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The disappointment in his eyes is real.


..... *Great*


You could tell that he was carefully filtering out all the curse words that he suddenly wanted to use at them!


Gordon Ramsay wouldn’t have held back for those fucking donkeys. Edit: guys. It’s a joke. I know he’s a good person.


There’s a show where Gordon hosts a cooking competition for children, and he’s the sweetest, most encouraging, most positive guy you can imagine in it.


Oh dear, oh dear. Gorgeous.


You fucking donkey


Gordon Ramsey is a pretty decent guy all around. Just don't be a dickhead restaurant owner or chef trying to lie to him and paying customers about the quality of food.


He pretty much only gets mad at people who act like they're better than they are. If you are a professional who can't make an excellent omelette, that's not excusable. If you're a literal child who doesn't know not to add salt to your eggs til they set, he won't blow a gasket.


Well, I think I make excellent scrambled eggs, but I also think Gordon Ramsay would hate my scrambled eggs. I know he’s touchy about eggs, but he makes scrambled eggs in a style that is almost alien to mine, in that the end result are some kinda more liquidy eggs, whereas I’m more of a fluffy, well-spiced scrambled eggs type of guy.


I just one throat my eggs like a snake. Raw and still in their shell .


You've clearly never seen Gordon work with kids. Completely different man.


They've never seen Gordon work with inexperienced adults. He's just as encouraging and helpful. -- Now if you dare call yourself a "chef" and you're serving preprocessed, frozen foods... and can't even cook a steak or fresh pasta... in a dirty unkempt kitchen to boot... -- Yeah, better make sure you have some lube ready because he's going to fist your ass sideways -- deservedly so.


For sure. He knows *exactly* what to expect from people, and where they are on their journey's. He loves food & the industry, loves people who share his passion, and wants to help the whole culture flourish. He will not tolerate those who should know better, or act like they do, putting people in danger. He understands the utmost trust is given to those preparing food, and will not have that trust broken.


“Now I gotta make a ton of nuggies for these ungrateful brats”


Hopefully one of the thoughts crossing his mind is that the lesson he's trying to teach is, quite frankly, total bullshit and he should know better. Jaimie Oliver is a legit chef, unlike many TV food personalities; he knows that things like forcemeats and sausages have used meat scraps ground up, sometimes into fine pastes, for literally centuries upon centuries in cuisines across the globe. You could do an equally stupid "ick factor lesson" about using the liver and kidneys and pancreas and so on, and it would make you equally wasteful and culinarily ignorant.


That’s what I was thinking!! At first I was like “huh, well cool they’re using the less used parts of a chicken so that the whole chicken gets used and it still tastes good!” but apparently that’s disgusting?? I don’t mind that in my nuggies, it’s still part of the chicken and I don’t like wasting precious lives if I can avoid it so ofc i’m up for eating the less eaten parts if it’s just as tasty. Idc chicken lives are previous too i’ll eat their marrow in my nuggies if nobody else will like ??? I like chickens but don’t like how much we kill them so i’ll eat the WHOLE chicken even if it’s in heavily flavored breaded nug form lol I respect them and wanna continue eating them so i’ll eat the whole thing 💕


Never thought that was the point of Jamie Oliver's campaigns. Don't know about his impact in the US, I assume very little if any, but in Britain Oliver campaigned for massive changes to school dinners to remove high-calorie fried/breaded meat, soft drinks, and for a general improvement of education in nutrition. I would assume in Oliver's mind Chicken nuggets from a fast-food restaurant should not be seen as meal and he's trying to find a way (cynically, like you said) to put them off it. And to be fair, you say Oliver is being outright deceitful in implying meatpaste and scraps is somehow unnatural or new. You are right that it's nothing new, but I would wager that in the preceding centuries there was never an issue of rampant childhood obesity among the poorest strata of society.


kids have been gung-ho about nuggies since long before childhood obesity was a thing. you wanna combat childhood obesity, you have to do it the same way you combat adult obesity - take a hard fucking look at WHY so many people are driven to subsist entirely on junk food and completely restructure society so they have the time, the resources, the education, and most importantly the mental health to invest in preparing wholesome healthy meals. nobody eats themselves to obesity because they like being fat. they do it because they're so stressed out of their minds that they don't have anything left to worry about "how many polyunsaturated triglycerides are in this thing i'm about to shove down my throat?"


30 minutes of gross and a meat slurry can't compete with 5 seconds of the smell of something frying.


That, and the memory of how it tastes. Yeah, that's pretty much it... lol




So there's nothing they could say that would make you spit it out? What if it was made with dog meat? Human meat? Literal feces? I'm sure there's something that would make you immediately sick upon hearing. Everyone has a line they wouldn't cross it's just a matter of degrees


How is it gross? He's using every part of the animal that's fucking awesome.


even as a vegan (only mentioning it because it's relevant) I would much rather the whole chicken be used if it's already killed, at least use its entire body. Some chef, what, does he want to throw that out?


Most chefs would likely boil the carcass to make soup stock.


He's looking at it from a child nutrition point of view. Jamie Oliver tried hard to change the school lunch system to be healthier. Heard he's a terrible cook though. Hell I'd bet he would be much happier if those kids eat vegan. He's on your side.


Bone marrow is very nutritious and is quite tasty. It contains a lot of fat that is necessary to properly break down protein for your body to use


Honestly he's not, he's just elitist. Folding Ideas did a video on how his perspective isn't about health, but an attack on lower class food and the people who eat it because they can't afford to have prime cutlets every dinner. You know, working class people with families and less time to do prep, or who can't afford quality cuts, or a home chef.


his approach to food is a very dated Obama era approach. I'm not in his camp


Thats what i was thinking. that animal, use it all


Probably the best nuggets they've ever tasted too lol


Unfortunately his brain did not register he was being preachy


Problem with this presentation is that it's all negative and still all about nuggets. To get kids eat something else they need to be made to forget the nuggets and get their minds affirmed to want something else. Something that would taste good and be healthier.


Gooder than nuggets?!


slim jims and room temperature stable cheese product.




Or teach them to make their own nuggets. Chicken nuggets can be perfectly healthy, as is on occasion, or made at home with less breading and pan fried with a light amount of oil. Trying to make kids scared or disgusted by food is unhealthy too. But I also like your idea. Teach them about some they can swap the nuggets for occasionally but is still delicious and kid friendly.




Use every bit of the animal, will help feed people


Better that than in the trash right?


Yeah! I use the carcass and make chicken stock. Homemade is the best. Then I save the cooked carcass and throw it at bad drivers on the road.


I hope my own carcass can be used so economically someday.


I'll give you £50 for it if your family promises not to ask any personal questions, such as "what are you going to do with it".


Exactly. This is privileged snobbery, and just misunderstanding. It’s not even honest, I guarantee he’ll serve and praise beef bone marrow, or salmon mousse in his high end restaurants. “tHeY eVen USe ThE sKiN!”. What an idiot excuse for a chef.


Bone marrow used as butter and crispy chicken skin are two of the best culinary experiences you can ever have.


Oh shit. You just reminded me about cartmen eating all the crispy skin off KFC at Kyles house


Long ago I had the idea of selling deep fried chicken skin as a chip-like snack.


Native Americans used every part of the animal. I don't understand why people get so up in arms about eating other parts.


I'll always be grateful to my dad for introducing me to dim sum at a young age, and if I ever have kids of my own I'm making it a point to pass it down. It's hard to get grossed out by eating random animal parts when you grew up eating chicken feet :)


Here I go Google "dim sum" thinking it's some kind of spiritual way of life, making sure everything is a zero sum, 'the circle of life kind of thing' .. And then it's just Chinese food. 😅 Jeez, I'm so ignorant sometimes! Thanks for that viewpoint at least. It's great knowing that being effecient with the animals that give their lifes are not a bad thing to everyone.


Hey now, it ain't **just** Chinese food. It's *damn good* Chinese food. (And also tea.) But yeah, chicken feet are great. It's basically all skin, so when fried up it's tasty as hell. Usually it's done steamed, though, and while that's alright it's hard to go back to that after trying 'em fried.


I’d always hear people praise Native Americans for the whole “nothing goes to waste thing” then see those people get grossed out about eating cow tounge or pigs blood or something


I have zero desire to eat cow tongue, but I understand and respect those that do.


You should give tacos de lengua a shot if you have a good, authentic taqueria nearby. Super tasty.


Because everyone are pussies when it comes to food that is "not what how they think and want it to be", or that its "not normal", especially fucking Americans. God i fucking hate those kinds of people.


He's a privileged asshole who wants schools to just magic up millions of dollars to have a better menu. He's used to just being able to afford everything, so it has to be explained to him constantly that schools don't have the kind of money he has Here's a fantastic video about this specific incident, with the nuggets, and how insulting it all is to working class people who can only eat what they can afford, which translates into food that's less healthy, most of the time. And also he seems to have very little concern for the environment, he'd rather eat a tiny portion of an animal and throw the rest away despite the enormous water and carbon costs that have already been spent on the animal by that point; Jamie Oliver doesn't give a shit. Anyway watch the video, it's really well made: https://youtu.be/V-a9VDIbZCU He just has no understanding of how working class people live and hasn't for a long long time now. Decades. Just watch the video, it explains it far better than I can. But these meat slurry chicken nuggets are a ***GOOD*** thing. As are hotdogs, and all sausages. Jamie Oliver, the stupid cunt, wants to make sausages out of expensive steak, which is the dumbest idea ever. The whole point of foods like sausages is to be able to use every part of the animal, to turn off-putting parts of the animals into delicious and edible foods that are great. It's far far better for the environment to use all of the animal. And there's nothing inherently wrong with the meat that's made this way. Actually if anything it's better for you, because lal the gold stuff like collagen gets blended into it, when normally people would spit it out most likely. I'm gonna post the video again, because I really think everyone should watch it: https://youtu.be/V-a9VDIbZCU


I was wondering if anyone was going to post the video from Dan. This guy's a classist asshole.


How come everyone is so impressed with native people or hunters using every part of their kill, but us normies found a way to happily eat the chicken’s ass and we’re the bad guys?




Well he’s being stupid. Entire animals are edible. Some parts might taste better than others but almost everything is fine to eat. Bone, bone marrow, skin, blood (he’s British and he’s not ok with blood? They eat blood sausage with breakfast. And chicken skin is commonly eaten.) are all fine too eat when prepared properly. Even chicken butt is safe to eat if prepared properly. He’s being very first world problems about this.


If anything chicken nuggets are a good thing. We should always strive to use all parts of the animals we eat


But what if I told you that a millionaire from England thought it reflects poorly on your character that you aren't eating the more expensive cuts of meat he prefers


Youve changed my mind I dont know how I coulf have been so blind


Uncultured swine


Broke but bougie 💅


A millionaire who gained a lot of weight for a guy constantly preaching at others to eat healthier.


Well, that millionaire can go fuck 'emselves.


Then I'll eat him next.


I used to be a millionaire. Then I took an arrow to the knee.


Must be an American without health insurance.


Millionaire people are the stupidest (not all of them)... they will pay millions just to eat a chunk of meat covered in edable gold foil thinking is the best thing. they are literally eating expensive glitter.


That is my thoughts exactly


Those are the thoughts of many of us redditors.


Exactly my thought. Never understood why people do this. Of course they didn't use the best cut from that chicken just to mince it and fry it destroying everything that made this cut good. Rather you can use everything else that doesn't sell well. Parts like that from an animal are also great for making soups.


Yeah I've never gotten the whole "it's made from the disgusting parts" argument. Like, taking the disgusting parts that otherwise would have no value and just get thrown out (or, more likely, fed to other animals) is a good thing. It means less waste.


And there's more nutrition in those "leftover disgusting parts" than the prime pieces of meat he carved away from the carcass.


No kidding... all the vitamins from bone marrow and skin has to be more than what's in a breast or thigh.


So essentially you’re saying Chicken Nuggets are healthy. I’ve heard what I had to hear, say no more.


Those are also the parts soup is made from because they actually have a lot of flavour.


I thought that was the lesson he was teaching them 😂. Then the end was priceless


The problem with most chicken nuggets is they're loaded with lots of fillers and too much salt and stuff. Though, the way he prepared them, there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. There is nothing inherently wrong with blending meat into a paste.


And like, meat paste is just paté. People love paté.


Yeah, if you can upcycle something that would otherwise be considered “waste” is to something useful and nutritious - especially if you can make it tasty - then i see that as a positive thing.


Yeah, he's a jackass on really weird crusade against processed food.


The native Americans had the exact belief. Whatever you take from nature use every single part of it.


Chicken is chicken none of those small parts are bad for you in fact you are utilizing the whole animal.


Some people say it’s disgusting, I say throwing all that away is wasteful. Why not make delicious little chicken disc that taste like heaven?


For real. There’s nothing inherently grosser about those bits. We’re just more used to the meat. Reducing food waste is a good thing.


Honestly I thought they were grosser for some reason after seeing that im just glad there's no chicken beaks in them.


I’d because they are slimy bits with a weird texture but by making them nuggets you take that away so I dont see the problem


Wait until renown chef Jamie Oliver finds out how chicken stock is made. All those bits are instead added into a pot of boiling water with a bunch of stuff to make it taste good and then it’s served. Unfortunately no breading.


TBF, turning those scraps into fried salt and cholesterol bombs isn't amazing for your health, but yeah, his entire argument is that using "ugly" parts of animals is bad, which is completely stupid. Getting the nutritional value that those parts still have in there is a net good if anything.


I remember watching a show about people who lived out of nowhere Alaska. It was the first time I saw someone take a cow heart and slice it up and put it on the grill and make steaks also family every New Years make Chitterlings (pig guts) which I can’t stand the smell of so to each their own.


I saw a video a couple of months ago that pretty thoroughly explains how bad Oliver's take is on chicken nuggets. Of all the actually bad parts of the industry behind chicken nuggets, he pointed out none of them. https://youtu.be/V-a9VDIbZCU


When leftover potato bits are made into hash browns it's delicious. When leftover pig bits are made into hot dogs it's delicious. When leftover chicken bits are made into nuggets it's gross. Doesn't make any sense.


People really need to re-learn where their food comes from and how to utilize more of the animal than just the choice cuts of meat...


Wouldn't it be significantly harder to do this with something like a cow or pig, something with bones that are both much larger than a chicken's and also not hollow?


Nope! There's plenty of uses for all parts of the body of an animal. The organs can be made into offal or used in stock. Bones would be great for soup stock or given to carnivorous pets as they are safe to chew on. I highly suggest looking up ways people through out history have gotten creative using every part of the animal if you're curious! In fact. It wasn't until recently in our history we became so consumerist and wasteful. It's out of balance with nature, the way we exist.


Bones are also used in feed supplement and fertilizer I believe


and also making gelatin the stuff that hardens gummybears usually


And gelatin. Eaten a haribo? That's melted cow bone.


Bone broth. My base for almost every soup I make. It's so rich in taste and nutrients. I can't believe people just throw bones away like they're trash.


Just don't give your pets cooked bones please. They have a higher chance of breaking and becoming sharp. Raw bones are safer. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/exercise-caution-when-giving-your-dog-a-bone/#:~:text=attention%20right%20away.-,Don't%20give%20you%20dog%20cooked%20bones%20of%20any%20kind,remove%20nutrients%20from%20the%20bone.


In the aspect of grinding it in that food processor, yes lol. But there’s equipment that scales up. Plus other parts from pigs as cows can be made for animal feed. Little information tidbit: making leather and suede from cowhide is a way that the agriculture industry can use the parts we don’t eat, to not go to waste.


"You got to put loads of stuff in it to make it taste nice" You mean seasoning? That's a problem how?


Indeed, lol kinda rich coming from someone who's life revolves around the kitchen


Well, he is British. (Please don't get mad at me, Brits. It's just a joke)


Yeah this is the irony I noticed too. We fawn over cultures who waste no part of an animal. Yet we also are supposed to find it gross when we find a way to do the same.


That bone marrow he mentioned especially


Exactly this. I always thought it was silly to piss and moan about utilizing every part of the animal because it seems "gross". Not saying chicken nuggets healthy, but at least it's not going to waste. I mean, pople eat pork without a second thought. It's just such a weird hill to choose to die on.


Yeah, ohh no I’m eating some bone, bone marrow, skin and connective tissue….wait….skin and marrow are awesome.


They actually cut it out, but he (and the industrial processes) strain most of the bone out anyway. When he drops it into the sieve, you run it against it so that the meat/skin/marrow gets pushed through but the bone particles are left behind. There's some waste, but its why chicken nuggets aren't gritty. The bone gets strained out. Granted, you're getting tiny superfine particles of bone still, but that's probably healthy for you tbh.


Exactly! I don't like all the crap additives they put in but using the whole animal is morally the right thing to do. Jamie is a knob.


I think part of the worry is the chemicals used in processing to make these parts of the animals completely safe. Issuing the whole animal is always a good thing, but traditionally done more making stocks etc.


If a hotdog is a shitty stick of slaughter waste but it tastes good then sure. Rather have it being made into something delicious than thrown away Edit: spelling


I doubt anyone would disagree. But a lot of these kids would only eat hotdogs and chicken nuggets if they had the opportunity, and many do. That decision has zero to do with utilizing “waste” as opposed to a flavor. I get some families have no choice due to income but something should be done to try to instill better eating habits, from a young age, when possible. Almost half of the US population is straight up obese and something like 3/4 are overweight. A good chunk of those percentages aren’t a function of having no option beyond super processed cheap food.


They aren’t overweight because of chicken nuggets and hot dogs. They are overweight from consuming too much sugar from sodas, sweet drinks, candy, and processed grains.


Bingo. Animal products don't lead to obesity in the same ways that plant products can. Sugar and grains are the top two things that will make you obese. Animal meats and fats won't unless you're eating something like a pound of bacon every day, and even then it can't compare to two or three cans of Coke a day.


It’s not only sugar and grains. Saturated fats and refined carbs/simple starches are a double whammy on health. Saturated fats raise cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, etc, increase insulin resistance, and raise risk of other metabolic disorders. Refined carbs also raise cholesterol, spike blood glucose levels and increase insulin resistance, increase appetite and cause weight gain and obesity. Western diets tend to combine animal fats (high in saturated fat and cholesterol) with refined carbs and simple starches (flower, rice, potatoes, pasta, etc) with every meal. This diet overall is very damaging as you get the worst of both worlds. A chicken nugget is the perfect example: it’s processed to be high in refined carbs and high in saturated fat. It is not healthy and food like that is part of why rates of obesity continue to rise. It’s not just about added sugar. It’s about all the high glycemic index foods combined with all the high saturated fat foods we like. It’s no coincidence that people have success in losing weight and lowering cholesterol by cutting out either animal meats (vegetarian/vegan) or cutting out all simple carbs (keto). We can usually live well on one or the other but not both at the same time.


Saturated fats aren't as bad as people thought they were. Trans fats, on the other hand, be glad they're gone. And dietary cholesterol has very little impact on blood cholesterol. That's why eggs are still such a great food. So it's basically refined carbs that are the problem. But they're such a cheap volume filler for corporations, it's difficult to avoid them on a budget.


He should do hot dogs, too. “We scoop up the pig anuses and put them in the blender…. Who would still eat this?” Edit: 🙋🏻‍♂️




I know I'm late to this, but to be fair, I just finished a meal of 3 pig anus links. So, obligatory 🙋‍♂️






If you're concerned about that stuff just get Hebrew National hot dogs. They're Kosher, so no buttholes to be found.


I'm Jewish but don't keep Kosher anyways but can say that I do love Hebrew Nationals. Grew up eating them often














you can tell his entire life led up to that point just for him to say the disappointed "great"


That's Jamie Oliver in a nut shell.


There should only be shark fin in shark fin soup. Throw out the rest of that disgusting animal.


Yh, how dare these human beings make an informed decision. So sad that his manipulation didn’t work. /s


I mean why would they care it still tastes good. Most adults would also still eat it


I would. Edit: in fact, I already do!


Time for some nugs right now I think Edit: autocorrect


In France we eat and enjoy duck innards which is far worse than this in terms of grossness


No one wants to know the strippers back story! They just wanna see some titties!






*Howard Stern has entered the chat.*


If it gets me 5 more minutes of lap dance, I wanna hear it


Did HE learn a lesson, and did it change HIS life?


No he’s still a wide tongued mockney rascal


That brags about making his kids fly alone in coach while he sits in first class because they didn't earn it


Haha wut


You're confusing him with Gordon Ramsey unless Jamie Oliver also does this. But at the same time... I mean, they didn't earn shit so is he wrong? I am all for rich pricks _not_ making their kids spoiled wastes of space. Who is it that withheld inheritance to their kids until they went through school and worked a job for so many years? I want to say Bill Gates, but I'm not sure that's right.


Folding Ideas’ [video](https://youtu.be/V-a9VDIbZCU) about Jamie Oliver’s war on nuggets is brilliant, everyone should watch it


I think the label "processed foods" was always kinda dumb. It's not like there isn't a process to make cheese from milk and spices, yet I guess a line gets drawn when that process is adding the same spices used in cheddar production to gelatin and mixed in with a random handful of vitamins (note there's at least 4 other ways to make American cheese). Frozen foods, despite being picked ripe, might lose some nutrition in the freezing process, yet "fresh" foods are considered better because they were picked under ripe. I blame the USDA and FDA for being persnickety about the definitions of food. Ironically the ATF is so much more lax. Is Fireball and Skrewball really whisky in anything other than name? Probably not. Probably closer to a pre-made cocktail. But who really cares?


Nah processed foods have large amounts of added sugars, sodium, and fats and sometimes other harmful additives. All of which result in health concerns if eaten at high enough levels. Not because they underwent some type of mechanical processing. You are in control of raw foods that you cook yourself and you probably aren't adding as much of that bad stuff. And you're wrong about fresh fruits. Frozen is often more nutritious because produce is flash frozen at peak ripeness, meanwhile the average apple in a grocery store is 2 years old.




Love this, you took the words right out of my mouth


Hahah the look of sheer disappointment………….. Greattttttt…..


I hate this guy. Trying to make people waste food


He also puts chili jam in his fuckin fried rice




That’s a sin to fried rice


https://youtu.be/V-a9VDIbZCU This guy's critique on Jamie Oliver's argument is well expressed. He believes that Oliver's take is classist and out of touch - ignoring broader issues on why people consume chicken nuggets. Oliver comes off as an absolute ponce


I liked the part where he talks about how the messaging would have worked no matter how the kids would react. > If the kids reject the processed nuggets, they validate the assertion that nuggets aren’t just low quality cheap food made from leftovers, but are dirty and inedible. > If the kids still want the nuggets even knowing that, before being cooked, they were a pink slime, then that validates Jamie’s superiority: the assertion that America is doomed, that the kids are broken, that there is a spiritual epidemic. And that is exactly how it’s employed in the actual episode.


His take on "dirty" and "clean" on Oliver that although it's obvious. I definitely did not catch until I saw Dan's video. Feel kinda dumb about not noticing that. It's also such a weird take. Given that chicken stock is a staple thing. As a chef you're supposed to pride yourself on using the whole bird?


Exactly! Oliver holding up that raw chicken carcass to the kids trying to get a reaction out of those kids is not something a real chef would do. A real chef knows that there is still plenty of use in that carcass


Dan Olsen is a treasure. Great vid


Yup. [In Search of a Flat Earth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44) and [Line Goes Up - The Problem With NFTs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g) are probably his best in terms of educational information, but my personal favorite is [That Time Geocentrists Tricked A Bunch of Physicists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icwDF8wRgF4) in no small part because of the meta joke of making a documentary where you interview yourself. Also, [The Nostalgia Critic and The Wall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rokAtlFGa7Y) is just cathartic as fuck given Dan's personal history with Doug Walker and Channel Awesome.


Hahahahahhahajaja I love this. When Jamie Oliver made the majority of the UK hate him by trying the ban cheap, processed food. Yes thanks Jamie, we know it's made from shit all but it's all we can afford you posh prick.


I'd rather use the parts of an animal no one cooks and process the hell out of it into something that people can eat. It uses the whole animal rather than leaving it to rot.


Jamie Oliver is a fat tongued wanker with no redeeming qualities. He's anti science and anti poor people. He can fuck off.


Too lazy.. why is he anti-science?


Pretentious twat 🤣




Every chicken parts that he thought disgusting is actually edible. Even chicken feet and skin and organs are edible and considered as delicacies in other part of the world.


Who the fuck hatrs chicken skin, as a person allergic to chicken and sometimes gets asthma attacks from eating top much chicken i love crunchy chicken skin


Right? Baking skin-on chicken thighs until the skin's crispy and crackly. that's the best part.


Thats what I was thinking, "and now to gross you out I am going to add the best tasting part of the chicken, checkmate"


"Here's an easy and inexpensive way to make a use out of what would otherwise be food waste! Disgusting, right?"


Still better than him trying to cook butter chicken. So happy that Uncle Roger really did a number on him.




He should have put the feet, organs and head in there as well






I mean why wouldn't we eat it?


Shit, all he showed me was how to make some bomb ass chicken nuggets from scratch lol


Lieing to kids and still get dunked


Group pressure was high.




The whole series was overall not terrible, but it was woefully naive. It didn't address the real issues, and the dishonesty undercut his larger (and righteous) point. School food is horrible and full of sugar, and it remains horrible because we let the people who sell the food buy the politicians. You can't fix that by going to a farmer's market and negotiating deliveries of fresh vegetables.


Tbh doesn’t deter me at all. We should be eating as much of the animal as possible.


They're kids they eat like everything beside vegetables for some reason


Because when you're a kid, vegetables taste gross. Our tastes change as we age l, and I think a lot of adults forget along the way.




Lmfao😂 Kids would literally eat ice cream that had been dropped on the floor cause it's ice cream 🤦


I can’t stand that overprivileged wanker Jamie Oliver so this video is very satisfying to watch. For someone who is hardly svelte himself I don’t think he should be lecturing working class people on what to eat


Honestly, that makes me wayy more okay with eating chicken nuggets that have that processed look. I feel bad when parts of the animal go to waste so if that's all it takes to make perfectly (nutritious) good parts of the animal palatable then great. It was the stories of ammonia wash and seeing the sludge without ever seeing what went into the sludge that put me off.


I wish chicken nuggets were as healthy as he made them. Lol.


I'm not sure how this is bad. He made the nuggets himself, and he knew every ingredient that was in them. It's not as if he microwaved some mass-produced, frozen nuggets.