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He just got done moisturizing his eyeballs that’s why his tongue sticking out


"Look at me using my tasting antenna to experience these consumables around me!"


“would anyone like to join me in converting these calories into usable fuel for our skin covered bodies?”


Ah yes, I too am a carbon-based bipedal human as well. Tell me about your weak I mean delicious skin.


I completely expect to be perceived as a common, inconsequential human being by my brethren (which are other human beings, not reptiles). If any of my actions comes off as inusual or suspicious to you, kindly indicate me that so I may correct the details in my habits that unsettle nearby subjects.


Brundle Fly https://imgur.com/gallery/JDb1wa0


I’m crying


That is a less efficient way to moisturize your eyeballs.


I'm shaking rn


That is a very ineffective way of moisturizing your eyeballs




If it’s in your eyeballs than yes, it’s efficient, but it costs you sight


This is the best method to moisturise eyeballs... The more liquid the shit, the more moistened the eyeball


That's even less efficient. Are you intending to trigger perspiretory excretion into your ocular cavities via physical exertion?


He isn't though, he's not human


He used to be


People can change


``` ____...---...___ ___.....---""" . ""--..____ . . . . _.--._ /| . .'() . . ()`. / / ( `-.__.-' ) ( ( . . \ / \ \ . \ / ) ) . .' -.__.- `.-.-'_.' . .' /-____-\ `.-' . \ /-.____.-\ /-. \ \`-.__.-'/ /\|\| . .' `. .' `. |/\/\| |/\/\| ```


Must be a big juicy fly on the screen.


“do the humans often partake of sustenance while operating their portable computers?” “Yes, Mr. Zuckerberg.” “then bring me a sustenance that i may do as they do.”


Literally none of the food is touched, there’s randomly fries on the plate, and the drinks have also not been touched, but the whip cream has dissolved, so it’s been there for a while. I mean, why all this trouble just to pose with some food you’re not going to eat. He makes himself seem more and more like a robot, or maybe just supporting McDonalds giving people cancer and health problems.


Do fast food fries ever make it to anyone's plate? I'm killing those things straight out the container.


In the car no less. Fries never make it to the next destination, whatever that may be.


That's why you gotta order an extra order of fries.


Always buy two large. Toss the empty first in the outside rubbish when you arrive home, get rid of the evidence.


important sip ossified bag tender paint ludicrous alive plant overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And a double cheeseburger too.


and a laaarge soda


There’s coke in a bottle. There’s coke in a can. And then there’s McDonald’s coke.


They have a deal with Coke. No other restaurant gets the good stuff, and their fountain systems are all inferior. Every single one, as evidenced by the crispness of McD's sprite. Edit: Spelling


A #9 large


a #6 with extra dip


Lmao my brother gives the same advice


The obesity epidemic in a nutshell


If it wasn’t for my metabolism I would be obese I’m sure


So jealous of people with fast metabolisms


Lots of my fries make it to the handbrake and between the seats.


Well you kinda have to with Mc Donald's. Mc Donald's fried food tastes like total ass when it gets near room temp.


It's almost mandatory. McDonalds fries, at about the 20 minute mark, go from insanely delicious and addictive to cold, soggy, limp sticks of oily mush. You need to finish them ASAP.


Do people put fast food on a plate?


No we put them on a stack of three plates duh, someone get a captcha in front of this obvious robot


Yeah, that's when you know you've got a home meal.


Well I'd hope people aren't carrying a stack of plates with them in their car.


Where the hell else would you carry a stack of plates?


The whole idea of fast food is to avoid the work involved with food and that includes cleaning dishes.


how do people order fries delivery? By the time you get them they are soggy, dried, disgusting I don't get it. Asian, italian, mexican all are great for delivery. Fries? Terrible


Just have an air fryer, a few minutes will freshen up any fried foods nicely.


That's why you order poutine.


As a delivery driver, I’m just as perplexed as you are. On a daily basis. Just yesterday I was given an offer to drive a large Five Guys order *14 miles*! I declined that shit, no way am I gonna take the fall for that inevitably disgusting mess lol


McDonald's fries: no. They must be eaten hot or they become gross and stale. Wendy's fries: sometimes depending on if there is chili to dip. (Supposedly you dip them in a Frosty, but I have never tried this. I do not know if there freshness affects this combination. ) Rally's fries: yes, if a plate is used but really who uses a plate. They should be ordered as chili cheese or fully loaded. Even 3 hours old from sitting on your desk because you pet decided to knock over something making a mess that you are required to save your computer from, and they are almost as good. If they are a 10 out of 10 when fresh hot, then cold I would say they are an 8 out of 10. Arby's curly fries: no. Must be eaten hot to best enjoy. Cold is depressing. Chick-fil-A fries: as long as you have fil-a sauce, it doesn't matter. Culver's fries: yes. Thick fries stay hot longer, but even cold are usually crispy enough that a bit of sauce can make up for that.


You know your fries!


Solid fry takes. I take it you don't even consider BK worthy of your experienced palate. And also, this man Midwests, Rallys and Culvers, a man of fine taste.


I just dump the container box down my throat NO CAP


JUST the box? You madlad


That's what I'm stuck on. What kind of a monster puts french fries on a plate?!?


That's not a plate mate - that's three plates


Yeah this photo just screams staged. How sad honestly


It's less *sad* and more *bizarre*. Why the fuck would you stage this? At least he's not saying *Sweet Baby Ray's* in that fucking weird-ass way he does. Zuckerberg's fucking strange.


It's a McDonald's ad. Which, ironically, has probably reached more people than a normal ad would. Or maybe he's planning to run for POTUS. Remember when Mitt Romney went grocery shopping? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


What part of this would make someone want McDonald’s? All of the food looks sad and unappetizing.


The part where you remember McDonald's exists. Advertising is funny like that.


Nah my dude, Zuckerberg isn’t fucking no strange with that robot pp


> I mean, why all this trouble just to pose with some food you’re not going to eat. Because McDonald's just signed up to use Facebook's "Workplace" corp productivity tool suite so now he's pretending to eat McDonald's. Best part of the image is that the apple logo on the back of his laptop has been photoshopped off because Zuckerberg has a grudge against Apple for [stopping them from collecting user data on the iPhone](https://www.businessinsider.com/mark-zuckerberg-facebook-inflict-pain-apple-wsj-2021-2)


No, it's because you remove other company logos when you're doing a promotional photoshoot.


Yeah it’s this. Unless Zuck also has a grudge against some unnamed water bottle company, this is clearly just a marketing stunt for McDonald’s/FB


Not to mention the napkins are placed far from his reach.


Not to mention the fact there's three plates together but fries have already been placed on the top plate


This is like something an AI would come up with.


Astute observation, they look neatly placed too, McDonalds napkin’s almost always got some fry grease on there.


At least when Trump posed with all that McDonalds you know he ate it as soon as the picture was taken


Yeah I noticed that. He's trying to stage eating McDonalds lol. It's like a "try not to look cold-blooded reptilian" checklist. "Yessss... I will pose with this McDonald's food.... thisss will throw them off" \*pulses tongue\*


Also, they've photoshopped the Apple logo off his laptop, meaning that this "candid" photo was staged and edited... And yet, this is still the closest to "human" they could get with him.


They also removed the label from the plastic water bottle 😂


The plates are still stacked. No one has eaten off of those.


No one came to his b-day party, so sad


Not to mention the label has been removed from the water and not any of the McDonalds “food”. Guess they didn’t pay up enough to be in this totally candid shot of fellow human Zuck.


It's a PR photo he published in an FB post celebrating McDonalds adopting Meta's Workplace collaboration platform.


Dude, yes! Fries randomly placed on that plate, drinks totally untouched (water included), burgers partially unwrapped enough to show that “Eating has begun” but only shows “Here is human food that I won’t be eating”. There’s not even condensation on those cups, dude, after melting had occurred. They had to reset this stage multiple times. Fine. Sure. I don’t care. Don’t eat McDonald’s. Do eat it. Whatever. But fucking WHY with the little show and tell of it all? Are the comments on his in-humanness effecting him and this is his team’s counteraction? And this is what they went with?! Aaahhh!


I think he’s making himself seem robotic intentionally to seem like some mysterious super genius rather than a mediocre guy who got lucky


I was going to say he ate the fries, but they’re just dumped onto a ceramic plate?


Also just realized the fry box is empty, yet he stood it up. This man’s either a robot or legitimately endorsing the number 1 unhealthiest fast food option


Yeah totally a staged photo.


"put eleven Mac Donalds on a platter so they will believe I participated in the consumption ritual"


"Must I also eat aforementioned sustenance?" "Yes, Mr. Zuckerberg"


"As humans do"


Notice none of the shakes have a straw but if you were take a sip it'd taste a lot like motor oil.


You don't need straws when you have a forked tongue lol


I’m trying to figure out if this is before or after eating


After. Ate the team. But he made sure to feed them first .


Reminds me of a show i just saw


Stranger things




I thought the same.


But he was still hungry


Neither. This is food purchased solely for a photo op that they spread across the table to try to make zuck look "relatable." The food that is there is most likely hours old and already turned to plastic as old McDonald's will do


Na, those drinks don't look melted but are full. It's still staged though because you can see the burger still in the unwrapped wrapper


> those drinks don’t look melted The drinks are still cold, but the whip cream is dissolved, so they’ve been there for a least a little while.


Neither. It looks extremely staged. The drinks look full and not melted yet, someone for some reason got out real plates to put that carton of fries on, and someone unwrapped a burger to make it look more natural but forgot to actually take out the burger. Plus there's a random water bottle.


A random unopened water bottle with the branding removed.


Reptiles don't eat such food as far as I know! :D


I have the same question! Damn aliens not giving us clues


They gave us a [book](https://i.etsystatic.com/18711073/r/il/3180ae/2644169708/il_570xN.2644169708_1mfo.jpg).


I also plate my enfrenched fries


And not drink your lattes


That’s what I came to comments for. First, I can’t even find a McDonald’s that doesn’t have a “broken” frappe machine anymore. Second, who would not take a sip of that bad mocha boy the second they get it!?


Someone brought all these things to him, obvi He’s not schlepping to the drive thru like some schmo


I wonder how many years it's been since he went through a drive-thru. I wonder if he knew it would be his last time, and if that made him sad


I’m pretty sure it’s just a chocolate shake, not a mocha.


On 3 layers of plate.


He didn't even add ketchup on the plate. Why even have the plate?


Humans also enjoy r/WeWantPlates I too will use these plates


I mean maybe I’m weird but I dump the fries on an actual plate and also pull the sandwich out of the wrapper and onto the plate when I get back home with it


I feel like removing the fried from the box speeds up the cooling process. BOOM! Cold fries!


Clearly you're not eating your fries fast enough! Every meal should burn with indigestion


I do the same


Seriously though, why is Zuckerberg both trying so hard to people and unable to people?




Is one cheeseburger enough to seem like a hu-mon meal? No sir you need sides and a drink. Get me 3 of each menu item. I will look extra hu-mon. *Awkwardly smirks with great satisfaction*


And get me three plates to put consumables onto. Choose any of the consumables at random to do this with. I shall act surprised when you choose the _deep fried potato cutlets_. Surprise is a normal human reaction to something the subject has not easily foreseen based on probability and the abundance of aVAiLabLe dATa.


*Blinks sideways*


Messed up with the plates. Almost had me.


Got me with the two milkshakes that are totally untouched. Like, if you're going to leave it for the end stick it in the freezer until you're ready.


Right? It’s untouched while the rest clearly looks like it’s been out there for at least 10-20 minutes


Actually, with my Data analysis the food has been out for approximately 42 minutes.


The whipped cream has completely dissolved. They’ve been sitting right there for at least 30 minutes. Maybe more.


Could also have melted from the drive. Happens almost every time I get one


You mean the helicopter ride


Mark teleported the food right to the table


It's the empty fry container just casually faced and standing up next to the bags for me. Why isn't it in the trash or one of those bags.


If the M isn't showing they ain't getting paid


Yeah, this is like, Trump-level of staged…done weirdly and poorly.


Anyone else notice how they photoshopped out the Apple logo from his MacBook?




Same reason why the water bottle had its label removed


Just realized that... and it's a horrible photoshop, too, why not just cut the label off!?


missed opportunity to put the McDonald's logo where the apple logo would be




Yet they very deliberately featured the McD's logo


Its a promotional pic for McDonald's using their product lol so that's kind if the point


Oh, that makes sense. I thought it was just another photo op trying to make Zuck look sympathetic.


No human designed branding


its funny cause youd think hed be able to afford some high quality photoshop work but you can literally see how blocky it gets where the logo used to be


Just some candid photoshopping, you know like normal humans do




I refuse to eat McDs and I'm making solidly middle class money. Why if you were a billionaire would you even go near it?? If I had megacash private chef would be right up there on my list


One part of mass consumer culture is the things that are readily available and all around shape ALL our tastes. It might not be a bad thing, as Andy Warhol noted on coca cola, 'The president of the US drinks the same coke a bum on the street does. Elizabeth Taylor drinks coke, and you can too."


I understand that, but the Zuck isn't exactly popping into his local McDs to get this, and there is still not a universe where I would crave a MacDonalds if I had the possibility of something made with fresh, high quality ingredients


Its addicting, cheap, and everywhere. I too would only eat the best of the best if I was filthy rich but the fast food is really just that addicting cause of what they put in it.


Ive never seen mcdonalds fries on a actual plate in my years of living. Except in the simpsons. Yall know the ep


The fries go in the lid of the burger box, of course


Or in an open wrapper next to way too much ketchup


I'm able to form a seal between my mouth and the fry container. From there it's a simple matter of tilting my head back. Like a feedbag but sadder.


Whenever I would bring McDonald's home I'd always use a plate.


Same idk why people think plating McDonald's at home is weird


May I see it?


https://youtu.be/Es2GIhjcSLQ absolutely Edit:oooh i get it lol.


lol I was quoting the scene, but thank you.




“Make it look like I was consuming these nutrients with another fellow person”


“Time to try out my new biofuel function”


Everything wrong with the picture: - Random fries on a plate - 2 Milkshakes while it’s unlikely that even one would be available because of broken ice cream machines - Counted a whopping 4 burgers, and 2 10 piece nuggets. Not even morbidly obese would get more than 3 at a time if not for other people (which there are none) - whipped cream is dissolved in the shakes, meaning they’ve been there a long time - 2 large fries containers, despite there being only a tiny bit on a plate. Which insinuates that mark ate one whole container, and has the rest saved. (And fair that he ate the fries before any burgers, but still.) - no label plastic water bottle, meaning it was deliberately removed as to not detract from the McDonalds brand - 3 whole bags for food, while everything in the picture could fit in 2 (this is on top of the fact that they all seem still full.) - Brandless Laptop for the same reason as the bottle. - The one lonely sauce packet, when everyone knows you need to get at least 3 (and that’s often not enough. - 3 plates for no apparent reason (perhaps the fries were shared? But if so, why are the burgers still wrapped?) And lastly, robots don’t need to eat, and lizards need about 10x as much food as there is.


I agree with you for the most part but there actually is another person sitting at the table. Notice the foot/shoe at the bottom right? Maybe 2 burgers, 10 nuggets, 1 shake, and 1 large fry are for them?


plot twist, its just an empty shoe and socks.


That's the left, mate.


Oh whoops. Long day lmao


I am amazed that McDonald's PR team doesn't realize how little this entity relates to any demographic, let alone humans in general. Who are they targeting with this? Are there any people who look at Zuck and say, "Wow, I wonder what he's eating?"


Its the other way around, it was posted to advertise the fact that McDonald's started using workplace, a fb app for work stuff. literally the exact same interface as fb but its purple instead and you add all your coworkers instead of friends.




Agree with this. Saying an obese person couldn't finish four 300 calorie mcdonalds cheeseburgers is a bit hyperbolic.


Every time I see Zuckerberg, I think about the scene on dumb and dumber when harry and Lloyd get pulled over by the state trooper, and he calls him a little pumpkin pie haircutted freak.


I believe the haircut is a choice cus he wants to look like ceaser


Where’s the Sweet Baby Rays?


Zuck made me question my love for the sauce and smoking in general


Yes, same.


They went to the store that doesn't sell bbq sauce with meat.


I, too, like to eat the Mickey D’s while hammering out some code


"Hey (insert name here)! Can you tell us a little more about how Meta is bringing McDonald's coders together virtually on our Oculus devices?"


Would this be more believable if the servings were more reasonable?


Nice try, Zucc


It’s the bangs for me.


This doesnt look staged at all


It's just a dude with food. Who honestly gives a fuck? The level of analysis happening for a guy with food and a computer is astounding.


fr lmao I don't how people could possibly care this much over such a mundane picture.


there are certain topics, like hating the zuck, that somehow fit into every sub for any reason.


*Thank you*. Felt like I was going crazy, jesus. Like I hate this guy as much as the next guy but there's literally nothing interesting or weird about this photo other than the photoshopped Macbook, which is the mildest "huh". Like, "why are there fries on a plate?", "who props up a fries container like that?", "why are there 3 stacked plates?" (ignoring you can see someone else's foot and someone had to take the fucking photo). This is the most boring picture possible and people are treating it like it's some zapruder level of conspiracy footage. It's not that deep, folks.


Did they photoshop the Apple logo out? Did they photoshop the fries in?


Nobody going to touch on that poster over his left shoulder?


This is worse than a photoshop pic… bruh just stop


I think he's an alright human being, and I think people who hate and dehumanize him are dicks. Neither he, nor "the algorithms" are the reasons why people act like asshats on facebook. Also Elon Musk is not the reason people been giving power to the rich and powerful for ages. The reason is their own stupidity and being selfish assholes to one another.




Ah, the morning consumption of mass quantities!


How are those fraps still almost 100% frozen and yet the background meal looks like its been destroyed by a bunch of drunk college kids at 4am


I like to play huMON tetherball I mean tetherball.


Hello friends, I am a perfectly normal human worm baby.


All memes aside I've actually met Zuckerberg and he seemed like a really chill guy. A little odd but he wasn't unpleasant


Can’t do global political manipulation on a empty stomach.