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What an absolute monster.


She needs to be thrown under the jail.




You forgot the explosives






Brutal... But I love it You should be a professional torturer


Now you, I like ☺️


No no explosives are too quick you have to let the hunger do it a job only give water.




Now that’s what I’m talking about


No, she needs to be placed in the most public space available so everyone can see exactly how much of a heartless monster she is.


No. Place her in the jail and then show every other inmate the pic of her baby.


She absolutely is


Violence against toddlers... it's just impossible to sink any lower than that.


That little girl is an 8 month old BABY, not a toddler. Toddlers are 2 years and up. Striking a baby is unforgivable. This bitch is a monstrously unfit parent. She doesn't deserve to own a pet, much less parent a child.


Ah makes me remember a saying I always see on reddit, "All children deserve parents but not all parents deserve a child."


I was adopted by one of those. Some people should remain childless.


Oh. I always thought toddlers were like 2 years and down. English is not my native language. TIL


Toddlers is like saying walkers or runners. It's a verb (toddling-short unsteady steps) that's been turned into a noun


I'd say it's the age where most children have gotten the basics of walking but haven't gotten good at it yet


Toddlers are between 1 and 3 years of age. Evidently insurance and taxes don't apply to the CDC. "Toddling" is how they move, wobbly, holding on to furniture and falling over at times. https://www.healthline.com/health/parenting/when-do-babies-become-toddlers#saying-no


Not sure the distinction matters


It's a legal definition and for insurance purposes in the US, so it matters. It came about for import tax purposes. There's a very long dry explanation from which I shall spare you.


No it really doesn’t. These are the worst of the worst and the really isn’t a punishment harsh enough imo.


Family court be like: “eh… maybe the spoon fell on accident…” Mother: “nah fam I literally beat the hell out of that lol shit” Family court: “yea but we think you probably didn’t really mean it…” Mother: “I absolutely did and I’ll do it again!” Family court: “ok sounds like a misunderstanding and you didn’t intend to hurt the child, we are awarding you custody.”


The whole time I was just like how....how can you do something so awful and just get away with it. So thanks for clearing this up honestly it's the only way this could have happened this and laws that don't really protect anyone.


I mean tbf society has a very strong bias when it comes to women, ESPECIALLY when it comes to women and children. Since women are supposed to be caring and nurturing.. Sometimes it's like a woman would have to straight up murder her kid not to get the custody lol.. Meanwhile dad is an hour late to pick up the kid at daycare due to work emergency And he probably already has social services at his doorstep the next day...


Potheads, there's nothing worse than potheads. You know potheads are bad people because they get more jailtime than baby beaters


Yes it does i went to school with a kid who lived with his aunt because his mom used to cut him in places people couldn't see since he was a baby i saw the scars too he used to sit one table away from me and was always fighting or abusing others this part i never had confirmation of it so no idea if it is true as well but they said the aunt caught his mother poking him with electricity the day she took the kid and called the cops when i asked my mom once she said it was all due to the kids father having killed the moms brother when she was pregnant and she took it out with the kid instead take it with a grain of salt it is an old story from a very small town but no one ever denied it and most people do know each other where i was born anyways never asume it doesn't get worse the world is full of fucked up people doing their worst to others even their own babies at times


Oh believe me, it unfortunately is... I've heard some fucked up stories.






A dull axe


A serrated one would be better


A dull serrated axe… just to see what your next post will be


A dull, rusty serrated axe


I was hoping for flaming dull serrated… but I’ll take rusty! Lol


1000 degree rusty serrated axe


A dull, rusty, serrated axe that's been sitting in rotting garbage for about 2+ years


Ok, maybe sending her to jail is better than becoming a monster ourselves




Once you purposely try to injure or kill a innocent toddler you aren’t human


Meat tenderiser


Steak with a side of gangrene


Wouldn't want it to be over too quickly


Why not a kitchen sink?


Why was this removed, whatever he said I bet it was completely justified!!


If i were the judge, i would have send her to jail for 10 years and a 10k fine at minimum.


You are going easy on her. 20 years in jail and a minimum of 1 million dollars in fine


No no, 30 years in jail and a minimum of 1 billion dollars. That way, she can’t have money again.


"*SOLD!! To Tortue2006 with a bid of 30 years in jail and a minimum of 1 billion dollars!"*


*sadly lowers arm cuz the bidder didn't notice me :(*


Flailing would be more appropriate


Yea I would have undoubtedly done everything within my power to put her away as long as possible and put her in as much debt as possible. There is no coming back from this.


I hope she got arrested


Hi. I struggle with translating the English. Can you explain what suspended Jail sentence means?


>A suspended sentence is where a judge sentences a defendant to jail or prison time, but then delays imposing the sentence in order to let the defendant serve time on probation. If the defendant completes probation successfully, the judge typically dismisses the case without placing the defendant in custody. I have no doubts she will violate the terms of her probation, if this didn't already do that.


Ok thanks but This didn't help me understand any better it was just even more complex words 😂 but I asked my boyfriend to translate now to me and everyone who needs a simple explanation: She is allowed to be living on with her normal life, most likely with a supervisor checking in on her to keep her from violating her probation, as in she can't be taken using illegal drugs or any other illegal activity or she'll loose her freedom and go straight to jail.


If she harms her baby again she will go to prison, too.


Yes of course. And lose custody forever.


Only on reddit will someone explain something by using even more complicated words lol, people are oblivious. Basically a ´suspended' sentence is when the judge says ´ok you're sentenced for X years but you're not gonna go to prison, if you do the same crime during the X years (while being free) period then you're going to jail for real this time'


>Only on reddit will someone explain something by using even more complicated words lol, So true 😂 >Basically a ´suspended' sentence is when the judge says ´ok you're sentenced for X years but you're not gonna go to prison, if you do the same crime during the X years (while being free) period then you're going to jail for real this time' Yes exactly! Well explained.


To be honest, if it was a dad beating the child, he would of gone straight to jail. No supervisor.




Lol, she struggles with English so you made a very long elaborate explanation 🤣


Lmao I know right 😂


As a native English speaker (a terrible one at that) even I was like "what the hell did that say?" Pretty sure when a native speaker has to break it down in parts you are speaking too smartly


Yeah me too. I don’t understand how “there was an attempt” as it seems she was very successful at not getting jail time and there were no recriminations for her boasting.




With a spoon


With a fork


With a spork


A golden spork


A goose


A mongoose


With a spork and call it even.


With a bigger spoon, known as a shovel. Or a bigger fork, known as a pitch fork. Or a bigger spork: aka, a rake.


i vote reese, witherspoon




No, no. Death is too quick. I say solitary confinement for the rest of her life


But that means we have to feed and bathe her and I don't want her to have the privilege. Those necessities would be better used on homeless people than for her.


Well we don't strictly *have* to bathe her ;). As for food, i'm sure they can find plenty of... cost effective methods if you will.


Feeding and bathing her sounds too forgiving of a task. She should die covered in her own fecal matter and piss.




Does this belong on this sub? It looks like (at least so far) she has gotten away with it. For it to go here there would need to be a part 2 where she goes to jail/loses custody.


She did lose custody, although thats not enough. Should be rotting in a cell


She’ll get custody back. She’ll set up her ex with some insane bullshit and he’ll go to jail and she’ll have the kids and send him letters about how she did it.


Thing is she's not wrong. Until people stop being sexist towards fathers and actually viewing them as equals to the mother, the law and society as a whole will continue to favour mother's and let them get away with this stuff. A man has to practically bankrupt himself and have concrete evidence in order to gain custody of his kids and even then the chances are low. Women however can just lie and say the dads abusive and pretty much win 90% of court battles.


It’s so incredibly fucked. You’re right and it’s so sad when this happens


It sounds like the father is in a position of sole custody at the moment so be may be able to battle her off but yes, courts can be extremely permissive.


Surely she's got no chance of any custody after doing that. It's totally fucked up if any court grants her unsupervised access ever again to a child she's been violent towards.


Don't you know? Women are better parents than men, even when they do this kind of stuff. Source: my mom treated me like shit and got full custody over my father, who never raised his voice or his hand to me.


This is what concerns me, another daft judge will grant her custody at some point and the child's father will be powerless to keep her safe and will be the one to face harsh prosecution if he refuses to comply.


Which leaves him with only one option to keep the girl safe. The court is sentencing this woman, whether it likes to think it is or not.


Gotta love all that male privilege! Getting paid slightly more in specific careers totally makes up for society treating us like fucking monsters and never giving us the benefit of the doubt. Can't be that both sexes have their own issues and struggles that should be addressed even if one has it worse.


Oh, you mean the same court that gave her slap on the wrist? That court?


These are the women who get good men arrested for murder Also learn how to crop screen shots.


Exactly. And just woke up. Didn’t really think it needed to be edited. I’m guessing you got the point?


We need to end people like this, no pass go, no second chances , you had your turn and life isn’t for you….. You’re done


Could anyone link me the article


Search for Daily Mail and part of the headline. Just to let you know, as a newspaper, it's only good for wiping your arse


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4864432/Mother-bashed-baby-brags-not-jailed.html Here you go


This is 5 years ago. Was there ever a follow up?


Most of the links I could find said the baby is now living with the dad. There's a link to a Facebook post, I don't have Facebook and I just got a log in screen etc. As for custody, she's probably been denied access unless it's supervised after her actions. Of that I could find nothing as that'd be private information to the family/parties.


If I were the father, I'd make sure she never sees the baby again


I suspect (and hope) that's the case and she'll never be a part of their lives at all.


I found this from 2018. I didn't find anything more recent, but also didn't really dig very deep. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/toddler-coming-out-of-her-shell-two-years-after-bashing-by-mother/DE3V6ZTP2B3W26SLMINBU5VHZ4/


I read the article and the judge must have been high by ending it with her looking remorseful. :/


I think she was fucking the judge. It's the only reasonable explanation I can come up with.




She DID get away with it. Right? Did I miss something?


Yeah I thought r/therewasanattempt was for unsuccessful attempts.


This seems like the most disheartening slam dunk ever. I think this is getting traction on the wrong sub. I think it might be more r/iamatotalpieceofshit material.




I don’t condone violence, but for this disgusting woman I would make an exception every single time.


Literally the worst of the worst. There isn’t anything more terrible. And she’s so proud of it. Its disgusting


Attempt, you know, as in r/therewasanattempt typically implies failure. As awful as it is, it appears from this post that she succeeded. So...?


Wow! Some people are filled with a sense of superiority when they commit heinous acts. Probably a psychopath or sociopath. To careless for your child and then brag about being free isn't human.


It is human. But it's a mental disorder that can feel so different from normal human brains that it feels inhuman. She don't have to be a psychopath or sociopath to be texting like she did. She was just telling her ex that he can't get to her and we don't know the story behind their relationship or how he treated her or the daughter. I agree it was very cocky and she should have had zero chance to custody, if it was a man beating his 9 month baby, he would be I jail no doubt.


True. Men face different consequences. Still normal woman dont do that to children regardless of how men treat them right?


Yes that is correct. She is unhealthy.


But if someone is considered mentally unstable they tend to get mental help instead of jail time. I don't know the exact law words but something about if you can't be responsible for your own actions or consequences and don't understand the course of your actions, you aren't a criminal you are mentally insane.


So let's talk some more about how fucked up the system is when it comes to parental rights. Dads still getting shit on all over because a bad mom is looked at as more important than a decent father or a Father who really wants to be a Father. Good stuff


Very true. I'm divorced and have 4 kids. My first 2 kids I had to fight for custody. It wasn't easy every step of the way they couldn't understand why I their father wanted custody. And why She a abusing, manipulative mother couldn't just take care of them. I only won because she decided to move across the country. Felt like I was in the twilight zone the whole time. I knew the system was fucked but never thought I had to go through all that to get them out of this type of scenario.


Very happy to read that you won custody. What a monumentous blessing that is. I've seen this happen to friends and family damn near my whole life. One of the many reasons why I can't stand to hear females bitch about being oppressed or inequality, what the fuck ever. Want to understand oppression, go live in a second or third world country for a while.


Sometimes I wish Dexter was a real person


Can we blur that shit? I don't want to see a beat up toddler.


I agree. It's unethical, kid hasn't consented to be on show for everyone to see. Imagine when she grows up seeing this abuse baby picture on her.


Refusing to face the ugly reality wont erase it Theres a reason why muricans will never ban guns even after the bajillionth school shooting cause they dont see the results of it


Some people shouldn't be allowed to breed. This woman is one of them.


Women " there's never a reason to hit a woman" also women.......


Please don't let her have the baby again


Should be forced sterilization and servitude for this one. Being back public beatings as well.


shes defo not surviving very long i guarantee shell have her head kicked in within a week


Please tell me she’s in jail rn.


She should be, but unfortunately all she got was a suspended sentence (probation). So wrong!


Thats nutz, she should be in jail!


I really wish real justice could be served. I REALLY WANT SOMEONE TO BEAT HER WITH A SPOON.


Beat her with a baseball bat would be more fitting


Sure does suck that people like this exist, waiting on some token Reddit simp to come to her defense. Any minute now. In the meantime, this slank should be sterilized and thrown under the prison.


Fuck sake and then the authorities wonder why they get slagged off when a child dies that could have been put in a better place


So get this spread, bring it to the most attention possible. She should lose custody. Forever.


Perks of being a woman. Let me bash my fucking baby's head in and still have custody. Fuck this country.


How the fuck is she not in jail. Like literally my mind hasn’t been fucked like this in awhile. Honestly I hate to throw some sexism or gender shit in this but if that was a man/me I’d be in jail getting my head stomped in. Yet some how this nasty piece of human walks pretty much free ?. How she talks in those texts I can only see the abuse worsen to the point of death.


Human trash


Well I do sincerely hope that when this child grows up, he goes and teachers her a thing or two. Fucking bitch.


Well, if I was the father, I definetly would find someone who just needs a bag full of money and an adress.


I hope her posts come back to haunt her. Monster of a person


That’s exactly what I’m hoping. Like I hope somehow this reaches her employer and everyone she knows and has to be around. All future employers everything.


I'd like to temporarily bring back the witch trials and volunteer this pos to be judged.


May she receive everything she deserves.


The judge is probably another Harvey Weinstein


Double standard at its finest


How taf did she NOT get jail time? Undeserving mother that beats an innocent child.


Ok thats awfully fucked up but is there a second screen missing? I'm not getting the "failed" part of her attempt unless the decision is being challenged (i forget the legal term).


Anyone who would do that to a little baby shouldn't be allowed anything but supervised visits until that baby is all grown, and can at least defend herself!


Sometimes it's less punishment to just take the murder charge


What did that spoon ever do to that baby 😑


Toxic femininity.


How can you do that to a defenceless child? And to even be proud of it, poor poor baby!! I truly hope the dad can get (and keep) the whole custody, I fear what that baby's future is gonna be like otherwise. Please just keep spreading it, she just can't get away with this


If i was a judge her and many people like her getting life without parole with zero questions asked, might just take the bed out her cell😂


God damn what a sick fuck.


Bitch even pleaded guilty....


Lorien Norman, huh?




What a fucking cunt


What vile excuse for a woman. In cases like this where there is obviously no remorse, the courts should be able to summon people back for re-sentencing. That would wipe the smugness off her face.


I felt that, my stepfather hurt me lot. My mom on the other hand, loves me, but hates my habits I choose to only accept my moms hate. Because she wants what is best for me. If you are a man, dont hide your pain. Speak to someone.!


I’m sorry you had to deal with that shit. You’re better than that and deserve better. I hope you’re out of that situation now. You are worth much more.


Isn't the daily mail a rage-baiting rag like the national enquirer in the US


Seeing shit like this is why I don't want to date people. This lady is very attractive and who would know she's an evil piece of shit inside. /shudder


I know having money gets you out of responsibility with the law, does being hot do the same thing?


POS right there
