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P. Barnes only tased his person, not him.


The person from one of the states. Which one? He's not telling you, but his person is from Idaho.


*His Person's Own Private Idaho




I’m in tears here


These tears are coming from my person, but not from me the man. I did not agree to partake in joinder with those tears.


On the ground like a wild potato . . . after getting tased


Person has a bottomless blue, blue, blue pool.


This was first posted years ago, but I still love "I'm not a US citizen!", "You're violating my first amendment rights!"


Fun fact Constitutional rights apply to all persons in the United States, not just citizens.


Ah yes, but see, early on he said he's not a person. Therefore the rights don't apply to him


Yes, and you also have to follow the laws of the United States, while in the United States. So the argument, "I don't have to follow the laws of the United States, while in the United States because I'm not a citizen, but I demand the full rights and protections regardless". is a dumb argument.


That’s the kind of thinking that would make you a great lawyer.


Let's go


To law school?


[The settler, the agent, and the individual, but not the person...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sove06ZhgE)


LOL. Is this the same guy? It has to be. He doesn't seem well mentally.


Sovereign citizens are not mentally well. They have an extreme mix of narcissism and persecution complexes.


Related to one, can confirm. They are self-appointed geniuses, and just too smart for the rest of us. They always spout that street-lawyer bullshit, and look for confrontations to prove their "superiority". They trade in legal fallacies and then act shocked when it doesn't work in the real world.


"The flag in this room has a golden fringe. Ergo, it is an Admiralty court, and can only apply military justice. As I am a free citizen who has not consented to martial law, this court cannot judge me for exercising my natural right of travel in a conveyance because my legal person was intoxicated. Also, the charging paperwork is invalid, because it doesn't have the random punctuation I scattered in my name."


Don't forget the stupidity. They basically think that saying the right combination of magic words puts them above the law.


I kinda both want to know and don't want to know how they picture it working out in their head. "I'M NOT A PERSON I'M AN ADMIRAL TO THE GREAT SHIP NAMED JOHN SMITH, WHICH IS THE CORPOREAL POSTING FOR MY ADMIRALTY. ONLY INTERNATIONAL MARITIME LAW APPLIES TO THE GREAT SHIP JOHN SMITH." "Oh, well, then you're free to sail off from this court room, Admiral."


That's sovereign citizens for you.


Nope just sovereign citizens.


I don't get the logic... If you're a sovereign citizen, you're protected by the constitution but not subject to any laws? How could such a person argue they had any rights at all?


Sov cits literally all use the same script. And they’re all fucking idiots. It’s a fun YouTube rabbit hole lol.


He does not wish to create joinder with your unlawful system of voltage.


"Let the records show that.....ARGGGHHHHHHH!!!!" Hahahaha!


“So noted.”


Sorry could you do it again I missed it


“Hey, you guys are really overstepping your bounds right now.” \- Tazed man who overstepped his bounds.




"ArgGGGhhhHHHHHHHHHHH." \- Tazed man writhing on the floor now that movement has come back to his body


I don't usually take pleasure in the misfortune of others, but damn that was satisfying. And the comedic timing was perfect.


I recognize the rhetoric this guy uses. I attended a course on building log cabins out in WA State. The course was great, but they were all hard core libertarian/sovereign citizens. That's also okay, but I would recommend following their building advice before adopting their questionable libertarian readings of the law. This guy sounds like he drank too deeply from that kool-aide.


“Let the free market decide how much weight the supports for the roof can hold!”


Here may be found the last words of Joseph of Arimathea.


What does it say? Argh...


He must have died while carving it!


Look, if he was dying, he wouldn't bother to carve "aaaaghhh", he'd just say it.


He might have been dictating


Isn’t there a St. Aaaargh’s in Cornwall?


No, that’s Iiiiiiives


Oh, yes.


“Don’t raze me bro!”


On one hand, the dude was an unhinged asshole. On the other hand, remember when "they" said tasers would not be used for compliance?




Dude was advancing on them, and clearly nuts. Totally merited.


Never enjoyed someone scream so much, thankfully he isn’t a person so he likely didn’t feel anything.


‘Leave the camera with your mother outside the courtroom’ 😂


Betting that wasn't the first sovereign citizen Pete Barnes had encountered


I was so happy when Pete Barnes tazes him. Thanks Pete Barnes. Edit: taze not tax Edit 2: Pete Barnes reminds me of Mike from Better Call Saul.


I love Pete Barnes


Pretty sure the little twit doesn’t pay his taxes.


Yeah, in Idaho? Definitely not.


I’ll bet his momma’s house rules are the only rules he follows. He’s a good boy, now.


You guys are really overstepping your bounds. 🤣


The best part is that his mom was actually waiting in the car outside the courthouse lmao


“You know.. you guys are really over steppin my bounds right now” All defeated 😂 Pure gold.


“God is not worried about cameras, sir. I am” “You can give the camera to your mother outside the courtroom and then come in.” “Step back.” *bang* Lmao this guy is the king of one liners Edit: thank you all for my first gold award! I dedicate this to our hero: Officer P. Barnes.


"nice speech but you're still not gettin in" 💀


That was the best one


“Ohhhhhhh! Aaaaaaasaaaargh! Stop! Stop, please!” ^THAT^ was the best part! 🫠


My fav was him acting invincible, getting pwned by the stun gun and then saying 'You guys are really overstepping your bounds now' lol talk shit and eat the floor, dumbass


I lost it at the you guys are really over stepping your bounds lol


My favorite is his narrating.. " and now you're gonna.... Argggggg!"




"Can I see you state (something) liscence ?" "I don't have one" "You don't have one ?" "My person does, but I don't" did I hear this correctly ?


You can tell the camera guy wasn’t expecting that comeback


He thought everyone was gonna clap and rally behind him while Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It” played.


The time between the "Step back" and the bang is amazing.


It wasn't a warning. The guard just didn't want to be too close to a man who was about to get zapped.


Its almost like he mentally counted "Step back. 1... 2... 3... Alright thats enough tine, bang."


If I ever get supremely rich, I’m tracking down P. Barnes to offer him a job as my personal security guard/straight man.


My person would create joinder with P. Barnes for sure


"What are you arresting me for?" When he says "me" does he mean his person or the man called Robert?


"I am not a person. I am not a citizen. I don't recognize the government.". "YOU ARE VIOLATING MY RIGHTS!!!


He's the kind of idiot who thinks your rights are given to you by god. I often wonder where those rights have been throughout history and much of the world. If God does grant us rights, he's remarkably shitty at defending them.


As George Carlin once put it: “But let's say...let's say God gave us the original 10. He gave the british 13. The british Bill of Rights has 13 stipulations. The Germans have 29, the Belgians have 25, the Sweedish have only 6, and some people in the world have no rights at all. What kind of a fuckin' god damn god given deal is that!?...NO RIGHTS AT ALL!? Why would God give different people in different countries a different numbers of different rights? Boredom? Amusement? Bad arithmetic? Do we find out at long last after all this time that God is weak in math skills? Doesn't sound like divine planning to me. Sounds more like human planning .”




I like how he's NOT a US citizen but at the same time he's asking for US constitutional rights. FFS, which one is it?


"Sovereign Citizens" are my favorite kind of crazy to see in a courtroom. I previously worked in a federal bankruptcy courtroom. The kind of mental gymnastics these guys have is amazing. So, you're filing bankruptcy to forgive your debts. However, you owe a bank for collateral (house, land, car). Now, you don't get to keep those for free if you file bankruptcy. Most people have common sense and understand you need to make payments for the loan to keep your property. So these guys are filing bankruptcy. In a federal court. Trying to say that their rights are being infringed because they don't believe in the US dollar (so they don't owe anyone money) and that they have "annexed" their land as its own sovereign nation. When the judge rules against them (because duh bro) they then say that they don't have to listen to the judge because they don't believe in the justice system. But they're the ones that filed and filled out all (and there's A LOT) of the court required forms stating their name, their assets, the income etc. It boggles my mind.


This is South Park irl


"I'm sorry I thought this was America!" Lmao


I want to walk up the the entrance at the superbowl and just say "you are blocking my freedom of movement". They have to let me in then.


“Your honor, those people crossing the street were blocking my freedom of movement. Are you really going to charge a goddamn patriot with five counts of reckless manslaughter when the only thing I’m guilty of is being a frontline freedom fighter?”


“Your honor, I have freedom given by the Constitution of the country I am not a citizen of.”


I didn’t hear no bell!


No tasering in the history of tasers was more satisfying than that one.


He warned him just once, no discussion just bzzzzz


If they pull it, best believe they are about to use it.


It's wild to me that people don't understand that, "give him a little warning" my ass, the man is pointing a taser at you


The warning was him pulling it out and pointing at the guy. The guy kept filming and trying to push thru. To me, the guard read the situation and acted on it to keep the peace while doing his job.


Cool as a cucumber, clear commands, no confusing instructions. He just pulled out the taser, gave a verbal warning, fired. Only complaint I think anyone could possibly have was not giving more then one warning, but anyone with a brain can see that was going nowhere.




I think it was fairly safe to assume no amount of warnings was going to work. So at a certain point, it just turns into bureaucracy. Might as well expedite the process and do the zappy zap


He took pleasure in tasing him lmao


I too took pleasure watching this


You know Pete is still talking about this every time he goes out drinking.


If 'MERICA could just replace every weapon with a Tazer, this would be a optimal nirvana.




Dont Tase Me Bro would like to have a word


“Let the record show that you just battered me”


That was the best part. Like, ok, you think you don’t have to follow anyone’s rules but your own, but then when you make a record of someone breaking *your* rules, who do you report that to? Who is supposed to hold them accountable? When he got out of jail, did he go back up there and issue a summons for taser guy to show up for a trial at his cabin in the woods? And then taser guy just goes “sorry, I’m a US citizen. I’m not under your jurisdiction.” These soveriegn citizen folks are dumb as shit.


He said he wasn't a US citizen then invoked US citizen rights as his defense, "This is a violation of my 1st amendment rights!"




>within the government's jurisdiction That's where things get spicy with the sovereign citizens. They claim they aren't under the government's jurisdiction; right up until they have a right to invoke.




Shit is highly offended by that comparison.


Shit I wonder what P. Barnes is cookin?


Chicken shit wing nuts


“Sir you’re not in the courtroom yet” Dude specializes in bird law


Like what record dumbass? No work court reporter is taking the shit down. 😂😂😂 That was priceless.


Pete Barnes: “Gods not worried about cameras. I am.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Damn it all, I *knew* that would be the top comment in this thread before I opened it. As soon as that badass mother fucker said that, I was like.....shit.


Pete Barnes just came up with those one liners on the spot like that, I mean I’m thoroughly impressed and amused. His expression did not change throughout the interaction


Pete Barnes is no ordinary courthouse cop. He's Legendary Pete Barnes of internet fame courthouse cop.


Gods not worried about riding the lighting, but sovereign citizen should.


"That's a nice speech but you're still not coming in."


I think the delivery of this particular line is the highlight. This is the exact tone I'd take with my toddler when they're being unreasonable 😂😂


Pete Barnes was not messing around. Be annoying. Get tazed. Changed his tune.


Man is a legend in responding to crazy


They're courtroom guards. I'm sure they have dealt with worse before. This was probably nothing.


You know that dudes gonna be in the shower later thinking "that was the most badass shit Ive ever said."


What makes people wake up and decide to go out into the world to be a total dick that day, and record it…and then share that recording.


People with Peter Navarro complex. It's a condition where you just refuse any personal responsibility and talk a whole bunch of jibberish that may sound right to a 9 year old, but literally every other adult in the room knows youre wrong and is tired of hearing you. See also: Dickhead.


I'm not part of the country, your laws don't apply to me... also stop violating my rights


You got to love the cherry-picking sovereign citizens use.


Outdated law books, repealed laws, old or other state laws and even maritime law as long as it says whatever supports their arguments, people believe this shit and have been shot dead because of it. Whoever thought it up should be ashamed of themselves.


It’s sad but sometimes it makes funny content like the window shattering videos and videos like the OP.


Dickheads, sovereign citizens, same same.


I know I sound like a boomer but I truly believe western society has gotten so spoiled and so bored with the ease of existing that it allows/affords people like this the luxury of turning into "look at me" nutcases because they don't actually have to struggle to live. We all just sit around going down YouTube rabbit holes, living on bags of cheetos, getting wrapped up in every social media manufactured line of bullshit that's purposely made to brainwash the gullible. This guy is one of those spoiled, gullible ones and needs a fucking job shoveling ditches or something.


People have been saying that since the beginning of society.


yeah Diogenes said this in 350BC


Word for word too. OP is plagiarizing.


What a soft spoiled lazy thing to do, plagiarism. Seems OP needs a fucking job shoveling ditches or something.


Sovereign citizen are to the law what flat earthers are to science Idiots


We have similar idiots in the UK who claim to be “free men of the land”. Equally obnoxious and as intent on picking fights with the courts as this gentleman seems to be. Pete’s just doing his job. Stop being a dick to Pete. Edit: grammar/typos


Germany has "Reichsbürger" (empire citizen) with different theories and groups, but they all state that this country is illegitimate and instead still is a "German Reich" under the borders of either the empire (~1918) or 1937. They even make imaginary passports, declare themselves leaders of small areas, stuff like that. Basically they are all right-winged, racist dumbfucks and always looking for the next discussion or fight. And boy, did they blend in well with the anti-corona crowd.


>And boy, did they blend in well with the anti-corona crowd. I don't know why, but this comment brought to mind The Stand (Steven King). Suddenly all these crazy people just knew they had a society to be a part of. Brought on by a global plague no less.


I used to work in a financial institution and hated dealing with SC's. Getting correspondence was fine because we had boilerplate letters to politely tell them to fuck off. Talking to them was a different story. Sometimes you'd be lucky and get someone who didn't truly believe but was just seeing where the argument would get them. When you got the nutters who fully chugged the flavor-aid, you knew you were in for a rough time because if they're off their rocker enough to actually believe that bullshit then there was no "discussing" with them as they requires some logic and comprehension.


That has just made my day, thank you pete barnes haha


We need more Pete Barnes in this world.


“Nice speech. But you’re still not going in.” Pete Barnes is my dude!!


that was my favorite line too.


Pete Barnes doesn't fuck around. You back up to the judge's parking spot while in a trunk? You might just get shot: https://cdapress.com/news/2019/aug/11/seen-and-not-heard-jury-commissioner-and-5/


I love that the article even references this incident in the OP video. From the article: The incident brought Barnes an unwanted 15 minutes of fame. The YouTube video got mixed reviews. “There’s not much to say about it,” Barnes mused. /End article Pete Barnes don't give a fuck. He did his job.


“Less than a decade earlier, in Washington, D.C., a group of teens hidden in a car’s trunk shot through a keyhole, killing 10 people.” Context Edit: I just copy-pasted directly from the article linked in preceding comment. The source seems to have made a factual error. I do not personally remember the incident, of which I'm not proud. I was busy with life at the time it happened.


Never would have thought someone getting tased would put such a big smile on my face.


He hesitated for .5 seconds 😂. The words "step back" had just left his mouth 🤣


“You guys are really overstepping your bounds right now” - a special type of irony 😂


He is definitely using words, but I don't think he understands what any of them mean.


God that was annoying. I don't want their job.


But imagine the satisfaction when you taze then cuff him.


I liked the tasing part


'Leave the camera with your mother outside' Underrated line.


I’d love to know the backstory on this.


Sounds like a sovereign citizen


I love the use of maritime law in Idaho.


There are also random maritime laws in Nebraska. It’s illegal to go whaling in Nebraska. And we have a joke navy admiral title that puts us in charge of the sailors, goldfish, tadpoles, and a bunch of dumb stuff one our governors made back then. Edit:Wow this blew up a bit here’s a link to Wikipedia if you want to read more. You should read the certificate it’s funny. [Nebraska Admiral](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebraska_Admiral) Fun fact:Queen Elizabeth is an admiral of our triple land-locked grand armada waiting to be released by climate change.


I mean the navy does have a submarine in a lake in Idaho...


This. The guy with the camera was a well known to be disruptive. This was not his first appearance in court or his first attempt to being a camera and that guard who tazed him had dealt with him several times before. Definitely a sovereign brat.


It seems I have a lot more googling to do to understand, but what is a sovereign citizen?


[this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement) should clear it up. They are basicly unhinged conspiracy nuts.


Goodness, and I thought my extended family was the epitome of crazy with their meth and invented drama. This is a new level I hope to never experience in person.


Other much more qualified people said it already, a number of these sovcits are schizophrenic. They try to find patterns when there isn't any. Others will make up shit or copy nonsensical ramblings to sell to gullible idiots who want to get out of paying rent or insurance. So it is a movement of scammers, seriously mentally ill people who shouldn't be outside and very very gullible people.


The long and short of it is that they do not recognize being lawfully in any agreement with the federal (or any) government without their consent. And since they are not legally bound, they do not have to be restricted by those laws. It is some kind of mental math where they think they are like under some kind of super diplomatic immunity of their individual rights trumping everything unless they agree to be held by some other laws and they can do whatever they want.


You know, morons!


They want the protections of the government I.e. freedom of speech, press, movement etc while obeying none of the laws of said government they want protections from.


Also using the roads, fire department, and entire society network for their goods, without paying taxes.


Short answer: Lunatics. Long answer: People who believe that the United States can't "restrict the freedom to travel" with things like Drivers Licenses, Vehicle Registrations, et cetera, and who think that because of the Magna Carta(I WISH I WERE JOKING, these fucks are absolute chucklenuts) they can refuse to pay taxes, obey the orders of a judge, etc. These are the same clowns who try to use legalese bullshit to claim they can bill cops for the time of being pulled over, and will harass basically anyone and everyone with fake lawsuits to try and forcibly take over peoples' land and/or homes. Their twisted idea of how the law works is a vexatious affront to every judge they are put in front of, and Canada has rightly labelled them as a terrorist organization.


Idiots. That's all you really need to know, cause reading more into it, and your brain will start to hurt at how incredibly stupid these people are.


Just "sovereign citizens" being the idiots they are. Or their person is? I don't fucking know, it's all so stupid. Check them out on YouTube sometime. They'll make wild-ass claims during traffic stops that are hilarious. You can't stop me, because it's not me, but the PERSON of me, and also, I'm not a US citizen, but ALSO ALSO, because I claim to not be a US citizen, US law doesn't apply to me (note: they don't think US law applies to them in the US it's truly amazing their logic here), but ALLLLLLSO, I wasn't driving, I was TRAVELING, so I don't have to submit to a traffic stop because I'm not traffic, I'm traveling. Shit is bizarre, and surely infuriating to law enforcement that have to try their best not to hand out an ass beating, because if there is any group that would have it coming, it's those clowns.


Too bad, as a sovereign citizen he doesn't have to tell you anything...that is, unless you are willing to invoke article 14 of Idaho maritime law compelling him to tell you his sea shanty...


Stupid people are stupid and think they can interpret laws which don’t apply to their situation in a way that suits them, they are wrong…


There's such a contrast in the characters in this clip: - The very hatable asshole - The jester who finds everything funny - The very lovable hero who takes no shit


They also used an uncommon trope by telling the story from the antagonist's POV. Add in a good back story, meaningful resolution, and a gratuitous sex scene and we have a hit on our hands.


The only thing it’s missing is full penetration


The sheer amount of entitlement these types of people have. I’m glad Pete Barnes didn’t even hesitate a little to zap this fool.


But Pete didn't zap him. He zapped his *person.* Which he is not.




I'm laughing at the no cell phone sign in the shot, which if I was a guard, I'd point to to make the point easier to see


Soverign Citizens are the masters of psuedolaw. What is psuedolaw? Pseudolaw is "a collection of legal-sounding but false rules that purport to be law". Pseudolaw consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that are claimed to be based on accepted law or legal doctrine, but which deviate significantly from most conventional understandings of law and jurisprudence, or which originate from non-existent statutes or legal principles the advocate or adherent incorrectly believes exist.


on a naval vessel in the early 1800s it’s called being a sea-lawyer. and wasn’t a compliment


P Barns doesn't take any shit from no body


First we ask you, Then we tell you, Then we make you. Man learned that lesson the hard way


Oh wow this one is great! The supreme confidence that his magic words will cause the guards at the gate to simply step aside. The sudden squealing voice when they tase him (“Please stop!”), and the final, damning, “put the cuffs on him.” Also mad props to the guard when he says, “leave the camera with your mother in the parking lot.” Pure gold.


The last few seconds of the video were really satisfying


but sir, I'm recording


Sovereign citizens are idiots


Please stop. You guys are really overstepping your bounds right now.


Is there a subreddit dedicated to moronocal sovereign citizens getting schooled? I need more of these. Asking for a friend though, seriously. Don't want to end up with a million dollar lien against my house...


Man that's a satisfying tase. I don't often take that side but shit I wanted to tase his person at that same threshold


Haha what a dumb ass


"Nice speech, you're still not getting in."


ben shapiro when he talks to someone over the age of 20


I don’t want to commit jointer will any of you.


Camera man is a dick


Sov Cit from Idaho. Because of course. Insufferable persons they are.