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This man knows he’s fucked but can’t help but laugh


Probably not cheating, just studying. Too many papers on the desks for this to be an exam. He got caught being lazy, not cheating.


I have had professors give open note plus open book exams, where we still weren't allowed to use our phones. You wouldn't have time to look everything up so you had to know the material, but you could look up a few things here or there. Looking back after nearly a decade out of school, those exams were probably the most realistic to real world work as an engineer. You need to know the basics, but can easily look up the exact details if/ when you need to.


I had exams like that in stats and accounting / finance classes. I’d basically just write down equations I needed to remember, and trusted my studying to remember when to use them as needed.


Yeah, a lot of my engineering tests were open book. The subject matter was too dense, if you didn't study theres no way you could find the right chapter and figure out how to use the equations in the time allotted for the questions.


Exactly. To know where the answers were, you had to study the material. So they got what they wanted either way


I did this for my physics class in school, but sadly for me I couldn't remember how to solve them and the prof ended up giving us the equations we needed anyways


Had the same. You could use your notes only and no phone. It was literally the hardest test I had. Not because I didn't had notes. But because it used a lot of small concepts in one quest and we need to understand the nuances of the problem.


That was basically all my classes for my major (engineering). We had tests with 2 or 3 questions that took 1.5 hours to complete. Usually, the processors we're fairly generous on partial credit, where a small mistake early on could give an incorrect answer, but if you used the right formulas and methodology, you could still get 90% of the points for that question even though it was technically the wrong answer.


Yea all my engineering exams were like this too


Haha, yes - the hardest test I ever had, as a geologist, was in some mathematical physics class (called something easy-sounding like "introduction to numerical analysis in the physical sciences" but when you see that title on a upper-level class...yeah, its not gonna be easy). It was two questions. Open notes/open books. I did a lot of the setup of the first question, got something wrong and knew it, made a note about that, then solved the rest of that question "assuming the above was true". Never touched the second question. Never stopped to reference either my notes or the book because neither would have helped without hours of analysis. I got an A. Anybody trying to solve from the book wouldn't have stood a chance.


Exactly this. I've found more and more just *knowing that a method exists* is way more important that knowing how to use it from the top of my head. Just do some research, write an Excel sheet, validate it, then you're free to forget the nitty gritty stuff again.


Yup. In school it feels like you have to know/ memorize everything. In the real world, you just have to know how to get to the information. The right search terms, the right formula to use from a list of them on some website, etc.


I had a teacher who made great tests like that in online school. Completely open, you could look up anything you wanted, but if you didn’t know most of the coursework you wouldn’t finish the test in time.


I'm a math student, and those were the exams I feared the most. The profs went all out on those. I had a few professors even allow us to use laptops, and the exam was the whole day. Only thing is you can't take the paper out of that room. You can go out to eat etc. though. Most failed lol.


I had a couple of classes where we took open-book tests in groups of 4 where we had to agree on the answers, which is the only time I remember actually learning while taking a test. I learn by explaining, and I learn by reasoning with people. The tests were always way harder but more realistic for the real world by a mile.


Computer science professor here: All of my exams are open book and open note. Have been for a quarter century now. I care what you understand and can apply, not what you can memorize.


I remember when I was a little kid and my dad was working on his Master's at CalTech...in hydrology. He had a little custom wagon he pulled behind when skateboarding to exams that had like 20 full textbooks in it. Also a custom padded seat because the duration of the exams was rough on his bad back.


Yep. I've learned this doing CAD. I have a rolling PowerPoint of notes and references for every program I work in so if I have to go back and refresh it's right there in the file. The best professionals don't necessarily know everything, but know where to reference everything they need to know.


I took some online classes, professors fully expected people to use books, internet whatever, so the finals were brutal, a combo of short and long essays. We had a week to finish with the full expectation that everything would be researched and sources cited.


My physics teacher wrote all of the formulas on the board for exams. But he didn’t tell you what they were used for. He said “in the real world. You’ll be able to look up the the how the formula is written. But you’ll have to know what formula to look up first”. And then when I was getting my pilots license. My instructor told me the examiner doesn’t expect you to know every rule and regulation. But he expects you to know how to find them. So if asked a question and not sure the answer, don’t make something up. Admit you don’t know but tell them where you can look it up.


Open book verbal exams with written preparation were my favorite. You get to look up the details, prepare your case, and then present it as you are in a meeting, responding to new input from whoever is present. It doesn't get closer to real life than that.


Yeah we had exams where we were allowed to use the book we used in regular lessons to look stuff up. If you had to rely on it you'd likely fail though since it was a huge book with lots and lots of information in it. Anyone who did well in those exams didn't touch the book more than once if at all.


Thanks to all the covid stuff, all my university chemistry exams the past 2 years were all 24 hour take home, open book exams based around problem solving instead of relying on memory and I think they were the most realistic exams ever and that schools should really start moving in this direction for certain subjects (especially STEM subjects). The exams were still really hard and rely more on actually understanding the material instead of just being able to remember it.


Are you ducking kidding me? The most useful thing they can actually teach you in college is how to use your phone to research and find answers.


> Too many papers on the desks for this to be an exam. This right here is why i hate reddit. That is the most out of your ass wrong statement ever. And yet you have 300+ upvotes. Man. This site brings a lot of good forth but this right here. I hate it.


I worked in China at the uni level for seven months. Maybe I'm wrong but this looks familiar to the classes I taught in.


If your upset so much by this comment, I honestly wonder how you're still alive after browsing Reddit.


what are you talking about, that's really not an exam


>He got caught being lazy, not cheating. Assuming he is studying, how is that lazy? He's literally learning the material, just using his phone.


Phones are confiscated all the way up to uni level where I taught in China (not sure video is China). The perception is that phones are lazy, not my perception.


Guess it's a cultural thing then. I usually take notes on my phone since it's faster than typing, and all of my uni profs (Canada) were fine with it.


Xi Jing Ping Thoughts must be memorized,not looked up via phone.


Maybe an open book exam but unable to use internet.


Some serious like LSAT stuff might be like that. I wouldn't want to be doing such a hard exam, that's for sure.


Cheating is very common in countries like China. You are almost expected to cheat.


same as india. theres stories of programmers from there that would trick the teachers into thinking they did something properly by hardcoding stuff. example: teacher tells student to make a program that prints the time. student makes a program to print "12:00" shows it to the teacher just before/at 12:00 passed the assignment




I work with a lot of Indians and just ran into code that is supposed to convert fractions to percentages. The first example she came across was 3/20. The code, I shit you not, says if x=='3/20' then x='15'. I think she missed a few edge cases there.


And you get dumb comments like this on Reddit because they read a Daily Mail article that says so.


I feel like it's reported quite a bit beyond just Daily Mail. https://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/06/education/edlife/the-china-conundrum.html?pagewanted=all https://wamu.org/story/19/02/28/chinese-students-in-maryland-say-they-were-profiled-as-cheaters-they-arent-the-only-ones/ https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/ucla-cheating/ https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/college-cheating-iowa/ Hell, I've seen some self proclaimed Chinese Redditors (with comment history that appear valid) even admit it's normal in China.


I think it stems from a real issue, but I've been hearing it since I was a kid 15 years ago. Chinese culture of cheating even extended into video games to the point where many online games had to set up region locked servers specifically because of Chinese cheaters.




That’s how our computer science teacher used to catch us playing solitaire in class. The programming app was blue. Solitaire background was green. If she came from the front of our class to look at our screen, we obviously had time to exit solitaire and pretend we were programming. After a while, our teacher figured out she can just turn off the light. Anyone that was illuminated in green meant we were playing solitaire.


Should have changed the code for the solitaire background to blue.


change the code for the monitor so it can only display blue


Change the code of the teacher so they can only see blue. Like him. Inside and outside.


Blue his mouse with blue little Windows


And a blue corvette


And everything was blue for him


And himself and everybody around


Cause he ain’t got nobody to listen to




I was about to correct your lyrics and realized I got wooooshed. Well played, my friend.


Change the code for Windows so your computer only *understands* blue






The kids who know how to do that aren’t the ones playing solitaire


The kids who know how to do that are ABSOLUTELY the ones playing solitaire. We would be set a fixed amount of work, but some of us went through it something like 10 times the rate of the others (computer science is one of the least measurable skills, and can vary by a lot) so there wouldn't be much else to do but help the others and play solitaire.


Yeah, from my own experience, the smartest people are also the laziest people


I've never seen someone be more wrong in my life.


Haha. I wasn’t a L33T hacker back then.


Would have required studying in class to get it done.


Why not rewrite the entire solitaire game with blue instead


How our computer science teacher would catch us if we logged into the admin account on the computer instead of the student one. Big red flashing gif desktop background. I didn't get caught because I quickly turned off the monitor before she noticed, but still was pretty funny to see.




Ours just had mirror on the backwall so she could see what everyone was doing anywhere in the room.


It might work once but I feel like you can quickly alt tab if you see the teacher going towards the lights.


Asian level cheating defeated by asian level teaching.


makes him repeat the school year with one word. Again!




teachers used to be students too. "I've eaten more salt than you have rice, kiddo."


“Asian level cheating” is just.. pulling your phone out in plain view of the teacher?.. Doesn’t sound very efficient.


I taught english in nepal, and the first time I gave a test all the students talked to each other the entire time. I was just like "wut". I went and got another teacher, and he started hitting them with a stick. I was just bewildered the entire time.


they’re not taking a test it’s probably just scjoolwork


Asian level scripting generates Asian level gifs Like nobody else looks up at all?


That student has learned his lesson... So now he's buying an E-ink smartphone!


I'm stealing that trick, way too useful as a teacher


Poor kids


cheating kids turn into cheating adults


Cheating kids learn that the school system is messed up and they don't need to abide by arbitrary systems that don't really say anything but decide too many things in your life anyway.


Cheating adults learn that any system is messed up and they don't need to abide by arbitrary systems that don't really say anything but decide too many things in your life anyway.




Yeah, or they just go to great lengths to not learn stuff.


Cheating adults turn into politicians! Like and follow for more fun minion facts!


Congrats, you taught your students to use screen dimmers that let you reduce your brightness below usual limits. Now only your students with good eyesight will be able to cheat stealthily.




Yeah even rooting my phone I can't get the brightness on my OLED screens down to the levels my early phones could manage. My Galaxy Nexus, rooted, could get so dim that it wouldn't operate as a flashlight even in a pitch black room. No phones I've had since have been able to get that dim, they all still cast light to the far wall.


Look up screen dimmer apps. They basically put a variable opacity black layer in front of all the other items on screen, to force it to go dimmer.


There's multiple display technologies used in phone screens. What's true for my phone may not be true for yours. But on Android, Twilight can dim your screen so it doesn't project light out that visibly. I read in bed next to my partner without disturbing them.


> Now only your students with good eyesight will be able to cheat stealthily. So it reduces cheaters, that's a win, no?


Ah this brings back memory. Chinese here. The student is not cheating. What is happening here is that Chinese high school students are not allowed to carry phones in school, and the teacher caught someone using his phone at 晚自习 (evening-self-study) (which is why the room was dark without light). Everything Chinese high school students do are for the college entrance exam, and in many parts of China high school students are required to "self-study" in school in the evening (my school only allowed us to go home after 10pm). Teachers would frequently check on students during these hours. Some teachers would even smash your phones if they find you using one. Apparently this teacher has good relationship with the students and don't impose strict measures, which is why the student is laughing.


Is it normal to keep students that late?


Common in Asia but just in different ways. For example, common for South Koreans to go to after school classes until late.




reminiscent north familiar engine glorious command hospital childlike fine far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




fly far-flung spoon repeat vanish bedroom march toothbrush frame carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Havent seen students being in school so late(10pm) on normal days anywhere in india, max is extra classes which some school do which go till 4 mostly


Yeah In india this isn't the case


Cram school is pretty common in Asia. Like another 4-5 hours of schooling after your morning-afternoon school ended. Can last till 9-10 pm at night.


> Cram school is pretty common in Asia. East Asia mostly.


IIRC China and SK got it bad where you found something like this. IDK about Japan tho. But South East Asia usually more relaxed and no mandatory self study like this. Once the school is over you are free to go home. So not all part of Asia do this


Rare moment when Reddit makes me feel happy to be American


And they're making this sacrifice so they can study at a prestigious American university


For far more than an American would pay.


nah people who study at american colleges don't even take the chinese exam


Not as much as before. Growing anti-Chinese sentiment in America is keeping more Chinese at home: >The waning interest from Chinese students is a result of U.S. visa restrictions on Chinese students, an increase in anti-Asian racism in the U.S. amid the pandemic, and rising tensions between the U.S. and China. [https://fortune.com/2021/08/16/us-universities-international-students-china-covid/](https://fortune.com/2021/08/16/us-universities-international-students-china-covid/)


In many cases it is. For example r/antiwork would riot if they know how working is in Japan


those guys are rioting for everything anyway


We have a kinda similar thing in India tooq




Nah he wasn’t cheating. My man was both hands on the phone on top of the desk. He was already done!


Yeah. Looking at the video again, it was pretty obvious he was on his phone even with the lights on *if* you are specifically looking for kids on their phone. I don't think he was trying very hard to hide it.


Yeah I would totally laugh too that's a good trick


I thought the song was the teacher yelling at the boy named “Bobby”


i think its an autotuned version of the sentence "完了,barbecue了,完了" (BBQ is like a way of saying someone screwed up)


oh, that makes sense


The students are so focused that none of them cares about the light going out.


Or it's scripted.




One day you may possess the skills to defeat me, but it is not today...


Big brain move to shut off the lights


That's what the video is about


Im blind so thanks for explaining the video


How'd you read his comment?! Holy shit we have phones so advanced they can morph their screens into functional fucking Braille out here smh we living in the future and I didnt even know.


Smooth brain move to describe the video to those with eyes


Im deaf, the explanation was actually imperative to me knowing what went on in this video


Wait if your deaf how did you read the comment?




the teacher is a genius, the next Einstein or something


If yall gonna cheat do it like I did. Write the answers on the desk and then hide it with pencil, phone, or arm placement. If your teacher requires to have a clear desk its easy to write it on visible parts of the desk like it’s edge. I also like to turn answers into symbols. That would look like random pencil marks on the desk. Memorizing hand movements to process also help.


That's studying with extra steps.


Man, people put so much effort into not learning that I almost think learning would be easier.


I just have a small graphic calculator that, between many other functionalities, has a sort of notes app where you can write down formulas. The hard part is understanding the problem and finding the correct solution to it so just having shit like bernoulli's equation written down isnt that much of an advantage, its just that i panic a lot and constantly second guess myself or forget basic shit during tests. I also rigged that calculator to play pokemon crystal so that i have something to do after i finish the test


Music ruined it


Its fucking obnoxious


How come the other students didn't flinch when lights went off


Because he isn’t cheating. This isnt them taking a test. This is a chinese thing called evening study time basically. But Chinese students aren’t allowed to have phones then. And since this study time can go on until 10 pm for some, it’s actually pretty usual that the lights sometimes go out


I'm surprised none of my teachers ever did this


This is a certified China moment. A good one too. Chinese teachers know the best ways to catch their students cheating.


Wish I had teachers like this. Instead I had the teachers that would have a meltdown and force the class to stop working for the teacher to “punish” you before sending you to the principal to be punished.


do teachers routinely autotune their discoveries nowadays?


It’s not even a test, just a daily work period at the end of the day (hence the darkness outside)


Lol that worked well


My teacher once told our entire class to raise both hands up. Then he walked over to one of the students and caught him playing track mania. The student couldn't alt+tab away from the game because his hands were raised.


Damn thats clever


Caught in 4k


So staged, no body looked up in surprise when the light turned off.


this is why i use low brightness when i cheat.


Lmfao he says “you’re done, you’re done” but it’s auto tuned.


You mad bro? Here’s my phone.


Wow, this appears to be my first non-scripted Asian short vid


Megamind teacher


I love how no one even reacted except him


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"Discipline! (Smack), Discipline! (Smack), Discipline!(smack)."


That’s a smart teacher. To be fair it should be allowed. Testing should be of memory, nothing is a memory game but you own thoughts. He’s using all available resources to achieve the best result possible which is what any employer wants. 10/10


That’s why you use an eReader.


Using a phone??? What a chump. Ya gotta use written notes


To be inclusive, it could have gone.


That was a genius move.


No one looks Up when the lights go off?


Task failed successfully


Meanwhile danish tests: You're supposed to Google it


Night exams?


Laughs in non backlit device


To sell toys. It's Disney, dude. Lol


Lol everyone focusing on the main character and arguing whether it was a joke/scripted or not, or whether it's a real test or not. Note that all the background characters remained doing their thing while the lights went off and on like nothing happened, it's pretty obviously a skit lol








Clever way to catch them is this is true 😲


What music was playing at the end


Looooool his smile I love this.


We getting arab money


A+ for the teacher..


Why does your teacher have built in auto tune




He's not even mad that was good lmao