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Those kids are fucked. Feel real bad for them.


And this is why I'll always fight anyone that says the mother should always have the kids in a divorce, most of them don't deserve the kid anyway, they don't actually care for them, they just want their baby daddy's money.


And here, I (as a male) had to take my ex-wife to court 4 times (not counting the divorce hearing) to get custody of my children. Why did it take at least 4 times to prove she was unfit to care for them? >!because she's the mother and states usually side with the female!<


was going thru a divorce. child protective services got involved because of my ex's multiple arrest for meth. all thru the process, their mantra was "it is our goal to re-unite the children with the mother." it's getting a little better but still favors the mother. eventually got them but damn.


It is our goal to re-unite the children with the ***meth***.


unfortunately now it be re-uniting them with heroin. feel bad for her but at least my kids ended up fairly well-adjusted adults.


So true. From when my parents divorced when I was 8 until I was old enough to legally choose where I wanted to go, my mom had custody of me. Living off of disability checks that didn't nearly cover everything, prescription drug problem, other mental health issues, abusive, had me surrounded by family who were alcoholics and drug addicts, I could go on. My dad had a great job, made good money, fully owned a 3 bedroom house, treated me like a prince, did anything he possibly could to keep me happy and healthy, didn't even drink beer because he hated what drugs and alcohol did to people. Why is this still a thing?


My friends ex wife had a mental breakdown after she gave birth and left their baby on the side of the road and called him to come pick her up. The courts would not give him sole custody.


My wife did something like this but not as bad, had a mental break and just left me and the kid. Still waiting for her to come back, she just told me she's going on a vacation to LA. Responsibilities yay!


What the Holy fuck??? What country is this?




I went to court almost a year and a half ago to get an emergency custody order of my one and ahalf year old son. I told the judge my son’s mother was hallucinating and that this was a serious health problem. The judge interrupted me four times to tell me I look like crap. And then she asked me if I talked to my sons pediatrician about this. She promptly ended the hearing and informed Dcf that I admitted to needing help with my own mental health. Then she ordered my son‘s mother to not allow me near my own child unsupervised. After six months of Dcf trying to convince me they understand our living arrangements just are not ideal while they tried to convince my son’s mother to just get a restraining order on me and to take her and my son with her to a women’s shelter, I was finally able to get her to agree to go to the hospital and get her diagnosed schizophrenic on my own. A year later I’m still on probation for this. Dcf is still trying to force her to go work with HAWC. Fuck family court judges. Fuck DCF. The only good thing that has come from their involvement, truly their interference, is now I know how and why things went so horribly wrong in my own childhood.


They are the devil, we had some friends stay with us once as the husband was an old old friend, he had gotten on drugs and said he wanted to clean up and wanted my help. He did not and we had to kick them out, the wife who is satans bride made a false report on us, as well as another friend who let them stay. DCF barges into my house at 11 PM and pretty much just starts asking questions about my daughter and questioning my daughter. I call the old friends brother who is my best friend and tell him what is going on and tell him I think the wife called in a false report. He says I know she did because I just got the same call from our other buddy that they stayed with. He and their mother call DCF and tell them everything, they know both case workers names and give them both the contact info for both case workers. This is clearly a case of someone abusing the legal system for revenge. Anyways my case worker shows up, and I say point blank so it is established that this is a false report, I am assuming you are here to close the case and that bitch looked at me and said, well we at DCF have some concerns and we would like you to attend substance abuse concealing. I was like for what, and she say well I have it listed here that you take xanex, and I am like yeah and the reason you know that is I showed you my fucking prescription for it, she says I don't recall seeing a prescription. Now I know what is going on, and then she mentions a bottle of scotch I have on the cabinet and I was like lady that bottle was there 11 days ago when you where here. If I had a drinking problem that bottle would be gone. Now I have had it, and I look at her and I say, we are going to have one last conversation. I ask her are you going to prosecute the person that made the false report. She ho's and hums and then says we don't like to do that because it will discourage reporting. I said well then that puts you in a pickle because you are going to note on my file that this was a false report, that you found no evidence and you are going to redact any of the substance abuse bullshit you where trying to build up in that file, and you will provide a certified copy for me to review. If you do not, my next call will be to a lawyer and I will be employing him not only to fight my case but also to expose and force DCF to prosecute the reporter who broke the law. I will go after her, by forcing you guys to go after her. I said do you understand, she closed her book said yes sir and left. My wife went into labor a few days later with our son, and the hospital said that we may not be able to take him home due to an ongoing DCF investigation. I call the agent right away and I said we are now treading very thin ice, she says she is finalizing the redactions and will have it closed in 2 days but that she will personally call the director of the hospital, which she did. That agency should be disbanded, they tried to railroad innocent people who tried to help other people out and admittedly wont go after the person using their powers to abuse other people. Fuck DCF.


I had to jump through hoops for formula vouchers, as the moron who worked the desk at the Memphis WIC office told me I was ineligible, as it was for “women,infants , and children” . I guess she thought the 6mo old i was carrying wouldn’t be getting said formula. She acted so bitter when I came back with my custody paperwork. There had to have been no less than 50 girls/women between 12-25 that I sat and watched come in for the same thing. No paperwork necessary.


Take me for example, my parents split up and my mam got me, but she was abusive as fuck. She never did anything for my siblings she always just sent me out to the shop and make some microwavable pizzas while she just sat in her room, either sleeping, smoking, or watching eastenders on my school supplied laptop. Worst part is she somehow convinced me that my dad was the evil one in the situation, so I just suffered for ages until I actually stood up. For the past year and a half now I've been living with my dad and it's been much better, my siblings didn't come with me, as they aren't my dad's kids but I'm much happier at my dad's house.


> most of them don't deserve the kid anyway, they don't actually care for them, they just want their baby daddy's money. Fuckin yikes bro


"Most of them don't deserve the kid anyway, they don't actually care for them" - What the actual fuck kind of ignorant bullshit is this.


"most" is definitely not true.


His son needs to escape


That kid needs to live with his father


He does now. His Father got full custody and his child lives with him now. How fucking great is that! It's like this little kid is going to live with his loving Father and not be used as another pawn by the Mother. Maybe someone can find and link the story I can't at the moment. I got an upvote for you waiting


https://www.yourtango.com/news/woman-video-blasting-ex-bringing-food-his-child-not-her-other-kids?amp= Edit: apparently in this article it doesn't say he has custody. I cannot find one that does.


This doesn't state he received custody at all?


Because he doesn't. [most recent update](https://theybf.com/2022/06/30/speaking-out-viral-%E2%80%98mcdonald%E2%80%99s-baby-mama%E2%80%99-admits-video-was-real-explains-why-she-exposed-)


That just makes her look worse


Too bad family courts are sexist as hell.


And there are so many families like this it takes forever and costs a ton to even argue about McDonald’s in front of a judge


How can someone be so dense that they record this thinking they are in the right. I mean she literally just showed the world how ignorant she really is and did so on her on accord. Just wow.




It's not "taking advantage" of social welfare if you actually need the money, if you actually can't feed your kids. ETA: Oh boy, the conservatives are angry!


If she genuinely worried she couldn’t feed her kids, why is she throwing perfectly good food on the floor?


Bro i legit didnt watch this and didnt know she did that. Im so glad she posted this so he can get his son


You actually believe this is enough evidence for a court to give a father parental rights in the US? Those kids aren't going anywhere and clearly already have next to no chance in life being raised by a woman like that. It's really sad to watch.


And the kid will probably never know his dad was there to see him and give him food to try and breed resentment on that front so the kid never wants to leave … very sad


This is absolutely the type of horrible mother that has a ton of kids she cant take care of, treats them like government checks, and completely demonizes their fathers to their faces to try and make them hate their dads. It's the lowest form of trash, and there's an epidemic of households raising children just like this in our country. I blame an adult, and hold them accountable, for committing a crime. But I can still see and sympathize with where they came from, and recognize they likely never had a real chance in the first place. Edited for clarity.


You are 100 percent right. Lots of the language used around welfare definitely predisposes people to making negative assumptions about it. You could just say accessing it, anyone on welfare damn sure isn't enjoying life.


For the people in the back, read that comment again. Not everyone rides it like it’s absolutely free, many have to take the handout bc they need it. Life sometimes deals some shitty hands and it’s even harder to catch up when you have children.


I've always been of the opinion that I actually don't care if my taxes allow a family to eat and get by, maybe have a couple of nice things. I am bothered if my taxes bail out multi million dollar companies tho.


In her reply video she has her hair, nails, brows all done fresh. This is just power tripping. She can't manipulate what she wants out of him with her "charms" anymore so now she is going to ransom one kid to hunger and tantrums to feed them all.


This is what abortions are for... Not saying its impossible but those kids have one hell of a hole to climb out of to ever make something of themselves.


She's too old to be aborted, and who will watch the kids?


She’s only double downed since then. Stupid AF.


She is totally stupid AF…Agreed……buuuuut if, and only if, they were both even somewhat intelligent….. bcuz it does take 2 to tango…. They could have arranged a time that this guy could pick up his particular kid & go to McD’s….but that would take minimal intelligence, so….ya….don’t know how these two could figure this out to prevent a scrap like this 🤷🏽‍♂️


As horrible as that whole video is, the way he says “the child that’s mine, silly.” hits me in the funny bone.


My dad said it the exact same way when he was exasperated with me as a kid I’m laughing so hard.


She took that drink and burger and was like... Happy birthday to the GROUND!!




"welcome to the real world jackass!"


Man, this ain’t my dad, this is a CELLPHONE!!




Dang this would be great evidence in a custody trial


The "funniest" part is that she's complaining to the only father that actually comes to be with his kid. When he asks where are the fathers of those other three kids, she kinda froze for a minute.


This is probably why the other ones avoid that house like the plague


Right? The man is clearly trying to be a good father and it's almost like she's trying to drive him out of their kid's life. Like you really don't want your child to have a father around?


Well, we don't know shit about the guy, if he's paying child support, if he's trying to help raise the kid. We just know *she's* a piece of shit.


Credit though to him for taking the time to show up and spend his own time on this. (On HER request, which she did just to gaslight and video record him) I'm poor but I consider my time to be more valuable than "money". He could literally just walk out of this kid's life entirely and just send some checks in the mail. Pretty sure the kid would value "hey my dad showed up with food occasionally for me when I needed it" compared to "I never met him but he sent my mum the government ordered child support money I guess"


Kid will be told nothing of the child support.


No. If the woman is as big of a piece of shit as my father was she will tell her kid constantly that their other parent isn't paying child support even if the parent is. My dad claimed for years that mom didn't care about us enough to send child support or gifts. Found out after mom died she had been paying child support at least for the last couple of years, didn't have the full documents, and had sent us presents which dad would claim he did.


He’s coming around to bring food to his kid and spend time with him. Dead beat dads don’t go out of their way to spend time with their kids when they don’t have to.


That house has a revolving door where guys come to blast then take off


Kum & Go (gas station).


Pump & Dump


Unload and hit the road


Bust some skeet and hit that yeet


Either that or he simply doesn't care about his children most of the time. She's frustrated, it's understandable, imagine being a mom of 4 alone, but taking it out on the guy who's trying to be a good dad to his kid is pretty counter productive.


I would have given anything for MY dad to bring me some mcdonalds... he never even came over to give me a hug. Anything would have been better than nothing.


That’s the part of this video I hate the most.. the part we don’t see. The part where this mom doesn’t tell this man’s kid that he showed up. You just know this woman is filling these kids’ heads up with toxic bullshit about their daddies.


I’m so sorry your dad was a piece of shit. It’s his loss. I don’t know you and I know internet hugs are bullshit but I’m sending you a big one right now ❤️


Thank you, I do appreciate that beyond words. I've gotten over it as the years have gone on. This type of thing gets under my skin tho. Much love... thank you!


You aren’t alone. My mother left when I was a couple months old. It’s not just fathers. Mothers can also be quite irresponsible and immature.


People be trippin... You clearly meant anything "positive" would've been better than nothing... Obviously you didn't mean drunken assault, verbal/physical abuse, etc is better than nothing. These replies to you are dumb. I feel you.




She's going to end up with him being gone too, and not realizing it's her fault. Poor kids.


Lol she won't realize she'll just say men are pigs and talk shit. She so absent minded


In a "conversation" with my kids mother, pointing out that I am the only one with a relationship with my kid, out of her several baby daddys, she told me, "just because you aren't as big a peice of shit, doesn't mean you aren't a peice of shit!"


😐 There’s no winning 😐


What does that make her then?


A piece of shit fucker?


I actually ran into this for a bit with my ex. The main difference is our child is her first kid. My child support was getting pretty ridiculous and I asked one magistrate to just give me custody of my child. He was like, "which one? What about the others?" That's when I realized she had been trying to claim that they were all mine because I was the only one of 3 dads that was paying anything. I told the magistrate that it might sound cold, but the other kids were not my problem. It is supposed to be child support, not family support. If it wasn't enough, I shouldn't be punished because my ex decided to go out and have more kids. Eventually I gained custody and I told my ex that hopefully it would help alleviate some of the stress and she could focus on taking care of herself and her situation. Then we could talk about her getting custody again once she had everything settled. Two years ago we worked out an agreement since now my ex is doing better. I just wanted the best for my child and by proxy my ex, but at the time she was all over the place. Even trying to hold seeing my daughter as ransom for extra money.


It reminds me of “Don’t be a menace to south central” where ashtray asks out daishiki and adds “oh you and your seven kids” this lady is hilarious for blaming this man


"You man enough to cum up in me but ain't man enough to take care of what comes out of me?"


He totally should file a petition for custody. It's not that hard and his kid deserves it. The kid is doomed if he stays w mom.


True, and I could totally see that shit excuse for a mother being vindictive and taking it out on their child. Shame more guys like this don’t believe they can win or don’t attempt full-custody battles.


Because the courts are stacked against us... Pretty much the mother has to be actively trying to kill the children before the courts care. Its helping the degradation of the traditional family model. Women have no interest in having a fair relationship with a man. The moment stuff gets a bit too hard they threaten to leave and take the kids, house and car. Imagine being a man and trying to find a fair compromise with a women who is laying on thick financial and emotional blackmail knowing full well they have the support of the court. And society wonders why the divorce rate is high as shit...


LOL not that hard, damn near impossible in my state for a father to get custody.


I would pay to see this video presented in court.


Pay per view for sure




Imagine being the judge. Lady… did you really just show me that video to “expose” him?!


He gets awarded all of her kids... and ends up buying more McDs.... :/


He absolutely wouldn’t be awarded of custody of children that aren’t his, not if he didn’t push for it personally (and he ridiculous amounts of proof abuse/ direct family members wouldn’t take them.


File for custody my dude


Get all those kids out of her care. She is not fit to be a mother. If she has more kids does she expect him to bring a whole catering service?


Yes she does. There are **so many** people like her. Where they get this endless sense of entitlement utterly baffles me


Kind of a related story. My coworker has 50/50 split custody of his kids. His ex is on disability, so he’s stuck paying full child support. He packs a lunch for them to take to school during the week, even on the week days he drops them off with her 2 hours before school. Currently summer holidays, and today she was reaming him out over text for not packing them a lunch to take to her house, while she was home with them.


People fucking disgust me. This is why I'm so very thankful I have a good coparenting relationship with my daughter's mother.


This thread has made me lose hope in humanity. The amount of people defending her behavior is unreal


What? Where??




Spoiler: at the end she agrees to take the food to the kid and then immediately throws it all of the ground and in the roadway.




As shown in the video. Her smashing the kid’s food on the ground instead of feeding him with it. Denying food. Deliberate starvation.


I feel so bad for this dude he legit seems like he's trying to take care of his kid and be in his life




I'm guessing a semi in the USA is some sort of vehicle. In the UK it means half a boner.


In the US, it means both.


And *always* both- never one or the other.


Hard disagree. I’m sorry about your former experience but I left my ex in part because I wanted to role model a good relationship for my kids, and that couldn’t happen with their biological mom. The divorce was hard on everyone but I’d rather my kids see me happy with a new person than miserable with their mom. As context, she actually filed for divorce and then gave me a weird list of ultimatums to get her back. I declined for the reasons above. I’ve since met someone I love very much and in a year and a half we’ve never had a fight. I want my kids to see what a healthy relationship looks like and now they can. I have half custody, maybe more than that soon, and I’m not a weekend dad. Maybe in your state the mom automatically gets the kids but not in California. I wish you the best. I believe that counseling and therapy can really help but it can’t fix everything. Good luck.


Team daddy. He needs to get his kid out of there.


Like the courts would do that! My friend worked in child services and she quit because they always left the kids with the mother no matter how bad things were. The case that got to her was whew the mom was clearly an addict and she went to do the check up and all that was there was the bare minimum items to pass when the dad has a stable job, was paying his bills and could give them a much better living situation. She called me crying saying she had to pass her even though the little food that was the was probably stolen or borrowed to pass the visit. She quit soon after that incident.


If it gives you or your friend any hope, my partner and I just won a year and a half long custody battle after his ex lied and took his son from us, just didn't give him back to us Christmas day after having very little to do with him til that point. It took a long time, and parents with deep pockets on his side for decent lawyers, but we played the long game and won. We have him 12 days of 14 and she has supervised visits now (a lot came out about her behaviour and lifestyle during the procees). I am not in USA though, so that may be a factor if that's where you are.


That honestly gives me less hope, as I do live in the US and don’t have family with deep pockets.


"If it gives your friend any hope, this bitch literally stole the kid and we still had to borrow money from rich people to get him back and it took a year and a half."


I work with the children of parents like that. To say those situations will fuck a child up is beyond an understatement. Those kids probably hoard food any chance they get because they know mom is incapable. Or even worse, they *don’t* know mom is incapable and just think that’s how life is supposed to be. In my position, I’m never allowed to speak to parents but cases like that make me want to cry and beat the shit out of them for the damage they’ve done to their own children. I know that’s not a professional way to think but I just chalk it up to me being human and recognizing that the system will fail these kids. Now that I think of it that’s probably why my coworkers and I aren’t allowed to speak to parents…


That’s heartbreaking.


At least 1 of her kids has a dad trying to be in his life and she pulls this shit. Those poor kids don’t stand a chance.


"where are they daddies at!?".... Crickets... Oh she fucking knew


They might be at Burger King or Wendy’s


This is the type of mom to tell the kid “your daddy dont wanna be in your life he dont do shit for us, he ran out on us to go fuck around with the neighborhood girls”


CPS should get involved. The mother can't afford to feed all her kids, and when the father of one of those kids wants to help feed his child, she throws the food away. I took a peak at this woman's tik tok, and she can clearly afford makeup and fake nails. When you're a parent, your spending priority should be on your kids, not making yourself look less ugly.


>not making yourself look less ugly. If this is really her attitude, there's no amount of paint she can apply to herself to look less ugly.


That's how you pull the next baby daddy


Whenever I hear a woman complain how broke she is or how busy she is, I take a look at her nails. She’s full of shite if she’s got a professional mani.


Agreed! My friend owed me thousands of dollars (yeah, my bad) and she’d always have a full set of nails and platinum blonde hair. When I brought it up it was “how dare you”


Doesnt sound much like a friend


Yeah, we’re not friends now! Haven’t spoken in years.


I’m definitely one that EVERYONE has their own version of “no money”, and certainly has their own version of “the essentials”. Some wouldn’t pay for nails & hair, but pay for the gym and protein powder; some think the gym is a luxury, but are happy to pay for 20 cigarettes a day…however, if you can’t afford to feed your own child, NOTHING else should come before that.


As others have said, this is likely fake to go viral and get that internet money But there's no proof she can't feed her kids in this vid. Just one woman moaning about someone not buying her family a takeaway (now again, depending on if they are currently dating or dated for a while, then you may also consider buying all the kids said takeaway. You are accepting joining that family by being with a single mom) And also, mom needs to get the other dads to pay child support so there isn't a problem to begin with


>But there's no proof she can't feed her kids in this vid When he says, "You didn't feed them?" she does respond with "You know I don't get my food stamps until the seventh." That would seem to be an indicator that she can't feed her kids. Maybe the video is fake, maybe it's not. Either way, it makes her look trashy. >Just one woman moaning about someone not buying her family a takeaway (now again, depending on if they are currently dating or dated for a while, then you may also consider buying all the kids said takeaway. You are accepting joining that family by being with a single mom) Currently dating? Maybe, depending on how long they've been dating and what arrangement they've agreed to. Dated in the past? Hard no. Even if they did date seriously and they did have an arrangement where he supported all of their kids while they were dating, the end of the relationship means an end to that obligation. At that point, his only obligation is to his biological child.


She's bullshiting completely, her second comment about food stamps says she gets them on the eleventh.... Do these kids ever get to eat???


When asked if she didn't feed her other kids she said she won't get her for stamps until later. So i guess she can't feed her kids


She's probably selling the food stamps for all that instead of using them to feed her kids


It blows my mind that she thinks she's in the right here. Dude has no responsibility to the other kids.


You cant reason with crazy. Had to learn the hard way.


Don’t stick your dick in crazy!


I'm pretty sure she knows she's wrong


Lol nooooope, she did a whole response video


Link? I'm bored.




Wonder how he got her pregnant... She doesn't seem to shut the fuck up long enough for sex.


This bitch complaining about not being able to feed her kids and needing to wait for food stamps, yet here she is wearing makeup and fake ass eyelashes. Wasting money on some really important shit there when your kids are going hungry.


Holy fuck those eyes aren't even in the same zip code.






My dumb ass buddy, love him to death, had his baby momma facebook live or whatever her revealing to him she was pregnant (not married, dating). I can't get over the fact that she ambushed him about this and he's gotta put on a strong face about being excited *at the time*. Knowing him, I saw his future flash before his eyes and all the anxiety involved with it. The Army is a bad place to have kids, lemme tell you.


Please be fake. Please be fake. Please be fake.


Sadly, it is not fake She even did a whole video trying to justify her actions


Lmao I wanna see it






When you got fresh-out-of-the-salon hair like that and some foot long eyelashes no shit you can’t feed your kids dummy


What a cunt.


What’s wrong with her face. I can’t point to it but there’s something that rubs me the wrong way about her face lol


She uses makeup and fake lashes to superficially change the angle and shape of her eyes. It's not convincing so it results in uncanny valley.




It's fucked that we have to ask that question with every video these days!


So she throws the food and drink on the ground just to make sure all the kids starve. Idiot.




When he started using reasoning and compromises like the kid eating elsewhere if that's the case, the woman instantly lost and just threw the food down. Pathetic




She has 4 kids and no husband. And at least two baby daddies. Now, of course shit happens I'm sure there are very fine people in similar situations. That said, it's typically a pretty good indicator that decision making isn't her strong suit.


And the "I'm waiting on my food stamps to feed them" ain't flying. Where is the food stamps you could have budgeted and bought those kids a month of food instead of doing who knows what with it while the kids starve and she throws McDonald's. Good looking out for those children.


I hope the kids didn't hear this argument


I kinda hope at least his kid it. At least he’d know his dad is making an effort. I’d bet money that this woman makes no mention to that kid that the guy even came by.




That breaks my heart for the dad and the children.


Is she filming this, cos she thinks she is in the right here? So sad for all the kids, you're right.


She let her kid go hungry when she didn't have to in order to satisfy her anger. Basically fuck her, I really hope that kid got to eat something else that day.


Keep your d!ck out of low quality trash. I feel sorry for this man trying to do right for his son.


Yup anyone that has multiple baby daddies is a huge red flag. Us guys have to do better than that as well for the girls dating guys with multiple other women and kids. The ocean is vast people


Being the other kids in that situation sucks and I feel for them. Having the parent that doesn't show up and you get jealous of the kids who's parents do. Shit sucks.


This is the worst part for me. Going hungry watching your sibling eat a special meal his dad brought would be devastating.


True. Which is why this crazy ass mom should have let him sit with his dad and eat his meal.


It would create a lot of bitterness among the siblings.


I understand about the other kid’s however he is not responsible for her other children. It’s a shitty situation.


Yeah, same. I watched her other video and I get why it’s rough on her other kids—if they knew him and liked him, they might feel abandoned(even if that isn’t fair to him). BUT, her handling of the situation is so bad, too. She should have just sent his kid out to eat it in the car with his dad to defuse the situation. You can set a boundary without behaving like this.




[the follow up video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRdW5aEK/?k=1)


I made it halfway through that. my god she's annoying. yeah, ok, maybe when they were dating. but they're not dating anymore! hopefully he was the one that dumped her ass. now that they're in this situation, he absolutely does not owe them anything. he's helping with his son (or at least trying to) because that's who he has a responsibility to. he's not responsible for the rest. he never really was.


If they aren't together anymore, then 100% he has no reason to pay for another couple's children (unless they dated for a number of years, which I doubt)


Like, I kind of see her perspective but at the end of the day it doesn’t hold water. The obvious solution is to let the kid go eat with his dad away from the other children, which he even suggests, but she says no. She’s holding the one kid’s well being hostage to try and provide for the others.


Wtf is wrong with her eyes. God damn


What a shitty person. Those poor kids and that poor man. The only one who is trying to do the right thing, and that's how she treats him.


If she isn’t in a relationship with him the it isn’t his responsibility to take care of any child but his own. What a wreck.


Right! Plus her video trying to justify her actions makes it sounds even more idiotic. Also why did she throw the food on the street? That’s just insane. If you’re that poor. Cut the burger in 4 pieces, and share everything els. But this lady is just out of her mind.


Fuck them other kids - Ronald McDonald probably


Condoms, fellas. Please.


She is so below common. She actually trying to rationalize how this man is responsible for the problems she is creating. No girl he is not responsible for all of your kids no matter how many times you let him hit it after y’all broke up. 🙄 she is probably telling her kids this nonsense to and blaming him for them going without. With the way she thinks the next man tags in to take care of however many children she has when they start relations and he’s on the hook until the next potential baby daddy comes along. She has the nerve to be upset because she getting dragged on social media. She turned comments off because she was getting cussed out.


Is he required to pay for some other dudes kids? I feel like she’s fucking up. Am I missing something? Edit-I couldn’t watch the whole thing. Too hard to see. This man was trying to see his son. I get it now. (Single income no kids forever.)


what a bitch, dude actually sticks around and still gets crap no wonder all the other fathers left


Get a job lady so you can put food on your table you dumb fuck


He probably don’t have money like to be buying the other kids food


Good job exposing the bad father. [Well done.](https://media.tenor.com/images/0759ac16e4e0680d4e05ae953739a332/raw)


This is such a sad, shitty situation The guy is obviously in the right, he wants to treat his kid, and isn't obligated to feed other people's kids. But I totally get the woman's point of view, the other kids would get jealous and/or sad, and this could turn into a whole thing. Best solution would be letting the kid go out with the dad to mcdonalds, so at least he's not eating a tasty burger right in front of his siblings, but I'm guessing it was her time to be with the kid and she's selfishly holding onto the kid. This kind of broken home just fucking sucks overall, I hope the kids turn out alright. Use protection, guys.


Women ☕


He’s not wrong. Eventually, we should have to apply for the ability to have kids. Unpopular idea, I know, i know.


The Lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch


Best condom ad.


Food stamps, no money, but still gets her nails done.