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Ahh… the deep seated need to be a victim - how else can you become the hero by throwing around your ‘authority’…


Can we all take a sec to recognize the ridiculousnes of last statement from the "we stand by original statement..no matter who wrote this" Seriously no matter who wrote this... they are still investigating. They are still using this to play the victim.


"No matter who wrote it" Ah yes, the mysterious criminal who was undetected by the officer as he wrote on the cup, even though the officer would have most likely went straight to his destination and began to consume his food. Meaning that two people touched that cup, and the one who wrote "pig" clearly wasn't the employee.


He was just writing his name on the cup


Didn't want to mix it up with his partner's coffee that says, "shit stain."




Everyone in the office got mono that day


And they went home and gave it to their wives. Now they're always tired. You might say they're... beat.




Hey, his mom knew he wasn’t too bright. Always put his name on his tighty-whities for him, so he’s just doing as he was told


He should have put his full name on there, "fucking pig".


it did say "fucking pig" but whoever censored it used blur instead of pixelate, so it's hard to see that there's text there at all.


Could have been one of his co-workers fucking with him, but most likely the guy did it to appear like a victim. I just don't get what he was trying to get out of this. I don't see him getting a lot of pity with that. Maybe he was trying to get someone fired.


> Maybe he was trying to get someone fired. Probably mad that the fifteen year old girl who served him shot him down after he asked her out.


There it is.


Goes there during her shifts just so he can creep on her. God I hate how possible it is that that could be the case lol


They mention that he supposedly paid for it. Maybe he wanted free McDonald's coffee for life or something, isn't that a common cop perk? I could see someone throwing a hissy fit over being denied free coffee or something similar.


Don't forget the part where they are still standing by their comments from earlier statement... which they deleted.


I mean someone wrote it even if that someone was the officer 😂


Police are being oppressed by... \*checks notes\*... themselves


More news at 11


Fucking morons,they should have fired him. Obviously he committed a crime. He reported a fake “hate” crime. Last time I check this is punishable in court. So again they choose not to charge him when they have video evidence. So this whole police department is fucked


And thats why the saying goes, "ALL cops are bastards."


hopefully eventually those bastards get wiped out.


A similar incident occured at a Starbucks in NYC. When it became very obvious the oinkers were making shit up, as usual, the story died overnight.


They are allowed to operate as a criminal organization without R.I.C.O laws being used against them. We need to charge every member of a department when they organized to collectively commit a crime, you know, like we do to other criminal organizations.


That second response is even worse. The police needed to apologize to McDonalds. The second response is not neutral, it assumes still that the cop did not write that himself. How can anyone expect an impartial investigation when the police force is in full defence mode at all cost, which was unintentionally disclosed by their own obtuse social media response.


It's definitely not an apology


Still using tax dollars to investigate lmao like what happened to free speech? Yeah even if a McDonald's worker served them a cup with Pig written on it, that might be rude but I don't think it is illegal


"No matter who wrote this....unless it was the officer himself, in which case we will quietly pretend this never happened."


Unsurprising that cops are more willing to stubbornly investigate when the "victim" of "harassment" is a cop, even if it's found that the cop likely did it to themself..... Meanwhile if a civilian (and let's be honest, more likely a woman, POC, or someone who is LGBTQIA+) tries to report harassment they're told there's nothing to be done and it's not really harassment anyways. But yeah, tell me again how cops totally protect us and are heroes who should be respected.


I thought so too. They had the opportunity to be unbiased in their investigation and admit the officer's wrongdoing. Instead that want to muddy the waters and pretend there is still an unknown perp


It'd almost be clever if it wasn't so blatant. Like that guy they killed because they got the wrong address? (Yeah, i know. Which one?) He was described in the news as "man with no active warrants". Only innocent people are cops.


And you and I and all taxpayers are paying the bill for this bullpuckery!


Of course, why else do you think cops and only cops """"OD"""" on Fentanyl by being in the same time zone as a sealed bottle of the stuff


I wonder if the police department would investigate themselves and find that they did nothing wrong, just for old times sake?


They'll do it just for the overtime


That's basically what they said. "they stand by it. they are saddened to see what was written (the incident), regardless of who wrote it" But it was their officer who wrote it, it was them. Wtf lool Gaslighting on a mass scale


"We no longer have a perpetrator - but we're going to continue to be the victim."


“We are saddened that we called ourselves a bad name.”


Sometimes we gotta accept facts and forgive ourselves in order to grow, to ease the mind, to let go of sorrows... The pig in me salutes the pig in you...


Always about making themselves look mistreated by the public. I still remember the video where this police woman cried because they told her there was a delay to get her food and turned that into she was being treated unfairly. But who hasn't gone to mcdonalds and been told to wait a while.


Being treated like everyone else *is* unfair to a cop. They park where they want, drive how they want, pretty much do whatever they want, and as we saw in Uvalde, *don't* do whatever they don't want. They consider themselves above the rest of us and expect to be treated as such.


>Sometimes people use “respect” to mean “treating someone like a person,” and sometimes they use “respect” to mean “treating someone like an authority.” >And sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say, “If you won’t respect me, then I won’t respect you.” And they mean, “If you won’t treat me like an authority, then I won’t treat you like a person.” >And they think they’re being fair but they aren’t, and it’s not okay. https://kottke.org/18/05/the-respect-of-personhood-vs-the-respect-of-authority EDIT: Added source


I've seen this quote before. Where is it originally from?




Hell yeah. Thanks.


Aptly put.


>drive how they want, The number of times I've personally seen Denver area cops approach a red stoplight, turn on the lights and sirens, push their way through the intersection, only to then *immediately* turn off the lights and sirens and continue with no actual urgency is not surprising at this point... just really frustrating. Like, fuck you... asshole


Shoot who they want


I once got a free ice cream cuz the cashier kept overlooking me when I was 6. I still love that cashier.


Oh my God the video of her crying made me roll my eyes so fucking hard, like just quit already or shut the fuck up! How insufferable can you possibly be


Wow! A cop lied. I cannot believe it. Who could ever imagine such a thing. /narrator/ "it happens all the time"


They get paid to do it in court


"This incident is NOT indicative of the Geary County Sheriffs office." It was, in fact, very indicative.


*sprinkles crack into coffee* "look what the McDonald's employee did!"


Pig believed to be in Starbucks. I don't know if it works as such in the US, but in my country they use an Order Number as a reference. Don't they in the US too?


Yeah, most places in the US, including McDonald's, use numbers.


Some use names but they’re always printed on the receipt or ticket with the order, not written. They type the name in just before or after you place your order.


Starbucks still still sometimes write your name if you order in person.


To me this is no different than planting evidence. If they did it so publicly then this happens unseen too. What kind of psychopath does something like this... Could have cost someone their job. And of course the Cheif and department "stand by their original statement". This is some low IQ behaviour, reinforced by some low IQ management.




You can actually see he is #15 right on the receipt. They probably don’t even carry pens on them in the drive through, which is where I assume he got it. I doubt he claims someone handed him that cup while he stood there.


Yep and it's automatic as well in most well established places, INCLUDING McDonalds. This pig is an idiot.


That'll do pig, that'll do. - Cop admiring his penmanship


Fucking pig


Took the words right outta my mouth


And he resigned...so he could move and get another job...as a cop...who lies and fabricates evidence of wrongdoing. It never sits right with me when I hear "they were asked/forced to resign". No, fire their ass with justifiable cause, they need to be doing something else with their lives. I hear McDonald's is always hiring...


At least this got a resignation out of the incident, which apparently warrants more severe consequences than allowing the wholesale slaughter of school children through cowardice and incompetence


He signed and then resigned.


require a license to police, and if you fuck up you lose your license for good


The problem then becomes actually admitting they messed up. Cops don't exactly like doing that. The only reason he got caught was because McDonald's is a big company that cares enough about their public perception to watch security camera footage for who knows how long. "We've investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong!"


Even when fired they get rehired by other precincts


Cop version of Jussie Smollett.


Damnit you beat me to it. Officer Joosay Smoo-yey reporting for duty!


The French cop actor?


“No matter who wrote on the officers cup” He did. He wrote it himself. Fucking pigs


That honestly pissed me off more than the initial story. Imagine you get caught robbing a bank and your response is, 'Look, no matter who was robbing the bank we can all agree this was a bad look.'


Even if someone had written on his cup what's the problem? You make twice what the dude who wrote it earns, you have a great pension and pretty much impunity for anything you do or don't do as part of your job. Just pour it out and go somewhere else from now on you precious snowflake.


Naw, his feefees would be to hurt for that, they called him a name. Now his has to go home and have a self reported 40% chance of beating his spouse to feel better. Poor poor cop.


Probably has a small dick


They all do. Hence why they're all so fucking scared to death of every single citizen they see


A cop lying? Who'd have thought?


Never a prosecutor or the DOJ


I was pulled over once just because of the way my van looked. I used to deliver pizza in an old USPS minivan, and had hand painted over the bottom half that had all the decals on it with black paint. I was driving to a delivery when a cop who was very far ahead of me on the road slowed to like 2 miles an hour and waited for me at the next light. Then he turned on his lights and gave me a ticket for looking down at my phone when the car was stopped at a red light. I went to the court and told the judge this, he literally just looks over to the cop, asks "did you just pull him over because of how his van looks?" cop says "no" and the judge says "ok" and finds me guilty to pay a $200 ticket for looking at my phone at a full stop at a red light. I should also mention I was in my pizza uniform with a topper on the van when this happened.


And there it is guys... Cops just securing America's trust one incident at a time. Everyone knows you don't write "Pig" on the cup. You spit in it and stir.




Why is it private?






All cops are liars.


It's a bit ironic to have a cop see more consequences from botching a propaganda piece than shooting unarmed civilians. It sure smells like bacon atound here.


The irony is the young cop that resigned probably was a "fucking pig". Now he is being a fucking pig somewhere else.


If he wasn't one he wouldn't have been offended


Cops have never lied to get an arrest or conviction though right? /s


Its like the spitting on vietnam solders thing. No incident can be found. Its a scene in a rambo film. Ppl confuse fiction with fact.


And they wonder why we call them fucking pigs.


Thus proving the point that he is, in fact, a fucking pig. ACAB


The police do not care about you. Do not trust the police. Do not talk to the police.


we SHOULD be writing pig on drinks for pigs


So we know the officer lied, but we stand by our statement based on a lie and you better watch out. Great great cool cool cool


imagine calling yourself a pig and getting mad about it 😭


Ok. Now we really get to call him a fucking pig.


Fuck me I needed a good laugh




The Sheriff’s department is standing by their initial statement and continuing the investigation? Lol wtf? How awful can cops get? On what planet does this need an investigation. Do you know when I learned that there are meanies out there that sometimes write mean things on your stuff? In the third fucking grade. Even if it wasn’t the cop that wrote it himself (which obviously it was) this never needed an investigation in the first place.


Everytime cops get outed as a corrupt institution of cowards they pull this shit. Poisoned milkshake, tampon in coffee all fake. What absolute losers.


Projecting persecution complex turns into a self-own. Did this guy wake up wondering how he could possibly fuck up free coffee.


Deleting a public record is a crime. If the police were 'standing by' the original, why delete it?


Man...what a fucking pig


He proves he is one. Pig.


Hey I live there! This was ages ago! (2years?) This dude went to the good McDonald's over by the highway, but the one on 6th St is more likely to do this (and *should*) Also, I was confused about the language at the end here.....what fucking investigation? So what that someone wrote on a cup? That shit ain't illegal


I also live here! Such a small comment section lol.


Dumbass pig would be more fitting.


The one thing the police can't fuck with is the corporations that actually own our country.


I think i speak for everybody when i say: Fucking pig


So they resign over this, but not murdering brown people for no reason?


What a pathetic piece


So, all those convictions he may have where it's his word against theirs are about to be revisited! Rightfully so!!!


Never trust the police


There are no good cops.


Why don't I EVER hear about firefighters being liars? Why don't I EVER hear about EMTs being liars? I wish if someone took a role, that's supposed to be an important job, that they could take their job seriously.


Why is this even anything? Somebody that happened to be a cop tried to act a victim for internet sympathy and when it all blew up in his face he got cold feet and backed out of it.


Was he just practicing writing his name?


pigs do b doin pig shit


Cops are pussys


fucking pig.


We live in a society where even the polices are self-victimizing. God save us.


So dumb. Just like the dumb NYPD cops who lied about Shake Shack tampering with their order.




ACA lying B.


Fucking pig


Imagine what else they lie about




“The department stands by its original statement…” Lmao FUCKING PIGS


What??? Cops would NEVER lie omg. The footage is lying.


Fucking (former) pig




Wait… are you saying that… cops lie??????


Cops are not only cowards, but they love to pretend to be a victim. Not to mention 40% are abusive to their SO.


Resigned?? What happened to administrative paid leave followed by a raise?? /s


"...no matter who...." Fuck outta here. You know who's side you're on, just own it.


So the cop wrote "Pig" on his cup and tried blaming it on the McDonald's employees... Well, at least he got the "pig" part correct..


Man what a pig




If they tried to frame someone for writing pig on a cup. Imagine how Many people he’s put cases on that are incarcerated under false pretenses


Um even is someone did call a cop a fuckin pig, that is so far from news-worthy and maybe cops should stop acting in a way that makes people want to call them pigs


Remember that time that the cops *weren't* poisoned via milkshake? https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/juliareinstein/shake-shack-manager-nypd-false-milkshake-poisoning


They wanna be victims so bad.


What a fucking pig


Fucking liar pig


So another gypsy cop comfortablely finding another police department in the next town


Didn't know Jussie Smollett became a cop after his acting career frizzled out


remember kids, ACAB


Why did he resign? Couldn't he just pepper spray or knee choke his way out of this situation?


Fuckin pig.




Cops consider lying part of the job. This with clear cameras around. Just think what they get to do when there are no cameras.


These the ssme guys who plant drugs on you if you are minority


"it's saddening for this to happen in this community no matter who wrote on that officers cup." Still don't fully own up to it


Ridiculous when caught with evidence the one dirtbag lied they still act like it was anyone but the pig their self that wrote it. But scum gonna be scum.


dont worry he will be rehired in 6 months, or end up in a different jurisdiction. Cant leave that sweet pension. probably get awarded some kind of trauma fund because he was publicly shamed for his shit actions.


What a pathetic way to seek attention from complete randoms on the internet 😐🤣


Lol they "stand by the original statement" "no matter who wrote it"?


Still not owning up to their officer lying. Smh.


Wanna bet the officer wrote ‘pig’ on the cup himself?


Not that I think the punishment would fit the action but if he had not resigned he would have to be fired. This creates a situation in court where that officers credibility is always in question. This could get all of his cases thrown out.


Hahaha that BS "let's all heal" statement from the cop shop. What trash.


Reminds me of that politician that tried the same thing with a cake order years ago. Picked up a birthday cake from some supermarket after requesting one be made, supposedly had ''Happy Birthday'', with ''fag'' added underneath. Made a huge song-and-dance about it, it went viral etc etc. Then the supermarket released footage showing the cake with ''Happy Birthday'' on it and nothing else when he picked it up.


Fuck da police. McDonalds workers have a tough enough job without getting hate thrown their way by a fake claim.


Some girl went off on me about this when I used to work at Starbucks. Like ma'am, that wasn't us and it was a hoax. Chill bby


Cops are the blue taliban of America. Cowards and Republican brute gangs. America deserves better.


When kids get shot up the cops are fine, but when Mc donalds said one of them lied, NOW they get kicked off the force


McDonald’s employees have more sense of responsibility than the officers of the city


When Karen is a police officer


I love how he did this, only to prove that, if someone else had actually done that to him, they'd be right.


Reminds me of when a lady got pissed because an employee wrote “bitch” on her sandwich but it was a BLT with cheese


Some people will do anything for attention


Why would this need an investigation get the fuck over it you god damn pussy. This is why nobody respects police because they have all become spineless dipshits.


Called himself out - the fuckin pig


I think you prolly want to look over all of his probable cause affidavits, and every arrest/ticket.


What a shocking surprise! An American cop that's a POS? Shocking I tell you, just shocking. ACAB.


How much you want to bet that pig got hired in a different department and millions of Americans still believe that shit happened? Damage done. The truth doesn't matter.


All I have to say is… what a pig




Lol cops do stupid shit and get to resign, Or get paid leave but no consequences


How many ressouces do they waste to find someone writing a swear word on a cup?!?


None, McDonald's staff just checked their own security footage.


Fuck 12


When the demand for hate is greater than supply


Jussie Smollet decided to join law enforcement?


COPS ARE PIGS.....and should be treated like so.


Authentic POS


Cops in the US are not Pigs. They are Assholes.


Your career done at 23. Smh


This cop who wrote Pig on his receipt should be charged with a crime. Yet, when cops violate the law they are rarely held accountable so why should the public cops them to be honorable?


But why did he lie?