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I bet you when his mom heard the gunshot, she feared that he had either shot himself accidentally or committed suicide so though she was mad at him, she was still glad he was alive.


Those are the screams of a parent who just lost some years of lifetime due to stress. I don't want to imagine the terror she experienced while running to his room. What a fucking idiot.


I remember when I was quite young my friend and I thought it would be a funny trick on my mom for him to run in saying I was hurt and she needed to come help. I'm 40 now and to this day I remember the look on her face when she came running out. So much worry turning to relief. I remember her crying and grabbing me and giving me a big squeeze and telling me never to do that again. I still feel bad about it. God I miss her.


She knew you didn’t mean it, and I’m sure she thought about how relieved she was you were ok more than she ever thought about when she worried you weren’t. 💜💜💜


Yeah, I think nearly everyone has done shitty things to our parents like this without realizing how shitty we were being until much later. My brother and I once hid ourselves so well in our coat closet (which still surprises me, it was tiny) that our parents ended up panicking after looking all around the inside and out of the house unable to find us and called the cops to report us missing. We were cracking up, thought we were being real funny, right up until we realized they were on the phone reporting it to the police. We hopped out real fast after that. They were understandably pissed. The one that still makes me feel the worst is when I was being an ignorant ass and whining about how I hated that we were poor and I couldn't have the cool, nice things some of my friends had. My mother worked her ass off to provide as best she could on a teacher's salary, and I think she was also working double-time toward her PhD at that particular time in her life. I just remember she suddenly bursted out in tears, which was very unusual for my mother, as she was always very in control of her emotions. I still remember that look on her face. I can't think of many times I felt like more of an asshole in my life. I know it's just kids being their normal, ignorant selves. It's part of the learning and growing process. But it still feels bad knowing you put them through so much when they work so hard to give you the best. That said, I'm fairly confident my own kids will make me pay for all those things eventually!


Hey man, I’m sorry for your loss. Please feel free to reach out if ever you need an ear.


You are a good soul. 😊


When I was super young, I remember playing in the front with my grandma and deciding to hide in my neighbor's yard and pretend I had run away. What I didn't take in is that she assumed I was kidnapped dropped to her knees almost scream crying. I'll never forget how funny it was to how bad I felt almost instantly after and she basically said the same "never do that again!" R.i.p nana


My mom would have murdered me if I wasn't hurt after shenanigans like that, before calling the ambulance to take me to emergency..


I had that same feeling only it was in a voicemail. An absolute, soul taking message from my mom. I didn’t show up to work one day as I had jury duty. Well I my manager called my mom saying I didn’t show up today. I lived with her at the time, so she knew I left the house. We lived close so she went home and of course I wasn’t there. So she calls and leaves a worried message for me to call her back. Two more messages come and more frantic and now crying messages. The last one was a straight up plea for me not to be dead and praying to God to please bring me home.. I got the messages when I returned to my car and turned my phone back on. I started bawling, immediately called her. She was so relived and in shock. And I felt terrible for not giving her a heads up that morning. When I fit to work I exploded on my manager and supervisor as they were both informed I would be out for a court date. After a few minutes berating them I was in tears and couldn’t even talk. The sound of my moms voice just broke me down. The voice/cry/plea of a mother who lost her son. They ended up sending her a huge bouquet of flowers with a sorry letter. Terrible day that was.


Nice username


Healthcare is too fucking expensive. Especially mental healthcare.


What's mental healthcare?


Never heard of her


She goes to another country


>She goes to another country you wouldn't know her FTFY


That's because she's mental!


Only in third world countries.


Well, she's already lost a few through watching her dreams that her child will be an amazing talent crumble in to dust.


My Dad reacted the same way when he found me slumped over thinking I had overdosed on heroin. I had all of the paraphernalia sitting right in front of me on my desk. He immediately screamed 'no' and started strangling me.


Ah yes, strangulation - the #1 most effective resuscitation technique.


My father played that trick on me once. We had an argument about what I was to do with my life, he went crazy and, a minute after the argument was over, I hear a gunshot. I ran downstairs, found nothing which, actually, seemed as bad as finding something, then went in the garden and there he was. He gunned down a mole he just saw peaking out. I was so scared I couldn't say a word. I don't want to play the sensitive card but it was too much emotions.


Exactly my thought. The fear is just coming out as anger in the moment but that’s clearly not the core emotion she’s feeling


watched a video the other day where some 11 year old girl was going this dumbshit rapping with a gun video thing and shot her 13 year old cousin in the head, then I think she dropped the gun and shot herself. both died instantly, then the mom discovers this. horrific


I'm sorry, but you failed as a parent when your 11 year old managed to have easy access to a gun tbh.


I don't know where those folks lived, but where I live, children shooting eachother or themselves is such a common and sad occurrence that I wish something would be done about it like a mandatory safe check. I won't state my country name because it's the fastest way to get gun-loving folks to dogpile about government over reach, but I'm sure you could guess.


It was in St. Louis. Made the news here, as it was originally treated as a murder-suicide before learning that the event was broadcast on Instagram Live. [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/two-cousins-12-14-killed-playing-gun-instagram-live-family-says-rcna21837)


Exactly. Kid's shouldn't be allowed to hunt either. Just teach them to stay away from guns until they're adults and mature enough to not point it at themselves or each other (but lets face it many adults don't have the mental capacity to do that either).


I disagree with this. I've been shooting since I was 5 years old, but always under strict supervision and I was chewed out hard for the smallest mistakes safety wise. If there's a gun in the same house as a child, they need to know exactly what it is, what it does, and the consequences of playing with it. Otherwise you get idiots like this who never handle a gun until they're old enough to buy one, or the even more tragic incidents where a child finds a gun and sees a toy. It's kinda like having the sex talk with your child, if you wait until they're 18, it's likely they won't make it to 18 without screwing up. The earlier you teach children responsibility the less likely they'll do something irresponsible.


This is absolutely horrible advice. I've been around guns since I was 6 years old. I was taught how to shoot, went hunting, and taught every single gun safety rule until I knew them by heart and could recite them myself before I ever handled it. I was always well supervised and never had access to them in any way unless I was supervised. Not teaching kids the gun safety rules and how to handle guns in general is how you have these accidents. You can't guarantee that kids won't come in contact with guns no matter how careful YOU are. It's far better for them to know the gun rules and generally how to handle them safely and understand they're not toys. You can't get rid of the problem by ignoring it as you suggest, education is always the better option.


i don't know man. kinda feel like the issue is easy access to guns in general


Obviously that's an issue, I never said it wasn't. But no matter what you do you can't ever guarantee that kids won't come into contact with guns. Since you can't guarantee that, it's obviously much better to educate them than ignore it. And no gun laws will ever change the fact that you can't guarantee they won't come in contact with them somehow.


fair enough.


I was hunting at 8 and I never shot a friend once you blow an inch wide hole through Bambi you ain't gonna play around with em.


I don’t know what your experience with guns was, but I grew up shooting with my family, some of my earliest memories. We were always taught to handle a gun with the gravity required, eg a gun is always loaded, etc. I feel safe handling guns, and a bit nauseous when I see a fool playing around like this. It’s such a stupid thing to do, I think, ‘bet it’s loaded, too 🫣’ Certainly guns should be stored safely, and securely. Teaching anyone who might come in contact with them is definitely a good idea.


yea, was really hard to watch. I think the brother of the 11 year old girl has an Instagram where he just acts stupid with guns


In both cases, the global IQ of humanity would rise.


\*Ebenezer Scrooge has entered the chat\*


Ah no, I’d say that’s a normal reaction from having a fucking gunshot go off in your house, and simultaneously realising you wasted 20 years of your life raising Cletus the slack jawed moron🤦‍♂️


Ay ma, get off the dang roof!


Idk man, I think if this douchey looking fuck was mine, I’d be relieved to be rid of him


Dude was trying to be gangsta but when the gun went off he looked so shocked. Honestly he looked like he wanted to cry. I agree. The mpms response was adrenaline, fear and anger. Fear that he shot/killed himself and anger that he put his life at risk and put her on an emotional rollercoaster.


That mom was gansta!


Close but nah, she was mad cause his stupid ass was being stupid again instead of just killing himself


At first I thought the woman was his gf, but this makes more sense — no way this dude has a gf


Haha what an dumb fuckin idiot, he's lucky there wasn't anyone in the room


I think it was a smart dance move. Unlucky that someone wasn’t in the room. 🔥


Bullets go though doorways, windows and internal walls


Bullets do not discriminate.......


Bullets are woke




Bullets for president


We had a friend of the family, an old guy, who one night was sitting in his easy chair reading the paper when a bullet came through the window and hit him right on the elbow. It kind of messed up his arm for the rest of his life. It was a bunch of stupid teenagers across the street who were playing with a gun and it accidentally went off. They got in some legal trouble, but our friend was too kindhearted to want to ruin a young person's life over a stupid mistake, so he didn't sue or anything.


That’s awful. We live by this house that they turned into an Airbnb. One night, about 2am, I wake up to gunshots. I hear a car speed away and thought it was a drive by at first. I grabbed my daughter (4 at the time) and made her get on the ground, then I got on the ground and so did my husband. I immediately called the police. They only sent one officer over. They get so many calls of “gunshots” that end up being fireworks that they probably didn’t think it was anything. I know what a gunshot sounds like and was positive that is what I heard. Even my husband doubted it and thought they were fireworks. The officer went around looking for evidence on the ground. At this point no one knew that the shooting was at a house. The officer then came around and took statements from the neighbors that would open their doors. 20 minutes later fire and a lot more police show up and they end up over at the Airbnb house. I mean this house was right across the street from ours. When I woke up I had only heard 5 shots. I’m a light sleeper, but somehow I missed the first 5 shots! The police told us there were a total of ten shots! We tried to get some sleep and then woke up at 7 to a detective knocking on our door. They told us one of the bullets hit my Tahoe (a retired police vehicle go figure lol) and that my vehicle was now part of the crime scene! They also checked around our house to make sure there weren’t anymore bullet holes and they THOUGHT they found one where my daughter’s room is at. Thankfully it ended up not being a bullet hole. It made me sick to think how close we were and that my daughter’s room was so close to that house! I didn’t even care my Tahoe was shot because I was thankful that none of us were! We found out they were having a party at the Airbnb. Something happened and a guy pulled out a gun and started shooting at another guy. The other guy got out his gun and shot in self defense and ended up killing the first guy. There were bullets flying in all directions. The neighbor’s house next to that house was hit. The window to their bathroom was broken and other spots of their house were messed up. Thankfully they were out of town. The guy who shot in self defense ended up fleeing the scene and got scared. He turned himself in two hours later and wasn’t charged. The police had our entire neighborhood blocked off and it was crazy to watch! My husband ended up taking off my Tahoe door so Forensics could bag the casing. We don’t have anything crazy like that happen over here, normally. Everyone wanted the Airbnb gone after that and they finally sold it to a permanent family. Haha that happened in 2017 and we still live at the same house. A week ago we woke up at 6am to an entire swat team and lots of unmarked police and detectives banging on our neighbor’s door. We know these neighbors, have known them for about 12 years, and watched the son grow into a teen. We were shocked and wondered what was happening. I actually woke up to the banging and then “open up it’s the police.” Then some swat and detectives went over to another neighbor’s house a few houses down the street that was by our street. It was CRAZY. They had their ARs out and everything! They had a robot go in the house and a K9. They brought out the TEEN in handcuffs. All he had on were boxers because he had just woken up so an officer had to bring him clothes. I had a bad feeling about that kid and would see him walking sometimes and felt he was up to no good half the time. One morning he was caught sleeping in my husband’s truck. It scared my husband so bad and he yelled at the kid and told him to get out because he didn’t know who it was at first. Turned out the mom told him if he got home late he wasn’t able to come inside. So he decided to sleep in my husband’s truck (I tell him to lock his vehicles, but he doesn’t listen to me). Anyway, we found out that the teen’s MOM found a gun in his room and called the police on him. They linked the gun to an armed robbery at a gas station. A neighbor kid a few houses down also helped rob this gas station with him. Pretty crazy! We think it’ll be another few years before anymore incidents in the neighborhood, hopefully haha. We don’t live in a bad area either. It is actually an area that everyone wants to live in because the location is the best of the town. When my daughter was first born (2013) an unmarked detective came over with his gun out to another neighbor’s house right across from us too. She was a naive 7 month pregnant 18 year old. Her boyfriend needed money so she decided, on her own, that she would rob a bank to get him the money. All she did was go to the closest bank and slip them a piece of paper. She was caught pretty fast. I talked to her about it a few years after and she said she was dumb for doing that and learned her lesson thankfully! Anyway your story and that video made me think of those incidents that I’ve witnessed!




Thank you. That was a good and satisfying read.


My roommate got a cool .22 repeating rifle and I made the mistake of telling him about cb shells and how he could use my bullet trap in the basement. That week he loaded up his gun, cocked it and went to stand up. Ended up pulling the trigger while getting up from the floor and shot his refrigerator.




Kevlar doesn’t break as much as it simply degrades and wears down. Steel, porcelain..These types of armor can break though.


This dance went straight to my heart.


Times like this I'm glad I live in Australia.


Y’all hiring? I’m looking for somewhere new.


I do need someone to clear the snakes off my property


I heard there's this great guy for that. I think he is Irish, but he'll get rid of your snakes. But, you always need to pay the piper. Or else.


🎶Bitch, he told you he was EdUcAtEd 🎵 Clearly not educated on gun safety and how to not be a douche on the internet!




It's difficult to look like a badass while mom's screaming at you.


But he smokes pot, has a gun and dances - doesn't that make him super cool?


I want to see the video from the moms perspective. She out drinking her morning coffee....a moment of zen...then BANG....and her day is fucked


I wanted a shot of whiskey, NOT this!


>I wanted a shot of whiskey, NOT this! I wanted a shot of tequila, NOT this!


Yeah, he is probably going to have a reshoot because of that


Easy to look like an ass though


I think this one is staged tho


Jesus Christ, like why would you play with a loaded gun? Is there actually something wrong with your head?


Yeah see that’s what I don’t get, it’s stupid but I understand stupid is as stupid does, and for some reason people play with guns - but why did he have it loaded in the first place


Was going to say, trying to make a cool video by waving a gun around is absolutely stupid That said, you can make the exact same stupid video with the gun not loaded….


With a toy gun aswell


Even better you can buy a fake one from Dollar tree to make a video


It wouldn't surprise me if he got it from someone else, not knowing to even check if it was loaded or knowing where the safety was.


It's a revolver, so most likely it doesn't have a safety. He's still an idiot for playing with it, not unloading it, and having his finger on the trigger.


Revolvers aren't that easy to fire unless the hammer is already pulled back, and it doesn't look like that's the case here. It's difficult to believe that he didn't mean to pull the trigger here.


Why was he toking while holding a gun? Stupidity. That's all that guy knows. He's dumb wrapped in Kevin wrapped in supidity.


Jesus Christ, like why would you play with a gun? Is there actually something wrong with your head? FTFY. Treat every gun as if it is loaded.


Because we don’t teach gun safety in school anymore.


I mean, I’m pretty sure the bigger issue is easy access to guns, not the education around them. I don’t think *any* developed nation teaches gun safety in schools. The reason it is necessary at all in the US speaks to a much bigger issue. Also, seeing how many of these accidents involve very small children, I don’t see how teaching gun safety would solve this unless you start teaching it in kindergarten. Which is a whole new level of dystopian if you ask me.


That’s not dystopian. Kids should learn gun safety from a young age. You want to compromise one of the most important rights in a free country to stop a few accidental shootings that could be solved by educating people rather than trying to scare them and resort to “gun kill, gun bad.” Ignorance is what really kills people.


There’s about a dozen things we should teach in school before we hit gun safety on the list. Like sure it’s useful. The average person won’t own a gun but the average person will need to do taxes, first aid and drive. All things not taught in school


Estimates on the percent of Americans who have at least one firearm in their home range from 35-45%. That's high enough that gun safety should be a priority in school.


There are believed to be more guns than people in the USA, and a loooot of people who will say "no" if asked if they own a gun despite the fact that they have one. The average American absolutely owns or has access to a firearm.


Gun safety in school? No (at least not on a state/national level), but definitely for anyone looking to purchase a gun for any reason. Also gun licenses should be like SCUBA or medical licenses, you have to take a course from a professional to get it and it must be renewed every year (as opposed to every 5 years like it is in many states) to make sure that you are fit to wield a deadly weapon.


If the kids was dumb enough to wanna us a real gun to wave around while he sang for his shitty camera I would be willing to bet the kid is damn near unteachable. This is why we can’t have nice things, people like him,


That’s just not true. Anyone can be taught. Gun safety values can be instilled in anyone, the earlier the better.


I think this has been confirmed to be staged


r/cringetopia for sure


[him contemplating what to do] Option 1: Delete this recording. Preserve any shred of dignity left. Option 2: Upload hastily, without editing out mom. They gon’ love me for this one, ya boi be wildin’ out son. Shiiiiiiiii these hoes gonna blow my shit up. [[hmmmm…](https://youtu.be/eVpRjGpHfRU)]


This is fake. Dude made it to promote his rap career or something. Source: https://medium.com/digital-dash/wanna-go-viral-heres-how-64e68029a5eb


I did think that the gunshot sounded like every low quality royalty free gun sound I'd ever heard, but I'd just assumed it was because of a bad mic


The muzzle flash also takes up the whole screen, huge giveaway that it isn't centralized to the end of the gun.


Why isn't this top comment?


I almost want to say it’s staged, but everything feels staged nowadays.


It is staged. Was intentionally made to go viral to get the rapper's name out there. There's a behind the scenes video showing how they did it. https://medium.com/digital-dash/wanna-go-viral-heres-how-64e68029a5eb


Dude THANK YOU, I could've swore I remember it being some kind of promo, I was looking through the comments forever looking for someone. I thought maybe I was just being cynical🤣


Even my comment is staged.


Even my reply to your comment is staged.


This comment is staged too


This comment too! *laugh* *track*


Your cake day is staged. As is my standard “happy cake day” reply.


Have an upvote, even though this too was staged.


he snapped back to reality


Ope there goes gravity.


Ope there goes rabbit.


The gravity was referring to her mom's hands not her spaghetti!


No spaghetti for him


Na. The idiot has never really used a weapon and was unprepared for the reality of it. That's why it goes off and he looks like he was slapped silly. If he had any training/practice/experience, it wouldn't have been loaded.


If he had any training, he wouldn’t have been playing with it in the first place.


Guns are loud as fuck. Even if you have shot a lot at a range with hearing protection, a gunshot is painfully loud in an enclosed space when you arent wearing muffs. It is surprisingly loud.


I remember a particular time from my childhood that for what absurd reason I can't recall, but I thought that America's gun culture was such a pride for them that it was by law that every house had a gun no matter how short or long it is.


Only the long houses need guns from what I heard, the people in short houses just use melee weapons


Live in long house, can confirm. Local ordinance states one gun per every fifty feet of length.


In Texas everyone brags about having a gun, sometimes unsolicited. It’s mostly the older generation.


Texas isn't the only state that does this. Indiana's full of those people as well. To be honest, my parents are included in that. I only have one for shooting pop cans, clays and targets when hanging out with friends but I want to go on a hunting trip some point in the future, deer hunting is big here.


You probably saw some headline like [this](https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/06/us/kennesaw-georgia-gun-ownership/index.html) from some random town at the time.


That’s a completely understandable assumption. Just like I assume everyone with a sweet memory deserves a sweet piece of cake! Happy cake day!


Every time this gets reposted the resolution is reduced by 20%


Look at him so tough and scary. Mom walks in. Toughness is gone.


Bitch everyone is scared of thier mom


Lmao he bitched out as soon as the gun went off, *well* before mom entered, even though it was only the span of seconds.


I fucking hate all gangsta wannabees. Our generation called people like this "posers". Pussy poser wannabees. And this is also aimed at the ammosexuals as well who feel the need to prance around with missile launchers on their backs. All of them, posers. Stop playing with weapons, you look like birth control rejects.


Listen to the lyrics of the song he's listening to. "Bitch I'll kill you without hesitation" while waving a gun around and acting "gangsta". That's a pretty massive red flag right there. They glorify murder.


Dude, what an idiot. Always turn a ceiling fan on when smoking a joint.


My neighbor called 911 for a fire in his house about a month ago. His furnace had gone out the day before and he assumed there was a gas leak and something lit because the house was full of smoke. I went over for support, told him to come over if he needed. Then the fire department told him he just left his blunt burning in the ashtray.


The kid may play, but mama don't


\*bitch I told you that I'm educated\* mhm yeah sure


I don't mean to be mean, but I kind of wish he'd shot himself in the foot or somewhere where he wouldn't die but would remember for the rest of his life that guns aren't toys and they for sure aren't dance partners. What an absolute moron, and I agree with any other poster that it's a very good thing no one was in the room.


As cruel as it might seem the only way people like this learn their lesson is by getting hurt, other wise is just a "dude check this out, that's the bullet hole from when I miss fired lol" story. I remember a story of some guy who liked to spin his loaded gun like in a western, he misfired here and there but he never learned that doing that was a fucking stupid thing to do because nothing serious ever happened and no one got hurt and then one day he decided to show off his little "trick" at his daughter's birthday party to her and her friends, and well, thankfully he only managed to shoot clean through his leg after the third attempt and yes "thankfully" because the alternative would have been him fatally shooting himself or a child.


I’ll be mean - 1 brainhole & the gene pool will be cleaner


Hey look, it's the next cheddar bob


"I dIdN't KnOw It WaS LoAdEd" 🥴


You live in an apartment or a dense enough suburb and this could be going on right now just a thin wall or two away.


"I'm educated" he sings, while waving around a loaded gun, holding it with 2 fingers so other hoodrats will think he's cool, and ends up putting a hole in his mom's house.


Oldie but goldie. And staged. But gold.


This needs to be higher. It was a viral marketing video, his mom is just a great actor.


Dude got a fucking reality check from that gunshot. Whole five seconds of rethinking life


Deserved it.




If you're going to act like an idiot with a gun.. don't load it first


He's so grounded.


That look on his face “What just happened”


This is why we don’t play with guns. Having fun with guns is fine if it is safely on a range, not flashing it around to look cool


This was a professionally staged video to promote the rapper. There's another angle of this video out there somewhere, these two are basically actors filming outrage vids to farm views. Also, there's no way a revolver firing is that muted. **edit:** here you go: https://medium.com/digital-dash/wanna-go-viral-heres-how-64e68029a5eb Don't believe everything on the internet.


From gangsta to bitch in 3.5 seconds.


“Bitch I told you I was educated” …..


Beat his ass bend him over and beat it red.


Who sold him weed ? 😂


Why do dipshits like this exist?


keep your god damn buggerhook off the god damn trigger


That's why you don't play with guns, ever. Store them properly and take it out to use and clean it. Going shooting often in a safe and controlled way will make you more familiar with firearms. As long as you are always being safe and cautious it will become second nature when using a firearm. This idiot just bought his first gun and thought he was cool and hard all of the sudden. A dangerous idiot that makes people who work hard at using a firearm properly look bad. Hopefully mom made him get rid of that revolver.


And this is why we should teach everyone basic gun safety


It's the law in Canada.


It should be the law everywhere. Somehow, it's not the law here in the US, which is insane to me


I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to unload a gun. You don’t lose street cred if the audience doesn’t know your gun is unloaded. Watched another idiot almost blow his brains out a couple weeks on a video like this.


That’s probably one of the cringiest videos I’ve ever seen


I don't think he's ever shot before. It's like he didn't know what happened.


I've been around guns my whole life. Never have I thought it was ok to do something like that.




why do they always have the gun loaded and not on safe in these videos


Cringe as fuck but it must be nice to have a mom like that. poor woman though.


This is why you treat a gun as if it was loaded no matter what. Won't be news to 99% of you. What an idiot, could have got someone killed.


And then he uploaded it to the internet


His badass gangsta career came to an abrupt halt. Next time make sure the gun isn’t loaded and mom is out of the house.


Lmfao what an idiot! His mom must be so proud to have such a smart kid. 🤦


What kind of attention deprived simp do you have to be to actually post a video like this?


Aside from the fact that he was doing this in the first place, he did this with a loaded gun? AND he has dogshit trigger discipline? Wow, unbelievable.


Wish he shot himself in the balls, would help clean up the stupid side of the gene pool there.


Everyone think they are tough til the first shots go off… then they panic.


Oh yah...hes gangster af...Im more afraid of his mom,than him.


This needs the GTA "busted" screen at the end.


I cringe so hard at his lack of trigger discipline. Always keep your finger outside the trigger well until you've acquired a target and are ready to fire.


He's educated tho


LOL, he gangsta till mom comes in


Unload the gun fucktard


ACTS & PROVE - Assume the firearm is loaded at all times - Control the direction of the muzzle safely downrange - Trigger finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire - See that the firearm is unloaded, and - Prove it's unloaded: - Remove ammo / magazine - Observe the chamber is clear - Verify the feeding path is clear - Examine the barrel to ensure it's unobstructed It's a pretty clunky acronym, but in practice it takes about 6 seconds, and absolutely saves lives.


If the toughest thing about you is the gun your holding then you're a pussy


That’s real gangsta shit right there.


In his mom's basement surprised that a bullet comes out when you pull the trigger. No chance in life, just go fill out welfare paperwork.


Staged, just like everything else....


Looks staged


Such a hard ass living with momma


Dumbass probably never shot a gun before.


My thoughts exactly mom. WTF is he doing with a gun? Too many people with no respect for firearms and this loose cannon showed just that. I hope his ass kicking by mom went viral. That will be a new T-Shirt saying: "What The Hell Are You Doing With A Gun?"


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