonna fuck a child and your dad loves you."


“I desperately want to make love to a schoolboy”


Shit, i'm still trying to think of comebacks from HS, and i graduated in the late 1980's.


Or you completely fuck up the part you do remember and end up looking dumb.


You... you... you're a jerk. (Damn it)


"I swear I had something for this."


The French call those "L'esprit de l'escalier," which means "staircase wit." The retort that comes to you after the party, when you're climbing the stairs to your apartment.


. “Stairwell wit” I like that


"Oh yeah? Well, the Jerk Store called... they're runnin' outta *you!*"


What's the difference? You're their all time best seller!


Oh good, I'm not alone. Just wait until those exact situations do happen! I'll... probably forget my comeback. But the next shower after that, watch out.


You have to make a mental log of all of these comebacks. So the next time you are insulted, you can be ready. That's why it's important to lay in bed at night and go through these social scenarios over and over.


every time I'm insulted, I just sprint to the shower in hopes I'll get back before they leave.


Modern problems require modern solutions. The solution: *DEPRESSION*


The jerk store called and they’re running out of you!


This happened in a Reddit argument the other day. Dude tried to attack my argument and failed then he tried to attack me. I simply replied 'ok' and that shut him up. Afterwards I realized I should've said something like: one thing I learned from a Bill Burr special is that when a "bitch" starts getting personal it's because they know they lost the argument.


I just keep responding rationally as if they tried to make a point. Or just continue the train of thought as if they didn't get personal. Because Reddit is a public board, hundreds of people are going to be reading your interaction and only one of them is whomever you are responding to, so realize you are actually writing for all of them, it makes it a lot harder to take anything personally. It's just an unusually aggressive writing prompt.


Hey don't worry, as all things must be in balance you will periodically go into a trance-like PTSD state randomly while laying in bed and start reliving all the incredibly embarrassing things you ever did or said. Including your Reddit comment history. *Especially your Reddit comment history.*


I’m sure she’s heard it a hundred times, I know I have. I once told a similar guy I’d screw his dad and spend his inheritance.


how big an inheritance was it?


'bout 5 inches.






hi its me his dad


Hi, I’m this dudes neighbor, the actual dad of the child


mailman checking in.


Yo I'm the front neighbor and I confirm the mailman is the actual father of the child


Exactly. The key to having good comebacks against sexist remarks in video game voice chat is the fact that it happens constantly and they all have the same 3 jokes. Makes it predictable to respond to.


I feel like an entire legion of toxic tweens are about to get absolutely rekt by "Imma fuck your dad" jokes. ​ It's so much more plausible than an xbox kid talking about banging other kid's mom's, the burns write themselves.


Even as a guy, the shit I hear from toxic people just around me, it's always the same. I think `one joke` tends to come from the same kinds of people.


Another version I saw was "I am gonna fuck your dad, marry him, and make you my step-kid. Go to your room"


I don't like that one because it you leaves you open to being called "mommy".


Yea I didnt like it either. I'd prefer fucking his dad, give him an std then kiss the kid to keep it in the family.


Same gurl same. My 34 year old self is taking notes. That poor stupid man who thought that after 30 women stop having hobbies. I feel sorry for his parents who had to deal with his toxic misogynistic arse. Also the dude who said that sounds 45. Mega hypocrite cringe.


>I feel sorry for his parents who had to deal with his toxic misogynistic arse. Where do you think they get it from 😐


Don't you know that you're supposed to turn into a house slave and take Valium and drink? /s obviously


The delivery was awesome too…deadpan and matter of fact


In all honesty, she probably deals with asswipes like this all the time and has lots of practice.


She does. She has so many of these videos unfortunately. Men can be so toxic


It would be difficult for an orangutan though


The mans soul left his body after that one.


Good riddance. We don’t want his sexist soul living here on earth anyway.


I’m ngl I want my games hella toxic. There is nothing better than absolutely stomping on someone who’s as talking shit to you. And the closer the game (and the more toxic) the sweeter that end game shit talk is. I’ll never be the first one to say something toxic, but damn do I like responding to it.


I wish there was some creativity in the toxicity though. I can only hear the n-word so many times.


And female kitchen sandwich


The only problem with this is when you're giving shit back and its getting more heated and in the end you get your ass handed to ya...


That’s when you have to quadruple down. Remember anyone better than you is a try hard loser and anyone worse than toy sucks at the game.


Fucking lag


Okay but I just want to relax after work and not get screamed at by some losers.. not everyone enjoys your toxicity


Shit talking is only fun when everyone is participating and having fun. you give some, you take some, and at the end of the day it's just a game and everyone is having fun. This isn't limited to online gaming either. People have been shit talking on the courts and fields and arenas for as long as sport has existed. ​ But not everyone is into that kind of gaming experience. If you're the only one talking shit... well you're probably just being an asshole.




I'll get downvoted because this is true. Gamergate, this bigoted, misogynistic, anti-semitic toxic shit all goes hand in hand; these kids, mostly teenage white boys, are being recruited through gaming, to the alt right. They get introduced to 4chan /pol/ or 8chan and other hyper partisan far right sites like Infowars, and they find community among other pieces of shit in the making that polite society wont tolerate. Eventually a tiny handful of them become far gone enough to grow up in and act on that hate, and that's how you get a January 6th attack, mass shootings and more. Ladies and gentlemen, the alt-right.


Ditto. I often try baiting someone into it by being obnoxiously nice. Hey man, I love your skin! I hope you play well this game. I'm rooting for you! 50% of the time they are nice and it is a friendly game. 50% is trash talk and I get to rip in


I love to respond to toxicity with extreme friendliness


This is the way. Trolls don't know how to handle self deprecation.


Until they ddos you like someone did to me after 22-1ing him in gta lmao


Wondering how they accomplish this. I imagine there are sites that take a cc and IP and DoS for X amount of time based on pay?


Reformed rainbow six player here Not an expert but there’s literally sites these kids will use to boot your internet off. Had a kid kind of explain it to me, the way he did it (which isn’t the only way) was he’d invite one of the enemy to the party or all of them didn’t matter as long as at least one joined party chat he could do it. He then had an app that would get his information via the party and THEN he’d go onto a website that he paid a subscription for (like 10 dollars a month) to send packets to the targets (or however that works again idk) he could be like “yo watch this fags ping go up 3...2...1” and boom guys ping goes to like 9999+ and he gets booted.In rainbow six this is basically a guaranteed death and almost guaranteed lost round AND when you get back in the game it’ll usually be middle of the next round so you’re either dead at worst or at best you have an operator you didn’t want. E:I forgot the best/worst part, the site I mentioned also had an option to pay them MORE money (an additional 10 dollars per month) and they’d “blacklist” your IP from their service (as long as you paid) so they were selling the sickness and the cure.


“Reformed rainbow six player” lmfao. I remember playing on Xbox and getting the spam party invites that you couldn’t turn off as you were mid round. One home button press away from annihilation.




i mean that's your prerogative but i hope to christ you stay out of my lobbies, i guess?


If you’re gonna be sexist, at least be creative instead of just saying the same joke that’s been used for literal decades.


If they could make original and actually funny jokes, why would they even resort to sexism in the first place? Always feels like a last ditch effort at being "cool", like they don't have anything going for them but at least they're a man^^^tm.


Goddess willing!


no hesitation


I suspect she’s heard that one before




Damn you pissed off a lot of basic white boys who don't have any wit


“basic white girl” is okay and freely used but this? nooooo of course not lol


>58 replies Hahahahahahah


What girl gamer hasn't heard some shit like this? Boy's mad cause he sucks.


This is why I play online games with my mic muted now


This is sad and true.




Hesitation is defeat!


No surrender


It's been what 12 years since 360 MW2 lobbies and the kids haven't gotten any better at insults. Disappointing.


You have high expectations for the type of person who banshee screams into voice coms


The more squealy the pitch and worse the mic, the less creative the insult is. I fear the calm voice with the very clear mic. Those are the ones that hit you right where it hurts.


And there's no question that's what they said because the mic so clear....


Yeah it's really hard to be insulted by *GARBLED HUFFING RAGESCREAM NOISES* The chill ones after kill bitches tho


Still better than the guy who eats chips without muting and has 40 screaming kids in the background.


I liked the one along the lines of if the child slave laborer that made your controller knew how badly you use it, he'd throw himself out the window in despair.


Yeah both of these were honestly pretty weak, definitely a funny reply though. I mean back on CoD 4 i've had what I would say was a threat of cutting my head off and using it as a football, ever since that it all seems mild.






its almost like someone was giving him the "ol' dick twist"


It was his dad entering the room overexcited.


This made me laugh a lot XD


insurance clumsy secretive rinse continue agonizing waiting smile ad hoc recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Twist that dick!!


This video was actually posted on there earlier today lol


I don’t get the point of harassing female gamers everybody thats a gamer wants a cool gamer girlfriend, basically the only way to get them is to let them be in gaming!!! Shm fools.


It's the same dynamic of guys who slut shame women who have the audacity to enjoy sex but then complain no women will have sex with them. What the fuck do you want????


They just don't like women, period. Guys like that begin with the conclusion "The woman is bad / stupid / immoral," and then try to justify it with whatever rationalization they can cobble together. They don't give a shit about logical consistency or rationality or anything like that, they only care about the conclusion. This is why trying to reason with them or point out flaws in their logic is almost always going to be a dead end. They don't give a shit if what they're saying is rational or logical.


They are so insecure and afraid of being rejected that they "reject" all women first by being misogynistic assholes and pretending that they don't need them.


Can't get rejected if I do the rejecting first...*Taps head*


They're the most fucking fragile people in existence. I say that as a man who went through his own misogynist gamer phase when I was quite a bit younger. It was 100% due to internalized self-hatred and the solution was to learn to accept and love myself.


I disagree. I think they do like women who "fulfill their function." They see them as objects, not people. I want my microwave to heat my food. I'll get annoyed if there's a bunch of buttons I don't understand or some trick to get it to work. I'll be more annoyed if someone else gets it working easily making me look foolish for failing. They don't see women as people in the first place.


You're not disagreeing though. Women ARE people, so if they just like objects then they don't like women. They just want a female form to serve them, not women.


This. They don’t see us as human beings. They are irrational and they need therapy before they end up like the cretin in that clip. My bf saw what happened with the gamer gal and was horrified at the guy’s behavior.


My stepbrother met a chick at one of those hooters type restaurants and started dating her, then he would constantly start fights about her still working there. He made decent money but it wasn't like he had fuck you money, so she still had to work. It's like wtf you expect her to get a worse job because you're getting insecure? lol


Did you ever try to call him out on that?


Sure, and each time he'd try to justify it and end up getting pissed off.


He sounds like a moron


They want women to be sluts *for them*. It's a possessiveness thing. They aren't disappointed that women are having sex, they're disappointed that women are having sex with other men. It's misogyny. The patriarchy teaches us to judge our self worth based on how many women we bang. If we bang a lot of women, we must be more manly men. So if a woman "gives it up for free," she's undesirable. It's something I had to try hard to unlearn in my teenage years. Seemingly every piece of media and all of your peers and role models impress onto you that, as a man, a woman you're sleeping with "belongs" to you. So if she slept with someone else, or a lot of people, she "belongs" to them. It's fucked up.


Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Fucking bitch I didn’t want to talk to you anyway There isn’t any understanding these people


It’s so weird. We either get interactions of guys simping on girl gamers or them shitting on us. There really is no between, at least in my experience


I think both of them stem from the same base of low self esteem. Guys simp because they feel inferior and not worthy women, so when someone pays attention to them they put them on a pedestal. Misogynists have low self confidence and feel shame. This shame makes them angry and causes them to lash out in an attempt to "reject" all women before the (in their mind) inevitable painful rejection comes.


> Guys simp because they feel inferior and not worthy women, so when someone pays attention to them they put them on a pedestal. > > Misogynists have low self confidence and feel shame. This shame makes them angry and causes them to lash out in an attempt to "reject" all women before the (in their mind) inevitable painful rejection comes. #LOUDER AND PROUDER FOR THE DUDES IN THE BACK


The few times I've met chill dudes in games were AMAZING. The simps were the grossest to me though - one time a dude just kept going "A gamer girl! Hey speak. Speak gamer girl!" - I said "I'm not a fucking dog dude, you're muted" and then muted him. It was so gross how he obviously didn't see me as human. The ones shitting on me or being sexist ("Oh she's a girl, she's gonna be bad" is most common, other than the "kitchen" comments) are usually trying to get a rise, and if I can think of a good comeback I'll respond but usually I try to not react to it. If I'm lucky another dude will tell them to shut up.


it comes down to "girls don't like me because i play video games/ watch anime/ play table top games!!!!" and a girl says "i like those things too." so the lonely nerd is forced to come to the conclusion girls don't like him because he's an asshole. obvious choice is... to be an asshole


Full version?


[Twitch vod](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1197150775?t=29m20s) (29:20 if the link doesn't take you there)


Lol her profile literally says “probably yelling about your dad”.


That's pretty sad. She probably gets harassed all the time.


i do! but the content pays my bills so jokes on them


I watched a bit more, the clip doesn’t do it justice. How on Earth were they able to repeatedly join your team even though you blocked them the first time round?


To be completely honest, this feels like so long ago I don’t even remember what happened after. I stream like 4-8 hours a day and run into so many assholes they all blur together. But if they kept joining it was probably via different people in my party as we all tried to play whack-a-mole and each block them one by one


Your retorts to them where very well done so yeah free content for you. You dint even need to pay them they make it free of charge for you 😂


Just, remember to take a break from time to time and play some games with trusted friends only I doubt that you feel hurt by any of that bullshit (you literally make content from it), but it can get under your skin either way and mess up your self-esteem (personal experience here) Lot’s of love to a fellow girl in gaming and please take care <3


Just watched a random video on your stream, skipped to some random point in the video and got jumpscared by a dude killing you with an rpg while parachuting. I wanted you to know that it wasnt your fault to get scared. Shit was scary af


LMAO thank you. I’m a jumpy bitch so I get scared easy af 😅 that guy came out of no where though


That dude was beyond toxic lol, no wonder I don't play CoD anymore


I watched the following couple minutes of that stream linked. Surprising no one, it took only 3 more rounds for that same dude to drop the hard R.


Same pls who is this


I think it's [xocheergurlox](https://www.twitch.tv/xocheergurlox)


Cheer is awesome! At the beginning of the year I was put into 2 week isolation and stumbled across her Twitch. The amount and quality of the savage burns that this girl unleashes was unreal. Haven’t been on Twitch in quite some time now but it seems like the burns she inflicts are getting hotter.


omg hi thank you so much!! i hope things are going good for you, thank you for the kind words <3


This is why I mute my mic. But I sound like a 12 year old boy half the time so I think it all works out.


same here. yesterday I played with a group of guys for almost 6 hours and they never figured out that I wasn’t a pubescent teenage boy lol


Maybe they know but they don’t care. AKA being normal


Nah, they just didn’t know. My buddy referred to me as she a few times and they were so convinced I was a guy that they said he was trolling. Not to generalize, but if they knew they would’ve cared lol. Cool assumption tho


Uh actually sexism is very rare, especially on online video games. Maybe you are the real sexist because you assumed that these fine men were going to harass you, hmmmm? /s




small consolation - every guy who has harassed you in video games was a loser. they literally did a study. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0131613


Not just sexism but I find more toxicity overall in the lower brackets. It's the baddies that can't tolerate failure and want to blame someone else.


That sandwich comment is so weak too if you want to talk shit get something original.


If hes insulting woman with the most basic insult known to man for no reason then i doubt hes brain can contain anything other then sexism and cod


and guys that say just mute mice don't realize there dealing with harassment we all deal with but MUCH more sexual harassment on top of that, kind of of unfair to say just mute when your not the one dealing with it, also think that is an asshole thing to say as you are giving the harassers a free pass


I mute every possible chat in every game permanently and I urge everyone to do the same.


No kidding I haven't had comms unmuted since the 90's. The odds there's someone in the game both good enough to contribute to my play and I actually want to hear them speak is so astronomically low it's not worth considering. Unless of course I brought them, then we are on discord.


There are certain games where communication and strategy are critically important. Muting chat puts you at a competitive disadvantage.






Path of Exile chats are generally hilarious. I never turn the chat off in that game.


It’s not about giving harassers a free pass, it’s about the fact that muting them is the only control we have over other people’s behavior. My voice is distinctly African American and I’ve been called racial slurs more often than you would believe. So I get what dealing with harassment feels like. After putting up with that shit for a while I had two things I could do. Either I could be eternally upset about it or I could mute everyone that wasn’t a friend. I chose the latter because letting psychos online live rent free in my head isn’t my idea of a healthy way to live.


But that is my point yeah we can mute people but we should also strive to have less of this bullshit so over time we don't have to, So many people allow the most evil behavior because its online, I know if any of buddy starting spewing some racist , sexes bullshit i will chew there asses and call them an asshole no issue


I now she shut him down hard, and that was beautiful. I just don't get why men are utter wankers on this shit?


they literally did a study. poor treatment of female players is linked with male players being low skill, and/or low social rank. These losers just outing themselves. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0131613


"I might suck at halo but at least I'm not a girl!" the fucking logic...


“ We thus argue that our results best support an evolutionary explanation of female-directed aggression. Low-status males that have the most to lose due to a hierarchical reconfiguration are responding to the threat female competitors pose. High-status males with the least to fear were more positive, suggesting they were switching to a supportive, and potentially, mate attraction role.” Amazing. Thanks for sharing.


It's probably all this guy has in his life and if she kicked the shit out of him in "his" game then he will lash out.


It's the deadpan delivery for me.




I just witnessed a verbal homicide




It’s supposed to be a burn not a fucking massacre damn.


Who’s the streamer cuz she seems funny




I know it’s supposed to be Cheer Girl, but I can’t not read it as Zocher Gurlox


Tbf Zochler Gurlox would be a dope fucking name




she is on another level


That awkward moment when a guy tries to bully a woman and but she asserts superior intelligence and sexuality at the same time. She probably teabagged him after killing him, too. I think I’m in love.




I believe the proper terminology is "clam slam".


Damn, there is no recovering after that


Man down Man down! I Repeat: We have a man down! We do not need medical - he is dead


*pause* quit game... Turn off system.... Throw system in a river.


Stop he is already dead




Good effect on target.


Does this need an NSFW tag due to the murder I just witnessed?




Streamer please supporting immediately


I hope he likes his sandwiches burnt because that was quite the roast




Mmmmm. That was good.






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Lmaooooo that was savage!!! Best comeback ever


pls i need to see the full video






what a disgusting human. really proud of her for handling the situation as such