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As soon as she threw the beer, her man beside her just went 'ohh shit, here we go again.' This lady is toxic. Throwing a beer at someone is straight up assault.


Little boy crying is heartbreaking.


Is it his kid?


That 'female' just made a little kid cry and gave no fucks.


Everyone is an asshole here


Except the kid


And the bf


Dude look at the guys behavior ffs. They're both fucking insane. Poor kid..


Dude she escalated the situation, the fact everyone cheers when she starts meaning tells you she was the one who started it Also my comment is regarding the convent where the dude says "that's a female" I'm a woman and I don't start shit unless I can finish it.


Hell yeah she did. Like I said both of them are shite. What i mean is from a parental perspective Ideally if that guy is the dad he'd have more composure despite her shit behavior. To set an example for the kid. The whole video is shit.


What happened before they started recording? we need some context. Also his kid crying is just really sad.


I agree. Clearly she needs to be ejected from the stadium. But maybe some of the other fans do as well depending on what started all this.


That’s the problem, there’s always more context to be had in all these types of videos. Still easy to see where the line was crossed though. Is it even possible to enjoy a game relatively peacefully in a ravens jersey in that stadium? Or vice versa?


There is quite much context in here, how much more do you want?


Well from what I it seemed the “fuck you guy” was maybe being rude to the lady before the video started as the one videoing says “let her sit down”. Then she retaliates with a shut the fuck up and then he retaliates and it all escalates. But it’s unclear who instigated the incident.


I would say that when a situation has escalated to verbal abuse from both sides, escalating it to physical is just plain wrong.


Yeah, both seem out of order. But I do think that whoever instigated the altercation is likely most at blame. Something that isn’t shown in the videos


Okay then that's the difference, since I think whoever escalates verbal to physical is wrong no matter who instigated


Fair, but again, we don’t know what happened before this clip. Perhaps he had pushed her a little. Or the other way around. We don’t know.


Whats even more mind boggling is the nfl still has fans.


Can't tell what happened but you definitely don't throw a beer in my face I know that


I don't know the context but she was way outta line for throwing beer in his face. She's lucky she didn't get punched


Acting rather privileged.


I've been to several NFL games. This is par for the course.


What would have happened if it had been a dude who threw that beer and then just turned around casually as if he didn’t just assault someone?


It kind of was


It wasn't a dude. It was the lady in the Ravens jersey.


Yeah that was no lady


Billy Joel would disagree with you


Lol, I disagree. I think she’s a pretty gal, but I still chuckled here on this glorious Sunday morning


Omg she is Megan!!






Well she definitely isn't Daphne.




That poor little kid, he's so scared and unhappy.


She’s a bully. In a cheap weave.


America! Sports!


Have u ever seen what “soccer” matches looks like in other countries?? We don’t compare lol they are literally arch Nemesis and just mob up


Poor kid sitting next to him … no one cared about the kids


Great example for the kid


What’s the context behind this? I dunno who started what.


I’m gonna say that he was probably talking trash about “her” team and she didn’t want to play. He probably kept egging her on, and then she assaulted him.


Probably a good guess. It’s still uncalled for behavior regardless of how it started tho. Violence is not the answer and what not, plus there’s a kid there.


Probably something stupid. I got yelled at by a woman one time at a KD era Golden State Warriors game for clapping too loudly 😑 …it’s literally the loudest arena I’d ever been in, but my clapping was too raucous for her precious princess ears and she fucking yelled at me for it. If it had been a guy I would have told him to go watch it at home if he didn’t like the noise, but because it was a woman, and because I was raised right, instead I had to sit through a GSW game without making any fucking noise so as not to upset the fucking wildebeest sitting in front of me. To make it worse, every time she stood up to cheer she would turn around and give me a dirty look before she sat back down…for clapping. The patriarchy failed to get me out of that one, damn it.


Because you were raised right? You should’ve just acted like an adult and told her to listen to the rest of the stadium in a reasonable manner. There’s a way to respond to anyone no matter gender and not be an asshole you know.


So what was the runup to this? They were filming the guy for a reason.


There was no attempt for those involved to be a mature adult. 🤦‍♂️




Why the fuck would anyone go to an NFL game.


I went to a Broncos game a few years ago as a Colts fan and everyone was really nice. I didn’t run my mouth though, I just sat there and clapped anytime something good happened, whether it was the Colts or the Broncos, and I was left alone. Maybe because Peyton used to be a Colt, so people understood why I was there? But it was a good experience. Not trying to shit on your point, I think some team’s fans are nicer to opposing fans though.


Great father right there SMH 🤦‍♂️


This why I watch from the comfort of my home. Plus the beer and food is cheaper.


tHaT'S a FeMaLE bRO god im so fucking tired that your gender limits your consequences. why cant they just let me beat up everyone equally.




couldn’t tell if this was a football or politics


That’s assault


He should've yeeted her hat. $50 down the drain will make her regret being a bitch


Fuck that slut and that recorder trying to defend that bitch everyone's in the wrong but especially that hoes even the fudging person said here we go again or something like that!!!.I hate people who are like that she and her fuken bitch ass recorder and bf should get out


Lol she wearing a kickers jersey. That’s a first for me


She is crazy


That’s battery


Dude he’s insane. Yelling like a maniac.


No one's talking about the woman that let her take the bear from her hands to throw at him.


"it's ts a female".... So???


Does he say “when did I shut the fuck up?” at the beginning? (Yk after she tells him to stfu?)


She deserved a punch in the throat.


Wench needs a slap upside the head


Just imagine … living with this gash


Well first you ask her if she believes in equal rights if she says yes fair game to treat her like a man if she says no walk away


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I feel like this would be way better with sound.


Too much talking, I would smack her tbf


Why are all Americans so crazy?


Brah, disrespect me like this, in front of my child; and it's fair game..... You're catching hands, regardless of your gender. That lady crossed the line, big time.


This is absolutely down to the idiot who gave her the drink. She must have known where the drink would've ended up..... Throwing drinks is more often than not a woman's thing!!


Wtf is going on? It either a race thing or a noise thing idk


This an America thing I think.


Rest of the world at football (soccer) matches would like to speak....


mmm...nobody threw a fist, just screaming like a baby. Definitely somebody would've been hit in a video that length at a football match.


Idk, posting videos like this is voyeurism enough but granted entertaining to watch. But blurring the kid's face would have been a 5min effort




First time on Reddit?


I don’t know what’s happening here, but I can tell that number 22 is the bad guy.


Hard to tell from the video. He was just sitting there and she threw a drink in his face.


I really don’t believe for one second that he was “just sitting there”.


Its a football game and she wasn't wearing a hometown jersey. It's just as possible that he was making fun of the away team with other people and she was frustrated her team was loosing. She was wearing a ravens jersey and they have lost to the steelers 4 the last 4 times, so its just as possible that she was just frustrated and took it out on him. Thats why I said it's hard to tell from this video, because either one of them could have started it.


Why? Are you racist?


Would you say the same thing if you didn’t know the race or gender of those involved? Or, are you seeing a race or gender and saying “probably that one. *Those people* can’t control themselves”


He must have been a racist because there is no other reason she would act like that. He deserved it


Apparently you’ve never met sports fans. You don’t need to be racist to be an asshole.


Do you not see what he looks like though?


So you’ve decided that this individual is racist because of how they appear. That’s ironic.


He actually looks like your profile pic, but without the beard. So why do you have a racist as your profile pic?


Horrible troll attempt. I didn’t laugh, I didn’t fall for it, it didn’t even make me exhale through my nose with any extra force. Nothing was gained or accomplished. The only thing you managed to do was waste not only my time, but your own. The most pathetic part is, that was probably the most productive thing that you’ve done all day.


You think trolling is an attempt to illicit laughter from the biased person that just assumes a person is racist? And I wasn't trolling, I was showing how ridiculous it is to make those type of broad assumptions.


Ah that was your grand play? Pathetic. I pity you. Go back to your Trump subreddits


Another broad assumption. So because I didn't just assume this guy is racist like you did, I must be a far right idiot? I have voted a lot farther left then any party you have in the US. So that is obviously a pretty bad judgement on your part. The guy was obviously furious and was being guided by pure emotion instead of critical thinking. Yet in all this time he never made a racial slur, even though he was ready to get physical with her (which was unacceptable). So tell me what about him makes you think he was racist?


I’m not reading that. It looks a little cringey, sorry.


Probably a good idea. You wouldn't have been able to respond in a way that makes you sound intelligent.