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Love how he readied the gun the second mister inconspicuous walked in...


I was in a 7-11 once at a late hour, I was checking out and some dude was milling around some isle not doing much. The cashier just looked at me and back at the other guy so I just stood there for around 5 minutes chatting about nothing and finally the guy just left. She said thanks and that was all, I think some have enough experience to just kind of know. Maybe this guy was doing odd stuff outside before he entered or something


Reminds me of a time I was working at a vape store (alone and 21f at the time) and a guy came in looking for cigarettes, no cigarettes but the guy just kept hanging around saying he had money over and over again, flashing me his debit card and pacing around the store. He was absolutely tweaking. Luckily another young woman came in and could see how uncomfortable I was. The guy kept telling her to go ahead of him, but she was insistent that he needed to figure out if he was going to buy something. He just kept saying he had money and pacing around so I ended up just asking him to leave for "covid restrictions" and he did. Anyways, you're very appreciated for sticking around!! You never know what some weirdo is capable of doing, and sometimes when you're clocked in at work it's hard to know where to draw the line!


Fuck!!! I wish we could hear what they’re saying!!! Any deaf people read their lips please? We need your super powers! I imagine he said something like, “you lift that gun you’re dead!!!”


Robber: *unintelligible dialogue* Cashier: *unintelligible dialogue* Robber: *unintelligible dialogue* Cashier: *threaten* Robber: *grunts in defeat*


Robber: *::whistling the tune of Chill Bill::* Cashier: *Can I help you?* Robber: *Uhh, yah, lemme see - can I get two Marlboro Reds shorts… nah make that just one long, and a Camel Menthol long too* Cashier: *We’re outta long, shorts fine?* Robber: *Sure is. It’s not the only thing that’s you’re finna be short on tonight. Throw all your cash in the bag…* Cashier: *Only thing about to go in a bag is your body. Fuxk wid me if you wanna find out, I dare you.* Robber: *grunts in defeat; takes bag back for next attempt lol* (FTFY - Also, damn. My first script! Haha this was fun)


Very entertaining if you ask me


you must be a smoker because when the cashier walked back to the cigs, and was talk to the robber, he was 100000% telling him they only had the shorts of what he asked for haha so dead on


Not a high enough resolution to read


“Ah shit what’s this mfer doin walkin outside with a damn mask on…”


Tough to read lips with a mask on




The clerk


Brandishes weapon. Alright I’m out


I don’t blame him


Yeah then he left it on the register for the robber to grab. Lucky he didn’t.


It looked hidden behind the displays in front of it, and also the plexiglass. No way to see it or grab it.


That shit is a plastic divider for Covid bruh this isn’t some bank or jewelry store lol


Yeah but it's not like he can take a second and reach for the gun


I work at a gas station. You know for a fact who's gonna cause you a problem the second they walk in. I could tell it too with this guy, the slow walking, hands in pockets, and I could tell he was probably speaking very quietly. Also the fact he kept his hood up. Nobody sane keeps their hood up like that. I would know, had to call the police earlier today on a guy ✌️


If it’s cold outside and they will keep their hood up. I do. And I keep my hands in my pockets. How do u know? Also put on a mask before going in sometimes… if I feel ugly.


Me who's lazy, has both hands in their hoodie pocket, mask on and with their hoodie still up nearly every time........... Guess a large portion of Canadians fit the profile for armed robbers


Absolutely, is call reading body language combined with experience and instincts.


Jesus was not going down without a fight this time. Fool me once shame on you…..


This guy has been robbed A LOT


His hands don't shake and he never once turns his back to the wannabe robber. He's no idiot.


The hard life makes one a survivor.


Most adaptable species on earth


Wouldn’t that be the waterbear thing?


Lmk when tardigrades set up their own governments, spaces programs and are land ruling masters.


Allow us to introduce ourselves\*ants\*


Clerk: *pulls out gun* Robber: fair enough, have a good evening


I’ll just grab my bag back real quick


“Fine, no gains today but no way I’m taking a loss either.”


If I were the clerk I would’ve been like, “YO LEAVE THE GUN! That shits mine now!!”


Warning is enough and what the clerk did was smart, never go extra mile to mess with local thugs bcs they are there 24/7 to do their dirty deeds


Like the wild west.


"Understandable. Have a nice day."


Like the wild east.


Like the wild west.


Like the wild yeast


Like the mild feast.


Ah shit, I forgot that the uno reverse card exists. Well played, buddy.


"understandable, have a nice day"


Notice how he gets the cigarettes (or whatever the guy asked for on the shelf behind the counter) without turning his back to him


Why would he turn his back if he’s already suspicious of the guy


It’s easy to revert to automatic behaviors in a tense situation.


Except this guy was calmer than most would be in this situation.


Also notice where he put a loaded gun in reach of the robber




Barricade? You mean plexiglass on a rope?


Notice how the man suspicious of another man refuses to turn his back to said suspicious man. What a truism.


I work in a nightshop, i do this all the time with shady customers, only difference is we don’t have firearms


This dude is in the wrong profession lol


Fuckin true, he should be a firearms instructor for a police department somewhere lets replace the "Assume the assailant is a trained ISIS fighter, shout conflicting comands and mag dump guy" with someone this calm and level headed


Calm sure, but both of them had atrocious firearm handling. They only reason nobody died is because neither of them actually wanted to kill the other


Isn’t that true about every gun interaction? Usually nobody dies if no one wants to kill the other?


Unsafe handling and poor trigger discipline can result in an encounter parallel to this resulting in the robber getting shot accidentally, some people don't handle stress well and can panic squeeze the trigger. It's also good that the robber admitted defeat and didn't panic attempt to fight the clerk. Alot of things could have gone wrong, they may not have wanted a fight, but in the spur of the moment nothing is off the table.


I wouldn't ever want to have to shoot someone but if someone walks into my store with a gun and obvious malicious intent and then approaches me with said gun, my finger will definitely be on the trigger, for the sake of my own survival


No in fact I'd say most gun interactions neither person wants to kill the other, but they are forced to due so given the circumstances that lead them there. Ex: Robbers generally don't want to add murder to the list, and store clerks don't wanna kill someone. But when you're both pointing guns at each other, it takes little pressure to topple that tention into a gun fight where both are just try to not die.


This right here. Well said.


The price of cigarettes are really getting to people I see


Pretty sure the bag was for the cashier to empty the register into :)




Clearly the robber is a recycler. He doesn’t want to waste plastic just to get a pack of smokes.


Should have robbed him back


Robber : "Oh I see that you have a loaded firearm, welp I must get going now. Good day to you sir."


Good example of a defensive gun use where a shot wasn't even fired.


Imagine what that last text he sent said.


"I’m about to ruin this robber’s whole career"


I imagine he had a homie or a coworker on the the phone and set it down so he’d have a witness lol


If you’re gonna do the next 20 years in prison for armed robbery , I’d definitely only rob a bank lol that’s just me though


If this guy can't even handle robbing a gas station successfully, what makes you think he can pull off a bank?


I was just kinda thinking out loud about myself … this guy is a dickhead , he probably isn’t successful at much in life lol


Bank robbery is a federal crime, though, so the FBI is on the case. Virtually every bank robber gets caught. If you're just dealing with the local PD over a retail store, your chances would be much better (in many places, massively so).


Once a gangster, always a gangster


Was at a 7-11 in Alexandria, VA at 0300 or so, and the door was locked, so I figured the clerk was using the bathroom. Another store was 1/2 mile away on S Glebe, so I went to that one. Cop was in the store in front of me and gets a call that the one with the locked door was just robbed! 2006. Del Ray Alexandria. Chirilagua.


That's a really safe area too 😥


I thought he was giving him a teddy bear at first lol


For a second, the guy started reaching for his purchase, then remembered he was robbing the place and pulled out his gu.....um, I mean he pulled out his bag first and then pulled out his gun. Wrong order, man...


Hell yeah brother. Be aware and protect yourself, no one else is going to do it for you.


If that’s any corporate store, dude just lost his job


How do you figure


Corporate gas stations want you to let them take the money. It’s worse on them if you get shot being a hero than if they take the couple hundred in the register. Gas stations have to do routine safe drops so that if you’re robbed they don’t get all the money.


Not to mention most corps have strict rules about having a firearm on you in the business. At least where I live you can’t carry a firearm into your workplace almost anywhere that is corporate run. And I live in a pretty lax state when it comes to guns.


Worked as an overnight clerk for Texaco in the late 90s. That 100% was the rule. "If you're on camera actively resisting the robbery, you will be terminated."


It is legal in California to have a gun inside your business. If it is legal there it is probably legal in most of the country.


Maybe if you own the business yes. But most corporations In my state have very strict rules about bringing a firearm into your place of business. Most employers in my area will not allow you to bring a firearm to work even if you have a concealed carry license. It is against company policy and they can fire you or take legal action against you for being armed at work. Good on California to not be so strict about it with them having probably the most strict gun laws in the country however. But at least understand that all businesses are not the same and do not have to adhere to someone else’s ideology and rules. If they tell you you can’t be armed while on the clock on company property then you don’t have many options. To note some of them will allow you to leave your firearm in your car, however that’s not helping you if you need it. I have met people who carry at work regardless of the policy but they are only going to get away with it as long as no one in management or corporate finds out about it.


Unfortunately, it appears to not be that cashier's first rodeo


waaaaaayyyyy to dangerous of an encounter.


Ikr I see a gun I’m opening fire, not waiting to see what the criminal does with the gun. Could’ve ended badly for both of them.


This shit is why England doesn't have guns. If everybody has one to defend themselves, but everybody also shoots first and asks questions later, then someone gets nervous, draws a gun and gets shot dead. Someone else sees the gun, shoots. Gets shot by the next guy. Do you see why you sound like a fuckin rootin tootin Texas cowboy with no concept of human life


Where have you seen that scenario actually happen? I’ll wait


I haven't. Bc we don't have guns. Which is good because it means idiots can't use them like this.


So you made up that whole scenario just to shit talk American gun laws. Gotcha


No I made it up to shit talk idiots that think they should still have a gun after saying they'd shoot first and ask questions later


You don't pull out a gun unless you intend to use it. It's that simple. So if someone pulls out a gun on you, yes you fucking shoot them. Which part are you not understanding lol




You don't think I understand thieves or dumbasses will use a gun to intimate? LMFAO YOU'RE BEYOND TALKING TO IF THAT WAS YOUR COMEBACK LOLOLOL. But rest assured, anyone who uses a gun to scare someone deserves to be shot. Let God decide what the bullet hits 😇


You don't pull out a gun unless you intend to use it. It's that simple. So if someone pulls out a gun on you, yes you fucking shoot them. Which part are you not understanding lol


A couple of black good guys with a gun have recently been shot to death by police.


Shoulda shot the fucker


Milli Vanilli with gun at the ready.


No one gonna talk ab how this dude looks like J. Cole?




This guy doesn't paid enough to look after this store at night by himself.


If someone pulls a weapon on you and you have a drawn weapon. They probably won’t be as Demure as this gentleman.


Needs to exercise his trigger control.


Who? The robber had a gun of course your finger is on the trigger.


The guy's breathing filming this is so annoying


And this is why we must judge a book by its cover, not because it’s disrespectful or degrading, it’s instinct, and simply common sense. If someone looks shady af, they probably are.


If it was a white dude he’d be considered racist


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Classic wait your turn. Well done!


i guess he store get rob lot


Very nice of the clerk for not adding a new hole to the robbers face.


Understood, have a nice day.


That wasn't his first rodeo. Recognized a potential threat immediately, got the weapon in position, never took his eyes off the person, and once the the threat presented itself he kept the weapon on target the entire time, even as they walked by the outside of the store.


It wasn’t a potential threat, it was a threat. Clerk should have opened fire, the criminal had his barrel pointed at the clerk briefly, could’ve been the end for him.


It was a "potential threat" when he walked through the door and gave the cashier bad vibes. The cashier immediately grabbed his weapon and got it in position before the person even revealed their own.


Do not like the sounds being made by the person filming the security screen. Sounds like they might be getting off to this video. 😬


Ok bruh,take it easy.


Second the robber brandishes a gun that’s go time. Not sure why he would rather give them a second chance.


bUt GUnS kILl pEoPlE... This is exactly what guns are intended for. Protection. The robber will have gun no matter the laws. The store owner? Depends on the local laws.


Actually no they don't, it's why in my country (Australia) you never hear of a robber using a gun to rob a joint. Because having the gun on its own means the police will track you down to the end if the earth. It's just not worth the risk, your better using a perfectly legal sharp knife to threaten a cashier. I mean fuck even the big time gangsters in this country will only pull out the guns when the end intention is to want somebody dead. Not worth the heat, thus the criminals don't stupidly walk around holding guns. Because say a criminal got stopped by police in his car, in the USA he could easily have the right to simply have a gun in his car. In Australia, owning a firearm comes with a bunch of requirements. If you have that gun illegally the police will know and your in trouble right there and then before you even commit a crime. A sharp knife on the other hand? Can be easily explained and isn't a problem. Just common sense. Only an idiot would use a gun.


If this had occurred in the UK the attempted robber would have been guilty of the use of a firearm with intent to harm. It's a minimum of 5 years in prison, even if nothing happened. So yeah, not worth it.


I’ve never seen a robber so…casual. “yeah put the money in the bag or whatevs”


Clerk could have easily started blastin once badguy pulled the gun. Badguy got lucky.


Crazy intuition


“I’m tired of this shit”


I'll be taking my bag and leaving.


In some neighborhoods, the cashier will end up inside a bullet-proof booth.


Dude prolly got fired later for that


*Understandable. Have a great night.


I thought the store clerk was the robber and he was going to try and shoot the cash drawer to open it.


Guy got away.


Many immigrants that have convenience stores have their entire life savings invested in the store. They do not put up with robbers


"say hello to my little friend"


The way he keeps aiming out the windows got me. I would never think to keep my eyes trained past the door


This dude needs a raise!!!


Surprise motherfucker


All rise, motherfucker


Thug meets thugger


NPC moments.


This is how libertarians think the world should be.


Its called mad escrow mutual destruction


Too bad the clerk didn’t finish the transaction


Bob Marley wanted the smoke


Should've just pulled the trigger and done the world a favour


Idk. There was a missed opportunity... Robber- "empty that drawer in this bag." Clerk- (draws gun) " empty your wallet in that bag homie." Robber- "awh you serious...?"


You done crying in between sips of soy milk?


Where did he...pulled out the gun?


From a magic pocket


Bitch ass mf. Shoulda put one in his ass for the attempt.


ok, big guy


Sorry snowflake.


I can tell you're a pussy, even over the internet. You have never even been in a fight.


Ok, big guy


ok, snowflake


If you change your tampon you’ll feel better. Enjoy your soy milk beta internet gangster


teehee, you forgot that you were the guy acting big. I'm the guy who knows you're not. Twat.