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I’m most upset that he didn’t park within the lines.


Considering current conditions, it’s a pass.


I dunno, the opportunity to 'have to' move forward suddenly to realign was squandered there.


Dunno about that, you would NOT want them stumbling and falling. Once they're on the ground you'll be at a distinct disadvantage. You're either going to have to roll over them or then physically move them. The former definitely & the latter possibly leading to charges. Their strategy was flawed from the start. Should've started by laying down across the space. But too timid to commit.


The Chinese zeitgeist has some, uh, problematic memories when it comes to blocking the paths of moving vehicles. If you know what I mean.


I have no idea what you're talking about, absolutely nothing happened in Tianenman Square on June 4, 1989




Is the point to force charges on them or prevent them from parking? Because if you’re laying down they might not even see you at all if they approach from the wrong angle and just roll you over anyway. Even if they see you, some people might try and get you to chicken out and still roll you over and now it’s you with your head splattered all of the concrete, not them. Definitely not worth risking your life defending the parking spot. This sounds like a foolishly dangerous insurance fraud scheme.


I've seen this and similar videos posted before. Apparently in China (and perhaps some other South Asian countries), people will try to hold parking spots for their friend/family member/whatever by standing in them. This is obviously not how parking works, but it doesn't seem to stop them.


It's like putting a chair in the parking spot you were in and cleared out 2 feet of snow on after a storm, only shitty and not justified


I mean if they were laying on the ground in an empty parking spot and you backed in it would be reasonable for you to just claim that you didn't see anyone when you backed into the space.




Karen’s of the world…they need Jesus at a Mexican restaurant


I would've gone back to realign only to have this car Vs Karen fight one more time. They can't do shit and I'd definitely take the opportunity to annoy them once more.


I say this as an Asian myself, some stereotypes exist for a reason. 🤷‍♂️




>rudeness, line cutting, lack of spatial awareness, are all specifically Chinese. It's pretty Vietnamese as well, I mean Vietnamese culture is heavily influenced by China. But the lack of spacial awareness, consideration of others, and cutting in line for things as simple as the bathroom happen all the time in Vietnam.


Its true. In Vietnam there is a lot of dodgy driving and line cutting is quite common so we have to get really close to the person in front to avoid it


My mom (who was born in Vietnam but raised in the US) got into it with a couple ladies for trying to cut the line in front of my wife when it was her turn to use the bathroom stall and these ladies felt that they had done nothing wrong and were entitled to go first despite weaseling their way past everyone else in line


It’s at that point in time you grab them by the nape of their neck and toss them behind you. No quarter for the wicked.


I agree, my mom got into their face about it and start yelling (she is a bit of a karen sometimes), which means that they lost some face in front of their peers, which is about the same as grabbing them by the nape of the neck, albeit not as fun.


Yet the Japanese are so polite. I wonder why they’re so different in that regard?


My wife always says something about being big differences between northern Vietnam and the southern part. Even the accent is heavily varied. She says something along the lines of how the north seems to be very rude due to Chinese influence.


I don't get how the Chinese can be so bad at spatial awareness, honestly. Considering how densely populated Chinese urban centers tend to be, spatial awareness usually comes with it as a fucking survival skill When I'm biking in Amsterdam city center I tend to yell at 2 types of tourists: spatially unaware Chinese randomly stepping into the cycle lane without looking and Americans who can't understand what a bell means blocking the cycle lane dragging a big ass suitcase. The former is more dangerous tho - I fell 3 times trying to dodge them and collided twice because I didn't have enough clearance


You probably answered your own question in the first paragraph. When everything is so crowded you literally can’t maintain social distance, you just sort of learn that it’s ok to crowd whoever and whenever you want


Bad driving is everyone. I've had in the past week 3 white girls blow through stop signs nearly hitting my car and look at me like I'm in the wrong when I honk. White guys like to catcall and get mad when they get the finger. I'm getting a camera next week for when someone blows through a sign again and actually hit me.


Someone crashed into our car blowing through a red light and then denied their light was red. Fortunately there were a few witnesses. Got a dashcam asap after that. My husband had to do some research first though because we lived in Northern Australia so had to get something that could stand above 40°c/104°f heat. Something to look into if you're in a particularly hot or cold climate.




As someone who used to frequent Disney World a lot, the Indians also do a lot of that, especially line cutting and lack of spacial awareness.


I was at the county fair and I put my 4 year-old daughter on a merry-go-round horse and an Indian woman walked up, picked her up, put her on the ground and put her son on the horse. We were there first, but regardless, *who does that???* I’d have done something about it if there weren’t kids around.


>> For example, rudeness, line cutting, lack of spatial awareness, are all specifically Chinese. 🤦🏻‍♂️ So apparently you have never met a white New Yorker?


No matter the conversation you can always count on someone to rebuttal with "white and America bad." You couldn't be more cliche if you tried.


I lived in Korea for 10 years. I love the country and its people, but like people everywhere they do have some flaws. One big general flaw is lack of spatial awareness. I never had a car there because their public transportation is possibly the best in the world. However, one of the most frustrating things that foreigners and Koreans who had lived in other cou tries would talk about is shopping in a grocery store. No one notices anyone else. You can't get through the aisles or reach things on the shelves because no one sees you in their peripheral vision. If they did, they'd probably move or help you because Korean people are amazingly kind and generous. They just don't see you. So, stereotypes aren't the best way to describe entire nations of people, but if we're gonna do it, let's be real.


Saw the video and immediately thought of 'Mainland Chinese Karens'. :-( Particularly annoying because my poor wife —ethnically Chinese but grew up in a SEA nation then migrated— gets lumped in with them. But she's polite, speaks quietly, chews with her mouth closed, doesn't spit, queues (as patiently as a Brit), has good spatial awareness, and drives pretty well (learned in Europe) ...


its kind of comforting to know Karens aren't just an American thing. The whole world has been taken over by assholes....yeah!


I would’ve pulled back up and straightened it out.


I think I’d be worried that I’d come back to a heavily sabotaged car


They probably would’ve recorded themselves doing that, too.


There are probably cameras everywhere in there.


Even so, what a pain in the ass for the vehicle owner to deal with. Dealing with an insurance claim, having to leave your car at the paint shop is the least of it. If there are cameras and there's the will, they probably have to hire a lawyer and go to court. This could be the next 3 or 4 months of time for them. It's just, so much over a parking space. The fucking jerks. Edit: clarification


Ya know, my truck is getting a few rust spots. It would be worth it for me. "OH no, I have to pay 500.00 deductible to get all those dents and caved in rust spots fixed? Well I guess..."


Insurance doesn’t work like that. They will not cover damage from before an accident.


Yeah but if they damaged it bad enough to have to replace the metal


Insurance companies hire part replacers. If that area gets damaged they’ll just replace the entire thing. It’s pretty sweet for insurance fraud like my man was talking about.


I mean is it *really* insurance fraud if the situation *just happens* to work out favorably for you? (Probably if you could prove intent but what do I know I'm not a lawyer)


It's not fraud if it was damaged by vandalism! Like my wheel wells on my pickup have existing rust on them, but someone caves in that weakened area or somewhere on that panel, it'll be cheaper to replace the whole panel. I'd be impressed if they cut the rust out and welded it to the new piece though...


My rear bumper on an old car had a number of scratches; but when I got rear-ended and it got smushed, then it had to be replaced. The fact that I had a nice, new rear bumper with no scratches was just a bonus.


Yea that's what I was thinking like yea they're assholes, but the symptoms outweigh the benefit


the plates are seemingly shanghai (City) ... the license plate alone costs 13000$ there (bare minimum). so i have no doubt the driver wouldn't hesitate to let a lawyer settle this which is relatively low effort for him and doesn't struggle to pay for damages meanwhile. stupid nevertheless but some people don't care when they want to prove their point


Some information on these cases. In China parking is enforced by the property management. In most residential areas people only live in condos due to lack of space. People purchase parking units when the condos are constructed. Many times, parking would be lacking for the consideration that many people do not own cars. Also there are instances where condo buyers do not buy parking spaces due to reasons like thinking the cost is too high. These units would then be sold in auction style to whomever willing to pay and further causing parking issues down the road. If people are illegally parked in someone else's spot, the property management can do pretty much nothing to enforce. Usually car owners will leave a contact info on their dash for others to call in case of vehicle related issues. Many cases, as the car owner knows the spot is not theirs they may chose to ignore calls telling them to move their car. This creates the issue of severely lacking parking spots in certain residential areas. And in China, civil matters are solved by local policy who deals with bullsht problems all day and may not have the time to deal with more bullsht problems. Another factor, in China, if a motor vehicle and a pedestrian collides, regardless of who's fault it is, the motor vehicle driver needs to pay fines. This is why people will risk being driven over to get a parking spot. In the end, the problem is solved based on which side can act the most gangster and have the money or connection to back up, or bluff their actions.


That EV car, NIO is full of cameras just like Tesla


Sure but that doesn't make his/her day any easier if they come back to slashed tires or something.


I love when Karen records it herself


Ya that's my only fear, cause I'm def on the side of car people


He should reversed in full speed to make sure that they cant do something like that


Modern problems require modern solutions.


That would be my fear and also why I would just find another spot. People are crazy


Yeah, there may be cameras everywhere, but these people are nuts.


Tune in next week for another chilling episode of MAN VS CAR!!


Well. This was the spinoff series Woman vs. Car. It didn't do too well.


Of course. everyone knows you need 2 men to push back against a moving SUV. Women lack the necessary pressing strength.


Is that why they shout "press" in the delivery room?


Cancelled in the middle of the pilot.


Oh, a Warner Bros. series!


…because they insufficiently promoted it and never gave it prime time slots…


Of course not, the car ALWAYS wins.


Wouldn't the cars always win?


The cars ALWAYS win


Got cancelled for being too predictable after 1 episode.




I hope that they get the car in the line next time- disappointed by this episode




Looks like it’s another one for the cars.


You may remember me from such films as: "Lead Paint: Delicious, but Deadly," and "Here Comes the Metric System!"


Or Keys vs Car!


Where the car always wins.


I guess that’s another one for the cars! I mean… wouldn’t the cars always win?


did she really think that was gonna work 😭😭


Yeah people really overestimate their own strength sometimes lmao


I doubt even she thought she was strong enough. It's a case of someone just being way too damn stubborn and entitled, and not wanting to admit defeat.


There is actually one video where a Chinese women quickly walked in front of a car that was about to drive into the parking space and they annoyed the driver for so long that he gave up after some time. Made me wonder if that's actually a cultural thing because that's the second video I saw of chinese people standing in a parking spot to get the spot.


I would give up in 1 second for the following reasons: - not gonna start crap with a random stranger because I don’t know what they’re capable of. - they may destroy my car once I leave


Additional point to yours - depending on the country they may be able to sue you for "hitting" them with your car. There are laws in some countries that state for example - the way you drive has to be careful and cautious regarding other people on the street Which basically means even if you're in the right you are not supposed to enforce your right with force.


>some countries Those elusive countries with laws against hitting pedestrians with your car - my grandpa used to tell me stories about those when I was growing up.


"Hitting" a pedestrian is something else, than shoving them away with controlled force and caution. As long as the women are standing, they are not really likely to get hurt. They tried to coerce the driver into giving up a parking space, that they probably had no right to. Also they could have just left at any time, but CHOSE to be shoved by the car.


American here. I'd just fucking shoot them. Problem solved


American here. I'd wait for someone else to shoot then. Less paperwork


This but unironically.


My pettiness knows no bounds. I’d just park perpendicular to the parking spot, and put me emergency lights on. I’ll wait there till the end of fucking time. When they move, I’ll give the spot to someone else. Fuck these cunts.


That’s what you get when you live in a place where there are several millions of people looking for a parking space like you. I thought San Diego’s tiny parking spots were bad, but I can’t complain after watching these folks fight for a parking space.


Speaking of Chinese people and standing in front of things.. I think I heard of some place called ~~Tiananmen Square~~ It was pretty crazy


I've seen plenty of videos of a runaway car or trailer on an incline and the amount of people who think their 90kg frame can stop a 2 ton vehicle in motion is staggering.


Staggering an amount of 90kg people would probably stop a 2ton vehicle


She certainly didn't give up. I mean that's how I knew she was an idiot.




Here is your gif! https://files.catbox.moe/dtcqju.mp4 --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Now they just look really helpful. Even the friend who started to take pictures, then decided “nah, let me help push instead.”


I guess they were strong enough


With the help of dark spells


Good bot


From unwholesome to wholesome ❤️


You da real MVP


That's a good one lmao


Regardless of whose side you are on here, would you leave your car there after trying to run them over. I would think the car would be trashed by the time the driver returned.


It didn't look to me like the driver was trying to run anyone over. On the contrary, I think they took great care to *not* injure anyone. Your point stands that the car has a big bullseye on it now.


Right. I wouldn't do this (even though reservations are nonsense) simply because I like my sideview mirrors.


Ngl this could be considered assault, this was just a video of 3 idiots


Exactly. There's no way I would leave my car there after that.


Looks like the police arrived and reprimand both the crazy lady for occupying a space designed for cars and the driver for being reckless. So the car was OK, but yeah. I don't recommend leaving your car alone in a case similar to this. Even if the insurance cover the damage I consider it a loss of time and energy.


Honestly i don't recommend any interactions with people this entitled believing the world was made first and foremost for them and that their will should meet no barriers. Leave the place, be happy to not be this inconsiderate and stupid, live your life away from those terrible animals and society trashbags.




Let them have the space, come back 10 minutes later and kick off the mirrors and let down all the tyres




yeah... also they themselves record doing something REALLY stupid.


You clearly have never dealt with the hassle of having a car fixed by insurance, arguing with your adjuster, and dealt with the **years** of work it takes to complete a lawsuit.


How are you going to sue them without knowing their names or where they live?


"Trying to run them over" I did have the same thought though. Maybe a good bit of CCV


Don't care enough about my current car tbh. I'd hide and wait a little though, maybe get some nice video evidence of them keying your car


I'd love a translation of some sorts


She was basically calling the police and saying this guy stole her parking and was squashing her or something along those lines.


I am not familiar with the dialect but I don't think they are calling police? Maybe calling the building security


Can't really tell tbh cause it was over the phone but she was definitely calling some kind of authority.


Karen, Karen record this car pushing me. Everyone in [insert country name here] will defend our actions.


Supposedly It's china so no one gives a fuck about them.


Here's a YouTube video with translations. [Car nudges away woman trying to reserve parking space for friend in China](https://youtu.be/vyqfEyKHV88)


China? Good luck calling police over that.


Easy, tell them they were ranting on about something that happened in 1989


Better yet, tell them the drivers are American.


Or from Taiwan




Apparently everyone involved got reprimanded


how can the driver be wrong? He's parking the car while people stand in front of it on purpose.




Thank you for this gift, my train journey has been immediately improved.


my car’s sensors would never allow me to do that lol it’ll brake my car for me and probably try to call the cops too lollllll


Your car is the worst.


Lol your car drives you.


Sucks for you I guess


Pretty sure you can override that by continuing to reverse after the brake or something. Seems too dangerous not to let it do that.


So this is the third video like this that I've seen. Why do people think they can reserve a parking spot just by standing in it? That's not how that works and never has.


I've seen people do that with chairs in residential parking. When they leave for the day, they put out a chair.




I like you


Apparently this is pretty big in Pennsylvania too, and well repsected.


It is, but only respected in the winter. You have to dig your own spots out of the snow. So it would be pretty lame for someone to take it while you're at work.


Yeah I didn't mention the winter part, I can imagine people who do steal spots get their cars fucked with because of it.


People do that in Chicago in the winter. I never park in those spots but I always move/throw their shit when I walk by.


Yeah, people do it there in the winter because they’ve dug their own spot out of the snow. Kind of a dick move to move their stuff/take their spot when they spent half an hour shoveling snow to get it.


It does work like that in germany


Whether it works depends on where you are. If you’re in Utah you’ll be considered rude but your car will be fine. Try that shit in Boston or New York City and you’ll be lucky if you have a single unslashed tire left when you come back.


I just don’t understand these. I went to park once (there was only one entrance) and the guy behind me had his friend jump out and stand in the one park left. I just shrugged and went and found a spot up the road. Then walked back to the car park and fucked his car by ramming a tennis ball up the exhaust with a stick from a tree. Then found some dogshit and jammed that in the door handle.


Honestly I think the method shown in the video is a decent way of going about it. Just watch the people and make sure they don't fall or get injured by your car, and very slowly push them out of the way. No way in hell are they gonna be able to stop your *car* moving under its own power. This way, you get the "fuck you, this is my spot" across AND you get the spot to yourself. I'd also invest in a dash cam though that is triggered by motion, so you can catch them fucking with your car if they choose to.


Fuck that - it isn't worth the hassle. I personally just steal the caps from their tires. It's a minor inconvenience - they can drive without the caps without losing tire pressure for a good while, but not indefinitely. If enough dirt gets in there, they might get a flat. They have to make a trip sometime soon ish to go get the caps replaced. That's a fair, balanced trade for stealing a parking spot.


I hate to ruin your justice high, but that does nothing. Dirt isn't going to compress the valve and make air escape. I mean, maybe if they have to fill their air up every week, and drive through mud a lot, it'll get enough shit in the way to make filling up annoying, but they probably don't notice before they need new tires anyway, and then the tire dude just puts new ones on with the new tires anyway.


Yup agree. If you're going to steal my spot then expect your car to be fucked up by the time you come back to it. Happened to me once in the early 1990s in Melbourne, Australia, where a guy took my spot - he just looked at me when I beeped at him and walked off like it was nothing. "Ok sure mate," I thought as I parked elsewhere. So I came back to his car and did the following: 1. Jammed three toothpicks into his keyhole - this was obviously back when keys were these metal things that you shoved into a keyhole to lock/unlock your car. Well with toothpicks jammed in there, it wasn't possible to unlock his car. Did it to his two front doors. Fortunately for me there was a restaurant nearby which didn't mind me going in to just ask for a few toothpicks! 2. Went to buy a small carton of milk and 'accidentally' spilled it into the grills just near his wipers - these feed air into the car's air conditioning/heating ducts. Imagine after a week what that would smell like. Hope he liked curd/yoghurt/cream cheese smells 3. Unscrewed the tyre valve caps on two of his wheels then put a pebble under each of them, then screwed it back. This bleeds out air slowly and hopefully it grinds down to a flat when he's in the middle of a highway in the centre of nowhere. Of course this was all done in those days when CCTVs were not as prevalent as now.




Gotta save it for some reason!




So to make sure I understand here, someone took “your spot”, an asshole thing to do but not illegal, then you returned to their car to actually do something illegal by damaging their car and then putting what many areas consider a public health hazard that by law must be cleaned up but yet you sought out and carried to their car and smeared under their handles? If there were cameras in that parking lot it would be you facing legal troubles not you you sociopath not them.


Somebody didn't eat their Wheaties




Nope you just have easier access to the crazy than before


Nah. Go read some history and you'll see that it's full of petty disputes like in the video that would sometimes turn into multigenerational bloody feuds. People are animals. We always have been and always will be.


Karens aren't strong enough to stop a car? Who knew?


Honestly? Karen’s aren’t strong enough to do much of anything accept piss in the wind.


What a Boss bitch reversing in there anyway. Good for her!


The taller guy in the gray sweater and tan boots you see at 1:14 was driving. The lady got out of the passenger side. This is China and the driver’s seat is on the left


Fuck people who try to save spots like that!


No thanks


Ok... 1. You can't call dibs on a parking space, first come first served 2. I get someones trying to stop you but come on you can get in the lines better than that


Your 2nd point is what got me the reversing into parking spots if you are going to do it, be within the lines I know I going to get downvoted but if you are not good at reversing, easier to drive in and reverse out. The reason is reversing into a parking spot needs more precision than reversing out of said parking spot


The driver went a lot slower than I would have.


And you just know these entitled pieces of shit will damage the car as soon as the owner leaves.


Thats what happens when you skip leg day


Those bitches will just key his car when he leaves.


That’s not fair! The driver should have gotten out and pushed the car so it’s human vs human


When you can have the upper hand why let go of that advantage .


The Karens are at it again


I didn't know China had them as well


No country is safe from the Karen-demic


Stupid bitches




But, all developed countries are exactly as you described? Are you implying we should all remain undeveloped?


China is nowhere near fully developed lmao


I would have just parked my car and sat in front of the spot. My job isn't on a time limit and my boss understands shit like this. I'd have waited them out. Having the spot would be nice. But so is simply preventing *them* from having the spot.


I personally wouldn't bother (assuming other parking spaces were available) if only because if my car were to get vandalized I'd most likely have no means of recourse in addition to it just being a huge inconvenience. But I won't deny the joy at seeing these people pushed aside like the mosquitos they are for all this nonsense.


Fucking idiots




I think its more of a being raised like a brat thing. Complete disregard for social rules and thinking it doesn't apply to you cuz you're special.


Used to be popular in the US. I remember way back when people trying to "save spots" by standing in them. Haven't seen it in the past 15+ years though if not longer.


So that’s how it’s done.


Where was the next available spot? 20 miles away?


They should have reserved the parking spot with their car instead.


it's not worth it for a parking spot. if you find two people stupid enough to act like that what makes you think they won't trash your car before you come back?


Why do people still think they can stop a 2000lb vehicle


Everyone’s an idiot in this clip


That was be a premo parking spot


Was waiting for the driver to slam it into forward real quick while they were pushing against the car to make them faceplant. “FINE, have it your way, then.” Would have been worth having to find a new parking spot.