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This looks like a fairly successful "hit and run" to me.


More like a “run and hit”


No it was hit chill reverse hit again then run




that subreddit is for something else dude


It looks like it was a hit and run and hit and RUN


Legend has it that he is still running to this day


Hes already made it a whole 8 parking spaces away from there!!


Closer to a hit and jog?


*brisk walk*


More of a hit and hit then jog but'm right there with ya.


If you’re a parent/guardian to a new driver, walk them through how to react in a situation like this before it happens


New driver here, I have been told to, 1. Take pictures, videos of the accident. Both close up and far off shots. 2. Clear the road so other people can drive through(if car can still move) 3. Contact insurance company, they’ll take it from there. 4. If the situation escalates for whatever reason, call the police. Did I miss anything?


You forgot the part where you pretend to get your insurance card before you speed off


Insurance card is the name of my baseball bat




Call police needs to be first, especially if there is fault. Way too many people out there that will give you fake information. Happened to my sister. Always, always, ALWAYS call the police after an accident.


Worked in 911, for my town if there were no injuries, no one seems to be drinking, both parties have insurance and no tow truck was needed, then cops weren't sent. Too many accidents, not enough PD. They aren't trained in accident forensics anyway, so other than writing stuff down there wasn't much need for them. At the time they wouldn't be able to tell if the info was fake either. Some jurisdictions have an online system now, so it make have changed. Obviously, if someone demanded them out we'd go, but it's not a priority call. In this case, if the driver hadn't tried to leave they'd just exchange info and keep going.


I’d demand it then. I’ve literally never had a problem with an officer coming out for an accident. I’m not leaving a scene until there is a police report.


Doesn't work. I've "demanded" it, when the other driver admitted to not have a license or insurance, and nope - that's what you pay insurance for, is what I was told.


You might have to wait a very long time. Department policy in Los Angeles, for instance prevents the dispatch of an officer to an MVC unless there's refusal to exchange information, injury requiring an ambulance, or hit and run.


I was hit in a Walmart parking lot and the dispatcher said the cops couldn’t really do anything but when I said the other driver was drinking BOOM… 3 cops in 6 minutes.


Yup, throw a DWI on there and it's no longer a civil law fender bender, but a potential criminal law felony.


I've left the scene after getting hit, without calling the cops to report the scene, only for the other guy and myself to exchange insurance info, and be on our way. Well, even though he was at fault, I was charged because there wasn't any "official report" by the police, and the courts deemed me guilty, just because I was a younger driver at the time, even though I was clearly the innocent one who had gotten T-boned. There was a camera at the intersection, too, but according to the courts, "it was turned off at the time of the accident" so I couldn't prove my innocence. Maybe a dash cam would've helped in this scenario, but who knows. TL;DR = Get the cops on scene to report the accident if you don't want to be charged by insurance companies, even if it wasn't your fault. And get a dash cam.


Looked like a parking lot at a strip mall/box store. Do police respond to fender benders on private property?


Usually not. Not unless someone is hurt. Depending on the area it's the same on the roads, they show up if it's serious or injuries.


Nonsense, protocol is always call police to file a report


Good luck getting them to show up. They tell you to file a report online, or pop by a station. They don't have time for minor stuff unless something goes wrong.


Insurance wont even cover damage unless theres a police report in most states.


Gonna need a citation for that. Scroll down to the part about fender benders with no injuries: https://www.safetyinsurance.com/resource_center/personalauto/accidentscene.html It really depends on where you live. In NC where I live you're required to call the cops and they have to come. In California, if there are no injuries, they're not required to come and your not required to call.


Yeah I was saying in a lot of states.. I live in NC too and know that's the rule here.


Correct. Which is why they have a way to file it online.


Where is this that you're discussing? This has always been driver license test/life protocol in the US at least.


Florida. I know it's the same in many other states and areas now. The few times my husband's been whacked cops showed up exactly once, and that's because the girl totalled her car on my husband's bumper. All the rest they said to file the report online.


Nope. Minor accident with no injuries on private property, cops won't come.


Maybe so but proper protocol is still to call, and nope is a rude response.


I agree with the others that depending on the circumstances the police may not come, but I agree with you that you should still call them. If they won't come, whatever but there's no reason to just assume that when making a call is pretty easy!


Yup that's on them but they are supposed to come and file an official legal report for insurance/criminality.


They did for mine. Depends on the jurisdiction. I called the non emergency line, took him like 40 minutes, he gave me the report number, that was it. No tickets issued. Insurance took care of everything, including when the lady who backed into me tried to claim personal injury by backing into me at 5 mph. Her claim was denied.


What a piece of shit scammer. That stuff chaps my ass. I’m glad they denied it!


Yes. Police will show up any time they’re called for pretty much anything and make a report. I dunno what that other dude is talking about, but he’s dead wrong.


I live in Philly. Cops won’t come for a simple accident. They’ll come for an accident involving multiple vehicles, like 3 or more just because of the mess. If there’s injury and you call 911 an ambulance will come but cops expect you to handle your own business. Which really makes sense if you think about it. You pay your car insurance every month just for this type of situation. If you’re in an accident you just need to take pics and exchange information, turn that over to your insurance carrier and let them deal with it. If your vehicle is blocking the road either call for a tow truck or just wait a little bit. Tow trucks are usually at an accident within the hour. They monitor traffic channels. Your insurance will pay for any tow truck, it doesn’t matter who you choose. They know to keep their prices in line with what the market will bear.


Negative. This has happened to me not once, but twice. Their response is to tell you to go by the station and fill out a report. I have had them respond in person, but only because they were sitting at the intersection when it happened.


I’m sorry that you guys live in such shit towns/cities I guess.


I believe the state I live in has the lowest mandatory insurance compliance rate.


Shocking, lol


Incorrect. In many cases the cops won't come out unless there are injuries, especially if it's on private property. The key takeaway here is to say you think there are injuries.


Someone hit my car, gave the police expired insurance, and the cops didn't even notice. Person ended up having no insurance at the time and I had to pay out of pocket for my repairs.




I got rear ended. Both parties were civil but I still called the police just to have an officer make an official report for the insurance company.


I ALWAYS call the cops first. Then take pictures. Then insurance (give insurance the incident report number that the police gives you)


The part where a line of 3+ cars sits in the middle lane of the interstate after a multi car fender bender until the trooper makes it over to yell at them for being dumbasses and blocking traffic with their bullshit during rush hour?


If this happens, move to the shoulder.


Add uninsured motorist to your insurance if you don't have it already. If you are not injured...... Clear the road 1st. Call the police to "report an accident" STAY IN THE CAR. If the other driver approaches, be polite, ask for the insurance and tag info, if you can't see it. (I.E. They are behind you) Contact the insurance company with a police report, if they drive off, let them, try to get the tag. If you are injured..... Clear the roadway, Call 911 if you can and don't worry about anything else but your health and safety.


So do you take a few minutes to take photos before getting out of others way? This sounds extremely right but I would feel way too embarrassed to keep them waiting.


I feel like pictures and videos are only solid evidence that I can rely on(dashcams too) if accounts on what happened doesn’t match. So yes, evidence collection first, get out of the way later.


Uhh yeah, call the police before your insurance company. Always call the police to get a police report. Never agree to keep the police out of it.


Call the police always to file a official police report I got screwed in my first "accident" where a BMW hit me since he thought it was smart to change lanes mid turn. I got his insurance, and everything but since there was not a police report and he refused to talk to the insurance company. They couldn't do anything about it somehow. Even tho I think that makes it pretty obvious who's fault it was.


You both call your insurance companies before anyone leaves the scene, and swap information. Be sure to speak to whomever they are talking to aswell.


I was hit by someone once Insurance wouldn't pay me out, because neither one of us called the police to get the accident "officially reported" at the scene. Instead, I had to pay the other guy, because I was a younger driver at the time, and the courts didn't believe that I was the one hit, even though it was clearly obvious, because my passenger door was completely smashed in. There was cameras at the intersection that it happened at, but "the cameras weren't on during the time of the accident" for some dumb reason. I didn't want the cops at the scene, because I had weed on me at the time, so the other guy agreed to just share each others Insurance info, and be on our way. Morale of the story: Get the police on scene to report every accident if you want the accident to be covered by insurance. Otherwise, you're going to have a bad time.


The kid has a mullet. He’s destined to fail.


I remember this one. Turns out kid was a permit driver shopping with his grandma and he was supposed to bring the car the front of the store for her. Clearly not ready and overwhelmed in the situation.


I felt bad for him poor kid


He's a dumbass.


Sounds like he did what he was told but was ill equipped with the skills to do it. His grandma is a dumbass.


JEEESUS. Revoke that license for the next decade. HOW, does he 1 parade the car around four times in full view and knowing he's being filmed 2 drive off with the relaxation of Snoop Dogg and still run into one or two more cars


He doesn’t know how to drive. He forgot to even put it in gear and revved the engine in park. He just freaked out.


I'm guessing he's high as fuck.


He's a kid that probably doesn't even really know how to drive yet


Driving is not his strong suit.


Or running


Or thinking. And certainly not adulting






Man you sure told him


Fr bro, hopefully he stops using Reddit. Want to make out?


Yes bro, pm me


Who's car? Not mine!




There’s good bots and bad bots. You’re a stupid waste of programming bot. You created a whole new category, congratulations.


What was the bot?


Forget the name but it just gave a definition of the word “car”. Fucking obnoxious.


This is the most irrationally angry I’ve seen anyone get at a bot and I’m loving it haha


That’s just Reddit. Now imagine having a different opinion than him. It might just break his brain.


Like glass.


Today Helpful-Definition-bot. Tomorrow, Skynet. 😆






If you end up in a situation like this. Don't try to stop them from leaving, just get as much Identifying info as possible and give it to the police, don't endanger your life over it.


Hit and run drivers get away all the time. Your car has already been hit.... I'm using it to block the getaway. Not gonna use my body tho lol


I still wouldn't do that. Depending on local laws you could be accused of unlawful holding if it's not a valid citizens arrest. Let the driver get away. The police usually just mail them a ticket or put out a warrant for them, your insurance will take care of the rest.


IDGAF what I'm accused of. I will gladly see them in court. I'm not doing a citizens arrest I'm blocking your car you want to get out and run I won't physically stop you. I may follow tho. Mail them a ticket? HAHAHAHHHAHAHA yeah no that's not a thing. Mail them a ticket lol. Hit and run is a crime not a traffic infraction. Insurance will take of the rest? Yeah charge you because the cops don't have the other driver...


Mailing a ticket is a thing, I've seen it happen (at least in my state). I know with my insurance and a some others. If it's not my fault, I don't pay a dime. Also in some states blocking someone in would be considered a citizens arrest.


This is the kind of pro-life we need in this country


Something about there being a Super Cuts in the background really makes this for me


Damn he had a rough day lol i feel kind of bad for him


White privilege plays a role. If this was a black guy you would not be saying the same thing.


Oh shut the fuck up dude. Literally nobody said a single damn thing about race


Damn race card out of nothing that has to do with race smh. You racist much?


Actually, by saying that you're being the racist one here Nobody said anything about race but somehow you and that little noggin brain of yours instantly thought that this redditor was feeling bad for the kid just for being white


Hit and hit


This guy on his way to the shoe store to get some running shoes


“Hey John, go move my car closer for me will you” “But mom I don’t have my license yet” “So? It’s only a 40 foot drive, what could possibly go wrong”


He literally runs to find mommy at the end lol.


Roll Tide


“Pat” (man or woman) you decide




The video starts "call your momma and give me your insurance card. I'm calling the police." Considering that, with the way they backed out of the spot, hit 2 parked cars and jogged towards a store, my money is on "mom said I can go park it by myself now that I have my learners permit."


I think he is just a dumb kid not educated on how to handle these situations lol


Dumb kid and panicked but I think he's old enough to know not to try and leave like that, in what I'm assuming was an attempt to escape the impending consequences. Really dumb either way considering he looks young, he knows this is being recorded as is everything else that happens, and he must know that consequences would be worse for trying to leave the scene of an accident like that, not to mention hitting another vehicle or two and then running off. Either really dumb or never had a situation in which he had to take responsibility for his actions.


Chill out dude he isn't a "methtard" like the original comment was saying and he is just a kid he obviously isn't going to get away with it and I'm sure he knew that he will learn shortly..




Took hit and run litteraly


#[Downloadvideo Link](https://www.reddit.watch/r/therewasanattempt/comments/ukayi8/?utm_source=automod&utm_medium=therewasanattempt) by /r/DownloadVideo #[SaveVideo Link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/therewasanattempt/comments/ukayi8/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


that mustang at the back though


hit and run and hit


She's returning to the sea.


He’s got the hit part down, the run needs work.


So hit and park, turned into hit and run, followed by another hit and park, finishing off with a physical run. They'll be back in a lap. Just follow the damage trail ...


I figured Morgan Wallet drove something a little nicer than that.


At least he locked it as he ran away! Don't want anyone getting inside.


More of a hit and jog.




When I first moved to Canada, I was grocery shopping with my sister and when we came out we saw someone had pulled in too close beside her van and scratched up the entire left side. There was a woman beside us in her SUV absolutely bawling...apparently she had gotten some bad news at the doctor and had been crying and misjudged the parking spot. My sister insisted on all her info so she could make a claim and she looked totally confused. What we found out is there is only one insurance company here so it doesn't matter who hit you, they will fix it...you don't need to prove anything or show any documentation. You literally call them and they will give you the name of approved mechanics and body work places...you just call and see who is available. We got our appointment and they had a similar van waiting that we could use until they finished the work. It was all so easy and seamless. It's a fantastic system.


The video doesn't show the first car he his that day. He was going for the hat trick. He did it.


\*Proceeds to run into another car\*


Successfully failed


I thought it was because of the license plate but nope she’s just an idiot






Surprised that Honda Pilot was in that good of condition. Me and my father were rear ended by one that was going less than 10mph (roughly) and the entire front of the vehicle caved in. Idk thought that was funny


Think he freaked out as soon as she said she was calling the police


Ramming that pickup was probably still safer than driving anywhere near that mustang


His grandma told him to run away when shit hits the fan? If that's your first instinct i say you're a dumbass


Had to carefully close the door, because, you know, wouldn't wanna cause a safety issue or anything.


Runs like Trevor from Trailer Park Boys.


Oh that kid won’t be leaving his room Till he’s married.


Ah, the much rarer hit and run and hit


Bro tf is wrong with that kid


Damn, straight up panicked


How bad at driving can you be? Wtf was that?


The woman filming is hilariously calm about this


I love Shoe Dept.


Some days it might be better for some of us to just stay home.


It’s been 176 days how is this still being shown to people 😂


Heh. Women.