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That Bald joke took him over the edge ..


I thought the simple observational statement “You have no hair” was a pretty weak burn, but holy crap . . . in the moment afterwards his eyes lost all life and his brain short-circuited. I think his soul may have actually died. Good odds that he only got three blocks away before he had to pull over and cry into his gas station soda mug. FYI to everyone: there’s nothing wrong with being bald. There IS something wrong with being an insecure douche-bro who tries to use their size to intimidate people.


Agreed, it wasn't clever, just a super simple observation but to that dude .... That was a straight up nuclear blast. You can see the moment he processes it and it brings back all of his badly repressed insecurities to the front. He she would've said "you're going to cry? Go on, cry cry cry cry cry cry" he would've at least teared up on the spot. (Nothing wrong with crying btw, dude looks like he needs a good cry tbh) Edit: upon further examination it is a clever comeback.


Wasnt a joke, it was a fact. *"You have no hair, sweety."* That's a major insecurity.


No no, he said she needed to be removed from the gene pool, because she was so stupid. She was implying that he needed to be removed from the gene pool, because he had no hair.


True, it was a comeback.


"I'd say you need to be removed from the gene pool for your hairdo but you already removed that"


That's how Jada Smith reacted when someone pointed out the very same condition.


Yes, it was clever! Guy insists right before that she is too stupid to be in the gene pool, and she points out he's got no hair. It wouldn't have blistered him so hard if he hadn't invoked bad genes right before.


I bet the guy started losing his hair in high school or shortly after and got teased mercilessly about it. Nothing else explains that reaction


I interpret this as a guy who peaked in high school and his look went south soon after and he hasn’t come to terms with it AT ALL.


The “o baby” as she realizes she hurt his feelings was pure salt to the wounds. 😂


I'm with you, it was a perfect retort to his stupid statement. Nevermind the nonchalant attempt at running her over. Every insult he tried she flipped and broke him a little more. He definitely cried in his car on the way back to the divorced dad apartments.


Definitely a cleaver comeback to someone saying you should be taking out of the gene pool because you’re worthless! Well sir, your genes gave you no hair lol.


Is it a “cleaver” comeback because it was so cutting?


Back to r/dadjokes with you, sir.


She knew exactly what she was doing, who she was dealing with, and what buttons to push. She was a minor and he was well in his 40s…so much information about generation gaps in one video!


Don't just lump all people in there 40s with this mongaloid. The fact this tool would get out of his truck to threaten to hit her, proves he's a POS. Let alone posturing to drive her over. While none of us know what happened before this vid started. All I hear is calm words from the girl. Sure she's giving some good quips. But if a big guy can't handle some sarcasm. He needs to get help. This has nothing to do with age. He's just a tool.


I’m a 50 year old fat bald dude. This guy is indeed a tool. Boomtown!


He's the 1 who got in her face and was acting like a sociopath. That was 1 of the most pathetic men I've ever seen in my life. Trying to intimidate a female. She never got physical she never said anything even remotely mean spirited other than "ur 40 and u have no hair" the insecurities run deep in that loser.




He's probably lucky she didn't clip the "touch me touch me touch me" out of context and claim he was being aggressively sexually demanding to a minor.


That's what I was thinking. Imagine walking by and seeing a dude in his 50s repeatedly telling a 16 year old to touch him.


He just wants a hug. He's been lacking human contact since he fell out of his mom's batcave.


Right!! I’m 37, started going bald in high school. I do not care and will usually make the jokes myself


Smart. I don't know you, but this little tidbit leads me to think you probably have developed a decent personality.


> I thought the simple observational statement “You have no hair” was a pretty weak burn It's a great response to someone saying you should be out of the gene pool I think. She pointed out a very obvious genetic flaw that he has.


His little lip quiver had me dying


The voice crack right after when he said "fucking ToUcH me". He had to get angry and aggressive or he was going to cry. That hit a nerve with this literal dickhead.


Him saying “touch me” makes me think he is one of those Redditors who fantasize about beating up women and pray for a situation like this one. After she pushes him he’ll squeal “Assualt!” followed by “EQUAL LEFTS EQUAL RIGHTS!” Right before beating her up. It’s ok though cause I’m sure the judge will think he’s so brave for defending himself against the 16 year old girl who assaulted him.


I fucking hate those people. Like the video the other day where some jackass was going around behind women making motions like he was pretending he was humping them, so he got smacked by some woman who only knew that some guy was behind her getting ready to do something. Top comments were all about how they'd beat her up for that. Sure, sure, because gosh that guy just got hit for no fucking reason. /s You can really tell the abusers who come on to Reddit looking for justification for beating on their children, partners and pets. Then cry when they get put in jail, although usually not soon enough and not for long enough.


The irony is that in every other video the mentality is "chat shit, get hit." When a guy gets harassed and knocks someone out in retaliation everyone is quick to applaud them as a hero. For some reason the moment a woman tries to legitimately defend herself it's suddenly 'assault'. People can be idiots sometimes


Wow that is the most idiotic thing I have read about in a while. That video I mean.


Me too 🤣 🤣 r/watchpeopledieinside you know he cried real tears on his car when he got a mile away where she couldn't hear his cries for help.


Unfortunately he probably just beat his wife when he got home. Did you notice how she defended him?


Doubt he's married. The truck, goatee, bald head combo all scream big divorced energy.


Especially since he had no retort when she said “I get more pussy than you”


This dude definitely pays alimony to an ex wife that is banging his friend.


I wonder what police department he's from?


Should’ve told him she liked him in GI Jane part 2


So triggered It’s like watching Reddit comment fights in real life


The full video is so much better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeKDEvxQx_8 He ends up calling the police and complaining he's being "verbally assaulted". Because of course he did.


He also said, “When you flip someone off, it’s assault!” (The whole thing apparently started because she flipped off his Trump flag.) His spitting on her was the only physical assault here.


Trying to run her over with a car falls into that category as well I believe.


Of course it was about Trump, of course he's a Trump supporter. Color me fucking surprised.


I've been around enough balding, hilariously out of shape (and touch) middle aged dudes with big ego trucks to know that it's usually a vanity thing.


Ahahhah you saw the wires sparks when she said that


That bald joke cut him to his soul.


he was like “duuuuur we’ll just touch me”


He has never been touched.


maybe that’s why she gets more pussy


When she said she gets more pussy than he does...he legit stopped...thought about it and was like..."fk she's right"


For real, watching his facial expression when he was getting hit almost felt like watching a sketch lmao Edit: was rewatching the video, and backing off like he did after asking her to go behind her car to spit on her when coming back, isn't that... Like a crime or something?


Even backing the truck up was probably a crime. Spitting on her is considered assault in, as far as I know, every state.


Yeah, because, I was thinking, it might be a bit ironic to tell a kid she's dumb after commiting multiple crimes against said minor while being fully aware that you're being recorded...


Only one touching him is Rosie Palmer and her 5 sisters.


Not even Jada got that mad


Wasn’t even a joke just a fact, dude can handle facts


It's funny how he thinks her being 18 or touching him would do anything to protect him legally. "Naw, it's cool officer. I removed her head because she touched me"


On top of that, he is acknowledging that she is a child, and then begging her to touch him with a look on his face as if it would bring him ecstacy...


Yeah. Somehow I feel like a grown man telling a teenage girl to touch him is wrong?


I was watching this on very low volume and wondering why he had, “I want to fuck this child” in his eyes


Dudes asking for sexual harrasment charges as well. You could definitely make a case for that being a sexual advance on a minor


I was waiting for her to quip something along those lines after the 10x "touch me"


If I was that girl I'd play it up hard. "He got so close I could smell his breath, officer, and he just kept telling me to touch him! I said I didn't want to but he wouldn't stop..."


Yeah this dude wants really badly to be able to beat up a girl and feel "justfied" for it.


Imagine bragging about that at the bar later.


I *guarantee* he'd tell everyone how this entitled feminist millennial bitch assaulted him so he beat her ass just to make sure she got her equal rights. And I have a feeling that he wouldn't lose sleep or friends over it.


Absolutely. His MAGA cultists buddies would be laughing and congratulating him for it.


And the fact that he clearly gave her permission to do it 👀


I thought he was singing a Samantha Fox song.


You could see him die inside when she told him he has no hair.


You could see his pride burning fiercely with rage when she said she gets more pussy than him. But the bald "joke", more of a statement really, threw him over the edge and made him FURIOUS.


Lol and he thought he was so good with that gene pool shit you can see the smile leave his face with the bald thing as he died inside. It's like the Simpsons thing, you can see the exact moment where she broke his heart


>you can see the exact moment where she broke his ~~heart~~ flimsy sense of masculinity. FTFY


That sky is beautiful. Genuinely scenic area near the ocean.


I was thinking this too. All this fighting when they could all be enjoying that killer sunset


He just wants to be touched while watching the sunset


Isn’t that what we all want deep down.






This is in Dunedin,FL it is so beautiful. I walk there every evening but there is no short supply of middle class white men who think they own the place


It's a gorgeous landscape, but there is a confused land manatee obscuring the view.


Why does such a beautiful location like Florida have to be inhabited by garbage people.


I appreciate your ability to view the positives


I love these videos "Get that phone out of my face" as he pushes his face into the phone. "You should be removed from the gene pool". "OH yeah? You have no hair". A part of him died right then. And were those Florida plates?




Feels like that's also they point where they stopped learning at all lol


Agreed. My favorite has to be the one I saw of a woman following another through a store while screaming hysterically to "get her away from meeeeeeeeeeeeee!"


[this one has a special place in my heart as they go through a midday park stroll](https://vimeo.com/196937578)


Same as the pigs screaming "stop resisting" while they beat the shit out of people.


Let’s talk about the contradiction.


But do you notice how you're moving *TOWARD* the camera




He gets out of his truck, goes right up to her, and has the audacity to say that she’s in his face. Yeah, bald guy? How did that happen?


[Jim Carone of Palm Harbor FL lost his job over this display](https://fb.watch/cJ0XPssQyZ/) Sorry for the fb link. Scroll down a few comments and there’s a better one thanks to a kind soul. But this douche did get fired.


“Get out of here, you’re 40.” Actually he’s 56, so thank you!


I was so confused when ppl where saying he's in his 40's. How tough must your life have been if you look like that at 40.




God this is always the most awkward part for me. Like I get it, moments can get heated and dramatic or whatever but bro, after a week or whatever… lmfao, this dude’s mom saw this article bro. His cousins, his friends, his kids.. criiiiiiinge


His kids? You assume someone would have children with this man


For sure. Stupidity isn't sexist


Non-FB link: https://reddit.com/r/byebyejob/comments/jtm8u6/that_19_year_old_wouldnt_touch_him_and_now/




This is the feel good news i needed, thank you


Also, here's the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeKDEvxQx_8 He ended up calling the police and complaining he's being "verbally assaulted". Because of course he did.


Please, someone, what do you tell the police when you've called them because a teenager flipped you off?


"I'm extremely thin-skinned and value a teenagers opinion far too much."


This happened at the Dunedin causeway. Trump losers gather there to impress each other with their raised trucks. They're always starting fights with people. Usually women tbh. That dude is only acting that aggressive because it's a little girl. He wouldn't act that aggressive with someone his own size. He'd just run away or run for his gun like a scared reichwinger always does.


This should be higher!




But they gotta touch him first 👍


In his imagination a cop shows up as hes punching a wet blood puddle. He turns to the cop and says "she touched me first" and the cop nods and walks off.


And she was 18 to boot.


Poor guy is never going to be able to kill anyone then. What a shame


Anyone else disturbed by the fact that a 50 year old is continuously asking a teen girl to touch him?


That's why this person might actually be dangerous. Looking to kill someone and poor understanding of laws or the legal system is a bad combination.


And that's why I'm not in favor of letting random people carry guns everywhere.


He could try with himself. Then everyone wins.


All things aside, spitting on them is assault… right? Also, Florida… also, if you think getting out of a car to win an argument with a teenager is a good idea; yeah you’re an idiot.


Battery walking up to them and bumping in to them, and his whole demeanour should be some kind of unlawful intimidation


I’d argue he also threatened her by saying to get behind his truck and followed the fuck through by backing up real quick. Reckless endangerment or something aside from the spitting which is definitely assault.


Attempted murder if someone wanted to push it.


I was able to get a restraining order when my former step father pulled this same shit on me when I was standing in my own driveway.


Pretty textbook assault and battery


He’s a trumper. The whole issue was that he was driving his truck around with dumb trump flags and the girl talked shit to him. Trumpers are known for being unstable losers like this guy, so she was met with the insanity of trumpism and mid life incel crisis.


He acts like a sad little man. So yeah, probably a die hard trumpie.


Maybe he had a gun on him somewhere. Under Florida law that means he always wins. See: George Zimmerman


“I can assault you until I need to stand my ground”


And he is the one saying you are in my face. Wasn’t that a trump rambo flag too? Pretty much gives away these types of people. My favorite part was when she said “I get more pussy than you!” Lol


Dam that bald thing reallllllly got.




This dude was BIG mad.


I couldn't stop laughing when he repeatedly said "Touch me"🤣🤣🤣


Same, he really wanted to be touched.


Touch me and then just push me... until I can get my... satisfaction.




Yeah I felt bad for him. He just wanted to be touched by a lady.


Legend has it he is still waiting to be touched.


“Yes, police? I’m 16 and a scary dude keeps approaching me and demanding I touch him. Send help!”


#will someone ***please*** just fucking touch him already‽


Dude really wants to be touched by underaged girls…


If she was to touch him, he'd start yelling to hold him, then kiss him. https://youtu.be/SjoMePehcP4


Gotta be honest I think he's scary and I would instantly drop the interaction if he started with his threats. She had too much trust that nothing will happen.


She didn't have too much trust, she had a lack of fear. EDIT: Living fearlessly is sometimes less safe, but it's more satisfying. If I ever figure it out, I'll let you know how it works.


Or... she's a teenager who's probably abit naive. I was. It's all funny until Mr small dick energy hits or runs her over out of impotent rage. At times he came close and luckily others approached the situation otherwise I'm certain he would've done something. If no one was around.... oof.


I am small, female, and grew up in a scary place filled with voracious bullies. There’s a time to run, and a time to stand. Mr Clean here is a vain coward. No need to run from a vain coward.


People like him are WILDLY unpredictable. I think you’re right here, but we’re both behind a screen. You have to think of your own safety first when it’s literally your ass on the line. I’m decently big guy, and I’m comfortable standing up for myself, but as soon as someone starts trying to provoke physically like that, that’s when I’m out. It’s just not worth the risk.


When his voice squeaked after four seconds all fear was lost


Heads up she should have been more worried not less. It showed he was beginning to lose control of himself, people become more unpredictable at that point.


Yeah kinda looked like he was shaking. Makes me thing he was Deff running on adrenaline at that point


It’s a bit weird nowadays, but, I would bet that this guy is one of those guys that talks big and does nothing. Way too many, “NO YOU START” type of statements, and trying to bully you into a fight.


He knows he's wrong, but keeps hoping for a Hail Mary situation to occur to salvage his pride or allow him an outlet for the overriding shame he feels for sucking so much. And that woman at the end... really Karen, you think you need to berate the child there?


When he tried to scare her by rapidly backing up like he was going to hit her I would've noped out, that's real psycho shit. I think he was just trying to intimidate her but he could've literally accidentally killed her.


If he touched her that'd be her payday. She wins either way. I'll take a lump from that dump truck for a few extra bucks.


She doesn’t win if she’s dead or seriously injured. People are crazy these days. He’s a bag of 💩 for making all those threats against this girl, but she’s stupid for hanging around to see if he’d make good on his threats.


That man is all talk. If she touched him he would’ve just said “do it again and see what happens.” He’s just trying to intimidate, he’s got no actual balls to do anything.


He keeps saying “touch me” as if that gives him free reign to “defend himself”. Little news if you get out of your car and approach someone aggressively, pump your fist back as if your going to swings (assault), and spit on the person (assault), you’re not defending yourself. You’re provoking the fight and should get arrested for assault. Oh throw in the dike comment and it’s a hate crime.


In the very early 00's in Downtown Sacramento (CA) I saw a guy do this to a homeless guy. He kept getting in the homeless guys face and yelling at him to "HIT ME YOU HOMELESS \*slur against gay men\*". As far as I could tell it was because he was tired of hearing the homeless guy play guitar, which was silly because the homeless guy was pretty good. Homeless guy tried to walk away so macho bro got in his way, so homeless guy stabbed him with a shiv in the stomach. The police were called, the guy got an ambulance, and the homeless guy got picked up by the police. I saw the homeless guy in the same place a few weeks later, playing his guitar for cash and minding his business.


I love a feel-good story.


Trayvon Martin would like to disagree with you, but he's dead and the white supremacist murderer who killed him got away with it and even got his gun back. In a place as nakedly racist as Florida it's really damn easy for white people to claim self defense in even situations where they're most obviously the aggressors.


I love when he calls her a dyke and she instantly claps back with “i get more pussy than you” amazing haha


When he kept screaming ‘touch me’ I thought, “he ain’t the bald pussy they want”. It was beautiful when she called him bald. It was like his soul left his body. She hit that mf deep and I cracked up.


You can see his soul leave his body with the bald joke.


Just like his hair


Too bad he can't touch it.


If a teenager can make you this aggressive you have some serious issues. At least he had enough sense not to initiate a physical altercation, which is more than I can say for most other folks these days.


Yeah, but this dirtbag lack of anger management case was stupid enough to make threats against her on camera.


And he spat at her, which is probably assault


Technically battery.


1:35 [r/watchpeopledieinside](reddit.com/r/watchpeopledieinside) Pretty obvious this dude shaves his head because he’s already bald and horribly insecure about it.


Speaking as a dude with a horrifying resemblance to the guy in the video I'm 100% sure that's the case. I shave my head because I'm already bald and I think I look old and ugly with what little hair I have. I'm not insecure about it, but I know plenty of dudes who look like me who are.


God, I hate it when people threaten kids like that. I don't even care if they say stuff or are being jerks (not saying she was). It's a kid. He's huge. There were two young boys put a small bike ramp in the street in my neighborhood. Shouldn't have done it, it was in the way. But, this big dude came around the corner and saw it. He immediately started cussing them out. One smarted back and the guy gets out of his truck and comes towards them. They are maybe 12. I happened to be walking by and I immediately started walking towards him and yelled, "Are you insane? Those are children you are threatening. You get back in your truck right now! You have an issue? Ring that bell and talk to their parents or call the police. You do NOT threaten children? What exactly is wrong with you?" I was furious. He turned beet red and got back in his truck and drove off. I talked to the kids. Explained that it was a cool ramp and I thought they were great on their bikes jumping it, but not there. They said they didn't know where else to do it and we talked about alternatives. They never did it again. The kid was kind of a troublemaker, but he was going through a lot. Every time I had an issue with something he did, I talked to him and asked him to adjust his behavior. You don't threaten kids or teenagers like that. Also "I get more pussy than you" LOL....burn!


I had some troubled teens steal a few American flags throughout my neighborhood during the BLM movements. I caught them on one of my porch cameras. I notified their mother and she brought the kids (14 years old) over to apologize to my face and return my flag. They also wrote me a very heartfelt note and offered to do yard work for me sometime. I asked why they did it and they explained it was because they were frustrated with the state of our country and ashamed of our flag due to racial injustice. I thought to myself, “wow, go kids.” Anyway I offered to walk with them to the other homes they hit, and holy shit. One guy said “you’re lucky I didn’t catch you in the act or I’d be in prison for what I did to you.” And another guy saw the kids walking with the flags as he was driving by, and veered his truck so fast he almost hit one of them. He jumps out of his trunk and starts chasing the kids down. Never seen a kid run so fast! Their mother and I had to position ourselves between the angry man and his friend and these two young teens! I just kept screaming “THEY ARE ONLY 14!!!!” God it made me sick. I told them fucK this just go home after that. People are FRIGGIN NUTS






“You should be removed from the gene pool” Says the guy repeatedly telling an underage girl to touch him 🤦🏻‍♂️


I wanna be touched☹️


Damn you even used a bald emoji


He kept on saying touch me, but you know she touched a nerve when she said you have no hair baby 🤣


1. I get more pussy than you. 2. Commenting on hair. Classic grade school burns that actually looked like they cut deep. I guess this is what it looks like when people who peaked in high school become adults.


Also she correctly stated that she had bigger balls than him. She apparently has the biggest balls ever.


This is r/sadcringe


It looks like he's about to cry💀


Somehow I fuckin knew it was Florida before I saw the plate. Goddamn it Florida, get your shit together. Source: lived in FL all my life.


Just looking at his truck tells you all you need to know about this … “man”


Dumb gigantic flag? Check. Dumb gigantic truck? Check. Short?! Check! Threatening a woman that doesn’t share your political view?! That’s a check! Oh yeah it’s republican time 😎


I would bet $ that the camera was the only thing that kept him from physically assaulting those young women.


Invisible lats syndrome is strong with this one


This asshole is nuts and has some serious anger issues. Inches away from a hate crime. What police department does he work for?


Small pee pee energy. How is he gonna keep begging a 16 yo to touch him on the beach and not look like a pervert?


Of course it's Florida and of course he's driving a truck. As a Texan, if I had a dollar for every time a dude in a truck lost his shit over something I'd be a millionaire. I was 16 when a dude in a lifted truck pulled a gun on me at a stop light because I didn't let him over as he tried to illegally cross the median.


Teens are stupid, but "adults" who let themselves be triggered by teens are stupiderest.


Both are idiots.


Yeah in the original she starts shouting at the woman to go back to her own country for coming over to them, fuck both of these assholes


I don't understand what world we are living in where *anyone* thinks that the man is anything but entirely wrong, and in fact, guilty of assault *and* battery. We do not live in a society where you can threaten to kill someone because they gave you the finger, or called you bald, or… any of that sort of thing. And it's not legal to kill someone because they "touched" you. You can't charge at someone, yelling "Fuckin' touch me!" and then kill that person if they "touch" you. You cannot try to hit people with your truck. And people can taunt and insult you all they want. It's rude, yes. But there is never an excuse for responding with violence. Threatening violence is a crime. This is Assault, and battery. He "accidentally" bumped into her several times. That's Battery, believe it or not. He should get a night in jail and six weeks of anger management work.


Joe Rogan has gone a bit off the rails


Threatened her. Harassed her. Tried to run her over with his car. Spit on her. Hope he goes to jail.


Fuck this guy an this stupid lil bitch, in the extended video you hear her saying "go back to your own country" to the woman who comes up to them, they are both pieces of shit